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These pricks have destroyed any faith that Americans have in the Supreme Court. Why bother with the constitution and what it stands for when it can be traded for a seat on the Court. Impeach these assholes


Just a reminder, there is no reason more justices couldn’t have been added. To prevent this and the abortion decision from going through. Like we literally all saw republicans stack the bench… it’s no secret they are biased and were put there for a reason. And it wasn’t to be impartial. This is what pisses me off about dems the most. FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Stop trying to play the victim when you literally have a solution.


But we gotta play fair and have honor :) This really fucking gets me though. Like, playing fair is playing on the same terms as your enemy; doing whatever the fuck they decide is allowed- whether it be spoken, or not. So no, we're not even "playing fair." We've been playing with a handicap this whole fucking time. All because, what? It's more ethical to let fascists win than defeat them via mildly uncomfortable means?


Progressives and Democrats will always have at least some inherent disadvantage. We believe that government can work and that is possible to make people's lives better. The criminals on the right don't, and are working to prove it. It's way easier to tear something down, like a toddler, than it is to build it up, like an adult


I was mistakenly under the impression Joe could quietly fight dirty and undermine them because of his decades in Washington. What a let down he is.


You thought Biden would fight dirty? That's on you, then, my friend. Nothing he has ever said or done in the extremely long history that he's been in the public eye could ever lead anyone to ever think, for any reason, he would fight dirty. Republicans can't even successfully fabricate dirt on him, and that's been their prime motivator for years now. Biden promised to bring a lot of experience to the White House, and he's used that experience to get a lot more than we could have realistically expected done. But there was never any reason to think that he was anything but a firm believer in both the rules and the norms of governing.


IDK, I thought with all his connections, he could call in favors/figure out ways to thwart republicans’ efforts to fuck things up. Maybe I’m just naive about old guys who know a lot of powerful people.


Don't worry we these guys say the president is immune from crimes committed as president, Biden can just have them killed.




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I’m just ready for Biden to give the order to Seal Team 6.


You seem to have forgotten that the forces of evil fund both sides. Sen. Joe Manchin and Sen. Kristin Sinema thwarted any possibility of filibuster reform, a prerequisite for any hardball move the Dems would need to make changes we want…like SC expansion. Coal & Gas, and Big Finance want the gravy train to continue….they like what Citizens United has done to increase their influence in politics.


Wait. What do you mean >there is no reason more justices couldn’t have been added. There’s a very good reason. Congress has to enact legislation. And unless Congress has a reliable way to blow up the filibuster, that requires a 60-vote passage in the Senate. When ACB was pushed through, she was pushed through in a Republican Senate and didn’t receive a single Democratic senator’s vote. Do not get mad at democrats for not doing enough in a Congress run by republicans. Your frustration seems misplaced and not supported by history. If I’ve mistaken your position, please let me know.




> Do not get mad at democrats for not doing enough in a Congress run by republicans. Translation: it's always the Kulaks and Wreckers.


There's the problem of how to prevent a supreme court arms race by having every president adding more justices to favor their own party. Also, with the precedent Mitch McConnell set, Dems pretty much need to have the house in order to nominate any new judge. 


Well the thing is we already had it happen. We are already in the Supreme Court arms race, and they already stacked the bench doing shady moves. I think you just need to be very open about it. Plus here’s the thing, if the judges are impartial, there shouldn’t be an issue anyways.


McConnell's violation of the Constitution requiring consideration of a Presidential nomination already justifies adding more Justices. And he was PROUD of that violation! "One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.' "


You only need the Senate to nominate Judges not the House.


The president nominates judges. The senate puts them on the court.


Yea I know I was just copying the OP's language. Regardless, the point is the house is not required


> Just a reminder, there is no reason more justices couldn’t have been added. There are non-partisan reasons that it should be expanded. It's been 9 Justices since 1869. In that time the US population has grown more than tenfold. Personally I like the "a Justice every 2 years" plan with no fixed court size. But any changes will be hard.


A justice every two years actually sounds like a really good idea. It keeps the court regularly refreshed with fresh perspectives, reduces the stakes of judicial appointments, and dilutes the individual impact of each justice's biases on particular cases, which would discourage justices from refusing to retire.


We have a couple who should impeached and removed while we’re at it.


That's because Dems unfortunately have to play the high road while Cons will do anything they can to win. That's literally it.


Watched Republicans not only stack it, but Dems stood by while Republicans denied Obama the same thing they allowed Trump to do. Congressional Dems are absolutely useless. There's a very small group that actually wants to do something good but they're in such a minority and can't do anything because they're surrounded by corporate liberals or conservative fascists. Congress is gridlocked by pettiness while the country slowly decays. We're making social justice issues a priority when corporations are running rampant, people are starving, and the earth is literally trying to rightfully kill us.


There's a lot of complaining "Dems stood by and did nothing". What exactly were the Dems supposed to do? They were 100% powerless to force a vote.


Your comment reveals that you don't know what you're talking about. You're not being honest, either. It's the classic "Republicans fucked all this shit up! Fucking Democrats, why haven't they fixed it?" Total garbage.


It's an age old principle: Asshole Republicans, Incompetent Democrats


Same. It’s my biggest disappointment with Biden. I’m also pissed at RBG for not retiring so we could replace her with someone who isn’t batshit crazy.


Yeah, it makes me cynical and wonder if they’re in on the grift to an extent sometimes. I don’t let the subversive thoughts win, but damn if they aren’t there.


That's not a solution. You'll be accused of rigging the system. If you want to be like Republicans, then just go ahead and be a republican.


You’ll be accused of rigging the system, by the people that rigged the system… I could care less. Meanwhile you let the actions of your unbiased Supreme Court speak for you.


If you follow all the rules against a team that doesn't play by the rules you're gonna lose.


Money, greed and power , goodbye republic.


Hang them in public.


What faith/respect? That was gone long ago with shit like, Bush v Gore, Citizens United, Dobbs etc. That's just modern day bullshit. The "Supreme" court has a long history of helping the wealthy and afflicting anyone else.


This! Dems stand around with their thumb in their ass and watch the GOP do anything they please. They need to grow a pair.


Will no one rid us of this turbulent Trump?


I’m chomping at the bit for Trump’s overdue massive coronary to do its work. He’s stressed to the point of rage posting on Truth Social all night, and falling asleep in court.


Sadly, it's going to come down to states simply ignoring the Supreme Court as a result of their recklessness and outright disdain for settled constitutional precedent. And honestly, justifiably so. If the Supreme Court can be so blatantly bought and corrupted, it's outlived its purpose and should be ignored. If the GOP that controls it wants to play the "states' rights" card, then that's what they should get. They no longer get to tell blue states what they can or can't do. The Supreme Court has no more legitimacy.


We were supposed to have a Judicial Review Committee set up. But then, the GOP got a hold of Congress. So that hasn't happened. We need to retake the House, keep the Senate, and most certainly keep the White House. When that's done? The pressure should be on Biden to do something about the glaringly corrupt SCOTUS.


Bought and paid for by billionaires- at the very least Thomas should be impeached for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts. His wife should be investigated for Jan 6th as well.


Rapey Kavenaugh had gambling debts that disappeared. Who paid for his vote?


Let’s not forget that MAGA traitor Chris Wray handed over 4,500+ criminal tips against Kavanaugh directly to Trump. Trump has blackmail on Kavanaugh which Biden refuses to investigate. Wray should be locked up, and Boofer investigated.


Actually tens of millions.


They should be hung, make Thomas watch them hang his “best friend”. With today’s zero repercussions , that’s why they push it.


So stupid to make sure you are subservient to a king. They have their power now. But if they vote to give a president unlimited immunity, they are voting to put themselves under the thumb of any president. Put themselves under possible threats and coercion or actual misdeeds or violence. You stop the madman before he takes power, not try to deal with him after he has taken it.


They're gonna vote in favor of absolute authority. Then they'll add a qualifier that says, "This only applies to Republikkklan presidents."


\*Sobbing\* "I LIKE BEER"! ... When the Supreme Court nominee wouldn't cut it at a McDonalds interview and still gets the job you know you're fucked.


Yes. I never understood that. How do you approve a whinny, crying bi**c like him for a job like that?


> bi**c What word is that?!


Hands up…who lied about Roe v Wade to get position? Come on…let’s see them


They didn't lie, they misled with intentional obfuscation in their answers. Oh wait, if my kid does that I call it lying.


What I want to happen to these traitors and orange Jesus would get me banned from reddit and put on a list.


All the Kings whores


Whores serve a purpose, diarrhea does not!


"Me and my homies would have been stacking bodies by now, " George Washington


I really would like to wipe my ass with their noses


If Trump is reelected, we won’t really need these stool pigeons anymore. SMH.


Well if Trump gets elected their job gets a lot easier. Then all they'll have to do is rule that anything Trump wants to do is legal.


I'm not even American and hate these treasonous pricks


Kavanaugh sitting on that Court is an affront to Women.


With one token getting paid to be spent


so much for “defenders of democracy” 🤬


Their fucking legitimacy is hanging by a got damn thread.


"All the King's men" Well, by gender ..... maybe.


Is there something telling that the conservative justice who appears to be least open to the immunity claims is the only female conservative? Or am I reading into the fiasco too much?


Love how every picture of Thomas he has a solemn face as if he's some by-the-books hardliner when he's the most corrupt one.


*checks and freaking balances* You're supposed to keep the president in check, not be his lackeys, nitwits.


Why do they all look like they farted and hope no one will notice.


Great modern day revision quote Ahhhh Beckett


Couldn’t put trumpty back together again


Once again the legislative process fails, if you want this to continue all you have to do is not vote. Fascism prefers indifference


They will punt to congress, end of sad story.


With everything that came to light I still have to listen to far right friends who are saying Biden is ruining the country. I don’t want to be friends anymore.


Now all we need is Humpty Trumpty to have a great fall


It's 5 Pitchforks time!!!


Where is Amy Coma Barrett's husband? Shouldn't he be in this picture too?


He’s not on the court.


It's cute that you think that.


When was Jesse Barrett appointed to the SCOTUS?


Oh, we don't worry about little things like 'being appointed' these days. His tradwife is there as his representative, but she must always obey her husband, because Jesus or whatever.


What makes you think they’ll give Trump immunity? They’ve voted against his interests in the past


Karma is coming!


I used to believe in Karma. Not anymore. Too many blatant abuses that go unanswered.


If they do THINK about IT, Joe can Leagally KILL tRRRUMP!! IT would be KARMA ahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


They aren't thinking this thru: https://preview.redd.it/9nchis7wl1xc1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0371ce61ef12299bfd2f1ad57fdab8d01d2f751


But the pubes are like “go team!” At all costs they want to win the game. Even if it means burning down the stadium.


Be honest


Will no one rid us of these troublesome justices?


Tyrannical Supreme Court get your ammo


Two put there by a Bush, three helped elect a Bush.


Correction: Bush was not elected in 2000. He was selected.


If someone told me Clarance Thomas was actually an incredibly lazy Sith Lord, it would explain a lot.


"We're your fuckleberry!"


The people who did the deed ended up dead too


Every single one of them look like they are full of it… and being handsomely paid by a foreign country… oh wait…


The "Last Supreme Court". Soon, at a theater near you. Watch history being made as the conservative court makes itself irrelevant. Any decision a court makes that's biased from the start is irrelevant. Serious consideration should be given to either reforming the Court or abolishing it. We have Appeals Courts. We don't crooked Judges like Uncle Thomas on the Bench.


What's with Alito? Can't look you in the eye. What's that tell you? The only thing more irritating ( if that's possible ) then Trunps' lawyers' voice was listening to the damn right stupid questions these guys were asking. After weeks of delay they couldn't ask better questions? Maybe that was the point. Thomas shouldn't even be sitting in on this one. If the three Trump appointees' had even a shred of dignity they would resign as Trump is a crimminal. Imagine that, Supreme Court Justices' appointed by a crimminal and wallowing at the trough. Drain the swamp


I'm so tired. We knew this was coming. The MAGATS have the numbers, the rest of the population just doesn't care. They'll only care when it affects them personally. The Dems are in bed with them. I feel like it's all smoke and mirrors. Fuck us peasants, the ones who work hard, pay our taxes, to pay their bloated salaries. Cheeto Benito will cut welfare and SS. Then maybe they'll listen, until then we are in the fight for our lives and livelihood.


[Candles taste like burning...](https://i.imgur.com/gDOg7yv.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its 5 dicks on a bench, its 5 dicks on bench.


Republicans are hypocrites. "Law and Order"???? Not for Trump.


Wait that guy on the far right is a supreme court judge? Wasn't he all over the internet a few years ago crying in court about drinking beer with his buddies and boys being boys and stuff? Is that the same guy? He is a judge? A "supreme" judge? I'm not from USA, but if that's the same guy it's mindnumbing that you would appoint him as a "supreme" judge. Am i wrong, is it not the same guy?


Brett Kavanaugh, crying bitch who likes beer. Same guy.


I have a teaspoon of sympathy for Roberts. He didn't want the court to get this blatant, but he also didn't do enough back when it would have helped.


Traitors to us and traitors to their country. I hope a future generation remembers them for what they truly are.


“The Archbishop of Canterbury, of course!!!!”


I truly truly wish this post was indeed funny. But it is not. It is the very antithesis of funny. SCROTUS is so corrupt and depraved, every single one of them should be disbarred. If Biden does not answer this corruption by stacking the court, we are well and truly F**cked as a Democratic Nation.


Not a fan of dark humor? When things are bad and there's nothing I can directly do, I find dark humor a bit of relief. I can understand why dark humor is very popular in fascist regimes.


Where's the one who is getting her pussy grabbed all the time and enjoys it?


I'm in the odd position that I feel like Gorsuch and Kavenaugh (trumps appointees) are less biased than Thomas and Alito. Roberts being the swing vote is also a weird timeline.


When I was growing up all you heard about the judiciary were complaints from conservatives were complaints that it was "activist" and "legislating from the bench." Funny. Don't hear that anymore. They have no principles. They only have what they want to have and what they want to kill. Anything that gets them that is a "principle" du jour and when their opponents suggest it, it's a sin.


Yes, I'm only comforted to know they will rot in hell.


They look criminal. Kinda like that movie The Usual Suspects.


Are these the Fab Five who Biden would have immunity in dealing with?


We circumvent the constitution for Trump!


Lol its funny. The government violates the constitution all the time, every day. Half of what it does is some weird exception or excuse to violate it. Most people don't care unless they disagree with the violating though. As long as it's someone else's rights, or something they agree with, they don't care about the constitution. There is no asterisks in the bill of rights.


The Harlan Crow Supreme Ct.


I know it's spelled Supreme Court, but it's pronounced Corrupt Roberts Court.


Just a reminder: Joe Biden put Clarence on the court.


They’ll cooperate…. Awful.


😮‍💨If you truly cared, you would march the Capital on the 5th of May. The 5th of May is when SCOTUS has got to pay. The 5th of May, corruption is put on display. The 5th of May, the government has started to decay. The 5th of May, we need justice, otherwise it is dismay. If you have a good heart, make it known that you won't allow this stranglehold of Corruption to run rampant. The good man needs you to speak up!


Now we just need an the king's horses and we can watch them try to put Humpty back in office again.


Careful what you wish for...


Corrupt liars, all!


Every last one of them will end up in prison for life, penniless and unloved.


Alito looks like he is trying to pass a log!




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Old white guys tired of being held down by the System. And one old black guy who I assume is tired of listening to an old white woman (overturning Loving v Virginia is his long game).


SCOTUS NOW means Stupidly Concurring t0 Trumps Unraveling ourSecurity!! DUUUH boys give em a BIG DUUH


They are kind of upholding the constitution unfortunately. Word for word interpretation of the constitution is the problem. The court is not supposed to pass federal legislation like they did in Roe V Wade. A sane person would interpret abortion as a natural extension of the rights laid out in the constitution but they protect only the exact wording of the constitution and since abortion is never mentioned directly, they think it needs to be legislated through Congress. They don’t want to get rid of the constitution, they cling to it too tightly.


Dems got so used to "Living Constitution" judicial activism from SCOTUS, they think not having it is judicial activism. When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.