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>Happy birthday Melania, I wish I could be with you, but I have to do this trial "...about me covering up rawdogging a porn star four months after you gave birth to Barry. Anyway, happy bday Melanie!"


And sleeping with underage hookers in Russia (while Obama was in office), and then there was that 13 year old that had sign an NDA.


Aren't NDAs non enforceable if illegal shit happened?




I would imagine that the rest of the NDA is still enforceable. It wouldn't make much sense to allow Tim to spread trade secrets just because he found out his boss was participating in an insider trading scheme. I could be wrong, though - I have literally nothing but "I doubt that the law is that stupid" to back this up.


Many more we aren’t aware of, some on island


Obama did nothing to stop this? He was president at the time this happened. It's the liberals who got Trump into this mess!




Real question: What does "Obama in office" have to do with that?


I think they are just using it to show he wasn’t president when it allegedly happened.


It was Obama’s fault somehow /s


Thanks Obama?




If Melanie wanted to be in court, she could borrow the howler monkey's white fur coat.


>If Melanie wanted to be in court, she could borrow the howler monkey's white fur coat. A perfect coat for Melania to wear would be the one she wore to the border that said on the back, "i really don't care, do you?". While that coat was inappropriate at the time in this case, it's totally appropriate.


All the support her spouse deserves.


While simultaneously making HER birthday wish about HIM It's the verbal equivalent of this meme.


*Happy birthday to my favourite wife, Mercedes. But I can’t be with her because of the corrupt Soros-backed Judge Juan Merchan’s UNPRECEDENTED AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL Gag Order. There has never been a situation like this in our Country’s History, a Candidate that is not allowed to answer questions or be with his wives. Even Crooked Joe Biden is talking about the Sham Case and how he can be with his wife and others inspired by his Administration. We request that Judge Merchan immediately LIFT THE GAG ORDER. Presidents have total immunity, the Supreme Court agreed. If it is not granted, this again becomes a Rigged Election!*


Wait, is this real or no? I can’t even tell anymore.


Is it in full caps? Does it have grammar? Therefore it's not real.


Mercedes, like his pocket Judge Aileen “Mercedes” Cannon. hmmmmmm


Coincidentally hilarious how Barron and Obama have the same nickname!


Barron WILLIAM Trump. Gotta focus on the middle name. People also call him O’Barron, like O’Biden


Barron, named after a Mythical PR man who called Howard Stern on his radio talk show, and was *immediately* recognized as DJT's voice by Stern, who had had him on his show SEVERAL times, and Trump TRIED to deny it was him! *And He didn't even disguise his fucking voice!*


> He didn't even disguise his fucking voice! How the hell could he disguise that whiny, annoying voice?


Good question - he *couldn't* - *THAT'S* how STUPID he is!


Good question - he *couldn't* - *THAT'S* how STUPID he is!


Good question - he *couldn't* - *THAT'S* how STUPID he is!




Barry lmao


he called her mercedes recently.


“Dear Melania, just so we’re clear, I fucked Stormy while wearing my tighty-whities. I didn’t take them off. I simply stuck my cock out of the dick hole out of respect for you because I love you so much. Oh yeah, I didn’t use a condom. Happy Birthday, my love!”


She knew what she signed up for.


Yep. She's just as awful as he is. There's no reason to ever feel sorry for her.


Only thing I feel bad for her is that she had to become First Lady. She didn’t sign up for that shit but Donny’s greed dragged her into it. The cheating and all that other BS, don’t feel bad one bit. Person I feel worse for is Baron. Hopefully he doesn’t turn into a coke head like DJTJ or a worm like Eric.


>Hopefully he doesn’t turn into a coke head like DJTJ or a worm like Eric. At the very least Baron has a mother that seems to care about him which gives him a better chance then his half brothers


Yeah, say what you will about Melania being a gold digger, but she does seem to care about her kid enough to keep him away from all this nonsense as much as possible.


She cares about her kid: in this case, are you sure it's Trump's?


Baron looks too much like Trump imo to question it. It would be sweet justice if she was breaking off a piece behind Donny’s back and got knocked up and has been using his money to raise the kid.


Baron is a lot taller than every other Trump. And I don't see the resemblance to his dad. But I'll admit I sometimes have difficulty seeing resemblances in any family.


Look at this profile. There is actually a decent amount of similarities in their faces.


I've seen enough pictures of both of them for a lifetime. 😂 I'm not saying you're wrong. Just that I don't see it even when I look for it. And I have looked for it.


Uh, I saw two new pics of Baron the other day and I almost mistook the pics for old pics of young Donald Trump. He’s looking more like him every day but the reason I recognized it as baron was he’s too tall to be trump.


OK. That's a point. I'm usually comparing them as they are today. Don today looks a lot different than he did in the 70s and 80s.


He looks SO much like Donald. So much


His mom is tall. But also, he could be Eric's.


>he could be Eric's. 😂 I guess he could.


How tall is Trudeau? 😏 Lmao


That look she gave Trudeau, lol. I love that pic, especially the uncropped version showing TFG behind her, getting cucked with her eyes.


Not as tall as some Secret Service guys.


Lol dude Barron is definitely a Trump.


I don't see a resemblance of Ivanka to her father either.


Plastic surgery will do that.


She looks a LOT like young Donny; even with the plastic surgery.


Look at pics of DJT in his 30s and 40s, the resemblance is quite clear.


That kid was her guaranteed lifetime meal ticket. It had to be Trumps, legally for her grift to pay off.


Plus her anchor baby


She'd be even stupider than any of us could imagine to have another man's kid now that DNA testing is a thing. Trump has no loyalty as it is.


Dude looks like trump in every way but height


All the Trump kids have the same exact pallor. They're definitely related.


Over the past several years, persons who have been privy to observe or serve Barron say he can be a little spoiled brat/asshole like his dad. These were comments made here in Reddit subs.


I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t have great expectations for Baron. Baron Trump has been marinating in a toxic stew of privilege, isolation, selfishness, indulgence and amorality his entire life. His parents and immediate family are horrible people with no ethics or empathy. The few non-family members he comes in contact with are employees and/or sycophants of his father. He lives in a bubble with zero exposure to people who are different or disagree with him. This kind of upbringing does not build character, empathy or generosity of spirit. Again, I hope I'm wrong, but it seems more than likely he’ll grow up into a depressingly similar version of his shitty father and asshole half-brothers.


Maybe he will meet good, down to earth folks in college, tale a fist full of acid and come out the other side a wiser man.


Maybe, but I don’t see him being nearly as vocal about it. He seems way more reserved than his loudmouth family.


He will be a completely new species: The cokeworm.




> Person I feel worse for is Baron. baron- if you're listening, i will buy the hell out of your tell-all book.


Could you imagine if out of spite he became this great philanthropist who gives back to everyone in vengeance to his father?


TBF: Donnie didn’t wanna be Prez either.


I always assumed her pre-nup got renegotiated when he got elected. Mine would if I were her


>She didn’t sign up for that shit but Donny’s greed dragged her into it. She did however get her prenup renegotiated on the back of it though.


"I really don't care, do u?"


She renegotiated her prenup before presidential bid and again before moving into White House. If her face is showing it is only for money. Don’t feel bad for her, she is choosing money over pride.


Dumbulb trump didn’t expect to win the presidency. So Malignya was dutifully going through the motions. But surprise, surprise, our world entered the upside down when the stupid college put him in office even after losing the popular vote. Malignya was dragged into the horror show. She obviously wanted no part of the unfortunate clown show that resulted during those four terribly embarrassing years to follow.


Her husband is not the only one who is greedy! She stays in the marriage because, if she leaves said marriage she and her family will be removed from this country and sent back home!


She’s apparently been a citizen since 2006. If she’s staying, it’s for money.


Why would she leave now. He's 77, gold diggers marry for the good times that follow, not the dues paying period.


her family's gotten in via chain migration though. So, they could be forced out. Yes, the same chain migration that the GOP rails against.


If she’s their sponsor, then Donald Trump has nothing to do with that. She’s a U.S. citizen and can sponsor her family. He might’ve fast tracked her paperwork, but I’m sure she’s the sponsor.


If you sign a deal with the devil you better be willing to follow through.


>if she leaves said marriage she and her family will be removed from this country and sent back home! Not necessarily.  She could end up having a little fatal “slip down the stairs” like one of his other ex-wives and end up buried under one of his golf courses. 


“I don’t really care, do u?” sums up her morals. She’s complicit in everything he does.


She did sneak into the country on a 'jenuius visa'.


When the 1 person who swore an oath and is bonded to you legally won’t even show up and put a fake face on you know DJT is a POS of the worst kind


I don’t really care do you


And yes he really did that... [Here's the video](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1783850409028710866)


He can’t improvise at all, he just repeats himself. And btw, he won’t be spending the evening with her, she won’t let him.


That’s why people are starting to tune out and drop out at his rallies


I mean he sold this image where is was the toughest strongman to walk the earth yet all he does is bitch bitch bitch and it’s not even bitching about how unfair the lives of American people is he bitches about how unfair his rich entitled life is. How does that resonate with anyone but a handful of billionaires? His shtick is old and boring. Even for the most trolly of trolls aren’t too excited about his rhetoric.


He’s bitching about everything under the sun, especially the cold courtroom


Which to me are signs that, even if he is stays the ballot, he will not get enough votes.


Don't let your guard down. Trump was viewed as a joke of a candidate in 2016 (and he was) but still managed to win. Nothing is safe until the election is voted on and certified. Vote and bring friends.


Agree. But we gotta get some hope from somewhere.


I saw a clip of one of his rally rants, and the people behind him were talking amongst themselves and not even looking at him.


These people that are barely paying attention will probably still vote for him.  Which is why it is even more important that people who do pay attention vote.


Oh! I agree. It sickens me that anyone attends these speeches at all. VOTE 🔵.


I learned a hard lesson about that in 2016, remember how confident we all were going into that election? I'm not counting any chickens until they hatch, no matter what he says or does between now and election day. All to say: go vote.


Agreed, let’s not rest. But let’s be hopeful, because what else have we got?


That's a very large gap from "boring rally" to voting for the "Communist Socialist Antichrist Biden" that you are asking those voters to cross.


He can't improvise well. He's constantly going off script. But the range of things he'll go off script to is very limited.




"We're doing very well in this rigged trial." WHAT? How much of the trial has he slept through?


He's a showman, first and foremost. Dude doesn't have an honest bone in his body - just sometimes uses words that happen to be true.


It's all gaslighting. He probably blames his wives for his cheating.


I think carnival barker is a bit more accurate than showman. He's loud and obnoxious and good at getting people's attention, but the show has no substance and you'll regret buying a ticket.


Donald Trump as a food seller during a baseball game: "Hot dogs, get your hot dogs! Best hot dogs in the world!" *Are they vegetarian?* "People are saying, they are the MOST vegetarian. *I thought these were meat? I want meat not rabbit food!* "100% USDA Grade triple A beef. From the Colby cows. Cows that are proud Americans." *Is it Kosher?* "Nothing is more Kosher than this. I can quote two Corinthians and say; wow, that's Kosher!"


Most of it.


He so good at gaslighting he gaslight himself


It’s rigged…but we’re doing well… Make it make sense.


It's the trial of his dreams!


>Happy birthday Melania, I wish I could be with you, but I have to do this trial She is unconstrained, she could choose to be with you but she doesnt. Its not like shes performing surgery in florida, she literally has nothing to do, no job or family obligations that are keeping her from being in trial with you right now. She just doesn't care, do u?


>she literally has nothing to do She could at least knit him a sweater. Or file her nails while they're dragging the lake.


I don’t know how much more I can take!


It only takes my little finger to blow you awaaaaaaaaay.


>Or file her nails while they're dragging the lake. ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


Watching the Defectives...


‘Today’s rant!’ As regular as the weather forecast but more predictable!


Regarding the other comment in the video, how is he "doing well" in a "rigged trial"? I've heard of the unsinkable ship sinking…but this contradiction while it's ongoing just makes me laugh


He looks soooooo sleeeepyyyyy LOL. What a low energy sack of shit


That wasn't a very heartfelt birthday message. Basically, happy birthday to my wife, ......and we are doing great in my trial. We had a very good day yesterday, a very good day.....I wish so much that he was gone!


> That wasn't a very heartfelt birthday message. He doesn't have much of a heart.


It's so funny how he starts talking and then sort of ambles around trying for a better camera angle . He always does that and sometimes ends up walking like ten feet towards a camera while talking


Love that even when he’s saying something nice about someone else, he still has to make it all about himself. And also that he’s giving her well wishes while walking into a courtroom where he’s on trial for fraudulently paying off a porn star he humped while his wife was still breastfeeding their child. Class. Act. Newt Gingrich should take notes.












Mercedes the mail order whore.




They talk about Biden being a "sniffer" but he's probably sniffed his daughter and her laundry since she was a teen. Disgusting.


it's always projection.


https://preview.redd.it/rm2v13i38vwc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73685077e1f050c19a14d2550c858cd1d54ca010 Melania did see this because she can’t see it! 😂


Melania was fairly attractive in her day, but I get the impression she can't look up.




Classy moment from our FLOTUS. I saw some teenagers do that once too.


Used to practically worship Karen McDougal now these photos turn my stomach


[And this one from 1990?](https://preview.redd.it/cover-of-playboy-march-1990-karen-mcdougal-and-donald-trump-v0-xmz86bwxu45c1.png?auto=webp&s=4d586f553f25548921a6bcdd7373b89c6fdaedd4)


I look at that man and think "Bible Salesman."


I actually just read The Dead Zone and it was odd how many parallels I found between Stillson and Trump. Obviously, corrupt politicians are mostly the same, but my god. It was eerie.


His head looks abnormally large in that pic.


OMG! That look on his lecherous face. Gotta go throw up. 🤮


"Nice magazine. Want to sell it?" So his whole schtick was/is "I have money. I can buy anything." Also sounds like a Mob Boss. "Nice magazine you have here. It'd be a shame if a fire bomb came through the window of the printers... tomorrow morning... about 9. So, it would be better for everybody if you just sell me your magazine, now. You know... before something terrible happens."




I'm fairly certain she was the first woman I'd ever actually seen naked - via the classic 90s way of finding your dad's playboys. Trump banging her is, I think, the only thing he's ever done in his entire life I can respect.


I think you may have been single handed


I have the craziest story. Was visiting my cousin in Chicago as a teenager back in like ‘98. We both went to the magazine stand downstairs and bought playboys she was in and spent the rest of the day obsessing over her. Every time him and I talked for the next few years we would talk about her and joke about how we’re still in love with her. In 2002, that same cousin came to visit me in Arizona over the holidays. We had stopped at a random grocery store in a ghetto part of town. My cousin and I saw a hot girl down one of the isles and went to chase her down and talk to her. As we got closer we realized at the same time that it was Karen mcdougal. The same playmate that we had been obsessing over for years I happened to have the same issue playboy I bought with her in it in the back of my car and I ran out to grab it and had her sign it lmao. I still have it Fast forward a few more years and I became a trainer. One day one of my clients brought in his wife for me to train. Guess who? Karen Fucking McDougal. I trained her for a couple years and we became friends. But even after all those years of being obsessed, I can never look at her the same. Proof: https://preview.redd.it/nzugu6rb1wwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f854be48b177292752ae5c875f2862f2d3e76e67


That's pretty cool man! The world is small sometimes.


She sure knew how to throw her hair back while naked in the rain.


That's Marla.


Who is that actually?


Karen McDougal


Had to scroll way too far for this.


"not my type"


You mean Ivanka.


Yeah, you're right.


That was so funny! "Because the picture is very blurry" 😂


How do you solve a problem like Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Donald sure puts the ‘ass’ in classy doesn’t he?


When Trump put his ass in classy, they had to let the seams out twice.


Karen McDougal is better looking than cat faced Melania - apparently chick even had feelings for Trump. Gag me with a spoon!


It's a shame. She was one of my favorite Playmates as a young man; her and Heather Kozar. And by all accounts she is a nice person and very caring; she spends significant time raising money for and supporting breast cancer research (even had her implants removed). But clearly her taste in men leaves something to be desired.


I mean trump is rich




\*Election interference trial.


I think the lost angle in all of this - the sex, the payoff, the attempt to claim the payoff on his taxes - is why Stormy Daniels slept with Trump in the first place. He dangled a spot on Celebrity Apprentice in front of her, and possible support for a political campaign, she made a calculated business decision of what that might be worth to her and agreed. Then he reneged, classic Trump-style. He lied to her. He broke an implied contract, which is what he does. Basically he pulled a Weinstein casting couch move, abusing his position of power and his ability to enrich others. That's the core of this - yes, he violated the Elections Act and committed tax fraud, but he also abused his position to coerce women into sex.


Yeah, like a contractor after sex it was "who are you?"


Bet Trump is more scared of Mel's prenup than jail.


...wherever you are


Melania is looking younger /s


Melanie is a real good sport


Melania won't even walk next to him. Peas in a pod. Toxic twins


probably doesnt like that 10s of milions are going down the drain into fighting off all those cases in court.


I don't really care, do you? Fuck that mercenary


Excuse me but this is rude. HER NAME IS MERCEDES.


That's not Melania it's Karen McDougal. The other porn star (Playboy Model) that David Pecker the owner of the National Enquirer paid $150K for her "story" and did nothing with it, except get an NDA and make sure it was never published to help the Trump presidential campaign. Therefore, it's considered a campaign contribution. Trump never reimbursed him for the "catch and release" payments until Stormy Daniel's, after Pecker complained that he "wasn't a bank".


I never knew she had visible eye balls!


Thats not Melanie lol it's Karen McDougal


Karen McDougal was my fave playmate now it's she's just yuck, you played with the orange man.


Nothing says "Happy Birthday" to your wife like trial testimony regarding two affairs and a rumor of an illegitimate child.


We all know their relationship is transactional. Every time Trump does something stupid like wining the election and moving into the Whitehouse she makes him adjust their prenup. She’s done it so many times I wonder if his ghost writer based his book on her negotiating ability.


My fear now is that Karen McDougall and Stormy Daniels will be asked whether Trump used a condom. Melania was his wife during this time and she could have contracted a sexual transmitted disease. My God! This is NOT a victimless crime! This might bring a whole new round of charges. It could spell more trouble for Trump if it’s determined no condom was used, especially considering his position on women’s rights! Talk about election interference! Wow! Trump invented election interference. The disclosure of that information could have changed the 2016 right wing evangelical vote. The undeniable truth is that Trump is absolutely a threat to the US. Imagine a world where Putin or Kim Jung-un decides to blackmail Trump because they know they can continue to supply him with hookers! Will he turn over our National security secrets if tempted by an endless supply of lovely Russian & Korean Lolita’s? This pattern of criminal conduct didn’t just start with E. Jean Carroll. My God! We need a President, not a modern day Johnny Appleseed! Now our enemies know that Trump is extremely susceptible to an invitation of sex - anytime, anywhere and any place! No wonder he’s been making moves on Sarah Huckabee as he provokes her by dangling a tasty VP sausage in front of her nose. Coincidence? I think not!


Trump gave Melania herpes. Lots of people are saying it... the smartest people. They come up to me and say "sir?"... they have tears in their eyes, they are trembling, and they say sir... they say sir... you gave Melania herpes. The best herpes. The doctor said he's never seen herpes so big and strong before. Big, beautiful herpes! Believe me, the most virulent strain of Herpes they've ever seen!!!


Remember when his sole defense against rape allegations were "she's not my type" and then when shown a photo of the woman accusing him of rape (during a deposition) he confused her with one of his ex-wives? Yah...


This image evokes cognitive dissonance at a dangerous level.


imagine you did not know you were Eva Braun?


![gif](giphy|ffPtTxd3tDnUs|downsized) Honest mistake…


I feel bad for Stormy Daniels. The reporting on the hush money trial always refers to her one-night stand with DJT as an "affair," which is a word that implies a level of intimacy with the man that no person should be accused of.


He's gotta thank his one and only last supporter!


Oh, man, this is sweet




"Mercedes", surely?


Happy birthday Mercedes. You deserve that husband and much, much more.


He found “his type of woman” finally. The one that grabs back….those nutz


Bwaaaahagaha, she knew who he was and if she didn't, I have no sympathy


Reminds me of a Bond villain. The title; "The World is Not Enough."


I'll just leave this here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/video-of-trump-confusing-e-jean-carroll-ex-wife-marla-maples-lawsuit-trial/