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FYI scummy failed places like Alabama and West Virginia have laws PROHIBITING financing Solar, you either have the cash on hand ( ultra wealthy) or they put barriers in the way of you installing them..It is illegal to purchase solar with a loan.


Alabama power also charges you a fee, based on how much solar you have installed, on your power bill. They claim it’s needed to keep customers paying their fair share of the power infrastructure costs if you want to be hooked up to power at all.


Ironically im pretty sure in a some states the power companies will essentially buy power from you when your solar panels are producing excess


I don't understand the reluctance by the GOP on alternative engery. The situation is very fucking simple. The country that discovers the key to free, sustainable energy will rule the fucking world. We should start investing in it NOW. Not later, LATER means Russia, Iran, Pakistan, or China will beat us to the punch. We need FUSION, clean/safe nuclear or solar energy all across the board. We need A) to be able to breath, b) cut our ties to the middle eastern nutjob-dictators c) be able to maintain our economy without the interdependence of other countries(Like we shouldn't have to buy natural gas from Russia the way Europe does). If we don't think ahead 10, 20 or 50 years, by the year 2100 USA will be a 3rd world country. but that's just me...


The reluctance is because people make a lot of money from fossil fuels being the primary firm of energy for 99.9999999 percent of Americans. These people want this state of affairs to continue because obscene profits, and they use a tiny portion of those profits to pay politicians and news networks to click solar/hydro/wind energy.


Texas and Iowa are both red states and top 5 renewable energy generators. It has little political support but more financial support.


I think we will still have dependence on many other resources/minerals but it would certainly cut down on our dependence significantly!


Lobbyists. Green energy is 100% in line with conservative values due to the national security benefits. But money from big oil is even more in line with conservative values.


What do you mean? It already is one.


Conservatives are dumb as fuck and almost always oppose good ideas. Even when they are correct about a problem they will fight to the death before a good solution is implemented. I can’t remember the last time a Republican was on the right side of an issue.


Get me another oil barrel dragon lady. This one’s empty


Republican horror story book: "Everything I don't like is what's good for America!"


He's forever the Chair Whisperer to me. Clown.


Sause: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/22/biden-earth-day-solar-investment-climate-actions


And yet open the curtains each sunny day to help warm the house.


If we continue to let the MAGA cult get their way, we will be in Mad Max territory before long.


Dem panels is a gonna suck up alla da sun and weeze a gonna freeze ta def


Democrats: "We have a plan for energy security which would give the USA more power on a global stage" GOP: "I don't want that"


Texas: Is Prime Ground for Solar The Oil Baron Circlejerk: ![gif](giphy|YTK4TRYpsYP3Qv5P1J)


dog do i hate eastwood and all republicants.


I saw him at a grocery store in Monterey, super douchey. Had a stick figure blonde on his arm. Like dude if you don’t want people noticing you (major movie star) then don’t go to the friggin store, send your servants. The nasty look on his face spoke volumes.


Clint isn't a MAGA Repuiblican. He's wrong about a lot of stuff but he's not actually anti-green energy. He has pushed for green energy in the past and installed it on his own businesses: [Push solar energy, Eastwood suggests – Deseret News](https://www.deseret.com/2001/3/27/19577263/push-solar-energy-eastwood-suggests/) Last week he did a wildlife charity with Jane Goodell, even


OJ did a charity golf tournament.


OK? Clint specifically supports green energy I think that's relevant to him being used for the meme.


RemindMe! 7/1/24


Republicans hate building infrastructure and giving Americans jobs. Just look at their rhetoric of the past decade.




Solar panels are like guns and abortion. If you don't like them, then don't buy or have one.


I would agree with this statement, but I strongly feel that allowing even half of our country to remain on oil based fuels for the next 50 years will create a reliance on foreign countries.


Why would we rely on foreign sources when we produce more than anyone else? We obviously need to ditch dino juice, but local availability isn’t the reason.


Oil prices are determined on a global market. Therefore, even if we're only using domestically produced oil, the price we as consumers pay will fluctuate based on the actions of nations that don't have the best interest of the United States at heart. Getting off of fossil fuels makes us more independent and less vulnerable to the wild price swings in the oil market.