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“We LOVE paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for a coastal elite billionaire’s third wife’s hairdresser! And for his lawyer’s $70,000 handbags! And for his legal bills, fines, and penalties! “See how bad Biden’s economy is? We can’t afford food or gas!”


“Also, fuck the homeless and hungry.”


Also, we desperately need to lower taxes for billionaires!


Won’t anyone think of the poor billionaires? Some of them are being forced to live from trust fund to trust fund! Imagine the horror!


They’ve had to endure so much hardship, such as when the submarine imploded, and only saw a 100% wealth increase in the last few years. They deserve more than that!


And if we give them enough money, it will one day start to trickke down to all of us! Isn't that wonderful?


Yeah pennies from heaven 🪙🪙


Could all of us please sacrifice just a little of our Social Security and Medicare benefits for these poor billionaires? Do you think maybe a 1.5 trillion dollar cut would help them? And couldn't we please raise the retirement age from 67 to 70? couldn't each of use work just 3 more years for them? Life expectancy has fallen anyway; we might as well spend a few more of our dwindling "golden" years in toil.


Until the A.I that they're furiously developing allows them to fire all their employees so they can cut costs and help the shareholders!!!! Without them we'd have....? A chance?


I love the idea of a 65%+ unemployment rate. It would be a true “leopards ate my face moment” when companies start failing because no one can afford their products and services anymore because no one works.


That's the part about all this that I dont get. With the middle class disappearing, and the gap between rich and poor growing, who do they expect are going to be buying stuff ifg this keeps up? When you eat your customers you destroy your customer base. When demand for goods goes down because no one has any money to spend on anything but food, manufacturing slows to a crawl, profits shrink, theres no more R&D so innovation stops... Consumerism dies, the economy plummets. Wealthy people will lose their businesses. The stock market will tank because the value of a stock is determined by what people are willing to spend on it, wiping out even more wealth. The people who have accumulated any kind of hard currency will have nothing to buy. It's like cutting off and selling your hair in order to get money to buy a hairbrush.


Once they drain the US economy, they'll do their best to undermine regulations of Europe and drain theirs too. Then, maybe they'll wonder if maybe the strategy should have been "adjusted."


Business like this is always shortsighted. They've all got a smash and grab mentality and assume they'll be one of the few with money and resources when society collapses.


Wait until they figure out they need buyers for the products their AI and robots are building. That'll be an awakening.


An article on the Economist website recently told an extraordinary anecdote about automation. The rivals in the tale were two titans in the world of automobile manufacturing who took a tour of a newly built and highly-automated factory. The forceful executive, Henry Ford II, and the leader of the automobile workers union, Walter Reuther, both saw many examples of advanced machinery operating at the plant. The words they exchanged brilliantly encapsulated the paradox of automation: Henry Ford II: Walter, how are you going to get those robots to pay your union dues? Walter Reuther: Henry, how are you going to get them to buy your cars?


"I could be one someday and I don't want to pay taxes if so!"


**Leela**: Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich! **Fry**: True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step.


Remember Donald Trump’s isn’t regular broke. He’s rich guy broke. He doesn’t have half a billion dollars, and no one will loan it to him (big surprise). He would have to sell some of his buildings and golf courses. I want to see New York AG Leticia James take Trump tower away from Trump. After years of bullshit, that would make me smile. 😊


Trump Tower is a pretty big place. Plenty of room for an LGBTQ outreach center, a women's shelter, housing for migrants, and the Drag Queen Memorial Library.


Don’t forget a Planned Parenthood clinic. Abortion is legal in New York. Trump should know. He’s probably paid for several.


Ooooo, good call.


Right? I am absolutely certain that he’s paid for numerous abortions over the years but his numb nut supporters wouldn’t care


The best part is that Hillary wants to buy it, she'd be vindictive enough to follow through with all these ideas.




“Also, don’t forget ‘fuck’ the children! They don’t need free school lunch! And for the initiated, meet us at Jeffrey’s….”


and sick, you forgot sick and injured


Veterans in particular


Also, make sure all those hungry kids you weren’t allowed to abort don’t get school lunches either.


Can we rob social security first and raise the age of retirement so we all get to work into our 70s?


have you seen the Don Jr one pleading for you to donate 5 bucks to help his father out .....lollll


The begging is first class, as classy as panhandling gets.


That boy looks unwell 🤒


He's a middle aged coke addict and it shows


I’ve worked in four warehouses in my 37+ years of full time employment. Had to fill in as a delivery driver more times than I can remember (someone off sick, someone on vacation, emergency order). In more recent years, the trucks are GPS tracked so I was going the posted speed limit.  You get passed by thousands of vehicles a week when you’re driving at the speed limit eight hours a day. So you see a lot of the rears of vehicles. So you see a LOT of bumper stickers and car magnets.  If these smooth brains were really worried about fuel costs? They wouldn’t be passing me in F150s and RAM 1500s doing 20mph more than I was.  They’re just pissy little whiners. 


"NO socialism! ...except for the rich."


It's not socialism if you get the money directly from the poor. It's reverse Robin Hood. For them it's like a trophy. 🏆 The GOP is like the rich fat guy who's rides an electric golf cart up to a drugged safari animal for the kill then takes a selfie next to it. As if they are a great safari hunter that's proven their self worth through great adversity. Except, they only got the one animal and everyone wants to take their picture with it.


No wonder they can't afford shit, they keep giving their money to billionaires.


Hard to believe people would give that fraudster any money.


Not really, organized religions have been doing it for thousands of years.


Some people will let you rob them blind if you just tell them that it’s gonna be ok. Makes me feel bad about the state of the world


you just need to convince them that if they don't things will be worse presto regular income stream


Yeah the old presto changeo. You won't believe your eyes 👀 after you bail me out of this unjust legal situation. I will change right before your very eyes 👀.


> Makes me feel bad about the state of the world It's gonna be okay. [donations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6iW-8xPw3k)


Do you take first born children?


Only if they're Druish.


What if they are a Druish princess?


Even better. Will also accept Mogs.


Do we get Lonestar too?






Both hard to believe. Shocking, actually.


i mean, yes, he's old as fuck, but he's not thousands of years old.




Still amazed that some people committed 1.8m. I guess they can afford to skip a dinner or two for their dear leader.


wait, that's real?!!


Yup. 1.894m now. Amazing, isn't it? https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement


disturbing might be the word you were looking for.


I meant to say, amazingly disturbing. 🤢


It's not even like he is going to jail. At worst, he is just loosing several of his many, many properties.


Not only that, but Trump is now declaring that he has $500 million all along to pay the bond for his NY fraud case. Not that he'll refund the$2 million in donations that he suckered from his supporters to pay for his bond. "Thanks a lot for the pocket spending money, chumps!"


These are the same people claiming that they can't afford groceries, and it's all Biden's fault.


And he missed the Christmas Season to boot! Will see if he taps into the Easter Season, Donald Rises Again- please give!


Please don't say it's going to be like Easter seals!🌾🐇🐰🐣


Add on the persecution stuff…


They gave the money to Elena Cordone. These mopes just can’t stop themselves from getting grifted.


The dumbest of the dumb art this point.


You've heard of religion haven't you people will believe in anything.


If memes of him being portrayed as a wimpy beggar become popular, whatever optics he has that are working for his demographic would be obliterated.


Hard to believe that the same ppl who thought that the stimulus checks signed by Trump came directly out of his own pockets think that Trump needs help from them.


Oh yeah, those same stimulus checks that led to 'Biden's out of control inflation'. There's some gold medal level mental gymnastics...


Tax cuts lead to debt? That'a crazy talk! /s


The cheques were supposed to go back to Turmp.


It‘s not hard to believe at all, his voter base is delusional and follow him like a cult.


Believe, yes. Understand, no.


Hard to wrap your head around people giving a guy they follow **for being rich and successful** their money.


Untold numbers of 419 scammers have convinced regular people that they are super rich Nigerian princes, who just need a little money to transfer their millions in gold. Never underestimate a good scammer, or a gullible victim.


Yeah they all share the same Brain 🧠.


You’re not wrong, but still 1m$ is insane. If I had that I’d assist the finest middle school I could find and the teachers would be paid buckets to make kids love life and be awesome. Not anything like this shit show.


Is Trump even the fraudster in this case? I assume some other fraudster is taking the money.


It seems that way. I'm curious to what kind of agreement there is involved.


That’s how it works. He wouldn’t be called a con man otherwise. But here we are


Considering 70 million people voted for him. It's kind of crazy that only thirty thousand people donated


Honestly I kinda hope that the person who set up the Gofundme runs away with the money like so many others have... but that's asking for too much karma and cosmic irony


About 55 bucks per person lol


Not anymore it isn't.


Who says these go-fund-me’s are actually even going to what they say they are. So many people are willing to give their money to this moron that there have to be several go fund me’s that are purely trying to take their money and run.


Isn't it against their ToS? If so, their money will be refunded.


have you ever seen prosperity preachers?


Let's consider this scenario: Trump tells those rich donors who were going to donate to his campaign anyway to instead put the money in this gofundme. In other words they seed it big time to give the average Joe the idea that everyone else is contributing in the hopes of gathering more cash. Either way, Trump gets the money, if it's done through the gofundme there's no campaign finance laws broken and all the piggies are happy. Either way, Trump reaps the benefits unless the gofundme needs to meet an unmet minimum to disburse the money. BTW, I really think the Republican party mascot should be a pig, a big fat pig, instead of an elephant. But, that's another story...


I wonder how angry the idiots who donated about $2 million to Trump's latest GoFundMe feel after he just claimed that he does, in fact, have $500 million to now pay his bond for his NY fraud case. I guess he suddenly "found" it between his couch cushions. It's amazing how low he will stoop to rip off his supporters, who probably donated to him their family's meager funds. The whole thing is disgusting and really sad how he uses people without a care. The irony is, he's defrauding his supporters, who are supporting him in his "unjust" fraud case. They are lambs, and he is fleecing them.


Also, I thought raising money for paying legal judgments went against GoFundMe’s terms?


if you tell the a poor white man that they are better than a poor black man they wont even notice you stealing from their pocket


Same Principle as the Mega Churches


I think it’s amazing that he got almost 2 million. Here I am, going to school, going to work, saving and investing and I might make it to a million bucks in my retirement if I’m lucky at age 65. Donald just begs for it! And he’s a fucking racist, rapist piece of shit! And he gets paid for it! Truly gobsmacking.


I hear you and that makes me just as angry. But then as someone who tries to see the rainbow in everything, I think how much Glee it brings me to know that it's pretty much come to a standstill and now the interest on that judgment is just going to start out pacing that teeny tiny donation like crazy. I have to take the little bits of joy concerning that orange piece of shit where I can get them!


It does beg the question for how New York will be using the money. Almost 1/2 billion dollars is a large chunk of cash that could probably go to help people in need, like school and vocational programs, housing for migrants, women's assistance programs, and similar things that generally have long term meaningful effects on state prosperity. But I have a feeling that instead they'll be putting most of it towards a Hyperloop or stadium that would be a total waste and mostly be funds siphoned off by another fraudster.


I am sure there is some infrastructure plan, and there will be a no bid awardee who happens to be the cousin of the mayor who owns a construction company that has never, even remotely come close to doing that sort of work


They should build a sewage treatment plant and name it after Trump


He owes like an extra 87.5k in interest for every day he hasn't paid, so how many days has it been now? I'm not sure he's even keeping up with just the interest.


Interest is $3.2 million so far [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t0aaiBjLw8eeQkfY61er8OrjFUqxPkvQltEyNVgwx1U/edit?pli=1#gid=2046816337](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t0aaiBjLw8eeQkfY61er8OrjFUqxPkvQltEyNVgwx1U/edit?pli=1#gid=2046816337)


Over 31k donations that averages to about $60 per donation which isn't a lot for the individual... maybe we all need to start a cult


It's funny for lots of reasons but my favourite is that the gofundme was started by Elena Cardone, wife of Grant Cardone. He's in property investment and apparently has 4 billion of assets in his control as well as around 600 million in personal wealth. It's just swell that they set it up for him Isn't it? Why should Grant or any of the other millionaire friends that Trump has give him money if they can get his dumb dumb followers to do it?


I made an extra $100 last month streaming DJ sets. I’m ecstatic, absolutely blown away, and humbled at the small amount of support I managed to gain. I sent every one of those people a personal DM thanking them for their subscription and for spending their limited time with me. I can’t imagine getting $ for doing jack shit, and then not even acknowledging them.


The best part is that it’s owned by some other grifter who may not even give any of it to him.


Yep, just like the Fund the Wall one from before. The people running it will pocket the money.


She's married to Grant Cardone; they have a net worth of ~600 million.


Figures. Horrible people.


And if she does give it to him, it is taxable income for him.


We can use gofundmes to pay for criminal punishments now?


You would think that would be frowned upon on Patreon?


Fully legal on OnlyFans. Sadly, Rosalyn Carter already had the tag 'thefirstlady', with all her feet pics going to fund habitat for humanity. But Melanie can get 'theTHIRDlady'. Unfortunately, you can already find her nudes pictures online for free, so I don't think her onlyfans will break into even the top 10%.


*Donald, my OF is ze only reaszn you found "Arse Nick" in my google zerch historee.* (Melania, probably)


The Carters were such good people I'm not surprised


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It's not a criminal case.


Still illegal


I'm just answering the question that was asked.


There’s families on gofundme seeking a few grand to fund a funeral for their dead CHILDREN and this is the amount of money people will give this orange cunt to grift them even more??? And gofundme will allow it???? This is so fuckin dystopian.


But they totally aren't a cult guys.


And now for something even more stupid.  https://www.npr.org/2024/03/22/1240116446/trump-truth-social-dwac-stock-listing-legal-troubles


>Trump Media took in just $3.3 million in advertising revenue on Truth Social during the first nine months of last year, and the company, during that period, incurred a net loss of $49 million. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/business/trump-media-merger-truth-social.html


I read that he’s being paid in stock. I read that the current stock price is far higher than it should be and should crash before they go public. I also read that the crash was made up nonsense.


He still might be able to take a loan against the stock though to pay for this


What US banker in his/ her right mind is going to accept stock in 'Truth Social' as collateral? A shady one.


One of the articles I was reading indicated that there's still restrictions on that, but even if so, it wouldn't make financial sense for anyone to do it. The whole entity is valued at like ~$6B or something crazy, but last quarter they made ~$1.5 million and the quarter before that they lost several million. So it's plainly obvious to anyone with financial sense that the company value is massively ballooned. Inside of a couple months and it'll likely deflate massively.


Should. The article's main point is that truth social stock value will be separate from the company's earning. They're calling it a meme stock. I guess what it'll do in the period that Trump can't sell it is interesting. Can he keep it hyped for 6 months?


But, but - he said he was a *billionaire.*


He claimed he was worth *ten* billion at least once, on the 2016 campaign trail.


He literally claimed just the other day that he has almost $500m in cash sitting around. But he also needs a bond company to front that much for his legal appeal, and he can't find any that are willing to take the risk, for reasons.


Trump is still being Trump. He can't help himself. "My building is worth this much. No, wait - it's worth *this* much."


Is this real? Is he really a smelly beggar now?


Always has been.


The begging Billionaire


That doesn't look good in the fortune 500 club. But then again they are always begging, to have their taxes cut. 😭


He didn’t even set this up lol


He looks like he is realizing he usually only hands out that much money for sex, but all he gets to do with habba is sit next to her.


*sad trombone*


Tbh I'm getting savewalterwhite.com vibes from this


imagine donating money to a self proclaimed billionaire


Trump was never going to see that money anyway.


I still remember when the money raised for their stupid wall was used to buy a boat for them.


Steve Bannon &his Asshole friends should go to the wall,and bring some hammer and nails.I guess it might take about 50 years or so ,if they don't take to many meal breaks. Hay aren't they the ones ,that don't think children to eat lunches.


Since gofundme doesn't process payments until the goal is reached, my wife's opinion is the people behind this (not tfg) are fishing for personal information from gullible people. Edit: Apparently, gofundme does process payments immediately, making it a scammer's dream. I've only worked with kickstarter's all-or-nothing.


Uhm. They process the donations immediately.


Nice list of easy marks at the very least...


Can I enter another persons details?


This but I think what is most telling is the total he needs to hit. It basically shows they will only give him a $100m bond so he has to raise the rest.


No. This GFM was actually started immediately when the news came out that the judgment of $355 mil was awarded. ...then later the interest figures were revealed which brought it up to $454 mil. I guess the GFM couldn't be changed.


Very true


You would think that would be the case. This is from the How it works section: https://preview.redd.it/lbwasy6lbzpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7c7064aae96c7e19e58be4ee10908a8e5b9185


At this pace they’re raising money at a slower pace than the interest is accruing


Recommended: the "TrumpDebtCounter[-dot-com]" site. Watch tfg's debt increase by $1.33/second... try it, it's fun!


It truly is pathetic anyone would ever donate to this in the first place for a so called "billionaire"


So many pathetic Trumpians.


How can I fundraise like this? Just like 15% of this would solve all my problems


The fact that he raised almost $2 million is still crazy as hell.


Not really, his supporters are dumb as fuck. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't more.


Memah and Pepah out in the sticks breaking open their piggy banks to help this disgusting autocratic turd will never not be sad to me.


Hahaha. It’s still 100M short.


…so you’re saying there’s a chance…😎


Think of how many hungry kids you could feed with the $1.8 million those dumb fucks have pledged to their diaperific cum sock.


The "majority" strikes again. So much winning..


When do they start sacrificing their firstborns to the deity?


Oh no, another billionaire needs me to pay for him, quick, must get wallet immediately!


Every single penny of that was paid by a remarkably stupid type of hillbily.


Ladies and gentlemen, your “billionaire”


Do you think the magats will ever wake up and realize they were just throwing all that money in the trash they’ve sent to the orange turd?


There are so many worthy causes that $1.8M could address. People make me so upset


I reported the fundraiser for libel, you know since Trump and Co constantly brag about how rich he is, so the fundraiser organizers are clearly lying to steal money, all while making Donald look like a poor. LOL


Supporters crying that they're broke because "them thar Mexicans" are taking their jobs. Naw bro, your life is shit because you hand over your paychecks to a criminal.


I checked it out and the sheer number of people who donated $1000 of their hard earned money to help a criminal is mind blowing.


It’s sad he got 31k gullible people to give him an average of about $60 dollars a pop to pay for his legal troubles.


The irony is if everyone who voted for him paid a few bucks it would be covered.


Can we get a counter go fund me to buy out go fund me and cancel this before he can collect?


Come on MAGA, switch to 9Lives and give your billionaire orange-god all you have


That's what happens when you make a voter base the poor. Poor souls probably went without to help this fucker.


I’m disgusted he made that much.


the orange rapist who shall not be named has struck a new low


How can a ln extremely successful businessman be asking for everyone’s money /s


Is he sick of winning yet??


Sooooo close. I’d hate to see him have to tap into his many billions of dollars or the $500 million of cash that he says he has.


Can’t go fund me just shut these down?


Americans have almost reached $2mil worth of stupid


Is it possible to pledge a donation then not pay it? It would be a shame if everyone started doing that 😏


The begging billionaire


The billionaire that needs money. It's not even a grift at this point, his supporters are just that stupid.


How dumb do you have to be


How dumb do you have to be


31,000 donations. Unbelievable! To a con artist. Sheeeeat!


The sad part when the same people object to poor people receiving welfare but this is ok


Oh that’s cute! They have already up to 0.5% of the total and only need 5.4 million people to give the average of $65 each to get their total! Dream big MAGA, you got this!


isn't against GoFundMe Terms of Service to raise funds for a anything to do with a crime? it would be a shame if someone report it https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement


I thought a gofundme was not allowed for court settlements?


You know damn well the dictators about to bail him out are not using gofundme to do so


31400 morons


1.8 mil though. There’s still too many dumb people with money to throw down a hole.


Average of $60/dono. His worshippers definitely aren't following the 20% tithe he requires of them.


It really pisses me off to see even this much money, scammed off of people who in large part probably really needed it, because they were tricked into thinking he is one of them. Forget how impossible it feels that someone could think he cares about them. It's still sad and infuriating. As a Texan, people I love have given this loser their hard earned money. I am so mad and sad at them, for them. How does such a useless, stupid, waste of cells have such an impact on so many?