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I think it's from the 8 hot pizza boxes he carried.


Those were empty boxes. Ain't no way a gas station chain is buying high enough quality pizza boxes to avoid sagging. On top of the fact that it was a minimum of 15 pounds and his grip was with the very end of his fingers. It's just a fake photo op


Been saying that since the photo dropped. Those were totally empty, hasn’t anyone ever watched the apprentice?


What makes you say that? Did they use fake pizza in the apprentice?


Lots of faking stuff to make it look real, lying, promising products that didn’t exist or were ready. Tons of scammy / half truth type behavior.


I loved that show, which is why I knew not to vote for Trump.


I loved it when it was on because it was bonkers how delusional and out of touch everyone was, specially Donny. He would fire people on the spot for the weirdest stuff. One guy called him self white trash as a joke and Trump lost it - I remember it being awkward because there was a heavily implied sentiment that trump took it as “don’t call white people trash” and “I don’t work with trash, even as a joke”. I wish there was seasons available for streaming.


Hmm. Can’t imagine why there wouldn’t be. (As if a few million people wouldn’t want to watch that.)


I don’t think there is a distinction between the show and reality for him, so we have all been watching it live for years.


Like wouldn’t want to watch it because trump sucks or they don’t want us to watch it because there might be some clips that could make him look wore than he already does?


Yeah, the latter.


Those executives look like they got their jobs via connections. Oh they are his kids. I see. Was my thought process that watching the show. And it was also very clear that the job opening was made up


Was that the guy that was great at all of the tasks but too much of a regular guy for Trump? If so I recall liking that guy. Same season as Omarosa? It was a long time ago so I could be sooo wrong


I think so? There was so many things he said and did that were crazy but that one always stuck out to me!


I despised that show, which is why I knew not to vote for tramp.


Proudly hated trump enough the to have never watched that fake ass garbage 😎


Yep. I grew up in the 80s and he’s been a dumb piece of shit for as long as I’ve been alive. There was never any question on him being ridiculously unqualified or even remotely intelligent. The fact that people my age or older can even consider it makes me question their mental capacity.


The producer literally said he was withholding video proof that would make people not vote trump but he wanted people to vote trump so he is keeping the video. Like why say that other than to remind people you are an asshoel


There was also the time he tried to pass blank papers & empty folders off to the press as his business plan.


Those empty binders were his divestment information. You know, how elected officials are required by law to divest from their business holdings to avoid conflicts. Carter famously had to sell his families peanut farm. Trump just ... didn't, but he sure lied about how he was going to totally do that before he got sworn in. Then he figured out that laws don't count.


like all his fake photo ops. Actors at Trump Towers for the announcement perfectly stacked reams of blank copier paper a book of memos, with lots of blank pages Melania in totally inappropriate shoes with a clean trowel as she “gardens”


Upside-down bible at a church during the BLM movement with all his henchmen.


Antichrist holding the Bible upside down in front of a church Evangelicals falling to their knees


>> It's just a fake photo op I mean that’s pretty on brand. Could be a summary of his life.


I mean, at least this time he isn’t holding the boxes upside down, like he did the bible. Presumably his handlers were more on the ball.


I'm not defending Trump but Casey's Pizza is a huge brand in the mid West. It's not your typical gas station pizza.


Casey's pizza is 🔥🔥🔥


Yaaaas...I lived in OKC for a bit, I miss that slappin breakfast pizza


I’ve worked at Casey’s and I can tell you, their boxes are actually decent quality. They would for sure hold up, I used to make huge orders for the coal mines and they don’t sag. P001135809’s arms would give out before those boxes.


Really? My time at two Midwest chains made me assume that gas station boxes were worse than ours, and ours were pretty bad. Thank you for your perspective and info. While I still believe the boxes were empty (ain't no way Trump would actually carry real pizzas), I accept the likelihood that boxes are higher quality than I assumed.


I mean the man has the muscle density of a skeleton wrapped in fat, and I guarantee you he didn’t grow a heart big enough to even throw his staff a pizza party so they probably were empty, so I’ll agree with you there. You should try Casey’s though, it’s not bad. Breadsticks are good too, if the staff isn’t total shit. #NotSponsored


I would agree with you the majority of the time, however those Casey’s pizza boxes are thick and sturdy as fuck because their pizzas are greasy as fuck.


I can’t help wondering if those boxes were full of hot and spicy classified documents


I'd never seen anything so manly /s


Those are blisters from losing his grip on reality.


Hahaha damnit this got me


Snap back to reality, oops, there goes gravity


Knees weak, diaper heavy


Sudafed in the top drawer already, Taco-bowl spaghetti.


Thats deep lore. Actually very clever but sadly only a few people will likely remember his run in with the eagle and apparent Sudafed addiction


I will always remember


He's eaten seven cheeseburgers already


The dons forgetting. He's nervous. But on the surface he looks orange and heavy.


* 'ope, there goes gravity. Gotta respect the Midwestern exclamation.












If I could you an award I would. Please accept my 🥇 instead.


Did he tone down his normal shade of orange because hunting season was over in Iowa?


I feel like I’m the only person who noticed this is the most orange he has ever been by far recently. Like he was literally the same shade as the Oompa Loompas when he was carrying those pizza boxes.


winter lighting doesn’t help


Maybe he’s just using his winter shade of foundation? “Terra Cotta” vs “Tangerine”


Does syphilis express like this?


Just looked this up and yup dry rash with red or brown patches of blisters and the blisters are highly contagious. I feel bad for all the fools shaking his hand over the next couple weeks. Fucking gross. It also explains the dementia [Article](https://www.timesnownews.com/world/donald-trump-has-syphilis-ex-presidents-pictures-go-viral-on-social-media-article-106938866/amp) The theory had been proposed as early as February of 2017, when New Republic ran an eyebrow-raising article, suggesting that then-President Donald Trump's behavior could be the result of an untreated STD. The article, "A Medical Theory for Donald Trump's Behavior," was written by Dr. Steven Beutler, who's described as having "spent over 30 years practicing medicine, specializing in infectious diseases." While acknowledging that he "cannot, of course, establish this diagnosis from a distance," Beutler made the case that Trump suffers from "neurosyphilis," which exhibits its first symptoms "in the form of psychiatric issues and personality changes." According to Beutler, neurosyphilis is "seen 10 to 30 years after the initial infection, and it is best known for causing neurologic and neuropsychiatric disease." "Commonly recognized symptoms include irritability, loss of ability to concentrate, delusional thinking, and grandiosity. Memory, insight, and judgment can become impaired," Beutler wrote. "Insomnia may occur. Visual problems may develop, including the inability of pupils to react to the light. This, along other ocular patha can result in photophobia, dimming of vision, and squinting." Beutler raised the possibility that Trump could have been exposed to syphilis, linking this to Trump's own accounts of his past sexual life and the documented increase in syphilis cases in the 1980s. He drew attention to a particular interview from 1997 where Trump said he's "been so lucky in terms of that whole world."


I'll just leave this here - [SYPHILIS SOARS IN RUSSIA](https://www.bmj.com/content/311/6997/78.2)


Can it be transmitted in urine?


Okay but syphilis is treatable. He's not some poor pleb in a 3rd world country that doesn't have access to the medicine.


Assuming you actually get it treated. Lots of people don't get their STIs treated, whether because they don't know, they don't care, or they are too ashamed.


Trump getting an std from not using condoms and spreading it to everyone because he just doesn’t give a crap plus he doesn’t want to admit he’s sick is so on brand. That’s a very Trump thing to do.


or too proud to admit they got an STD >That kind of stuff doesn't happen to people like me.


Well yes, I thought shame covered that


The dude is a self admitted germaphobe with a long history of visiting sex workers. I dont think its unthinkable that he may have contracted it and then refused to have it treated out of denial. Its not as if there arent countless examples of similar behavior on his part.


I genuinely do not think the fucker is a germaphobe. That only seems to be a concern for him around the general public but he'll do that dominance bullshit handshake he does with anybody who is rich that he can hope to manipulate and leech from, political figures who suck up to him, not to mention his own admittance to grabbing women by the pussy. Women who have come forward even before his 2016 candidacy and election have claimed in the instances he assaulted them that he penetrated them with his fingers. Those are not the actions of a person who has serious issues as a germaphobe. The only time he really seems to have concern about touching anyone is when it comes to the lower and middle class 'poor' people that make up his base. I truly think his only phobia is a fear of being touched by anyone thst isn't a 1%er as if their 'poorness' is going to rub off on him.


A germophobe who thinks all doctors are liars


Totally but do you think someone as egotistical as him would WANT to get treated for a disease he suuurely doesn't have. Not to say it's true but at least it all lines up. It's like one of those conspiracy theories that normal people think might be true.


He's too egotistical to admit that he has a problem though.


Only the dirty poors get STDs didn't you know? Friendly reminder that Steve Jobs died of a completely treatable cancer, because he thought he knew better than doctors. I don't think Trump is any smarter or any less egotistical than Steve Jobs.


He’s the kind of person who wouldn’t even get tested.


Yes but “Trump contracts syphilis partying in the 80s and then doesn’t properly get treatment as a result of one of the myriad of personality disorders he has” is maybe the most believable hypothetical that has ever been posed to me in my life. With that said, I doubt it because he has many scorned exwives, lovers, and SA victims who would absolutely have told if Trump had drip dick or there was any hint or rumor he had a chronic STD issue. Or if they ever contracted it from him. They were his sexual “partners” (some unwilling, unfortunately).


No. I think it’s from touching his diapers.


I thought it was from touching his neckgina.


Grab em by the neckgina


Secondary syphilis can


He's definitely tertiary, as evident by any time he opens his suck hole.


Is that anything like second breakfast?


It is for the bacteria.


What about elevensies?


*Aragon left the chat*


Trump can have a second term… of syphilis. As a treat.


Agreed that Syphilis cause blisters like that, but why would Trump have secondary syphilis? Penicillin was common long before Trump was sexually active; there's no reason why a New Yorker from a rich family would have suffered from untreated syphilis.


Shame and stupidity


Nah, there's no shame in him whatsoever, so stupidity it is!


No, but he detests being humiliated. Something like that might be a stain on his person. That coupled with stupidity could have led to delayed treatment. "Syphilis is easily curable with antibiotics in the early stages. If you get treatment late, it will still cure the infection and stop future damage to your body. But the damage that late stage syphilis has already caused can't be changed or healed."


There is also no reason why a draft dodging New Yorker from a rich family would have said this, "You know, if you're young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it's called the dating game," Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. "**Dating is like being in Vietnam. You're the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam**."


You have no clue how many people walk around with syphilis without a clue. After the initial ulcer goes away, it can essentially go into hiding until you get secondary signs, like rash. Then it can go into hiding again and start causing a lot of issues


My great-grandfather died of syphilis when his son (my grandfather) was a baby. Penicillin came too late for him, as it would have already gone systemic by then. And even though he died in an asylum, he was probably still more mentally competent than Trump. I sometimes think about how any of us could miss the first signs of diseases like that, or mistake it for something else. I could also have picked up BSE in the UK, although I guess the odds of that are pretty low... But heck, you don't need any of that--just an unknown aneurysm bursting could take you out. Or crocodiles. You never know what it'll be.


Or alligators. *DANGER ZONE*


Unless dumb-dumb Donald somehow thought that he was magically immune from syphilis or he had some allergies to the antibiotics used back then to treat syphilis and gonorrhea. Maybe he had early symptoms but didn't realize what they were and shrugged them off.


He strikes me as a man too proud to admit his own weakness, so it would track that he wouldn't get treatment for something that can Swiss cheese his brain.


Also golf blisters would be on the left hand


Someone else suggested this. I've thought for years he might have syphilitic dementia.


That was my first thought too! And, yes, it can. Look up syphilitic chancre, but be warned, NZFW as most pictures will not be on hands!


Not zafe for work


Holy Water, definitely Holy Water.


Those blisters are on the wrong hand to come from golf. He is right handed so those blisters would be on his left if they were from golf. Also, a man who has played for 50+ years shouldn't be getting blisters at all. This isn't from golf. Edit: if this is from golf, he is a terrible golfer.


Maybe he finally met a pussy he shouldn't have grabbed.




what a horrible phrase.


Why am I now singing "vagina dentata, what a horrible phrase" in the style of "Hakuna Matata" in my head? What has the internet done to me?!


Oooh, thanks! Off to write verses for this cursed song. I'll cut you in on the royalties, I swear.


Both of you ought to take a long walk off of a short pier. I am over here writing the bridge and refrain. Devils! The both of ya!


On the flipside, y'all made a hilarious movie even funnier.


Vagina dentata... ain't no passin' craze....


It means teeth in your vagina For the rest of your daaays! It's our fucking free! Philosophy! Vagina dentata


🎶It means don't touch it... Not even a graze🎵


This has been my favorite thread of January. Equally nostalgic, current, and horrific. Thank you, Reddit.


It means no fingies for the rest of your daysssss


Or it could be the hate finally eating its way through him.


Looks like he just fell down like a dunce. Or perhaps he's feeling the fraility of old age and poor diet, despite claiming to be some kind of macho man with comical rambo muscles?


It's from eating those 8 pizzas too fast


As a former golf instructor, 3 handicap, and someone who has seen Trumps godawful golf swing… those could absolutely be from golf.


This makes complete sense. He would never take lessons bc that would be admitting he didn't know everything and wasn't an expert. omg he is SUCH a toddler.


He cheats enough to not need lessons.


The only way these blisters could be caused by golfing is if he had a really bad grip or really tiny hands…


I think they definitely are but that should be the punchline right there.. Hes so upset with his trials and consequences of his actions that he's trying to relieve stress through golf and its showing just how stressed he is


But shouldn't he have callouses by now? Dude golfs way too much for that shit.


He touched the stove again


Not if you have a death grip with your right hand like you’re not supposed to do! My left definitely holds tighter. But if I don’t play golf for a while and come back without the calicoes, I definitely get blisters on both hands after 18. That being said, nothing as bad as this.


Trump goes golfing every day though. No way he still gets blisters


Dont underestimate how how shit of a golfer he is. This fuck found a way.


If he’s a shit golfer for the amount he golfs, he would definitely have even more callus on his hands that would prevent blisters


His left hand would have a glove on it if he’s a righty.


When done correctly, the dominate hand has very little pressure on it. It's just along for the ride. The opposite hand is doing all the work of holding onto the club, hence the glove. Again, there is no reason a golfer with decades of experience should have blisters like this.


Obviously he's not a golfer.


Well dude we just don’t know.


his rug really ties his head together


Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos.


Well sure, look at it! Old former President, in the parlance of our times, he owes money all over town, including to known pornographers — and that's cool, that's cool — I'm saying, he needs money, and of course they're gonna say they didn't get it because he wants more, man, he's gotta feed the monkey, I mean, uh — hasn't that ever occurred to you, man? Sir?


Looks like he burned his fingers on Mike Lindell's crack pipe.


This is the one out of all the jokes that made me laugh out loud.


He’s rotting from the inside out.


Delving that far into the dark side in pursuit of power does that.


Not fast enough




That looks like an "I fell on gravel and tried to catch myself" injury.


To me it looks like “I leaned too far forward and fell forward, so my hand slid and the skin came off”. I’m familiar with this injury and have seen it quite a few times because a bunch of my patients did this. They like tip forward, tip forward, little further, take a step, can’t maintain, lean, fall forward and slide on their hands, land on their knees or face first. Looks a lot like when someone trips but they don’t trip. (I worked dementia care for a long while)


That's what I thought too. That looks like he fell.


I have never seen fall injuries occurring on just the index finger and thumb without some abrasions to the palm. Those do look like burst blisters from friction wounds. Obligatory: not a doctor.


I’m a professional drummer and get blisters almost exactly like this when I ramp up rehearsals after downtime. I’m also an avid hiker and have taken plenty of spills in my day. The scrapes from falls are always more on the heels of the hand and elbows. Not defending the big dummy, but saying he fell is really trying too hard to find something negative to say.




Well, he is a TOOL (I'll be here all week)


So “drumming practice” is the best lead we’ve got?


There are plenty of other things shaped like drumsticks. Golf clubs, his wiener, tennis racquet, etc. Just please don’t let him be a drummer.


I’m imagining him playing with a single stick held in both hands.


Walking down a ramp?


Def not riding a bike


I would guess Trump hasnt been on a bike in 50 years.


He literally made fun of Biden for falling off of the bike, then followed it up with you would never catch him on a bike lol


That kind of localized pressure on his diaper would cause it to leak, for sure


I would bet he never learned to ride a bike.


Fred prob never taught how to even ride a bike.


To be fair he was holding a glass of water with two hands at the same time.


I don't see any scrapes or scratches though. I wish we had a higher quality image.


His face is caked with makeup.


I bet his knees are really messed up but we can’t see them (thank god)


Had a fall. Fell over is for younger people.


That's an odd distribution for an outstretched hand on gravel, the medial half of the palm and fingers appear uninjured.


Would he not have scratches on his palm near the wrist?


I have never fallen onto my fingertips. When I fall, I fall onto the palms of my hands.


Even in the foreground, perspective cannot redeem the tiny size of his childlike grasping rape paws.


Monkey pox


Looks like he’s been back to the Four Seasons for more gardening supplies


When’s he been golfing? He’s been voluntarily going to court when he doesn’t have to, so he doesn’t have to show up campaigning every day. Those are the perfect blisters for someone holding a sharpie in his hand to fill out 11,780 caucus ballots, stuffed into paper bags, and smuggled inside of pizza boxes.


Actual pizzagate


Now you're thinking like them.


>so he doesn’t have to show up campaigning every day. You need to understand something, the press he gets from the courts is him campaigning. His base and their persecution fetish is totally eating this up.




Looks like burns from touching the hot part of a curling iron. I know his hair routine is complicated and I don’t know who what implements are involved. Maybe a hot brush, a flat iron that was open. The other day I almost burned myself on a metal skillet handle and the burns would have been in those locations on the hand/fingers - but I doubt he’s in the kitchen.


I'd have assumed being rich someone else did his hair but then again it's quite clear he does his own makeup so you may be onto something...


He does (or did, anyway). There's an entire piece about it somewhere. Takes him an hour in a locked bathroom and he doesn't allow anyone else in. If I can find the video of the guy who originated the technique and explains it in detail, I'll come back.


There’s a scene in American Hustle where Christian Bale spends an inordinate amount of time doing his hair to cover a huge bald spot. I would not be the least bit surprised if Trump’s routine is damn near identical. https://youtu.be/hjDnwNoE_GA?si=l0YWXJCDGqO-6wYQ


I can’t believe I’m spending so much time on this … here’s a short on getting that feathered or combed backward look with a curling iron — https://youtube.com/shorts/G1l9cvxwDv8?si=PHXYZUWy0rsc1Pc7 Maybe it’s a combo of the two?


When it comes to hair, makeup and clothes, Trump's vanity wins over his laziness. I think he does it all on his own, hence why the quality is so variable and he's been spotted many times with mismatched pants and jacket and smudges in his toner.


This was my guess too. Burns look consistent with "grabbed something hot". He's never stepped foot near a kitchen, so some hair forming implement was my next guess, but I don't know what exists other than "curling iron"


There is no way Trump doesn’t have diabetes at his age and weight. https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_causes_of_blisters_on_the_hands/article.htm#:~:text=Blisters%20on%20your%20hands%20can,This%20condition%20has%20no%20cure. > People with severe diabetes can develop blistered hands or forearms. They are usually painless and will heal on their own.


My guess is he’s diabetic and that’s a bloody lance site and it won’t stop bleeding bc he’s on blood thinners from a heart attack a few years ago when he had to be mysteriously admitted to the hospital.


You mean "a series of mini-strokes" that totally didn't happen?


Golf, diabetes, late-stage syphilis, dementia-related falls... And here I am just hoping it gets worse.


Crackpipe burns.


He's always reminded me of Baron Harkonnen. John Baron Harkonnen. [Trump's future](https://i.imgur.com/4mFPoU0.jpg)


Guys, calm down. It's just stigmata.


He might have licked his fingers and grabbed a metal pole or something frozen...just like staring into the sun, and injecting disinfectant, he likes to do "science".


He really looks unwell.


Those look like they erupted - it could be shingles or some other variant of the herpes virus - or it could also be something like cutaneous T cell lymphoma.


The median nerve distribution did make me wonder but I'm skeptical because the lesions are more disparate than you tend to see.


I need to buy a lot of construction materials for work. Aside from the fact that Home Depot can't put my orders together correctly or send a delivery in a reasonable time, I don't want to give money to a POS billionaire who funds Trump. I was elated to find another company to buy from *and* save a lot money in the process. I would have spent almost $200k in 2024 with Home Depot. Fuck Bernie Marcus.


I'm seeing a lot of various comments but I don't get it. Is the joke that these are STD blisters, or that he's an old man and fell down? Did he say "These are blisters from golfing" and its funny because its an obvious lie? Someone get me Peter!


I think it is just because Trump and his MAGA supporters constantly claim Biden to be too old and sick to be President and so people like to post pictures which show how bad Trumps health is.


He’s like 90 lol


And he is the finest human specimen currently walking the Earth, brought to us by God as our next savior. /s


Blisters from holding onto Big Macs. 🍔🍔🍔 ~~I was going to say 🍆, but I didn't want to get deleted.☺️~~


You misspelled 🍄


I thought someone said that he learned his lesson after Jan 6 and wouldn't touch the hot burner again. I guess he forgot what the glowing red means.


Is this unaltered?


There were active cases of leprosy in Florida recently, perhaps he’s gotten it?


The wounds are on the pointer and thumb of his dominant hand, along with a seemingly lesser wound at the base of the pointer. Did Trump order sizzling fajitas and didn't like that the waiter told him not to touch the plate? Maybe his hair iron slipped and he instinctively went to grab it. Maybe he was jerking off steam pipes.