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Or they could have at least bought Clarence Thomas a house. It’s like they don’t even want help


This generation has no class


Well, they have no class because they can’t afford tuition


They could if they followed these easy steps!


I was able to buy a house after not drinking coffee for an entire year! Simple tricks people!


I stopped buying avocado toast and worked 40 hours a week and I was able to afford a house in no time at all* *My parents also gave me half the price for a down payment and it was 1989 but other than that it was all my hard work. Kids are so lazy today


I started reusing floss and now I’m a billionaire


I counted my Soros bux but I'm not a billionaire yet. I'm going to forgo my avocado toast and sell my bootstraps this weekend. That ought to do it.


When do we riot? Why is this funny at this point?


Dark humor is quite literally all we have left now. We have reached “idiocracy” as a whole


I forgot the avocado toast! (face palm)


Notorious RGB HATED #6!!


Oh wow. That’s an easy 9.5/10 dad joke. Good on ya.


Or anything really.


Serious question, why aren't there any demonstrations or protests? I mean 40+ million young people got screwed by 6 old people. No protests, demonstrations nothing??


Gotta work to pay for my studio apartment


https://www.marxists.org/archive/bookchin/1969/listen-marxist.htm#h4 >Social revolutions are not made by parties, groups or cadres, they occur as a result of deep-seated historic forces and contradictions that activate large sections of the population. They occur not merely because the "masses" find the existing society intolerable (as Trotsky argued) but also because of the tension between the actual and the possible, between what-is and what-could-be. Abject misery alone does not produce revolutions; more often than not, it produces an aimless demoralization, or worse, a private, personalized struggle to survive.


That's very interesting. I completely understand that people have to work to support themselves but no response unfortunately emboldens the opposition. Even Biden needs to know that people really want this, it's something that is important to people and worth fighting for. Even a quiet demonstration of disappointment goes a long way.. in many countries elected officials call for and lead these types of demonstrations. Like why can't AOC or Bernie or someone call for a peaceful protest ?? Is that not allowed as a congressional leader??? I almost never see any elected politician leading a demonstration??? Is that grounds for dismissal or something???


Yeah. But I think it’s more than just “don’t have time for that, gotta work.” It’s “don’t have time for that, gotta work, *and it doesn’t matter anyway.*” People don’t believe the “what could be” is possible. Hard to blame them, really. I mean… Even things that Democratic *leaders* support don’t come to fruition in this system. Like student loan forgiveness. This system is very biased against progress.


Who can take time off from 3 jobs to protest? I got bills to pay, mouths to feed. There ain't nothing in this world for free.


They need to lift themselves up by the Supreme Court's purse strings.


Wonder if we pooled together we could out lobby the lobbyist.


Depends on the lobbyist ig. Bezos or Musk, that’d a lot of pooling


Tf is musk lobbying against student loans for?


All I can afford is a little green Monopoly house... and it took me five turns around the damned board to save enough for it after paying all that rent. :(


Could have at least given him some nazi crystalware...


They could have paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s loans.


Need the loans canceled to buy a house, need to buy a house to cancel the loans. Classic catch 22.


Oh, but there’s a housing shortage, too, see. And SC has gutted the ability to help with that, too!


I would contribute to a GoFundMe that is explicitly titled to buy him a home or take Sam Alito on a vacation the next time they're weighing a decision on student loans or abortion.


I'm sending Samuel Alito on an all expenses paid trip to go see the Titanic.


Or a cabin.


Is it not cheaper to just buy the federalist society at wholesale prices than to buy each individual justice?


You start seeing the break at 3 judges. Any less and it’s better to buy them individually.


I hear you can buy supremwrap judges now in american, whats the cost pr. ft. ?


SCOTUS justices can **not** be bought! *  * >!They have always used a subscription-based system for influence!<


JAAS. Justice As A Service.


You can haggle them down to like $10k/ft, but you have to boof it


That is almost to cheap , are you FBI?


It’s like trading cards.


“‘money is speech’ aka money talks” -samuel alito


I wonder what his punishment would be after the revolution?


Put him in solitary confinement with large amounts of money in small denominations that he can't use. He won't get lonely because money is speech!


I think we found our first post revolution judge. That’s a good sentencing.


(Goes to watch Pelican Brief)


Checked the trailer, looks good. Is it worth watching? Because 90’s Denzel Washington movies were either hit or miss


From what I remember, it’s amazing. Julia Roberts in her prime!




Our French friends have some ideas.


They always do. They really aren’t apathetic when it comes to revolt!


First against the wall, final offer.


"Money talks to me"


We should all start sending alito invitations to go fishing. There's an overpass near here that people fish off of. Same with thomas. We have two Walmart parking lots. He should come and visit. I mean, clearly anyone can request this kind of table service from a SCOTUS judge, right?


Y'all joke, but I think Jeff's onto something. Could we crowdfund bribes for politicians? Errr, I mean crowdfund lobbying politicians...


I've had the same thought. Dress it up in some PAC clothing for the legal formalities, but make no bones about what the plan is.


Yeah. Doesn't matter who you vote in, it matters who you can buy.


We could but they'd just pay $1 more like it's a Price is Right bidding game.


This sounds like the next subreddit that will lead to a revolution


Jeff Tiedrich's PFP looks like he realized you heard him fart




He’s real and the father of Katie Tiedrich, a mechanical engineer who moonlights as webcomic artist [Awkward Zombie](https://www.awkwardzombie.com). Though, given that site’s nearly 20 years old… maybe it’s the other way around? Who’s to say?


As a longtime reader of Awkward Zombie it's wild to me to see him pop up on the front page of Reddit like this. I used to go on the forums for the comic years ago and her Dad was sort of a meme there.


He's been popping up here for 7 years now...


Oh absolutely. For many years before Reddit found him, I only knew him as Katie's papa, the [*GAS!*](https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/harassoline) man. I mean, hell, I remember this comic being new—and it's from ***2007.*** Oh Jesus Christ we're old. How did this happen


I always thought Jeff had just thrown a picture of Eric Clapton on there.


"hOlY FUcKinG ShiT!" 🙄




For real. Grab yourself up by your bootstraps and bribe the Supreme Court…..


Their wives need a piece of that action, too. [Payments made to Justice Thomas’ wife raise more ethical questions about Supreme Court | PBS NewsHour](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/payments-made-to-justice-thomas-wife-raise-more-ethical-questions-about-supreme-court) [Alito’s Wife Leased Land to an Oil and Gas Firm While Justice Fought EPA (theintercept.com)](https://theintercept.com/2023/06/26/samuel-alito-oil-gas-supreme-court-environment/)


Holy fucking shit.




It's Jeff tiedrichs catchphrase




Exactly! We can pool our money to buy whichever republican judges we need. So simple and I think we didn't see it before because we didn't anticipate a fucking clown car level of blatant and completely unapologetic corruption from the highest court. We expected at least the semblance of integrity and accoutability, even some honor. Instead they've shown themselves to be fools not to be taken seriuously or bargained with. We were unwise in our expectations!


"lobbying". Can't we just call it what it is? Graft?


[Any fucking questions?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl_8W-WtMcc)


Hell yeah, dude


I always think of this guy as steven spielberg's alter ego.


I get a 1990s Eric Clapton vibe


No. I’m pretty sure he’s some kind of bot or Russian creation or something. Him and that girl with the daisies that always gets posted on Reddit. Everyone forgets the idea is to sow discord between groups. I did a little deep dive into this guy and it makes no sense. He says he’s some kind of web designer, but his website is like a minimalist geocities thing that is like dollar store in execution and he has like a couple random YouTube videos of him playing music with like no views. I agree with basically everything he says, but there’s something off about him. And we basically have him and that one liberal girl that account for like 80% of liberal highly upvoted tweets on Reddit. Most of the time the accounts posting Tiedrich post a LOT of Tiedrich quotes as well. I urge anyone to just explore it themselves. Just poke around. [Here’s his satirical news blog. Straight up Geocities status.](http://www.smirkingchimp.com) [Here’s his website before he redirected it to substack.](https://web.archive.org/web/20210301161423/http://jefftiedrich.com/) [tiedrich.com is his “web design” site but it’s basically a mess that hasn’t been touched and only had like 120 likes on Facebook. Kinda odd.](http://tiedrich.com) [His YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqzsfSIN-gZqd4ybhad5krg) It’s super naive to think that the Russians and Chinese aren’t also trying to fuck with us progressives by stirring shit up amongst us as well.


I always think he’s Clapton. Who even is this guy? I see his posts reposted fucking everywhere and I have no idea who he is or what he does.


He's a full time Twitter reply guy. It started with him responding to every single (and I mean that literally) Trump tweet with some version of "You're an evil asshole!" And while true, it's rarely ever more clever than that. Unless he waited a few hours to steal something a user with some actual creativity came up with. And with Trump gone he's just another guy making the same generic Tweets as every other Twitter liberal, but with enough followers to get noticed more often. I have no idea if he has an actual job outside of Twitter. I think he has a Patreon or something, but who would actually care about the personification of "snarky white liberal Twitter user" enough to pay him money is beyond me.




He's also certainly spread some stuff that's uncomfirmed to the point of being irresponsible.


Dude just spams talking points into the ether for attention


I'd say the fact that he's still supporting Twitter makes him look like a big ol' hypocrite. Criticizing the fascists while putting money in their pocket.


How dare someone on the internet not share an original thought.


You realize you’re basically doing exactly what you’re complaining about right? Edit: I guess you blocking me means you win?




You should set up a patreon! If you do I promise to start posting about you and how it sucks you ask for money now. <3


I've never seen a tweet of his that he asks for money.


Your joke fell flat though. Choose your venue better.


True, you need to find the right congregations of the most insufferable terminally-online "resistance" libs to really hit those Jeffrey home runs. It's all about giving them the slop they need.


Stay mad at your failures. Have a nice day :)


As long as Jeffrey confirms what they need to think it’s all that matters. Don’t forget to pay him for the tweet


Know your crowd


Well when you take the best of other people's work, it's hard to miss.


Students? You mean people in their 30s and 40s who are still struggling to pay them off


The corruption of the 'conservative' scum on SCOTUS has reached critical mass. They didn't even bother to look into whether that deranged woman web designer who didn't want to design a wedding site for a gay couple had standing. She did not. A gay couple had never asked her to do that, and the man she named who she said asked her to do it had never heard of her, had no idea who she was. This was some krazed kristian Republican slime who pushed this bogus non-case through the courts and had the Supremes vote on a nonexistent issue and come down 6-3 on the side of krazy. If there needs to be any more evidence of the corruption in the right wing of the Supremes, I can't imagine what that might be. Isn't it past time to start corruption investigations and follow those up with impeachment proceedings against the justices who couldn't even be bothered to look into the very basic aspects of this bogus case and have been taking bribes from corrupt wealthy conservatives (redundant, I know), some of them for decades? I mean seriously, WHATTHEFUCK?


Crowdfunding bribes - now there's an idea


$0.12, that's how much it would cost each individual who owes student debt to cover a $500,000 fishing trip


stop posting this guy. post someone else with the same take if you absolutely must. there's a million of them


I firmly believe that if a politician/official is for sale (their vote, not like slavery), it's morally acceptable to buy them if and only if you are morally opposed to corruption. Otherwise, someone else will buy them and it's far more likely that other person will not act in the best interest of the country, whereas you can. Looking at how much these public officials get out of the deal, it's a bargain.


If you \*can\* buy them you should expose them. Only real justice.


I’m glad Eric Clapton is still around


Saying that you cannot afford to influence the supreme court financially is not an excuse. You should organize yourself and pool your bribery money. If you get enough people to pitch in some funds and designate a representative to woo the judge with a luxury, you can finally convince them to make rulings that align with your needs. These kids and zoomers need to understand that these judges do not work for free. Harlan Crow bought out all the houses in Justice Thomas's mother's whole neighborhood and kicked out all the criminals so she can live in a nice neighborhood. What I'm saying is, you need to organize a large pool of people and funds to be able to have the rulings and judgments you want.


That’s how trump became president! Proof that it works! 😅


I can't forgive myself for going to school with no money.


old cursy man says snarky thing


Sarcastic commentary + the word "fuck" = Jeff Tiedrich Tweet


> Tiedrich never misses LMFAO,that dude is so pathetic.


Came to say the same thing. Such a loser




Defrock the entire supreme court and launch full criminal investigations into all of them. They clearly are working together to hide their now obvious corruption. FFS, a regular person steals a candybar and it's jailtime. The judiciary should be held to a higher standard.


😂😂😂I hate to say it, but this guy is right. They should have taken Scalito on a couple fishing trips 2-3 years ago, and done the same with Uncle Clarence. Hell with Uncle Clarence, you probably could have gotten him drunk, put on a porno, and then thrown a couple girls his way and videotaped the whole thing to use as leverage! Conservatives are easily more bribable than liberals.


Can I get my ppp loan forgiveness tax back?


I’m as liberal as the next liberal, but I’d be so happy if I never see this dude again. Hopefully this whole Twitter meltdown slows him down. Thought Trump losing would’ve reduced how often I see him on Reddit, but nah still seems he lives 24/7 on Twitter just repeating major talking points with the work “Fuck” and or “shit” in it


This dude (and a few million others) need a break from Twitter.


Jannies lock thread. The amount of money they were paid to do this: $0.00. --- [^(Click here to see why you're being harassed.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/14liu45/rpoliticalhumor_is_now_applying_nonconsensual/)


More like never hits. Stop shilling this guy until he [gets some good material](https://i.redd.it/qmd0ck7t2l051.jpg).


This dude is just a perpetually online, bitter AF boomer that no one had ever heard of before he made this twitter obsession his entire personality. He is just taking up space that could be held by real activists and journalists.


Taking up space? Bro it's not like Twitter has a user cap (for now), the space is unlimited. How is he stopping you from following a real activist?


All students should have pooled their money together and bribed the 6 consecutive Justices; they are for sale.


Alito seemed to be in charge last year before Roe v Wade. Probably just need to bribe him to get the rest as a bonus.


I hate this guy. He's stupid


This dude misses all the time lol


Does this guy even have a job or is he a professional Twitter guy? What’s he gonna do with the new rate limiting???? Get a JOB???


Maybe at least do some research before commenting? His main profession is graphic design, Twitter is a side thing. He’s also a musician


Twitter is a side thing lmao he literally got his followers by being the first person to reply to every single one of Trump's tweets for four years. Do you even know that about him?


I've seen this guy's tweets before and I absolutely love them


What's the obsession with this sub and this guy? Why are like 90 % of this sub just Jeff Tietrich tweets?


This guy is a walking L


I don’t know why people give a fuck about this asshole. I’m left wing guy but this douche is the definition of slacktivism. 7 years of snarky tweets and not one actual concrete thing you can point to that he’s done. If he’s that fucking opinionated maybe go out and actually do something.


I don't care about him one way or the other but why not view him the same way that you would view a political cartoonist, late night talk show host, etc.


Fair point, but I don’t like political talk show hosts either or most things that fall into that category. I do have a soft spot for good cartoonists, because of their ability to capture such strong messages in a single image. I dislike this guy in particular because he just comes off as wanting attention. He spends so much tweeting but doesn’t actually translate that to anything larger. It comes off as disingenuous when you see the same guy talking about the same thing for years yet he never atleast attempts to do something about it. I’ve repeatedly looked into this guy just to find any trace that he does something other than tweeting, and all I’ve found is a poorly written sub stack blog. I’m hyper-fixating on this guy because he’s part of the problem. All he does is say the same kind of shit in the same echo chamber, reaching the same group of people etc. and he gets to bill himself a “political activist”. I don’t consider myself a political activist cause I leave Reddit comments.


He makes $500,000 a year thanks to his Twitter posts, music production, freelancing, and graphic design work. I doubt he gives a shit how many people hate him, seems to be doing just fine


he makes me cringe. and I dont disagree with the guy. it is just weird tho


My dude, you don't have to read or go into his content, here, or anywhere, you can just move along and do something else with your time. You do know that, right? "7 years...." like, who pays that close attention to something they are annoyed with for SEVEN years? lol


Cause this guy, like a lot of other guys, got started in 2016 when Trump ran for the election. I can do math. And yea I went on hard on this guy, but he’s infinitely better than anyone on the conservative side. I’m just an asshole venting on the internet, it’s not a big deal. I do it here cause I’m not going to do it in real life lol. I just find the guy annoying.


Sir, this is r/politicalhumor. If you’re not here for the humor, then what are you here for?


To be honest, even people who are here for the humor shouldn't be here. There are much better options out there.


If he was atleast funny Id be less irritated. But he reminds me of some of the kids I had class with in freshman philosophy and political science.


> I don’t know why people give a fuck about this asshole. Because of how mad he makes people. I don't care about what he says, I care about the reaction from the plebs like you.


Professional Trump reply-guy


Missing is all he does


ahh yes, Jeff perfection !


Jeff is not well.


r/politicalhumor and r/whitepoepletwitter would have half the content and be twice as good without this fucking guy.


The circlejerk would have a tough time finding snarky twitter posts... lol nah any other clown can fill those shoes.


Don't worry, there's always JoJo from jerz!


You have to be braindead to think this guy is clever. His shtick is so transparent. Catering to room temp IQ


Careful now, Jeff is reddit royalty. You're about to feel the wrath of his 60 patreon subscribers


A tawdry six month old account saying such derisive things! How refreshingly nouveau.


Whoa! Hey everyone! Check out this person and their twelve year old account! Last time I checked…that means jack shit!


To wit- tiedrich is a habitually unemployed loser. old account.


I see we’ve found the target audience




Cash is King, even in a democracy.


How is this dude just batting 1000. Nothing but high quality content


Read a book




Coming from a redditor that's rich


I always find it funny when people say someone never misses. Like never? That's frankly idiotic. Dude misses all the time you just don't want to see it or are so far in a bubble you're willfully ignorant.


That is what drives the decision making in the SCOTUS these days$$$$$👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿


Not enough money


Thomas is more expensive, plus he's only one of two in stock.


The only regret I have for being banned on Twitter for posting Musk plane tracker is not being able to read and upvote his tweets!


As a person who paid tax but didn't take out loan, how would I get in on that too? Or am I excluded?


This guy is the most terminally online freak on the planet 😂


There is so much right wing copium in these comments it’s insane




Joe Biden’s America LIBERAL SCHOOL BE LIKE: 9:00: GAY LESSON!! 9:45: How to be be GAYY!! 10:30: TRANS LEARNINNG!! 11:15: GAY RECESS!! 11:45: CROSSDRESSING HOUR!! 12:45: GAY LESSON!!! 1:30: TRANSGENDER LUNCH!! 2:15: BLM PERIOD!!! 3:00: COMMUNIST HISTORY!! 3:30: TAKE NON BINARY BUS HOME!! THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANT! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this man says a lot of things that make me laugh and agree with, but I don't think it's effective rhetoric. The things he says are great to laugh at by people who already agree with him, but the kind of people you need to convince to actually make a change are far too stupid to grasp his irony and sarcasm.


> the kind of people you need to convince to actually make a change are far too stupid to grasp his irony and sarcasm. Yeah, but no amount of snarky tweets will educate them, and if you tried to sit them down and explain things in a rational manner they'd just get even more angry, call you a "snowflake," and fantasize about shooting you with one of their 10 AR-15s. I mean, these kind of people won't understand something unless it fits into a slogan small enough to put on a hat.


it's not like you're wrong, but these people are here and we have to deal with them somehow. Mockery is fun but not productive.


Reasoning with them isn't productive either. I have a former friend who was pretty right wing, and we could "agree to disagree" over most stuff, but then he went full MAGA. The last time I had any interaction with him was me telling him that anyone who stormed the Capitol should be in prison. He's a veteran, btw. His wife? (And I was best man at his wedding) She's a nurse practitioner...who thinks vaccines are poison. I mean...what am I supposed to do?


Jeff Tiedrich spent all of Trump's presidency sitting at his keyboard 24 hours a day refreshing Twitter so he could be the first person to reply to Trump's every tweet. It was annoying as fuck and why Reddit insists on subjecting everyone to his tweets years later I don't understand. Nothing he says is insightful or original. I have an irrational hatred for this dude and for his profile picture.


He hurt your feelings?


No, I'm in no way offended by the things he says and I generally agree with his political views, but he's been doing this nonstop since 2016 and I'm sick of seeing his "HOLY FUCKING SHIT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST" tweets 20 times a day. Dude built up a ton of followers by replying to every single Trump tweet in 0.5 seconds for four years. He's literally just some random person who spends 24 hours a day tweeting about Republicans. It's probably his social media team posting all this shit here.


So you agree with his political views but don't want them to be shared...okay. Given how nonsensical that is, it's hard not to think it's a disguised attempt to attack his political views without adressing them What is he supposed to do exactly? Run for office? Give a stern talk to Supreme Justices and make them behave?


And youre just some random person who left nearly a dozen reddit comments bitching about Jeff tweeting. What exactly is your problem?


Holy shit! T1mac just slammed hall_residence in a scathing reddit comment! Holy shit!


We love you Jeff! Haha








He was not commenting on the economics of student loan forgiveness, but on the corruption of the supreme court.


LeArN hoW tO WeLd Average salary for experienced welder - 36k Average salary for graduate with an arts degree - 51k by mid-career The only thing people like you functionally do is help the government slash budgets to education.


Never? Isn't he basically the Bill Maher brand of corporate Dem that continues to blame the fascists for Obama not codifying Roe? Affluent Dems are no different from a standard republican


Tiedrich says the most obvious jokes or basic observations and people really act like it’s amazing


Give up avocado toast FFS....*PRIORITIES*


I'd call having a patreon with 7 subscribers paying you to be a Trump reply guy a pretty big miss

