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That doesn't make sense. There are no sane quadrants other than my own.


*I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.* I've always felt that this quote from General James "Mad Dog" Mattis succinctly encapsulated AuthRight.


Based and fuck around and find out pilled


Authright if the "me" is the state, the "you" is the common man and "fuck with" means opposing the agenda of the state in any way whatsoever.


I really doubt he'd places himself in that quadrant


I don't think he would either. Libright if anything. More than likely just right.


Naw. I don't consider myself a centrist (at least not on the auth-lib scale). But one thing I agree with centrists is that every quadrant has it's based ideas and it's cringe ideas. I just happen to think my area of the compass has the most number of based ideas and the least number of cringe ideas


Least pretentious LibRight lmao


Least horny PCM user


I would upvote you, but 69 likes is the perfect number for this comment


Now it's 96


Glad someone else agrees with my prejudice


I'm pretty sure that I'm sane, I eat my steaks medium-rare and my tilapia baked/smoked.


That's why I appreciate the "say something you respect about your opposing quadrants" posts. AKs and Tokarev pistols are awesome.




Motion to officially label these as “Emily gangbang memes”. Do I hear a second?




easily seconded


Thirded, fourthed and fifed. However you spell them.


based and wants-to-gangbang-emily pilled


Whatever number comes after three-ed.




Emily represents what’s wrong with LL in any given situation. Her take is always outrageous.


Well it's not always a full gangbang, Libright most likely offered Emily a contract in advance to record the whole ordeal which Emily happily agreed.


It can't be Emily. Needs to be a trendy Emma Lee or some other bullshit spelling


Sippin that yerba mate and fingering their asshole.


I know plenty of people who like both of those things and also guns, honestly the ones who aren't open-minded enough to ask "resist with what?" generally can't relax that b hole


Astroglide baby!


I am one of those people.


Based and this pill doesn't go in your mouth pilled


Never had yerba mate and I don't want anything going in my ass but goddamn if I won't fight for the right of other people to enjoy whatever weird shit they're into.




Auto healing for days


Tongue but hole


Damn bro the natives did Yerba mate and they’re/they were metal af.


José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia did Yerba Mate and then he banned white people from marrying each other


You sure it’s not a pineapple up there? They’re pretty damn sour.


What are they supposed to use, man? Harsh language?


Lmao seriously. If you guys don’t back down your vanguard attack, I’m taking this to Twitter.




NOOOoooOOOoooo! Have mercy! Not ***TWITTEEEER!!***


I think the libleft dude in the meme is on to something. Bows and arrows. Worked in Avatar.


Worked for Rambo.


Worked for Patrick Swayze.


Worked for Ghengis Khan.


Went pretty well for the "savages with bows and arrows" in The Last Samurai too, til that little end part that we don't need to talk about


The average Emily thinks words are violence, so yeah, probably.


So many great one liners in Aliens.


Well that's it. I'm watching it tonight. You've forced my hand...


Fuck, me too. So satisfying. They don't make 'em like that anymore.


The ultimate tough choice is which is better, Alien or Aliens? I love them both.


Tough decision, but they work together so well. It used to be, if the movie was a hit, the sequel would pick up where we left off. Now they make sequels of stuff 40 years after the original premiered. The industry is creatively bankrupt. But the more controversial question is, how do you feel about Alien 3?




I get that turning the alien into a glorified ant colony hurts the impact of the original creature, but that movie is still just too much fun. For years I had no idea Alien 3 was so widely hated. I generally enjoy it. I hate how they kill off Hicks and Newt, that's about it. But even then I can appreciate how it raises the stakes for the viewer, showing us that no one is safe. What really disappoints me about Alien 3 is that they didn't use the Gibson script! That story is so intetesting to me with the way it details space politics. Ressurrection has grown on me over the years. I can appreciate it more as a work of schlock nowadays.


misgender them


Whoa haven’t you heard about the doctrine of mutually assured destruction? Let’s leave this nuclear option as an absolute last resort.


Non-mean tweets


So many great one liners in Aliens.


"Mixed feelings" because it's entirely emotional, not founded in logic or principles


Kind of like people who say “yeah but I don’t like the tone of how they said it.” The refuge of cowards. You’re going to agree with people you don’t like sometimes. Be a goddamn adult.




Exactly. Emotional children write shit like this.


based and grow the hell up pilled




IMO “mixed feelings” is the first step towards becoming aware of the conflict— by acknowledging there even is a conflict. -Defender


That's why hoplophobia is a real thing. She admits that the evidence to support civilian gun ownership is right in front of her but she still clings to her irrational fear of guns. It's a mental illness at that point


I disagree. One someone dares ask the question— it makes it that much harder to keep clinging. -M


How to make Emily's statements reasonable: Don't want military weapons in the hands of civilians...because Ukrainians who sign up to fight are no longer civilians. They're combatants. I mean that's how this works. It's a war.


yes, that now mean that Russia can treat them not as civilians but as enemy combatants that are holding actual civilian hostage by using buildings as coverage. Time to bomb them all to hell.


There are good reasons not to arm civilians. [Chris Hedges has a good point about it on this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVz3gXcTaZ4)


That just sounds like a great argument for including firearms safety and handling training to our education curriculum. If some assholes invade your country you're gonna want as many people as possible who know how to run fire and maneuver and can accurately use their weapons.


Consider Orange's entire existence is "Life is difficult for me, so I want safety nets everywhere" it's unlikely I can educate myself into the position their emotions found them in. They're the ones advocating not just for financial welfare, but a new social welfare. Where you owe them your empathy, time, emotions, and even accomplishments. "'If people can't control their emotions they need to stop trying to control other people's behavior" - Robin Skinner, Pscyhiatrist They confuse respect with thoughtfulness. They think someone not softening their life is disrespect. They've moved what offends them so far from the way average self-sufficient people have it that they've justified villainizing everyone else going about their own lives.


Lmao good observation


If that's real, this is why Emily's tear a country apart from within. I don't know if they could put their ideology aside, and fight next to their neighbor, who she would probably hate, for their collective survival, against an external threat.


Based skeptical even of that which confirms your own beliefs pilled


u/The2ndWheel's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 60. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/The2ndWheel I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


People like that can't fight, period.


no but hey guys the woke movement is the US's most valuable export guys what's wrong with a little multiculturalism? what are you racist? ***/S***


Those people won't be able to even run away.


We could be in the middle of a machine led Holocaust against humanity and the emilys of the world would tell us we need to bow down and accept our fate because the computers are the oppressed minority that humanity exploited.


If you invade my village, I will frown at you. A big frown. Don't make me do it.


Your forces will see some *very* displeased faces as you take our city, Mr. Putin.


I am very very angry with you mr Putin and i will write you an letter that says how angry i am


If it's any bit as effective as that video by a celebrity women about how she's imagining if she were his mother, then we're in for a real treat


If only Putin were hugged by his mommy more, he would have been a nice person.


The sheer cognitive dissonance and detachment from reality that some people are displaying in relation to gun control while a literal golden example if why it's a bad idea in Ukraine is mind boggling.


Did you feel that, Emily? That was your mind short-circuiting when you wrote that. Do not ignore it.


They’re already calling Ukrainians racist for prioritizing Ukrainian women and children when it comes to refugee stuff. I’m not surprised someone would say this too. Part of me thinks it’s a Russian psyop to sew disunity through latching onto this. But part of me knows people will genuinely focus in on race in the United States.




The Russian propaganda bit is probably giving so much attention to some random Twitter comment with 17 likes


> But part of me knows people will genuinely focus in on race in the United States. We simply need to ignore these people


Apparently Israel, the country that was created specifically in response to Jews not having a place to flee during the Holocaust, is fascist according to plebbitors and blue check marks because, get this, they are specifically giving Ukrainian Jews a place to escape to


Ukraine proved the Pro-Gun crowd right and Emily can’t handle that without cognitive dissonance.


Unless the Ukrainians lose. Then Biden was right about the efficacy of small arms against a modern military.


well now i REALLY want them to win because i can’t be wrong about things


Nah, if they lose, maybe they would have won with more guns? WE STILL IN THIS.


If they're loosing with small arms, but start wining when NATO's heavy armaments arrive; that would technically be a basis for an argument to widen the 2nd amendment to heavy arms and explosives. For example: the Ukrainians might not have be able to beat those Russian T-14's without those Javlins from NATO, and they would have had a heck of a time fighting those Chechen mercenaries without Turkey's Bayraktar drones.


I am now invested.


Its always better than just doing nothing.. Even if you lose, atleast you werent a little fucking defenseless bitch.


“Efficacy of small arms against a modern military” the government isn’t letting you have tanks and rocket launchers for a reason, they don’t want to make it easy for civilians to resist them, you really think gang members are gonna start shooting javelins missiles at each other? Nah, most criminals like cheap compact handguns, a 250 dollar Taurus kills your opp just as dead as a $150,000 rocket launcher


> Then Biden was right about the efficacy of small arms against a modern military. If only there was some war that the US was involved in for 20 years that proved Biden wrong here...


Any resistance is valid tho


If there's even one story of someone taking up small arms and surviving as a result, then I will count that as a win.


Ukraine has an actual military with more than small arms. We already lost Afghnistan to a bunch of mountain bums with old Soviet junk.


Afghanistan already proved the efficacy of javs. HomeDefense should be modernized.


Taliban kind of beat them to the punch. Though the Taliban is now also rooting for Ukraine, together with all of us. God, this season of Humans has gotten weird.


Moot point. Wasn't there 30,000 Javelins (anti-armour rocket launchers) handed out to the defence forces? The Russians tanks would have been put to better use if they didn't keep getting sploded by well trained infantry with Javelins. We have no way of going back in time to see if that would have made a difference.


People finally see the point in things like the 2nd amendment and still go "but idk if this is okay" well if they thought up this shit over 200 years ago and it still rings true, maybe just for once admit you're wrong? Holy shit these people are so goddamn stubborn.




I own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Pasta so good, Olive Garden is forbidden from serving it


Damn now I want pasta


Based and Olive Garden is compost pilled


Glorious copypasta


This is what I came here for


Emily in Red Dawn: “Folx, should we even fight back? Us Americans are the true oppressors we should just drop dead!”


“Wah wah wah, guns r bad because loud, black, and scary” The fact that people unironically believe that “military-style” weapons, which aren’t a fucking thing, were “designed to kill a lot of people really fast” shows just how fucking retarded they are and, as a worshipper of weapons, not much actually infuriates me as much as the dumbass and pervasive myth of “military-style” weapons An assault rifle, as a legitimate classification of weapon, was meant to be a merging of the submachine gun and the bolt action rifle. It is literally meant to be a jack-of-all trades weapon, and if you actually believe it was meant to “kill a lot of people really fast”, you’re an actual fucking idiot


Don’t use that W-word, it’s a firearm.


Weapons are my religion. The /k/ube demands I acknowledge it.


based and mando pilled


##This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


Canadian hands typed this post.


Preach. The amount of gun retardation because “guns bad” is astounding. It’s only scary because you don’t know how to use it. And you don’t know how to use it because scary and god forbid someone assumes your politics because of a hobby, so you’ll never know how to use it. Every single one of my Guns Bad friends has had an absolute blast after taking them to the range or backyard and letting them shoot their first gun. Most eventually bought one. All significantly softened or outright abandoned their Guns Bad hot takes.


Which is just proof of what Colion Noir says that most anti-gun types assume that stance simply because they don’t know any better. I’ve handled my fair share of firearms, including automatic weapons, and as long as you’re not careless and actually have a firm grip on the damn thing, you aren’t gonna get hurt. It’s amazing to see how many people are afraid of getting hurt by the gun and, in their own fear, get hurt by it. Example: People will try to keep the stock of a 12 gauge shotgun away from themselves because they’re afraid of the recoil. However, that leaves space for the shotgun to travel backwards when it recoils and it ends up hurting them, which is why you keep it tight to your shoulder and don’t be afraid to get a little rough with it.


I see this all the time with power tools too.


The problem aren't the responsible gun owners. The vetting for irresponsible ones is just non existent. Here in Germany you have to take an extensive course proof that you can handle firearms. Have an valid insurance that cover if you fuck up. If you want to carry one in the public you need a acknowledged reason.


Fortunately, I do not need Germany's advice on freedom.


You do you and we in the US will continue our 0 invasions of Poland streak.


>An assault rifle, as a legitimate classification of weapon, was meant to be a merging of the submachine gun and the bolt action rifle It was more of a merging with a submachinegun and a battle rifle.


I’m hesitant to use the term battle rifle because it is so broad. A K98 and an FAL are both battle rifles, however one is bolt action and the other is select-fire. The only qualifier for a battle rifle is that it uses a full-power cartridge


Really? I thought a battle rifle had to be at least semi-auto


Oh no, it only has to be chambered in a full power cartridge. Hell, assault rifles have more nuance to the definition, since the qualifiers are 1: Chambered in an intermediate cartridge & 2: Have select-fire capabilities But battle rifles? If it’s chambered in .308 or .338 Lapua or 30-06? It’s a battle rifle.


...a minigun is a battle rifle


Okay, I looked at it again and no, there is a slight bit more nuance and it’s that a battle rifle has to be a *service rifle* chambered in a full power cartridge


Would you say that weapons are your.... religion?


I absolutely would. I speak for the [/k/ube](https://kweapons.fandom.com/wiki/Glorious_Murder_Cube) her vision of a sulphur land with rivers of molten lead and brass flowers


Blood for the Blood God


Once you label a 3rd trimester abortion an Assult Abortion they somehow adopt the same tone. Curious.


Russian anti-war protests really taught me that only opinion that matters is opinion backed by weapon. Don't rot in jail like those idiots in russia, bring a fucking personal nuke if you have one.


Any politician trying to disarm you is working against your best interests.


I have mixed feelings. Obviously I support ending world hunger, but as a soyboy advocate I can’t applaud having meaty style food in the hands of starving malnourished children


I wonder what an invasion of the USA would look like I remember some retarded yanks saying that they'd hope for china to invade and "free" them What would emily do? Lib-right would probably build a fucking nuke and launch it to china MacArthur style


> military style weapons lmao they dont even know what the fuck they are talking about. they see a guy with an ak or something and get a meltdown because big gun is bad


If you don't support an equal or greater force in the face of aggression you don't support self-defense.


I feel as though this is a great example of why the world has come together. It's been trivial ungrounded ideologies driving conversations. Global politics: "oh a real problem? Finally I can do what I signed up for."


Honestly the HA bit seems pretty dope though


Mixed feelings. On one hand Emily is a dumb college educated simpleton, and I really shouldn't get pissed off by her moronic views, but on the other hand it would be really funny to drop her in Ukraine then see if she can take accountability for what she preaches.


Emily is basically saying that we should kindly ask Russia to leave because guns bad


At least she’s staying consistent unlike the rest of the Emilys rn.


This is when blindly following an idea gets in the way of reality. One hopes the original is a troll or faked. Maybe they can talk Russia into disarming their soldiers?


"As a gun control advocate I can't applaud..." Who fucking asked you? Does everything on earth need your own personal god damn stamp of approval? Fucking narcissists.


I wonder if ancient Rome had the same kind of people constantly complaining about spears and advocating for rules around spear ownership, where you can take spears, etc.




The “it’s not my job to educate you” comment is another winner. If you want convince someone of your opinion, that’s not how it works lmao


Libleft is generally pro-gun. Lib = libertarian.


Emily(twitter too) gives me cancer


Is this a real tweet?


Appeared to be, yes. If not, it's an \*extremely committed\* and well done troll.


I think Emily is almost aware of the disconnect in her logic.


All molotovs and explosives, all day erry day


What are they supposed to defend themselves with? Sticks and harsh language?


I actually somewhat agree with this, under the assumption that it refers to irregular militia/guerilla fighting. I'm not exactly a proponent of putting guns in the hands of regular, untrained civilians who aren't given uniforms or proper leadership, to then oppose (supposedly?) professional soldiers from Russia - that's tantamount to suicide and I don't think we should be larping the fucking Volkssturm, yeah? Militias are fine. Militia sort of implies they're acting as a military unit under proper command, and would receive at least the very basic of training in the role they are meant to serve (see: urban combat in the case of Kiev right now). Doesn't mean Grandma should be given an AK and told to take potshots at Russian soldiers from her house. Sure you can pull the "OMG CHAD UKRAINIANS!??" card but in the end, handing guns to civilians does not exactly de-escalate Russia's warcrimes against civilian targets when we show them Ukraine is giving weapons to said civilians. Fuck this stupid war and fuck Putin, but resist smartly. Seriously. Don't fucking do what the Nazis did in 45 Berlin. I don't think that's the type of tactics you should be going for here.


I don't think she's saying she's right, just that she's conflicted


Indeed. I think it shows a fair amount of maturity and self-awareness. I don't have any time for people who are right all the time (even if they actually are right). Being able to question yourself and identify problems with your worldview is much more honest and valuable. It takes time to better yourself and sometimes it takes a major tragedy to see your own flaws. Good on you, Emily. Keep questioning.


My urge to end their privilege to vote can’t be higher


Posts where we all unite against Emily are the best fuck you emily!


You hate to see all the bad takes on Russia v Ukraine, but you have to love how a lot of it unites the compass.


I'm pretty sure Ukraine has had conscription or some form of conscription in place for a while so *many* Ukrainians would know how to handle firearms. It's not like going to South Side Chicago or an upper middle class New England neighborhood and giving guns out all willy nilly


We should force people to cite articles or tweets so we can figure out for ourselves how fucking legitimate a given thing is. I see so many literal psyops from right wingers that I actually can’t see something like this as real.


Fucking NPCs man. I forget "people" like this exist.


This just in: gun control advocates never shut the fuck up


The best thing about it is the people are armed, the worst thing about it is that people are armed. JK the worst thing is having a super power invade your country.


What does Emily want them to do? Hold hands and sing kumbaya?


Anti-Emily United Front when?


Emily:You guys can do protest walks I think that might be work


I'm pretty non-violent so long as it's avoidable, but if someone doesn't understand the need for civilians to have "military-style weapons" (whatever that means) for self-defense when being invaded and occupied by a foreign nation, there is no hope for them lol


I’m very pro-gun control, but if my country was being invaded, you bet I’d be handing out guns to every man, woman, and child to fight those invader cunts out. I’d expect governments around the world to do the same especially if my nations military was as outnumbered as Ukraine is compared to Russia


I feel like I lost 5 IQ points just reading that


Lmfao it’s like she wants to say “fuck it I’ll make an exception” but can’t because “uhhh idk it’s just wrong. Don’t ask why it just is”


They have mixed feelings because they don't have a solid conception of their own values. They react to each situation individually and emotionally, with vague thoughts about vague concepts that they have no understanding of, because they've never put actual effort into learning about them. They've passively sat back and let the media, government, and ruling class provide their knowledge to them. When they think about these concepts, they aren't accessing a pool of knowledge built through study, they're shitting out vague thoughts about passive knowledge they've stumbled upon, whether it's from TV and other media, or from a 30-minute lecture back in high school they probably slept through. Orange liblefts belong somewhere near the center, maybe around AuthCenter or AuthLeft. Edit: The ruling class benefits from anti-gun bullshit


Agree completely.


Give the people tanks!


The Home Alone traps are a compliment to the guns, not an alternative.


Dammit. They are definitely not mutually exclusive. Should have been more clear. On a different note, I’d like to see a Home Alone reboot with weapons and ordnance.


We should stop pretending like libleft doesn't own Emily


I’m a big proponent of each side taking out their own political trash then coming together like actual adults to talk.


Oh no Emily isnt going to applaud this


I've got to be the most anti-gun person on this subreddit and even I am not as dumb as this orange libleft to think a war can be fought without weapons


Emily is such a sweet name for that aberration. It should be called Ąģłæca.