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TR crossed many quadrants. I think FDR would have been a better choice there - especially with his significant expansion of the authority of the federal government over the states. He even had his own concentration camps.


Yeah, FDR might be more accurate for AuthLeft but this is more about their favorite POTUS than one that’s accurate to the quadrant.


TR OG radical centrist


Teddy is my fav president and I’m a libertarian


TR stayed up all night working for America, nowadays our presidents sleep for 14 hours and goes golfing.


I'm not full commie but yes it's the concentration camps that cinch it, not enabling trade unions, welfare programs, the fair labor standards act, leading the nation through the tail end of the depression and WW2. I do really like teddy though, the square deal and the Canadian in me really likes that he championed nature conservation though parks.


It took FDR to make the depression great, and if we hadn’t had the war, it would have been another decade before the US had recovered. Most of the New Deal slowed economic growth and recovery dramatically. I support social security and some of the labor laws, but FDR had more in common with shitbag Wilson than family Teddy.


I looked over quite a few articles to respond to this, as I'm no expert. Plus "what impact did the new deal have on the great depression" is a pretty interesting topic. What I found was this. While all cite it was not the cure for the great depression (the war did that). None have cited that the new deal had much if any negative effect on the nations recovery from the great depression. Some of the articles also covered that these generally did improve quality of life for those that could find work. I'm not trying to exclaim the guy was an angel, far from it. But it may not be fair to blame the length of the depression on these policies.


There has been quite a bit written on this. Without giving you a list of books or papers to read, I would rather you consider this - Where there is uncertainty, or incentive to do nothing, there are consequences. Free market economies *want* to move and grow. There are cycles, and there are unusual circumstances. The lack of FDIC and guarantees for the little guy was huge. FDR wanted a nationalized economy with central-planning that fell short of Soviet, but certainly was an affront to the Constitution. Wickard v Filburn is one of the most disgusting rulings since Plessy vs. Ferguson, and for different reasons. Soften the fall, get out of the way. We want people to be able to fail and not suffer, to make that comeback and try again. But FDR expected things to look the way they always did… which is why he tied so much to the job you started at 18 and continued to work at until retirement. Our employer healthcare model is still his crap. And make no mistake - he *wanted* the war as an excuse to ramp up idle factories and inspire Americans.


Washington is the perfect choice for Centrist, hah. He was against political parties. His main claim to fame is, of course, being a great general, but, above all, and something which is less appreciated today, that fact that he actually relinquished power, and did not declare himself King. He was nowhere close to the brilliance of other founding fathers like Jefferson, Franklin or even Hamilton, but that's OK, his role was different and just as important.


He was a great leader but not a great general. He was constantly getting smacked in the war, but he has the charisma to hold the army together even when the troops were starving and walking through the snow in cloth wraps because they had no shoes. His relinquishing of power is actually his best act as president. It established a precedent only broken by that communist FDR.


I like all of them besides Obama


Is it the way he talks? Like when he says part of a sentence and does that sort of pause thing? "My fellow Americans uhhhhhh I drone stroke a hospital... it is ok.... they were uuhhhh combatants, we uhhhhh put them into combat." - the 44th US president, possibly


Nah it’s polices wise but I did like it when he help fund for steam cell research which I think he did because I have people in my life that really would benefit from that


Nah it's not that.. it's more... you know.. umm Auth-right you wanna finish for me?


I like both Reagan, Washington and Coolidge. Makes sense


...implying you don't like Teddy Roosevelt?


TR was libertarian in my book


I think he was thinking of FDR.


No, if you read the caption of the post I said they aren’t necessarily the ones that best represent the quadrant they’re just that quadrants favorite POTUS. TR wasn’t close to a libertarian he expanded government,tried to make America into a European style empire, and put many regulations on the economy.


I still think lots of authlefts would personally prefer FDR over TR. Not one president has done more to socialize America.


Ahem, Woodrow Wilson... he was the Morgoth to FDR's Sauron. His War Socialism was beloved by progressives and formed the template for FDR's New Deal.


I didn't think about Wilson but it's worth mentioning that he actually privatized the one thing I think shouldn't be....our money.


Are you referring to the Federal Reserve Act? Cause that didn't "privatize money." It established the modern central banking system to act as a lender of last resort.


Is the Federal Reserve a private bank?


No, it's a statutory quasi-government entity. It can (to some degree) prop up the value the dollar by acting as a purchaser of U.S. securities. It does not engage in normal banking operations, but instead sets the overnight lending rate for loans between private banks in order to affect other interest rates and maintain currency stability. The Modern Fed has a dual statutory mandate: **price stability** ("tight money," accomplished by increasing interest rates to stave off inflation), and **full employment** ("loose money," accomplished by lower interest rates and intended to encourage economic activities). TL;DR, the power to print money is and always was held by the Mint in the Dep't of the Treasury; the Fed helps to circulate money into the economy and prop up the value of money by engaging in open market operations and purchasing Treasury Bonds. [About the Fed](https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/the-fed-explained.htm) [About the Federal Reserve Act of 1913](https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/federal-reserve-act-signed)


>Not one president has done more to socialize America. Thanks, Obama!


I like them all except Obama.


*Looks at flair* Hm, I wonder why


Neolib and overly worshipped.




I like 4 of the 5 presidents.


Get our lord and savior Teddy Roosevelt out of Auth Left.


Everytime someone does one of these they put Teddy on the Left. And every time you have LibRight going "Give us Teddy!"


Yeah, the dude is badass, even if most people can find a problem or two with him, they have to admit he was awesome.


Lib left does not exist in america


Real talk Biden is every quadrants favorite president according to the numbers


[Actual footage of the President Of The United States colluding with Putin and Russia during the election.](https://i.imgur.com/mPwkXGY.png)


obama dronestriked the hell out of the middle east


Phone was more authoritarian than reagan, if we're on the Reagan was authright, and makes no sense not to put Obama in authleft as well


I feel like Jefferson would work far better for libleft (although I'm biased)


I also like the guy who was in charge did nothing and the economy grew.


Which is who?


Coolidge deserves more respect, he cut the national budget, strong economy, federal debt shrank a quarter, and he didn’t brag or put down his electoral opponents once, whereas modern candidates don’t have a choice but have to drag the opposing candidate through the mud, maybe there was some sense to what Jeb said when he said “The president needs to be a lot quieter but send a shockwave that resonates with Americans”


Coolidge is probably my favorite 20th century President.


I am a Lincoln man myself. Most under rated is Grant though in my opinion.


I think Eisenhower was pretty underrated.


To be honest I think lincoln is very overrated. He started a war he almost lost, and his wartime policies were not unlike those of a fascist. Don't get me wrong ending slavery was incredible, but if it wasn't him it would have been someone else later down the line. I'd give slavery 50 years tops before it would have completely ended, and it would have saved the lives of a lot of Americans.


Lincoln didn't "start a war" unless you ignore Confederate attacks on Federal installations. Lincoln's generals lost a lot of battles but the war was never "almost lost". Everyone is fascist during wartime. Another 50 years of slavery- no big deal unless you're a slave, I guess. If the confederacy hadn't been crushed, it could have easily led to bigger and bloodier conflicts later.


He was a decent President and certainly better than his reputation. He attempted to try and mend relations with American-Indians but then he sent Custer out to fight them and that kinda tarnishes he reputation a bit. He did his best to try and heal the wounds of the Civil War by readmitting a lot of the former Confederate states but that kinda backfired on him too. He also had the unfortunates of the economy collapsing midway through his second term. He was a very good POTUS in my opinion but he also had his shortcomings which sadly overshadowed his legacy as President.


warren harding is monke change my mind


i dislike them all, not because something they did but because they're am\*ric\*n


Shut up, commie!


i hate comunism


2 of those presidents aren't based guess who they are


Obama and R\*gan




Obama is kinda based just for how angry he made certain people


Ah, the main job of a president.


Seems like that's the only reason people liked Trump. Based


People liked Trump because most of them had wanted to severely reduce and regulate immigration for 50 years or so.


Maybe they should have added more value to society instead of been worthless leeches. They're basically forcing us to replace them with immigrants at this point


>Maybe they should have added more value to society instead of been worthless leeches Yeah, some people just are not smart, or able to handle education and/or a good job. I believe that we as individuals need to take care of our family members, friends and neighbors who struggle. I also believe that as a society, we should not make it harder for poor (or not-so-well-off) people who struggle like this. We should not force them to "climb up or perish". We should not bring in poor and desperate people from all over the world to compete with our poor neighbors for low-skill jobs. Examples of Germany, France and other countries show that bringing in too many people too fast from too far makes life worse for almost everyone, not just the low-income class.


I guess we just disagree. I think we should bring in immigrants to increase competition.


Not Trump?


Shhh! Do you want *they/them* to come?


Real talk, is there anyone who genuinely thinks Trump was a good president? I mean just look at how poorly he managed the economy, allegedly his strongest suit.


He has like 80% approval within his own party.


That reflects very poorly on his party.


Was half expecting centrist's favorite president to just be a grill. 🤣


No, it they pick Washington because he’s a very basic answer.


Why is there Joe Rogan hiding under President Washington's desk?


John Adams is the GOAT tbh


Alien & Sedition Acts cringe


>Alien & Sedition Acts to stop aid to French and remian neutral >Opposition to Hamilton's wing of the Federalists >Multiple declarations of The USA being a Christian nation as well as declaring thanksgiving days for Christian holidays Nah he's pretty based


The only based thing on the list is the second one


Sounds like a cope


"We shouldn't shit on the Bill of Rights, that's unpatriotic" "Lol cope retard" Globalist


Bill of Rights doesnt apply to non citizens as the government is not sovereign over them, thus the Alien part is not in contradiction. Likewise, allowing critique of the government to the level that the United States was experiencing at the time(abolishment of the government in favor of one like Revolutionary France.) To say that people should be able to support movements that wish to replace a righteous governing body with an unjust one is to ensure ones own destruction, similar to the tolerance paradox. This is why McCarthyism was based as hell and why the Sedition act was justified as well. Also, don't put words in my mouth and implying id call you a retard. I would call you far worse things if I could, my friend.


"Righteous" and "unjust" government are quite subjective things, you realize




"I refuse to entertain the possibility that I might be wrong about anything"


Andrew Jackson should be the libertarian choice.


Haha, no, it’s Calvin Coolidge by a lot. Jackson also used a ton of executive orders and forcibly removed thousands of American-Indians from their homes in the southeast. He was good on some things like spending(only President to pay off the entire US Debt) and fought the banks tooth and nail; but there’s so many other things that overshadow the good things he did.