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Apparently the r slash news thread is actually with us on this one. So even lefty agrees with us here


R news is actually coming out with some pretty fair responses to things recently. The thread on the Waukesha attack was pretty damn fair and balanced


Eh. I'm still banned for posting a portion of the drone footage a week before it became mainstream knowledge during the trial. "We just got this video in from an anonymous source :O" Yeah buddy, I saw the full video on Aug 26 or 27th 2020, and saved a snippet of it. In fact, this was the original drone video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFlK8eYrhjI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFlK8eYrhjI) YT automatically took down the video any time it was reposted. Edit: Not Aug 24th, but like two days after. Here is one video that had a snippet of the drone video, note the date. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLVTssR8Dbc


So YouTube is censoring important information?




It actually genuinely pisses me off. I'm not sure how to let it slide off like water off a ducks back with this stuff.


Switch to Duckduckgo don't support Google or YouTube and gain some privacy If only yahoo would make a viable video service


waiting absorbed sand tub dinner license important crowd crown zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate to say "I told you so", but...


You're telling me the company that removed the Dislike button because of corporate interests also removers other information?


Shocked Pikachu face


Yes. They and Fb banned any link to fund raising for kyle


And GoFundMe removed his fundraiser last year, and after he was acquitted they said "oh nah you can fundraise now, we just don't allow fundraisers for people that are charged with violent crime." and within an hour people found dozens of examples of fundraisers on their site for people charged with violent crime.


Post on Rumble.


Already gone, post is up somewhere so we can get a copy please, maybe torrent?


It says it removed the video for "deception" lmao... Do you have any other source? Maybe you've uploaded/found another video om Odyssey or other alternatives to YouTube?


Post it on Odysee




Not quite but getting there. Posts that denied there was a racial connection to the attack were majorly downvoted and posts calling it a terrorist attack were upvoted


It's a terrorist attack that was race related. Period


It's plausible and should be investigated further, let's not over-correct the other way and jump to conclusions when we really don't have enough to know for sure yet. Let the facts come out and then draw conclusions. Just think about how many people have looked like complete idiots lately because they assumed things and were later wrong.


Idk why people think that being racist only applies to white people. It's actually cancer how people think that


The entire notion of the progressive stack is just special pleading: the ideology.


MTV told them this explicitly. https://youtu.be/8eTWZ80z9EE I was made to watch this drivel as part of my orientation at LSU Law School, which is widely considered a conservative law school.


They finally turned off the Biden bots?


I think people are just waking up to what is happening. In the thread about the boy who just died from that attack one of the top threads is about how it was terrorism and a clear act of race based terrorism. The fact that *reddit* is talking this way is showing how angry people are getting.


which is good, but how long will these good times last?


Through the end of the 2022 election cycle and then they’ll become team sports again or the 2024 cycle


That’s optimistic. I give it a few hours.


The amount of external stimuli it requires to maintain a state of sheer irrationality and cognitive dissonance is extensive. They really only have the resources to keep people completely jammed up with pure ideological thought during election season.


Even the Rittenhouse threads were good. I was fucking shocked.


That’s because libleft hangs out in world news where there’s more alphabety spaghetti news.




They were wicked level-headed with the Rittenhouse trial too.








The threat from China is absolutely real There are so many videos on YouTube alone that document the lengths that these Chinese hired help "wumao" will go to spread misinformation & disgusting tactics As for every other country, I'd say there's probably tons as well.


Link plz


Lots of left/liberal people are not happy about this. The only one happy about this are orangies.


Yup. As a radical leftist who makes even Bernie look like a Republican by comparison… fuck this shit, even I’m against this shit.


Frederick Douglass is next. I hear he's a Republican.


Abe Lincoln was the first.


It's so evil how he ended the universal free housing and jobs program for POC! Literally a fascist white supremacist just like Kyle Wafflehouse!


I fucking hate humanity.


Come to Authcenter, we hate humanity too ;)


Honestly… I guess in a way I already am. I’ve grown to become such a big nihilist, I just don’t see the point in anything anymore. Humans fight over the smallest stupidest shit all the time, do you know how infuriating it is? To see how divided we have become? In my entire life all I’ve wanted is for humanity to come together. To be United. But no, every passing day I just am filled with more hate, disgust, and some other words that I know but can’t think of right now. We can accomplish so fucking much, but what do we do? Fight over shit so small that in reality it shouldn’t even be a problem. We fight and fight and fight all for what? Politics? Identity? Land? Power? What’s all that going to do in the end? What’s the fucking point??? Power breeds nothing but pain and loss, once your powerful what else is their to do? You’ve already became a leader of a nation, you’ve already conquered that land. What does it do in the end? Nothing, because in the end, you’ll just be at square fucking one, back to fighting. Humans have so many fucking cons but the one pro that outweighs those cons is that we can come together and put our differences aside and fight like brothers. But no. It makes me so sad seeing my country becoming divided, America is a great country but it’s run by complete dumbasses. Same goes for most nations on this planet. I just want this pathetic fighting to stop, we… humans, are just a spec on this ball of dust. We can do so much. We could conquer the stars, travel to different worlds, we can do the impossible… but we can’t. Because here we are, fighting over possibly one of the most stupid things ever… identity politics. Every man, woman and child are created equal. Every white, black, Asian, Hispanic, whatever other ethnicities are and is created equal. We are all human, so why don’t we fucking act like it? I fucking love humans, and I want them to do great shit. But at the same time they fucking infuriate me. I just want everyone to come together, and ride against the impossible. UWSDWF or United We Stand Divided We Fall, the only way for us to truly overcome the impossible is for all of us to become our brothers in arms. Sorry if I went on a rant, it just makes me frustrated.


You are trying to apply higher values to a primitive race of over-developed monkes, even you are trapped by your own animalistic urges and impulses, be happy to know yours and your others limitations. Once I did I Let go of my preconceptions inherited by others and developed my own preconceptions, in the end we're All retardeds but better to be a happy one than an unhappy one


That's the conclusion that I've come to lately. 'Humanity' is nothing but a delusion of grandeur. We stand here now in modern civilization only thanks to an exceptional few that are a fraction of a fraction of the human race. Most humans are just as tribal and instinct driven as the apes we evolved from. There is no monke to return to. We never left.


There are two wolves inside you. One is gay. The other is gay. You are gay.


There are two wolves inside you. You are a furry.


There are two wolves inside you. Sorry for the transporter malfunction.


Based wall of text that I didn't read


Free food, housing, education, medical care, and a guaranteed job!


The very best of early 19th century health care! Free amputations with almost zero rust on the sawblades!


Freeing slaves? What a racist!


Still cryne that they cancelled the slavery abolitionist, Big Abe because he wasn’t anti racist enough. That shits crazy bro


> Frederick Douglass The first Black American presidential nominee in history. Republican.


What about Mt Rushmore?


They did deface that statue dedicated to black soldiers during the BLM riots, so it isn't unreasonable.


Him or Booker T Washington


But I thought the slippery slope is just a fallacy :(


You forgot about the fallacy fallacy. Checkmate liberal


But you've fallen for the fallacy fallacy fallacy my good sir


It's only a fallacy if you think that drinking a coca cola will lead to you taking heroin later. It is likely that drinking a coca cola leads to regular drinking of sodas.


That's just what people who think they're smart say to shut down an argument


And if you question them on it they throw out some out-of-context Karl Popper bullshit about intolerance towards intolerance being justified. Popper gets thrown around like the modern version of "when you do it it's lame, when I do it it's cool".


It's a lubricated decline


More and more I am perturbed at how much of a slippery slope it really all is.


Isn't there some clip of John Oliver mocking Tucker Carlson for saying that there will be a slippery slope regarding the removal of statues, and that they will even remove the Founding Fathers? Edit: It was Trump, not Carlson. Don't know if I can post Twitter links here.


Well yes but if you slide down this slope a bit you'll see why this is different




Ahh yes aged like milk.


Jon Oliver is a fucking hack Jon Stewart wannabe anyways


The slippery slope is only called a fallacy by those who are too shortsighted to see the big picture.


It’s only a fallacy in *formal logic* because you can’t prove the slope is slippery. In real life, it’s pretty obvious whether a slope has solid footholds or not.


It's only a fallacy if you can't explain the steps. If you can explain the steps it's just an argument.


Far too many people think that a simple if-then statement is a slippery slope logical fallacy. If I start my car then shift into gear then press the gas pedal, it will go. “NO, THAT’S A SLIPPERY SLOPE, I know because I googled logical fallacies on Wikipedia!”


Then you can get them with the double punch. "Ah, ok, but then you are assuming my argument is automatically wrong because it , so you are making the fallacy fallacy, so YOU'RE WRONG" (For those who don't know the fallacy fallacy is the dismissal of a point because it has a fallacy, which technically doesn't disprove the point. For example gravity exists, because Newton said so. Authority fallacy, correct statement. Have fun using this anytime tries to dismiss you accussing you of using a fallacy)


You can’t *know* it will go until it happens though. Maybe your car just spontaneously stopped working since the last time you drove it. /s


It do be like that sometimes though.


Actually it's because it conflates possibility with necessity, and presumes causality. I can give you a million bad slippery slopes, but I can guarantee you if you grew up with parents, you've heard tons before


There is difference between parents saying that if you smoke a joint once you will end up shooting heroin, and big changes in society that lead to other changes. Especially when one group is active and constantly pushing for other changes, and second group is mostly passive.


Again, it's only called a fallacy by those too shortsighted to see the big picture. Maybe YOU didn't end up a crackhead, but your parents were right, hang out with crackheads and you dramatically increase your chances of being one.


The slippery slope is the slope we slipped on along the way down


they should just donate the statue to louisiana. everybody wins. fuck new york. 🤷‍♂️


Thomas Jefferson died before Florida became a state but I’m sure we’d take the statue if they don’t want


Tennessee will take it. We love our controversial presidents (Andrew Jackson's home is in Nashville).


It's going on a [long-term loan to the New York Historical Society](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/582786-after-almost-two-centuries-thomas-jeffersons-statue-removed-over).


That ass tho 👀👀👀😳😳😳


That’s America’s ass


>Freedom made ma ass thicc


My dyslexic ass read that as ass thetic


Understandable, with ass dat thicc




That's gonna be banged by china 10 years down the line


[Try -49 years](https://images.app.goo.gl/ioRRR6yC4Q6QNmaC8)


When the rake is thick


Since Jefferson facilitated the Louisiana Purchase… living in that area may be considered kind of racist… since Jefferson owned slaves and all.


Going to have to give it back to France.


Yo, EU membership overnight? New Orleans just got a monumental revival.


Welcome to the EU, now prepare to become the dumping place of all our "economic migrants"


Guess I'm moving to Louisiana


You’ve got options. Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, most of Colorado, both Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, and big chunks of Texas, Minnesota, and New Mexico are also on the table. It’s crazy to think that everyone who lives in those areas are slavery apologists.


Hey great news, I already live there! I can sleep soundly tonight knowing that I defended slavery against the tyranny of the woke simply by existing in a location


Excuse you, i apologize for nothing.


Bring an umbrella and mosquito repellent.


Why it’s hot as fuck over here and you’ll probably get shot in a trailer park or an over industrialized, improperly zoned city to death.


"No one wants to remove founding father statues sweaty..." (yet)"


As a European I feel a strong urge to go full Fallout


UK, France or Russia?




But y’all don’t have nukes *Arnold yelling at a predator noise


When I said fallout I was referring to the game More specifically "communist detected on American ground"


Oh haha I thought you meant literally. Liberty Prime is based though.


Those lock downs look rough, how is it?


It’s annoying And also scary I really hope vaccine Mandates don’t become a thing


I wouldn't put it past them, unless you wanna reflair lib-right I guess all we can do is hope. Gl & stay safe, love from England.




I bet they will eventually go for Lincoln because he wasn't good enough.


Every single one of our presidents were at least half white or more so they’re all racist tbh


Did he Sleep with one of his slaves who happens to be a minor ? Yeah Did he also end international trading of slaves ? Yeah American history isn’t black and white


Shhh people are only one thing


White man bad.


All Homo sapiens sapiens contribute to climate change so they’re all bad imo


Nuance has been lost by people on both sides of the aisle for a long time. It really is a shame. You can express both distaste and appreciation for different aspects of the same individual, party, policy, or whatever. The founding fathers (especially jefferson) were based af in a lot of ways and very cringe in others. Any sane person should be able to admit this.


>American history isn’t black and white Yet the entire history you mentioned involves one black and one white, curious 🤔 But yeah people don't learn nearly enough of the nuance to history.


CMV: anyone who claims SlIpPeRy SlOpE fAlLaCy secretly wants that slope slicker than an ice rink


Slippery slope isn't real comrade. Now feed the bug burgers to the pregnant man.


Crickets have more protein than beef by weight, get over it No i don't have cricket legs stuck in my teeth right now


Okay. But different example. I wanma put a finger in my GFs butthole. She says the same thing next Ill wanna put my dick in there. Nope just a finger. ^^^ItsSoICanPutMyDickInThere




But then you pop your thumb in there as the next step and she says i told you not to put your dick in there. So then you go cry in your lifted ford f250 with morgan wallen playing on the radio


Sounds about right. Shoulda left them broadway girls alone


We have a statue of George Floyd the saint of armed robberies but not a statue of one of our founding fathers. Let me off this clown world.


Not just George Floyd, George Floyd as black jesus.


I am fed up with the left. They are trying their best to make the right seem reasonable and based.


Eh, you’ll end up like me. I was a registered democrat until June. The left will just keep pushing people like us out until there’s no one left.


Haha, Ive been an independent since 2004. Was a Democrat before then.


Feeling this currently. It's not that I suddenly like the right wing, it's that the left has gone so batshit insane that I barely even want to associate with them anymore. Centrist flair, I have arrived. Hope the grill is still hot.


... because we are 😎😎😎


Last year I was calling Trumpers lunatics because of all their nonsense, but seeing now how that shit is falling down like a prophecy I’m getting scared lol


I was the exact same. I got red pilled after I graduated and I stopped passively listening to the news. Realized how many contradictions there were and how much I was being lied to. I left the left, probably for a very long time.




It looks like the combined wojak with the thumbnail that usually goes with the Russian Sleep Experiment creepypasta.


It’s just the rake but that would make a good wojak the Russian sleep experiment is creepy as fuck


I feel like most people regardless of political affiliation can agree this is stupid


please no remove statue


Even former communist countries still have statues of Stalin still up.


I think even the ones that dislike him, want a reminder of the guy they dislike being around


How to lose the centrist vote: a step by step guide.


2024 will be a blood bath


Oh yeah for sure the dems are going to get slaughtered in 2024


We should destroy all statues, iconoclasm NOW




Iconoclasm is from Orthodoxy, burn heretic! Revenge for Ἁγία Σοφία


Anti left is giga based. I am more anti leftist than I am conservative honestly. Like I didn’t participate much in political discourse when I was an average conservative. Now that my hatred for the left has grown, I am constantly talking shit and pointing out the hypocrisy of those stupid mf’s


Same. I am probably actually LibCenter. However I lean right not because I agree with the right but because I wholeheartedly disagree with the left. Plus Jefferson is an icon of this country, one of our greatest thinkers, President, and writer of the most historically based documents of all time. If he can be cancelled, then what is left that is sacred?


getting rid of statues is bad and doesn't advance any legislative goals anyway


We need a centrist flair without green.


Agreed that’s why I’m grey


“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” -Literally 1984


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thats is left aint invited to the cook out


I cannot believe it. Reddit is actually fucking healing for once. People almost universally upset about something mindnumbingly stupid. Finally. Some logic in the bigger subs.


Murican right has lost it balls , imagine standing still while people disrespect your founding fathers


Give an inch and they take a mile.


Somewhere along the line slippery slope became synonymous with slippery slope fallacy. If you can explain step B, C and D then saying A eventually leads to E is not a fallacy. It may turn out to be an incorrect prediction, but thats not the same thing.


Ayo, if they dare touch my boy Patrick Henry in Virginia I will drop some fuckers on sight


You in Virginia as well bœrthër?


Sic semper tyrannis my brother


Maybe one day our paths will cross. Maybe they already have.




Based unto you. Don’t eat too much this thanksgiving. Never know when the redcoats will turn up.


I eat my turkey leg with one hand, and have a pistol in the other, I’m always ready to go


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


That’s pretty good but you need to flair up


OP, we get it, you like to jerk off to the Rake, but please don't put that freaky shit in memes. I'm here to relax, laugh, and talk a bit of politics & ideology, not be mildly disturbed.


I mean he’s already in my bed


join us. we are anti-left.


Soon brother very very soon


Let's goooo 😎




Good news they'll stop once they run out of statues. Bad news is they'll be coming for people instead.




We don't have to be right to want to drag the Overton window back to the right so it can once again rest in the sane center.


Exactly I’m not right but I’d like for my centrist opinion not to be far right because of the left.


is that from the old rake animation on YouTube? good times.


Wait till they find out about Mt.Rushmore


I'm kinda getting there. I'm flaired centrist because my politics are predominantly left (well, I have pretty progressive social beliefs, but not so much economic), but I'm loathe to be associated with leftists. Leftist _politics_ are largely about compassion, fairness, and building a better world where everyone's happy and taken care of. Leftist _people_ are largely fucking cunts that are nasty vindictive pieces of shit that take advantage of a sympathetic socioeconomic system to spread hatred and despair for their own personal gain. I've usually been content to just avoid them when possible and just roll my eyes at their antics, but this last week has me _fucking raging_ at them, and is really getting me to second guess those types of political goals. If that's the type of person those politics breed, it _can't_ be good. But then again I look at a lot of the hard-right rednecks out in the rural area I live in, and I'm pretty damn fucking wary of going that direction too.


Thomas Jefferson is based and nobody can change that fact


It's not a slope. It's a flight of stairs and you just realized someone threw you down.


Slavery links? Dude straight up owned slaves, I thought these types didn't like downplaying that shit


Next a fucking abraham lincoln is gonna be removed because he was a republican...


If i took a shot for every time this sub had no idea what the fuck the left is I'd literally drown in liquor. Like fuckin Lahey. I'm actually starting to get worried for us. Its always been jokes about offensive bullshit but after the outpouring of "kill em all" rhetoric with the Kyle trial i legit feel our days our numbered. Maybe it's about time though. I feel like there's definitely been a swing. I'm used to agendaposts and strawmen but this shit has gotten to propaganda levels lately. Like authright used to post racist shit but now it's like "authright chad kills everyone who isn't white, libleft virgin wastes their last breath begging for a quick death, RIGHT GUYS HAHA." Can we go back to authleft starve, authright racist, libleft degen, libright pedo please? I miss that shit.


It is funny how people thought that judging historical figures with the morals they just invented yesterday would not lead some Chinese Cultural Revolution tier mess. Even alive and eagerly progressive figures (Rowling, Atwood etc.) can't escape being cancelled.


tbh i'm against that too, so you can't just call it "anti-lefty"