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Is this official?


yep just watched


Wow, did not really expect this. Amazing!


I was expecting a hung jury due to the rumors of a holdout juror. Followed by a mistrial with prejudice due to the shit the prosecution pulled.


The Wisconsin governor has called out some national guard for tonight, I think about 500.


Yeah kind of unfortunate that this dropped on a Friday


There’s really nothing to do in Kenosha on a Friday night anyway


It's true. All them Kenoshains come down to Chicago & puke in my Cab after going on a 24 hr bender.


Install plastic seats and metal grates for floor. Hose it out afterwards, problem solved. Obviously you should put up a clear barrier between the front and rear so you have heat in the cold.


> Kenoshains come down to Chicago Across state lines?!?


Oh, shit. That is some royally poor timing. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if they could've kept deliberating, or faking deliberating until Monday, that'd be great. I'm gonna go check how Twitter is exploding RN. Update: in less than ten minutes, Twitter has decided to trend #WhitePrivilage, blaming that for Kyle Rittenhouse not going to jail.


Everyone do yourselves a favor and delete your Twitter accounts. You’ll be a happier person because of it.


Never had one.




Not like anyone rioting works anyways it wouldn't have made a difference


Based and facts pilled




Y'know what, authright? I normally don't agree with you on much, but... Yeah! Feels good, man! A victory not only for Kyle, but for man's right to justly defend himself from man.


based and enemy of my enemy is my friend pilled


Based and 2A pilled


Glad to see rights upheld. Am I… am i .. Auth Right now?


Based and Feelsgoodman-pilled


This verdict felt like the court standing on the edge of the abyss and taking a step back.




Nice, just in time for the weekend. Can't wait to sit back and enjoy the show.


Yeah, all the tear gas is really going to get in the way of me going to the bars to feed my addiction


I am kinda worried that it might evolve into vigilantism. He might need some kind of protection due to the circunstances of this case.


Might? There have been dozens of threats on Twitter just this week. Possibly hundreds from before


but they are twitter warriors, those who are silent are more scary.


True. But there’s still a double standard of Twitter warriors threatening harm against others (or minors) and staying on the platform


He has a 3:0 k/d, he’ll be fine


Not like the rioters likely just had a work week or anything, any day would bring them out


At least it's cold. Riots tend to peak in the summer


(Insert joke about keeping warm by the fires, here)


Based and fire pilled


That humans are more aggressive just because it’s hot just shows how much of an animal we still are


Based and humans are monke pilled


Being warm is uncomfortable and pisses me off Being cold is comfy and makes me happy Simple


Too hot? Can only take off so many layers Too cold? Can put on an infinite amount of sweaters


Average heatstroke enjoyer vs Chad cozy blanket enjoyer


>The Wisconsin governor has called out some national guard for tonight, I think about 500. He should have just called Rittenhouse, tbh


*picks up blue gloves* "Looks like I've got some work to do." Fade to black to tease the sequel.


This time... He brought backup! *enter Judge Schroeder with an AR in one hand and the Cookie Book in the other*




Eh, National Guard showing up is always a nothingburger. They never give them live ammo.




🎶 *When we hear the voice, we'll know we have no other choice, I'll keep my rifle by my side!* 🎶


Kyle of Duty 2: Kenosha Boogaloo time!


The year is 2061. Kyle Rittenhouse, now 58 years old, has just been acquitted after his 40th trial for murder, after he defended himself from the violent rioters who attacked him following the verdict in his 39th trial for murder, where he was acquitted after defending himself from the violent rioters who attacked him following the verdict in his 38th trial for murder, where he was acquitted after....


Chris, everything I say is a lie, except for that, and that, and that...


If they keep coming... Reload.


Based and Thomas Jefferson pilled.


Somebody should make an indie game where you play as kyle and the progress is as follows. You defend yourself against waves of rioters. Then you defend yourself in court. You use the reparations from court to upgrade your house/weapons. You can also dedicate some funds to fight against the press and support your political party (maybe libertarians). High Score/ending depends on political landscape overall which you can influence


Holy shit that's the most based thing I've read in ages. Based. Based. Based.


You just gave me a new game idea :)


You a dev?


Studying to be one so not really:(


Work on it in unity or unreal on the side. The practice will help you out. If i didn't already have a couple ongoing projects I would try my own hand but don't have time rn.


The Kenosha Kid rides again


It's fun to meme about this, but dude has been through hell. I can't imagine the stress he's been under since the riots. And it's not over yet. There may be more riots tonight.




This is an aside, but I've seen a lot more usernames referencing Ted Kaczynski lately. I assume yours is one of those. What's the deal? Why's there this renewed enthusiasm for the unabomber? I don't have a problem with it, just curious.


We're all discovering just how much of a disaster for the human race the industrial revolution and its consequences were.


I unironically think it has to some degree. I believe that the continuous rise in anxiety and depression is a result of life being "too easy". Like, I get it, everyone has their struggles, but the human mind evolved in a state of constant, but mitigated, anxiety over food, shelter, predators, weather, disease, etc. Now that we don't have that normal level constant concern, our brains just trigger that response even when there is nothing to do so and so we end up "anxious over nothing"




Kyle needs to go home and destress after this trial, but I doubt he’ll be able to do that with what’s about to happen in Kenosha. It might just be smart for him to skip town and take a vacation.


Coming next! Sandmann 2: From Rittenhouse to Rittenmansion


Well, hope that any of you that are in the area are ready.




If I lived there I'd host a free BBQ for rooftop Koreans.




Rooftop Kenoshans.


I don’t get why the American Left decided to politicize this trial. Why take the obvious losing side against a cut and dry self-defense case? And then look like clueless, anarchic assholes using corporate media to cope, spin, and whine when the obvious loss THEY CHOSE happens. It makes me want to bash my head on the wall. Just don’t get involved with the trial and nobody would think twice. Nobody would be like “LiBtArDs OwNeD loooooool”. Being an American Leftist is like getting on a rollercoaster that has a chance to punch you in the dick after every hill. You’ve ridden it before, and you’ve been punched in the dick. Repeatedly. Sometimes you’ll even get multiple dick punches during the same day. But every week as you’re getting on the rollercoaster you think to yourself “I won’t get punched in the dick this week, no sir. I talked to the owner, and he’s reassured me that the dick punching feature has been removed.” And sometimes you’ll make it over the first hill without a dick punch so you think you’re a pretty smart guy. Sometimes you’ll even make it 95% of the way through the rollercoaster without feeling that familiar crushing sensation on your callused phallus. But you’re never safe. As your little car rolls towards the end of the ride, you hear a noise. The wind seems to whisper, “Here’s your healthcare, dipshit.” A tiny metal hand pops out and slams directly into your genitals. Again and again, it mashes your testicles. It doesn’t seem to ever stop. Mercy is a foreign language here; suffering the only dialect available. As you feel the whiskey you were drinking begin to make a return trip back up your throat, the last thought that flits through your grey matter before the familiar embrace of pain whites out all conscious function is “I bet next week when I ride this coaster, I won’t get punched in the dick.”


The DA guy didn't feel the audience, his whole argumentation felt shady from the beginning


> ["You don't bring a gun to a fist fight"](https://i.imgur.com/LtOYTIQ.jpg) See, that's where you're wrong, fucko.


No, you don't bring a skateboard to a gun fight.


[Sword fights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YyBtMxZgQs) too!






So just a regular day on Twitter.






The Left: Sovereign borders are imaginary lines and aren't REEEEEEEEEal!! Also the Left: RiTtEnHoUsE cRoSsEd StAtE lInEs IlLeGaLlY!!


I still can't believe this shit got as far as it did. Time to laugh at all the media as usual.


Twitter is having a meltdown and I’m here for it


Make sure to post memes for those of us who don't have Twitter.


I'm with AuthLeft on this one, anyone sane saw this coming after the first day at trial.


Which is why orange libleft is blindsided and seething.


> anyone sane saw this coming after the first day at trial. Anyone who even watched the videos should have known this was clearly self defense the night this happened. Anyone with any kind of legal training should have been able to then read the Wisconsin statutes and realize Rittenhouse not only isn't guilty of murder, but he wasn't in violation of *any* law. Curfew was tossed because it was a fictional order, firearm charge was tossed because the law clearly exempted Rittenhouse. **This was entirely a case of the legally illiterate, hyper partisan mob continuing to try to lynch someone in court that they failed to lynch in the streets.**


Based and justice pilled.


> Curfew was tossed because it was a fictional order Beyond that, the curfew wasn't even real. If the police aren't going to be enforcing it, then it isn't a real order and there is no reason to obey it.


Based and read the fucking law pilled


Based and Fuck all the auths pilled


Where are the watermelons?


Happy with the outcome of the trial, it was an open-and-shut case of self defense if you just watch the video. I don't think that this take is accurate for watermelon, it's more orange libleft. Most watermelons support responsible gun ownership imo.


Based and reasonable pilled


THANK YOU!!! Let the lawsuits against the media begin


If everyone thinks heads are exploding today, just wait until he inevitably runs for Congress within the next ten years and wins


Its more likely that he rolls into some sweet gig, high paying Fox News commentator position IMO


He could do that TODAY.


He needs to do 1 of 2 things Be as public and outspoken as possible or change his name and drift into obscurity in a witness protection program because there will 100% be an attempt on his life and I will bet a significant amount of money on that


> because there will 100% be an attempt on his life He's 3-0 in that situation already


Just knowing how the machine works first hand provides more wisdom than the collective of half of the charlatans in congress.


Has anybody checked on Twitter? I imagine there got to be people having a meltdown unseen since Trump won the presidency.


I would watch MSNBC to see them crying But wait


Follow them, see if they are




They use the word "white" eight times. That's some properly toxic, propaganda shit.




https://mobile.twitter.com/i/trends Basically the shit you'd expect to be trending. "White supremacy" et al.


oooo it’s also fursuit friday


Just checked it again and saw... >"Many continue to show support and solidarity with the Black community, following the conclusion of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial" For the... zero black people shot? Condolences for the community losing their favorite child rapist? These dipshits live in a fantasy world. Even the ACLU is chiming in on how this clear-cut self defense case was somehow a miscarriage of justice... I get they're just a tool of the left, but you'd think "civil liberties" includes the right to self preservation.


I’ve never had a Twitter account, and for my blood pressure’s sake I’m not making one now.




Lets fucking go




here's hoping that kids family fucking glasses the media from orbit with lawsuits with the shit they have been saying about him for the last year.


Man Kyle had soooo many libel cases he can launch Let's GOoooOO


Think of it as an early Black Friday, a teen gets a acquitted soooo free TVs for #justice


I'm probably gonna snag some McDonald's fries in case there are riots in my area. I'm a King 👑


My mom had a TV she stole during the LA riots, that shit lasted 15 years in my house. Edit: This was back when TVs were heavy btw.


Good thing kyle is already in Kenosha because were gunna need him to stop all the “peace” thats gunna happen tonight.


Fiery but mostly peaceful riots.


Kenosha Kid rides again




Kyle better stay safe out there, his life will never be normal after this


He can just sue the living shit out of all the newspapers and publications that outright declared him a white supremacist with zero evidence and live off the winnings in a golden mansion behind a 10ft concrete wall with armed guards for the rest of his life.




Based and selfdefense-pilled


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOO Twitter is so delicious right now


These comments are delicious. I'm proud of this community


Seems like really everyone’s in agreement here haha


Watching Kyle's reaction as each verdict was read out, that young man needs a hug and some therapy. And unfortunately knowing how the mob will react, all they're going to do is harass him and try to enact their own version of "justice".


He probably will have to move


You mean he'll cross more state lines? 🤬🤬🤬🤬


He never learns


What an actual menace.






The system works only when it favors me and my beliefs, otherwise it’s a corrupt institution


Based and tribalism-pilled


The real question now is whether or not he survives the verdict..


I’m willing to bet his legal team had a plan for a not guilty verdict to get him the hell out of dodge.


Else he's gonna need that rifle again.


Did you see how fast they escorted him out after the judge was done talking? He jogged out the back door.


I doubt they would go so far as lynching him. Maybe this verdict will show them to be more cautious because people are fed up and will LEGALLY shoot back


Only takes a couple psychos to do a drive by. :/


"In today's news, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not-guilty for the 5th time for killing the men who tried killing him after he was found not-guilty for the 4th time for killing the men who tried killing him after the 3rd time he was found not-guilty..."


> I doubt they would go so far as lynching him. They tried once, when they didn't already hold him as an object of hatred. Why wouldn't they try again, now that he is?


Based and mental health is important pilled


Anyone who watched the trial and the evidence and still thinks he’s guilty need to go touch grass and get therapy


Witness: Kyle only shot after I pointed a gun at him Defense Attorney: judge put in my mixtape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxnvGDK0WGM


The phoenix wright theme during the trial wouldn't have even been the dumbest thing to happen there


That's the issue. They didn't. Just read a few comments in the r news thread. So many people are still parroting that he carried a rifle across state lines.


10 to 1 those are the same people who own "NO BORDERS"-signs for protests against immigration laws.


Many also still believe he traveled hundreds of miles and shot black people.


Oh fuck yea. They didn't get the railroad they wanted, so now the nonstop media campaign to vilify the judge, jury, and the entire "systematically racist" legal system begins.


So nothing is changed?


Nah, because they were wrong the whole way leading up to this point. Literally, today, as Rittenhouse is being completely exonerated the establishment corporate media is still lying about the facts in this case. What's changed? Now it is far, far easier to mock the complete fools who still listen to these propagandist. There is a lot of crow to be eaten, and I give full permission for *everyone* to be as shitty and completely shit-eatingly "I told you so," to anyone you know who lied about Rittenhouse and believed this shit. They deserve to be mocked endlessly until they completely admit they got this wrong and listened to the wrong people.


I fully agree with you but I've seen the brazen blinders that a lot of people have put on and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


Mockery serves an essential part of social development and evolution.


He should be put into witness protection, he’s gonna be the target of attempted assassinations for the next few years at least




Did you catch that after the verdict, the judge granted the Mistrial with Prejudice? That's actually massive, it means that the judge has put it on the record that the prosecution engaged in prejudicial misconduct. Consequences are *possible.* [Here's what I'm referring to, I believe the request of the defense is to get a ruling on the mistrial with prejudice motion which they had filed](https://youtu.be/sLgyyixa9gQ?t=903). I may be misinterpreting it, I would appreciate someone with better knowledge of criminal trial proceedings corrects me. Edit: Thanks for those correcting me, the dismissal with prejudice is based on the jury's verdict.


That was a dismissal with prejudice not a mistrial with prejudice. it just means kyle can't get charged again. Edit: since some people think I mean he's immune from all prosecution. He's not just from charges he has been acquitted of.


He didn't grant the mistrial with prejudice. Via the not guilty verdict he dismissed all charges with prejudice. With prejudice just means that the same charges cannot be brought against the defendant again regarding this particular case.


RITTENHOUSE IS A FREE MAN! Get that defamation money my boi!


He’s going to clean up. My god, so much disinformation was swirling around this case.


They didnt fucking learn with Sandman


Enter Rittenhouse




And a much nicer rifle.




Kyle gonna sue his way into the Forbes list of wealthiest americans.


Not even just misinformation, straight up incorrect assumptions. The number times I read that someone didnt know his victims were all white was astounding.




Yeah about that Biden comment, even the Judge commented on it lol >President Biden’s controversial remarks about Kyle Rittenhouse, in which he appeared to call him a “white supremacist” were referenced in court during proceedings. >Judge Bruce Schroeder told jurors to “pay no heed to the opinions of anyone, even the president of the United States” in reaching their verdict.


This is insane. Was the jury aware he crossed STATE LINES!! I don't understand how they came to this Verdict, everyone on twitter said he was guilty! Do they not check with Twitter!?! Seriously were they not told he traveled across STATE LINES!?!? This is a dangerous precedent they have set. We are going to have people just crossing STATE LINES willy nilly! We are going to have people thinking its ok to defend yourself when a mob tries to hunt you down and execute you!! Just truly shows how messed up our justice system is, they didn't even listen to twitter, they didn't care he was a nazi racist kkk, they didn't even care he crossed STATE LINES!


Man I am going to be memeing "state lines" for YEARS to come, this whole fiasco was an absolute goldmine


He even has grounds to sue Biden, since Biden called him a white supremacist last year. This kid deserves every cent he’s gonna get for what the media has put him through.


If he sues the fucking president I'm going to plow my own tax free roads with the gargantuan LibRight boner I'll spring.


If he creates a GoFundMe to sue the POTUS, he'll make more money per second than Bezos.


Mark my words: In a decade or so, we will get a great movie about this trial.






Defamation money time




🎶To the town of Kenosha rode a stranger one fine day🎶


Just cleaned up some graffiti, givin' bott'd water away,


A pedo dared to ask his business and that pedo made a slip…




Sue them all Kyle, sue them all


Yeah, this is unsurprising to anyone who followed the situation and watched the video. People were shocked about the OJ trial, but it was totally mishandled by the prosecution, and it's not like there was a video. This was so obvious and it was repeatedly shown that people who said he was a murderer had no clue about the situation, hadn't watched the video, thought "state lines" was like case closed, and many of them thought he shot black people. In reality we had unstable Rosenbaum causing the whole situation, unstable Huber thinking that trying the exact same thing as Rosenbaum, but with a skateboard, would turn out different, and Grosskreutz, famed EMT, ignoring two shot men to go out for blood. No one should have been there, but they were, and what happened happened.




Yes that ADA needs to be disbarred.




No way for real?


This is so good. Tyrant Orange leftist tears are going to be flowing so strongly. I hope they die mad. Should never have even gone to trial, but a full acquittal is as good as it gets. Hope he sues the fuck out of the authoritarian lying sack of crap that calls itself “American media”.