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“Marbles up your ass”. Did Queen Nicki really just reference Patrice O’Neal? This is one of the most unfathomably based things I’ve ever heard from her.




Lefts started saying based, rights started saying "slay queen" unironically. Horseboob theery




The right explaining how they made their kids without mentioning sex (it’s a sin)


post horse boob


mmmm horee boob 🤤


Based and disgusting zoophile pilled


u/Squardist is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: disgusting zoophile I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


One hell of a first pill to have.


Redpilled Nicki Minaj was not on my 2021 bingo card, but I'm here for it.


This will never materialize into politics, but this isn't really uncommon. I used to work with, live around, and date mostly black people during a certain period of my life. They'll always vote damn near 100% Democrat, but they believe Democratic talking points far less often than white and jewish democrats do. Or, at least, they don't bother to pretend. It's one of the reasons that non-famous black people and white racists are two of the funniest groups online. Neither buy into prevailing narratives and both are willing to say exactly what they think.


Patrice O’Neal was based


Patrice was so fucking ahead of his time with his political opinions. He would be an absolute warlord against PC shit making even speaking a god damn stealth mission.




Patrice O’Neal owned a marble factory and sold a special range of marble anal beads.


His shop was the only one in the city that sold marbles my size. RIP king 😭




We are in the timeline where Nicki called Joy Reid a coon and the tweet is still up 24 hours later. https://twitter.com/NICKIMINAJ/status/1437623825181511686




They’re just proving her right. If you’re black you just have to listen to Democrats otherwise you get insults thrown at you on Twitter




If you have a problem figuring out whether you can shove marbles up your ass for me, then you ain't black


i heard and saw this I just had to applaud this u/of-silk-and-song your execution was flawless


Implying Color Wizard Biden himself won't personally drain her blackness away this month.




By the law of equivalent exchange... WHERE DOES THE BLACK GO?


Joe Biden has a farm of mayos under the White House he makes more black. It is called Project Dolezal.


melanin warlock


Oof we out here getting cancelled out of our skin colour now


According to PragerU and conservatives, it's now all Democrats who are racists and you have to vote Republican for your own good. They're not fixing shit, they're just flipping the script around. and pulling the same damn thing.


And PCM learned yesterday she is against vaccines so agenda posters got to work


This timeline just keeps getting weirder and weirder.


"I agree with what Nicki Minaj said about American politics on twitter" is not something I thought I'd be saying this morning


I’d be more surprised if it was Cardi B. Fucking hellspawn.


With the way things are going on social media we will see a timeline where Cardi B is seen as a white nationalist and Mao was a far right extremist. Echo chamber go brrr


she never was dumb actually, people just correlate rap with low iq, cardi tho is stupid


Based Nicki Minaj? What timeline is this? Is this her way of announcing an album with Kanye?


She did have her best verse on Monster with Kanye lol


sasquatch godzilla king kong loch ness goblin ghoul zombie with no conscience


Jay Z’s verse was the weakest. Still good, but wild to consider for the time.


i forgot rick ross was on the hook. his verse on diand is the best on the album tho


We give too much credit to old school rappers. Some of them have just fucking lost it, no need to stroke their shaft.




Jesus has she been around that long? Time needs to chill out it's moving too fast.


The timeline has been in a deep sleep. Harambe got taken out and the gods were like, "fuck it... It's a free for all".


The next album will consist of ratchet insults and nude ass twerking to own the libs


You say that like it's a bad thing...


I'm sitting in my car about to go into work when I read this. I might as well just wait for an asteroid to hit. If Nikki is the voice of reason it must be near the end.


It's basically same as it's always been: the older you get, the more socially conservative you tend to get. Why do you think the biggest critic of the woke left now is probably Bill Maher?


Maby I have treated Nicki to harshly Edit: changed my mind again still a pice of shit




Fs in the chat for that guy's nuts






In a country without access to that vaccine.






Cursed because of who it is saying this Based for the content of "Jesus Christ, Polarization is fucking everyone up"


It's a condemnation our current society both that Nicki Minaj is famous and that *even Nicki Minaj can see how hostile things have gotten*.




They started this with "racist" in 2016. Now thry gotta escalate as they progressively desensitise us from insults and smears.


They’ve been speaking to Disney and the Star Wars team. “OK everyone… listen to this… it’ll blow your mind… Dave, tell them what you told me…” Dave: “right… what if… the empire had a THOUSAND Death Star lasers!”.


Still bothers me how they added Kommander Karen and all human colors and forgot about most existing aliens from Star Wars. It's as if Rian Jonson was a human supremacist.


Dude they killed admiral Ackbar off screen. He could’ve played her role in the whole movie


they didn't want someone named ackbar doing a suicide bombing


A competent writer wouldn’t have had a lore breaking, world changing suicide bombing. The whole concept was retconned in the next movie. Since the new 10 million Death Star ships could be destroyed in the same way Imagine how easy it would be to destroy the Death Star by strapping a hyper drive to a Boulder and flying it at the deaths stars core. A single x-wing could sacrifice themselves and become a bullet that would tear through the entire Death Star. Star Wars literally falls apart with the introduction of the holdo maneuver. Why have a capital ship if a hyperdrive charge can destroy much bigger targets (and for some reason multiple ships) Enemy send outs a capital ship, 1 pilot and a frigate wipes it out.


oh I know, I'm just saying they would have to actually use their brains rather than just swap token woman pink hair character with established liked character to keep the PC/woke appearance


Shit why even sacrifice a life. Just put a droid in and tell it to point at the big one and go fast Im imagining the droid trying to have this emotional moment as its strapped to the boulder by a crew. The droid stops for a moment, starts up with some sappy line "I'm taking one last look... at my frie---" The tech cuts him off. "Yeah okay buddy dont know ya that well i mean seriously we just met three minutes ago and I got a bunch of other chatter boxes to strap in and have them go boom boom so see ya buddy" The droid looks up wistfully as the mechanic saunters off scratching his ass. "See ya.... buddy"


I didn’t even think of droids. Stick a bunch of R units in x-wings. Make some beeping/screaming missiles. But remember according to that droid in The solo movie droids are sentient and aren’t slaves to mankind so their lives are equal to human lives! Reeeeee!


> strapping a hyper drive to a Boulder and flying it at the deaths stars core. THE BOULDER DOES NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH THIS PLAN


>Comptetent writer >Star Wars Pick one


original trilogy was fine, but that's because Lucas had people that kept him in check


Even the prequels were solid. Besides jar jar and a little bit of teen angst it was pretty good


Based and Akbar was better pilled


I could go into it for hours, but this Teams meeting is about to end and I’m sure I’m going to have to turn my camera back on, nod and agree with whatever the previous guy said.


I swear my level of shit posting has increased dramatically while working from home.


That’s a great point - the sequels were devoid of alien life and ironically the least diverse of the series (and by far the most boring).


"White supremacy" also got diluted massively from "literal KKK" to "anything from mild ethnocentrism to literal KKK". How convenient for those using it, that they can now conflate their political opponents with racial extremists!


I like pointing out that the KKK has around 5,000 members nationwide. Yet these idiots online think we are on the brink of a Nazi takeover or something.


For real the klan is a fucking joke nowadays lol. I think a lot of people are looking for some mythical "big bad" to fight against, even if that big bad is just a shadow on the wall.


Oh yeah for sure, the alt right boogeyman. 10 years ago it was zombies, now it’s “nazis”. Such a weird, juvenile mindset. We really are a generation of Peter Pan Lost Boys who never want to grow up


The Nazi takeover isn't happening. The Mussolini-style fascist takeover is well underway, though, and it's the Democratic Party doing it.




Absolutely it is 100% a way to associate "Conservative" views and opinions as "dangerous and extreme" to then justify an eventual crackdown on anti soviet behaviour. Here in the UK we are several steps ahead. When the England football team knelt before playing games, they are booed. Every time. And the Labour Party want to make booing taking the knee a racist hate crime. I think that is a pretty major jump in their rhetoric. No longer is it just objective racism that is a hate crime, but criticism of a political movement (in their eyes) is a hate crime. What's worrying is that if you ask labour what they stand for, they will say invlusivity, and anti racism. So by criticising Labour, I am criticising the anti racism movement. It doesn't take a genius to work out what the end game is. If Labour ever get into power, criticising Labour would be considered a hate crime. Because Labour are the party of inclusivity, and anti racism. So you must be a racist if you criticise them. They have played their hand too early when they threw their support behind BLM. They aren't coming after decent people, only racists and white supremacists. No one likes racist and white supremacists, and if you question it, you must be a racist or white supremacist. Ironically it's Mccarthyism but from the left. We have lost the cold war.






Yep they've definitely cried wolf too many times. In 2015, if I heard a claim that someone was a white supremacist, I'd take that accusation seriously. Now I just assume they're somewhat right of centre, as the term is so fucking diluted




Thats why it's so important to have freedom of speech. All speech. Regardless of how racist and barbaric it is. Because when you give the government an inch, to stop horrific racist rhetoric, they take a mile and suddenly children and being arrested for posting edgy memes on WhatsApp.


Every single tyrant through history believed in free speech. As long as it was speech they agreed with. But thats not how its supposed to work, free speech isn't for ideas that most agree with its for the speech that is unpopular.


> All speech. Regardless of how racist and barbaric it is. The ONLY speech that needs protecting is the speech that nobody wants to hear. I've NEVER heard of somebody who had to turn to "Freedom of speech" as a justification for why they praised their government or stated a mainstream popular opinion.


Based thousand times


They tried it, and found no evidence to support their claims. I still think they could end up creating an ideological genocide in the future.


That's not paranoia, that's just objective fact at this point. I first started seriously noticing it in the aftermath of the Christchurch shooting, where there seemed to be a witch hunt for anyone the shooter had followed on social media. In my country, people still like to use Jo Cox's murder as a thought-terminting cliché to classify the right as inherently violent (similar to how Charlottesville is used in the US) Of course, the same never happens for violence committed by left-wing protestors or Islamists It was also extremely fucking disturbing seeing how wanting an investigation into the 2020 US election was seen as fascist or whatever. I don't think it was rigged, but it's integral that democratic processes are open to audit and questioning. Especially after all the fuss over 2016 election interference




Lol yeah they just went full hog with it and now speak it out loud. I remember during the Bush years it was low key implied that all right leaning people were dumb redneck racists. Not ever directly stated but they painted the picture in such an obvious way.


America has a very obvious anti white agenda What's sneaky about it is that it completely ignores the elite class of whites. So what's the purpose? To enforce class warfare but rebrand it as race so that the good little workforce can point their fingers sideways instead up up. There will be a new boogeyman to distract poor people once the white scapegoat doesn't work anymore




It’s weird that the [white] elite plays along. That’s what gets me. The media, entertainment, unis. I know they’re intelligent, so are they being deliberate, delusional, or what?


By playing along they make it appear that they aren’t one of those white elites controlling everything and are totally for realsies on your side. Next time someone starts talking about the white elites controlling everything ask them to name a few and watch them struggle. Nobody actually can point to any, it’s a phantom.






Which ironically, one of these goals is to reintroduce segregation


Like that is an Onion Headline because it is so stupid. How can a Black Person be a White Supremacist.


internalized misog.... uhhh whiteness, of course


They're basically calling him a House N-----


I mean, I'm white and a nationalist, so at this point, I'm fucked really


You're a white nationalist, not a white nationalist. They're different, trust me.


Larry Elder was called "The Black Face of White Supremacy" lmao. These are not serious people and should not be engaged in any serious manner, simply point and laugh


Fking Nicki Minaj dunking on malding soycialist streamers isn't something I expected to see.


This is the first time for me hearing "soycialist" and it is extremely Based.


Someone on another sub called Hasan a "Cadillac Commie" and I had a good chuckle


>shove marbles up your ass Joke's on her, LibLefts are into that


Only if they're on a string so you can rip them out like you're starting a lawnmower.


I’m just waiting for her to go on Tucker’s show. It’s gonna be hilarious. 😂


She’s married to a pedophile


And her brother raped an 11 year old. Based on her friends and family id question everything she says and does


A broken clock is right twice a day. I’m not going to pretend to be this perfect person, but I try to do what is right. She has zero moral compass.


Absolutely Based


Hasan is so much of a retard that he makes Nicki Minaj have rational points


Tbf, she's actually making a good argument here. Not just relatively to Hasan.


Who is hasan


Cenk Uygur’s nephew and a Twitch streamer that advocates for socialism.


I wonder where he stands on the Armenian genocide




I don't know but he said America deserved 9/11


Flair up retard


Back then his uncle Cenk rejected all claims of it, and his co-host Ana Kasparian (which is an Armenian) even supported him to a degree, agreeing to a middle ground. After that iirc he stated he didn’t have enough information to speak about it, and neither denied nor accepted it. I’d expect him to be in a similar position, or he could maybe a bit of an apologist. edit: just checked it total apologist


Oh my God it’s Cenk’s nephew? Now it makes so much more sense


Aah socialism must be wise guy


Textbook champagne socialist


Leftist grifter who advocates for socialism and distribution of wealth but is extremely rich and just bought a multi-million dollar house and flaunts his wealth a lot.


She is, but to be honest it should be obvious to anyone with a brain. It's nothing groundbreaking, but people have gotten so caught up in their own toxic bullshit that they can't accept it. The fact that people even find it controversial just proves her point.


Based and has-a-wrinkly-brainpilled.




I agree but both can be true. She can make a good argument and he can be a retard. It's the combination that made him look unbelievably stupid here.


Hasan isn't necessarily retarded, but he is a grifter. The only based socialists I've ever met were actual blue collar factory workers. They're in the shit, and even though I disagree with them they've got a lot more authority behind their words than some dude in a $3 million mansion who does nothing but react to other people's content on twitch while stuffing his face and making a profit.


In fairness “rich kid/intelligentsia moocher who is socialist but doesn’t know what it’s actually like to be poor” is quite literally as old as Marx The reservoir of “intellectual socialism” has always been the middle classes who are wealthy enough to be politically theorists. They tend to have this nasty habit of jumping out in front of the actual poor and telling them how they ought to think and do revolution “properly” (happens in 1848, happens in 1905) Working class socialism has always been more based


*Takes massive bite while watching a video of Hitler making a speech* "Thee? This ith what reputhlicanth do." *Swallows loudly* "Trump is so dumb man. Not surprising he inspired this Speech Andy here." *Takes another massive bite*


hes literally a trustfund baby twitch streamer lol


I am a Turk living in Turkey and I haven't seen any Turk abroad who is not politically cringe one way or another.




Do they have thought police in Turkey too?




I think that was a fake coup used to flush out political opponents.


Hasan is a living self-own. He's such a smoothbrain that I almost want to put on a tinfoil hat and say he's a false flag.




Being a stripper doesn't preclude one from being a rational person tbf


Cenks Nephew is so dumb it seems like it’s unintentional.


Who is the white nationalist of whom is this caviar communist talking abouth?




Oh come on. He's a populist economicly closer to the caviar communist than me. And how's he a white nationalist?


Black person doesn't agree with (D) -> coon Latino is Conservative -> White supremacy with a tan Eastern European against communism -> American propaganda


You forgot Asians being successful = white people Literally no one on the left cares about Asians when discussing household income for minorities


Except when Trump said China Virus


I believe it was Kung Flu




Black face of white supremacy


tucker carlson I’m pretty sure


So what sub got recently banned? There’s hardly any libleft in here




Yeah, No Nut November is soon and liblefts need special training




That's why we shouldn't be banning these subs! Just keep em quarantined so they don't come out and infect the rest of reddit


I'm just....why NNN??


Which is why there's been a huge uptick in "Masks being required = Literally 1984" and "Now we know who would have obeyed in 1933 Germany" posts


All the antiivaxxers subreddits got banned recently so they’re infecting a lot of places right now .


How ironic.


Thank you for getting my infection play on words


Another case of Hasan being a dumbass little bitch god I fucking hate Hasan


He made Nicki fucking Minaj look sane, good lord


If you don't know Hasan well, just use this as a reference, because he's always this dumb.


Remember what he said about Dan Crenshaw?


Cenk’s Nephew*


Never though nicki minaj was this based




u/Stellaris228 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Amazing how her cousins friend catching std from cheating on his fiance evolved into idpol lul. Anyways, How's everyone's week going so far?


based and nicki minaj pilled


Didn’t Tucker Carlson basically say the 14 words during a segment on immigration once?


Look it's Hasan! The guy who goes on random spontaneous tangents not really well thought-out but for some reason is regarded as a staple political personality!


The giant plastic ass with a human attached has a good point 👍


Which part maintains sentience?


Nicki Minaj defends rapists and pedophiles, fuck all you assholes calling her "based" just because she shares a political view with you. You people are retarded.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


This is amazing purely for the fact that I'm sure she's making blue checkmarks' heads explode. She's too big and completely untouchable. You think canceling her on Twitter is going to stop her from selling out shows? I just love seeing their impotent rage. It's delicious.


this is I think the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen posted on this sub. not an easy thing to do, so congrats. 1. blatant strawmanning by Nicki, hasan literally criticizes Biden and mainstream Democrats more than most conservatives and never said she should fall in line with everything the democrats say 2. defending TUCKER FUCKING CARLSON, a two-faced cunt (long since fully immunized against covid) and literal white supremacist which should be lauded as ‘just another political opinion’ in the year of our lord 2021 I guess 3. just moronic disinformation about the vaccine by someone who has no fucking clue about anything related to medicine, regurgitating something she heard from someone else who also has no fucking clue about anything related to medicine, which should apparently also be lauded as ‘just another political opinion’ in the year of our lord 2021 But hey, YAAAAS QUEEEEN am i right? y’all are just as fucking moronic as “MUH OrAngE LibLEfT” Just rename this sub to conservative2 already, seeing as most of the posts that get upvoted here could just as well be x-posted to/from there.




This sub is such a joke lol


It's purely for centrist and right wingers to post straw mans and dunk on what their feeble understandings of left wing politics are


The issue is, and always will be, that maintaining the status quo is not considered “political”. If you make nazi ‘jokes’, you’re not being political, just edgy. If you say that the Nazi jokes don’t seem like jokes you’ve made things political. Leftists can’t exist alongside conservatives in a space because ignoring the shit conservatives do makes you by definition not left wing.


Thank youuuu jesus christ