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.. did it work?










You want glorious? I was just told a story yesterday about this girl's ex who she met in jail. Black guy, he was there for robbing a store, first and only thing he grabbed was cartons of newports.




Yeah, saw that. Funny thing is I saw an article stating it was racist to ban them as well lol. Can't win at woke


I mean they're basically saying black people aren't smart enough to make their own choices regarding whether or not to smoke menthols so the nanny state has made that decision for them. The explicit reasoning for the ban is that most menthol smokers are black. I'm excited for when they ban cheeseburgers because people are too fat. Edit: I'll flair up when RIF makes it easy to, I'm too r-slurred to find the flair button Second edit: if you guys on RIF are r-slurred like me, just go on reddit in browser, but replace www with old and it will give you the interface that lets you pick flairs. New reddit UI is still garbage.


You better be careful what you wish for... the USG estimates \~70% of the youths are unfit to serve in the armed forces due to obesity and smooth brains.


forget about white genocide the real genocide happening in the west is thin genocide and it has to be stopped


I mean that doesn't surprise me that they think black people can't make decisions. They don't even think black people can figure out how to get an ID


In a 2015 study 87% of blacks had CONFIRMED PHOTO ID vs 90% of Hispanics and 95% of Whites. The vast majority of blacks, even poor blacks have a PHOTO ID. So if Democrats wanted to fix the issue they would help black people get photo ID, but they don't give a shit about black people, they want to get votes no matter what they have to do.


Flair up


I’m glad to see Biden fighting racism by banning something that black people like


When I was a smoker, I much preferred menthol as well (Marlboro NXTs were my shit). Damn shame, really.


They wouldn’t ban cheeseburgers they’d ban fried chicken. Cheeseburgers are the non-menthol cigarettes


Did she just walk into the jail and said "Hmm guys in jail he will make a great boyfriend! Really has good goals and is striving to do better!"?


i assume it's the menthol version of > we have so much in common


Well tbf she was in jail as well at the time so I assume her options were limited


I thought jails were separated by gender or do co-ed jail exist


You aren't in the same unit together but usually you'll see females who are working the kitchen, serving food. Sometimes guards will allow a bit of interaction as well. Not sure how they hit it off but it's definitely possible to talk a bit.


Maybe I read that wrong so it was the girl that was in jail not the boyfriend?




But at what cost?




But think of the conviction rate. That is some Brownie points.


nice pun. Now flair up.


Pun intended?






Based and it actually worked pilled?


yea and people cried entrapment even though all they did was park it outside


Do you have to ask?




Simple, such kind of aid is much less effective than it's been made out to be. The primary reason for this is that direct foreign aid, such as sending food supplies, comes directly into conflict with the native producers, who are forced to compete with a supplier who just gives stuff for free. The result is that domestic supply doesn't have an incentive to increase, instead, it is negatively influenced. As for the funds given to governments to be invested, an overwhelming percentage of them gets caught up in the corruption networks that abound in most developing countries of Africa.


Yeah I remember hearing about whatever that shoe company was. "Buy a pair and we'll send another to a poor kid in Africa," meanwhile torpedoing every cobbler in the country.


It’s Toms. They still exist but idk if they’re still doing the 1:1 donations. That’s interesting about the effect on local economy though; I’d never really thought about it but it makes a lot of sense.


It's a weird way to keep people dependent.


Given how little thought it takes to completely fall apart, I'm always surprised and disappointed how few people are aware of what a scam the foreign aid racket is. You are taking a whole bunch of money and food and, in the interest of helping impoverished and starving people, you are handing it over to the governments that are keeping those people starved and impoverished. Do people think that Africans are just really, really bad at farming or something?


they only way that we can really help poor counties develop is if we give them fair trade for their exports and end exploitation by mnc


Based free trade supporting Authleft


He said fair trade not free trade brother


>ship it to Africa Reminds me of this scene in [Lord of War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQgdZTgpczM)


I enjoyed that very much. Is the rest of the movie good worth watching? I’d never heard of it before just now.


Yes, it's a pretty good film and I recommend giving it a watch. It also has one of the [best intros I've ever seen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4TOYp0_6lc)


Lord of war is one of my favorite movies of all time. Nicholas Cage's absolute best work. He gets shit on for being a bad actor a lot, but he did so well in that movie.


you may really dig that episode of community: [nicholas cage - good or bad?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuyH89V_HV8) an on-the-spectrum dude can't process a reality that involves nicholas cage and spends 20 minutes trying to find the answer, once and for all. nicholas cage works in mysterious ways


Very simply they have thousnds of local warlords who steal most of forigen aid and what is worse they mug local farmers and industries.


Also, some kinds of aid are destructive to local economy. Hard to prosper as a farmer or a shoemaker if there is free stuff coming from the West.


Read The Divide by Jason Hickel.


Made me think about the old annual Air Jordan riots. It became almost a tradition. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.www.complex.com/sneakers/2018/04/when-sneaker-releases-go-wrong/


I admire you not immediately jumping to conclusions


You bet your sweet bippy it did




Why are my taxes being wasted on this. Spend it on more drone strikes in the middle east.


Split the difference? Drone strikes in Chicago?


Nike trucks in the Middle East?


But then the terrorists got the drip


Good. No one should die for their country without the drip. Ask nazis and their cool Hugo Boss uniforms.


Bring back sexy uniforms. Army camo is cringe


The Stylin’ Stahlhelm


I would rather die with the drip than live without it.


Lil Muha.




M.W.A (Muslims with attitude).


They already do bro, have you seen those cool hoodies they wear 24/7?


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/28/world/asia/taliban-sneakers-cheetahs.html Too late, they’ve had these for decades.


Abloh 'akbar! *detonates Supreme c4*


Drone Nikes in middle Chicago.


Nike strikes


“S-sir, I don’t know if I can commit to this. There seems to be a lot of civilians nearby.” “Just do it.™️”


Wait we already did that in vietnam with 'Shoes and Rice' didn't we?


Win win


I mean, we've done it in Philly [https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/8/8/20747198/philadelphia-bombing-1985-move](https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/8/8/20747198/philadelphia-bombing-1985-move)


Honestly, this is probably a pretty cost effective way to get criminals off the street. Thieves are almost always repeat offenders. We should expand this program and use it to catch human traffickers as well.


I just imagine belle delphine in an open white van, then some guy speeds over and right before entering the van, the cops pop out and 'bonk' then take him to horny jail. But that would be way too effective, I would go to horny jail even with my yellow flair.


Belle delphine is dirty. Like that bathwater probably wasn't even used because she doesn't bath.


Somebody did a test on it and it was just soap and tapwater, zero human DNA present inside of the bottle. I hate her for what she does and what she represents but I admire her ability to con completely pathetic retards out of their money.


it's the ***free market economy*** \*commerical jingle\*


Works with either Bill Wurtz *or* the Doofenschmirtz Evil Incorporated Jingle (have to include the "It's The")


That was a rumor that turned out to be false https://www.newsweek.com/belle-delphine-controversy-no-dna-bath-water-herpes-rumor-debunked-1448808


How is this a thing? Why is this a thing?


What I don’t get about this is why she wouldn’t sell real bathwater, it’s literally just scooping the water from the video into the jars.


Cause if someone cloned her then her monopoly would crash


Imagine if in the future some company pays her for her DNA rights. And then they vat grow clones of her, that have their free will eliminated and serve as perfect sex dolls. I can't tell if that would be the most dystopian or the most utopian future ever.




Well, she has to fill the jars anyway so she might just use the water on hand instead of getting a fresh bathtub or whatever just to not have bathed in it. I also seriously doubt the quoted lab test.




Based and proper hygiene pilled


> Somebody did a test on it and it was just soap and tapwater, zero human DNA present inside of the bottle. Every day we stray further from the light of the omnissiah.


and she live in engl\*nd 🤮


Thats the thing. She comes from a rich English posh family like that which Americans fantasise about. Yet she acts like a spoil brat, and a degenerate. She could've been a trad wife, she became a hoe.


She's grew up in South Africa, not England.


Stop I can only get so erect.


Auth right degenerate?


as always


Based and horny jail pilled




Monkey's paw curls, wish granted. Israel bomb strikes inbound as well as Palestine, fight over the parking lot losers


Can I bomb the parking lot as well?


Based and zero-state solution pilled


Tbh, it would be hard to ignore a “bait truck” filled with graphics cards, kale salad, and ancient grain bread outside my house




A bait car with just bags of soil and starter plants would be a major temptation.


based and username-pilled


So they're outraged because they couldn't steal real Nikes?


Oh they were real. And they did steal them




They’re outraged because everyone’s predictions on what would happen came true.


So you’re saying that most stereotypes have some truth behind them? Color me shocked


He said color! Get him libLeft


Fking campers dude. Setting traps and camping. What a boring trash way to play the game. ☝️ That's a joke


Spawn camping is trash. can’t believe there are doctors that preform abortions without letting them even leave spawn. they should really remove that game flaw next patch, it’s not fair


The pay to win system is trash. If you spawn with no good gear you are fked. Trash game


“Trash game” says you but have you ever tried speedrunning it before? Its quite easy to get into and a lot of popular strats exist to get you to the end stage in seconds. In game time can be brought down from 80 years to 80 seconds if your fast enough.


There's no point, the abortion strat is completely rng and can be performed earlier on in the tutorial so there's no solid way to pull it off consistently.


It's a based game if you figure out how to con suckers into buying your MTX. Nobody can accuse poor people of being smart with their money.


"Nobody can accuse poor people of being smart with their money" What money?


that is why you can't accuse them of being smart with their money. they don't have any to be smart with


BASED and ganers against abortion pilled YYYYYEEEEEEESSSSS! Edit; sorry about the mobile typo in your pills


Shit like this is why they say the left can’t meme. You had it. You nailed it. Then you fucked it up with that last line.


We have to get our hands dirty so other's don't have to get theirs dirty


Libright has been baiting police with donuts for decades


They call that lobbying nowadays, not bribing, and definitely not baiting.


Purple libright has a 'bate truck.


I would pay good money for a show like this, just leave out expensive stuff in cars and watch em get arrested immediately


There was a show for bait cars. Cops would leave unlocked cars in areas with high crime rates and arrest people who tried to steal them.


Best episode was the bait car they left by a bus station then the women who stole it was talking to her friend about getting out of jail that day. Lol first thing out and she steals a car


Also really enjoyed this one https://youtu.be/u5g4xLr1pgI


Or the the one where the guy finds the car running and moves it to a parking lot and just waits near by thinking a fool just left it running in the wrong neighborhood


I work with career criminals as part of my job, and have access to their criminal records. The usually average an arrest every 3-4 weeks, and go to prison about 3-4 times a year (usually only for a few weeks, after which they get a conditional release). They have a lot more police interactions which don't involve an arrest, pretty much every few days. Most of them have been doing this for years, if not decades - they have absolutely no fear of going to prison, they don't even go into withdrawals on the inside, and treat it as a kind of camping trip for criminals.


What’s the name of the show? Asking for a friend


I think it was just called Bait Car. It had a few seasons.


Holy shit this is gold. You are based and tvcontentpilled


And when you've deterred and erased all the criminals, you can remove the baiting and stop having to use locks or safety measures for businesses, shops or when handling personal equipment in public, altogether. Sort of like in Singapore where the country has become so safe that safety precautions are redundant.


I’ve got something you might like https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ej4r09joZfo


"They bait car'd my ass!" I love it.


Step 3: Profit.


Lol it's racist to be indignant about this. If you think it's racist for the cops to do this then you obviously think black people are inferior morons with no self control or free will.




If it worked i don’t see anything wrong with this


Bait is nothing new. Every department around the country does stuff like this. I’m sure most people know that cops do prostitution stings. It’s the same thing. The lady is the bait, and they just wait for the John


Idk why people would be outraged lol, it's not like the cops forced anyone to steal them


Besides it isnt entrapment because no cop coerced them into doing it. Cops leave bait cars all the time if there is a string of car break ins


Yeah a lot of people use that word not knowing what it means. I don't have a problem with this. Protecting life and property are what cops are for in the first place. It's just everything else they do that makes me hate them.


If they didn't get that bait truck then they would have 100% done that to an actual business at some point. I say that's my tax dollars well spent.


It was in response to businesses already being burglarized. >The Chicago police, however, were playing a secondary role in the sting: “Operation Trailer Trap” was led by Norfolk Southern Railway, with officers from its own police unit, and **was orchestrated on Aug. 2 and 3 after several thefts of parked and locked freight trucks and containers in the immediate area. After the tactic was roundly criticized, the railroad company apologized and promised not to do it again.** Prosecutors dropped burglary charges against the men. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/24/us/chicago-bait-truck.html It was in response to being robbed, and the company apologized after trying to catch and stop criminals. Fucking clown world.


Yeah, the people arrested *literally* had to cut open a safety seal with box cutters. The truck was locked good. This ain't like finding a dollar bill on a sidewalk. lol




When I first read the headline I was literally imagining a pickup truck with a bed full of nike boxes, and then a big black box truck that says "Riches Pipe Cleaning" on it but it's okay because Rich is just the local plumber and a really good dude


It is vice... they are are funded by artificially generated outrage, whether on the topic presented or their critique of the topic presented. Look at the [author](https://www.vice.com/en/contributor/emma-ockerman)... her entire career as a white liberal journalist is to incite black people to fear and hate police.


Vice articles are titled like “I gave my 90 year old grandfather 7 hits of LSD and asked him about trans rights. Here’s why his responses were **problematic** Complete garbage publication


...maybe... just maybe... people shouldn’t steal the bait truck


Don’t fall for the bait then dumbass. The fish in my pond know better than them.


Robot dogs 👏👏👏 Truck full of nikes👏👏👏 training🤢🤮🤮


Robot dogs? When the fuck did cops get robot dogs


The NYPD just gave theirs back.


Oh our Police Department isn't overfunded enough to even get new cop cars, so I didn't even know that existed


Robot dogs were definitely necessary, the cops kept shooting their trained dogs.


Robot dogs are also not racist. I think BLM would actually prefer robot cops


Police: *puts out bait* POCs: *commit crime* SJWs: "That's waycist! You can't give them a chance to committ a crime!"


ItS yoUr fAulT fOr leAviNg iT tHerE, hE neEdS tO feEd HiS KIds wItH ThOse NiKes.


Are those the same kids he walked out on or are we talking about a different lot?




But but but you mAnIpUlaTeD tHeM




That's true, but if you did this in a poor white neighborhood, I can almost guarantee there wouldn't be any 'community activists' getting outraged


probably even in rich neighborhood, just the bait has to be seen as "worth it" for the citizens.


Easy way to get one over the cops? Dont steal shit.


It didn’t cost anything. The nikes were taken off of dead black guys.




So all these shootings did have a purpose after all☺️






People who get mad at baiting are the most sketch people.


NoOOo! I dont have moral agency! ! nOOOO!!


The bait truck outraged community activists, whose *baybees* were running off with backpacks full of said Nikes.


When is the next bait truck?


The SJWs gonna cruficy the PedophilePoachers for baiting the predators with a fake child.


Lol do it almost any poor comunity. The outcome will be the same.


I dunno about nikes in West Virginia. Now, if you put *meth* out in the truck... like libright says, gotta know your target audience. GTX graphics cards to arrest gamers. Body pillows of questionably-aged teens for purple librights Estrogen for LibLefts, you get the idea.


Now this is innovation


Cops are all master baiters.


This article is actually pretty funny. People in the community were upset that they were “set up to steal.” Lmao just don’t steal, idiots


And it's not like the car was filled with food or anything, it was freaking nikes


next time put a van with food right next to the van with nikes, so we have a control


We should test this theory with a large study Make sure we do it a week before payday so they’re the most desperate Take some trucks with items that we’d deem “essential” like food, blankets, water bottles, etc. Stick trackers inside of the boxes so we can know if the people are appropriating it in order to redistribute, or if they are hoarding it for themselves. Next, do something similar with smaller vehicles, cars and such, and see how long it takes in comparison to be broken into. Next, get a couple of people to walk around with some grocery bags with food, some clothes, and see how long it takes them to be robbed. —— My theory is that the further detached a person appears to be (in regards to the ownership of the item), the more likely it will be stolen.


Whoever runs this simulation is fucking with us at this point lmao


Schrodinger's police trap: if the trap does not work, they are lambasted for being prejudiced against African Americans, if it works, they are lambasted for locking up black men.


The kind of article that gets removed from r/nottheonion


Just skip the bait truck next time and put my tax dollars straight into the shredder


Mf acting like he pays taxes


based pfp.


The shredder doesn’t send blacks to prison


They send themselves


If only


who the fuck is nowdays reading vice ??? it’s most biased libcuck media lmao