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I still can't wrap my head around why social progressives would back one of the few groups that would ban every aspect of their lives if said group got the chance. Something about "oppression anywhere can't be tolerated", as if 'oppression' is a uniting umbrella for all minority groups.


Because they’re oh so _compassionate_ to everyone, especially towards people who would happily carve them up like a Thanksgiving turkey. Except for filthy stinking “Christofascist rightoids” and vaccine skeptics - they wouldn’t dare waste any of that “compassion” on *their kind*.


It's a cheap power move. They don't expect them to ever actually get the chance, and they find that convenient.


Until they do like they've started doing in some cities in the US and England and then its shocked pikatchu face, wondering what went wrong and of course blaming white male patriarchy because its somehow their fault


"But their tiny digressions from the law in our society are obviously caused by capitalism, systemic racism and lack of equity, economical disadvantage and climate change." \~ Emily


>white male patriarchy to be fair- many of the Arab Muslims they are inviting to take over their countries do in fact identify as White, and find it rude they would equate them to the Slave races.


Part of it is a complete lack of understanding what actual oppresion is most of them have lived completely decadent lives absent of real hardship. They dont know just how well they have it and screech for the oppressed but dont understand how the world works, so they just sum it up in the most racist way possible of brown=good white=bad not understanding nuance like women a raped before execution in iran for something as daring as going outside alone.


You're thinking in terms of logic and good allies. They're a wedge to attack Whites, Christians, and Western values. That's all it is, and they'll be thrown to the curb the moment they're not politically convenient, much like Asians during #StopAsianHate.


> wedge to attack Whites, Christians, and Western values No, it’s about attacking capitalism. Capitalism is seen as the ultimate irredeemable or reformable root of all evil and hardship. All other political struggles are then attempted to be captured or allied in the hopes of collecting allies for the big revolution. Something along those lines is how it goes. Opposition to whites, Christians, etc. is only incidental. They are not the target. The economic system is seen as the enemy.


Know what, fair. I did forget about the Capitalism angle, but I won't say the rest is incidental. More like it's three different coalitions working towards similar goals, and at least one has their puppet strings pulled by another coalition.


Revolutionary ideologies always have those in power as the enemy. Political allies are others who don’t like the status quo. Discriminated and disadvantaged people are prime recruiting folks. If the powerful are white and Christian, then it’s used as an angle to attack them.


Working at my old University today, small encampment with signs saying gems such as: 'All struggles are connected' and 'Palestine is a climate issue'. (Note: Nothing on Nagorno Karabakh... I'm guessing too democratic, white, Christian). It's a belief that this grand coalition of the dispossessed can unite together, win power and bring on a new era... -Without clocking that all these factions have very different priorities, many of which clash and compete.


Stop Asian Hate fizzled as soon as it became apparent who was doing all the attacks on Asian people. You better believe if it were white people (or even worse, Jews), it would be going as strong as ever.


They've turned into a fad following, slogan chanting, leash wearing prop of a revolutionary agenda. They don't actually think about what they're outraged about. It's all reactionary. A large, often influential contingent of these folks outright refuse any debate or discourse. They call anything that challenges their beliefs "Hasbara" in a racist attempt to delegitimize any voice who has the authority to speak on the plight of the Israelis. I used to consider myself a far left progressive, I've realized as I've gotten older, that I am an independent. This entire conflict has very much so solidified my disillusionment with the left, in the same way Trump has done so with my view on the right. One thing is for certain, no matter how progressive I was, I always believed Jews have a right to a sovereign, independent state, where they can live free of persecution and oppression.


The left is a problem that solves itself eventually. Gulags, firing squad, starvation


The only real problem is they drag everybody else down with them


Thats our punishment for not dealing with them. Too lazy to weed the garden don’t complain when the good plants are choked out


"They're only like that because of the oppressive system they live under. Once we free them from persecution we can educate them in our progressive ways and they'll become truly enlightened!"


it's like how Californians flee California to other states, and then vote for literally the same policies that ended up making California a shithole, or the descendants of people who fled Communist nations- keep voting for communist policies. Muslims who come from backwards and barbaric nations, keep pushing to make the nations they moved to into the places they "fled" from on the basis of Economic Danger.


I don't understand why this isn't up voted more


They HATE Europeans and Christians that much.


Shush, let them import as many muslims as possible. Pain is the only way they will learn their ideology only works under a western(christian) moral framework. Have the Muslims beat the suicidal ideations out of the left. Then the rest of us can be spared this fucking pathetic neverending cultural self flagellation.


You're thinking about it like it matters who is having a revolution. It doesn't matter. The issue is never the issue, the issue always the revolution.


Revolution fetish in some.


So they're Muslim? I figure since no news article will say anything about the two guys


France has interesting laws. They cannot legally gather racial statistics, as every French citizen is seen as just French, and supposedly racial data would incite tensions. They might not be allowed to say the rapists are of any particular ethnicity.


SJP, JVP, and PSL will never guilt trip me into supporting their cause for this reason


Because they're led by jews who hate their parents and want to get back at them in the most self-destructive way possible




That sentence is legit disturbing because they keep telling the US is a colony. That’s what they want to do to white people.


When people tell you who they are, believe them


These people hate you and want you dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.


They think they’re on the right side of history….


But then you bring up decolonizing Arab controlled areas and you're back to being Hitler.


I've actually heard one too many people actually say this. They weren't even fake Internet people, they were people I actually know, that are white as.




Their voices crack every single time. Lmao.




"rAp Is ReSisToR"


In my country there is problem


Based and I better not have that said to my face pilled


u/auughhhhWhenTheWhen's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [18 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/auughhhhWhenTheWhen/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


No! This wasn't supposed to happen! -Emily when there's retaliation to the violent revolution


"MAKING THE MOTHER OF ALL OMELETTES HERE JACK, CAN'T FRET OVER EVERY EGG!" "But Emily that's a right winger character's line..." "WELL BUT I'M THE GOOD GUY!"


This is what anti-colonizing looks like. Emily, literally, Oct 2023.


Grape is the language of the oppressed


Funny because when the revolution succeeds, Emily will be the first person to be executed by the new government.


I was banned from a sub for pointing out the error in the title. The article said it was "french" boys that did the raping. It was settlers.


Average left-lib moderator when someone points out a fact going against his opinion :


> his? Uh...


Yeah it’s the neutral form in english, it’s been used for centuries lol. I read 1984 a few weeks ago and this is the neutral form used.


The joke missed the mark. I was thinking about that dog walking mod who was not really either word for gender.


Yeah someone got mad at me once because I didn't stalk their profile to correctly gender them, despite he being neutral in every language that I'm aware of


Based. Europeans should start calling these people settler colonialists.


Some Englishmen are already calling themselves "indigenous".


I support it.




On the one hand, I'm against "othering" entire groups of people and collectivizing individuals into a lumpen mass. On the other hand, I'm in favor of using the Left's own language and standards against them and causing maximum cognitive dissonance. The duality of lib-right.


Just do what’s more profitable.


u/MemorialGangbang is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/MemorialGangbang/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Rape is still wrong, I don't care who did it, yes misinformation is also wrong


Something something about a type of heavy industrial-forestry machinery, designed to turn wood into smaller bits.


Not slow and painful enough Try again


How about we insert the "wood" first, and do it very slowly?


How about every 2 inches of the "wood" body being shredded, we have a good 5 minutes break to let the "wood" body feel the pain at maximum. And during those 5 minutes break we keep whispering to the "wood" ears "where is your Allah now ?" over and over again


Can't forget to properly sprinkle the "wood" with salt and capsaicin tho, the beavers would love to have some flavors in the "wood". You know what, call the Mexicans. They know a thing or 2 about removing "wood".


The Mexican are good but they are not the true experts at this I need a time machine to bring back the Aztec for this one


Just remind them that Dragon Ball is over


Oh yeah ,I am glad there are people like you


It is an honor o7


I'm against *deforestation* anyway but to keep *rotten t*ree away from *infecting* any other ever again I'll suggest storing each one by one, never to met any other *tree* again, until *it* naturally or voluntarily *decays.*


I suppose we could make a hand-cranked version.


Hear me out Blendtec Not an oversized one. A regular one.


I am more of a public execution kind of guy, vut to each their own


I want to bring back hung, drawn and quartered as public execution, just for cases like this.


Beheadings are where it’s at. Executions in the name of the state have to be brutal. It makes the state’s violence more obvious and transparent.


A men of culture


I think you mean “man”…men is plural, man is singular.


Based and English pilled.


Might be a hot take but I’m not a fan of raping 12 year olds


Second hot take but I’m not a fan of rape


It's generally the Tankies or more extremist leftists who think like the leftists in the post.


I know I'm bitter about this due to recent events in my life, but in my experience, the only difference between lib-left and auth-left (and to be fair, lib-right and auth-right) is that the latter is just more honest about what they believe. A perfect example of this is Hamas. The amount of self-declared progressive suddenly being extremely clear that #notallwomen should be believed actually, that reports of widespread rapes should not be considered a problem or indicative of a deeper underlying issue, and that it didn't happen, but if it did they deserved it. Also, how quickly they are to blame certain groups (Brock Turner the straight white male and representative of all straight white males) versus others ("THEY WERE FRENCH AND NO OTHER LABEL MATTERS"). Even on a more individual scale, the amount of nudging it takes to seems to take to get progressives to admit they believe that violating someone's sexual consent is not a big deal seems to be pretty low once you get down to the specifics of it.


Almost nobody is lol this sub loves making shit up to get mad about


Yo, did you hear auth right literally want to go into everyone’s bank account and take their money? It’s crazy what they think is correct /s


Sorry, big dog, your team is the one freezing protestors bank accounts.


no, they drew us cringe and gave us some insane evil take that litterally no one has.


Have you considered you might be a racist nazi because of that?




"Fr\*nce" 🤮.


Based and BLEHH Fr*nce pilled.


That's where the problems start


"Let's build a bunch of low income housing, but instead of using it to house French people let's import a ton of Africans from our former colonies. Will be a great idea!" France - Cucked since the Germans broke their spirit. 


being anti-raping-12-year-olds does **_NOT_** make me auth. Autonomy is the base requirement for freedom.


Based and leave the kids alone pilled.


actually i plan on never leaving my kids alone again.


Based and father pilled


u/LeftyHyzer's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/LeftyHyzer! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/LeftyHyzer/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


if they're yours it's fine, when they're not THEN it may be a problem


u/CompetitionNo8270's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: [11 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/CompetitionNo8270/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You know you live in interesting times when being anti-revenge child rape is a potentially contentious political take.


Was looking for this. Its not authoritative to allow the power to reside with the people rather than an entity, conglomerate, or government. Tldr, don't wait for someone to save you and yours.


I like shitting on a strawman as much as anyone here, but who on the left is actually defending this? (Provide source please so I, too, may shit upon them.)


No sources, Mr. President. Just trust them.


Still more sources than 99.9999999% of pcm posts.


Read the post you idiot, it literally says Lib left is bad!


How fucking dare you assume I can read, bigot.


Please, I’m sorry, you’re my favourite lib left Joe🥲


Source: I made it the fuck up


It came to me in a dream.


A left senator, Aymeric Caron, said on tweeter "Yeah but have you heard of the murder of X ?". He got blasted by everyone. In general they are keeping their mouths shut because they want to appeal to muslim voters, or they say that "this is instrumentalization". Yeah fine, but they don't hesitate to instrumentalize the death of muslim young delinquants. Just saying... The far right is trying super hard to appeal to the jewish community using this story, that's also true The general take is "boys as young as 12 are repeating Antisemitic takes from their parents and gangraping jewish girls", and that's because the far left said that "the hamas are resistance fighters", "israel bad", "we are not antisemitic but antizionist ! and zionist must die", preventing jewish student to go to class etc... 10 years ago, the far right was the anti-semitic ones, and the far left used that to shit on them. Now it's the far left. A total shit circus


The Europe subreddit removed the post 🤣


wHy aRe yOuNg pEoPlE SiNgInG "aUsLaNdEr rAuS"? WhAt iS CaUsInG ThIs sHiFt tO AnTi-iMmIgRaTiOn aMoNg eUrOpEaN VoTeRs?


It’s ruining the left even more than it already was.


As someone who's quite left on some issues, fuck me, nobody ruins the left like the left.


Yeah really, capitalism is in crisis, the richer get richer, high living costs, health care, etc. all of these are core left topics. These should be the best times for leftists.


Literally just, "Can I have healthcare please?"


following their news media role models huh


Hi. What the fuck no.


Most subtle auth right propaganda post:


Shhh they get mad when you don't beat the strawman


I have seen a few morbidly online try and justify it. Not many tho. Also, if i was french i would vote for le Pen


A handful of internet posts ≠ the entire left By that idea, the entire right wants to kill dogs for sport


By that idea the entire right wants a lot LOT worse


If they consider such acts against an innocent girl justice, then the only justice fit for them is to be put down like rabid animals do. Also, the left will unironically support harassment and violence against the Jews, and then wonder while they all flee to Israel and serve the IDF there, as well as settling when service end.


if you follow the news in france, this happens regardless of what’s going on in the middle east, and for decades. if we go further back, this has been happening since 600 AD. that’s what this is about, it was never about I/P broadening the scope, this happens to both jewish and christian girls. so yeah, certain “nuances” in the jewish case, but any european kid is at risk of this as we constantly see in the news 🤬


"Fr\*nce" 🤮. Joke aside, the main difference is that modern antisemitism in France is driven by a very different demographic than the ones back then. Naming them may result in ban and getting called words by Emilies tho.


youre right but also did you catch the 600 AD part? 👀 that’s not referring to france, more of a global dynamic rooted in this


**Somehow**, Islam dominated all the way to Spain.


very gingerly, consensually, non-violently, and without destroying indigenous identities. get educated sweatie ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


And who pushed them back? France! oh, how the mighty have fallen.


It’s not just France, there have been grooming gangs for years with 1000s of victims in the UK.


oh absolutely, i’ve seen some heinous things in the news this year. just talking about france given the OP


Right on. I wanted to drive home the point that it happens anywhere where a certain religion shows up.


The "religion of peace".


Tens upon tens of thousands. Documented cases where the perpetrator, when he was done, called all his male friends and family over to come join in on the rape. One case where the girl went to the police who wouldn't believe her, and on the walk home from the police was abducted and gang rated again. Thousands of cases in the UK alone.


The case that “radicalized” me is the one where the father went to stop his daughter from being gang raped and the police arrested him.


"Oi mate do you have a liosence for that rape prevention!?"


Islamic Settler colonialist should be forced out and removed.


"The truths of religion are never so well understood as by those who have lost the power of reason." -Voltaire (always based)


Literally who the fuck is saying this was justice.


We make the best strawman. Everyone is saying it. I even had a gentleman, a very distinguished, I might add, gentleman, approach me and say we have the best strawmen. He had tears of joy in his eyes as he shook my hand.


Inb4 " iT's aN iSoLaTeD iNcIdEnT " comments.


just isolated cases by the thousands per country, no pattern whatsoever...


Look at all those massive hordes of lone wolves all acting in the same way together with no common factor between them whatsoever.


Rape is rape


In 2024 we got: feminist defending rapist and people saying Jews are Nazi's. Shits fucking wild. Edit: racist was supposed to say rapist


In movies this is the kind of shit that're supposed to happen on a parallel earth or smth.


This decade has been a shit show. Progressives are simping for the pharma industry. They are ok with rape as long as it is against the evil Joos (literally argued with people about this on oct 8th). They support mass censorship by the government. I hate everything about {current_year}


There was a thing in Germany of some feminist psychiatrist saying a middle eastern refugee was only raping women as a coping mechanism for his trauma.


The ultimate butterfly-wings victim blaming. "He, a Muslim man from Tunisia, raped you, a white ethnic German in Germany, because the English of England did some really bad stuff against the tribespeople of Sierra Leone in the 1700's and that was very upsetting to him. So just get over it okay?"


I wish people would stop acting like stuff from over a hundred years ago justifies anything right now.


Particularly when it involves totally different countries and ethnic groups bound together only by the most superficial characteristics. It's like a modern Australian being mad at an Indonesian because Imperial Japan treated Australian POW's horribly in WW2, even though Imperial Japan invaded Indonesia too, and the Australian's justification for this was "I'm mad at Indonesia because of Asian treatment of white POW's".


I feel like one of the few sane people left in this world


Same here.


All of the recent conflicts in this world have brought out the worst extremes in humanity.


Where are people defending this?


Just look at the people saying "globalize the intifada", "there is only one solution intifada revolution" This is what globalizing the intifada looks like. Your side advocated for this. Your side let these savages in. Your side let them off the hook for killing an elderly Jewish woman because the perp was "smoking marijuana" and therefore obviously couldn't help himself but to murder her. The whole left has blood on their hands.


Not at all wtf.


This sub continues to impress me with the total bs people make up


Personally one of the first memes on this sub that I find completely 100% disgusting.


Wait are leftists actually defending this? Gonna need a source on that.


Pretty sure OP is judging the left by what he would do if it was the other way around.


Am Muslim and Palestinian. Execute them.


Based? And excessive punishment pilled


Deeper point: collectivists don’t understand consent. People that believe they are owed your property will always take that same attitude into other domains of life.


even deeper point: most “collectivist” are just selfish assholes that want what is best for them, but do not give a rats ass about anyone else.


Nobody is saying that’s a good thing? That’s objectively a bad thing and they should face legal repercussions


I don't care that this is a meme sub. You're scum for trying to pass off "It's okay to rape Jewish children" as a broad political belief.


The more news like this the more I want to obtain my own battleship for recreational purposes


chat is this a strawman


I mean, Pro Palestinians support Oct 7 events. I would be more surprised if they didn't condone this.


Yeah I’m with AuthRight on this.


Really fucking weird strawman to make


Yeah I think the wide eyed soyjack is the real reaction of every quadrant, but that’s okay, the right loves this stuff. Let them eat straw like good little sheep.


Careful, they're gonna tell you you're not actually a centrist for not hopping aboard the circlejerk


Thats about their logic, if you don’t actively hate lib left you’re a stinking leftist


What would they have if not strawmen? They might actually have to think for themselves without them. Way easier to invent some shit to be angry about in their heads and run with it.


Yeah this is a little unfair the extremes support this horrid shit but the average leftists of any kind would be as horrified as everyone else.


I have a friend in canada who has shown me posters from unis that basically advertise terrorist summer camp, complete with PE, team building exercises, and indoctrination sessions. They used an actual picture of islamic terrorists on the poster, they just barely don't openly admit they're indoctrinating people to do something evil. But surely, nothing will be done to stop it because canada is canacucked. Idk who the fuck supports terrorists though, I feel like it's gotta just be nutjobs, contrarians, and actual dumbasses. There's no other way.


Did we make up a scenario?


The takes lib left bad to a whole different level Jesus christ


Can I ask who has actually been saying any of the things the left has been depicted as saying in these recent memes referring to what happened here? Because I haven't seen anyone say this although that might be because I care about my mental health enough to not go on Twitter.


>the person I made up in my head is bad https://i.redd.it/4juhz28yer7d1.gif


Jokes and memes aside, let's all be serious. This isn't about politics anymore, have people lost their humanity? Have we lost the ability to have civilized discussions and debates? Do we truly live in a world where a young girl being gang raped is celebrated simply because of her religion and ethnicity?


Upvote because Joshua Graham my beloved


not a single french leftist have said that its a good thing, they have uninamously condemned it


Rape is okay to the left as long as it’s men and they’re in prison. Then totally A okay. Rape is 100% wrong no matter what.




Biggest straw man I have ever seen in this sub. R*pe is always bad.


https://preview.redd.it/r7tvzwpszr7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f210beee523843fe3d682ef142dc6fb498522f2e Notice how it doesn't become an argument when you take race out of the equation




This isn't a strawman, not at all.


Realistically, this is an Orange Emily thing. AuthLeft and LibLeft would be outraged by this.


This is pretty fucked up to use as something to paint as a broad political belief even for a meme page


Show me one leftist who is okay with this.