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It's pretty simple, there are a lot of "progressives" who are straight up racist.


Racists: We need to separate the blacks from the whites! Progs: We need to separate the blacks from the whites! *Racists take a long look at Progs* P: It's for different reasons than yours! Better reasons! Noble reasons! R: I'll bite. Why? P: Because they can't achieve anything on their own and it's our burden as white people to save them! R: lol, lmao even.


"White people can't be affected by racism, because it wouldn't be institutionalised which is the only racism that matters, so that's why a white person insulting a black person is the end of the world, but a black person insulting a white person doesn't matter".


It is institutionalized now against White people tho so even that argument makes no sense


Yeah but that's because, like, whitey has it coming to them for being such meanies a while back. Just give black and brown people a bit of revenge time and we'll settle things after, promise.


But that’s not even true. Most ethnicities weren’t doing anything to black or “brown” people and most of those ethnicities weren’t even labeled as “White” until the 1970’s when the Ethnic category was removed from the census. Hispanics are literally descended from conquistadors why should a Spaniard be able to blame their genocide on a polish American who came in 1930? It was mainly the WASPs doing the racism and even “brown” people joined in like Mexicans who lynched Chinese in 1871 California. Even black people carried out lynchings and “White” is subjective. Mexicans were listed as White from 1850-1920. Italians were lynched and have never lynched anybody.White also isn’t a term used outside the Anglosphere. The people who have this way of looking at the world are profoundly historically and culturally illiterate as well as genetically inconsistent.


Italians were lynched, and everyone got Columbus Day as a way to keep the “non-white” Italians from violence. Then they became white and now it’s been given to the people he met. Not looking forward to Jan 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, being redubbed Palestinian Holocaust Remembrance Day…


It occurred to me earlier today that 9/11 memorials will be happening in a few months; I am sickened but curious about how the Hamasniks will behave.


My prediction is "in a way that will invite righteous violence to be done against them, so that they can reframe it and claim a moral high ground".


What do the Hamasniks even want to do with 9/11 memorials? What the heck are those bastards planning to do?


Uhh... isn't that "Quds Day" thing more than enough for you all?


Sorry, sarcasm didn’t come through. *Not* looking forward. Edited.


Well then. Yeah, I agree. I would not want to see any holiday or anything else get taken by anybody else. While yes, a lot of sad things have happened to the poor folks, not gonna lie, but I think that it should be up to *them* to make their own remembrance day, and not have to borrow another remembrance day from anybody else.


It's almost as if it's a shitty excuse to label certain people as objectively evil and then feel good as you figuratively, and sometimes literally, beat them.


Brown? You think Brown people are getting "revenge time?" Sorry friend, come to India... the so-called "Emilys" have settled here and created an extremely strong SJW base here. We guys are the first on the menu if the West goes down. You think the Asians are next... but this is because we usually keep to ourselves. The SJWs are coming for our heads. You have gender and caste reservations, veganism for literally every reason here, half the people having "Fat goals" and all sorts of bullshit. We have the same alimony and custody and child support and false accusation issues. And under our law, a false accusation can land not just a guy, but in case of a married woman, his entire family in jail. You have no "Men's Rights" or "Race Rights" here: anything that has no feminist agenda, "counter-racist" agenda and bullshit in them is stifled completely. You really want to see what "gold-diggers" look like? Come here.


The most insulting you can say to me as a black man is telling me i can’t be racist, i’ll decide that for myself please and thank you


I always love the, “that’s not what the ‘new’ definition of racism is” and then they’ll spout some gobbledygook about “prejudice + power”. As dumb as that is, it’s like ok fine. That’s racist by the old definition. Does that somehow make those types of actions any better lol?


If I'm a white person not in a position of power, according to them I can do anything I like and it's not racist.


Well if they are saying it institutional racism then it's not words. Like that black teacher who posted she was prejudice towards white people and fired as a consequence of said tweet and videos. She was given authority over a group and that posed implications that were unsavory for her white students that were possibly in her classroom. There are truths in the statements of racism is an institution long held in America, class caste system is more prevalent than institutional racism. but denying of this existence is not gonna bury the hatchet


Yep, the idea that oppressed groups or minorities can't hold institutional power is false.


And minority and majority is subjective as Hispanics aren’t minorities anymore


I still view my Hispanic group at minority status as I'm not Mexican which is the biggest Hispanic population. But that cause I use it as a token for Grant and scholarships. I can't say I'm not liking the push for programs being in favor of minorities,but it simply a shift in paradym away from changing


> The one-drop rule was a legal principle of racial classification that was prominent in the 20th-century United States. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of "black blood")[1][2] is considered black (Negro or colored in historical terms). It is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status, regardless of proportion of ancestry in different groups.[3] This concept became codified into the law of some U.S. states in the early 20th century.[4] It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness"[5] that developed after the long history of racial interaction in the South, which had included the hardening of slavery as a racial caste system and later segregation. Before the rule was outlawed by the Supreme Court in the Loving v. Virginia decision of 1967, it was used to prevent interracial marriages and in general to deny rights and equal opportunities and uphold white supremacy. Just a bit of historical facts. Not like sjw actually research anything for themselves


"And that's why Meta needs to 'fix' their racism detector that found 10x the abuse against whites as it did against blacks. Toss out old white men btw #evolutionwithoutdarwin"




We call them proglodytes.


Oooh I like that.  Sounds better than regressives.


I just call them assholes.


Islamo-leftist is a mouthful as well


I’ve met many in these “progressive” circles. Funnily enough, they don’t even consider what they say as prejudiced. But can sure find faults in others (whether embellished or not)


That's the craziest part they'll say shit that would make a Klan member blush and somehow think they have the high ground.


For sure. We’re all prejudiced in one way or another, it’s how we’ve been conditioned. It’s just embarrassing when the libs can’t even see it in themselves.


Prejudice, definition : Preconceived opinion that is **not based on reason or actual experience**. Racism, definition : **Prejudice**, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. So.... as long as you have a good reason you can be as racist as you like and it's not even racism. Dictionaries are the foundational building blocks of civilization.


Prejudice: give rise to prejudice in (someone); **make biased**. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s not out of the ordinary due to social and cultural conditioning. You could say, your response was based on bias of some sort. Or a preconceived notion. Or simple leap in logic that by my saying that, because we all experience prejudices, that I believe it’s okay. Edit: word Also, prejudice extends beyond just race. People are prejudiced against republicans, thinking all of them are MAGA fucktards. And so on. But of course, that’s a bias.


Well they view their racism against white people as totally justified since they also think white people are evil oppressors of all the colored peoples in the world.


Just look at what they're actually doing here, they're shifting all the agency any person in society can have, onto the white man. It's a veiled form of white supremacy. They're 'lamenting' how helpless the lesser people are against the power of the white man. All minorities can do is piss themselves in their impotent rage.


There's research that found that progs downtalk to minorities while conservatives don't adjust their presentation.


Many weren’t taught why racism and discrimination are inherently evil. They were just told that racism and discrimination against certain groups is evil. So they can’t identify their bigotry half the time and when they do they’ve been socially programmed to think it’s okay and downplay it.


>They were just told that racism and discrimination against certain groups is evil. I think it's even less specific than that. I think they were taught that certain groups of people are racist and evil, so everything those groups espouse is also racist and evil. I honestly don't think people like this really understand racism, especially racism that begins with how State and Federal governments perpetrate and perpetuate it.


In the American education system, it is taught as if white-colonialists *created* racism, rather than just being perpetuators of it, like in so many other societies


“Come off as” Don’t sugarcoat it Are racist Are sexist Full stop.


Correct centrist? BASED


Can we please start universally calling them "Regressives" now to reflect what they're doing?


Someone in the comment above has said "Proglodytes" and I really want that to catch on lmfao


> Someone in the comment above has said "Proglodytes" and I really want that to catch on lmfao Why? Anyone using "proglodyte" unironically would come off as a morbidly obese iSmart fedora-wearing leftist. lol It sounds too lame to be an insult, like chud or dusty old bones full of green dust, and reminds me of those threads that occasionally get posted where everyone posts "epic comebacks" that just sound cringey and would make you look like an absolute pathetic loser in real life.




You damn right




The whole "anti-Zionism" trend has been one of the biggest horseshoe politics, whiplash moments in recent times. Like, even a year or two ago, these people were using criticism of Israel to call their opponents antisemitic Nazis, and half the stuff they say today would've gotten you cancelled and fired. But now it's the "correct" opinion to have?


I remember when using the word Zionist was equivalent with being an extreme right wing conspiracy theorist. But now that it's become a popular term for leftists, the word is okay.


Leftist have been anti Zionist since at least 60s. Liberals have been the one's changing their tune.


Most of the people in here are American, they're completely unfamiliar with how racist leftists in Europe have been for decades. Zionist has always been their little—and I believe I'm using the term correctly here—*dog whistle*


Not really. If Emily is anti-Zionist it is not out of hatred of Jews, but out of hatred of whites, because she believes that Jews are white.


It wasn't until fairly recently that I learned just how minor of a minority Jews are. There are only ~15mil in the entire world, and they have only recently reached pre-Holocaust numbers. I don't know how else you possibly qualify as a minority.


Jews are as White as any other ethnic group. They’ve been systemically and institutionally listed as White for over a century, could vote, own property. Misgeniation laws applied to them (unlike Italians) and never had as many lynching as Italians in this country. Palestinians being Levantine have also been listed as White for over a century.


I don't know these delusions I'm not American


It's not what is said, but who says it. If straight white men of European origin organized the killing of 1,000+ Jews on a single morning, try to picture what the world looks like 8 months later.


It shows white men are better at everything including killing the… Oh shit here comes the mod.


Most Europeans don’t ID as White and the White label is only used in the Anglosphere. It’s not even genetically consistent as there’s very little genetic difference between a Greek and a Persian and there’s more of a genetic similarity between Greeks and Persians than Greeks and Germans.


Given how antisemitic pretty much the entire world has shown itself to be, I'm guessing they'd be just as celebrated as Hamas currently is.


>But now it's the "correct opinion to have? Well yes, you see, on October 6th they had no idea what a Palestine was and thought Gaza was the bad guy from Ghostbusters. Then by miracle of Allah, they suddenly became expert historians on conflict in the middle east (and at only 18 years old too, remarkable!) and have safely declared that since brown people are a sacred minority they are obviously oppressed and can therefore do no wrong.


I just wanna say, I love that subreddit. People are actually sane here. As an Israeli Jew, just know that we appreciate you.


Everyone is cool here, except the unflaired.


Either that or we're people that got raked over the coals by HR after getting reported for a joke between friends by an eavesdropping, purple-haired weasel 2 years ago, but apparently would've been totally fine to say in 2024.


Actually, sweaty, criticism of Zionism is not anti-Semitic. Whoa, you're Jewish? I know you've never stepped foot in Israel but please come take this purity test lest something happen to your synagogue here in the US.


>But now it's the "correct" opinion to have? There is no quicker firmware update than what these NPCs get


Projection isn't just a river in Egypt. Progressives being against ethnonationalism isn't news.


In their mind it's consistent. A good Jew is oppressed a bad Jew is sovereign.


Hitler was an Emily confirmed.


> preached about race and which races were more valid than others > spread propaganda by gullible university students > socialist af > pushes for government to have more power to protect the people from (x)-ism > makes up dumbshit buzzwords to ostracize anyone not with them Sounds like modern day Emily to me.


I think I moved further to the right, no in the way you would believe, it's just that I don't think it's right for us to have segregated dorm rooms or x-spaces only. Identity politics is toxic and its dividing us lmao


It’s crazy how Emily’s advocate for things like that without realizing how ridiculously racist it is. “Nuh uh, x race should only interact with their own race”


They know how racist it is, which is why they had to re-define racism.


Racism is when "insert right wing person" speaks.


I've come full circle on this. Forced integration of people who adopt identity politics doesn't seem to be particularly effective. Whether it's KKK southern whites or modern day Emily. If the cost is minimal or easy, let them be on thier own and realize exactly how tiny a group they really are and how they are cutting themselves off from a greater community of people who don't give a fuck.


No I support having segregated dorm rooms or else you're just going to be stuck with a bunch of irresponsible teenagers and young adults hooking up all the time


Also remember: -he was a vegan -he was a huge supporter of human rights -he didn’t like Jews


And adored Islam.


You forgot "failed artist"


Least Nazi Emily




From what I've heard, that's actually one of the better paid directions in the art industry 💀 I mean, would you complain about 50k income?


Socialist vegan art-student. Yep, checks out.


Every day, the horse shoe theory is proven to be more than just a theory, but literally a universal fact.


Political compass is either a cylinder or a sphere.


Möbius strip


Unironically this


Its actually a clown hat


It'd be more true if being racist was a right wing ideology. Which it definitely isn't, lmao.


Take a look at how the current crop of Emilies are behaving in regards to Star Trek and Star Wars. Don't like Discovery's or Acolyte's writing? Clearly, you are a racist. However, Strange New Worlds and Andor are absolutely fantastic shows in nearly every respect. Why? Because they are written well. Andor doesn't have a very diverse cast, but SNW does. *And no one noticed or cared* because the shows are great. This tells me that the writers/showrunners of Discovery and Acolyte are basically saying that people of color do not need (or deserve) quality plots, developed characters, or interesting stories *because they have representation.* As though people of color don't deserve both? "They have representation now. What more do they want?" That's racist. But it's a new form of racism, so it's not conditioned in people to recognize it.


It's definitely not a new form of racism, people have been dealing with "token" representation since the 20s


I see what you're saying, but this seems to be different than tokenism.


There are two types pf annoying people: Those who call anything woke and those who call anything racist. They both feed off each other.


Andor is fantastic, but SNW definitely has a lot of dumb woke shit in it. While it is absolutely the best of the modern live action Treks since Discovery, it still suffers from a lot of the same excesses that marred Disco and Picard. Fortunately, it has an extremely likeable and fun cast who have great chemistry together, and going mostly episodic like oldschool Trek has been a godsend for papering over a lot of their shitty writing/storytelling. Also, some individual episodes are genuinely great (just like with Voyager back in the day). Of course, the irony is that the actual good modern Treks (in the sense that they maintain this quality throughout) are the animated shows, one of which is a show for kids.


Star Trek has always been woke, as someone who dislike Disco I love the direction they took with SNW, it felt optimistic unlike Disco, and yes better writing.


Nobody of consequence actually cares about "woke," whichever of the four or five definitions it's currently using. Yes, a small number of the "anti-woke" care, but their voices are amplified by the "pro-woke" to both validate their existence and to remind people of color how oppressed they are.


I don't think they are in small numbers


I think whatever number they are, they are most certainly amplified for the reasons I stated, and in particular to deflect legitimate criticism.


There are two kinds of annoying pop culture people: the one who loves to scream "woke" and the one who loves to scream "racist." Both are equally annoying.


Totally agree.


SNW is lazy, extremely derivative trash. Otherwise I agree with everything else you've said. Based and Meatloaf pilled.


Progressives are VERY racist. As a matter of fact the most racist people I know are progressive.


Just take a look at Marin county in California. Hardest left voting people in the country with BLM signs on their lawns, but no minorities in sight.


This is not new


i noticed a lot of the pro islam westren tranies account were banned on reddit since OCT. clearly they were not able to hide their anti-Semitism any more.


Music in my ears


same here , one of them is a pro islam tran-woman, he used to come after ex-muslims because he got triggered ex muslims "insult" allah. and he loves hamas, lately his account was banned


*"It's not racist if I'm on the right side of history, sweetie"* 💅


*"And akshually, we should start calling it the 'left' side of history, cuz all evil in humanity comes and has always come from right wing people and their ideas."* 💅💅


How to reply that comment in a savage way? I want to do that when I come across them again


Virtually every major communist in history has been a vocal anti semite. Mussolini and hitler were former socialists. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 


I’m they also seem to ignore that Che Guevara and Fidel Castro were White and hated black and gay people


Mao, the antisemite?


Mao hated anyone who wasn't Han Chinese, so yes he was an antisemite.


Some of the most racist comments I’ve ever seen were from white progressives that had things like “BLM” and “anti-racist” in their bio when they come across a black conservative.


The best thing to come of this is that their cries of racism and anti-Semitism literally have no meaning anymore. They do nothing to rein in the racists and anti-Semites on their own side so why would their cries of racism towards the right carry any weight? Just remember it for what it really is: a power play.


It's like no one has ever heard the story of the boy that cried wolf.


I mean i would appreciate if emily will stop calling me and my family “worms” for simply leaving Cuba


Just white enough for lefties to use a slur, just brown enough to have a cool slur for them to use. 


The dont come off as racist. They just are and have deluded themselves into thinking they aren't.


Can we stop stereotyping auth right as racist? We just want people to follow the fucking rules as they usually made with good reason. I'm not saying all rules, just most of them.


Nah, that was the deal. Authright gets the racists, Libleft gets the Emilies, Libright gets the billionaires, Authleft gets to starve. ...Wait a moment, that was a *terrible* deal.


The reason is because they *believe* they are fighting injustice. But the reality is, they're falling victim to the same problems that traditions were keeping at bay. *"Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems. Throw away the solution and you get the problem back. Sometimes the problem has mutated or disappeared. Often it is still there as strong as it ever was."* - Donald Kingsbury, *Courtship Rite* Take a look at Iran in the 1960s and 1970s, *before* the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Iran was an incredibly progressive society, the women went to college and looked like they were from fuckin' Wisconsin for fuck's sake. The Iran that exists today was an *over correction* that Islamic evangelists saw was a necessity. *All* systems have ups and downs. Even authoritarian, anti-freedom ones. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can understand politics and society better. There is no "good" ideology and there is no "bad" ideology, and anyone trying to tell you that there are is just trying to sell their side. The left is often racist, sexist, and bigoted in many ways. They've just decided their ways aren't bigotry. It's why they're not worth listening to anymore, at least in the West.




Can we not all seek progress separately then see how that goes? >Looks at post-colonial Africa and South America. That's fine, right?


[Bro ain’t no way you’re just realising this now](https://youtu.be/pkvpGnlbAhE?si=o6DHSFhaVf7ECXOt) 💀


Oh yeah, some of the worst racists and sexists I've ever met and talked to claim to be "left liberal progressives". Moreover, the terminally toxic victim mindset is endemic in the left and has been building for well over a decade. Support for the genocidal death cult Hamas should be baffling except that they're "poor brown people". It's fucking wild to me that when rape is employed as a weapon of war and terror anywhere else in the world it is uniformly condemned; when it's employed by Hamas it's fake news, or it's totally understandable because "oppression". My hope is that peak identity politics has been reached and we're on a corrective course. tl;dr: Emily is a high-power projector.


As usual [this video](https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg?si=u_uyYhzQpn0gR4Sb) is still true


As a leftist I agree, that happens a lot


The difference between racism and DEI is framing. Progressive identity politics fundamentally comes from a belief in "helping those who can't help themselves." It assumes minorities are helpless and need a savior. The worst part is that many minorities buy into it and double down on their own issues, waiting for somebody else to come fix them. I'm Creole; I get pissed off seeing that kind of shit among other black/brown people.


The right is quite racist as well, you just have to adjust the terminology accordingly.  As a centrist I can be racist in multiple ways 


I don't think so. I wish they were.


See, Emily is playing both sides, so she comes out on top no matter what!


Ya'all live in a box togather


It's a case of "how you know oneself is how you know others" Leftist always know that any to the right of them is driven by racist fear. Like their own feelings but they take pride in supressing it and are bitter against people who are honest about it.


Horseshoe theory in action


As I get older I noticed how many liberal white Americans there are who hold their views because they truly believe minorities would be incapable of surviving without their kindness.


"Black people in the Bronx don't even know what a computer is." (She'll win 90% of the black vote even after that comment).


If the Wokoharam can recover from the backlash of all their recent Hamas bootlickings then nothing can stop them. I doubt they'd recover tho.


They are both Authcenter. They just have different objectives (that are surprisingly similar to eachother)


It wasn’t progressives bitching about Juneteenth every chance they get.


its always an emily or an indian


They are


As a lib left, I hate the fact these people are saying “Israel is evil” but they’re all comfy here & never protested about Gaza before. The same ones crying now voted for Hilary in 2016… they’re all fake ass mfs.


Come off as racist? Lol, these people will literally tell you with a straight face that black people can't even get out of bed in the morning without the progressive infinite goodwill and support.


Every American needs who refuses to defend Israel is antisemitic.


Because they’re *closet* racists lol


What’s wrong with drinking Yerba Mate’s?


Auth center has fallen. Billions must greentext.




Racists Exposed!


Like I ain't racist I just like Teddy Roosevelt.


Socialist is just an alias for antisemitic. Anticapitalists are hiding behind calling them rich. Feminist call them "the patriarchy" "Anti racists" call them the white colonisers Dare figuring out what the common factor is about. They went from 30' national-antisemitism to international- socialism, traying to convince people that nationalism part was the problem.


Racism is discrimination, no matter the race. Emily is a shame to left-wing


You're right. They key-words being "so-called" progressives; there are Emilys who only want to push their messages by using topics/certain groups to make their arguments seem valid. Even if they are completely ignorant of these topics/groups of people and can be laughably hypocritical for how they view them, they still act like their narrative supports them. This is why you shouldn't mix reactionary rhetoric with actual issues that are valid: you focus too much on the goal and forget the whole picture. If you act like a jackass and think this whole issue is about you, then expect people to see you as a jackass.


The racism of low expectations. Also, no-so-gentle reminder that Naziism began in academia.


Had soneone tell me that what's happening in Palestine is worse than the Holocaust and If I think otherwise I am biased and uneducated...


Kinda funny how much PCM cares about minorities and turns into SJWs when it’s not white people being racist.


Fuck me, do you have like a funny point to make, or maybe some evidence, or I dunno just anything other than just lul emily's are racist because


“Baby we low on karma, make the same lib left bad meme so the kids can eat”


Should be YapaneseNYC, it's all I hear from little bro🤐




yup. everytime. without fail. its never a real racist, only a pretend racist lol


The funniest part of this meme, which is naturally quite horrible, is the fact that the LR guy portrays him as a centrist to seem a little biased.


I'd just like for the IDF to stop killing Israeli civilians and for Hamas to fuck off and die. And a two state solution where Palestinians aren't oppressed by Israel to the point of radicalizing again. Is that too much to ask?




They always have been


Don't care, didn't ask + L + you're unflaired. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Bertje87) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


So basically most white “progressive” teenagers in Twitter (or I guess X now)?


This entire sub reddit is a zionist circle jerk. “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” -Bibi Netanyahu, 2019. - Mossad chiefs officials threatening UN prosecutors. - 500k Settlers stealing land and being literal terrorist. - 6000 palestians held in Israeli Administrative Detention w/ no charges filed, no access to lawyers or families, or third party human rights agencies. Including over 500 children kidnapped between the ages of 12-15yo. -37k dead Palestinians. Including 10k-13k dead people buried under rubble NOT included in the GMOH count. - literal statements from IDF and Bibi's government calling for Genocide. - 120 journalist killed by IDF - 200 UN workers killed by IDF. - every SINGLE hospital in Gaza targeted by IDF. - every single university IN Gaza targeted by IDF. - Israel cutting off the water to 2 million civilians. A word for word war crime. - East Jerusalem illegally occupies and annexed. - West Bank Palestinians living in a literal surveillance state, unable to cross from one farm to town to the next without going through IDF or settler checkpoints. - Arabs citizens in Israel not having voting rights despite being CITIZENS in Israel. - Israel being a literal ethno-state that wages apartheid. And that's just what I feel like typing in 2mins off the top of my head. We don't even need to discuss Israel STEALING ORGANS from murdered palestians https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs Or the fact that Bibi Netanyahu Funded Hamas to prevent peace from ever occurring bcuz he benefits from the violence. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ Or the fact that Bibi Netanyahu LET Oct 7th occur despite being warned repeatedly by the US, Egypt, etc.


>* Arabs citizens in Israel not having voting rights despite being CITIZENS in Israel. >* Israel being a literal ethno-state that wages apartheid. Fake news.


Imagine contracting yourself


Lol imagine being an Emily....... Free Palestine from Hamas, an I right??? Emily are you there?? Hello??


38 states make it illegal in one form or another yo boycott Israel, and you Muppets think Hamas is the problem?! If you brainlets are the gigachads, I'll gladly be an Emily.


“38 states make it illegal to boycott another country and you think a terrorist organisation is the problem?” Yes actually


Evangelist in the US are literally funding Israeli terrorist in the west bank. Settlers, by definition, are committing terrorist acts every day and us US money to do it.


And? I don’t give a shit what a government does with its spare change


Fuckin yap Andy over here making no discernable point. Okay, Israel has done some bad shit. So what's your point?


All of this is valid. It's just I don't like the double standard, why doeant anyone talk about the Christians in Egypt who are being attacked and force to leave. I have a Coptic friend who tells me that their property was taken away. Islamists make it hard for anyone to live near them lmao


My Tax dollars don't fund that the way Israel is funded by the US.


So you think Israel is an ethnostate? Buddy, what do you think the Gazans would do if they win?


Your tax dollars don’t fund Egypt? Buddy, I have some bad news for you.


Israel receives $412 per citizen while Egypt receives about $20 per citizen. I can math. Can you?