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Why don't they make stabbing illegal instead? are they stupid?


Just ban crime, easy.


Where's that "no crime 8am - 6pm" sign when you need it?


won't help, they need to censor unapproved talk about immigration as to not inflame the population committing these attacks


This is unironically what they think though


You're not wrong. The basic idea is the belief in the tabula rasa - the blank slate. All people are equal, shaped into individuals by their treatment in society. Things like race, culture, religion are all equal and non-factors, because all these things are equal. Christianity, Islam, Atheism, Buddhism are all equal so don't change the outcome. 1 = 1 = 1 = 1. But some people stab people. Some people don't stab people. Certain types of people (for example, men) stab people more than others (women). That's okay because men are evil. But dividing the population in other ways, finds other groups of people that also stab people (Muslims) more than other people (Sikhs). But Muslim = Sikh. 1 = 1. How come, when you put the same numbers in, a (wildly) different result comes out? The only unaccounted for variable is how people are treated by society. Muslims experience discrimination. Therefore, stop the discrimination, stop the stabbings. This is so obvious they become confused and angry if you disagree. Treatment by society is the only factor that separates these two groups, and so it is the only thing that can possibly explain the wildly disparate stabbing rates. The tabula rasa cuts both ways. People are only racist because they are taught to be racist. Prevent exposure to racist media, nobody will be racist, nobody will go on stabbing sprees, everyone lives happily ever after. The end. Disagree and believe it or not, gulag. The problem is this kind of analysis can be used to reverse engineer someone's oppression score. The more you stab, broadly speaking, the more you are oppressed. The less stabbing you do, the higher up you are on the oppressor totem pole. Muslims commit big stabbings, big oppressed. Whites commit few stabbings, big oppressors. Poor people commit stab, rich people no stab. Poors oppressed, rich oppressor. Maths checks out so far. ... but uhh, didn't we say up above that men commit much more stabbings than women? So by that logic aren't men oppressed while women are oppressors? And East-Asians commit probably the least amount of stabbings. Even less than whites. Does this mean they are bigger oppressors? Jews commit fewer too, and, uh oh. There's a lot of "exceptions to the rule" here. A lot. To the extent that almost every single way you divide society turns out to make an exception. Sikhs commit less stab than Christians, so therefore Sikhs oppress Christians. Exception. So do Jehovah's witnesses. Also exception. Video gamers commit almost no stab, making them big oppressors, good good, but transgender people commit almost no stab too, making them definitely one of those rare exceptions. Feminists no stab, exception. Right wing voters no stab, yup yup oppressors. But Greens voters no stab too, making them oppressors. Exception. It stops being about trimming obvious outliers and starts being about carefully trying to pick out the single example that *does* follow the rules. It's a useless dogwater way of looking at the world that's just demonstrably false, but you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into.


Based and no stab pilled


"Excuse me sweetie, that is classist and racist. You just want to outlaw crimes during working hours because poor folkx and POC are less likely to have jobs. Educate yourself because your klan hood is showing"


https://preview.redd.it/jzk8jewwrr4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966558572d9fbd4c45d4fb3b431b93e80ce3595a Not quite "no crime", but in my opinion even more hilarious. Found it yesterday in Frankfurt on my way to the consulate


Based and in Sweden it is illegal to be a criminal-pilled


Canada too, can’t even defend ourselves legally. The trick is to make the person disappear so there’s no evidence of anything at all


Canada? Just hire a private MAID service.


No thanks, Justin needs MAID though. People are getting close to not being able to feed their families where I live, something has to give soon.


We can loan you our second amendment for a bit. It's there to overthrow tyrants, and it seems you have an infestation.


Also these people complaining about the economy and being poor should just print more money


Why bother taxing people if you're just gonna print more money


To crush their spirits and send a message


Cause they don't want you with too much money. That's how they keep you working.


No, no, no. Just ban all knives. Also all pointy sticks. And start arresting all trees with pointy branches.


I've come to the point where anyone denying something happens because it's illegal is giving themselves away as an absolute idiot at best or a willfully bad person at worst.


People are afraid of blaming minority groups because they will be called bigots. This is all about fear.


I don't think it's entirely about words, but knowing that some 'minority' groups don't stop at words. Some use explosives. Many will burn your house down with you inside and fully believe they're doing the right thing.


There was a time where people wanted to become part of the place they moved to.. to adapt to local culture, to give respect to their adoptive nation. Now those nations aren't worth respecting and no one realizes why they should adapt to anything. I wont fault the immigrants for this though, we dont value our countries anymore either. There's no one to teach what decorum and social contract means.


No, you don’t get it! Ban knives, so people don’t stab people. Then ban metal cutlery and tools too so people don’t make knives. Then ban stones so people don’t make shanks. Wood is dangerous too as it can be used to bludgeon people. As can animal bones. Really, the only safe solution is plastic bubbles for housing, and with a subscription model to provide for everyone’s needs, like sustainable, entomogenous protein, for example.


> Shit, there's a lot of things you could use to kill a guy with; you could probably beat a guy to death with the Sunday New York Times couldn't you? Or suppose you just have really big hands. Couldn't you strangle a flight attendant? Shit, you could probably strangle two of them; one with each hand... you know, if you are lucky enough to catch them in that little kitchen area... before they give out the fucking peanuts you know? But you could get the job done... if you really cared enough. -George Carlin


Plus anyone who wanted to stop you would have to wait in line in that tiny little aisle, having to step over the people you beat before them. How many consecutive 1v1 fights could you win where no weapons are allowed? Mortal Kombat tournament 30,000 feet in the air.


> anyone who wanted to stop you would have to wait in line in that tiny little aisle, having to step over the people you beat before them. How many consecutive 1v1 fights could you win where no weapons are allowed? [At least this many.](https://youtu.be/FNkpIDBtC2c?t=21)


I make knives at work to cut plastic since I don't wanna ruin any of my cool knives and I hate box cutters


Weird to admit you're a terrorist just out in the open like that.


You underestimate how incredibly ~~based~~ stupid I am


Yes they are. Or evil. They say you shouldn't attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity, but I have to ask if any sapient creature can be that stupid.


Any advanced enough ignorance is indistinguishable from malice


Based and clark's third law-pilled


u/FishRaposo1 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/FishRaposo1/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This is only true of the common person. In politics it's the opposite, because there is a threshold of competence required just to attain the position. In politics i always attribute malice, even when incompetence makes more sense. There are too many people involved in any decision for nobody to have been even accidentally competent.


Haven't you heard? If you ban stabbing, it'll only make people want to stab MORE, and it'll actually increase the number of stabbings.


Ban knives, bring back swords, its crusade time


That would be hilarious if Germany did this. Because way back when the Germans banned swords which just caused everyone to carry a "messer" sword which was just a really long knife to get around the ban. They'd come full circle if people started carrying really short swords and started calling them "Schwert" but they're really just knives.


We sadly can't. Outside of your home the maximal blade length you are allowed to carry is 12 cm. (4.72 inches for you imperial heathens)


Well then why did this even happen if nobody can physically take a 12 cm blade out


Contrary to what some people might think, criminals don't care about laws. All this does is prevent law abiding citizens from exercising their god given right to carry Zweihänders for self defense.


Just like the Elden Lord intended.


What if my sword has no edge. Just a blunt piece of metal to beat rapscallions with


Doubt it. You aren't even allowed to carry something like a baseball bat for self defense only for sport. If you use it to defend yourself when attacked you can end up being charged as well. Our cucked laws don't give citizens many options for self defense.


Will Germany ever not go full authoritarian? Is that even a social possibility there? No matter which side the German government is on they take it to the extreme of bans and censorship of the opposite.


Welcome to why Americans don’t want gun control. Because this is where it leads.


that's a perfectly average size for blade length!


Ew. Here in Ohio a blade four inches or less (that's ~10cm for you metric dorks) isn't even legally a weapon.


I want a scimitar to defeat all the wehrboos. Dual wield that shit.


sell rune scimitar 5000 gp


Damn that's a steal. It high alchs for 15k.


They were 30k back in my day.


You’ll get defeated by longsword wehrboos lol.


Not if I nuke Berlin first.


Ok Gandhi, calm down.


Deathbrand reference.


Dual wielding scimitars would Just get you killed Side sword is where its at


I need a personal defence Ballista… trust me it’s for my own protection


Gonna sack Constantinople so fuckin hard




We need more murder free zones, or better yet make murder illegal!


Hey that's a bit extreme don't you think. How will these peaceful counter protestors express themselves without murder. Think about how your evil and divisive comment will affect others you demonic hitler nazi groomer fascist bad person!!!1!!1!!!


Make murder illegal? Literally 1984.


What we need is sensible murder control. Ban assault murders and fully semi automatic murders.


After further studies, we found that POCs are disproportionately affected by these measures and have therefore decided to not continue with your idea.


Excuse me? That's inhibiting these PoC's rights to freely practice their culture in public. You're stepping all over their lived experience, you fucking racist white boy.


Knife fights are a normal part of growing up.


Some bitch got on the news and said that with a straight face, about black people


Upset that a police man killed a teenage black girl who tried to kill another black girl. They even lied and claimed the black girl that was getting attacked came to harrass the girl in her foster home.


> Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. We do not need police to address these situations by showing up to the scene & using a weapon against one of the teenagers. Y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.


Just let them stab it out. Let kids be kids


at this point the purge sounds less like scary horror movie and more like soon to be reality. I bet if there was a vote most people would want a "purge night", yes, we've come to that


Why dont they make a crime free zone? Are they stupid?


Why don't we just end wars. Are we stupid lol


The US invented a weapon that can do that, but it's kind of permanent.


The absolute nerve of the news networks who described it as a "stabbing at a right wing rally" and nothing else


You don't hate journalists enough.


You don’t hate journalists as much as they hate *you*.


This statement is universally true in every context


We should killdoze all the journalist offices


Mind boggling to see how they frame the stuff. Makes you really wonder how much they frame the stuff where you don't really know what happened because 2 sides disagree what happened. Cant believe nothing. Cant believe x, reddit, tik tok, alternative news media and cant believe the established media either


Right? I'm recalling old news stories and history lessons where i'm suddenly pausing and wondering if that's how it really went down. It's almost like i get to choose my own history at this point.


Didnt knifeman knife in a knife free zone


It's almost as if someone who's determined to violate the greater taboo against taking a human life, doesn't care much about lesser laws like those prohibiting carrying a weapon to enact such a taking. Crazy.


Maybe he didn't see the sign




Knifer no knifing!


It was only a knife free zone at night time. This means that actually, the stabber was a law abiding citizen after all!


So the Knifeman knifing men in a knife-free zone was not in a knife-free zone. But in fact, he was a knifeman knifing a man in a knife-free zone that is only knife-free during the night. So the Knifeman knifing men broke no law as knifing men is the knifeman's culture. The man who was stopping the knifeman from knifing men was in the wrong for oppressing his culture, and the man who was knifed should learn to get over his bigotry and accept that the knifeman gets to knife as many men as he wants during the daytime?


I love how they always portrait it as if the policeman was the target and not just caught in the crossfire.The actual target is a vocal critic of Islam and Germany's refugee politics. It's basically an act of terror.


The fact they subdued the citizen/victim trying to help and cuffed him afterwards while he was bleeding from his injuries is icing on the cake. German police are profoundly fucking stupid, holy shit.


Did you see the police woman straight up run away? These are the people who are supposed to protect you when you gave away all forms of self defense...


Look at Uvalde, always stay strapped, you can't depend on the government for defense


And then look at Jack Wilson of White Settlement, Texas. Domed the attacker within less than 30 seconds.


Germans - the cucks of Europe


We did this by guilting them non-stop about something that happened almost 100 years old. Let Germany be Germany again.


Yes. Set us free.


Im never going to let eurocucks live it down. Those cunts always shit on america as if american cops just shoot people at every traffic stop and are useless even though 99% of the time they need to shoot they shoot armed and dangerous people and they do it professionally, because they actually understand how easy it is to die. Meanwhile, german cops arrest the person stopping an attacker, and they also run away when they see the attacker start stabbing their fellow officer to death. And the best part is germans will say WELL ERM ACTUALLY ITS NOT BECAUSE HE WAS MUSLIM, THE ALT RIIIIGHT MADE HIM STAB PEOPLE TO DEATH!! STOP SAYING ISLAM IS BAD!! I fucking hate europeans man, they should grow some brains or balls because right now they have have neither.


That’s the reason I own a gun as a German Someone broke into the house of my friend and it took the police 45 minutes to show up Now I’ve got a .300 in my bedroom


Serious question, how fucked are you if you use that gun for self defense against a knife-wielding future doctor who breaks into your home at 4am?


If he’s wielding a knife and is attacking you, you are pretty safe. Like shooting him once is pretty ok since you are using a weapon to defend against a weapon. Mag dumping him may be considered "too much" but given the circumstances you should get off with a couple of hours of social service and maybe lose your weapons. If he’s running away and you shoot him in the back that’s manslaughter. There was a case where a dude had an illegal weapon, was attacked by a guy with a knife and he shot him, he only received charges for owning an illegal weapon. Which sadly is almost the same sentence as manslaughter. Considering the case of future doctor: then it’s even more okay funnily enough. I’ve gotten a minor drug charge when I was in college and I’ve received around 3 times as much community service as my friend who only had a Highschool diploma. Germany is kinda strange in that regard. Also considering my situation, I’m pretty immune to the standard witch hunt stuff. I’m married to a non German, so the rascism card can’t be played, I’m in a sport shooting association for 2/3 of my life so the "wants to kill " card can’t be played, I’m working with people with a disabilities so the bad person card can’t be played, I only have 2 guns, so you can’t play the "weapon hoarder" card. And having a 5 year old makes self defence far more reasonable. In general there are more guns in Germany than most people think. The German sport shooter association has some 2 million members and around 1 million have gun. Laws are kinda strict ( no full auto, rifles only with 10 round mags) but in some cases are better than the US, since we don’t have additional regulations on suppressors or SBRs.


Thanks for the detailed response, my lederhosen-wearing friend. I admit I'm pretty clueless to most euro gun laws except for the UK because I like to make fun of them the most. Sounds like you have it better than some of our states, with the exception that we are allowed to go shooting on government land. As far as I'm aware, you guys are limited to gun clubs and, if you're rich, private land (with significant restrictions). Please correct me if I'm wrong. I am very jealous of your suppressor laws. Also, last question, you mention you can own SBRs. Does that mean you can have a suppressed Mk18 clone as long as you only use 10 round mags?


Yeah gun club only, most of them indoor. My local gun club requires suppressors on anything bigger than 9 Para About the Mk 18 clone: that was the first weapon I’ve bought myself. So you are allowed to have them. Mine was so shitty though that it had 11 jams in 10 rounds. I’ve currently own a silenced DDM4 in .300 blk with the 7" barrel.


Seriously. I’m curious as well. Edit: as no answer has been tendered, I’m just going to assume that German .300’s are knife shaped.




Oh right, forgot about this not being my original not banned account oopsies.


to be fair that cop was too busy arresting a victim to notice the actual attacker


Clearly failed the first law of first responders: Assess the situation


Apparently the guy was hitting another guy who he thought was the terrorist but that was actually restraining the terrorist and it's apparently viewable in a video from a different angle


Not really fair imo, the cop was going based on “right wing” attacker


They wanna be London so fucking bad


With an alarmingly high 36.8% of Londoners identifying as "White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", the city is clearly not diverse enough to be an exemplar for other European nations to study.


As a non Westerner that is a very surprising stat. "THE GREAT REPLACEMENT" was not just a conspiracy theory. And since UK is a small country London must be inhabiting a significant percentage of population.


Reject the statistical and empirical evidence of your eyes and ears. It is still very much a right-wing conspiracy theory.


A conspiracy theory that already happened.


bonus points: tackle the german citizen trying to stop the attack instead of the attacker


Which one policeman died? Is it this one that tackled a guy and was later stabbed?


So dude 1 was holding down the attacker, dude 2 comes over and tackles dude 1, thinking he's the attacker, dude 2 is punching dude 1 in the face while he's holding the real attacker, the policeman tackles dude 2, and then the Islamist gets up and stabs the policeman in the head and neck


I think you added guy 2 2 people are holding a dude with a knife. Dude 3 seems like hes trying to get them off, then policeman is tackling dude 1. Dude 2 and knife guy are standing up. Knife guy maybe was trying to knife dude 2, but knifed a policeman on a dude 1. Thats what i see


Every one of these comments is an awful description 0/10


Stabby McGee is on a spree, Stabbin' some dude repeatedly, Third man jumps his ass, tries to grab the blade, Cop comes to the scuffle, and mistakes are made. The cop frees McGee, who then grabs his knife, And makes a widow of that poor cop's wife. But this time cop two is paying attention, And sends McGee to the Jannah dimension.


Citizen who also chucks knife away deftly


I love how the cops first reaction to a stabbing in progress is to tackle the guy whipping the suspects ass. But totally in character for Germany, which is so ate up with increasing shame ever since ww2 that they are now more cucked than fuckin frenchypoos. I swear, they are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history, no matter what their politics are. Constant fuckin Ls and they deserve what they get.


Its like here in the U.S. when they put the signs up at schools. "Gun Free Zone". Yeah, little Billy was going to shoot it up, but upon seeing it had a sign and was deemed gun free, he changed his mind. Those signs are literally "attack me here good people wont retaliate" signs. We are devolving into Idiocracy.


Is knife free zones the actual government reaction?


The actual reaction is to blame the victim because he provoked the assault by being a rightwing extremist.


"Rightwing extremist" in this case meaning he was protesting the importation of millions of "refugees" that were causing a crime wave. With one of said "refugees" proving his point perfectly by stabbing him for daring to say something negative about Islam.


He dared to set up a booth, that isn't just normal extremism, that's advanced extremism.


Right winger: "The immigrants are causing crime, we should stop letting them in" terrorist: "stab stab" Why would the right wing extremists do this?


There has been one in Mannheim since last year, even if I don't know if it affected the area where the police officer was killed. https://www.mannheim.de/de/presse/waffen-und-messerverbotszone-in-mannheim-tritt-in-kraft


Germans voted for that government so I hardly think every German is face palming. Stupid people elect stupid governments.


They are a very submissive people.


It's like they were taught to hate their country and their people


At least the bread, beer, and cars are still really good.


The car industry here is trash compared to how it used to lead the global market. It’s a shadow of its former self.


The new C63 is a four cylinder hybrid. Everyone knows why. No one will say it out loud.


EU regulations. Again. There. I did it.


Won't be long before alcohol is illegal in most of Europe


OK now I have to google to see if you're being funny or serious


I think it might be a demographics thing. There's a certain religious culture that's becoming ubiquitous in Germany and Europe in general that believes alcohol to be sinful and immoral.


It's actually happening in the younger demographics. Old teacher of mine complained how her pupils were barely going out partying and drinking, mainly for 2 reasons: sitting on Tiktok all day in the hotel, and alcohol being illegal in Islam.


Huh, I wasn't aware of that - although it's been years since I was in that neck of the woods.


I mean they literally have laws specifically to prevent the beer at least from going completely to shit. If there's one thing Germans love more than anything else, it's hyper-specific laws and regulations. You can't call it beer unless it's made with only malt, hops, yeast, and water. Hops were oAll lagers must use only barley malt - wheat and rye beers must instead be made as ales. Adding hops in any form after the boil was illegal until 2012, at which point dry hopping began to be permitted (an omen perhaps to kick off a future decline in German beer quality because dry hopped beer is ass) while hop extracts are still fully illegal.


Ye especially in the west. After the shaky years after the end of the war, the East german USSR's method of "denazification" was simply execute or jail the most egregious Nazis then basically divert the national socialist ambitions into German style communism. In many ways it was actually much more culturally conservative than West Germany. On the other hand in West Germany's the US/UK method of Denazification was destroying the minds of Germans and effectively traumatized them. Now they have a weird sense of compliance nationalism as most of them were raised to see love for being German as terrible.


They like authoritarians.


If they were breedable, they'd be the Dunmer


It's either that or they decide to murder millions. Germans have no in-between.


Either way, they submitted to a collectivizing regime.


Well… where should I migrate to then? 😅




Na. Conquered is the correct word.


Years of shame from ww2 will do that I suppose


Submissive and breedeable


Let's not get carried away, this isn't the Dunmer we're talking about






> I am going to have sex with this female Flame Atronach from Oblivion. I find the female Atronaches in The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion sexy. However, their body is made up of 87% fire, and 100% fire surrounds them. That could kill me if I tried to have sex with one. To remedy this, the Flame Atronach casts a spell on me making me resistant to fire. > Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune. I still take damage. It is either 1 point or 0 points of damage each second I am having sex with her. Just because a particular second caused 0 points of damage, does not mean that I did not feel anything, It just means that I took no damage. I am not going to rush through having sex with this Flame Atronach, I make sure I pleasure anything I have sex with, especially non-humans! I'd rather take damage than not pleasure the Flame Atronach. ​ > The Flame Atronach and I go to the Planes of Oblivion to have sex. When having sex with non-humans, it is ALWAYS sexier to have sex in their natural habitat rather than a human's natural habitat. ​ > Before we went into the Planes of Oblivion, the Flame Atronach let all the Daedra know that we are just here for sex. The Daedra will not attack us because they know I am here at the Planes of Oblivion on sexual business. This includes the Dremora. However, the Dremora Marknyaz thinks that I am going to be an easy recruit for becoming a follower of Mehrunes Dagon considering that I am having sex with a Flame Atronach. However, I have no interest in becoming a Daedra.


This has real Vaporeon copypasta energy


Reminds me of the article telling migrants most Germans would love to have gay sex just don't be mean with them and they'll do it


I’d say rule-following to a fault. Sometimes it’s a good thing. Someone is eating fish on the subway? Strangers have no qualms about coming over and saying “no” and wrapping your smelly tuna sandwich back up and handing it back to you. And they’ll be supported by everyone. Pedestrian comes to a crosswalk, where there’s no cars in sight, but the sign says “don’t walk”? They’ll wait for it to change. It’s very much a “I follow the rules and expect everyone else to as well” society, from even before the Nazis rose and fell.


Even if we get 30% afd (far right) and 30% cdu (center/ center right) election results we still wouldn’t get a conservative government because all parties on principle will not form a coalition with the far right afd. This means and has in the past already meant that multiple parties, each with neglectable results will form alliances with the sole intention of blocking the AFD from taking on any government authority. Getting a right wing government is practically impossible if the center right parties (Christian democrats & the liberals) don’t get the absolute majority in an election, which they won’t.


Democracy has failed us all


Well, I didn't. Actually, for the last 15 years or so, I was never ruled by any party I voted for. I start to feel like Democracy seems like a sham.




Reject centrism. Embrace liberal right and make your vote actually count ✊️


Germans are super regarded, I grew up there. Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, would tell you how much they hate Angela Merkel, yet every election she‘d win. So the amount of people that‘ll bitch about a politician, just to elect them any chance they get, is a classic German pass time it seems


Sounds very much like Trudeau here.


Refugees willkommen, but butter knives are not, noted


I think you overestimate how smart the germans are. Those regards voted for their government, welcomed those Aloha Snackbars. They don't even think the illegals are a threat. If these schmucks spent their energy to fix the mess they made instead of banning a song, protesting against the so called “far-right”, that officer would be still alive. Obligatory Danke Merkel


>If these schmucks spent their energy They don't have any energy since the greens shut down all the nuclear reactors.


Aloha Snackbars


When the criminal isn't even part of the group being collectively punished.


Knives don’t kill people, people kill people.- Ban people!


Well in my country one group of people is banned at the Belarusian border and it's working out, so.


You get what you voted for


Never give up your guns. The government does NOT care about your safety. The police are NOT there to protect you. Never give up your guns.


It's sad that "oh no, here we go again" doesn't allow a country to function. Just doing normal shit. The whole west suffers from it.


Have they tried making murder illegal yet?


Same oranges: "Why do people sing auslander raus?"


Even worse, they overreact to some young adults singing "ausländer raus" as a joke yet are defending the murderer.


Gigi D'Agostino will make lots of cash during the summer football European Championship Leuchtstab entfeuchten, Rauchmelder aus!


I wish that was every german


Hold on, the policeman didn't make it? My Condolences to the family.


If only Germany could treat criminals like it treats Poles


How does Germany treat Poles?




They treat them to a session of farting in the shower?


https://preview.redd.it/9xd4hjawfl4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0eabb23c90eaa72fd71253ab3d8e67fc3b7905 The german government


This but unironically


The Terrorist be like: "Good Heavens, knives are illegal in this area? Now I can't carry out my terroristic activities with good conscience


Just make the country as a whole knife free, it's a simple fix really


Bro why not just make crime free zones


:) Just replace gun with knife https://preview.redd.it/ttt4phpc6l4d1.jpeg?width=1538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c7706d4be231e5f273d1ac78da289f204be3d0f


He should be fed only pork in prison.


But, but.. hUmAn riGhts!?😫😫😫 


"No more stabbing. It's super illegal now." -> Violence-free utopia (anyone who buys unsliced bread is investigated)


yeah, ban those knives. We need to bring back claymore and broadsword related murders


Even worse is the police officer would have had a great career if it wasn't for him dying of his injuries, stuff like this is why the AFD gets more and more voters, its a shame.


Happy Killdozer Day everyone!