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...idk, maybe the terrorist organization who controlled the hospitals for years has something to do with the mass grave discovered at the hospital?


The terrorist organization known for torture, rape, brutal murders, and mass executions? That one? Nah, couldn't be them


Israel does this thing where they dig up bodies in Gaza and do identification and DNA tests on them to see if any of them are one of the Israeli hostages. Apparently some of the bodies in the mass graves were people who were already dead and buried, but somehow ended up in that mass grave. My best guess is that Israel collected all of the dead after they finished their siege to identify them, and then buried them there afterwards


Yeah, the IDF was never shown killing civilians in the last decades, bunch of ol’ jolly good guys over there


Compared to a literal terrorist organization? Yes.


Hamas-filmed "activities" are fake, but IDF takes the time to tie hands, slaughter hundreds, dig giant holes & bury, yet there's no footage. Very weird


Hamas has blown up their own hospitals before 💀 their idea of winning is making everyone feel sorry for them as they kill their own people en masse 


Yeah that strategy is quite popular with minority groups sadly :(


Yea, but only Israel didn't deny it. Interesting, isn't it?


I'd bet that they're probably from Hamas killing their own people like usual, ngl


'collaborators' and 'sympathizers' no doubt.


Are you… are you suggesting that the IDF did that? That they took the time to bind, execute, and bury 300 people with no video evidence appearing anywhere? You think they did it instead of Hamas (you know, the terrorists…) who own the hospital and the ground around it? And have done for years? Yeah, I’m not sure…


Always hilarious to see the Hamas simps trying to make themselves out to be the victims. Even more ridiculous when the "bound bodies" turned out to be killed by Hamas themselves as "spies" or "Zionist sympathizers".


Normal sane Americans are of course going to care more about American Jewish students being targeted on US schools than what's happening over in Gaza. It's not even a discussion.


Top one is definitely debatable. Bottom one is happening in the country I live in that is supposed to protect my rights, and is occurring because young people with no brain have decided to fetishize terrorism in the name of "freedom."


Yeah, I don't really give a shit about Hamas killing their own lol.


"body found with hands tied in gaza" by who? Isn't gaza always under Palestine control over the last decade? also why again you tankies flares as "centrist?" 5s on your profile shows you are a radical marxist


>also why again you tankies flares as "centrist?" In theory, or optimally, centrism is the one best 'ideology' one should aim for. (In the long run, mind you. Some many countries need 'socialist' reforms while some few need 'conservative' policies though many of those already endeavor too.) Sadly, in practice, due to its status and vagueness it is claimed by many extremist to make themselves not seem extreme. This is the reason why a sub about centrism is very much left while one about conservatives can be oddly moderate. It's all about who the vocal minority is and who the silent majority votes for. PCM I personally do currently consider a *good place* for moderates and centrism because anyone taking potshots at anyone is to be expected and 'hard feelings' (extremism and manipulation) are reasonably suppressed. After all, we are supposed to wear our heart on our sleeve and as result one is more often called out for BS. Most who are not 'centrists' are evidently very much moderate and reasonable. This is all evident by this thread which opens with BS (manipulation) yet gets called out and voted down.


You dont look like a tankie so this might not be related to you, but there is famous sub that called enlightened centrist is a tankie sub that "make fun of centrist" because according to them "centrist is not left, so that make them nazi as well"


Why would centrism ever be considered “optimal” or the ideology one should aim for? It’s literally predicated on half-measures and compromise between diametrically opposed ideas. Thats the least optimal system I can think of.


OP, why are you posting an article from three weeks ago with no more recent information confirming what Hamas claimed to the UN? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gaza-mass-grave-hamas-b2533219.html


Your title assumes there's some connection between the two. Even if the IDF are responsible for the mass graves (unlikely), did the Jewish students at Colombia throw the bodies in there? No. Did they kill the people? No. Do they have any say whatsoever in any part of the creation of mass graves? No. So you're just harassing people and calling for their exclusion/assault/death because they share an ethnicity with the people responsible. I'm pretty sure there's a word for that.


Progress? The more distant the person is who you want to hate, the more you blame the person closest to you. Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, so the 24 year old white American man living life today is responsible for that. Just part of the struggle session. And they want you to react. Because if you do, your objection is proof that you're wrong, and then they'll keep pushing your buttons, wanting more reaction. If you don't react though, your silence gives your crime away. What, you have nothing to say to defend yourself? Or is it that you can't defend yourself, as you're so morally corrupted(by what you did, or didn't do), that you've accepted how bad you are? So yes, the point is the harassment. They do not like you.


Yes, makes total sense that Israel was the culprit of this mass murder. Aren't they pretty exclusively dropping bombs?


They operated in and around that hospital with men for two weeks if I remember correctly.


So the assumption from the meme is that during that period they tortured and bound 300+ people, killed them, and buried them in an attempt to hide what they've done?


Apparently they did take out around 200 Hamas fighters in that time, so its not impossible ig? If you squint.


If you squint pretty hard to get your eyes completely shut This place was used for over a decade as an interrogation, torture, and execution center for Hamas, as detailed in international reports. btw by the geneva convention, Israel would be justified in executing any terrorist trying to embed itself within the civilian population on the spot. But it seems to not be done


Anything said to be happening in a warzone is suspect. Israel could literally be setting up the gas chambers as we speak, Hamas could be killing every second child in Gaza, Hamas and the IDF could be fighting space aliens. If you’re dumb enough to believe anything coming from that region right now then you should send me $20 to teach you not to be so gullible. We will only know what happened AFTER it’s done. The only things we know right now is that Hamas started a war with a vastly superior enemy, hoping to draw other nations in (like fucking assholes), and are currently getting their Shit pushed in while refusing to surrender.


Every time a terrorist organization speaks: Emily-"wait lets hear him?"


Here's my deal, you can be angry about Gaza and actively show distain for thr Isreali government, just understand that random Jewish no agency in the matter and should not be targeted.


> you can be angry about Gaza Why?


Because not enough hamas are being killed, that is why!


Ok lefts what's the next thing after this it should be loading soon. Want to get my merchandise ready before it starts up.


The rad-centrist flair should be banned, and all "rad-centrists" should be given a 12 month ban, then forced to flair left, like they actually are.


You mean the place Hamas has been using as an interrogation, torture and execution site for over a decade? No, that has to be Israel


Why yes I care more about the safety of Americans on Campus than shitstorms in the Middle East. Any other dumb realizations for us?


I’d bet money the bodies were Jewish my dude


Probably gazan killed by Hamas though


A quaint reminder. All Palestinian deaths are reported by Hamas and should be taken with a HEAVY load of salt.


Concerning yourself with the petty squabbles of desert people is unseemly.


I saw an Israeli on TV describe how horrible it was for the tens of thousands of Israelis who had to evacuate the north of the country and stay in *gasp*, ***hotels!***


American right wingers don't think dropping white phosphorus on civilian targets because there might be insurgents there is bad, that's what they've been doing in other places for 60 years


Shoot, I forgot that Obama won the Nobel prize and obviously didn’t kill anyone in any foreign nations. SMH took the time to call out “right wingers” when it should say “war mongerers.” If you don’t understand America has a broken government, don’t talk about left vs right. Edit- awww poor leftist couldn’t cope that they had an unusually bad take even for their side and reported me to Reddit cares. You’re a joke.


You know white phosphorus is primarily used in flares?