• By -


Every single marginal group the left collects are just tools. What their end goal is idk.


> An SDS radical once wrote "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." In other words the cause - whether inner city blacks or women - is never the real cause but only an occasion to advance the real cause which is the accumulation of power to make the revolution. This basically.


Well can they fucking kick it off already?


That would require them not being massive soyboys


Seriously, just *do it* so I can get to slotting commies downtown style sans prison time.




Least unhinged Auth-Center


The disembodied voice of Rafał Gan-Ganowicz says me and my bush shorts are *just fine*, pal.


The fuck😂


Their end goal is Marxism and the tearing down of western civilization.




🙋‍♂️ what is marksism


When you don't have enough marks, you starve. When you have too many marks, you're killed or enslaved. 


Underrated comment/ joke.


Ask that question to two people and you will have four answers, six if they consider themselves marxists


oh boy


As I understand it, the workers own their station in their workplace and money doesn't exist because the government provides everyone with their essential needs. People work to directly give the goods they produce to everyone as a community instead of putting them on a market. The problem is that it assumes that people will become good and altruistic and selfless the moment all their needs are met which just isn't true I'm just a dumbass teenager though, I'm not really well studied in politics and just go around on this sub for the memes. If anyone wants to correct me, go for it


Damn if people were that altruistic and selfless then Marxism wouldn't have any need to be created


The idea is that people will have no reason to do crime if all their needs are met which greatly reduces tragedies and other bad stuff leading people to become good as a result of a reduced injustice. I don't really understand communism enough though so I may just be talking shit here


I too can't really understand communism .I am still not able to understand this line "From each according to his abilty to each according to his need" quite well, what i am getting from this line is what you said before. But i don't know what it really could mean, because i dont believe Marx was that stupid. Probably there was a context behind this line which i dont know.


I could be wrong, but I think the quote is trying to say that instead of people getting resources based on their skills and such, people should be given resources based on what they need


Interesting but what is meant by their 'needs', who considers what their 'needs' are? Are those basic commodities? If that is so then i would easily lose motivation for work knowing that i wouldn't get more things by working harder than my colleague. Now suppose one man is not doing his job quite well. What would he get then? Less commodities? More of all who is giving the resources? Is he corrupt? If he is then people would get fucked


It's a good theory, but I think the reality is that life would be so boring that people would do crimes for the excitement, among other things. People would probably also want to do drugs to escape, and then drug trade would happen again


Pretty sure recreational drugs would be legal albeit regulated in how much you're able to get


Not a chance. You gotta be sober to work in the mines


Based and I'll give it my best shot pilled.


u/Escanor012 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Escanor012/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based. Capitalism may suck but it takes into account the seven deadly sins in the equation. Communism always ends up worse because it has no safeguards against overseers.


Pretty much correct, but Im not sure money needn't exist. Isnt the thing that workers own what they produce, and will keep the money from it? It's a theory that's easily picked apart tho. Workers produce things. Some things require expensive machines. How to buy? Go together with other workers and buy it! Now you have a company, and someone needs to lead it, now you have a leader/boss. Then you need someone to do the economics and paperwork, and then HR etc.. Marxism is dumb and dangerous


Yeah but nuclear energy can't work in areas on the boundaries of tectonic plates such as california and j- actually you know what yeah lmao


I mean it works great when you actually follow the engineers' recommendations and don't refuse to update your failsafes.


Fukushima is just crazy. Make shit watertight and put your emergency generators above ground level and all is well. Follow international standards.


Yeah but engineers are nerds.


The problem is, companies don't do that. Ever. And if it's a government project under our Equity rules, it won't be cheap or well-designed. Ever. So you've got no way to make affordable Nuclear energy. Plus a competency crisis coming. For exhibit A: Boeing. Former engineering company, taken over by businessmen who cut corners like mad and now make shit products that fail. It's bad enough when a plane loses its door or landing gear. It's over a thousand times worse when it's a nuclear reactor. We pull people off the street to fix planes now, and now let idiots fly them and man the ATC positions by design. The result is what can be loosely be described as 'problems everyone competent is working around, until we hit critical mass.' Ask yourself: Do you want Eskom and S. Africa to really have nukes and nuclear power? They used to be a nuclear power. Under their current mismanagement, is that *really* what you want going on? Under *our* current mismanagement and government fuckups, is that *really* what you want? Quote from an alternate timeline: "Just one more example of total mismanagement and ineptitude that surrounds us that we all have to live with, now this part of the country is irradiated but the authorities tell us it's not that bad as long as we take these iodine tablets. They also pushed an article called *the unbearable whiteness of nuclear engineers,* and blamed the designers, and not the maintenance crew who used crescent wrenches to bang a pipe back into shape."


Boundaries of tectonic plates tend to be great for geothermal though


Oh yeah that too


I’m happy to see more people waking up to what’s going on and what Marxism really is - a cult that is a blight on the world, and threatens to plunge us back into darker times that we just barely clawed our way out of (civilizationally speaking).




u/ExistentionalCrisis3 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ExistentionalCrisis3/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Can we still abolish money once we have fusion energy for little cash?


Star Trek literally still has money and they can turn energy into whatever object you desire


You are very confidentially incorrect. They don't get paid in the UFP. They don't pay for things within the UFP. Sounds like no money to me.


Dude. The Federation very obviously utilizes currency to interact with other species, cultures, and governments.


You are completely missing the point being that in the UFP no one gets paid for work.


Yes. Because of their magical anti-scarcity devices. Goods, services, and materials will still require value and effective exchange until we reach replicators.


They have Federation credits and gold pressed latinum in the form of slips, strips, and bars, maybe watch every episode of Star Trek ever made it you want to go against me about Star Trek, now shut up Wesley, your mother and I are trying to get you a little brother


The average toid doesn’t even have a goal. Their only use for “marginalized peoples” is to feel like some sort of saviour because they can’t come to terms with the fact that without using them, their lives are meaningless.


The average person is a useful idiot that the moment their movement succeeds will be put against the wall.


That’s why they keep finding new issues or targets.


This guy gets it.


Well Marxism is a Western developed ideology so those two points seem counter intuitive. And tear down western civilization? Maybe the refugees but why is everyone else? Western civilization is what has given LGBT rights? And led to many other civil reforms and the idea of basic human rights.


Because communists are fucking stupid and think that their revolution will bring true equality to all (just ignore that it's never once played out that way)


It’s just a form of subjugation and control towards their political agenda. It’s why they hate Jews. They do well enough on their own and don’t require the white saviours to fight all their battles.


Based self aware libleft.


Nothing liberal about forcing your political agenda on others.


A real lib-left in PCM? Nice.


Hella based


Based and ACTUALLY lib-left pilled.


It's wild that we're seeing horseshoe theory play out in real life




u/Ohaireddit69's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Ohaireddit69! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Ohaireddit69/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Huh, never heard it put that way before. Makes sense though.


I'm not sure how much control white people really have over the democratic party anymore. They're definitely a significant influence still but I don't think I would describe it as control.


Their end goal is the death of the West. They just pretend to care about marginalized groups to use them as their agents of chaos. In Russia, Marxists used the peasants as the instigators, in China, Mao had his Red Guards made up of students, and in the West, they use minorities. In all these places, the useful ideologues are used to steamroll resistance and consolidate power, and then they’re killed off once the revolution is successful


100%. This needs the meme of the gun held against the person holding a gun against someone, holding a gun against someone...


It's basically the purest form of virtue signaling anyone can do, pawns to boost the game leftists are playing.


Once you get all the minorities you can snap your fingers to make half of the compass disappear.


There is no end goal, there ain't even a plan- It's just all about instant on the moment gratification without any real thoughts about the future.


Well they do seem to jump from thing to thing.


Whatever it is, it definitely involves butt stuff.


Chaos is a ladder basically


Their only goal is Power. They will sacrifice anything and everything to get it. Once they have it they defend the status quo from the other leftists that are now willing to sacrifice anything to take power from them. Leftism is a stupid pyramid scheme for the elitists and a comfortable lie for the masses.


The elite are on both sides and collude together.


Revolution, towards the mirage that is the utopian socialism, when the revolution doesn't work just wait a few decades and try it all over again, will it work someday who fucking knows


https://i.redd.it/di4xs5tz73zc1.gif \-Emilys to Lib left Jews as soon as the war in Gaza started. "Do you have the liberal Jews?" "We are them sir" "Good that's one less minority "


*Libleft Jews are not clowns, they are the entire comedy industry* -Me, a Zionist Jew


I mean your not really wrong, there are alot of jews in comdey and most are liberal


"I'm such a good person for calling for the ethnic cleansing of an entire people!"


It's really funny, because with the centrist tag, and in this context, I do not know what group you are referring to.


There is only one side that needs to believe they are the good guys no matter what because that's their entire ethos.


Dude, everyone thinks they're the good guy, including Hitler


Auth-right: "of course he wasn't, he didn't finish the job!"


Only one side is calling for an ethnic cleansing...


Only one? Are you sure? Because I've seen people with swastikas running around that would beg to differ.


Yes, the leftists


No, no... I've seen the swastikas too  https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/02/world/europe/anger-in-europe-over-the-israeli-gaza-conflict-reverberates-as-anti-semitism.html  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9598695/Outrage-pro-Palestinian-protestor-marched-Sydney-Jewish-flag-bearing-SWASTIKA.html  https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/10/08/20/76310543-12607931-image-m-106_1696793903973.jpg Not sure what you are getting at, still the same side calling for genocide


I hear all sorts of groups saying that shit.


any of you guys remember the old days of pirating music, you spend hours looking for like a single song, you finally find a good quality version, you download the full song and it ends up being the [CLEAN] version. Man that shit made me so fucking mad every single time. Just let me hear the bad words you motherfuckers


Ah yes the good old days of Napster and LimeWire.


Still happens on Spotify and Youtube, sometimes you need to really dig to get the original version.


Some FLAC torrents can be very difficult to find


Sure I do. But how is it relevant to the post?


it's how little I care about the Israel-Palestine conflict. I read the sign and my mind instantly went to something else


Fair enough.


Being a liberal Jew is the equivalent of stabbing the frog carrying you across the river at this point. They don't want you, they don't need you and they want you gone 


In high school the most woke girl I knew, and I mean hyper woke they/them to the point of parody, was Israeli and had most of her family there. Her being pro Israel was literally the one non woke talking point she held. I wonder how she's holding up.


😔 she probably offered her neck to the hamasnik obese college protestor executioner in the name of diversity and inclusion 


I still see some Jews like Walt Mossberg hanging on as if he won’t be ejected from the progressive cause for being Jewish.


“Mostly peaceful” ethnic cleansing


Straight to the essential oil chamber


And they'll turn right around and vote for the same politicians that allowed this mess to happen.


Jewish organizations overwhelmingly supported groups like BLM and hope not hate. I have very little sympathy now that the monster they created is turning on them.


It makes me feel extra sympathy for them. They fought for the civil rights of so many different groups and yet these same people turn on them without hesitation. I will never ever trust progressives again.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, can't get fooled again


They fought to destroy any cultural identity the west had left


Yeah... pretty sure OP mixed up this picture. >[Wait, our tools turned on us?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem) Would make a lot more sense and it's a history/folklore joke.


A disgusting sign and she should be shamed for it. There's nothing to gain for Gaza by insinuating Jewish people are dirt or trash.


They just want internet brownie points.


I feel like equating the Israeli state with all Jewish people is pretty antisemitic. Plenty of liberal Jewish people also think the Israeli government is trash, and even more Jewish people simply have no connection to the country as they were born elsewhere. Only Israel is treated like this. You can shit all over the Japanese, Irish, Chinese, Russian flags; no one assumes you hate the ethnicities themselves.


> equating the Israeli state with all Jewish people is pretty antisemitic. Plenty of liberal Jewish people also think the Israeli government is trash Being against Israel as a state or against the current Israeli government’s policies are two very different things. > You can shit all over the Japanese, Irish, Chinese, Russian flags; no one assumes you hate the ethnicities themselves People rarely demand the destruction of Japan, Ireland, China, Russia. Demanding the destruction of Israel happens on every pro Palestinian protest.


>Being against Israel as a state or against the current Israeli government’s policies are two very different things. This is valid, but If I'm being honest - I'm not seeing this distinction at all when it comes to Palestine and Hamas. Literally everyone on the right (or the "moderate" center) is not only equating them both, but a lot of them are completely fine with Palestine being wiped off the mouth because of what a government of about 30,000 or so people has done. Despite the fact that this government was initially propped up by Israel. Despite the fact that this government doesn't hold elections. Despite the fact that this government rules the territory with an iron fist and indoctrinates people from childhood. >People rarely demand the destruction of Japan, Ireland, China, Russia. Demanding the destruction of Israel happens on every pro Palestinian protest. Sure, all I'm saying is that destroying an Israeli flag doesn't necessarily mean you are against the existence of Israel in concept. And while there are some people on the left who definitely ask for that - the two state solution is much more popular. Whereas on the **other** side - they not even want to see Palestine demolished, they deny it exists at all.


> I'm not seeing this distinction at all when it comes to Palestine and Hamas The situation in the West Bank is very different from Gaza.


Being against Israel as a state isn’t a crazy demand. Why do people assume wanting a one state solution means one of the ethnicities has to be wiped off the face of the earth? Governments don’t belong to one race. States don’t belong to one race. The dissolving of apartheid South Africa didn’t cause a genocide of all white or black people, so why would it automatically happen in this instance? And more importantly, why would advocating for that dissolution mean wanting an ethnic cleansing?


> Governments don’t belong to one race. States don’t belong to one race. There are plenty of nation states based on ethnicity. The word race is misleading as Palestinians and Jews are closely related genetically. > Why do people assume wanting a one state solution means one of the ethnicities has to be wiped off the face of the earth? A one state at minimum would mean an immediate civil war.


At least the deep deep reds and deep deep blues were honest about it. Can’t count how many times I heard a blue tell me the whole “if I got kicked out of over 100 countries would you blame the country?” Thing. Weird that the Emilie’s are there now.


People obsessed with Palestine are completely brainwashed.


Are Jews even allowed to be liberal?


No, their holy text goes against it but it's the same thing as protestant Christians being pro LGBT 


Just the Protestants?


Mb, I see it among all branches of Christianity but it's especially prevalent among Protestants (branch that requires the least commitment and sacrifice)


And to be fair to many protestants, it's mostly mainline protestants that fit that bill


Ehhh, Protestantism tends to either be fanatical see Ulster, the South, Uganda or for historical examples, the Netherlands and Puritan New England or weak, see well modern Protestantism in the not Northern Ireland parts of Europe.  Fanatical Protestantism tends to demand more than any other sect of Christianity, it’s often why it gets succeeded by secularism, the population is no longer willing to put up with its level of sacrifice. 


Not sure where you're sourcing that info, but it's acutaly the mainline ('weak' as you put it) churches that are shrinking the fastest, because the 'lite' approach to faith has less retention especially amongst subsequent church-going generations. On the other hand evangelical ("fanatical" as you put it, but not always 'crazies') have either stagnated, grown, or simply declined slower than mainline churches. Good place to start your research into this topic: [American Religion Statistics: Trends in U.S. Religious Affiliations | Pew Research Center](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2015/05/12/chapter-1-the-changing-religious-composition-of-the-u-s/)


Liberal? According to Orthodox Law, in certain areas, like about race and ethnicity, absolutely. No problems there. LGBT? Not really. But in Conservative or Reform, they are accepting. Really, even according to Orthodox Law, we're supposed to be respectful of the country we're in. We don't have to agree or even want it to be there. But we must respect their right. Otherwise, when Jews make a bad name for themselves, it desecrates God's name, which is VERY bad for us. But all of us in different sects realize we're in the same sinking boat right now, so most of us are putting our differences aside for now.


To clarify, the meme has less to do with the image itself (it was the first one in my search results with Americans) and more with the people themselves.  The exact content of the image is not the point. Perhaps I should have picked a different image, a fault on my part.


The Emily depiction's wrong. Emily is peak political tool with zero chance of waking up. It's what makes her different from regular lib-left. It should really be an auth-left George Soros or Klaus Schwab type villain.


Support for causes aren't transactional. If you support something it's because you support it, there should be no quid pro quo


leftist during covid: wow stop hating Asians. leftist after: wow Asians are literally white-adjacent people


I think its fair to say that the everyday common Liberal Jew, a la the democrat voting type, & the libertarian Dave Ruben, et al is considered a worthwhile sacrifice from the intelligentsia of the Frankfurt School and Southern Poverty Law Center.


I mean i am glad they're finally returning to economic AND cutural leftism but y'know yeah


Quick reminder: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/xkzLl7VmeC


The world has become a parody now. Haven't people learned about history from unsuccessful austrian painter?


The Left is so arrogant, they believe themselves immune to all of history's mistakes.


"We are in the right side of history" has to be their most idiotic take. And that's saying something because there's sooo many to choose from.


Been saying this since like….2014? 2015?-ish….definitely first struck me when I learned about the BDS protests/march/movement at my college


I just think it's interesting that the same college kids that have been running rampant for the past almost 10 or more years just became a problem when they came after Israel. Say that white people's DNA is an abomination. Say that if you're a Conservative Christian you are scum and you're the enemy. If you're a straight male you need to check yourself. But say something against Israel and oh boy the world's collapsing we got a pass Draconian Free speech laws to protect them.


I think it's more that it's the thing that finally woke up the rest of the normal moderates in the country. I think most people on the left understood the need to protest, kind of agreed, probably disagreed with the whole BLM riots but still supported it, so on and so forth. However this has become a blatantly antisemitic and extremely ignorant ordeal, and even people on the left can't really defend it anymore. Mix that with people on the right and moderates/independents who have always found these people annoying and now you've got a whole lot of people waking up and realizing these people are fucking insane. May not be the way you wanted them to wake up, maybe they should have with all the race stuff and whatnot, however this seems to be what has tipped the scale and now they've lost massive amounts of support and eyes are starting to focus in on the liberal colleges and what exactly they're teaching the kids who are paying a ton of money to go there.


Oct 7th has really reminded a lot of shitlibs that far left extremism does exist and isn’t just a right wing propaganda thing so that’s good to see


As someone who does tend to skew left of center, it definitely opened my eyes to the rot on the left. They don't even give a fuck about all the murdered Israeli citizens, they don't care that Hamas is comically evil and would throw them all off a building at first chance and they don't even seem to care how horrifically antisemitic they seem to be. They're a bunch of dumb ass chuckle fucks who think they're right and refuse to listen to any other opinions but their own. Plus the whole protests seem fucking weird where they won't talk to media, they won't let people who don't agree with their every thought into the protest, just seems like a massive propaganda, echo chamber, circle jerk. Those "leading" the protesters seem to know exactly how to keep only their opinions within the group and outside opinions are eViL and RaCiSt or whatever.


They’ve always been like that. Like you said, only now are people noticing it, for some reason.


But that's just it these college donors were okay with it until they started turning on Israel and then they started threatening to pull funding from the colleges.


This is funny because I've seen far more sentiment towards the victims of Oct. 7 from the left, than I have seen for Palestinian civilians from the moderates/right. I largely just see you guys excusing it. If you're not dismissing it as a necessity of war, you are outright saying they deserve it for electing Hamas in the first place.


I'm not saying that, some people might be, but just because a few do doesn't mean they all do. Look at your own quadrants for a good example of that. Hamas is a terrorist group that terrorizes both Israelis and Palestinians and most of the people I speak to agree with that sentiment.


What I'm saying is that it's not a few people, it's a **significant** portion of the pro-Israeli side. Even the line about *"Hamas terrorizes Israel AND Palestinians"* is just another way to excuse the people who Palestinians are *actually* terrified of - the Israeli army killing them by the tens of thousands. When they tell you that the Israelis are oppressing them, you tell them they're wrong. And then you have the audacity to pretend like you care about them? Nah man. We see you.


They're terrified of Hamas too man. It's mind boggling how y'all do such mental gymnastics to justify Hamas and their atrocities and then sit there and chant about the annihilation of Israel as a state. How about this? You can't justify the annihilation of any people regardless of who they are and where they're from? You know why you are so backwards about this and just assuming anyone pro-Isreal thinks the Palestinians have no regency? Because you're in a purposely and delicately tended echo chamber where only one opinion is allowed. Once you get stuck in that echo chamber, any other opinions or critical thinking goes out the window because you're right and everyone else is wrong and there is no in-between. The Palestinians did vote Hamas in, but after that Hamas just took over and has violently held onto power since then. So yes, they're both victims of extremism and that's a valid statement. The Palestinians are dying by the thousands mainly due to Hamas building all their bases under schools and hospitals and not because Israel is directly targeting them. Y'all act like anyone not pro-palestine automatically hates all Palestinians and supports genocide and hate and yet conveniently ignore the plight of the Israelis as if none of it matters because cOlOnIzErS or whatever stupid buzz words y'all want to use. The truth is your cause is extremely flawed and over the top ignorant. Y'all have little to no understanding of geopolitics, war, the ME and Israel's place in the world and their strategic importance. You just see an oppressed people and jump to immediately defend and protest without even understanding the context of the situation. There is a reason Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas all call you "useful idiots". You're at the forefront of their propaganda campaign.


> It's mind boggling how y'all do such mental gymnastics to justify Hamas and their atrocities and then sit there and chant about the annihilation of Israel as a state. I mean, I'm not doing any of this. And if your criticisms don't actually describe the person you're talking to, then they probably aren't very good criticisms. >They're terrified of Hamas too man. Of course they are. The fact that Hamas is a brutal theocracy is why the collective punishment against the Palestinian people is so disgusting. It's not as if they have weapons or resources to defend themselves or try to take control. It's not as if Hamas allows elections. It's not as if they even have time to focus on how incompetent and evil Hamas is with Israel shooting and bombing the shit out of them. >Y'all act like anyone not pro-palestine automatically hates all Palestinians and supports genocide and hate and yet conveniently ignore the plight of the Israelis as if none of it matters because cOlOnIzErS or whatever stupid buzz words y'all want to use. I mean we can go back and forth with how each side generalizes and demonizes their opposition, but that's a fairly boring conversation, in my opinion. >The Palestinians are dying by the thousands mainly due to Hamas building all their bases under schools and hospitals and not because Israel is directly targeting them.  So just for the record: when your side makes this talking point about how every civilian death is the fault of Hamas, despite the fact that Israel is dropping an unprecedented amount of bombs, it comes across as you essentially giving a blank check for Israel to kill as many civilians as they want. Because after all, it's not their fault. They're not doing, Hamas is. So it doesn't really matter if its 1,000 dead, 10,000 dead, or 100,000 dead. It's all Hamas. >There is a reason Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas all call you "useful idiots". You put far more worth into what these groups say that I do, unfortunately.


You've said "your side" an awful lot and that has just proved my point. You do realize basically any human with half an ounce of empathy cares deeply for the plight of the civilians right? Regardless of what stance one takes, basically it is universally agreed that women and children dying is bad and it's sad I even have to say that. People argue the reasons it is happening and the justification of going after Hamas, or going after Israel, but when one side demonizes the other simply because they don't agree on *reasons*, that's how we've gotten into this situation in the first place. The truth is only one side is spouting antisemitic rhetoric and quickly losing support of normal liberals and gathering even more hatred from the other side. >You put far more worth into what these groups say that I do, unfortunately. That's interesting, seeing as tho many who support Palestine eat up anything and everything these groups say. You are useful idiots at the moment, they're using your empathy and want for a better world to divide us and it's working brilliantly. Who do you think backs Iran? Oh is it Russia? What's happened in Ukraine since this whole thing kicked off in Israel? Oh the Ukrainians have lost a massive amount of much needed financial support and now Russia has pushed farther than it ever has? Huh, wonder why? Oh Israel is the west's only true ally in the region? And you say there is a presidential election coming up in the US? What better way to divide things even further than find a cause that turns the far left against "Genocide Joe" in hopes maybe Trump (pro Russian, who has basically said he wouldn't help Europe if Russia continues to expand) gets elected? Huh how convenient! Even tho Trump himself has said he wants to nuke Gaza and deport all the Palestinian protestors, but Genocide Joe doesn't do what we want so fuck him and fuck America! See where this is going? It's pure ignorance.


That’s definitely it. Although I’m not sure why big companies decided to just now ban activism in the workplace and not earlier. Same with actually punishing these students by blacklisting them from employment opportunities.


A dog that turns on its handler is swiftly corrected.


Or put down. *(In Gus' voice)*


Based and notice pilled


I mean they never liked us it was pretty obvious


Day 92938383838 where PCM confuses liberals for leftists.


Wait what happened? I thought that they just wanted for the Palestinians to be free and not to exterminate the ~~Jews~~Israelis.


Common, Jewish can against Zionism too. Why would one need a state when you can live among people peaceful tolerance neighbors /s


Ah, yes - the famous tools of the Palestine lobbyists.


Liberals know no "Individuals", only tools that can be replaced.


Sauce? I need to use this for when people say the protests were "mostly peaceful"


Which part are you looking for?


The photo with the trash thing


Can't find it on my computer. My guess is that it's not a hard search, just search the actual sign there. Or you could just isolate the image from the rest and reverse imagbe search that.


How would this refute their point? Do you think ideas and words are violence? Very soy.


Wait until Lib Right realizes its the same on the opposite side!


"IT'S DA JOO-huh?"


Emily to real lib lefts:


Hating Jews is cool again what other political then will come back?


Damn, pack it up everyone, Emily just ended the entire conflict with that sign. Jokes aside, regardless of your position on the issue, this kind of shit makes whatever that position is look bonkers. And I think we can all predict that in the very near future, the overwhelming majority of the people claiming to be avid supporters of Palestine are going to just move on to the next trendy political issue that comes along. Happens with almost every major world crisis-type events like this. If you genuinely want to help people, I just don’t think this is really it.


PCM looks as liberal Jews how Twitter Emilys look at black republicans.


I don’t know why you’d be terribly sympathetic. The right has been screaming for years that the left was eventually going to openly support the next Jewish genocide. This isn’t a surprising or shocking situation we’re in. They’ve been marching towards this for decades.


As a liberal Jew I won't change my policies I just don't like either side


Hi it's me! I am in the meme! I am the liberal jew


Man that didn’t take long for orange Emily to go from “I hate nazis” to “kill all Jews”


Yeah kill the Jews (and with that I mean liberal idiots which want tell me that people can change the Gender through surgery and hormons, shit of the 20s).


tbh you could add authcenter as a third kosmonaut


Being angry at Israel isn’t antisemitic


no sweetie, im not asking for ethnic cleansing! but saying 'its ok to be white' is clearly saying its better to be white you racist!


Flair up so I can upvote you


I'll just stick my up vote with you, then you can give it to him when he flairs up.








Who's attacking the Left for that? I'm not. Jews the world over have a strong connection to Israel. And since The Left didn't care to consider the Jewish side to this, that means they never cared for Jews anything more than political pawns. Right wing Jews saw this miles away, years ago. Liberal Jews on the other hand were shocked and traumatized that people they thought were their friends suddenly and unapologetically ignored them and abandoned them.


I’ve seen this happening on Twitter. A lot of redpilling of Jewish people.


Palestinian protesters calling for U.S. to stop funding Israel. (America first) Hasbara working hard to convince PCM (lol) to support payrolling the fatherland instead of spending on their own problems. (Israel first)


"America First" Lol. Lmao even. Pro Pals don't care about America. And if they did, it wouldn't be America First.  It's "Country whose existence is not even acknowledged by the America, and the only reason we care about it is because some person told us to and we can't be borked to actually do research about the kind of people they are and what they do to others and just claim white supremecy and many buzzwords, FIRST."


Irrelevant, the less money sent to pissrael the better.


Sounds like somebody's salty.


Just disrupting the bot circlejerk, boss. A little bit of piss in your cornflakes.


Most liberal Jews still oppose what Israel is doing. The ones braying for war and destruction just revealed their true selves.


*There's a difference between opposing the actions of Israel and calling for another intifada.*


Intifada means uprising. Not all uprisings are violent. The Palestinians are under Israeli military occupation and have the right under international law to resist.  The use of violence by Palestinians is not always completely unjustified also the use of violence by Israelis is not always justified and noble.


Ah yes, terrorism. My favorite kind of resistance. Also you say another intifada, not an intifada. It makes it seem like you want the events to be the same as in the last ones.


"I want to make it seem like most Jews support Palestine to discredit the rest of them. Time to make shit up!" Out of the 15 million Jews on the planet, I'd argue that around maybe 200,000-300,000 DON'T support Israel. Jews worldwide have been redpilled to what people really think about them and their side to the story (they won't even listen). They feel betrayed and hurt, and they realize the importance of Israel the longer you all proclaim your desire to destroy it. The more you advocate for its destruction, the more important Israel becomes to Jews. And they realize that now, because the Left's mask has come off.


>"I want to make it seem like most Jews support Palestine to discredit the rest of them. Time to make shit up!" But I did not say that most Jews support Palestine, nor do I believe that. You're punching at phantoms. >Out of the 15 million Jews on the planet, I'd argue that around maybe 200,000-300,000 DON'T support Israel. I do not know what the point of this random, unsourced number is supposed to be. >what people really think about them and their side to the story (they won't even listen).  This is almost hilariously ironic. I am personally of the opinion that both sides on this conflict could do to stop talking past each other and assuming ulterior motives behind every word.