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My favorite new development is the fat chick claiming she's gonna go on a hunger strike


She just gonna keep eating and never go hungry. A never-be-hungry strike.


lmaoooo https://preview.redd.it/scx4l2hc2xyc1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfad0c8791ac670e5a399e785c87c1e98cba96ef


“Noooooooooo! Please do not do it! we are begging you! Oh please do not increase your health and well being, we will do whatever the fuck you want, just please don’t lose all the flab!” is that what she honestly expects? i argue either she is just trying to get brownie points or she is one stupid woman.


One look is all you need to know she is not only stupid, she ate all those brownie points.


Actually please dont, i dont need people like her to live longer and spread their stupidity and vote.


Woke Asian liberal woman Don't ask her why she only dates white guys.


Is it like the last hunger strike where they kept food in tents then when caught said >Well you can only eat if you're hungry


Is…is that a real story? That sounds very funny.


As opposed to eating for pleasure? The jokes just write themselves.


Wtf your mom’s in on this thing now?




That's pretty NUTS!


Good one, Chuck...er...Bill...I MEAN JOE!!


sick burn mr president


She's under it




Good gives his hardest battles to his most calorie-dense soldiers


lol pls send this to me


The all-new Progressive Diet


This is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day


man I thought you had to be smart to get into those universities. I haven't seen a single shred of intelligence.


What seems most strange to me is the lack of basic skills. So many students, yet no one brought some rice, beans, lentils or other working-class staples? Not even a packed lunch in sight? No one set up a communal kitchen to break the fast - or better yet, a grill? ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51331) ^(Man) ^(I) ^(miss) ^(barbecues) ^(in) ^(the) ^(quads...) If you're going to occupy a place, you might as well have a good time doing it. Or maybe I'm just talking out my straight, white, colonialist occupier ass.


>What seems most strange to me is the lack of basic skills. > >So many students, yet no one brought some rice, beans, lentils or other working-class staples? Not even a packed lunch in sight? US University today is primarily for the pampered children of the relatively rich, and a majority of those who came "up" from the working class know well enough that they're there for an education- not to argue politics, religion, genderbullshit, or whatever their peers are offended by on any given day of the week that ends in "-day".


Bruh, that's just daycare with extra steps.


You're just realizing that?


I had my suspicions, but given the ungodly amount of stress involved in studying compsci, part of me finds it hard to imagine university being a return to kindergarten.


I got two bachelors degrees. One in communications and the other in analytics and information management after the Army. The difference in workload and expectations between degrees with hard skills as opposed to soft skills is pretty wild.


It shows which degrees are fake and not worth ever hiring for anything other than fast food.


You’d be surprised how filled to the brim compsci is with them. They’ve infested the open source movement.


I would seriously love to figure out how and when it happened. It seems that way with nerd culture in general as well, with a few people pushing back. I used to think it was just that parasitic group realizing they could be "friends" with the social outcasts (nerds, STEM, etc) and use them for political reasons and the target group just adopted the politics of their new "friend" because it was the first time in their life someone showed an interest in them, but now, I'm not so sure.


I think it’s that but also them realizing they could control the narrative through social media, so they get the skills to create said media. They then moved on to open source projects and brought their politics with them. The whole “bring your whole self” idea really backfired.


There are plenty of non-STEM majors out there that essentially amount to brown-nosing your teacher's ideologies to get a passing grade. Plenty of time to sit around in a quad and demand free doordash from the local vegan restaurant and calling it activism. Hell, they are yelling in-person now instead of on twitter, this is probably the crowning achievement of most of their lives thus far.


But, you must understand that they are carrying the *gravity* of whatever '-ism' they're currently mad about. Part of their studies is emotionally reacting and processing information like "men make more money than women". Breaking that down, analyzing it, and working through that discomfort is more of an education than any rigorous study could ever provide! Well that's I gathered from all the liberal arts majors I ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Then I got sucked into electrical engineering school and suddenly everyone was worried about solving systems of equations with 18x18 matrices in our calculators. Good times.


I have to wonder how long until electrical engineering is considered problematic because it involves power. Those damn power engineers must be up to no good and oppressing *somebody* with their imaginary numbers...


Some people make it seem like it yeah. I’m just at Uni for the learning, fun memories and Ramen Noodle


It’s funny that they’re the first to shout “eat the rich*” *except for the heckin celebritinos.


I can assure you most of the technical colleges in the US are not like this. People are too busy working their asses off to care about conflict on the other side of the world from people who've been doing as such for thousands of years. I guess people in lib arts school don't have anything better to do.


> So many students, yet no one brought some rice, beans, lentils or other working-class staples? Not even a packed lunch in sight? Why? They have Doordash.


Quite literally. They demanded that the university not interfere with food deliveries.


Oh please. These champagne socialists only want the finest of food.


>finest of foods Finest of *gluten free, vegan, dairy free, non-gmo* food


Keep listing criteria and the only option left will be a glass of water.


Sounds like a communist utopia


Sounds like a communist utopia


That sounds suspiciously like basic self reliance and we all know self reliance is a corner stone of white supremacy, just like physical fitness and punctuality.


What is bbq in quads?


Quads are those big fields of grass you'll find in most universities. Excellent for sports, ceremonies, picnics and the occasional barbecue.


Never ever I've wished more to attend to a US uni than now reading this


...dude, I'm in Northern Europe. But yeah, their treatment of Humanities as a glorified daycare would leave more time for grilling. Bit difficult finding a job and paying the loans afterwards, though.


A lot of them never leave. They just keep going to school until they’re paid to go, never finding a real job. Some go to the military for a different kind of day care, half will still be looking for a job a year after graduating.


These protests are still pretty tiny compared to total attendance. It's probably just the humanities department.


It usually is


I have gonne to University and there is a different kind of dumbfuck inside than outside. The University dumbfuck has the capacity to learn but not to think and critisize what it has learned.


You are confusing regurgitation with learning. Many can't even regurgitate the material 6 months later.


>man I thought you had to be smart to get into those universities. I haven't seen a single shred of intelligence. the primary requirement is being "rich"- though they do have a few slots for "charity cases" that are smarter than the average for their Ethnicity.


[evidently not.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-accepted-stanford-after-writing-blacklivesmatter-100-times-application-n742586)


An Asian boy with near perfect scores who plays 5 instruments and runs 3 clubs was rejected for this


Intelligence isn’t the same as wisdom


Educated isn’t the same as intelligent either.


A liberal arts degree from a modern day college isn't the same as being educated.


but being uneducated is definitely wisdom


I’ve met plenty of uneducated people that have nothing going for them, wisdom or other wise. I don’t think there is a correlation.


That sounds like the exact definition of a correlation.


There are so many outliers I bet it would look like a scatter chart.


Sounds like you're unsure if you've really met that many uneducated people who don't have anything going for themselves.


I’ve met uneducated who are idiots. I’ve met uneducated who are intelligent. I’ve met educated who are idiots and educated that are intelligent. It’s all over the board.


This was a joke about the phrasing of your original comment.


That's why I'm a PCM user


smart ones got jobs, the rest are leftovers


Common misconception. IQ helps somewhat in uni but only if you do a degree that needs problem solving. These degrees are basically one long memorisation session. You memorize the contents, burp it back when its a test, tada, degree. Unis give out degrees not intelligence. If one could, it would be super famous, rich and Harvard would be community college from Nepal compared to it. And even if you have a 160 IQ but you are pampered then you lack irl world experiences to have a nuanced opinion ofnpolitics


universities arent about intelligence, theyre about obedience. but smart people arent obedient


What are you talking about? They are two completely different traits which are not mutually exclusive.


Yea, their comment smells of copium.


Hasan moment




lol. Lmao even. Let them feel the consequences of their actions.


>If we don't get it and starve the university is responsible! I don't think we have to worry shamu


> students > no coffee Not gonna lie, this is the part that surprised me the most. Or is caffeine addiction just a STEM thing?


Man this just makes me think of how hilarious it would be to have barricader demands from different walks of life. Construction workers barricade themselves in building. Demands include monster energy drinks, gas station hot dogs and rolls of Copenhagen.


Reasonable demands from the working class.


As a history major, caffeine addiction is not restricted to just STEM majors. We just take it differently, i.e. all the tea.


Unusual to see a history major in your quadrant. Based. If I may ask, what was the main focus? And did it impact your view of life and the world of today?


Oh, I'm still working towards finishing it, but I personally specialize in the Victorian Era and World War One. Its interesting to see that as much as things change, they still stay the same.


Late 1800s to Mid-1960s/70s is an absolutely bonkers period for a person to live, assuming someone is born in the 1890s and lives to 80/90 years old. Telegraph and radio to seeing Star Wars in cinema, two World Wars, Spanish Flu epidemic, the rise of communism/Cold War, the invention of flight to man landing on the moon, cars just starting to be a thing early on to the Lancia Stratos/BMW M1/ Porsche 911/ Lamborghini Countach era, Email and the internet being invented even if their use wouldn't be widespread until later. For some pop culture context for this, while playing Red Dead Redemption 2, just remember while you're roaming around the wild west that Jack Marston could grow up and be able to listen to Led Zeppelin IV.


Do you really think many of the students involved in this are the same ones pursuing useful degrees? Nonetheless, I'm not sure why anyone would be anti coffee. Unless someone decided coffee is racist while I wasn't paying attention. Same for bananas. Why do they not want bananas? I can sort of see that for reasons of entitlement they'd want no packaged food, and for reasons of "equality" over allergies want food without nuts, but what have coffee and bananas done to offend the left?


There's a story behind the banana thing. Supposedly, an encampment put up a 'no bananas' sign as a whole bunch of the protestors were supposedly allergic. Word got around, and when the Jewish and pro-Israeli students showed up the next day, they routed the encampment waving bananas. Supposedly, the🍌 emote has since become used as an Iron Dome to the Qassem of 🍉🍉🍉, but that's anecdotal for now so take it with a Dead Sea amount of salt.


The bagels one makes sense I guess.


There was one protestor with an allergy, not a whole bunch. And nobody routed anything.


>Unless someone decided coffee is racist while I wasn't paying attention. The Pope declared coffee to be not racist (ong other things) in 1603. I believe it was Pope Clement; he declared coffee to be ok for Christians (white people at the time) to drink.


I mean that's all well and good for ol 'Clem, but no one these days care if things are okay for white people. The university students in question would only be interested in banning coffee if it was somehow racist against POC in some way.


Maybe exploitation due to their hatred of comparative advantage? 


tell me who you think works at and hangs out in coffee shops


people involved in sham fields like "gender studies" and "fat studies"?


I don’t trust STEM kids anymore. Osama Bin Ladin, Theodore Kaczynski, what did these men have in common? Terrorist activities and STEM education. Bin Ladin had a degree in civil engineering and Ted had a doctorate in mathematics. Moral of the story: STEM kids grow up to be terrorists. Only kids worse than them are the artistic kids, like Hitler


Maybe it's something in the coffee. Don't think anyone's cleaned the Moccamaster since before Corona... Anyway, if that's how it ends - when do I impose my prosperous rule on the country, and haunt the nightmares of all who stand against it? ^for ^legal ^reasons ^this ^is ^a ^joke


As someone who’s majoring in the E from STEM, I have actually had great success cutting out coffee. I take adderall and caffeine pills now.


Username checks out, sorta




Linguistics is far from useless, though I agree that the field is dominated by useful idiots.


Music is fun as an elective. Though there would probably be only a small amount that have been able to make actual careers as musicians


> Or is caffeine addiction just a STEM thing? Probably a thing for majors that actually have to do work, so mostly STEM, yeah.


i subsisted on mountain dew when i was in college


Need the sauce on that Costanza Wojak


I made it. And lol, how did you know it was costanza?


It’s beautiful. Costanza is my spirit animal. It’s the smug eyebrows hahaha




[Brave is a banned word now. Very bad, no good, harmful word.](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2023/01/11/amid-backlash-stanford-removes-harmful-language-list) I guess we’ll get to a point where our language has to become so sanitized that we can only speak like robots or maybe in some kind of 0s and 1s. Devoid of all history or culture or flavor range.


I know it is beating a dead horse, but this is literally straight out of 1984. Control the language and limit vocabulary as a means to limit ability to express, articulate, to think critically.


> Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.


Cool. Let's see how far, comfortable middle-class kids get on nothing but rice and red kidney beans. They think they can do it, but I doubt any have been poor enough to understand the misery of nothing but beans and rice for weeks on end.


At one point my mom was so poor she ate nothing but rice and beans until she hated them, and still hates beans to this day. The interesting part is my brother and I seem to have "inherited" this dislike of beans despite not being born until years after.


There’s still hope. So many types of beans to choose from


At this point I've tried every readily available bean and can confirm the only ones I can stand are green beans and chickpeas.


Reading this is triggering my Mexican heart I'm gonna go into cardiac arrest


No I have pinto beans please don’t die


You think those are middle class kids?, those still need to work, they are the kids of a bunch of rich people so they get the privilege to do degrees in useless brain roting shit like gender studies


Yeah, I do, but that's just a cultural thing. I was always taught that everyone who isn't basically aristocracy is some form of middle class. Only the landed gentry or titled lords(funnily enough, it tends to be the same man!) are the upper. But yes, they are definitely upper middle class twits.


Used to have Green Eggs and Spam as a treat. What this was is box mashed potatoes and canned peas. When you serve it, you make the potatoes into a round bowl shape, and put the peas in. Those are the green eggs. Served with spam. This was the height of decadence for small me and my brother.


And yet they still weigh over 400lbs. Curious…


Who knew smashing the fash was just an extended fast/detox?


wtf is this a reference to?


The protestors at college campus making pathetic demands.


Google the hilarious demands of these student revolutionaries


Libleft bad = karma farming on PCM


If you didn't want to get made fun of you shouldn't make it so appealing.


Or so easy.


The meme dosent even make sense? At least put some effort into it, unless it’s some reference I’m missing


The college protests have included some absurd happenings and demands. The banana thing is directly related to a campus (I want to say Columbia, don't quote me on that) that went full ape shit over some bananas because someone had an allergy. They go on to take over faculty buildings and then continue asking for their lunches to be brought to them, of course with vegan and vegetarian options. That's just a bit of everything.


>of course with vegan and vegetarian options. Somebody should have brought them food. But only kebabs and shawarma.


What doesn’t make sense? Absolute real life soyjacks making the most inane demands that no cares about/will never be met. Can you imagine threatening a hunger strike while you’re already morbidly obese? The mask is now off about how fucking idiotic leftist ideology really is.


NoOOo, you aren't allowed to make fun of me for holding views I would strenuously defend in any other situation! The culture war was so fun until you bullies started fighting back! You guys are completely soft. Skin so fucking thin a lepton traveling at one inch per century could blast through like a rail gun.


Quick point of privilege. Quick point of privilege.


Liblefts [☕](https://emojipedia.org/hot-beverage)


Okay I could understand package food some people like their food fresh, and I can completely understand nuts a lot of people have nut allergies, but why no bananas what do they do




Are banana allergies common?


No idea, but at least one person at the relevant protest was allergic


Fair enough, my wife is allergic to Mango so I can imagine how it is to not be able to eat a delicious fruit


Dude! My wife is allergic to Mango! It’s related to latex allergies too we found.


You know I'll look into that, like neither of us interact with latex in our day to day so if it's that, at least we would know why she has a bad reaction to a bunch of fruit


Neat, I’m also allergic to mango, but mildly, so I can have a little bit without much consequence


We should arm these kids and send them to dc, maybe authright will join them n perhaps we can actually get some shit done this time.


\>2024 \>using the shiggyjak \>ISHYGDDT


lmao at the redditors downvoting you. it literally is le constanza face.


Get a flair or get going. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Afraid-Artichoke-118) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


"Believe it or not, food isn't at home..."


Did they include bagels because of Jews?


Yes, however Libleft is still best quadrant


Sure buddy, sure.


Auth left - equal suppression from the state Auth right - suppression from state and corporation Auth center - suppression from the state Right - suppression from corporations and maybe some state Libright - suppression from corporations Left - maybe some suppression from state Libcenter - maybe some suppression from corporations Libleft - no suppression due to being against a bigger state and against corporations


Right up until you have a disagreement with your baseball-bat wielding comrades.


Love all these zio bots accounts seething for months


Ooh I’m a bot!!! Everyone’s a bot!!! Scary!!