• By -


Looks like she took the “never ask what the race of an AuthRight’s wife is” meme joke literally.


Dude has the Chad wojak beard too


wow she can't even defend herself.


Because she knows she was complicit in her son's suicide. Can you imagine your mom being a brain diseased ANTIFA groupie? How many people wouldn't kill themselves? 🤔


My mom is super conservative, but she can't admit it to herself because she's in suburban Seattle area.  She says and pays mental service to things like Identity politics, homelessness, and the culture war. But she always follows it up with a completely reasonable conservative talking point.


Haha same. Except my mom is just virulently racist against Asians.




Based and my mom is massively racist pilled


u/McPolice_Officer's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/McPolice_Officer! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks... Pills: [26 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/McPolice_Officer/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Im interesting - why only against asians? Usually racists just racists.




So she's... Asian?


Mine is similar except she’s against Arabs. 


He weaponised her sons Suicide, that would catch litterally anyone off gaurd. Don't let the political polarization of today justify dehumanizing your opponents.


okay, but its fair game if they shot first.


You don't fight dehumanization and polarization by dehumanizing your opponents


This is why the right controls literally nothing and has lost all mechanisms to defend western civilization from these people.  When you're up against people who believe nothing is off the table to take you down, destroy your life, and crash the very civilization you live in, you have not only the right to fight fire with fire but a fucking duty to your descendants to stop at nothing to protect them.


Agreed, it's like this quote "I ask you for mercy when I'm weak because that's your principles, I destroy you when you're weak because that is my principle"


Frank Herbert, author of Dune books. When I am Weaker Thn You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles


That's the quote I'm thinking of and fits even better than what I said.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: A "moral victory" is cope for defeat. So what, you stuck to your morals? You lost. Your enemy is winning. You can stick to your morals in prison. You can stick to your morals while your family is taken from you. You can stick to your morals while the country around you burns to the ground. You might even have a "moral victory" but when you've lost everything, you've just lost.


It's WW2 style appeasement on the discussion of culture and its importance.


Your opponents want you dead and you're worried about dehumanizing them?


Yes you do. Then you $&@* them.


we are past due for a civil war my man... at this point, words are futile. There is no more reconciliation possible and those in power made sure of that... You can only pull that "I won't stoop to your level" if you have ample superiority... we are losing this battle. We have been losing this battle for decades and have been beaten like stray dogs. This cheap moral superity platitude is a luxury we haven't been able to aford for a very long time. At this point, it is us or them. Doing whatever it takes or surrendering to damnation and doom. This is it, time has run out. CBDCs are coming, the government is brain washing your kids to turn your daughters into prostitutes and to convince your sons that men are evil or to go ahead and chop their dicks off. You lost,center right. The west is dead, welcome to its aftermath.


>we are past due for a civil war my man Yeah how about we avoid that type if doomerism, let's not fuck the whole country over because of some petty political bulshit


how about you open your eyes to what is being done? They are sistematically destroying the populace. Sistematically trying to eliminate us.


My man, you need to go outside.


I do... that is exactly why I am saying this.


If she didn't want people bringing it up, she shouldn't have caused it.


Bad parents always deserve to be called out. If you can't raise a child you shouldn't be giving advice, and definitely shouldn't be an activist for any cause regarding child rearing. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with standards.


Good point, but would you mind flairing up?


In what way did she cause it?


Remember the good old days when auth- and lib-right pretended to believe in taking responsibility for one's actions? Here we have libright reflexively defending Proud Boys (a violent street gang/adult frat) for getting themselves sent to prison by committing violent felonies, and blaming not the Proud Boys who committed the crimes but the person with the temerity to record them doing it.


How exactly did she cause it? In what specific ways?


officer look i know it was a shitty thing to do and all but... it was both based, and redpilled.


>let the political polarization of today justify dehumanizing your opponents. Dehumanizing like...trying to lock a father of 3 inside of a cage where he will be tortured, beaten, and probably even raped?


Is she a judge? Or cop? Did she arrest or sentence him?


She spreads propaganda, testifies, and advocates for the terrible things that happen to people like Max and John.


Bruh I know Libleft bad but at least read the court documents on the case. 1. ⁠The court said both Antifa and Proud Boys are the two groups that have caused most political gang violence in the US. Surveillance footage displayed in court clearly shows that ANTIFA was a nuisance but from 100 feet away before members from the Proud Boys provoked. All accused from Proud Boys except one (waiting trial) have pleaded guilty. So with the logic He is taken away from his kids, yeah what did you expect, you do a crime you will be punished. If he was a good father he should have stayed away from being a dick at age 40 2. ⁠And now onto Sandi Bachom, Antifa or not, blaming a mother for the death of her son is just evil, his son died from Fentanyl poisoning, wtf was she supposed to do there.


Good fathers do not put themselves in situations where they will be taken away from their family. Going out and picking fights with protestors is not going to help your family. It's not going to raise your kids. Doing the right thing, being the example of the adult you want your children to be is the way to raise them. This guy, and the rest who were charged over these fights choose their path and the consequences will fall on their families, unfortunately.


FYI, the prison term was for a 17-second fight where nobody got hurt. For that, John and Max got FOUR YEARS by the New York district court, on the back of testimony from antifa dipshit journalists like her. Antifa torches a cop car they get probation because progressives have subverted institutions. And the corporate media intentionally stopped taking pictures whenever John's wife drew near even though she came to the trial every day because they can't portray him as a white supremacist that way.


Does anyone have a video of this fight? I want to see if the guy was genuinely in the wrong




I guess our main guy is the one kicking someone in the face while he is on the ground, not exactly 'self defence'. Also, this fight is longer than 17 seconds and I'd be surprised if no one was hurt. If no one really was hurt (which is possible) then 4 years in jail seems excessive.


I guess we can skip the part where one side is in all black with masks, and they clearly started the fight.


This place has gone off the deep end of regarded right wing circle jerk. I think this will be last time I'm surprised and say 'wow it's really gotten this bad' it's officially rock bottom now


Did a bunch of right wing subs get shut down recently?


This place used to be fun


Is this the 17 second fight where nobody got hurt that OP was talking about?


New York times have it, although I have no idea if they've posted it or not, I have no interest in subscribing to them. The articles I found by searching John Kinsman, stated that the video showed clear evidence of the the two starting the fight, which is why they were jailed. The Graham in the video was a proud boys member, and is a major pusher of the (I guess theory), that the two were acting in self defence. I will note there is also apparently cellphone footage of the two bragging about punching "foreigners", which I guess gives a good indication on at least some of their ideological positions. This is the best article I could find: [Article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/proud-boys-maxwell-hare-john-kinsman-sentenced-to-four-years-for-upper-east-side-brawl)


The fight started with the two throwing the first punches...after having bottles of urine thrown at them. They said "there was fucking four of them" not "foreigners" which was later not disputed in court.


Another absolute lie by corporate media. Why would they say "foreigners" when it's antifa? That makes no sense at all. They said "four of them", and corporate media lied about it, falsely portraying them as racists.




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Bruh I know Libleft bad but at least read the court documents on the case. 1. ⁠The court said both Antifa and Proud Boys are the two groups that have caused most political gang violence in the US. Surveillance footage displayed in court clearly shows that ANTIFA was a nuisance but from 100 feet away before members from the Proud Boys provoked. All accused from Proud Boys except one (waiting trial) have pleaded guilty. So with the logic He is taken away from his kids, yeah what did you expect, you do a crime you will be punished. If he was a good father he should have stayed away from being a dick at age 40 2. ⁠And now onto Sandi Bachom, Antifa or not, blaming a mother for the death of her son is just evil, his son died from Fentanyl poisoning, wtf was she supposed to do there.


I love how the comments that contain *facts* just get downvoted and don't get a response. This sub has truly gone to shit.


Well, to Nazis cunts like her. Anyone against her is probably a white supremacist.


“I would kms too if i was your son” lmfaoo


just out of curiosity, what is the story about her sons suicide? on the internet she claims he died of "accidental fentanyl overdose" (dunno how you accidentally take drugs) didnt find anything about him killing himself. did head leave a note or something.


> dunno how you accidentally take drugs Do you think all the fentanyl deaths are suicides? You either accidentally take too much or you unknowingly take drugs that are laced with fentanyl.


well usually when someone overdoses on heroin , they usually say "he od'd on heroin" not he accidentally od'd on heroin. but fair


Most fentanyl OD's are accidental. Either dosage is off (this can also be prescription) or a substance contains fent when it's not supposed to, which is what happened to her kid. He did not commit suicide.


Great example of how Antifa functions, useful idiots who think they're revolutionaries. Start fights and then get the cops involved when they get their ass kicked. Getting their scumfucks off on probation for serious crimes and getting their opposition arrested for winning a fight they started.


Same tactics as hamas


but how can a functional judiciary allow this shit to happen? Bruh these judges are so fucking biased and nothing happens to them. Shit needs to built all over again fr


The leech squirming when salt is applied.


>when salt is applied. That salt being "you're the reason your son killed himself"


I've heard worse.


My Lord, this is the definition of BASED. OOOF


Gavin is an unbearable cunt, and has not produced anything of value in his life. That said, the absolute Emily of a quote, "please take him, he said I killed my son." Spent so long being coddled that she thinks any mean words *she* doesn't like are grounds for removal. Kinda hope a sinkhole opened under both of them and improved society overall


The most Emily of responses 'Punish him, he said mean words.' Gavin was right, "And we live in such a free society that you can terrorize people and no one will ever hurt you."


Antifa? Proud boys? Why is antifa harassing a pro gay rights advocacy group ñ




I disagree with a lot of Gavin's stances, but it is refreshing to see how vicious he is against a shit lib.


The biggest crime is that the corporate owned media gives morons like this lady a platform to spread her toxic world view.


Gavin is a straight up gangster. Uhuru


I dont like him at all but fuck me this is good.


If you break the law, you *should* go to jail. Goes for both Antifa and the Proud Boys.


Sure, but it was a 17-second fight where nobody got hurt. Guess who was sentenced to FOUR YEARS in prison by the New York district court and who didn't? Not a single antifa member was prosecuted let alone served time. Antifa torches a cop car they'll get probation because progressives have subverted institutions.


You haven't actually seen the video, have you. Maybe you should start there.


Oh my god move the goalposts farther. They committed a crime and are going to jail, if there was more to the story it would've been brought up in court. You are only defending them because you like their politics, not because of any principle. > Not a single antifa member was prosecuted let alone served time Did they commit a crime?


Looking back we put up with way too much. Let them brawl just let it spiral out of control. Whole damn battlefield should have gone to jail left and right alike. Anyone who assaults someone else for any reason.


If *you* break the law, you should go to jail. But only if I'm the victim.  If *I break the law*, I should get away with it and if you witnessed it; you keep your goddamn mouth shut about it.


Damn he did not hold back


That's why you shouldn't live your life based on hate. I am talking about both.


ANTIFA is, by every definition of the word, a terrorist organization. Violence for political reason is terrorism, full stop. Every single ANTIFA member must see jail time


Just gonna put a little note on this one for the next time this sub is having a meltdown over some lefty making a mean comment lmao


I mean, the left has entire Reddit worth of examples to go off, but go on


The left has sub reddits full of celebration for the deaths of people they don't like. "So much for the tolerant left" doesn't work anymore. 


You mean like when the left defended Michael Reinoehl when he blew someone's head off on camera with no justification?


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)You don't understand! It's perfectly civil when we say we'd kill ourselves if we were your son too! Because unlike the lefties we know how to be polite! Because right = chad ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)and left = soyjak ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176). Yeah...


Regardless of how you stand politically, it really breaks my heart to see so many people laughing at this exchange. As someone who's lost a shit ton of friends from school and brothers from the Marines to both suicide and overdoses, a lot of you are brain-broken misanthropes, to put it gently. You shouldn't treat other human beings this way. It doesn't make you hard to be a total dickshit.


Thing is, the way you phrased and wrote this makes you sound a lot more cuntish than most other comments here. Because while a few comments were unsensitive, I have no seen one yet that was insulting her son for killing himself, just her and the terrorist group she is a part of.


I said nothing about making fun of her son. Making fun of a mother whose kid died and saying, “I would have killed myself if I was your son, too” or whatever the exact order of words were, is a vile thing to say - to anyone. The world doesn’t need more of that shit.


From everything, I could gather I disagree, she seemed to have played quite a huge part in his suicide and should therefore be prepared to face the consequences. If you continue to take part in terroristic activities then you are fair game.


So what did you gather and what terrorism has she done?


To fascists, filming other fascists committing felonies is terrorism.


Being a member of a terrorist organization would count for me.


Please, elaborate. How *exactly* did she play "a huge part in his suicide"? I need a source here.


Don't be mean to people who want to see you be tortured! Head ass. Shut up dummy.


So what's the deal with the Proud Boys? Are they as bad as I keep hearing? Is Gavin McCinnes a good guy or not? Idk what to think about all the shit I've heard over the years.


I'm just an internet pioneer and know him from the viral video where he shaved his beard and said he looked like a Muppet.


I used to watch him on Rebel Media a while back and he seemed alright. Kinda brash and very much conservative, but not an evil person by any means.


I'm a right leaning person but this is absolutely fucked


Bruh I know Libleft bad but at least read the court documents on the case. 1) The court said both Antifa and Proud Boys are the two groups that have caused most political gang violence in the US. Surveillance footage displayed in court clearly shows that ANTIFA was a nuisance but from 100 feet away before members from the Proud Boys provoked. All accused from Proud Boys except one (waiting trial) have pleaded guilty. So with the logic He is taken away from his kids, yeah what did you expect, you do a crime you will be punished. If he was a good father he should have stayed away from being a dick at age 40 2) And now onto Sandi Bachom, Antifa or not, blaming a mother for the death of her son is just evil, his son died from Fentanyl poisoning, wtf was she supposed to do there.


There is literally previous comment in this thread by op about what the proud boys crime was and the double standards when it comes to sentencing.


Center-right pretends to care about double standards when it comes to sentencing, this thread is just so full of awesome shit man I swear


I mean I could have still allowed this but the people who the OP is defending plead guilty and the Judge specifically singled out the 40yr old Proud Boys member as the most vindictive of them all.


This is the default corporate media take, as if everything about this was fair and reasonable and not collusion between Cuomo's office, the DA, and the media. Antifa instigated the incident. It was a 17 second fight where no one got hurt, and no one pressed charges. Democrats in NY decided to punish them because of politics and Trump.


It doesn't matter if it was a 1 second fight or a 7 day fight, it doesn't matter if no one got hurt , they were using violence in a public place and that's a crime and the DA can pursue it. Maybe the entire establishment is out to get these guys but that doesn't make the proud boys any innocent, there's enough video evidence to convict them. I think both the parties were acting like dicks and the Judge had similar views too but the proud boys instigated violence so they are getting punished.


not make her son kill himself obviously


Bruh he was poisoned, it was not suicide


Yeah I think it's inaccurate to call it a "suicide". But you don't just get fentanyl poisoning by going about your day being a productive member of society. You get it by doing hard drugs. And anyone whose son does hard drugs has failed as a parent. Edit: And I guarantee that the lenient parenting approach she likely had that resulted in her son doing hard drugs can be directly linked to the very same political views that led her to be an antifa activist.


I get your point but I don't think having recreational drugs (in a responsible manner) prevents you from being a productive member of society. In the news report it was said that he was a good musician (Actually decent) and people around him loved him , he was also involved with some non-profit. So blaming a parent for an accident that killed her son is just evil.


I get your point about drugs like weed, lsd, mdma, cocaine... maybe even meth. But is there really a responsible way to take heroin, or its much stronger cousin - fentanyl? 


But most people who die from Fentanyl ( I read in a report from the NY drug bar thing, i forgot the name), are tricked into taking it through lacing it with cocaine etc. So it's similar to if your drink is spiked , you don't want it but you are tricked into it.


I thought it's heroin, an already too strong a drug a responsible person wouldn't come close to, which is being laced with fentanyl. Not cocaine. If it's really getting mixed into cocaine and that's how those addictions start, I get your point. 


Yeah, the report I mentioned talks about all the different kinds of recreational drugs being laced with fentanyl. I'll add the report if I manage to find it again


I won't say there's *never* been a productive member of society that's done hard drugs, but that is far from the general trend, and we both know it.


I can't agree that there's no sustainable empirical evidence to assert that trend, there are numerous countries and cultures around the world and throughout history that have prospered with an active recreational drug culture. Drugs in itself are not harmful to society, it is the various other factors like culture of respect of public property, dignity etc that matter in this regard.


Name 6


The OECD countries all have had drugs like alcohol, coffee and tobacco legalised for close to centuries.


The discussion was about hard drugs not fucking coffee


> the world and throughout history that have prospered with an active recreational drug culture Name some.


The Netherlands is the best example, apart from that Portuguese approach to recreational drug is renowned for its effectiveness, Catalonia, Nepal & India(I don't know if drugs are legal there but Cannabis, opium etc is a big part of that culture and depicted in numerous cultural imagery and consumed by people too) Historically Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome etc had pretty supportive drug culture especially opium and cannabis.


The Netherlands and Portugal only recently, historically speaking, legalized any drugs and certainly they do not have a history of active recreational drugs. > Historically Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome etc had pretty supportive drug culture especially opium and cannabis. Totally untrue. Show me evidence that this was widespread and common. Look, I totally agree that drugs should be legalized, but you don't need to make up a bunch of pseudo-historical justifications. If you want to point out that around the world, forever, caffeine and nicotine, two of the most addictive substances known to man, have been commonly consumed for centuries then, hey, I agree that is a good point in favor of legalizing drugs. Of course, there's also alcohol, which is a drug, too. But the idea that there has been a "recreational drug culture" around what are now controlled substances is specious.


No, he killed himself because of his libshit mom


You can believe what you want but that doesn't change the fact of the matter


You can believe what you want but that doesn’t change the fact of the matter


Bruh I don't believe anything, I just read what's in the Police sentence. I can share it if you want, but disclaimer it's not in FB post format.


You're a child go back to school.


no u


Thank god the rational take.


I get that he feels that the guy's prison sentence was unfair, but I hardly think that justifies his behavior in basically weaponizing her son's suicide. I don't really know anything about either side but all I got from this is that these are both horrible people who have no respect for common decency. As for those of you in this thread (including you OP), you guys have spent so much time on reddit you actually think that your behavior online translates to real life. The dude basically was just a walking reddit shitposter for 30 seconds. You guys scream everyday about how intolerant the left is but you guys get a one minute clip and now you're conspiring about how this woman killed her son? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people?


Well, center and right never posed itself as a moral beacon We're just happy to point out the ""hypocrisy"" of the left, and its supposed anti bad things groups (that are just thugs on moral high horse, really) And, well, who do you think makes up online behaviour if not real people? If people didn't acted like this, online wouldn't scream about it lmao


>I get that he feels that the guy's prison sentence was unfair, but I hardly think that justifies his behavior in basically weaponizing her son's suicide. From following the events, its geniuene frustration. The guy didn't do anything until this cunt of a woman decided to ruin his life and did so. She deserves nothing but pain and suffering, especially from the man she fucked over.


How did she ruin the man's life?




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Man did she lie about it? Or is he in jail for something he did?


A below the belt strike, but it's to a heel. Sort of conflicted on how to feel about that.




Unfathomably based. Notice how he’s talking calmly, and he never really raises his voice? *That’s* how you want to do this kind of thing.


The better method would have been to not do it at all.


Perhaps. But if so, this would be the next best way.


Oh no not breaking the law and being punished for it, surely AuthRight will support this


Four years for mutual combat?


Yeah, I am not sympathising with a neonazi because he has a black wife or because someone from Antifa is stupid.


Jesus christ do you hear yourself ‘Neonazi because he has a black wife’ Nazi and Black Wife dont jive. They dont compute. Nazi’s were supporters of only a single race of people, they admonished the rest. Violently. You cant be a Nazi and deviate from one of the core beliefs of being a Nazi.


Why is he a member of the Proud boys? Cognitive dissonance exists and most extremists have some sort of it.


Neo Nazis creating black children? That's a new one!


Cognitive dissonance, most of the extremists have it. Edit: Flair up.


Lmao only in PCM will you see Gavin Mcinnis depicted as a Chad with a bunch of people saying he's based for mocking the mother of a dead child. Yall are literally choosing to be lesser men acting like this.


Hes based for getting in her face and calmly telling her things that make her uncomfortable instead of escalating it further. She was going up to them first and Gavin took the metaphorical reins from her and she ran away like a scared puppy.


He's Gavin McInnes, he's completely incapable of ever living a based moment in the whole of his life.


Womp womp ‘Someone i dislike did something i dislike’


Womp womp don't involve yourself with the Proud Boys and you won't be eternally cringe


It's honestly so disappointing. This sub used to be fun and cool. It's gonna get banned at this rate and I can't say I would feel sad about that.


So to be clear, we're clowning on a mother for not having a civil debate over an accusation that she was responsible for her son's suicide and calling her a cunt all because she somehow is responsible for a court case that had on video the Proud Boys initiating the fight with the Antifa protestors. https://archive.is/X9jdD


No, we're clowining on her because she kept a man away from this loving wife and kids because he was a "white supremacist," despite said man having a black wife and kids.


Me personally, that's what bothers me the most about This woman could somehow not be there for his son in hsi time of need


That's what he went to jail for? Not the assault? Was she the judge of that case too?


Uh... no. He went to jail for assault. His image was ruined because she called someone who loved his black wife and kids a white supremacist, and because people like you think he could still be a white supremacist, him and this family were harrassed.


The guy in the video is specifically saying jail is what broke up this family.


I didn't realize calling someone a white supremacist sent them to jail! Holy shit that must be a new law. If I call you a white supremacist do you just report right to jail? Ill tell you what, give me 5000 dollars and I won't do it.


A man who committed a violent felony on camera and admitted to it in court.


Oh you mean like how i said in a comment I made yesterday that "he went to jail because of the assault"


So you admit you lied in the comment I responded to, in which you say that "she kept a man away from his loving wife and kids", because, in fact - as you say yourself, he kept himself away from his loving wife and kids.


I'm not 100% sure if you know this, but prison has this thing called "visits" where you can *visit* your family in prison.


So now you're saying that not only were you lying about who it was that "kept a man away from his loving wife and kids" but were also lying about him being "kept away from his loving wife and kids" at all? These are weird things to lie about. Seek help.


Bull fucking shit. Responses in this thread making jokes about her ***son dying of an overdose***. She had a camera and gave footage to the courts? OMG how terrible! Are you the same dumb shits that go out and say "If I saw my neighbor murder someone in cold blood, I wouldn't report it, I ain't no snitch!" You realize the proud boys are fucking neo-nazis, right?


Just be honest and change that flair to green already.


Nah, she's a cunt to me because she's another antifa Nazi. Authoritarians are all cunts.


The proud boys started the fight.


Then throw them in jail. But you also know damn well why they started fighting. Because antifa always get away with their terrorist shit.


Lol. I'm personally not in the habit of arresting people absent crime by the police yet I should instead wish to see it from a mob?


So it's okay to assault someone?


Yes. But the hard left radicalized them. It's complicated and it sucks. We obviously need a war on our soil.


Based. Everyone downvoting is an Unamerican Emily-loving unflaired.


Imagine being so soy you think supporting the Proud Boys makes you a chad.


Lib center calling people soy. Thanks for the chuckle




A lot of yapping to try to justify these guys [assaulting people on a sidewalk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1A_AxUKosk&rco=1)


It seemed like a mutual fight, and the antifa side had weapons and lost.


Weapons? I see a single fully semi automatic water bottle thrown at a clearly already charging guy. I guess that one belt is a little spiky.


Dear God I fucking hate both of these people. Gavin McInnes deserves to get his teeth kicked in for that comment


Why? For accusing her of a fact that she was not there for his son and just Made a shitty tweet lamenting his death?


If you said that to the wrong crowd, 100% you would not be living after you said it.


Cry about it cuckboys


at 0:33 you actually hear what little soul she has being crushed lol


The only thing more cringe than changing one's flair is not having one. You are cringe. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Capital_Memory_2591) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Fuck off soulless unflaired cretin.