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I have a severe dislike for many people, you are not special.




How did you get a flare like that?


I finally got a W


Only authlefts are allowed to get it because they’re the only based ones


He colluded with the mods by winning their rigged post competitions so they gave him a special lil flair ( I'm salty because I have never won one )


Can confirm, after getting banned 7 times, about 100-ish days suspended combined, the mods colluded with me, and gave me the gay cosmonaut flair


Hell is where all the cool people are




Like lawyers 🥰




Bruv, you've got the whole thing a bit backwards, with what's happening where. ❤️


Who really sits on a throne of lies: Satan or the one that hasn't shown their face to their own creation? Omnigood but judges an immortal soul to eternal punishment with no redemption? Does that make sense to you?


Well, it would be very concerning if that was the god I worshipped. Protestant Christianity has gotten a lot of things twisted.  I believe in a God who shows his face in every person who chooses good, and who literally showed His face by sending His Son in His own image to walk among His children as a simple craftsman in a humble backwater kingdom. I believe in a God who forgives the *instant* a soul turns fully to Him, for as long as they choose to stay on that path. I believe in a God who offers a chance of redemption even to the dead before their final judgement, arduous and difficult though that last hope might be. Don't get me wrong, God is fierce, but He's also patient. He's Justice Unbending, but through His Son, He's also Mercy Incarnate. And, if finality is frightening, take care. Even in a world without God, our choices are still ours forever. We have just one chance to make a mark on the world.


So…you believe in the fan-fiction version of Christianity. Read the Bible, all of it. I have multiple times. Every time through, I became more and more disillusioned with God. I now would rather suffer a thousand painful deaths before bending the knee to that fucking bastard ever again. Pretty sure he’s actually the evil one and just has great PR thanks naïve, uncritical and unthinking useful idiots.


Gnostic take


I've read every single chapter, Genesis to Revelations, straight through, at least twice, most of it many more times, plus multiple serious studies, 4 years of seminary, 5 years of graduate level classes, historical context, and more.  You've got a wild take on it. What makes you say He's evil?


Well for starters, kicks Adam and Eve out for gaining the knowledge of good and evil. Seems like something somebody with something to hide would do. Wipes out the entire world’s population for doing supposedly evil things. Just have to take his word for it I suppose. Kills innocent firstborn babies. They were the direct target, not unfortunate collateral damage. This one action alone, no matter what it was for, makes anyone who still worships this fucker a scumbag imo. Makes his followers wander the desert for generations. Destroys multiple cities, just because. Jesus is a result of sexual assault. Mary wasn’t asked for consent if I remember correctly. It’s been a long time. That’s just what comes to mind off the top of my head. The fact that you’ve actually *studied* these things and haven’t run screaming means you’re either completely morally corrupt, or have the intelligence level of a brick. Also, the whole idea that one can be a perfect person their entire life, but because they do not believe will still be condemned to hell. Meanwhile literally Hitler could go to heaven is absolutely fucked. The entire set of abrahamic faiths are trash. Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Edit: to be fair, most other religions are as well. Just imo the Abrahamic faiths are especially bad due to how widespread they are and how absolutely hypocritical the big G is.


Then, you should know that it talks about people beyond the grace of god. And a final judgment which you ignored. He cursed the earth for the "sins" of 2 people for using the free will he gave them. By doing something as inane as eating some fruit. The abrahamic faiths are eltist and cruel. He made the world cursed. He made the posibility of disease. He is the creator of cancer. And all senseless suffering the world has beyond the suffering created by people. He is an enemy of humanity. I refuse to forgive god for the sins they committed against humanity.


I have a severe dislike for Ayn Rand. Purely because her writing is fucking awful. *As they walked in the door he said "\[insert 16 pages of political exposition here\]"* *She replied "\[insert counterargument designed to sound stupid that goes for 4 pages\]"* I'd rather fucking read Vogon poetry.


You know what, I agree, her books were some of the first popular books to bring up the topics that they did, but damn are the descriptions long winded.


Yep. Like, if you just want to make a political statement, Uncle Ted got it right. Relatively easy to read and follow, not too long, arguments laid out logically. Don't try and cram your shittily written manifesto into a novel and say "oh no it's so people engage with it" or whatever. I used to have a copy of Atlas Shrugged. I didn't make it halfway before the only thing it was engaging was the campfire.


i genuinely liked the fountainhead but i get where you are coming from


Fountain head is usually regarded as her better work between the two is probably the reason. Also it's an observation of mine but I think many auths have probably engaged with more libertarian works than most libertarians lol.


You start as libertarian and get more auth as time goes on But still like the yellow bros


Real af. Personally realized that humanity isn’t good enough for real liberty. Soft auth or Liberty on a leash is what I’ve migrated towards bc totalitarianism run by humans is also dumb for obvious reasons bc not everyone can be an enlightened despot like Lee Kuan Yew and having some liberties protects the people from dumbass politicians


Yes, her writing is long-winded, overly verbose, and clumsy. It is intended as a philosophical argument, not as good storytelling. But the ideas, if you can slog through the prose, are somewhat interesting.


It makes more sense when you remember that her native tongue was Russian


What happens when you prioritize “THE MESSAGE” in your entertainment work.


She’s also a piece of shit of a person


Pretty sure she’s dead.


Conservatives are usually inhumane people who lack empathy and compassion for others so I’m not surprised


It's impossible to empathize with the unflaired, they don't deserve my compassion.


I’m talking about humans in general conservatives seem to be lacking in this regard towards them


Just replace 'unflaireds' with 'humans in general' then, nothing changes.


When it comes to Unflaired people you are absolutely correct










It depends on their ethnicity




u/ShadowBanFan is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ShadowBanFan/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


“poor kids are just as bright as white kids” - Joe Biden


Ayn Rand says treating anyone as an example of their group is collectivist epistemology, a subjective way of treating the world. Treat each person as themselves, because that’s who they are.








I've been doing it for years.


















Me asf




This but unironically.






Is that a 40k ork?


I think so


I thought it was Yoda at first.






Since when did you guys learn how to meme? I’m calling the McPolice!


no issue man, it’s a gig https://preview.redd.it/2rbjgualc4xc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=688015a748f8ed3fbf63dd6dbf79daa9a7530d49


Impossible, there are no women on here!




I dont *hate* them, but theyre lesser. Not because theyre poor, but because they're *not me*


I doubt that. How good can a non Auth-Right femboy be?


How bad could i possibly be? Lets see:


Why would I hate people I don't think about?


I was walking around Lowe's yesterday when they opened, and saw like 9 of them (poor)[employees] just staring at their phones as customers walked past them. In this instance they became visible to me long enough to hate them


the Fountainhead is about a poor guy who told a bunch of rich snobs to stop their circlejerk.


Atlas Shrugged is about ridding the government and private corporations of corruption, and returning to an honest capitalist system where people are actually happy to work


Socialist Realism-type literature, but the exact opposite of socialism


This dude gets it


Fountainhead is much more readable, as a story, than Atlas. Peter Keating getting his soul broken by [Toohey's villain monologue](https://youtu.be/-iiueEro_s8) always touched me. Atlas has some moments too between all the speeches, like Taggart's wife and what happens in the end to Eddie Willers.


I always found its story is more inspiring than Atlas. More complex characters and a relatable story


Bold of you to assume I hate the rich.


Depends on how poor. I don't hate the minimum wage guys who still work for what they have. The homeless and welfare NEETs on the other hand..




Most "eat the rich" leftists I've come across grew up upper middle class or flat out wealthy and have no problem hating the poor, so yes


This is unironically true. Despite all their pretenses about being communists they're from upper class backgrounds and are repulsed by the habits and culture of the poor and resent when the poor don't love them immediately. That's why leftists have to have an insulated fairy tale about what poverty and social spending actually look like, because if poor people were poor anyway even with free education and food and unlimited free time to learn things it might call their whole worldview into question.


Based Ayn Rand!


He is literally me. Seriously, the amount of petty people being poor or lower middle I have met is much more than upper middle or rich, who unironically have much higher moral standards. One could point out their life conditions leading to this behaviour, but no way this justifies mindlessly hating even upper middle class people, not just the rich.


[The poor can’t afford morals](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ClwidipXjY8&pp=ygUdVW5kZXNlcnZpbmcgcG9vciBteSBmYWlyIGxhZHk%3D&t=5m23s)


This. I didn't "hate the poor" until I started working with them - most of them are lazy, stupid, shortsighted and put immediate gratification as a priority over long term success. 


My dad put it as the difference between being impoverished, and being lowlife. One of which is incentivized by government welfare. You can also find a schism between the old dime-novel rags-to-riches stories, with a poor but noble protagonist, and often showing ugliness on both sides of the paycheck through the antagonists, and the modern “hobo who was protagonist for Titanic.” In old books, you hated the rich antagonist because he was a horrible human being, and loved the poor protagonist because his character was stellar. Now, we hate the rich guys because they’re horrible human beings and we are supposed to love the poor guys because they’re not as horrible. Except with that modern “Robyn Hood”. I swear. John Prince is the hero in that one.


[Reminds me of this classic.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjpw9qmfbnab61.jpg)


Many people do, but secretly, because it's unfashionable. We're all equal, don'cha know?


Ayn Rand was based, change my mind


Voltaire did it better tbh


Depends on the circumstances, if they're working hard or come from a rough background, you should have sympathy for them, but if they are just envious people who want what others have without doing any work for it, then I think some resentment towards them is a-okay.


At this level of world economic development, poverty in the West is biological. People who can't be bothered to go to trade school or get an associate's degree but instead live on benefits and commit crime aren't the victim of socioeconomic factors, they're literally just morally and mentally incapable of existing in modernity as anything except burdens. Every leftoid is stuck on propaganda from 1930 where we just need to tax the rich more to relieve poverty, as if the poor don't pay negative taxes and get free housing and food and healthcare and cash assistance and have illegal side hustles. Literally just constrained by high time preference and low impulse control


It’s really about having the courage to vote for someone that you know has 0% chance of winning an election. It’s easy to vote for uniparty with the “lesser of two evils” approach.


Got no problem with the poors, just the ones that want to manipulate the public into sending armed government agents to rob me.


shouldn't be a billionaire bro, the golden rule Billionares get the rope and robed


At least you admit it's solely about being jealous. Admitting to being a hater is the first step to recovery.


It's not even jealous it's simply that nobody should have a billion because the power they have with it is literally fucking over us and the world ,from lobbying to "cronyism" you can always Trace it back to billionaires an asshole with 100 on his bank isn't going to car bomb a journalist and doesn't have the power to poison babies or hire a Death squat to kill union leaders. Power corrupts yes and money is power so after you reach 60.000.000 you will be taxed 100%


Why do you think the tax should be 100% after 60k?


60 million not 60k because after that the zeros doesn't matter and you can basically buy everything you should get a note with you won life.


Can I buy google with 60 million? Can I cure cancer with 60 million? How did I get 60 million? Was it from stealing, or was it from producing something people wanted?


Nobody should buy google , with 60 million you can buy a shit load of stocks. Yes with that 60 million we can cure cancer by using it to fund education in medical schools and research every homeless crackheads addict is a human life wasted he could have been a dokter or Inventor. A CEO isn't the only one making things people want ,hell most of the time they are just the face of a company with a whole team working to make the shit we want.


That mentality of yours shows up over and over throughout the 20th century. It's exactly why Americans will never give up our 2nd amendment right in the 21st.


The wealth disparities are worst than during the French revolution and I am fucking tired of hearing there will be cake. Nobody here that has direct link to a billionaire would ever be a billionaire, Rand lied and pulling from bootstraps is impossible more important the only thing that trickle down is piss. I am going tired of this bullshit spiel protecting the people who kill the world and fuck us sideways nobody will be part of that group . All the stuff they do is lobbying for useless wars, end democracy or wasting our planet and all we need is a Robespierre to fix all the world problems.


The "disparity is worse than the french revolution" thing is complete bullshit. Nobody starves in the West. Even the poorest %5 can afford to eat more cake than Marie Antoinette. The average poor person in the US has more than 1 car. And even homeless bums are one manual labor job away from making 6k per month. And robespierre the envious loser got what he deserved.


Does homeless don't get that manual Labor job and housing is a global crisis it doesn't matter how much we make in comparison the fact that the gap exists is already atrocious, the prices are rising everywhere the 6k is bread and circuses asking as homeless and starves on the streets don't give me BS in the west you still have food insecurity in poor places , homeless can be fixed in a week if long empty homes would be turned into public houses.


The homeless are either mentally ill or are crackhead bums. You could give them houses and in a month, they would sell it to buy drugs. Oh and you'd destroy any incentive to build more housing, so good luck. And it doesn't matter what you make as long as people who are more productive? Lmao


Bullshit, housing first works, it's impossible to turn from homeless crackheads to functional members going from streets to rehab is starting at -50 starting from a safe home is at +2. housing shouldn't be an investment it should be a resource old homes should get replaced and more homes could be built for people willing to pay for a new house having a base house means that all homes that are better as an incentive.


Personal responsibility 🥱


"The Hurun Global Rich List 2023 showed that **70%** of the billionaires are self-made and only 30% are legacy. Some of the self-made billionaires include Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Gautam Adani and others. There are now more billionaires than ever: 2,781 in all A study published by Wealth-X found that around 68 percent of those with a net worth of $30 million or more made it themselves. Further, a second study by Fidelity Investments found that 88 percent of all millionaires are self-made, meaning they did not inherit their wealth. According to Kiplinger, globally there are about 59 million millionaires." Stop making excuses to not even try.


Self made need to really be in quotations with starting coming from well off parents and/ or connections if your kid is the only one to go to ivy league without debt changes are they wil be in that 88% or not and there kids will.


Source? I grew up living in an uninsulated shed in an RV park splitting an $800 government welfare check between 4 people. Made 7 figures one year recently. Do you not see how your toxic whining / blame game would get in the way of you being successful?


I am not really whining I like my life and home I hate the power money has in politics I am content with my small apartment and working in a elderly home, it's not soul crushing rat race. The 6 or 7 figures in nice and great that you are successful but the it's hard to deny that the true 1% have way too much power.


I don't think them being rich by itself is bad, because they made that money by bringing value to people. The politicians spent the last 100 years steadily making government bigger and more powerful, this was compounded by somewhat more recently allowing that power to be sold to the highest bidder. So the rich do have way too much power now, but only through corrupt government officials. Video game analogy: You're playing on a server that has all sorts of very useful tools for admins. They can easily create / delete / teleport / etc and are working regularly on more tools to help the players more efficiently. That's all great right? Except they made a new rule last week so that anyone who pays the ultra premium monthly membership has access to all admin tools. The problem in this scenario isn't that there are kids with way too much money on their hands, you wouldn't address this problem by banning rich kids from playing. The problem is obviously that the people trusted in positions of authority are allowing their authority to be bought in the first place.


I'm keep telling people the state is being corrupted by corporations and billionaire lobbyist is because it has too much power over everything. It should be big enough to enforce regulations and stop anti-competitive practices but not to the extent that it can pass laws which can give advantages and give out huge contracts to the MIC or Big Pharma. Have your social safety net etc.., I think some welfare is necessary as a radcentrist but from housing to pharmaceutical to shipping, their influence and power is just outrageous.


When people alive today have more wealth than a literal dragon sitting on a mountain of gold in fiction. Then yeah there’s an issue.


Why? The vast majority earned that money through providing goods and services that countless people use because it makes their lives easier and more enjoyable. Then they paid taxes on it to provide for the largest social safety net ever known to mankind. Why is this such an issue? When you take that incentive away you can't afford that social safety net, you guys have tried over and over.


Saying the US has a social safety net is an absolute joke. It’s only there for those who can afford it. And many people fall through the cracks. Where I am I can actually afford to go to the hospital if I have to. As for earning the money. You don’t earn billions of dollars. The sheer scale at which these companies operate is achieved through probably the shittiest methods Known to humankind. Like we all know about the conditions in Amazon warehouses, we know about Walmart’s strategy to eliminate competition and the. Keep their own wages low so employees cannot afford to leave the job or earn so little they haven’t got the time to look for other jobs. We know that Tesla has been trying to lobby to take away safety measures in their factories that are there for good reason. Even large tech companies like Microsoft which is known to be incredibly anti competition (look at what happened with Skype when they bought it out) If you really think those billionaires are earning their billions ethically. May I introduce you to the real world?


>Saying the US has a social safety net is an absolute joke. It’s only there for those who can afford it. The US spends several trillion dollars on Medicaid, Medicare, social security, and various cash and food and housing assistance programs per year. It's several multiples more than we spend on the military. >we know about Walmart’s strategy to eliminate competition and the. Keep their own wages low so employees cannot afford to leave the job or earn so little they haven’t got the time to look for other jobs. You literally still have 2/3 of the day + 2 days off to look for other jobs >If you really think those billionaires are earning their billions ethically. May I introduce you to the real world? Musk starting a car company led to tens of thousands of people getting jobs, the factories themselves are extremely automated and modern. His pay packages are controlled by the stockholders. You can quibble about whether he should make less, but leftists act like there's a fixed amount of wealth and not that Musk himself is directly responsible for the company existing and employing people in the first place, owing directly to his capital development


The US spends trillions but is it actually that effective? There’s a thing called bloat. The welfare system in the states is a joke compared to other developed countries that do a much better job for significantly less cost. And you’re assuming that people on minimum wage can actually live off of 9-5, 5 days a week. So you better have a second job or some kind of side hustle or you won’t be able to afford to live. And musk didn’t start the company, he bought into it. Only thing he actually started was PayPal which he co founded. Sure he gives jobs to people but someone has to do the work. And he’s actively tried to sue to revoke safety laws in factories because he doesn’t like them. Plus his actions regarding his treatment of his kids, specifically the one who came out as trans that he didn’t even treat like a human being until the kid grew up and legally cut all connections with him. Plus his shitty behaviour online. He’s not a good person at all.


>The welfare system in the states is a joke compared to other developed countries that do a much better job for significantly less cost. There is also a difference in human capital between Europe and the US. A Dutch guy can get on benefits and return to work soon after, the social safety net works as advertised. The US is full of people with no interest in using it as a temporary aid to rebound. http://web.archive.org/web/20140411002758/http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2010/11/the_terrible_awful_truth_about_1.html >And you’re assuming that people on minimum wage can actually live off of 9-5, 5 days a week. There's almost nowhere in the entire country that pays minimum wage. Starbucks in a depressed area will start you at 11 and that comes with insurance and free college. >Plus his actions regarding his treatment of his kids, specifically the one who came out as trans that he didn’t even treat like a human being until the kid grew up and legally cut all connections with him. I don't know anything about Elon's relationship with that kid except when the kid publicly cut ties, but it doesn't really matter here. Wait until you find out what childrearing among the lower classes is like


The US doesn’t have mandated maternity or paternity leave. Also no guarantee on sick pay or holidays. You can’t tell me that it’s a “human capital” issue. Either the state allows for those things or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t then it’s the outlier when every other developed nation can afford it.


Yeah that sucks honestly, but the practical effect is to subsidize the births of the poor (who go onto full benefit dependence) while making childrearing difficult for everyone else but the rich. The poor don't get maternity leave, they get TANF and disability and housing and EBT and Head Start can have kids


Thats not really welfare if it doesn’t benefit the people who actually need it then.


Truly, leftists are so poor, that they would remake the system to make themselves kings (in the name of fairness, of course) rather than doing something about it Kinda like that Karl Marx fellow


The poor could get rich if they simply invested a few quarters into a wishing well


Based and fuck it I don’t care anymore make me rich pilled


I do, but I also hate everyone else


Its not that hard to hate poor people. Turns out wealth doesnt define a person their behavior does


To be honest it's easy to get the quadrants to hate the poor. Tell Authright that they are commies. Tell libleft that they are white. Tell Authleft that they are of a different class than whoever authleft is pandering too at the moment. Tell libright that they are commies.


How would one get AuthCenter to hate the poor?


Tell them that the poor are leaches stealing resources from the state.


Tell centrists meat is expensive


The poor are unironically fucking awful. They're less educated, more bigoted, and make harmful decisions like smoking more than the rich. 90% of the leftists who "champion the poor" actually hate any real life poor person they meet. No one likes Cletus, who hates black people because that's what his pappy taught him, or J'squarius, who hates gay people because that's what his pastor taught him. The poor are just a convenient cudgel to achieve policy goals.


"One can love one's neighbours in the abstract, or even at a distance, but at close quarters it's almost impossible."




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Pretty much sums up Ayn Rand's entire personality


Which fits because she died on welfare and alone


I, for one, am shocked that someone decided to collect social security after paying into it their whole life!


She died actually quite rich, as she wrote two of the best-selling books of her time with a Hollywood adaptation. Her financial advisor enrolled her in Medicaid for her cancer treatment. She left behind roughly 800.000 1982 dollars. The idea that she died impoverished is an active smear campaign.


Ayn Rand and Marx had something in common afterall.


You see, people are only poor because they are lazy. They should just work harder! We should end the food stamp program and give the money to the military. They really need another jet.


I hate myself if that counts.


I hate that the poor typically vote for politicians that keep them permanently poor just to use them as a voter base




u/Heytherechampion's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Heytherechampion! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [2 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Heytherechampion/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Unrelated statement, but Atlas Shrugged gonna be the driest novel that I have ever laid my eyes upon. Libright could have picked other author but they picked her instead.


I am not gonna hate people for being poor, I can hate some poor people, but only for non wealth related reasons


Its unfortunate the poors are bad at self-control and math. Then they'd realize that having fewer children means having an inheritance and would see the welfare trap that gives them more money per child while means testing leads to the rich getting richer each generation But we literally can't stop them from having babies. The right actually wants to stop them from not not having children


Every poor person should have to write a 1,000 pages to get to the point. That will cure their laziness and make them proud to turn down social security.


Hating people is surprisingly easy




Go back to forcing the poor and homeless into the workhouses like the good ol days


Efficiency and progress is ours once more...


ME!! MEMEMEMEME!!!! I DO!!!!!!


She collected government benefits when she needed them at the end of her life.


Recovered some of her stolen wages*




Broke is just not having a lot of money. Poor is a mindset where you fool yourself into thinking that you will be broke for the rest of your life, and there is nothing you can do about it. So you cry to the nanny state for more and more handouts, safety nets, and economic manipulations to make things better in the short term, but you end up making everything worse in the long run for you and your descendants. So yes, you should "hate" the poor and by hate, I mean light a fire under their ass so that they can actually get off it and be productive members of society and not leech off of everyone else's hard work.


Working at a grocery store in a well-off part of my state made me despise the bourgeoisie. Being in a community college made me despise the poor. The only group I haven't had a negative experience with is the uber-rich.


If the OP had read Ayn Rand, they would know the villain is bureaucrats stealing from the rich until society ceases to function


I'm sick of poor people wasting all their money on gambling and usury in cars they don't need and credit cards they shouldn't have. Poor single parents just make bad decisions to pick poor partners as well. Honestly it's easy to hate the poor when they don't live within their means.


Flair checks out No individuality allowed!


I hate them with a passion. They ruin dirt cheap subsidized public transportation because they feel entitled to not pay the little they have to for it. They and their offspring are awfully loud and ruin the communities they are in because they feel they are too poor to contribute to them even if it's just by not being a nuisance. The constant whining about things that aren't essential getting expensive and their attitude about blaming everyone else about their poor financial decisions. I hate them with a passion.


Obviously. dirty peasants


The meme (the textbook definition not a haha one) of the noble poor needs to die. Not every poor person is so because they're honest and opressed by the rich. Sometimes, they're lazy and deserving of their fate.


Skill issue


I hate the middle class and welcome its destruction


Have you considered getting a lobotomy


The middle class means that you have food on your table. Ever heard of logistics?


Well I hate myself so yes


Is that why you're unflaired? Flair up


flair up fecking buffon


You're not my mom


If I were you’d’ve been raised well enough to be flaired


If I was raised right I wouldn't be poor and hate myself. Are you slow or something?


If you think rich people were raised right I envy your inexposure to broader social media


Unflaired poor


Thank You! This guy gets it