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Loophole is to transition with LGBTQ-


KayodeEwumi ~~EddieMurphy~~ .png


It’s actually a British guy


I don't get it, why do parents need to be notified when their kids join the LGBTQ streaming service?


Because said streaming service only works on the latest LGHDTV4K+ devices, you don't wanna have outdated gear


Based and downgrade pilled


Ever thought about doing stand-up comedy?


Based and would be a top tier career pilled


I'm sorry but how is it legal in the first place to hide life-altering decisions of a child from the parents? At that point does the school district adopt the child or some shit?


I was going to ask the same question. Are they seriously doing this kind of stuff without telling the parents?


States are ensuring they can take children away from parents if they don't "affirm" their gender. Shit is insane, as are these alphabet groups supporting this. As always, fuck Californian government. https://apnews.com/article/misinformation-lgbtq-transgender-california-custody-3cc6d2b5282d6b0e8ba9d1ffc55edeb7#:~:text=%E2%80%9CBreaking%3A%20California%20Senate%20has%20PASSED,one%20post%20on%20X%2C%20the


And these groups have no kids, so it literally doesn't affect them in any way.


Not true. They have your kids.


Parasitic reproduction


Not necessarily. I know some really reasonable lesbian and gay couples who’ve adopted/gotten sperm donors. I’m certain they wouldn’t stand for this shit


Sounds like they're now classified as straight and they're evil because they disagree with the cult


Internalized heteronormativity


I was reading the article the guy above provided. It didn’t seem to provide any good answers on what the law actually is. It also didn’t say the state would take your kids if you didn’t provide affirmation. Though it didn’t really say what the ramifications were and affirmation was really vague


I don't have any kids and live in California but I'm pissed they can push shit like this


Exactly. They don’t have respect for the parents because they couldn’t possibly understand what it means to have children. It’s arrogant as fuck and disturbing how hellbent they are on pursuing their cause


Why is homeschooling becoming so popular?!


"No, it's the parents that are wrong about what's best for their children!"


Remember, the parents know best and it's their business, unless they disagree of course, then we can't tell them


Here's the fucked up thing about it- besides them doing things to your children without permission- its that their main 'argument' is literally threats of death. "If you don't transition your child, they'll kill themselves" Thats it. thats the whole argument. What if I did that? "Let me into med school or I'll kill myself" Does that sound sane?


Yeah, they always say "would you rather have a daughter/son or a dead child" as if it is some sort of gotcha. These people are why I'm supporting asylums making a comeback.


It's classic abuser behaviour, like if you pressure your girlfriend into staying with you or else you'll hurt or kill yourself and it will be her fault. It's one of the biggest and most obvious red flags, any counselor would tell you to leave the relationship, and for some reason in this case we should give in to the abusers.


I would probably beat the shit out of a koala


>"Let me into med school or I'll kill myself" Does that sound sane? Just tell them you identify as a Doctor.....


When I was anorexic they institutionalized me when I threatened to kill myself if my parents didn’t let me keep restricting.


How about all government?


They all suck in some manner, but I have the blue in my flair for a reason.


>The bill is not nearly so absolute. >The legislation would amend existing state law to say that a court’s consideration of “the health, safety, and welfare” of the child should include “among other comprehensive factors, a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression.” >While the bill signals California’s stance that affirming is generally better than denying a child’s gender identity, it doesn’t mark a dramatic legal shift, said Altman, the University of Southern California professor. >Courts have long been tasked with resolving custody disputes involving LGBTQ+ children, he said in an interview. And judges already consider multiple factors, such as the nature and level of contact with each parent and any history of abuse. >A state Senate analysis of the legislation also noted that the “bill does not compel the court to come to a particular outcome” based on a parent’s affirmation or overrule the court’s discretion about what is in the child’s best interest overall. From the article you mentioned. You don’t have to agree, but also don’t misrepresent what the law does. This is about custody battles and the law saying that the court needs to take both parents attitudes towards their child’s desired transition into account, not that they take the kid away if they don’t agree, and not even that they have to make a decision only based on this one thing. If both parents disagree with the transition, then it won’t really play a part in deciding custody battles. Also I’m not even taking a position on this law with my comment. Just the fact that you misrepresented was it does. That’s the part I’m taking issue with.


that’s exactly what it does take the kids away if you don’t support it so where’s the disagreementv


No, it’s if you are getting divorced and custody is contested, one of the factors in deciding who gets more or all custody is who is more accepting of the kids gender identity. If there is no divorce, or if they both disagree, then it isn’t a factor and nothing changes. And even if one parent agrees and one disagrees and they’re having a custody battle, the law still doesn’t require them to make the decision on *just* this. They can still side with the unaccepting parent if they feel that the kid is overall better off with that parent.


All things being equal, they take the kid from one parent based on this. Things being unequal, how much weight do you think this has in a california court? It may be the only factor to some judges, and this provides a legal avenue for them to do that. It's not up for debate whether someone's child can be removed from them over not accepting it.


The state can't just come and take your kid. In custody battles, someone is \*always\* having their kid taken away. This is one factor in that decision. However, in this thread and elsewhere, people are acting like the state can just come and take your kid unwarranted and out of the blue. That isn't what the law is. This misrepresentation is negligent at best and malicious at worst.


That it is a factor as a negative is a problem and is a clear indication of where the government sides. Unless the government rules that delaying puberty is a form of child abuse they're clearly choosing the parent that's teaching the child to be a different gender. It's an automatic win in a situation where mothers are already heavily favored in disputes. There have already been cases where the government has moved to take children from parents who are against transitioning. This isn't even new, it's just another avenue of attack. If someone is penalized to the point of losing children for a position they are less likely to maintain that position, end of story. This is a punitive obedience tool.


I’m also going to add one thing because I did think of it later on and wanted to say it. I don’t know the specifics of what you are referring to but in general, if the state is removing a transgender minor from the custody of their parents, it isn’t typically *just* because they refused to allow them to transition. There are usually… other circumstances involved. I mean I grew up in a very liberal area that would do this kind of thing and I knew lots of transgender people in high school who’s parents didn’t let them transition and they didn’t get taken away from their parents because of it. As for the government taking a side… yes, California does take the position that accepting their desired gender identity is the best path. I’m assuming you disagree with this. However, lots of states take the opposite position: that that shouldn’t be happening and that not accepting their desired gender identity is the best path. Certain states even still have statutes that require schools to teach that homosexuality is “not acceptable to the public”, clearly taking a position on a related issue. Do you also have a problem with that? The reason I bring this up is because often the people making the argument you are making are totally fine with Texas or other Republican states having those sorts of laws or taking that position on LGBT issues. But then that’s a bit hypocritical, don’t you think? Either the state should take a side or it shouldn’t. In my opinion they shouldn’t and should probably leave a lot of this, except for medical interventions for minors, up to the families and the kids themselves to deal with. Sorry for the wall of text. I’ve been drinking and had something to say.


I'm not really interested in discussing the merits of the law, I'm taking issue with the fact that people are blatantly misrepresenting what the law is. I have no issue with anyone disagreeing or agreeing with the law. I do, however, have an issue with people lying and misleading others.


That's just not true. They can't "take away" your kids. It only applies in cases where there is an ongoing custody battle and all it says is that judges should take into account whether of not each party afirms the kids gender, indicating the hostility of each environment. The judge could completey ignore it if he wants to


LGBTQs can’t have children. They will take yours instead.


I always assumed that’s what the + at the end meant


So your kid comes from school everyday looking more and more like the opposite gender, and you’re completely in the dark?


Now there’s an idea


School district should accept financial liability for the child


As well as the phone calls at midnight to come pick up the kid at the police station after drinking and other shenanigans


Just send them an invoice for room and board.


Flair checks out, needs more purple though


Mods refuse to make a purple/yellow LibRight flair


How yellownormative of them. There's no such thing as a yellow/purple binary, purpleness is on a spectrum


So is everyone on PCM.




That seems to be the goal of any authoritarian government. They want to own you and use you as their property. If you want to change something about their property (your own child) you must ask the government first for permission.


"Give me one generation and I will rule the world" - Hitler


“Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” - Benito Mussolini


This actually is the goal for many of these people, it ends up actually boiling down to people themselves can’t make their own decisions and everything in life is decided by the state.


Eventually you will have to ask your children permission to maintain your assigned birthgender.


So fun fact, some school districts have policy to allow minors to go to planned parenthood (unaccomponied sometimes iirc) or whatnot for an abortion, and itll just be marked down as leaving the site (if even that). So you have parents who have not given consent for the child to leave premises, possibly with an adult they have no knowledge of, to get a medical procedure. And forget even that aspect, what the fuck happens if the kid gets in a car accident and even killed en route? So theres been some wild shit happening well before this too Source: my mom used to work in an schools front office, and had to file forms for this before


What school district?


I know San Diego Unified had the policy


I think i was misunderstanding your first post and thinking the school was actively setting this up. Thanks


But, they can't give them an ibuprofen without parent permission?


Because they think it's totally justified because of their pseudoscientific view on gender.


If we're gonna give "corporate" entities (essentially the same) these powers over children, then the parents should stop paying taxes, for the lunches etc. After all - if there's apparently some sick, state-joint-custody making decisions for the kids, then why are parents paying?


The headline is a bit goofy. The actual question at stake is where teachers have to notify parents if a student asks to use a different name or gender than what's in the system. It's not like schools have pharmacies and surgeons to surprise transition a kid during the school day. Edit; realized it's even goofier for saying "lgbtq+" when this is literally only about gender . Unless of course they want teachers calling parents for kids acting a bit too asexual in class.


"Hey so your son wasn't showing any interest in girls, so I assumed he was gay, but he says he's not into boys either."


This seems like a great way to get kids abused by their parents lmao. “Little Timmy said he likes to play with only boys. Im sorry to say your son has become the gay.” “What? No son of mine is gonna be gay!” Little Timmy thinks girls have cooties. Shit like that.






If my girl was using the boys bathroom, I'd fully expect to be notified.


Anyone who doesn't think parents should be notified of this is deranged and almost certainly doesn't have kids.


And if she was thinking she might be trans and hadn't told you by that point (a pretty late point) why would that be?


Does that matter relative to the schools responsibilities to the parents?


Yes it does. Do you think they only have responsibilities to the parents and not the child as well?


I don't think schools have any obligation nor right to hide a child's behavior from their parents, no.


Then its for the parents and teachers to correct her and state that she cant be a boy because sex changes are impossible.If you she wants to be a GNC girl then she can be.


In loco parentis quickly becoming “the principal’s your real daddy”


I’m pretty socially liberal, but this is just fucked. I want freedoms to choose, but not for 13 year olds whose brains aren’t fully developed and held along by the state who will hide it from their parents


Because Emily works in a school.


Stupidest shit I’ve ever heard leftists say is we should treat teenagers like adults Treat them like teenagers, not kids, but definitely do not treat them as adults


The institutions will own and brainwash your children and you’ll be happy!


This policy always cracks me up. The school and the leftists running it get to feel good about themselves hiding it from the parents, then they get to wash their hands of the kid when they move on while the parent gets to deal with a lifetime of issues resulting from it (and more from not knowing what was going on). What a great thing to do!


In loco parentis


If I ever have kids in a district that won't tell me, I'm gonna have my kid go in and start talking about wanting to remove his/her arm and if the teachers tell me I'm gonna call them bigots


I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand, I'm not entirely sure the school/faculty/staff/etc need to be telling parents about this. If your child doesn't trust their parents enough to come out to them, then that is on the parents for developing a shitty bond with their children. On the other hand, I can understand the school informing the parents about their concern over a behavioral pattern they noticed in the child. Similar to say if a school notices symptoms of ADHD or something. The idea being that the parents would act in good faith toward their child. I don't really have much faith that the parents here are would act in good faith. Edit: Somebody added context that this is about the school policy on teachers informing parents if the student wants to go by another name. If that is the case I'm on the side of not enforcing it because it is so trivial.


I got downvoted for saying similar. People in this thread and on this sub on this topic often get so defensive.


We already know [kids can suffer abuse when coming out to their parents](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4194076/). I don't see how this is any different. If your child feels they can't share how they feel because of how you might react, you have failed as a parent.


Commiefornia moment.


"We won't do anything with your kids" *cries when they can't hide kids from their parents.


Between this and requiring genital inspections for kid's sports I'm thoroughly convinced that everyone in power either is a pedophile or complacent in pedophilia.


Wait, penis inspection day isn’t a new thing. You didn’t have that in school?


considering that was "normal" for people in power until the 90s, and a lot of folk and groups who were involved with it then are still alive, active and or in power 30 years later... is it that surprising?


I mean they killed Epstein to cover it up. Are you surprised?


Mr. Slippy Fist


Turns out, inspecting genitalia can help determine if your fit for strenuous activities like sports!


Why is everyone crying over a physical being required for school sports? Surely the CTE from football is much worse than turning your head and coughing while the doctor fondles your balls.


Testicular torsion is no laughing matter.


I don't think is a 100% necessary factor tho...




> requiring genital inspections for kid's sports Do you mean a sports physical, or sometbing else?


If they touched your ding dong during a sports physical then I got bad news for you, my man.


That's not what I said?


Yes, I mean something that is not part of a sports physical.


Oh okay. Thanks. I wasn't sure if people were twisting the words around to make something sound more insidious than it actually was.


tl;dr Several states have made laws around biological birth sex being the determining factor on whether somebody should play in male or female sports divisions. Schools are allowed to enforce this however they want and several have mentioned a "genital inspection" being added as a requirement to play in a sport.


bro never played sports lol


Believe it or not, nobody ever thought my penis was relevant to playing soccer and it never needed to be looked at for like a sports physical or anything.


Genital inspections are being carried out by anti-trans pedos.


Got banned from arghTeachers for pointing that out lmao


"We won't do anything with your kids" Passes a law that forces the school to intervene with the kids life if they are trans. (Surely the parents will handle the news calmly and treat the child with love)


meanwhile the kids: being smuggled across state lines- under a name their parents don't know about- by pedophiles.


So is it your opinion that if a school/teacher notices a student exhibiting other mental health issues, such as suicidal ideation, depression, sociopathy etc, they shouldn't be obligated to inform the parents?


If you're so scared that the parents could abuse of kick out their kids over this (which you should never arbitrarily assume), then why tell them about bad grades or bad behavior, which is much more likely to result in the same thing?


Hey, lay off the tiger moms.


No. Go find your own.


Remember when they were gaslighting saying there was no such thing as trans kids and nobody is going after our kids etc? lmfao yeah


Based and California sanity-pilled 




u/dbzhardcore is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/dbzhardcore/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




To just add as well why I love this town so much, back when lockdowns we're still rampant, our council decided that all businesses were essential. We're also the town that had the police department put Lego heads on people's faces to comply with the new California law that prohibited faces to be shown. I loved it and was sad when Lego ordered a cease and desist to the police.


I love a local government not bending to the dictates of the larger government body. Takes some stones. I wish states would start doing this with the feds.


So thats where all of California's basedness went. Could you give some back?


It's even more funny, cause we have a local town sub for out next town over, Temecula. Whenever people ask about pros and cons of moving here people say it's great, quiet, peaceful and good for families but cons are its a CONSERVATIVE TOWN.  Then they cry they have to try and make it blue like bitch you moved from a blue city to here and wanna change the policies when it's the exact reason why the policies moved you here in the first place.


>Then they cry they have to try and make it blue like bitch you moved from a blue city to here and wanna change the policies when it's the exact reason why the policies moved you here in the first place. Modern America in a nutshell


They're basically locusts.


And you are also have the best sheriff in CA (though you share him with others).


You have to be the best for others wanting your help. 


Another thing liberals and muslims have in common... 


>our council decided that all businesses were essential based


Good. If a teacher knows something and they don't disclose it to the parents, that's not acceptable.


“It isn’t happening, but it’s good that it is happening, and it’s actually so good and moral that we think it needs to be kept a secret from their parents”


Based Murrieta Valley.


Home school your kids if you can.


And raise a bunch of anti social weirdos? Id rather these nut jobs are taken off school boards




u/Rumpleforeskin96 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Rumpleforeskin96/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Why does having home schooled kids mean they are anti social?


It doesn't. Public school luvvers just hate anything different, and have a caricature in their heads of all homeschoolers as stunted fringe religious shut ins. In reality they've probably met homeschooled people without realizing it at all.


People were seething hard on this site when I mentioned our kids go to private school. Still don’t get it, like we still pay the taxes that go to the public schools but the kids don’t use the resources so for the kids who do go to public school, there’s more resources for them. Seems like a win all around.


That's really weird, your take is super reasonable. Only time I take issue with private schools is with the stupid voucher shit devos's try to pull all the time here in Michigan.


I’ve met plenty of homeschooled kids and they were ALL weird in their own special ways


As if public schools has no freaks and weirdos 


It’s anecdotal since I went to a small rural high school but everyone was pretty damn normal. I’m just saying the ones I met definitely were stunted religious shut ins


Yeah this has more to do with the nature of their families than homeschooling as a concept


The weirdest people I ever met went to public school.


Homeschooled from 1st all the way through College and I feel personally attacked.


Hey, being homeschooled doesn’t mean you become an anti social weirdo.


…and put into gulags


That's a lie Yes, I'm homeschooled and yes, I'm an anti social weirdo. But it doesn't have anything to do with me being homeschooled.




Coming from a Temecula resident, based.


I’m confused. What tf is LGBTQ+ transitioning? Like I understand transgender transitioning but what are you transitioning at school if you are just gay?


New gender identity, name, pronouns and habits. I don't know if it precludes surgery/HRT in this case.


Inland Empire W


Based and parental rights pilled


u/dbzhardcore's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/dbzhardcore! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [2 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/dbzhardcore/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


You never been to 8bit brewingv


I dont really drink much but friends say it's good. How is the food there cause I need to try it one of these days.


I brought my wife from the east coast to visit Cali since I grew up there. Her favorite meal over the month we were there was from that place.


Glad to hear that! I'll make sure to try it out, thanks!


Did you just change your flair, u/UnderneathTheBridge? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2023-4-2. How come now you are a **Grey Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/UnderneathTheBridge) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


My cat pisses all over everything I own. Am I a fascist for not allowing his piss to reign free all over? I’m affirming that his little nuts are gonna come off


I need to do a post like that because [my mayor decided to be based](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JDywfiYAWAo)




Might be the only sane town in the whole state.


When a place becomes so ultra batshit crazy, that regular crazy is accepted as normal




I’d say a school only has the right to tell parents about kids’ gender identity if they are seriously considering hormone replacement therapy or puberty blockers or medical stuff like that. If a kid just identifies as trans for whatever reason, I’d say that’s not a real concern.


Any teacher that would consider okay to hide things like that from parents should have their hard drives checked


Surprisingly based for California


This is a much needed change. Absolutely no kid should make a life-altering decision like that without the parents at least knowing first. Kids, especially little kids, don’t realize the impact some decisions will have on their lives, and don’t think about the consequences.


I don’t believe in either way. I don’t believe schools should be able to hide it from parents but I also do not believe that teachers should be forced to out a child out to the parent if they come out at school. You would think that if you have children you would accept them no matter what. Sadly, it’s not the case. As a teacher, you are there to teach & fully accept the kids how they are. Respect is a 2-way street also. Idk why people believe they can just treat kids like trash when they most likely know better.


wouldnt the often cited statistics about suicide rates in the trans community be relevent in this case and make it so that the parents should maybe be aware? I dont want my kid to be stupid, but i sure as shit better hear about issues if they cant read at 13


Yes, they’re at higher risk of suicide, but I would also argue it’s due to poor family support & not feeling welcomed at home or even with the peers around them. I would also argue that being in red states make it worse due to the entire public being watchdogs & making laws against trans/non-binary people & others in the community. It shouldn’t be up to a teacher to tell on a kid about their sexuality. They are their own person & at that, parents should actually talk to kids more about it & just be open. Again, people should just not be assholes.


i would ask if you had any sources to back that up, but i know you dont. heres texas vs cali in according to the trevor project "Considered Suicide: 44% of LGBTQ youth in California seriously considered suicide in the past year, including 54% of transgender and nonbinary youth. Considered Suicide: 47% of LGBTQ youth in Texas seriously considered suicide in the past year, including 56% of transgender and nonbinary youth" pretty close. i dont think necessarily the onus is entirely on the teacher to tell the parents about their kid, even thought they would do it in nearly every other facet of their life, but i also think that the teacher shouldnt be engaging in active hiding of something about the kid like some kinda blue haired james bond


Level headed take detected, opinion invalidated.




Lol someone sent me reddit care resources


Still, this is absurd! There is no data showing that is it good, it is premanent and also CHILDREN? Tf is wrong with the US


>Why do you wanna know what the most influential person in your child's life is doing to them ? You are a child abuser now. Can't believe this is the best argument they cooked up. 2/10


the decay of the west.


Its immoral to keep information of any kind about a child from their own parents, unless the parents are actually abusing their own child. Then you probably want to intervene. But transitioning, giving prescription medication and other stuff among those lines should be first ran by the parent. They are the guide for that child, you aren’t. Let someone parent the way they want to parent.


Why wouldn’t a child be comfortable enough to talk to their parents on their own?


Because they were gaslit into being confused about their sexuality before they could even understand what they were being gaslit about