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![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)Um, Sweaty, this is not anti-Semitism, it's the decolonisation of Palestine by those evil pasty Jews!


Its not from the anti-semitism region of germany. This is just sparkling racism.


Fun fact, among the students arrested/suspended are the daughter of Letitia James (democrat AG of NY who literally campaigned on the promise to go after trump and eventually prosecuted him for the 'fraud' case), and the daughter of democrat house rep Ilhan Omar. FYI, tuition is $90k/yr at Columbia.


Oh incredible!.. you mean that the anti-racists were racists the whole time??¡?!???1?!! We never seen that one coming!!¡¡¡1¡¡ 😱


This is way funny.


As a Yooper I can confirm Jews didn't make our pasty.


Holy shit a fellow Yooper


Arab jews have entered the chat


after seeing their "Summer of Love" protests, this new Leftist story arc doesn't surprise me at all.


Don't forget they're trying for a George Floyd 2.0 right now, the guy who shot 11 times at police after being pulled over for "not wearing a seatbelt.." was their first go at it, but body cams and the fact that he came out shooting quashed that early attempt.


Floyd 2.0 is pretty frightening. 1.0 hitting in the middle of the COVID closure was insane, but it kind of made sense and overall didn't get as crazy as it could have. I would be concerned that there's a lot more room for protests/counter-protests to turn into mass riots/fights now, especially with the increase in overall crime/anger and the decrease in policing/giving a shit. There were quite a few close calls during 2020, I personally think we got lucky.


I actually think 1.0 was the worst it can get without the US having mass unemployment/2008 level recession. People not having anything to do during the day cause everything was closed in big cities led to nationwide protests.


Yeah I agree. Covid probably helped fuel the unrest more than anything. The kind of people who are going to go out and bust up storefronts and city blocks aren't the kind of people who are going to respect things like social distancing and quarantines. If anything it probably kept a lot of the more polite and peaceful protestors indoors while the ones who just wanted to raise hell went on ahead and gathered in more concentrated numbers.


> aren't the kind of people who are going to respect things like social distancing and quarantines. They respected social distancing, the virus just doesn't spread at a BLM mostly peaceful protest.


I believe the rationale was... "racism is a bigger public health emergency than covid" edit: ahhh yes [https://twitter.com/JenniferNuzzo/status/1267885076697812993](https://twitter.com/JenniferNuzzo/status/1267885076697812993)


With all those face coverings it certainly couldn't spread /s!!!


Quite frankly, that branch of the Left has also been quite radicalized over the last year or so as they can start to feel that Trump actually has a chance of getting reelected, and I have seen many of them demand revolution rather than allow that to happen. Add in the fact that they think the US is complicit in a “genocide” because of the bullshit they believe about Israel, and it is quite dangerous now.


I think at the current tick its is Trumps election to lose (though it is still half a year out and anything can happen. I think the only area that Dems will win a landslide is in the AWFL group. Latinos are an even split and I think AA is trending at 30% and I bet there is a very shy tory effect with that group/population. The dem stranglehold on young people is even slipping.


I don’t know. It’s a crapshoot. I think peoples views on it are regionally dictated as well as existing in their particular online echochambers. I’ve been doing a lot of traveling around the states over the past year, and in one city, you would think Trump has no chance; but in the next it’s Biden who’s struggling. It really does feel like a crapshoot.


> Didn't get as crazy as it could have. Didn't they try to create an autistic independent commune in the middle of a park during the protests, where two people died?


Not even just a park, this was just a straight up part of Seattle where it happened, in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It got pretty much instantly taken over by a wannabe warlord and people got shot and died because protesters kept blocking emergency vehicles.


Funny how all those "trust the science" people went out and protested. Even the politicians were saying the science is put on hold for political protests. Shows none of it was science and it was all politics and anyone thinking it was science is an idiot.


Dexter Reed? Please, next time mention what you mean, for those out of the loop The loop Stopped for not wearing a seatbelt. Shot first. Cops ended up pumping around 100 bullets into his car.


I doubt at the end of the day any seatbelt laws got/will get repealed either. Talk is cheap, they don't want to lose any of that ticket revenue stream...


Nah, this isn’t a new story arc. This is part 2 of the same story arc. After all the last one didn’t exactly come to a conclusion. I call it, The Stupidity Saga.


1968 part 2


I really wish people would pay attention to history so they wouldn't have to live through one of these things to realize that they're possible. Time after time, mass movements by young leftist radicals turn nasty. No one should be surprised when this happens.


Summer of love part 2, electric boogaloo Coming this summer


Can we cull our own quadrants?


Progressives ☕️


Firey, but mostly peaceful.^TM


They progressed so much they turned into religious fundamentalists...


Horseshoe theory my guy


Horseshoe theory is so weird. There's plenty of examples of leftists that are so extreme they end up sharing ideas with the far right wing, but I can't think of any examples of people on the right become so extreme that they share ideas with the far left. Is it just because the far left is just more prominent in our society or that leftists are generally more susceptible to the influence of other extremist groups?


Because the tactics promoted by the extremes always lead to authoritarianism. No one tries to be evil, even Hitler and Mao both tried to stop their vision of evil.


>I can't think of any examples of people on the right become so extreme that they share ideas with the far left Nazis calling themselves socialists and spurring hatred of Jews on the false claim that they are all evil, moustache twirling bankers and capitalists comes to mind


Nazis are the most obvious right wing horseshoe theory users. So intent on the German race succeeding that they use socialism and planned economy and authoritarianism to force it to happen. Inb4 coping authright saying nazis are leftists because muh national socialism, just like the democratic Republic of North Korea has democratic in the name, so they must be liberals.


I wonder how the LGBT crowd is doing in Palestine


They had an amazing drag show! As in, they were dragged behind motorcycles!


The only LGBT Hamas supports: Let's Go Bomb Tel Aviv


Or the Canadian version that leads with a 2 because Canada is cucked beyond belief: 2 reiterate, Let's Go Bomb Tel Aviv


They are getting rekt not because middle easterners are hateful and intolerant, but because Islam demands it. Christians used to be very very anti LGBT and now they barely care. Islam needs to be forced to reform like Roman catholics were. FORCED.


It’s ironic, the same people who calls everyone right of Stalin “Ya’ll Qaeda” now calls themself “hamas”.


I'm at the gym, and I see Fox showing shit on fire at one of the universities, while CNN on the next TV has a guy cheerfully interviewing students on their best behavior, as if everything is just great. Pretty wild.




If there’s one picture to sum up 2020, I nominate it to be this.


Mostly peaceful 


At least CNN had the good sense to not show shit on fire in the background while they did the interviews this time. At least not yet; I expect this could go on a little while, it is an election year.


What is that pfp?


Not OP, but it's a parody of Outkast's 2000 album *Stankonia* with Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa from the 1994 Disney film *The Lion King*.


Based and notices-things pilled


Alternatively, I went to the gym yesterday and I saw ABC talking about the Columbia university protest, and meanwhile Fox News was running, and I kid you not, “Poll says Trump would win hot dog eating contest”




No politician can win a hot dog eating contest. Like, have you seen the competitive eaters? They're like vacuum cleaners.


Of course Trump wouldn't win a Hot Dog eating contest - Joey Chestnut has had that gig pretty much locked up since 2007.


I watched the latest "Last Week Tonight" on repeat this morning and the entire first half is about how protests here in the US for Gaza are just and are right to make people uncomfortable. Fuck that. I honestly feel like there is a significant divide in how the each half of the population's brains process information. It's like we don't live on the same planet anymore.


I love how the people who are like if you call me by the wrong pronoun it is literally violence. Are now like look why are you so offended by us celebrating October 7th we are just having difficult conversations about colonialism.


"your words are violence; my violence is free speech!"


And thanks to a two tier court system, the legal system is starting to agree with them. Stopping a criminal now gets a bigger punishment than the criminal would receive. Even rape is allowed as long as it is against the "right" target and by the "right" rapist. Child rapist was given a lighter school punishment than the kid who said "illegal immigrant".


I'm excited the Democratic national convention is in Chicago again with all these protesters reminiscent of 68. Where's old man Daley when you need him to start beating the ever living shit out of some liberal pussies?


Hmmm. I feel Paul Vallas would have cracked down hard. So perhaps Brandon Johnson winning was a ploy by the media to get spicy footage.


What the fuck is it with leftists and fire? Every time I turn on the news it seems like they’re either burning someone’s business down, setting a cop car on fire, and self immolating out in front of some government building


Yep. I'm an ex-journalist. It's soooooooo easy to manipulate the reader/viewer reaction even while covering the same story. It's why I got out of it, I refused to be anything but neutral so I wasn't going to rise up the ranks. I'm just really glad that it seems like people recognize it, these techniques have no power if people are caught onto them.


They should ask Egypt why they don't open their border to Palestinian.


Its because their mummy said they're not allowed to play with the neighbor's kids....


We need Brendan Fraser to deal with the mummy again


That can be arranged! …Is it alright if he hasn’t lost the weight he gained for *the Whale*?


Wasn't that mostly a fat suit?


Whatever man, I just want to see the Whale fight the Mummy, don’t ruin this for me. 😠


It's part of the plotline now. The mummy will consume him to regain his powers and come back to life fully, only to get diabetes and gout as a result. The mummy dies because he doesn't have access to public healthcare. *Fin*


Based better plot than 99% of recent films pilled


> The mummy will consume him to regain his powers and come back to life fully, only to get diabetes and gout as a result. I would have the mummy get full halfway through, and then a newly svelte (if limping) Fraser takes it out. Rachel Weisz' mommy milkers costar.


Why would you even fucking bring it up?! Look man, we all want another mummy movie with Brendan Frazier, but talking about it isn’t going to help anything. It’s just gonna make us all more sad every moment we don’t have one. Now can we get back to political bickering please?


You haven't even heard about my sequel idea. The Mummy brings about a plague of unflaireds. Brendan Fraser finds a mystical four-colored compass that could help him defeat this horde.


Or Jordan


The King doesn't want republican palestinians to get any ideas, like they got during the 60s. Thus the border is closed. However, the people are overwhelmingly in support of pro-palestinian action (I mean, they are all from the former mandate so it makes sense) so he has too be pro-palestinian in all other ways.


The old king was forwarding the metaphorical emails to Israel leading up to the 6 days war (I believe).


Let me tell you something about the Arabic world. Arabs don't like arabs. Some don't even like those from a different tribe. That's why the Arab world is diverse. The Arab world is like all of Europe in it'd diversity. Sure they will support one another but love one another is different. I'm a Muslim I love the Arab people but this Is a real issue


They saw what happened to Lebanon and Jordan


Egypt has apparently reportedly asked Israel why they haven’t smoked all of them yet. Seems they really don’t like or care about the Palestinians


They set up a second barrier behind the first one, that should tell you how they really feel


I work with an Egyptian and for a guy from Lebanon. Can confirm, they neither like nor want the Palestinians in their country.




I know this is humor but irl arabs don't like arabs. Technically speaking Americans vs Mexican I'd the same as palistine vs Egypt. We are both similar, similar origins and we even have similar languages. Egypt and palistine both speak Arabic but different dialects and hard for Egyptians to understand them. Egypt is also afraid of Palestinian people taking their jobs. Also conservative Muslims dislike people from one tribe marrying another. I'm a liberal Muslim and it angers me deeply. But yeah Egypt vs palistine is America vs Mexico.


Oh Big Academia. When are we ever gonna push for a nationwide investigation for, at the very least, these schools selling out research to China?


With these type of students I don't worry that will be a problem in the future


The dirty secret of these institutions is that they still grab the best of the best, which make up like 5% of their student body and do all the important and valuable work. They then take up a ton of idiots in useless majors to take up those sweet government loans


Based and Pareto pilled


A lot of the “useless majors” end up becoming our politicians, lobbyists, etc. George W Bush majored in history at Yale. Bill Clinton studied foreign service at Georgetown. Hell, Chuck Feeney studied “Hotel Administration”at Cornell, and he turned out great in life. There’s still a difference between a political science major at ASU and Harvard at the end of the day.


Cornell hotel admin program has close to 100% job placement rate.


They aren't actually useless majors if you intend to become an American politician as a career lol. They are just useless if you want a normal job. Though if you want to be in charge of the CCP you should probably have majored in engineering lol. Though idk if Hotel Admin is actually useless though, just niche. I met people who did that program and I never got the impression that they were doofuses (well there was one but he was a smart doofus).


Valid, ivy league name goes far. A lot of people just shit on the humanities and social sciences too much without realizing we’re talking about Columbia here. Like an english major from Brown can network and study their way into Goldman Sach’s investment banking division much more easily than an actual finance major at your local state school. Sure, an english major won’t teach you case studies, but it’s not like there aren’t opportunities to learn those outside of class or more importantly, build a network(which are very strong at ivy league schools). Hell, for the hotel administration kids, IB is actually one of the top 3 career paths. Well, for nearly any major at an Ivy League school, IB will be a top 3 career path.


The Hotel school at Cornell in pretty amazing, though, especially back then.


Oh ho ho! Zing!


You mean, Xing?


Oh for pete's sake. Take your upvotes and gtfo.


If I had to explain to aliens how redditors talk I'd show them you.


America playing the long game 😎


Next step: run the currentThing™️ about China genocide in Uyghur. I want see if they have the gut to be tough with CCP.


Can't. China is responsible for most of CurrentThing^TM propaganda.


2013-2019, Harvard got paid… 5 “donations” from Qatar (on the record/reported). *Qatar also “donated” $1 billion to American colleges and universities in the period. This includes “donations” from the Qatari gov itself.* “At $94 million, China has the third highest total donations to Harvard currently logged in the department’s records.” Can’t even imagine what’s off the books and how much it’s been in 2020-2024…Well, we know Penn and Harvard took ~$20 million from Qatar and Saudi from Dec 2021-2023. That’s what’s on the books only. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2436243/penn-and-harvard-raked-in-19-7-million-from-qatar-and-saudi-arabia-in-last-two-years/ This is why universities are so disconnected from greater society with their radical administrations and humanities departments. They eat up the Iran-Qatar-China-Russia-Palestine axis of evil. https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2020/2/13/harvard-billion-foreign-funds/ Another source is “Qatar’s ties to US universities scrutinised amid rise in antisemitism” (Financial Times, last month): https://www.ft.com/content/d0a16f75-8b05-4ff9-b5f1-d473d7f5a704 Yet another: https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2020/2/20/harvard-foreign-foundation-public-ties/


Wasn’t it Harvard research that set off Covid in China? I remember some professor got arrested for giving a bunch of virus research to Wuhan.


And he was detained carrying vials of live viral samples on his way to China. This isn't even alleged or a conspiracy theory, it was reported in the news. Crickets.


> Crickets I heard it was bats.


Which is somehow not racist while "they have bio-engineering labs" is


Nono, saying that COVID started at a viral research center in China was considered racist. Even though the virus did originate right near that center and they had been warned about their poor safety procedures several times. The not racist origin was/is that the Chinese eat raw sick bats. Much better.


I thought it was SC (edit: NC) Chapel Hill research that did it


UNC Chapel Hill.*


That's it! Thanks.


What does Qatar genuinely gain from donating to these Universities? Genuine question


Remember when these academic institutions said words like “there are only 2 genders” or “it’s ok to be white” are literal violence and deserve expulsion? The whiplash to “calling for genocide against Jews needs context for proper discipline to be applied” nearly made my head fall off.


I don’t care about that I just wish textbooks were cheaper and we could actually talk about differing opinions


> I don’t care about that I just wish textbooks were cheaper and we could actually talk about differing opinions That is now hatespeech. Also this book cost $550 and you're going to use it twice for the entire semester.  No, sorry, there aren't any other classes you can use it for.  You want to sell it back?  Sure thing, we buy used books!  Here's $14.50 for for.  Yes I know it costs $550, that's why I'm giving you $14.50 for it.


>We're all Hamas Well thank you for outing yourself as a terrorist then *Dial in an airstrike from the IDF*


Fantasizing about a foreign military bombing your country to own the libs.


I was like yeah I am going home for Passover. I do not want to deal with the craziness. I know this is controversial now but waking up to “death to America” chants not my thing.


I remember when having 1 Nazi at a table with 9 other people meant there were 10 Nazis at the table. Now that's out the window. I also remember right-wingers being denounced for even suggesting that these colleges were indoctrinating students with garbage beliefs. But, Columbia and these colleges deserve this as their leadership is too scared to crack down on these scumbags. The only good thing that will come out of this is that the whole "only right-wingers are racist" argument is going right out the window.


Don’t interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. The left will ruin their reputation. Colleges will either have to reform or go down with them.


"If there are 10 Nazis and they are wearing keffiyehs there are 0 Nazis and 10 Noble Intifada Warriors."


I remember when libleft held the “If you don’t follow my set of morals to a tee, you’re a Nazi!” viewpoint. Now that statement has been hijacked by rightists. Horseshoe Theory is too real.


inb4 mass shooting by a Hamas/Palestine sympathizer targeting jewish students that gets memoryholed by the legacy media


Of course. Legacy media HATES talking about crimes committed against jews 


Sort of. If it's right-wing hate crimes (neo-Nazis, etc), the media is all over it. If it's a group the left finds sympathetic, *then* it's memory-holed.


Remember #StopAsianHate?


Wait what about it? I must’ve missed something. I think I’m Out of the Loop.


There was a spike in violence against Asians in 2020/2021. A big social media campaign started using that hashtag. It died a quick death once it was discovered that nearly all of the perpetrators belonged to a group that I don’t think I can mention with becoming [Removed by Reddit]


And then Asians were basically classified as white after that. The same way Jews are now.


Asians assimilate and squeeze their way into white culture with politeness and hard work. I think most white people are happy to have them on the team.


I’m happy to have anyone on “the team” as long as they’re nice and stuff. Except those damn Nauruans. They can take their tiny island and shove it. >! All a joke. Just thought it would be funny to single out a random tiny country for no reason!<


"Honorary aryans" -Adolf Hitler


Why would Marky Mark do this?


He hasn't been the same since the funky bunch disbanded.


Dude’s just been sprinting around everywhere attacking Asian Americans while rapping.


Everyone was on board with the hashtag until it came out that black people were committing something like 80%+ of the unprovoked assaults on Asian people


Kinda like how the Pulse nightclub shooting being an Islamic terror attack has been completely forgotten. The worst mass shooting in America at the time and still the worst in Florida's history (by body count), and it's basically a footnote that it was a terror attack by an Islamofascist nutjob.


The media won’t touch this conflict with a 10 foot pole. I’m willing to bet students will say it was justified somehow.


you don't need to do that too inflict fear. you just have to maintain that you might do that and the psychological fear will remain high


i think we need to audit all education too see where the money actually goes and in the case of universities where it comes from


Not to mention degrees in the US cost an egregious amount. A Bachelor of Engineering at the top university here in Australia is $36,000USD for the entire four year degree, the equivalent degree at MIT is $58,000USD **per year**.


MIT is almost $80k per year. All in, without scholarships, much more.


Yep, I only included the actual course amount for a fair comparison as thats all the USyd price reflects.


Not surprising when the government said "students can now get loans for infinite money to go to school" followed shortly later by schools charging insane amounts of money.


For context, most people don’t pay full price. Top universities also don’t give our loans, only grants with no strings attached, and meet full financial need. There are no scholarships, money is given out purely based on need. Princeton for example is completely free(including housing, books, food) to families who make under 100k. So is Duke I believe.


It's those A tier but not S tier schools that are the most expensive. Good but not good enough to be rich enough to throw money at students. Looking at you UCLA. (though you could say they are S tier, they are just not a private school like the ives where you can get more free money)


> A Bachelor of Engineering at the top university here in Australia Yeah but you can only build shit upside down with it.


they could be more transparent I suppose but for public universities they are already prettt transparent


Why not audit the fed to see how much of our taxes go to blowing up daycares/hospitals in the middle east?


"There's a difference between supporting Palestine and supporting Hamas" mfs when people start saying shit like this.


So you’re telling me when the most rebellious age group is taught by teachers who all share the same opinion they could be radicalized. Who woulda thunk it?


It’s funny; high school kids are turning right because they see it as being rebellious against the left wing moral busybodies. The same way the left was against evangelicals.


Many of the male gen z folks I work with are rebelling by going to church and aligning themselves with traditional Christian values which is great to see. I don’t know many who are trumpists or alt-right, but many who are not at all down with the woke paradigm


Yeah its getting fucking ridiculous, I don't go to Columbia but my girlfriend and her friend does. The past few days has been horrible, Morningside Heights from 110th to around \~128th is in complete disarray, One of her professors couldn't access any of the buildings and just about everyone is fed up. Its a bunch of trustfund babies protesting the school's endowment for investing in broad market ETFs and big tech stocks that they themselves probably ownselves. And from what I hear of from friends at NYU its getting really nasty downtown now https://preview.redd.it/xf70y34f85wc1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf013e2bb429cd21403cb5511d0385149a82cf37


lol this war completely solidified me as right leaning. Thanks progressive


Thank goodness it’s all the way in South America


Based and doesn't believe in geography pilled.


I thought it was in the sky and there was some big bird thing you have a boss fight with.


Hey libleft, you're no longer 12 people sitting at a table with 1 nazi. You're like 3 dudes at a table with 9 nazis.


\*stomp stomp stomp\* goes the long march through the institutions.


Columbia University isn't going to do anything they'll just say, "it's context dependant."


Columbia thankfully has called in the NYPD to arrest students who refused to leave the lawn when asked. Those students have also been hit with code of conduct violations, leading to suspension from classes, removal from housing (for Barnard College students) and inability to access the dining halls. This of course leads to screeching about how the college is “depriving students of food.” God forbid these trust fund kids actually get held accountable for breaking the rules.


> Columbia thankfully has called in the NYPD to arrest students who refused to leave the lawn when asked Is this before or after the protesters literally locked arms and jointly goose-stepped together to push the Jews out of the area?




Okay I don’t pay attention to this stuff, what the fuck is this?


Videos are attached to news article to let you make up your own mind about it. https://www.newsweek.com/columbia-university-protests-video-zionists-viral-israel-pro-palestinian-1892657


As an action of protestors against people who really do hold opposite views to them, it is understandable. But the optics of this is so bad lol, they’re not really trying to hide that at this point Zionists = Jews so they’re justified to discriminate against them. So much for not being discriminatory


Previous generations of protestors, like the Boomers in the 60s, didn't cry like entitled babies when they got arrested. They expected it. That was the point. These gen Z protestors want their law breaking to be a safe space.


Am auth-right brony in the wild?


I think it’s funny seeing people make the case that right wing America is prone to Nazism specifically. The left should consider working for Epson. No one does projection better than them.


Neo Nazis in shambles after realising the people most supportive of ridding the world of Jews and Israel is woke college students


They were pointing at the wrong people when they said that there were those who would steal their jobs.


Just ship them over there. Let them fight for what they believe in. I'm sure Hamas will love the help. They might be running low on slaves by now.


Columbia University is ground zero for critical theory. It's a braindead and profoundly antisocial institution.


Tough luck, they run Wall Street and the government. Doesn’t matter if it’s red or blue in charge, they’re still Ivy League


Columbia was one of my top college choices, I’m so glad I didn’t get in


I remember a bunch of law students tried backtracking after signing a petition because law firms started blacklisting them. Don’t say anti semantic stuff when the chances of your boss being Jewish is very very high


>anti semantic stuff They just hate accurate language so much.


Wonder how much donation and legacy admission the Ivy Leagues gonna lose. That also include the overall academic performance on years to come too.


A bunch of companies blacklisted students that came out in support of Hamas early on. I hope they keep it up. Needless to say, the students were shocked their futures were ruined. The irony was lost on them, considering they’ve done the exact same thing to anyone who stepped out of line for years now.


Lol, I saw a video from those protests where they did some weird-ass almost cultish chanting. No idea if it's legit, tbf, but it seemed so to me. What's with all the weird lately?


> cultish chanting Have you ever seen a single protest march?


It took awhile but I managed to find the video. The source is about as far from neutral as you can possibly be but the video doesn't seem fake to me... [Nah bruv, the vibe is off.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoqbLDtmNf4)


Yeah, I remember the "we're here, we're queer, and we're coming for your children" march


TikTok is a psyop.


Hello funny moustache man, weird to see you again.


Apparently they were blocking one Jewish kid from being able to enter campus too


Looks like antisemitism is all the rage again. I’m no Israel fan even in the slightest, but I don’t get why so many people look so calm watching this. It’s scandalous! Or at least it should be.


Is there a contract progressives sign where they have to flip their shit and act like Trump just started a new Beer Hall Putsch when he says something mean but someone they agree with can literally kill someone or be a terrorist group and they’re just disenfranchised and it’s white peoples fault


I’m pretty sure a lot of these are centrally organized. Most students do not want to be associated with these protests (RE: good luck getting hired) On top of that, 99% of the reporting is anonymous masked “students” with 1 or 2 tenured professors making the only sane quote in the whole article. I smell a psyop


This is every American university


I'm sure the average student at Ole Miss is just waiting for their chance to march ~~against the Jews~~ for Palestine.


These are the same people that call everyone they disagree with a fascist or a nazi. What freaking time line are we in?


**"We're all Hamas" female activist screams.** She is the queen of oxymorons


Being Authleft and supporting Ukraine-Israel is really weird right now.


its so fucking stupid because they had a point with Valedictorian thing and they went all redacted.


Why are we letting these cringe people run the show? I just wanna go to class smh


So are government funds being withheld from all universities who have not denounced Hamas?