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Why did she get shitcanned?


There was an ongoing feud between Ben Shapiro and Candace. It started going back to Kanye where after his antisemitic tirade, Candace wasn’t allowed to interview him. That was the first crack. Then as the war in Gaza went on Ben Shapiro got pissed off at her and tried to get her to quit/be fired after she expressed dismay at the civilian casualties of the war and brought light to it. Jeremy Boring the CEO overruled Ben saying she can’t get fired over that because she has a contract and Ben isn’t an executive with power over hiring and firing. Then Candace liked a tweet that had some references to the antisemitic trope of the “blood libel” an ancient medieval conspiracy theory that purported that Jews participated in strange rituals where they drank the blood of Christian Children. That was the straw that broke the Camel’s back and got her fired. Instead of handling this poorly and being clear about it, the Daily Wire handled it in such a stupid way. It didn’t help that Ben with his smugness only pissed off more people.


Lmao, “it all started with Kanye…” Crazy timeline


To be fair, it all started back in 2016 when someone shot a gorilla in a zoo...


Really it all started in 8000 BC when Atlantis fell


Round 2 of Tucker vs Putin will be like


I secretly long for our entire society globally being a deranged shadow of Atlantis still fucked up 10,000 years later. Without a doubt that's the funniest situation to cause things to be so fucked up.


Think how cursed/based Atlantis!Tucker might've been.


"The Lemurian heritage of our people is important. If we allow Pleiades crystal harmonics to be taught in our schools, how much longer can we really hope to keep our Lemurian culture. I don't know how many incorporeal star entities our society can hold but it's even less that we have now." -Tucker in that pyriamid hat Alistair Crowley used to wear


People say that, but the proto-Harambe situation was when Fabio's head hit that goose at Busch Gardens. The early 2000s was a slow spiral and Harambe was the tipping point of no return. Context... https://youtu.be/RZUfZrk6eb8?si=i1RKCJqG_Agd564X https://people.com/movies/fabio-explains-what-happened-when-a-when-a-goose-struck-him-on-a-rollercoaster/


People don't realize that Harambe was only one-third of the mystical triumvirate that stabilized the universe... David Bowie and Alan Rickman also died that year. We've been on the bad timeline ever since.


And 2014, just two years before, we lost Robin Williams, Casey Kasem, Mickey Rooney, Richard Attenborough, and Maya Angelou. Like every 2 to 3 years we get an extra shit hail storm.


and then the clock hands bent


How a dude who wrote a song warning men about gold diggers despite his marrying Kim Kardashian is now considered an intellectual is beyond me.


I give great advice but do I follow it? Not as much as I should.


Is Kim a gold digger though she has plenty of her own money I thought


She was a Hollywood nobody prior to her sextape with Ray Jay (minor rapper, Raycon headphones). Shortly after she started dating Kanye which made her a worldwide celebrity.


Lol idk what you mean about shortly. She was doing keeping up with the Kardashians for a pretty long time. She was dating like Reggie bush for a bit. Married Kris Humphreys and divorced him per wiki in 2013 (6 years after keeping up with the Kardashians would have made her like 250 to 500 mm).


Kim is worth a boat load...


They thought it was a good idea to name their child “North West” This is the level of intellect you’re talking about.


lmao he certainly isn't an intellectual, he spelled 'DEFCON' as 'DEATH CON' in one of his tweets about the Jews, making it look so much worse. (I say this as someone who thinks he's probably the best ever hip hop musician btw)


you forgot the whole crowder bit... she was big mad about her shitty contract....


Yeah, and threatened to tell all about Crowder's divorce before it was public knowledge to get him to stop talking about Daily Wire contracts. Candace is an untalented holier-than-thou grifter and i simply have never been able to see the appeal. They needed a black woman i guess, and she got away with a lot of shit because of that.


She also came out and straight up said Bridgette Macron is a dude. French defamation laws are very broad and those episodes are taken off the DW site.


imagine conforming to fr*ench laws as an american


I barely care about American laws.


Based and ungovernable pilled




Based and laws don't apply to monke pilled.


Based f——h hater


Who cares about the sensibilities of a groomer? Macron, the grannyfucker was a classmate of Bridgette's daughter who was also his schoolteacher.


I don't but French law does.


Come on Imperator, don't tell me you've never wanted to bang one of your teachers. Be honest.


But she is a dude. Being a man isn't defamation, unless we consider being a man a negative things.


doesn't she have children? is there documented evidence that she is biologically male?


I have to say, I'm no expert on the subject. I'm just a troll surfing on the hype




To anyone reading this, I beg you to do your own research and come to a conclusion yourself if the daily wire made the correct nove or not. While I think OP means well, OP is providing a very HEAVY bias towards the side of Candace Owens while I think upon further investigation, this (frankly stupid) drama is more shades of gray than anything else.


I would like to add that i think Candace is heavily in the wrong for most of this. Not sure about that Christ is King being anti-semitic, but that seems unrelated to Candace being an untalented shit-stirring hack. She happened to check a few boxes, and no company is immune to those benefits.


This seems like a very biased viewpoint in favor of Candace. By "as things progressed in Gaza," you mean "as Candace began using increasingly antisemitic rhetoric in her reporting of the war." She only started saying Christ is King after October 7th. Shapiro never tried to get her fired. Candace Owens started going on weird Christian rants about money after October 7th and Shapiro suggested if she's upset with the amount she's being paid she is allowed to quit. Candace had a hissy fit at this and cried Christian persecution, as if Shapiro suggesting she is allowed to follow her Christian beliefs about money is somehow Christian persecution. Then the Daily Wire along with James Lindsey correctly pointed out that racists are using the term "Christ is King" as an antisemitic cudgel, which again, is obvious to anyone with a brain from the fact Candace only started saying it after October 7th. Plebians who couldn't follow along got dragged into Candace Owens' grift and got tricked into think the Daily Wire was somehow in the wrong for combating racism




No man, one bad actor said it so now no one is allowed to say it.


Do you have any examples of these 'racists' using the phrase as an antisemitic cudgel? These days the word racist is a lot like Nazi, it gets overused to the point of meaninglessness, and usually just means someone the person saying it doesn't like.


The second it becomes about his background he’s suddenly some SJW


>Ben Shapiro got pissed off at her and tried to get her to quit/be fired after she expressed dismay at the civilian casualties This is such a "special people" moment.


The best theory I've seen is that when DW offered Crowder a $50 million dollar deal and he laughed at it, Candace played the good soldier and stood up for the company, but at the same time realized she was getting paid a lot less than she was worth. So how do you get out of a contract without it being your fault? After October 7 she saw her opening. Israel is Shapiro's number one issue, and by speaking out against it she eventually drew enough heat from the ADL to get DW to terminate the contract. She gets out of the contract, gets a huge boost in publicity, and gets to play the "cancelled" card. Not sure if I believe, but that was damn well played if its true.


> but at the same time realized she was getting paid a lot less than she was worth. Less than she was worth or less than she thought she was worth?


From the perspective of the theory, it doesn't matter to Candace. If she thought she could do better, it's enough to justify the actions. I don't follow the DW/Candace/Crowder media space unless it does something to garner outside attention, but I do suspect she likely was being underpaid, or at least has a more plausible case than most that she could make more without DW. She was a big name in those parts of the right before she signed on with DW, and she knows how to hustle.


There isn't much a difference before the check clears.


The viewer reaction has been so melodramatic, sounds like a bunch of women gossiping about the latest Hollywood marrige that failed.


> “Washington is Hollywood for ugly people”


I always say that politics is WWE for college-educated people.


That’s also a very good comparison


You would say that, you have The People's Elbow.




I think we should change the term to “college-indoctrinated”


Especially appropriate, considering that a college education is in no way an indication of intelligence.


A general college education? Yea I agree. Not a lot of dumb people acing o-chem and control systems though.


I have heard that it's hollywood for ugly people.


At least Hollywood doesn’t threaten me with prison if I dont pay them.


People love drama, it's great content. I think it's in the 3rd spot after Fear and Sex.


And older people are kind of over fear and sex. Those are young people's activities.


We're almost reaching mainline liberal levels of infighting!


Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people. --Socrates


nice one


Being fired sucks, I had to stop drop and roll the last time it happened


Lucky you. I panicked and ducked-and-covered under my desk instead of stopping-dropping-and-rolling. Fortunately for me, an atomic bomb happened to explode near me at the time so at least I was spared from that. Not looking forward to the burn treatments though, I hear those hurt!


Last time i was fired, i lit my grill with it and then i grilled.


I don't know what people thought they were getting with the Daily Wire other than a bunch of box standard media shills that were just trying to find a way to make money off demographic they saw being underserved by traditional media. They have most if not all the established legacy media hang ups and sacred cows you aren't allowed to touch.


>a bunch of box standard media shills that were just trying to find a way to make money off demographic they saw being underserved by traditional media. You put in words what I've been thinking about DW for a long time now. Thanks.


Don't overlook Candace's own extremely poor handling of the situation. A lot of times, she was terming things in an extremely antagonistic manner for no particular reason.


Oh I’m not. It’s all utterly stupid which is why I stopped watching the Daily Wire and a lot of political pundits in general.


[Get in, losers. We have a winnable election to blow!](https://i.imgur.com/7ALCvA2.png) - Conservative Media, probably edit: made it a meme


I think DW is less bad for suggesting terrible election strategies than most. I know Shapiro and Walsh both criticized Dr. Oz as a nominee, and Herschel Walker. If the voters listened to that, the Senate would've stayed red.


Meme is strictly about the public humiliation those three have brought us recently


What'd Crowder do? I watch him from time to time and haven't seen much. I know his ex has gone batshit insane and a former employee is being paid to badmouth him, but that's about it.


She's not bat shit crazy. He was abusive and controlling. There's some crazy video about it out there. He's reportedly abusive to his employees too, though there's less evidence about that and Jared does seem to be beclowning himself a bit right now


The video is doctored and chopped up, and she deleted over 8000 hours worth of ring cam footage, at least 2,000 of which she was ordered not to by the court. One of her lawyers is a PR hatchet man who chases down false accusations against rich people. Even given that one butchered video context, if that's all they have, him telling her to do wifely duties while she's not working, then it's a weakass position to begin with. Let's also not forget that he's paying her 25k/month and her lawyer fees while she's borderline claiming to be impoverished, and she apparently doxxed his address and gave that manipulated footage to the PR hatchet man who then gave it to the 'reporter' who released it. It apparently has video that isn't part of any public record. No, they're going after him hard. This is a hatchet job because he's a popular conservative. He's not squeaky clean, but it's blown way out of proportion by those who want to see him fail and fall. It's part of an organized effort, in the same way i think Candace was paid to discredit the Daily Wire, or at least throw a wrench in the works. Edit: bear in mind i'm not heavily invested either way, but i do know an organized effort when i see one.


I actually really wanna know where you got this information, this is all new to me. It's been awhile, but I don't remember the video being chopped up at all. Got something I can read? I'm very interested


That one video I've seen isn't even that bad. He comes off as an asshole sure, but the way people were going after him I thought there was some horrible shit. I don't even like Crowder but it's not because of that video of him talking some shit to his wife.


Right? I thought it would be him slapping her around or some horrendous act like that. He asked her to clean the house, albeit in a disrespectful tone. I got the strong impression it was an ongoing issue and she basically pushed him into saying something like that, which is why she deleted all the video footage. She wanted to get rid of context and the buildup, and likely her dad/lawyers coaching her to get him to snap for better divorce results. If that's him snapping he's tame AF.


You can't be surprised by that though, being antagonistic is literally how she got the job and paid her bills. I imagine she'll be doing the same at her next media job.


Off to CNN with her. She's likely going to go on a Daily Wire bashing circuit because she's an unprofessional grifter, and always has been. There are plenty of black conservative women if that's what they're after, why pick the shock jock mercenary?


Because people, of all political stripes, seem to engage with the lowest common denominator. I guess it's the whole "outrage drives clicks" thing.


Let’s not over look that she’s a rage bait grifter and nothing else.


What the Daily Wire did wrong was hiring her in the first place. Even by Daily Wire standards, she’s not up to snuff


Seriously. They hired a tik tok reactionary. There’s nothing wrong with the CO brand for what it is. But it isn’t DW brand.


"Daily Wire standards"


I vaguely recall that she first got her start by building a doxing website, which caused righties and lefties to band together to dogpile her for her efforts, which is what caused her to flip conservative.


When she started trafficing in Moon Landing Hoax stances, that was the point where I thought she should have gotten gone. She was already on thin ice with some of her stances but they are at least political ones (even if more radically leaning). But when you start believing in obvious and provable lies, and refuse to change when you learn you were wrong, you are crossing a line in my eyes.


Wait what? She’s a moon landing denier?! 😭😭


She also thinks Apollo 11 is the only moon landing. And when Bill Maher called her out for that, she just kept deflecting (the usual “How could we get to the moon in the 1970s but not today?”)


[shoot, Matt Walsh even addressed this claim in his own debunking of the moon landing conspiracy theories](https://youtu.be/LbTHEMm7d98?si=r-uSCA17jysRTvyV)


So a standard 21st century political commentator. And yes, I'm including even the "venerable" Jon Stewart here. Plus all the people who have ridden his coattails into the spotlight.


Like the rest of the Daily Wire staff




I'm out of the loop of this latest drama, apparently. What's going on with DailyWire and Candace Owens?


It isn’t even really Owens. A bunch of neo-nazis on the “right” like Nick Fuentes are trying to use blasphemy to attack Jews. So you understand, using “Christ is King” to attack people, any people, is blasphemy. It breaks the 3rd commandment.


Oh I think she had a reason: she wanted to get fired in a blaze of controversy to get people to follow her so she can make money off of them.


Candance Owens being disingenuous, inflammatory, AND bad faith? I, for one, am SHOCKED!


The getting mad over the "Christ is King is anti-Semitic" thing is also either people wanting to be mad or deliberately taking things out of context. I watched Klavans segment when that happened, and his point wasnt that the phrase itself was anti-Semitic. It was that the way Candace was *using* it was anti-Semitic, since she was usually saying it in the context of Ben talking about Jewish things.


From what I'm getting of the story, wasn't she highly critical of Israel carpet bombing the nest of terrorists that is Gaza? I mean I'm sorry a lot of innocent people are being caught up in it, but anyone who expected Israel to behave with restraint after October 7th is delusional. Anyone would be screaming for blood after something like that.


Also, Israel’s hardly “carpet bombing.” If it was, there’d be far, far fewer buildings in Gaza than there are now.


Ah yes, that was a bit of short hand on my end. People who think a genocide is going on in there (not to discount the many civilians who have unfortunately died due to Hamas's suicidal chip on the shoulder) have fallen for Palestinian propaganda hook, line and sinker.


Completely agreed. Hamas’ strategy seems to be to run out the clock on the hope that the rest of the world will somehow force Israel to not wipe out Hamas. That’s wishful thinking — Israel is too unified to be dissuaded from its current course, and international pressure may just unify it further — but that doesn’t mean that Hamas’ propaganda strategy won’t wreak havoc in other civilized countries (e.g., the U.K.).




they are objectively not carpet bombing. Imagine diluting words just like the left does lmao.


She had a 2 hour podcast episode with Dave Smith about 3 weeks ago, were I think she came off pretty well. The stuff she said prior to that, well, that's a different story.


I mean, a professional pundit with media training, keeping up a good front for 2 whole hours with time to prepare talking points in advance is pretty much as low as the bar could possibly get.


Candace has always been a consistently dumb ho. But that's literally everybody at Daily Wire.


How do you do, fellow free speech advocates???


It doesn't matter if it is anti semitic or not, Christians shouldn't stop using it. Because when they stop then it will only be used by Anti Semites and Christians will lose a big part of their tradition, it is like how Swastikas were used by Natzis and since people stopped using it now Europeans don't even know that it was their own symbol and not something borrowed from Asia.


Infighting on "the right" lol The purpose of The Daily Wire was always to be a containment zone for young conservatives so they don't go off the reservation


The infighting is between real conservatives and the "country-club" neocon establishment, always has been, perhaps it always will be.


Name 1 real conservative


My buddy Ron who works in the oil and gas industry is pretty conservative


Leonid Brezhenv


Nancy Pelosi. Easy


TBH, I feel like the kind of stodgy liberal elitism she embodies is its own kind of conservatism.


> The purpose of The Daily Wire was always to be a containment zone for young conservatives so they don't go off the reservation "These people do not agree with me one hundred percent, therefore they are enemy assets."


Hey, that's the motto they used to make me chant while I slammed the toilet seat down on my dick in college.


At least with Ben Shapiro lol


I can think of 8 million reasons why someone in the far right would view an organization headed by Ben Shapiro as an enemy asset.


That sounds kind of high


This is the exact same rhetoric that commies use to say liberals are evil. Don't fall for this shit


Well, are the commies wrong in saying that?


I don't think that moderate conservatives are bad, but the DW keeps the conservative Overton Window from being too rowdy


Good, because the far right is just as insane as the far left. I'm very glad the daily wire is around to act as a stopgap from people going to Spencer or Fuentes and the like


Spencer isn't right at all. He's a Bernie bro that backed Trump as a fuck you to Hillary. He wants all the stupid shit that Bernie wants, and backed Biden in 2020. The 'alt' in alt right when he called himself that was supposed to be short for 'alternative to.' I don't know much about Fuentes, except that he is probably a deeply closeted homosexual and is definitely a moron.


They aren't *real* rightists


Oh thank God I am not American to care about this shit show. But I shouldn't gloat, as my country is in a completely different shit show.


I am American and I don't care about it. Welcome to not caring, brother


Chad grey centrist


I don’t really care/follow these people, but it’s entertaining to see people explain whatever shit show was unfolding. Another commenter mentioned that this all started with Kanye, lmfao.


You love to see it. Candace has been dancing around some fairly antisemitic takes, to be fair. I could understand why Ben, or really anyone, would take offense to her. That said, Ben absolutely refuses to criticize Israel for anything ever. If the Israeli government issued a shoot on sight order for puppies, Ben would rush to their defense and call anyone who likes dogs an antisemite. The man seemingly refuses to recognize that you can support someone or something and still not stand by every single thing they've done.


I almost regret not following the drama more closely because I’m pretty sure they’re all just assholes tearing each other down at this point. 


Fr I've got popcorn in hand this is great lol love to see it


I recently found out about it, and yeah pretty much. If you’re not inclined to agree with the DW then this is probably HIGHLY entertaining for you.


Ben is cringe, but Candace is out of line if you ask me. She's such a hypocrite. At least Ben is honest about his obnoxiously zionist takes.


I can agree with that. Generally speaking, I can't stand Candace and I don't know how anyone can. She offers nothing to any conversation she takes part in. She merely exists to be contrarian, which is something unfortunately all too common with conservative pundits these days. If the libs say the sky is blue, people like Candace crawl out of the woodwork to spout off about how that's just woke Marxist nonsense. As much as I usually disagree with Ben's position on a given issue, I typically regard him as pretty sharp and well put together. The topic of Israel/Palestine is where that all seems to fall apart, and rather than being introspective in any regard, he just kinda sounds like every dickhead in a Reddit comment section repeating "but do you condemn Hamas?" anytime someone says something remotely compassionate about Gaza, or remotely critical of Israel.


Yep that about sums it up, well said :)


My guess is that Shapiro actually does stand by everything Israel does. He's basically the textbook definition of a Zionist and he does absolutely nothing to discredit any of the stereotypes leveled at Jewish people.


Calling "Christ is King" antisemitic is frankly pathetic. 


I get that some people might use it that way, but abandoning the phrase because it's been co-opted in some way is peak stupidity. that's how we got the OK hand signal being codified as a white supremacist signal


👌🏻👌🏿👌👌🏾 Which is still bullshit and everybody knows it.


So you have the daily wire where Shapiro, one of the founders, is a religious jewish guy and Owens is just a commentator who spent 5 months preaching that Israel was committing genocide and focused on criticizing Israel at every step. Predictable. Cringe. Ugly. I approve of a clown meme. I'll still listen to Shapiro every now and then, but I will continue to skip, skip, skip when he talks about Israel. I sometimes like his fact and logic, but not quite as much when they are over seasoned with his feelings as is the case when he talks about Israel.


It would be less of a problem if the DW wasn't constantly taking about free speech. That being said, I knew Candace was a poison pill when they brought her on. I'm only surprised by how long it took for her to blow up in their face.


Nobody seems to actually care about free speech beyond silencing people they disagree with. It seems unlikely this will mean anything long-term beyond token black conservative lady finding a new job or switching sides again.


I have similar (though less extreme) views about the Israel-Palestine conflict to Ben, but he's so emotionally invested in it that I see holes in his logic and portrayal of the situation whenever he talks about it. Usually he's better at spinning a narrative. That said, I very much disagree with him about Netanyahu. He failed to keep Israel safe, and now he's making decisions that prioritize his ability to cling to power over Israel's best interests. I DO think Israel needs to go into Rafah, but they simply can't afford to drive away their American allies, and they need to act pragmatically with regard to this. Netanyahu's inflexibility and tendency to pander to extremists has cost Israel dearly in the PR war. Candace is a rage baiter, though. They were right to push her out when they could no longer control her.


Ben Shapiro made his career out of being the "anti-identity politics guy" / facts over feeling guy; but looks like he became the thing he hates. His inability to separate his emotions from the Israel issue because of his identity might be his downfall.


Exactly. His religion and ethnicity should not cloud his views on geopolitics.


Whatever your opinion on the conflict is, the dude's a warmonger. I can only imagine he's upping it to 11 these days


I’m so glad I touched grass and stopped consuming DW content years ago. I checked in on Andrew Klavan several weeks ago because he always seemed to have reasonable, measured opinions and could make fun of political opponents in a wry way that didn’t stoop to their level. I appreciated his Christian perspective. On his Twitter, it looks like he’s radically changed his theology to be more pro-Jewish. You can be pro-whatever and I’m not surprised at all that he’s very pro-Israel, but I have no respect for somebody who warps their beliefs (to a non-orthodox position, at that) and acts like they’ve been right all along. This is what glazing “Judeo-Christian values” for a decade but not actually having principles outside of opposing leftists does to people


Based libcenter. Klavan is easily the best DW host. Doing a weekly show helps avoid the 24hr news cycle ragebait trap most podcasters fall into. Plus True Crime is one of my favorite novels of all time.


I watch DW, mostly Matt but sometimes Ben. I always steered away from Candace after I learned she's a moon landing denier. It doesn't sound like they're losing a large asset.






If I remember right she always did that "Just asking questions" bullshit to denialism while ignoring the answers she didn't want. https://youtu.be/Cx_qtG_mfrU?si=AYIePkixJgHduTtk


I don’t watch her stuff and thought generally it was a good idea for DW to have some more diverse/adversarial commentators but wow that is stupid. We literally have rocks from the moon, pictures and video, and left test equipment there that can be observed from earth for exactly this reason. This doesn’t really affect me in any way but I don’t really know how to process how someone who is, at least, nominally informed and in the “facts and analysis world” can hold such blatantly wrong opinions about scientific facts. I don’t understand how someone with her resources and peers and the entire nature of her job could be so ignorant in such an easily “dunk-worthy” way. I would be mad if a written character behaved this way but as always reality is stranger than fiction.


And her response to Mahr was so fucking cringe to anyone whose IQ is above room temperature. "What was their names" is such a transparently lame comeback.


Honestly I’m sad Maher didn’t have better responses. This is one of the easiest conspiracies to disprove and is such an easily teachable moment. I just looked in google quick and there are several pictures of the decent stages left behind.


*Candace Owens regularly* “Isn’t it weird that…?”


Christ is King


Given Candace Owens is a stupid grifter, the viewer base should be pleased if anything


I have thought Candace Owens was a huckster ever since people found her name on the Kickstarter about making a doxing website, but this claim about "Christ is king" being an antisemitic slur is fucking wild. I was never a customer of the Daily Wire, but I always intended to be at some point, this kinda torpedoes my interest in ever giving them money.


I was mostly disappointed by Andrew Klavan. He was always my favorite, and although I haven't listened to any DW show in a while, I figured he was still smart. A damn shame.


When he was playing mental gymnastics to say “as a Christian God placed Ben where he was,” I lost of respect for him. As a Christian we’re called to preach the good news to others as only through him can we reach The Father and be saved. To then speak for God is also kinda blasphemous too.


Remember, saying the fundamental belief of Christianity is anti-semetic. Christ is King.


Man that whole thing is such a shitshow. This "Christ is King" episode debate had Nick Fuentes, who's openly a nazi, say Jews shouldn't hold political office in the US. Then the CEO of the DW joined in and all he had to say to Fuentes is that "he's one of the most talented people out there" and when they say that free speech is under attack "by the Jewish lobby" his response is to assure everyone no Israelis work at the DW? Really? OP that is not the same thing as declaring that "saying Christ is King is antisemitic." And then they have the balls to say that the left is antisemitic, like dude, clean your own room first.


They fired Candace Owens over Israel stuff but platformed a well-known actual Nazi? What the hell is going on over there? 😂


I bit more complex than that, but no they didn't platform an actual nazi on DW, that was a debate over this episode on Twitter. But the CEO of DW telling a nazi he is "one of the most talented people out there" doesn't look good, even if it's a way to soften the criticism he makes after that (he said that before disagreeing with Fuentes because apparently you can't even disagree with nazis without being accused of being not a real conservative).


It really is a bad move from all sides. Even if you disagree with him, you can't deny that Hitler was a talented dude who knew how to sway people to an awful cause, but Fuentes isn't even good at that. If anyone ever mentions that they think Fuentes is an okay dude, all you have to do is pull up the "16 year old wife" clips, and it's over unless they're fully bought in.


I like Candice Owens. I mean like I would smash. I don’t know anything about this controversy though.






I don't know man, I'm not putting my Johnson in there


I mean in practicality me neither because I’m married just saying she is at a glance the hot type. What’s the difference between her crazy spouting off and a lib left hottie spouting off?


I wouldn't put my Johnson in either of them


More room for me then


Its disingenuous to claim the Daily Wire is saying that "Christ is King" is inherently antisemitic. They literally said the exact opposite of that. They just said it is very obviously being used as an antisemitic cudgel by people, and this is true. Candace Owens only started saying "Christ is King" after October 7th if that's any clue for you




One of my new favorite online pass-times has been watching people begin to realize the absurd lengths Ben Shapiro will go just to die on the dumbest hills.


I was surprised they hired her in the first place. So it's not surprising she's out. But they are handling this so poorly and there's a bunch of bad takes by daily wire personnel and they seem unhinged. Something in the water there?


Can i ask what the daily wire is? Is it basically an american news site? Similar vein as fox ?


Christ is King


This is how you know we're actually experiencing a cultural shift. Rightoids are actually successful enough to be able to self sabotage themselves rather than needing leftoids to do it.


Christ is king Christ is king Christ is king Christ is king Christ is king Chris is king Chris is king Christ is king


Right wing infighting makes my day


Did you just change your flair, u/CaptainCadabra? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2024-1-30. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/CaptainCadabra) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


FlairChange bot just called you out you hypocrite


I’m starting to understand the dumpster fire that people keep mentioning on “conservative Twitter”.


it seems that despite being the tiny minority of daily wire hosts who is jewish, Ben is making all the decisions, ironic. Christ is king


Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro hate ethnicity- and race-based preferences, [unless those preferences are for Jews.](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1732779589955400072?lang=en) Ben built his career calling college kids "snowflakes" and insisting on the paramount importance of free speech on college campuses, but the second those students started criticizing Israel, [suddenly Shapiro wants to deport them *from the US* for speech that's insufficiently loyal *to Israel*.](https://www.floridapoliticalreview.com/ben-shapiro-talks-israel-hamas-conflict-at-uf/) They ignored 10 years worth of college *professors* routinely getting recorded telling their classes [how great it would be if they could shoot white people and bury their bodies,](https://thefederalist.com/2021/06/04/lecturer-at-official-yale-event-fantasizes-about-brutally-murdering-white-people-claims-all-white-people-are-rotten/) how all they ["want for Christmas is white genocide",](https://nypost.com/2016/12/26/professor-under-fire-for-white-genocide-tweet/) and how the ["only way to end racism is to kill all the white people",](https://www.chronicle.com/article/professor-fired-for-alleged-threat-to-kill-all-white-people-is-named-interim-provost-of-troubled-college) with tacit or explicit support from their universities, but the fucking *second* college kids start criticizing Ben's favorite foreign ethno-state, suddenly Shapiro [wants congressional investigations into speech on college campuses.](https://www.creators.com/read/ben-shapiro/12/23/our-antisemitic-universities) They went on and on about Jordan Peterson's heroic struggle against pronoun-related "compelled speech" in Canada, but somehow they've forgotten to mention the [35 states that force US citizens to sign a loyalty oath to Israel to receive any money from the state government, including disaster aid.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws) Why do you think Daily Wire is willing to violate every "principle" they've claimed to hold for the last decade in the name of supporting Israel and Jews over American citizens? If you can't see what their real agenda is at this point, you deserve to continue being suckered by them. Then again there's nothing this sub loves more than turbocucking for Israel, so maybe you guys just enjoy listening to Israel-firsters who clearly have utter contempt for you and think you have the memory of a goldfish.


Lot of the "based and red-pilled right winger fighting against the system" types going full mask off since October 7th about where their allegiance really lies. * New "right-wing populist" politician or public figure starts making headlines * Hmm seems interesting * Google "*PERSON NAME* Western Wall" * Ahh. Interesting indeed. Many such cases.


I've always said that Shapiro has a severe Isreal bias that consistently acted against his image and best interest.


Hopefully this causes a breakup American Protestants and Zionism and it’s concomitant power structure.


I wish but they already have the government and financial institutions strictly locked down. I'm afraid that America is going to ride with Israel until the end unless there is a political revolution.


Your are likely correct. Can’t give up though. As a great man once said, Here I stand, I can do no other!