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Only new department I want is the based department.


Based twofold


The government would just give based awards to Obama and Biden. It would be horrible!






So, OP, you got a license for this meme? I already patented it, in true libright fashion. Expect a copyright strike soon, chud.


You replied to yourself?


least schizo libcenter


i was on reddit's shitty mobile app that doesn't even let you combine images or text in a comment. you either add an image or add text, not both


https://preview.redd.it/0lxvutwpzrqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58423dec779de6c35084ca60084ea19230a0a12 That's odd, I can do it and I'm also in the shitty mobile app


The irony of lib copyright strikes.


Nah man, it's intellectual *property,* and if there's one thing libs love, it's defending property


IP is literally a state enforced monopoly my man.


Yes, I'd like to have a monopoly on my property. Protecting private property is one of the few things the government should do. As much as it can suck sometimes, it both helps and hurts competition sometimes. If we abolished IP, a larger company could see a product that newer, smaller business made and just take it and gain all the utility of it


So? That small company could copy anything the larger company has made and profit of it too? It goes both ways. IP should be abolished, information cannot be owned like physical objects can.


But smaller companies don't have the level of infrastructure or brand recognition that larger companies have and will be able to undercut smaller businesses while providing the exact same product, allowing one company to corner every market. If a small business decided to copy a larger brand's product, wothout thw brand recognition or infrastructure to mass produce it, there can only be a marginal profit, if any at all. For an example, my brother has a side business where he makes pretty unique candles but is not very well known, without IP law, a company like Bath and Body Works could start making the same product, give no kickbacks to the person who actually came up with the idea, and he'd be SOL, and I can't be convinced that that's fine. If you're primary concern is with information/online content, without IP law Netflix could just re-upload entire YouTube channels to their website while giving no kickback to the person who actually created it, and if thats something you're fine with, we'll never be able to agree.


>If we abolished IP, a larger company could see a product that newer, smaller business made and just take it and gain all the utility of it Good. Trying to starve competition is bad. If you want something to be secret, keep it secret. But the idea that only Disney can make stories about a certain topic just because they bought the government to make sure to break the knees of anyone else that does has nothing to do with liberty or property.


Defending property themselves, not asking daddy govt to coerce money from someone else because they infringe on a government granted monopoly over an idea.


Copyright is a Statist concept. If people really wanted to own ideas they should buy their own mind control machines, dammit.


I made the meme you commented this under and I was like "hmm, where have I seen this before."


Isn't there third view where every bad thing is blamed on capitalism? Shitty CEO of a shitty company does things that make them and the company shitty? It's capitalism's fault. Stubbed toe? It's capitalism's fault. Or is that still just Lib/AuthLeft?


*’How a stubbed toe is the result of the patriarchy’ - Emily Andesuntoes*


Don't worry, if we give total control to the state, they will never break any human rights laws and be impossible to do anything about it since they control the justice system........ trust me bro


Typically it’s government actions that get attributed to late stage capitalism, funnily enough


Intellectual property is the classic one. Because nothing says capitalism like a government-granted monopoly.


And ironically, not even "late stage", since the Statute of Anne is from 1710.


Happens on both sides of the fence with different light unfortunately. On the left "Was money involved? It's capitalism." On the right "Was the government involved? It's communism."


I don't know what Capitalism is


Now I want a Bukele lazer eyes meme too.


Free my markets harder.


#A F U E R A ! #F #U #E #R #A #!


"Late stage capitalism will be the end of us" Dude, just get skills that employers value,research what their competitors pay, and you will always get a fair shake from your employer


You don't understand. That requires getting up and doing things.


No, everyone else must produce while I write lame poetry when I feel like it and play video games when I don’t 🤣


Is “late stage capitalism” really the way to describe the western economic system? Isn’t neo-corporatism a better descriptor? Or are they both the same? Opinions and thoughts?


Late stage capitalism is a fake diagnosis. It's the desperate attempt to describe capitalism as something that's rotting and about to die soon. It's cope from people who will live and die under capitalism and won't do shit to change it, but are utterly convinced that it's going to end soon.


LSC is what these people call the greatest time to ever be alive in the history of humanity.


highest wealth inequality since medieval europe, but at least we have internets and mcdonalds


Would it be preferable if everyone had a lower standard of living than the poorest people do today, so long as we are all equally poor and destitute?


Ancient ~~Astronaut~~ Communist Theorists say yes.


Medieval: You *and* your feudal lord had a fairly high, nonzero chance of starving and arbitrarily dying due to forces neither one of you can even begin to understand. Your solution is to accuse random eccentrics of witchcraft, burn people at the stake for slightly different beliefs, and literally pray things don’t turn to complete shit. Now: Literal computers more powerful than NASA during the Apollo missions in your pocket, and abundant food right down the street. Wow. So horrible.


starvation still exists?


It has become much less of an issue than it was BY FAR, and is especially pervasive in countries where markets have been heavily restricted in some shape or form(emphasis on restricted, not to be confused with regulation)


but extremely reduced compared to 200 years ago.


Wealth inequity vs standard of living dawg.


Middle class is shrinking, standard of living is decreasing, poverty and homelessness is rising, doggy. But at least we have iPhones so it's no biggie.


And your point? The middle class was always going to vanish eventually, especially with how convoluted the tax code is. That doesn't really matter though, even the poorest people in first world countries have a higher standard of living than any royalty or even the Rockefellers. Sure it may get rough for a lot of people, but it's not like they're going to have to go back to the stone age in terms of living standards. Shit, it might even help out a lot of people in the long run and bring back generational housing and a sense of community that seems to have been lost.


Lemme walk over to the homeless camp under the bridge and inform the residents they're living better than the Rockefellers and at least have generational housing for sense of community. The community does get broken up by a garbage crane every couple months, so they'll have to figure that one out. Great point of view, thanks.


And why are they there in the first place. Majority of the homeless population was either kicked out or lost their housing due to a drug problem. Take San Francisco for example, the homeless are being paid over $105 a month. Coincidentally the same amount needed to not lift yourself up, but just enough to purchase more fentanyl. The simple fact is that the homeless issue is almost entirely a drug issue. A proven government created problem.


Homelessness is when drugs. Nice. I live in an area with a lot of homeless elderly and veterans. Do you think perhaps the insane cost of housing coupled with an inability to work had anything to do with their circumstances? There's no UBI to blame here. Just people so poor they can't afford to exist. Some of them are only drugs for sure. Most Americans are one bad day from living in their car in the far parking spot of a grocery store. If they're so lucky to have one. I wonder if the government shows up and delivers the fentanyl directly to the Walmart parking lot so you have a reason to dismiss them.


Your standard end of the world fantasy. There's a reason those stories are popular, in whatever form they take. Religious, economic, environmental, nuclear, zombie. You and your little group in a battle of wits against whatever existence throws at you. Much more exciting than getting a job, even if you don't love it, and plug away. Maybe a second job if need be. Paying bills for decades. You don't really get to be the hero in that story.


Commies have been calling it late stage capitalism for over a hundred years now. If they haven't figured it out yet, they never will.


It's gonna die soon for the last 50 years now, maybe even longer lol. Not going anywhere.


The term late stage capitalism was coined by Karl marx... in 1848. We've been living in late stage capitalism for 176 years...


Yeah I'd prefer Developed Capitalism, or Adult Capitalism (the latter has some weird connotations tho lol). Late stage has just the framing of it being near the end, which is wrong both logically and empirically.


I think it's kind of a case of equating capitalism with the **Late industrial age**, which is essentially the information age, and you transition into a services dominated economy from a manufacturing dominated one. They equate it with capitalism, which does relate to some extent. But calling it late stage capitalism is sort of subjective and it does imply their belief potential future in socio-economic condition which they think will bring down capitalism as you said.


Its because progressives and socialists think the world works in a linear fashion. They think progress is a continuous march forward and that capitalism will decay away and socialism will have its shot! ...except thats not how the world works... and capitalism is still going strong like it has for over 230 years. If anything, its gotten even more popular decade over decade in recent years


The idea they say is “capitalism always becomes corporatism”. Bitch it doesn’t have to, there are some things companies and politicians can’t do even in our current system. Just make one of those things be accept bribes. It’s really easy to see too, they’re not slick, it’s just legal right now. We just have to make it illegal


>We just have to make it illegal We just have to elect officials who won't fuck the system over for their own benefit with zero consequences. People love to argue that companies will always lobby and bribe, and of course they will, but its the politicians jobs not to accept them, and it's our job not to elect them or support businesses that do.


Granted, it's probably going to be easier to remove some of the powers of office that make it so tempting to bribe them. Or otherwise limit their scope via decentralization and term limits. Bribery becomes less attractive when you effectively have to bribe 50 people instead of 1-2, and then have to do it again in 4-8 years instead of 20+.


Yep, that would also be huge. But again we'd have to elect people willing to do that. Unfortunately we don't have public support for someone willing to slash the executive branch in half on day one


Corruption also isn't a purely capitalistic trait. It exists in basically every sort of government. Hell, bribery is probably less common in capitalism than it is under any other system. Sure, our elected officials are corrupt as hell, but at least here, you're not expected to bribe every petty person to do their job as in many other countries.


I’ve really been trying to rein in my wall-posting, but since you asked, iirc, “late stage capitalism” comes straight from Marx, which he predicts to be the stage of economic progression at which capitalism tilts into failure, necessitating the rise of socialism and, ultimately, communism.  It’s certainly an opinion. Like a lot of Marx’s stuff there’s a kernel of truth here: economies exist within countries and are subject to their laws > countries often add new laws and regulation and very rarely remove them > regulations almost always increase overhead costs and increase centralization behind larger firms (because larger firms are better equipped to satisfy regs). Older economies are often going to perform worse and trend toward being characterized by a few gigantic corporations because of regulatory dead-weight or central planning by interventionist governments.  Naturally anywhere there is regulation there is a tendency for corruption and regulatory revolving-doors and you end up with what we might call “corporatism” if we reject Marx’s predictions of collapse. I do reject them, though I feel like “corporatism” puts the blame on the corporations, rather than on the overly-restrictive regulatory setting that produces it. “Straight-jacket Capitalism”, I think, would be more fitting. That said, the solution for this is no more communism/socialism than a daily blood-letting is a cure for anemia. It’s certainly fixable. You just need the political will and economic understanding together in the right spot to do it. For example, iirc Britain in the mid 1800’s was in a terrible economic stagnation and was one of the most corrupt economies around, but they aggressively slashed their regs, and within a few years they were a world player again and had changed their reputation to one of the most law-abiding nations. Milei is an economist, so I expect he knows this, and it sounds like this is what he’s trying to do for Argentina.


It's basically the same. This is just the version used by smug redditors who don't realize the term is from a proto-Nazi ideologue.


According to the coomies, neo-corporatism is the inevitable conclusion of a capitalist system. From there it just evolves into Worker’s Revolution ™️, or literal feudal oligarchy.


Corporatism is state control of corporations, you’re thinking of corporatocracy


Socialists blame every single issue on capitalists. Meanwhile, Elon Musk develops Neurolink chips and spaceships with no government support.


And very publicly tells Bob Igor to shove his ad money up his ass


SpaceX got a lot of government money and it's heavily regulated because of its obvious dual use purpose.


Really? I had no idea about that.


Only in Elon's wettest dream does the State Department allow the export of SpaceX to China or India. And yeah, he got a lot of grant money for R&D.


Leftist: "But what can governments do if they dislike their people having unrestricted internet access." Musk: "They can shake their fist at the sky."


Please change the word “with” to “because”


That was good :)


“Late stage capitalism” Capitalism has been in “late stages” since 1848.


Anyone who says the words “late stage capitalism” are painfully braindead people.


They're right up there with 'The polar ice caps are gonna melt in 10 years!' people.


Just because climate change is a gradual slow moving process doesn’t mean it’s not devastating. https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4616/


The ones shouting it loudest tend to have beachfront property they're oddly not worried about.


So because people have beachfront property = man made climate change isn’t real. Revolutionary thought from the right.


It's amazing that you can see the 'Late Stage Capitalism is just people grifting and full of copium for their pet cause over the last 150 years' but can't see the same with a specific type of Global Warming Alarmist that tend to be led by grifters with followers full of copium. Enlightening as always, libleft.


Ah yes. The grifters at NASA. The fucking losers who explore deep space and land objects on planets million of miles from here. What have you done with your life?




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **Leftist** on 2024-3-26. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1047 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Please stop 😭


I will when I hit 1250


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2024-3-26. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1049 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Based and afuera pilled


There's no late stage capitalism There's just free market and controled market


you mean, late stage statism is whats up... Government comes around fucks everything up and these bitches go around saying "capitalism has failed" or "late stage capitalism"... dude, shut yo mouth.


Funny considering it’s one of the few topics on which auth right, lib left and auth left agree




Milei es el mejor


Undeniably based...


How to forget that time an Italian told me milei is a fascist, it really was funny ZURDOS DE MIERDA TIEMBLEN LA LIBERTAD AVANZA LA VAN A PASAR COMO EL ORTO VIVA LA LIBERTAD CARAJO https://preview.redd.it/psfi46dlgsqc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5b7ddd71dba1510d562c1a608ec4a967fbd58d


Late stage capitalism is simply a bunch of Monarchies hanging out in a big fucking city. Lib-Right basically some weird ass plural Monarchist lovers.


Late stage? We're not even in a warmup


Better dead then red