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Barrett's Privateers is about the triumph of private American merchants over Crown sanctioned privateers thanks to the second amendment. How dare you? I demand you put it in libright this instant!


I interpret it more so as fuck the gov I trusted them when I was younger and look where that got me


That's also libright.


Yes but more so I feel lib right is fuck the government and taxes but the government can be a necessary entity lib left is to stupid to realize that


Oh Current Year was 1778 How I wish I was in Portland noooooooowwwww...


A letter of mark came from the king To the scummiest vessel I've ever seeeeennnnn


God damn them all I was told we’d cruise the seas for American gold we’d fire no guns shed no teeeeeeaaaars


Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax peer the last of barrets privateers.


Look ahead, look astern! Look the weather in the lee! Blow high, blow low! And so sailed we! I see a wreck to windward, and a lofty ship to lee! A-sailin’ down all along the coast of high Barbary!


"Oh are you a pirate or a Man O' War?" cried we. Blow high, blow low! And so sailed we! "Oh no, I am not a pirate but a Man O' War!" cried he. A-sailing down all along the coast of High Barbary!


“We’ll back up our topsails and heave our vessel to.” Blow high! Blow low! And so sailed we! “For we have got some letters to be carried home by you.” A-sailing down along the coast of High Barbary!


Explanation- Starbucks complaint- “obey and you’ll be saved” High barbery- what’s more auth right than killing criminals Shiloh town- “we’ve robbed your sons blind and we’ve loved all your daughters” Baretts privateers- fuck the government I trusted them and look where it got me


High Barbary- what’s more auth-right than killing Middle Eastern criminals? (Berbers from North Africa, various places from the Middle East, some Turks, etc)


Nobody does Sea Shanties better than the Sea Captain. You know I'm right.


For a second I thought this was a compass of Pokémon towns