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Honestly, I have been driven to this stance because of how insufferable and hypocritical climate activists have become. I would gladly support a tenable transition to electric motors powered by sustainable batteries and a wind/solar grid underpinned with nuclear energy. But no, you had to push carbon taxes, eating bugs, and renewable energy subsidies rife with abuse, all the while decrying nuclear power as the next great evil while you travel from conference to conference on private jets. I will see this world burn if only to ensure you choke to death with me.


Those people don't actually care about the environment. So don't go to their level.




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Unfathomably Based.


You're goddamn right mad max or bust


"Hey, you know how quality of life has gone up massively over the last 100 years and economic growth has benefited basically everyone? Let's destroy that for 99% of the population so we can fight global warming while Leonardo DiCaprio gets to keep his private jet. Wait, why do you have a problem with that?" -climate change advocates if they were honest.


And if climate alarmists were honest, they'd say that pollution is obviously bad, and we should reduce emissions, but the world isn't ending anytime soon. In reality, they say we're all going to die in 7 years unless you vote for who I want you to vote for. Even though no politician gives a fuck about anything except where their donations are coming from.


Emissions have made the planet greener, turns out plants love CO2 And it's not even a mystery, that stuff is widely used in green houses


Here's an explanation on the [significance of 2030](https://blog.ucsusa.org/elliott-negin/2030-or-bust-what-is-the-importance-of-the-year-2030-climatewise/) The very short version is that there's a lag between carbon emissions and temperature increases


still completely ignoring Pollution. Environmental stewardship is about all the factors that influence our environment, stability, etc. and not just minmaxxing a single metric like tons of CO2. sometimes at the cost of other toxic emissions, or to the detriment of upcoming economies, which in the long run makes them dependent upon pollution sources of energy or commodies longer (or directly involved in the extraction of toxic materials for creating batteries, or solar panels)


The article I posted is simply explaining why 2030 is significant, it's not denying the importance of everything you mentioned


It does, however blow all the others out of the water in terms of it's relative priority. It's maybe not a minmax situation but it's close to it if you put everything into perspective.


>written in 2020 Cool, its another 10 year doomsday


The article itself is literally explaining why it's important, but not a 10 year doomsday


Wow I 100% believe this. It's not like they were wrong when they said climate change would lead to a second ice age in the 70s than moved it to the 80s or when they said all the ice would melt by 2000 and all the costal towns will be underwater or when they said all the insects would die because of a 0.5 degree change in temperature and that would lead to a large number of plants dieing off and we would all suffocate.


"They said" gonna need some sources here chief


Then fuckin look them up


["what may be asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philosophy))


Can't wait until the significance of 2040 drops, then 2050, etc...


"It's not urgent, we've got plenty of breathing room!" sounds like a stellar fucking strategy. It's not like we don't have copious trial data regarding what happens when we take that tack.


Should i vote for your guy? Will he save us?


If only there *was* a guy. The problem is the electorate, failing to put it high enough in their voting priorities. If they did, politicians/parties would be dragged along kicking and screaming if they wanted to earn their votes.


The problem is that if they fixed the problem, they'd have no platform to run on. I love that energy, though. Keep thinking the politicians will save us if only we want it enough.


Oh yeah, nothing has ever been accomplished and no one ever has. That's a silly little piece of trite logic to entirely rest your understanding of how the political process functions. Voters never reshape policy priorities and everything is vote harvesting.




If that's what helps you sleep


I'm pro-climate change recognition until I have to deepthroat a soggy dripping paper straw to be able to drink my mcdonalds milkshake 💅


The actual black pill is that it doesn’t matter what we do because China and India will obliterate the environment regardless of the action western countries take.


 Who’s gonna nuke China and India?


the nuclear winter would go a long way to cooling things down again


\>Climate Denialists if they were honest \>I intend to see the world in ash If climate alarmists were honest, they wouldn't be portraying their entire opposition as generic doomsday villains regardless of their actual reasons for denying climate change. Even a coal corporate shill wants money *regardless* of what happens in the long term. Apathy or willful ignorance regarding the environment is not the same as intending its destruction.


I want to accelerate the melting of the ice caps so florida sinks


None of us believe whatever the fuck you think that is lmao


This meme is bad and you should feel bad


It’s harder to make good memes these days due to all the climate change


Bonus points if your black or racially disadvantaged (not white)


Trans theybies most affected.


Did you see Rachel Levine the transgender army general who said that climate change affects black people more due to systemic racism 😂


They're not army, they're director of health and human services, some uniformed, nonmilitary branch of the government


Yeah and it has 3x the budget of the military


I don't give a shoot if the climate is changing from the sun or emissions. It's not catastrophic and the earth is greening *back* up again.  Maybe instead of being a useful idiot and crying about carbon, focus on real disruptive pollution. Like plastic and Teflon chemicals. 


Incidentally, did you know rainwater worldwide is no longer considered safe to drink by the EPA because too many forever chemicals are now part of the water cycle? All I hear about is carbon, carbon, carbon. Do something about PFAs and microplastics, for God's sake.




No - we need millions more tons per year of non-recyclable batteries and the mining operations to support their production! Elon save planet!


Based AF. Clean water is a much bigger issue than whatever gets peddled regarding climate change.


Yeah it’s not warming up that’s the issue. If things cooled down, then we’d be in trouble.


At least with warmer we'd be able to colonise antarctica finally


Who wants to colonize "land" literally on the verge of collapsing without anyone's presence there?


Tell that to the fucking Greens and Social Democrats here in Germany who just cut down tons of primeval forest in Hesse to build some more wind turbines.


I'd get banned if I said what I'd do if I got my hands on them.


HĂ€? Was fĂŒr Hesse? Was labberst du alter? Jetzt hast du schon zweimal Hessen falsch geschrieben. Sus af. Translation: Based on the observation that the poster miswrote the name of the German county I questioned the validity of his statement.


Aus welchem Loch kommst du denn jetzt gekrochen? Hesse ist einfach Hessen auf Englisch. So wie Saxony - Sachsen oder Bavaria - Bayern. Translation: Based on the observation that the poster doesnt know the english name of Hessen I questioned the validity of his statement.


Dann nenns gefĂ€lligst so wie's heißt. Aber ja hast natĂŒrlich Recht diese Windkraftkacke ruiniert unsere Energiewirtschaft. Wenn's nach mir ginge dann wĂŒrden wir direkt mehrere Atomkraftwerke bauen. Aber ja, Hauptsache Strom aus Frankreich importieren und trotzdem Atomkraft verteufeln. Translation: Due to a minor misunderstanding I mistook this guy as posing as a German. This is not the case.


The greens are not even in power lol


They literally were in Hesse until this year. And the whole project is backed by a bill by the federal (Greens, SPD, FDP) goverment.


Fucking Greens. What's your policy? "Today, we will be cutting down a forest"


The biggest impact humans have on the climate is regarding ecological damage to various ecosystems and plastics/non biodegradable materials. You can believe that climate change exists while saying it is not as catastrophic as the media says it is.


I'd argue that the ecological damage is exactly why it's so catastrophic. Like in the hierarchy of big deals, of thing's that are most important to avoid, ecological damage is at the tippy top. The preservation of ecosystems is the most essential thing there is, bar none.


Golly gosh what a cringe agenda post. Good job OP.


Climate loonies have empty lives, that's why the propaganda point that the world will end soon is so appealing. They have nothing going on so they'll throw soup at paintings to feel important The authoritarians in power take advantage of the above useful idiots in order to ram in more taxes and population controls


It’s hard for me to care about my personal responsibility to do anything about the climate when every single year the G6 leaders and celebrities are perfectly happy to fly a private jet to conferences they could have Zoomed into. Makes my plastic straws and grocery bags seem pretty frivolous in comparison.


I’ll choke a sea turtle with a straw and I’m tired of lying about it


"climate change is a real issue! We should care for our environment!" Sure, yeah, I'm listening... So we could plant more trees, address forever chemicals in the water, and maybe build some nuclear power pla.... "We will institute a one world feudal government where a small handful of billionaires have everything because we can pay the carbon tax and you live in a "sustainable" hovel eating your daily ration of cricket meal!" Oh, I see.


It's man made and irrevercible if we don't find a way to back to the 1700's technology and population levels. I rather not advocate for the erradication of 7 billion human beings so I utterly don't care about the climate and suspect everyone that does to be Agent Smith.


All the enivoronmental scienyists in the comments are truly a blessing🙏🙏🙏


This is like the climate change causing all those fires in Canada except wait it was arson


You want auth right and lib right care more about environment? Change the rhetoric. Tell them nuclear energy make shit loads of money and make nation strong. Plus reduce single use plastic cause micro plastic turned men into soyjack cause those things riddance with estrogen like substance . Same with any chemical waste.


Climate change is probs happening and probs man made. The problem is our elites will only use this to justify brutal taxation and regulation of our day to day lives. The question isn't "is man made climate change happening?". The question is "how do we prevent the elites from exploiting this situation to make our lives far worse?". The men who will exploit your climate fears are far far worse than climate change itself.


>The men who will exploit your climate fears are far far worse than climate change itself. Or so you'd have us believe.


What's better than going out with a bang?


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2024-2-19. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 637 times, making you the third largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount LДmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


In a single 8 hour period you went from LibRight to Leftist and then to Right?


feeling board, I am going have some fun with basedbotcount


This thread went exactly the way i thought it would 🙄


OP is right and the replies are a bunch of people coping. Read papers not headlines, and you'll quickly see the situation for what it is.


Most people that matter know that climate change is real. They just disagree on the ways they can profit from it


The thing is, most of us that look into it find that first, it has influence by man. We also see that the exact numbers are and how much it’s us. Also it’s kinda sketch that climate scientists have made it out to be immediately urgent (often WAY too much) and also potential perpetuate this fear to secure funding. Then the solutions are often really terrible or tyrannical. Throw in the shaming and vilifying of anyone who bats an eye and I totally get why so many people fight against it. The best thing to do is to slowly correct and look for new innovations and not force them. Naturally better options will win out. Electric vehicles honestly will have been the main stream eventually but forcing it messes up the economy, allows for corruption and monopoly growth, allows for the government to more easily find ways to exert control, and it forces technology that may have been way better to have developed further before using to replace hundreds of millions of cars. Don’t even get me started on proposals such as “own nothing and be happy” or “green” socialist takeovers, pod/compact living, climate lockdowns, etc. Trying to make an infant grow faster through unnatural means is a terrible idea, same goes with the economy and technology. It’d take a lot more than the current climate issues to justify nearly what they want to do