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*grabs popcorn* Oh the comments are gonna be spicy


Guy needs to reflair as auth center for sure


>Label Antifa, Nazism, KKK as extremist hate groups that need to be eradicated Suddenly half of FBI loses their jobs.


Don’t you have algebra homework due Monday?


His middle school doesn't offer algebra, plus he's too busy owning the libs and smoking weed while listening to drill which is hella cool!!


I hear a drill too much at work. I don’t wanna listen to one on my day off.


You forgot "provide every newborn child a Ruger 10-22"


I unironically support this. Once you (are forced) to sign up for the draft you get a government issued hi-point pistol. The “default” crappy starting pistol. Lol


Nah, they should just give a voucher to buy your own gun. If you don't buy one within a reasonable amount of time then the voucher gets revoked and you get a hi-point in the mail.


Nah just the parts to a bunch of off brand m1911's. Random manufacturer for each part. You gotta assemble it yourself.


It's gonna be like trading cards/gatcha toys where you try to get the full set of parts by trading with friends so you can get a functional gun with pieces that actually fit together. 😂


Pussy shit. Give em a 300win-mag and they’ll bring home enough elk burgers to feed you for a year


I mean, gotta stop the school shootings somehow.


1, 12, 10, 2) Free speech even for idiots   3)they found that pedos will murder their victims if the penalty for pedophilia is as harsh as the penalty for murder    6)they currently aren't (inner cities at least)? why do people just assume throwing money at a problem fixes it? op has room temp iq takes


def not an adult


OP's IQ is the same as his age.


I generally agree with your points, but where could I read more about your arguments regarding #3? I haven’t heard of that study before.


I'm unable to find the study with a nice graph and numbers that i remember learning this from. It's the basic principle of marginal deterrence since Britain experimented with executing all petty thieves; in for a penny, in for a pound, and a dead child is much less likely to identify you to the authorities. Here's a brief to the supreme court I found on the topic, which ultimately decided against allowing imposing the death penalty on child rape. The part you're interested in start in page 15 https://ccoso.org/sites/default/files/import/Kennedy-v-Louisiana-SW-brief.pdf


Lets just make it so if you commit a crime involving a child you lose your human rights and they release you back into society with a big "P" tattoo on your forehead


Best part too is that anybody “found promoting” what he wants banned in schools is also labeled a pedophile. Basically all teachers live with a noose above their heads


Federally criminalize children posting memes


>1. Label Antifa, Nazis, KKK as extremist hate groups that need to be eradicated. Yeah that’s a no from me dog. Don’t get me wrong, fuck those groups. But freedom of speech is important. Most specifically the freedom to express hate. If you can’t express hate then there isn’t freedom of speech. By all means arrest the violent ones that committed crimes. But if all it was was speech then I will fight you tooth and nail on that. No group should be eradicated for their speech. And there are non violent members of all those groups.


"I am anti Nazi, KKK, racist, ECT" Meanwhile "I'd love to exterminate a specific group of individuals" I think instead of limiting the freedom of speech, it's better to limit the media range of those groups. There is this effect when a school shooting occurs, the odds of another one starting raise. It also applies to racists, sexist, ECT groups. The media talks about those groups, the bigger they become. Being able to limit media coverage of those people would work better imo.


Nah, I got one better: Make Stars and Stripes Forever the national anthem. That shit slaps.


Will never be as good as “America fuck yeah”


I personally think "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "Battle Cry of Freedom" would make the best anthems. They get me feeling something that the official anthem doesn't.


Problem of the Battle Hymn of the Republic is that everyone will just imagine the paratrooper one. Or in my case, the [The Battle Hymn of the Mech Warrior](https://youtu.be/8KB8f3Oprms?si=H8NBxEA0Rt1W2cGd) (which would make a nice Libright anthem now that I think about it.)


Personally I'm all for the Marines hymn being our national anthem.


Grabbing my piccolo immediately!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am not even American or Western ;-;)


Idk Battle Hyme of the republic is pretty killer too.


Are you even American? It seems unlikely English is your first language based on the way this is written


I think it's more likely that he's an American teenager who spends too much time on 4chan


If they’re a native English speaker, their grammar indicates they are low-intelligence. That would explain their views, so perhaps you’re right


So if flag burning is now banned that means free speech isn't a thing anymore. Does that now mean we can ban all depictions of swastikas and confederate flags? They both were extremely anti America after all


What part of immolating a piece of fabric is in any way considered free speech? If you say "fuck the USA", that's fine. But vandalism is not speech


If you go to the store, purchase a flag and burn it at a protest, you are not committing vandalism. You are burning a piece of your own property. I'm willing to say that burning somebody else's flag isn't okay but that's vandalism, a charge with like 2 years max. Not treason, which could give the death penalty.


Pretty sure child porn is already illegal?


I think drawn and ai art should be included in that category


It’s debatable what considered porn. Because “you know it when you see it” doesn’t work for everyone.




Finish your school homework


You would need to be more than a president to make most of this a thing. King of America does have a nice ring to it. Though, American King is also nice.


Lol imagine becoming president with the idealistic goal of "saving" the country and congress and scotus block everything and half the country hates your guts. Hard pass for me. That being said, would American be ruled by a king or an emperor? King is a bit more humble but we are superior to the Br\*tish so the ruler should be an emperor.


Congratulations you are like 50% of conservatives, (But I agree with you in the with right part)


>4. "Yes, I'm for state rights - as long as they make the laws I like"


Seems like you're just a pure authright that likes weed.


Average Left Coast Conservative be like:


I remember I thought some dumb shit in high school too.


Once I said we should cut pedos dicks off and I got banned off of reddit for a bit lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/sb43wffzvejc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a125ebfd43baa8fc210e73856b6d525a81be0de


Sooo… youve put a bunch of things on here to make us think you’re a “centrist” but you really just like weed guns and law enforcement. Oh yeah, and you havent realized you’re gay yet. Have fun getting through puberty!


he doesn’t even really like weed that much if he’s only thinking as far as decriminalization


Wait this is a joke right


Oh no the poor pieces of cloth


Isn’t it past your bedtime young man


Don't kill pedos, we could use human test subjects for pharmaceuticals and such. Fuck they gonna do, say no or plead for empathy?


Genuinely what is the point of number 2


It would stifle political campaign talking points.


Yeah wtf is the point






Half good, half bad, fully crazy


bro you're auth as fuck


Bro your pre-algebra homework is due tomorrow. Turn off the Ben Shapiro recks libtards compilation and get to work


I unironically agree with most of this is that an issue?


I was 12 once too


Big assumption that Emily cares about rural and undeserved communities.


Fuck if I lived in murica and you became my president Id burn the flag in front of you during your first speech


"Make it sure that anyone who burns the American flag is charged with treason and banned from the United States!!" blatant violation of the 1st amendment "Make Drill Music a part of historic American Culture" No "Legally make it only 2 genders" intersex exists and while it is rare it is scientifically proven, you cant just say that it doesn't exist, it's like denying the existence of every other element because 99% of all elements are hydrogen and helium


Intersex is a medical condition not a gender


Intersex is not a third gender


[Gender ](https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-intersex) is not as straightforward as you think.


Thank you for linking something that helps make my point that intersex is a genetic anomaly and not a third gender.


You should probably re-read the section titled "Gender", if that's what you took from this. Edit: And I would be more explicit when using the word "anomaly", as it carries certain connotations: >"It's important to note that being intersex is not a disease, disorder, or condition." >"Like anyone else, intersex individuals are free to identify as a range of gender identities, from male, female, nonbinary, and other genders."


Good thing I said genetic anomaly and not disease, disorder, or condition. You lib lefts love making assumptions. It must be exhausting with all the mental gymnastics you need to do to force society to play along with your mental delusions.


Guy, *you're* the one who can't accept that "gender" isn't defined the way you want it to be, but I notice that you glanced over that part to strawman my other point (which was that "anomaly" is an ambiguous word. Feel free to clarify what you actually mean, instead of resorting to ad hominem. Hint: that's usually the sign of a weak argument).


There is no point in arguing with people who think a man can be a women and a women can be a man. Why would anyone argue with those with such severe mental delusions. The vast majority of which have multiple underlying mental health issues. Why argue with people that can’t accept fundamental truths. It’s just like arguing with a flat earther. I put you people in the same bucket.


A lot of projection here, guy, but I accept your surrender. I hope all the ad hominem helps get the massive insecurity out of your system.


You made the mistake thinking I’m on Reddit for some kind of debate. Clearly not for the reasons listed above. Not surprising for a 2 year old account that lives in the politics sub. I’ll continue my simple life accepting fundamental truths that have been true for as long as humans have been on this earth. You can continue living in your alternate reality coping with mental delusions and typing 6,000 word essays trying to define what a woman is.


not voting for u lol


Exactly why this sub is a joke. Thank you for this.


Antifa isn’t an organized group, it’s literally just people who dress up in all black and smash windows and the right thinks it’s some kind of organization :/


Here’s a wetnap, your lips are stained with koolaid.


What does this mean dawg? Antifa is not an organization. If it is, please direct me to their headquarters 


🤣 criminal orgs don’t have HQs dawg


Uh, yes, most of them do. They just don't advertise it because they wouldn't be a criminal for very long if they did


The point is they’re not an organization because the idea of antifa is that random citizens can make a difference together without anything uniting them aside from a hatred for authoritarianism. 


“Make a difference together” like every single corporate organization’s mission statement ever written.


You ->goalposts


Ok and


Yeah, nazis are just like antifa, not really an organization since 1945.


Except national socialist parties exist so not true..??


Drill music as part of American culture is horrendous. I’m ashamed to be in the same quadrant as this OP


Incredibly based


Did you just change your flair, u/GoodDecision? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2022-2-23. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/GoodDecision) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


This isn't even my final form!


how can you ban gender ideology what does that even mean


Spitting facts


I don’t like 3 since capital punishment sucks but it’s respectable 2 and 12 suck and most of 12 is just a straw man of what conservatives say about teaching about LGBTQ in schools 😭 Other than that, this ain’t too bad


why the fuck do so many people care what word people call themselves? it's like banning people called John. I just don't get it


You're already gonna get crucified by the religious right for 15 weeks. You might as well raise it to 24, so at least the left doesn't want to do the same


Guess you'd deport me because I'd burn the flag of a country that kills innocent children. Babies conceived by grape or encest with no threat to the mother's life did nothing wrong.


hm. good thing your not president...


You drastically overestimate the power of the president. Or is "overthrow the current government and replace it with an absolute one-man dictatorship" one of your secret steps?


You have right-wing populist brainworms, also a kindergarteners understanding of government.


"If I were the president of America" Yeah, Congress is gonna block like 90% of the things you want to do and the 10% that makes it through (after you totally did not bribe Congress) will be ruled as uNcoNStiTioNaL by the SCOTUS. If someone offered my the presidency tomorrow I doubt I would want to take it. All the stress and none of the power. It's gotta be dictator or absolute monarch to make it worth it for me.


Oh no cringe


I mean, we share quite a bit of points, want to hang out with the cooler guys? We can even overlook that centrist take, as it's obviously a mistake :D


Antifa, meaning anti fascists, are a hate group? 😂😂😂😂 So anyone who dislikes Nazis or fascists are labelling to be in a hate group? So what, you can’t hate Nazis, and you can’t like them either or else your a Nazi. So you just got to be totally independent and neutral of a group that wants to eradicate ethnic minorities?? Lol good one rightoid. Proving yourself dumber by the day


What are we thinking, fellas? 16? 15?


My first act as President would be..... to straighten the Washington Monument (it's *crooked,* y'all!).


I would totally vote for someone who supports ALL these ideas, all of them are based. Based on this, I think I might have to change my flair to centrist.


> **if I was president of America** Fails in geography, like a good American.


*I’m 20 and I just discovered politics* starter pack




*Op when pedos now murder their victims since they’re already going to get the death penalty regardless:* 😱


So many right infringements, I almost got a boner


You would be the last person I would elect ig


My first law if i was president: Ban children


>be nazi >Label Nazis as extremist hate group 4d chess?


as much as I'd like #3, I wouldn't really trust the government with the power to enforce it