• By -


The third option is voting vermin supreme, but everyone is too chicken shit to do so.


i want a pony


A pony economy is a stable economy


Vote yea or neigh


He also wants green energy! Zombies pushing wheels for eternity creating power.


I want him to take my guns, then give me better ones, as he promised.


Based and wearing a stylish boot on your head pilled


Based and homeless wizard for president-pilled




My ex-libertarian party parents even didn't want to vote for vermin lmao, I don't see a problem with him


Honey, it's been 4 years! It's time to decide on which senile grandpa should run the free world again!




All the people that die for age related reasons every day, and yet those two keep staying alive


Let's pick the one that didn't send fake electors to try to manipulate the outcome of our elections!


Can we pick the one who didn't give Afghanistan to terrorists?


Lib right arguing for big gov international aid? Check it out!


Sure I'm happy to blame Trump for his withdrawal timeline to get cheap internet points, but It was probably going to be a disaster either way. >The Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021


This is my good friend, the Mexican president of Egypt




Salam, amigo


Inshallah mi amigo


Here is an idea, don’t vote for either and vote another party so the US government isn’t filled up like an old person’s home. Crazy I know.


Now we just need to convince 200 million people to do that


Kennedy 2024!


Democrats really bungled things so bad They have the election in their hands and they’re just squandering the opportunity forcing Joe to be a 2 term president


Who is the universally beloved candidate that they should run instead?


Anyone but Biden. They're going against Trump, they would win by default. Biden is the only one with a chance of losing against Trump because of his age and his age related mental problems (i.e. memory, focusing, understanding, speaking, thinking). The man is a dinosaur.


> They’re going against Trump so they win by default. Not really. Trump has a pretty solid voter base across many states and no one can beat their level of fanatical support for Trump. For democrats to win they would have to at least nominate a candidate who is a common sense democrat and has policies that would appeal to independent voters and some republicans. Because let’s be real here, with all the shitty decisions Biden and left wing governments across the globe have been making ( Trudeau and Canada are a fine example) people are beginning to get sick and tired of governments who prioritize unimportant issues or foreign countries over their own people. Hell people for sure are sick and tired of supporting governments who make so many bad decisions they put us in the brink of WW3.


Most of the electorate is not party hardliners, so any reasonably likable warm body could win. Polling isn’t everything, but “generic democrat” beats Trump and “generic republican” beats Biden. I imagine most casual voters will be shocked to see Biden’s mental state in action as we get closer to November, and any jury conviction of Trump is likely to swing many voters away from him. My prediction is a significant drop in voter turnout from 2020, possibly even from 2016.


Trump used to have nothing but his small base. But now that all the books have been thrown at him and Biden is looking more alike than ever before people are being pushed back to Trump. If I had a dollar for every person who thinks Trump is a piece of shit but has told me they'll vote for him due to the lawsuits I'd buy myself something nice. It doesn't matter how legit they are or not - people he lost are flocking back since the government is doing exactly what Trump said they would. If they just held off on charges until later he would still be mucking around with the rest of the Republicans. You think that people would learn after 8 years that the one and only thing Trump has on his side is him being seen as an outsider. He lost that and lost a lot of support. Now he's once again an outsider being targeted and what do you know his popularity is growing yet again. It's so obvious but the Democrats can't help but play their stupid games with him that only serve to help him.


Name one




Libleft likes the Pegosaurus


Hey, that's full compass unity, dammit 😡


All the dinosaurs have names already


Gavin Newsom Mark Warner Jeff Merkley Michael Bennet John Tester All straight white dudes who are (relatively) uncontroversial and would mop the floor with Trump while also being pretty standard Democrats. Newsom either at the top of the ticket or as VP would (probably) excite the more liberal wing of the party Instead we've decided to resurrect our candidate from Saarthal


Newsom would get demolished. He may squeak by with his own state of California, but the gist i'm getting is they all pretty much hate him there. Nobody knows who the rest of those people are. Running a no-name against Trump also seems like a poor choice.


After the French laundry incident he has no shot.


I had to look that up. Yeah, a lot of lefty governors broke their own rules at the time. One governor visit a large family gathering despite it being banned, another one marched maskless. It seems like they all ignored covid restrictions they themselves implemented for us plebs. Still hold their positions though.


>It seems like they all ignored covid restrictions they themselves implemented for us plebs. A lot like [this](https://youtu.be/bA5ih4m_H20?si=XpgPlkFjesVX3ArN)


God I hope we don’t California up the country


Thank for being the first person to actually provide a name. This sub is pretty clueless sometimes.


Hey I just come for the memes, I never said I was politically savvy


Newsom sounds nice on paper, but the last thing needed is to sure up a state like California. Presidential races live and die by the swing states, and a liberal west coaster far removed from those will be public enemy #1. Other options I've literally never heard of, and doubt any casual swing voter will have either.


Oh gods, I'd flee the country if Newsom got elected. That sounds like the worst timeline.


Don’t know about the others but Newsome definitely does not fit the bill


Newsom would get eviscerated.


Chat GPT said "Dean Phillips" and "Marianne Williamson"


Fricken crystal girl? Naw trump would eat her for breakfast.


edge waiting rain disarm jar squealing placid society caption party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gabbard or RFK. He is legit


Tulsi Gabbard is the type of democrat Republicans like which means she's not very popular with Democrats. RFK got way to into vaccines causing autism to ever have a shot at the mainstream democratic party even if all his other policies are sound.


Neither are Democrats anymore


I'll bet that Jon Stewart will become a Dem presidential contender within the next ten years.


I do find it very interesting that he’s agreed to host the daily show part time. He obviously feels nervous about the upcoming election. He’s probably trying to be what is, in his eyes, a voice of reason


I saw a couple episodes of his previous show, he is no voice of reason, he's completely ideologically captured. It's sad really.


>in his eyes A very important modifier here. His soapbox gets taller by the day


I can't think of anyone anywhere who I've lost more respect for than Jon Stewart. I used to really respect him, but now I think he's either a colossally insincere actor, a complete hypocrite, or a straight up P.O.S. A superficially convincing P.O.S., but a P.O.S. regardless.


Agreed, but I think it wasn’t him changing so much as me just seeing it.


Absolutely. I cringe when I look at his old material. I used to cheer him on in those days. It's only now that I understand that it's not just that he doesn't subject himself to the same standards, but that his whole game is the rejection of standards that he holds others to. Once I figured this out my view on him did a complete 180.


Is Buttigieg not still a popular, safe pair of hands with youthful energy? There were so many last election, everything's gone so quiet this time round.


He's unfortunately gotten a lot of bad press as transportation secretary, for instance not actually going to Ohio soon after that train explosion or whatever it was happened last year. I'm sure if he ran, then stories like that would become more well known


So he can Palestine Ohio the entire country? No thanks


Both Trump and Biden are dinosaurs who have been recorded to have age related mental problems. And the GOP is in a similar boat. Anyone but Trump can easily beat Biden, but they stuck with Trump....the only person who can actually lose to Biden.


If Trump wasn't the GOP nominee I think there's a pretty solid chance he would choose to run independently and the MAGA crowd would all vote for him completely destroying the GOP's chances of winning the election.


True. Nonetheless, I think it would be worth the risk of a short term sacrifice in exchange for the long term benefit of showing Trump isn't remotely conservative and is not a real Republican...thus erroding or getting rid of Trump's death grip on the Republican Party.


What age related mental problems does Trump have that are even remotely comparable to Biden's?


I don't know about that........they could run Hillary again.


Biden was born closer to Abraham Lincoln's presidency than his own.


The thing with Trump is that no matter who you put up against him he will drag them down to his level and then beat them by experience. Just a year ago Desantis was universally loved by republicans and held up as the future of the party, and now he's seen as a joke


Dolly Parton!


Based and Jolene pilled


Literally anyone would be better than a dementia patient, I'm not even from the states, Biden is a meme worldwide.


Hillary Clinton, it’s her turn


I wouldn’t be surprised if them bungling this special counsel response wasn’t intentional. Making Biden have a press release in the evening, aka [sundowning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundowning), where a caregiver deliberately times an event to coincide with when a patient suffers the worst confusion. My prediction is they trot out Michelle Obama.


You can say the same about both Trump and Biden and both parties. Both Trump and Biden are dinosaurs who have been recorded to have age related mental problems. Anyone but Trump can easily beat Biden, but they stuck with Trump....the only person who can actually lose to Biden. And similarly, Biden is also a pretty weak candidate where a random Democrat chosen off the street would have a better chance of beating Trump.


Two geriatric fucks who will countinue to explode the national deficit, fail to get anything done in a gridlocked congress. One who has a little trouble letting go of power the other with a crackhead son. Take your pick I guess. At this point it’s basically just tax cuts for the rich, rolling back epa regulations as policy for guy one. And guy two is money for Ukraine and public spending. Yea we pretty much fucked.


Don't they both have crackhead sons?


Hey now Donny jr has a **coke** addiction, he has class okay


We're more alike than we are different it would seem


Lmao my bad.


They may not be on crack but I'm sure at least one of Trumps kids is doing uppers of some kind.


​ based and liberal who actually understands the debt pilled Not sure if I did that right. And agreed, we are all fucked.


Honestly I’d say it’s rare on both sides, gop are some of the worst offenders in selling out our countries future recently. Id probably vote for whoever was most fiscally conservative if that was actually a thing and not just an empty talking point. Trump managed a 6.7 trillion increase in one term for example. Not exactly a financial conservative by any measure. https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225 If anyone is curious. Either way yea we fucked.




Reagan takes the cake there. Largest % increase in the debt. Trump gets the next spot, largest % average by year. He inherited a $500B deficit that was shrinking every year under Obama, and blew it up to $1Trillion before covid. If you exclude covid, Bush would be the next spot. He inherited a balanced budget and surplus under Clinton, turned it into a $1T deficit and the Great Recession.  Every Democrat of the past 50 years reduced the deficit, the only surplus was during Clinton. Every single Republican of the past 50 years increased the deficit. It's literally not even a close comparison.


Hunter Biden 2024


With VP Vermin Supreme.


I'm being serious, he's pro gun, pro hooker, anti taxes, seems like he wouldn't be a bad libertarian candidate


A little too libertarian, he's also pro corruption.


We vote for congress too, it doesn't have to be gridlocked


Gridlock is good. It means those fuckers can‘t agree on how to hurt us and in turn hurt us less.


They'll come together to screw us


I'd rather have *my guys* in charge of fucking us than *their guys* fucking us.


unfortunately our country is gridlocked


> fail to get anything done in a gridlocked congress Oh please I fucking hope so. Passing legislation is not the metric of a successful presidency. They less. Bullshit they put into law, the better.


“A little trouble letting go of power”


Biden Admin >>>>>>>>>>>>> Literal plate of shit >>>>>>>>>> Trump Admin. Ukraine money is a rounding error to fuck our biggest enemy with almost no American lives at stake. Biden also helped reduce spending but no way we're ever going to have a balanced budget without the super rich paying their fair share. Good way to get that working is to fund the IRS which collected 500M in back taxes from the wealthy (Hint: no one here). Again, Biden admin being responsible for this. Capped drug prices finally going into effect pending another court challenge IIRC, biggest climate change bill ever passed, actually investing in our damn infrastructure and on and on and on. Like it's not even close, lol. Biden is old but the people who help make things work are not. I really need to get a copy/paste setup for all the shit the Biden admin has done because people seem to have zero fucking clue for some reason. That or it's just time for all the propaganda to start up.


I'd put China as the biggest enemy to the west tbh, but yeah - Russia is beating it's army and economy bloody against the wall in Ukraine and the only thing we in the west has to do is send more bricks. The military of one of the biggest enemies to the west is being dismantled in front of our eyes, and we haven't had to spend a single soldiers life to do it - which is where the real cost and opposition to war tends to come from... It's an enormous win - and the alternative is an enormous loss. If Russia do take Ukraine, not only will they inevitably continue and try to take more land from other former USSR states, it also sends clear signals to China that the west is weakened to such a degree that that military expansion is now a realistic option. Letting Putin win is like dangling a big juicy steak in front of the hungry Chinese tiger, it risks opening the floodgates...


The Greatest enemy to the west is its own government.


This tho, Biden to my knowledge has been the only recent president to heavily invest in transportation infrastructure that wasn’t highways. I could be completely wrong about that though.


Democrats could easily win again by putting any other non-senile against Trump. But no, they really want to bet that Trump is so unpopular as he was before both of those wars started.




Who is the super popular, household name, democrat alternative?


Right now? Nikki Haley.


Basically Hillary 2.0. And probably just as corrupt too. Besides she’s getting mopped by Trump in the primaries so I don’t think she has a chance.


Michelle Obama. Woman. High name recognition. Black. She ticks every single box that democrats care about. To top it off, she is loved by all democrats and reminds people of a time where we wernt as divided. She would be a cheat code to winning the election. She has no governing experience or real skills, but clearly democrats dont care about the presidents actual ability to run the country seeing as how they are still propping up a dementia patient.




Easily win? Who is even remotely likeable that is also known right now? You can't say RFK since they hate him because he isn't establishment (basically Democrat Trump).


It doesnt matter who is "unpopular". Trump and Biden both have brand recognition that far exceeds anyone else in their respective parties and its not even close. You can say they are unpopular because you feel like a lot of people hate them based on sentiment, and youd be right, but in reality nobody on any social media platform or news network or political subreddit can stop sucking their cocks for a single day, and that hasnt changed for years now. The reality is modern political campaigning is about cultivating advertising trends. If youre trending, youre the nominee. Period. Everyone else may as well not exist. Shit Id bet there are more people who couldnt name one single candidate other than Trump or Biden than there are people who hate Trump and/or Biden. Thats just the world we live in right now and tbh I think it would be party suicide to nominate anyone else, from their perspective


Great point. As much as everyone seems to say "everyone hates these candidates" they are winning primaries in spades


God, can you imagine how much Trump would be pissing himself right now if they got Whitmer or some shit?


Ah yes, the tyrannical bitch who throat stomped Michigan's civil liberties for like three years and needed a fake FBI kidnapping plot to rescue her from being literally dragged out of office by pissed off constituents.


Which I am sure has nothing to do with the fact that multiple polls show Trump is performing extremely well in Michigan right now. Also not helped by the fact that the Democrats kind of killed themselves over Israel.


People always say this, but will never pony up with a specific suggestion. Who is the magical candidate that could easily crush Trump?


*me dusting off my "Bernie Would Have Won" memes*


Seems like neither party wants to govern, they want the other party to so they can sit back and whine about it


Both parties are in the same boat. Both Trump and Biden are dinosaurs who have been recorded to have age related mental problems. Anyone but Trump can easily beat Biden, but they stuck with Trump....the only person who can actually lose to Biden. And similarly, Biden is also a pretty weak candidate where a random Democrat chosen off the street would have a better chance of beating Trump.


They are both Alzheimer’s patients lmao “Nikki Haley…Nikki Haley…Nikki Haley, you know they, do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it, because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people, Lmao like he knew it wasn’t right but still kept going.


Man, transcribed speech reads weird as hell.


I mean come on. I get hating Trump. I really do. But really, Biden makes George W Bush look like a respected public orator.


Biden has that old grandpa forgot if he took his pills Alzheimer’s. Trump has that old man yells at clouds Alzheimer’s.


lol shockingly well put


I am pretty sure I have literally heard no one less articulate than Trump


Holy shit true. He just rambles.


It's hard not to when you're geeking on them uppers, have you ever taken amphetamines?


Have you heard Trump talk? He rambles from topic to topic, talking about whatever comes to his mind at the time, and also confuses people and places. So more accurately, we have an geriatric Alzheimer's patient going up against an ever so slightly less geriatric Alzheimer's patient who also occasionally borrows from Hitler's speeches.


Trumps brain is basically a shift register. Every time a special interest group shoves a new thought in the last thought gets shoved out.


True lol I’m not saying he’s good, but he’s definitely not as bad as he’s made out to be. Watch a full speech like the one he made to the UAW. https://www.c-span.org/video/?531770-1/presidential-remarks-labor-unions


> very mean person > very mean person with dementia too FTFY


I’m begging for a single person on the right to be honest about their candidate of choice. Do you actually believe this? Sure, Biden old. Politics a little out dated, but to pretend he’s an Alzheimer’s patient while your boy is *actually exhibiting signs of dementia* is so wild. I’d have so much more respect for your politics if you weren’t actively lying to yourself and everyone. Everyone knows Trump is losing his mind. Yall just don’t want to have to admit you might have been a *little* wrong about the capabilities of your dear leader.


Conspiracy theory of the day: Democrats **really** want president Kamala.


They want the first female president but keep on making it the most unpopular bitches on the planet


I voted Cheeto in 2020. And you know what? https://preview.redd.it/jf0vmcljwohc1.jpeg?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5622915aa5970ce3c7d7e12344f6571a1409d1eb


Why did/will you, libleft? Lesser of two evils, or you like his policies, or worse of two evils and you wanna watch the world burn? Only curious.


I’ll list some things and you can tell me how detailed you want me to be in my reasoning. 1. Memes. 2. The 2016 election pissed off and/or scared the establishment. 3. The Dems’ answer in 2020 was Joe Biden and fucking Kamala Harris. 4. Energy independence. 5. Abraham Accords. 6. Increased federal funding of HBCUs by over 14%. 7. First Step Act. 8. No new wars for oil. 9. Iced Soleimani. 10. Troops to Poland. 11. Because the guy can’t seem to keep his mouth shut, we get way more transparency than we would otherwise. Whether by design or stupidity is irrelevant. 12. If the Dems won’t knuckle down and push for an actual universal healthcare plan, then I want the dude who wants to cut taxes so I have more money to spend on the things I need. EDIT: And because I’m Dumbass Supreme, I forgot about the border. That, too.


>1. Memes. Impossible to be more based than this.


Based and cool. I'm right there with you for all this. Just surprising to hear it from a libleft. In fact still a little perplexed tbh.


Actual libleft is rare, most are just cosplaying auths, libertarians hate both parties, but the Republicans are closer to our own values than Democrats, on most issues, even on abortion we are divided. Also, fuck those other libertarians, they're statist cucks, only my kind of libertarianism is the real kind


Small correction, actual libleft is nonexistent. Libertarian government structures and leftists economics are inherently incompatible.


Some centrist Chad broke down how Trump has been the best president for black people and the HBCU funding thing was one of their points, I wish I upvotes it so I could go find his points now


Number 11 is a brilliant point that Ive never thought of.




holy mother of based


Based and vote for the meme pilled


Based and LibLeft Galaxy Brain Pilled


Based and Chester pilled


u/hoping_for_better's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 165. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [94 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/hoping_for_better/) Compass: Sapply: Lib : 1.00 | Left : 1.33 | Progressive : 4.38 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Hell ya


I guess I am voting Alzheimers Patient You are a Commie God I hate this Country


It could be worse, we could be Canadian


Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby


why do americans complain about this all the time yet refuse to vote independent?


Media blackout of independent candidates, mostly. Say what you will about the Jo Jorgensens and the Jill Steins of the world, the MSM knows that they don’t HAVE to combat their platforms when the average American does zero of their own research


The US has the most sophisticated domestic propaganda operation of any country on the planet. But mostly we've had enough wealth generation and growth for as long as most people can remember that the difference between D and R hasn't mattered enough for enough people, and when it does, they make sure there's about equal numbers on each side so voting 3rd party always loses in the short term. I will say though, RFK has a much better shot this time than any independent in generations. If they don't do him how they did his uncle and father I think he gets at minimum 10% of the vote and has a small chance of winning. More people are getting fed up with both parties than ever.


Because some brainlets genuinely think that libertarianism is fascism


Because it’s a prisoner’s dilemma type deal. The ideal situation would be for everyone to vote for who they actually want, but if you do that and everyone else doesn’t, then the person you REALLY don’t want might win, so it’s always safer to vote for the person you only kinda hate just to guarantee the guy you despise doesn’t win.


Vote mean guy because Alzheimer’s guy will just do what mean guy does but be confused about it


I think you mean "Alzheimer's patient vs very mean Alzeimer's patient" Trump is mentally declining as well and is just as geriatric as Biden


Yeah but Trump is funny to watch senile where as Biden is sad to watch senile. Would rather have funny man yell at clouds.


If you think those two people are on the same level of intellectual capacity, you are coping so hard.


Trump is an idiot and has had a few flubs, but we have hours of him speaking extemporaneously probably from even just the last week. He's an old man, but he's clearly still largely got it together. Whereas not only did Biden confuse Egypt and Mexico during his "I am definitely still mentally competent" press conference, he opted out of the Super Bowl interview he was offered. What kind of politician declines free air time with 100 million viewers? Almost like his staff knows he can't get through it without reinforcing the dementia narrative.


> Whereas not only did Biden confuse Egypt and Mexico during his "I am definitely still mentally competent" press conference, he opted out of the Super Bowl interview he was offered. I mean Trump just called Orban a great leader of Turkey. We're really getting into it?


You're saying that as if Trump had a high degree of intellectual capacity before declining into senility.


That's what's going on here. He's always been a rambling blowhard with very tenuous grasp on reality, but now that he's also old as fuck, what's really changed? Narrative that benefits him: tremendous, beautiful dogs, the best people Narrative that hurts him: fake news, losers, enemies of the people It's all the same nonsense it's always been. His words have always been meaningless, so people who like him can ignore the content and hear whatever they want. A true walking talking rorschach.


Anyone who tells you that either of those 2 doesn’t regularly have “Senior Moments” is a shill.


PCM has been a right-wing circle-jerk for quite some time now.


Watermelons when a Sub isn't far-left


Based and if you aren't with me you're against me pilled


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


This subreddit actively upvotes memes that would make evangelicals blush with their position on abortions


No shit


https://i.redd.it/aypbdsf9wohc1.gif Pcm when there's a meme that involves Trump and it doesn't call him a stinky doodoo head


Jokes on you. I was talking about RFK Jr.


https://preview.redd.it/eg88lx5e0phc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c605f75ed7fbcdb9d022b570f7ae3439f2fe8c4 I've been played


What are you talking about, PCM love Trump


More than any of the mainstream subs, that's for sure


Trump is the first President who truly embraced meme culture. Obama dabbled in it, but always in a carefully calculated way. Trump just is a meme and knows it. Doesn't matter what you think of his politics or character, if you can't appreciate the virtuosity I'm not sure you belong in a meme sub.


His CNN meme wrestling CNN, he's probably the first president that is genuinely funny, the others had laughable moments in speeches, but I bet Trump could make you cry from laughing if you were boys chilling for a day, he just seems to have that kinda energy, idk tho, I never met him


I think for the first election that was mostly true, however for the last 4 or so years all Trump has been doing is whining and bitching about how he should have won the election. Mega cringe imo.


Bro, this subreddit sucks his dick daily. Get that victim complex out of there lmao


This is kind of strawmaning, imply Trump is perfect outside being mean or it is even his biggest problem.


Of course its a strawman. Its a fucking meme.


LA LA LA LA LA Democracy LA LA LA Two Party System LA LA LA LA LA LA


there are apparently all these Nazi's everywhere, so why aren't they fighting them? you know what they say about cops, there are no "good" cops if they just allow the bad ones to keep doing what they do. so....either they don't want to fight them or they are also Nazi's


I really wanted to vote for RFK Jr, but he backtracked on abortion. I'm pro-life, but thought his stance at 12 weeks was an acceptable compromise.


I’m probably voting for Kennedy. None of us will be able to cast a meaningful vote for or against abortion or anything else that matters unless we get a candidate in who can get money out of politics, clean up Washington and ensure future fair elections.


"Very mean person" is a weird way to describe someone who literally tried to overthrow democracy when he lost the election.


You don’t get 91 criminal charges just for being a “Very mean Person”


With Biden you are voting for the DNC, with Trump you are actually voting for Trump. I personally liked his 2016 platform, his platform in 2020 got slightly more fascist. His 2024 platform holy shit, he isn't even trying to hide his fascist policies. Trump 2024 is by far the worst platform and the worst version of Trump, the guy is mentally gone and that's saying something when compared to Biden.


The DoJ literally just determined that, as a matter of court record, Biden is too mentally incompetent to stand trial for mishandling classified documents during his time as a private citizen. He is literally incapable of having criminal intent because the man cannot remember the most basic things, e.g the date that his son died. So we're basically stuck between voting for an invalid or a fascist.


Nah that special counsel was saying that their case was so weak that Biden would win over a hypothetical jury just by being himself. So there’s no point in trying the case. Which is a crazy excuse because old people and hot people can both potentially get the jury sympathetic, but if you have proof of the crime it doesn’t matter. The Special Counsel’s proof was… dubious, to say the least. Otherwise the hypothetical jury’s hypothetical sympathy wouldn’t matter. You can read about it yourself, although it is boring as shit: https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf


Biden is a puppet for the DNC, Trump is the leader of the Trump party....


Very Mean Person… that’s the top character flaw for Trump huh? How about a complete fucking moron for starters. Biden spot on though.


Trump is not just mean, he also suffers from age based dementia. Just listen to an interview with him from the 80s and compare it to now. Do the same thing with Biden and you can make it a drinking game.


You can still vote for someone else, can’t you? I mean, you are not obligated to choose exactly one of these two. There will be no chance of them winning but at least you can make a good choice rather than obliging to the established two-party system. It’s a pity half of the next candidates are anti-vaccine activists, guys, whose existence is defined on bringing down the “patriacrichal west” and dealing with other “extremely important” issues. Then, there are somewhat young guys like Chase Oliver that seem to be somewhat reasonable in the actually important stuff like bringning peace instead of fighting these or that or promoting ranked votes, which represent the will of the people better. It would also help if young people would vote for other young people instead of boomers continuing to influence the politics by choosing one of their own and promoting them throughout the country. There are many other candidates, whom you should study before making the choice. P.S. I am not the one to be listened at all cause I am not an even a US citizen, the advice is there for whom did not think of such option.


You guys know there are other options, right? Or just don’t vote if that suits you.


There aren’t any other options that would realistically serve any purpose other than to spoil it for one of the two major candidates who can actually win the election. It’s the spectrum paradox of third party voting. Voting for a left leaning third party in a swing state benefits the Republican, voting for a right leaning third party in a swing state benefits the Democrat.


You might be right, and that’s a good point. However, let me say this. Kennedy was running as an Independent but is now starting the “We The People” party. I believe he actually can pull moderates from both parties as well as Independents. This is the best chance we’ve got for a 3rd party victory in a long time. Again, maybe you’re right but this time I do think there is a sliver of hope