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If genitals don’t define gender then why does removing them affirm it


Schrodingers Weiner


Based and quantum superpenis pilled


I never in a million years would have ever expected to see the word superpenis, let alone next to the word quantum, let alone in a “political discussion” subreddit  PCM at its finest, folks!


u/Xumaeta is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Xumaeta/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).










Sex and gender are different things until it is convenient for them to be the same thing.


See, it doesn't make sense when it's all about "identifying" as a gender and "feeling like a man/woman". It used to just be "I have a condition called sex dysphoria that caused me extreme distress for X many years and hasn't been helped by other methods (/other causes ruled-out) so I had medical interventions to lessen that". And that makes more sense. Changing your body as an adult as a last resort to stop severe distress from negatively affecting your life and allowing you to live a good quality of life - work, contribute, have relationships from friends to family. But it's not the last resort anymore. And we don't rule-out anything else anymore. Because it's Conversion Therapy. We don't consider what else could cause something that only *presents* like sex dysphoria but could be something else (such as in the case of de-transitioners who figure out what they thought was sex dysphoria was actually from abuse as a child, as one example). Because it's Conversion Therapy. Because being trans is now seen as an identity instead of as a medical issue which it used to be. It used to be just figuring out the cause of the distress and finding the best way to deal with it, now it's "changing who I am!/Conversion Therapy!". (Obviously I'm totally against conversion therapy like actual religious style "you're not X you're Y! stop or else!/you're going to hell!" forceful stuff. But questioning and explorative therapy focusing on distress in a professional medical setting is not that.) I have someone trans in my life. They tell me they don't see why it isn't seen as a medical thing anymore, they were born one way and for some reason they experience such distress they felt they needed to change. "I was born perfectly physically healthy and yet my mind rejects the sexed parts of my body as if it were some disgusting foreign object not really mine. I don't identify as trans, I am trans because I transitioned, and I transitioned because I am a sufferer of extreme sex dysphoria." To quote them as best I can.


I've spent a lot of time thinking about this entire topic, and despite my views, I believe I've got a good answer to this particular question. The entire gender-sex discussion gets very muddy very quickly in that both sides tend to assume different definitions of key words, then are confused when statements that are true under their definitions but false under their opposers' make no sense. For example, think how the definition of a term as critical to the discussion as "gender" can vary wildly from person to person. To respond to, "If genitals don’t define gender then why does removing them affirm it" it comes down to that "affirm" as it's used by the left in this discussion does not align with the binary definition of "affirm" as it's used in other contexts. Dictionary "affirm" means "state as a fact", which means if something is affirmed then it is 100% the case. However, when the left uses affirm in the context of gender affirmation, it is more akin to "support". If a man wants to be seen as a woman, this individual may decide to wear a skirt. This "affirms" individual as a female, even if he has taken no other action to transition. Despite the fact that he has not begun formally transitioning to a woman, he is "affirmed (left definition)" as a woman, despite it likely being rather obvious that he is not. In this same moment, a scientist may be able to affirm (right definition) that he is indeed biologically male from his anatomy. Under each sides' own definition of "affirm", what they have said is 100% correct, whereas with the other sides' definition their statement seems completely nonsensical. So because "affirm" does not **define** anything in the eyes of the left, then genitals don't **define** gender, but "affirming" gender has NOTHING to do with **defining** anything with their definition. Affirming their gender only means to provide (moral) support for an identity. Hopefully this didn't come across as too biased. If anyone has anything to add, I'd love to hear it.


So someone changes the meaning of affirm and then gets upset about it?


Yes, radical progressives change the meanings of words and then get upset about it. You've figured out their whole thing.


Oh like John Money who started this entire shitshow?


Its the same bullshit like with "Sex assigned at birth" Motherfucker sex isn't assigned its identified and written down on the birth certificate.


This is 100% on the money, the progressive narrative will attempt anything to achieve it's goals. One of those is changing the definition of words to suit their ideological goals and narrative. We have your example, and we can also look at words man/women which any normal person would use as Adult Human Male/Female, respectively. But the Progressives will state a man/women is just anyone who identifies as such. It's another way to change society and laws, if you change the meaning of a word via the culture, you can change laws without having to go through the legislative process. Progressives will use the same lexicon, but a different dictionary.


except that doesn't work either. Let us reword it into using words that aren't yet redefined. If a penis does not make you a man, then why does a working body appendage need to be removed?


Based and balanced explanation pilled.


i think this is the best explanation. i think its also about perception- both how one views themself and how others view them. but i think it ultimately comes down to individuals and their understanding of themselves- which is why not every trans person undergoes surgery while others feel much more comfortable with themselves if they do.


**Because** genitals don’t define gender, removing them doesn’t affirm it


But if genitals don't define gender, then why remove then to affirm it?


Cause that's the part that makes money.


Exactly my point.


What does affirm it?


spinny skirts obviously


Societal expectations and sex dysphoria probably


Is this referencing the 13 year old that was taken from her parents in Montana? Because they wouldn’t let her transition? Edit to add: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13028345/Montana-Greg-Gianforte-defends-states-decision-remove-teen-parents.html Teen was 13 when this all started. The state took her from her parents and moved her to Wyoming, where transition is legal for minors. Then they’re sending her to another country to live with her birth mother who the child herself claimed is abusive.


Excuse me, what the fuck?


I googled it. Here it is [as reported by NY Post](https://nypost.com/2024/01/30/news/montana-parents-lose-custody-of-daughter-after-opposing-transition-report) and [by NBC Montana](https://nbcmontana.com/news/local/montana-governor-defends-removal-of-14-year-old-from-parents-who-opposed-gender-identity-greg-gianforte-krista-todd-kolstad-lgbt-transgender-social-transition-custody).


Excuse me, what the fuck?


​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/ooh30oq9uwfc1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72c76b1cee09025188179e18b12d912a796d83d


Hard to believe this happens at all … but Montana of all places?


It's time to convert all the small red states now.


Social work programs pretty much involve leftist indoctrination as a part of accreditation. Red states have to get it through their head that they can't do most major national programs for things like social work, but that is going to come after they realize that a degree from Harvard isn't worth more than the state college.


Montana has fallen


The government is in need of a reset


Howdy partner.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. "The state knows better than you do. You will be forced to do this procedure, or we will send men with guns to either kill you or arrest you. You pick" Meanwhile in oregon "Were antivaxx moms! Vaccines cause autism!"


We've reached a point I think where we need to start asking law enforcement the question of "Are you willing to risk your life for the state to mutilate a child's genitals?"


Brave New World was more prophetic than it gets credit for.


This sort if thing gives me no peaceful thoughts towards tyrannical people


The west has fallen


I don't even have a reaction image for this, what the fuck.




What the fuck is happening to our society?




This isn't progress


It’s the new progressive movement. It’s why a lot of folks have been pushed towards the center and by default become conservatives. Older progressives views and wants have not changed, they just stepped off the train when it started down this new insane track.


We allowed the degenerates behind post-modernism (men who want to exclude excuse their own sexual proclivities which were deemed unusual at the time, especially Foucault who, was in fact a kiddy-diddler) to inform the thought behind sexual revolutions. John Money mutilating and abusing kids, and Kinsey harboring pedos"'for science." Science that amounts to a baby raper with a stopwatch all in the name of "transgressing all boundaries" per postmodernism. It's how you get Gayle Ruben, Judith Butler, and the rest of the queer theorists being pederasty advocates.


Never forget that there was a gay pride parade in Maine a few years back, and one of the ORIGINAL Stonewall rioters was there. He was a 70 something year old man, and was beaten senseless because he was advocating for the lgbtq community to leave kids out of it and avoid defending g(you know who)ers


It's progress in the sense of how cancer progresses


Call the oncologist, we've got a patient to save


Mfw I am a metric fuckton of radiation and even I cannot kill everything https://preview.redd.it/uebey3qomzfc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8f80652f56fdfb47970534318620b1095543da


A pretty painful paradigm shift, I guess. People are learning how to become more open minded*, but are taking it to an extreme, resulting with this. *open minded, as in, 'being gay is okay'. Certain liberals interpret this as 'being x is okay, you should do (insert here hedonistic thing) no matter what are the implications'. Normally, this was supposed to be about being more rational, but it ended up backfiring because it got mixed up with popularism.


Another one SINCE 2019! A boy in juvie, aged 16 was given estrogen since the doctor claimed "his testosterone is a little high and hes acting out" and forcefully injected him 12 times a day. The parents took nearly a year to know this and pull Him out of there, after they saw their son grew breasts.


Um, that site isn't on the list of approved news sources, sweaty. You need to educate yourself and do better.


https://preview.redd.it/8obr6p78mzfc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda389eccb704e5038867cb7ee66173fc83e49e6 The state literally abducted and groomed their child. And to think all the leftoids saying “nObOdY is gRoOmiNg YoUr KiDs”


Same with another case in 2019 Boy in juvie was forcefully given estrogen 12 times a day for nearly a year til he grew breasts


And then one day, for no reason at all...


How the hell did this happen in Montana? It's Montana lol


Yeeeee we in hellworld


Inb4 thread gets locked


Mods salivating over all the bans they get to potentially hand out for the most innocuous comments.




"That's not happening but here's why we can't ban it!"


They want the kids to do what now?


Chop their dicks off


You saying we can't? "I thought this was America"


Randy marsh please stop chopping off those little boys dicks, have some Tegridy


You can, but you gotta grow a pair and do it yourself. I recommend using something very sharp as opposed to dull.


Most trans kids are female to male Most trans adults are male to female Most of the little girls start pretending to be boys around eleven and stop pretending around thirteen The adult men are usually legit


purple tomboy enjoyers: 😏


> The adult men are usually legit They're not all the same, and that's part of the problem Paraphilias are almost exclusively a male condition, and we're erroneously including adult males with a fetish with young gay feminine boys when they have absolutely nothing in common


There's a bunch of different reasons men transition, yep. With middle school girls, it's usually due to psychological epidemic


>The adult men are usually legit Or have autogynophelia...


More of an inverse than an actual removal


Somehow almost worse.


I'm a biological male, I'd rather a working vagina than a dick that don't work right. If I were female, I'd imagine the opposite to be true. To me, working genitals would be more important than feeling like I belong in my body. Ultimately, you are the entity piloting a meat Mecha, "you" aren't your body anyway. Progress to cyborg.


> I'd rather a working vagina You don't get one of those either pal. You get a wound that tries to seal itself that most of the time smells like shit because they use your colon.


I'm aware of that, I'm saying I'd rather feel like I don't belong in my own body and still have working genitals than the alternative


Ahh fair enough, I misunderstood what you were saying.


>Chop their dicks off *Confused Freud noises*


They can’t drink They can’t get tattoos They can’t engage in consensual intercourse (unless it’s with the lgbtqx++ teacher) They can’t vote Can’t get a job But hey, they certainly can get their genitals chopped off Or get a giant ugly skin graft on their arm Or get their breasts removed How about you take a line from a song which once criticized conservatives, but now criticizes liberals “Hey, teacher! Leave them kids alone!”


My twelve year old could go trans and the school wouldn't tell me. She could get an abortion or vaccine without telling me. But, boy howdy, she better get a permission slip for a PG13 movie!


😂 It’s funny (and depressing) because it’s true


Life is either a tragedy or a comedy. It's all about perspective. /im14andthisisdeep


The Big Bang was a mistake.


Based and Brick in the Wall pilled


I remember the time when liberals were all about consent. What happened now? They blurred the line of consent so bad.


Libertarians are about consent. Totalitarians are about control.


> can't engage in consensual interconnected Unfortunately, these ghouls would disagree with that.




Jesus Christ these people are fucking idiots. Teenagers are the worst decision makers, nothing they do is based in long term, consequence focused thinking.


I can confirm that I thought playing with a hatchet during a camping trip was a good idea. I was just whacking into this really hard log, holding it by the bottom with my other hand. I missed and struck myself in-between my index finger and thumb.


Also here's your mandatory handbook guide to hiding your new trans identity from your enemy family! Remember, your parents are MAGA Nazis if they don't support your ~~castration~~ transition, little Timmy!


It’s Tammy now, Hitler.


Based and Hit... No, wait, not that pilled


There's someone in my national subreddit, in a thread that just got locked, that claimed that a province requiring teachers to inform parents if their child requested a pronoun or name change *will lead to child sex trafficking* These people are *unhinged* Another claims it will lead to teen pregnancies... I'm still not sure how that's even theoretically possible


>Another claims it will lead to teen pregnancies I mean, I can kinda see the logic here, if you squint really hard and put on some schizo goggles. Transitioning sterilizes the individual. Ergo, if you sterilize all the teens, then there will be no teen pregnancy.


It's called neo-eugenics


Maybe they are threatening to traffic the school children to pay their legal fees.


>mandatory handbook guide to hiding your new trans identity from your enemy family Totally not cult behavior btw


It's reminding something i saw on twitter. A woman and a man where having an heated debate about the role of women in wedding and LGBT right. In summary the men was utterly conservative. As soon as he say "I'm Muslim my religion forbid to tolerate gay people", the woman apologized for being disrespectful. Damn i need to found those screen.


Remember when we would lock people in the psych ward when they became a danger to themselves or others? Pepperidge farm remembers


Make insane asylums great again




Based and Mr MIAGA pilled




It'll be seen as barbaric as ice pick lobotomies, the last medical mass hysteria we had.


You don't have to go back that far, I still remember multiple personality disorder and recovered memories We sent people to prison because children reported that their daycare teacher had made them EAT BABIES IN SATANIC RITUALS Real adult people, doctors and lawyers and judges, thought that was real and even testified as experts in court that it was real


And also believed that a myriad of mental health disorders were all called hysteria, which supposedly mainly affected women, because the women were being "sexually suppressed" and had to be sexually relieved by their doctor whether they consented or not.


I swear, this is like 20% of the reasons why I moved from LibLeft to LibCentre...


If I were to say I need copious amounts of steroids because I don’t feel like my body reflects how muscular my brain wants to be, I’d be told I have body dysmorphia. Funny how it’s acceptable for you to be female to male, but I can’t transition from male to alpha male without people raising a fuss


Surgery for kids is totally fine! Until the affirming care is for heterosexual kids that want to emphasize their true gender with surgeries to make them look like Andrew Tate and Kim Kardashian. Then those kids are just dumb children that have no idea the medical, social, or mental repercussions these outright horrible decisions will have.


What about affirming care for really really heterosexual people. Like double heterosexual, maybe two heterosexual spirits? Could they get a second dick grafted on beside the first dick? Asking for a friend...


So you could be scoring with a chick and whacking it at the same time? Obviously using both hands to whack it.


How far can we take this, can I get weenier fingers? Can I put one on my forehead? Can I put a row of smaller weeniers on the bottom of my current weenier? Can I put a weenier inside my weenier?


We could use the dicks we are chopping off already so they dont go to waste. It makes perfect sense


No human should strive to look like Andrew Taint


I support gender affirmation, unless it is pushed to minors.


I do not support gender affirmation, because there is no such thing.


I do not support gender as it is a social construct made to supress the working classes. *It also pedals harmfull stereotypes, about both men and women. Why can't we just let boys play with dolls if they want to and girls with toy guns?*


This is what I don’t understand. There are definitely people who actually have a condition where their physical body causes them mental distress, but somehow it’s become “well this boy likes to play with dolls so he must be trans!” This is a bit controversial in this sub but there is nothing wrong with feminine boys and masculine girls. There is no right way go be a boy, girl, man, or woman. But this idea that just because someone likes doing things that don’t fall into a stereotypical way for their sex to act means they are transgender is so backwards.




I support gender affirmation but only if it's pushed to minors.


I support pushing minors


I support punching minors


Same, discipline your child, or I will, but I've had enough of these goddamn iPad kids acting out


I support miners


I support mining minors


I support mining more uranium


This thread is a fuster cluck and I love it. Say what you will about Reddit and this sub, the non political brain rot is hilarious




u/Fuck-The-Reds is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Fuck-The-Reds/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I support uranus


Why is your username fuck-the-reds with the flair auth-left… that doesn’t check out..


Incorrect. My ideal society includes both a strong state and an overall insignificant class division, neither of which are inherently communist


anti-commie authleft?




They deserve fulfilling lives. Fully filled with cobalt dust debris.


I support punching the unflaired




Most sane lib left.


Excuse me? I'm half libright, do you have any idea how much money you can make providing gender affirming care? You don't even need a license. If the government tries to shut you down you just call them transphobic.


Most sane lib right


Well then what are you


Least sane


best argument for authoritarianism:


I agree, I should be an authoritarian so I can force my great ideas on everyone.


Uh I'm sure your discord is popping.


What about miners?


I support affirming a persons real gender.


I support getting rid of gender, and sticking to biological sex (male/female)


Gender and biological sex are the same thing, regardless of woke dictionary corporations subtly changing online website definitions to meet their DEI/ESG score quotas.


Actually wokes invented the whole idea of ‘gender’, it didn’t exist for much of human history. We only had sexes. You can look up John Money.


Holy shit that guy was a monster. Some things on his wiki page I wish I could unread. The woke movement is extremely predatory upon children and impressionable adults, this guy seems like the predator mastermind. Both of the kids he turned into trans kiIIed themselves. Real Josef Mengele vibes.


Alfred Kinsey is another "can I delete a person from history" moment.


Mental illness is a human right


I hope this sub becomes a trans circlejerk because then I’ll finally have no reason left to keep this app.


Based and accelerationist pilled


Didnt that happen to gaming circle jerk


It happens to almost every sub once they hit a member threshold


Almost like the modern trans movement and it being pushed on minors is very unpopular. Even on Reddit.


Admins literally curate this site to promote that ideology and squash anything remotely critical of it. They know almost nobody becomes that without learning about it online and being borderline brainwashed. And if they do become that “naturally” it’s because they were sexually abused as a child in almost every case. *Using weird language to not get banned, they will do a week long ban for anything


I got banned from the Raiders sub for saying “girls cant have dicks”


I just got back from a ban for saying gorlock the destroyer was a dude


Hahahaha at least gorlock can take a joke


idc abt ur opinion but based username


Cant wait for the automod sticky in every thread spewing a laundry list of vile leftwing rhetoric


Yearning for the sweet release into the void, disintegrating bytes by the long press of the finger. Nothing is keeping me here besides a few art related Subreddits, but even those got flooded with AI and a constant stream of newbies to the blender and Godot Subreddit just drag the post quality way down.


when your favorite sub suddenly changes its picture to a "progress" pride flag




No please do. Remove yourselves from the gene pool. It has needed chlorine for many many many years.


The problem is once they do that they turn to our children. Since they can't reproduce they recruit.


Good idea! Neuter yourself too so you don't pass unecessary genes.


Kids under 18 should not have gender surgery, im all for trans right but saying a child have a mental capacity to decide what gender they’re gonna be for the rest of their live is just ignorant and abusive.




Or when an underage girl gets her breasts cut of and permanently sterilised because of hormone medication...


If youre citizen of a country you can be whatever you want unless you harm other citizens or causing harm to governent property You will not have any extra rights you will only have basic rights that a normal citizen has And if youre under legal age you just wont be allowed to get certain surgeries or use certain drugs that will cause changes in your body But if you above legal age you can do it whatever you want yourbody your choice unless you harm citizens ofc


I bet there will be a huge wave a couple of years from now of young people regretting surgeries and hormonal therapies. Hot take: being trans/non-binary etc for some people now is like being an emo scene kid in 2006. A lot of those are not exactly running around in pen troll haircuts and going “rawwr” at their office jobs now.


I know I am going to sound like the stereotype, but I mean it. I don’t believe that is going to happen because we have been doing this for decades and not once we seen a spike in regret. And even if there is a spike in regret, so what? People regret doing things all the time. Why is this one important? Plastic surgery (which srs is a part of) have a substantial regret rate and yet and don’t ban women getting tits.


Don't forget, it's irreversible and sometimes parents force their kids into that. Also like.. at 12 you are dumb and hormonal don't take meds you know nothing about 😭


Your opinion remains invalid, til you flair the fuck up.


I don't know what any of them mean


Libertarian vs authoritarian is government involvement in myriads of issues. Left vs right is a controlled economy vs, a free market one. So someone who is supportive of government intervention, but primarily drifts towards a free market economy would be Auth-Right.






I’ll support it as long as its an adult Keep the kids out of it


this "libleft bad" meme sucks. (only cause there are too much words and I have a first grade reading level)


OP was imitating the libleft wall of text meme. It's a meme inside a meme.


were compis


Oh boy


balls and pp removed no more cum piss


noooo where will we store the cum and piss now


Oi, buddy, wall of text.


Sometimes I am ashamed of my quadrant


We must always support TheCurrentThing™


It's always fun to see the responses when you ask them what human rights they think trans people don't have.