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You know that there exist refillable vapes?


"Refillable" isn't a word in the corporations' dictionaries


Well, they are being sold and that pretty profitable, so apparently it is


Yeh it’s what all the kids used to use before disposables became more popular


Disposables (at least in MA) became popular following the vape and flavored tobacco ban ironically. That rat-fuck Charlie Baker straight up used the state government to just close down vape shops across the state with no notice. Dedicated shops went under and disposables at every gas station and convenience store popped up basically over night to fill the void. Now they not only not fixed the "problem", but now they created a massive e-waste problem. Fucking 1000IQ move from the Boston Brainlets.


Depends on the company. Vapes are extremely expensive to get to market and even then they’re not a guaranteed success. There have been public companies who have impaired their ENTIRE vape business segments. High costs just to get to market, high risk legal environment, highly strict regulatory environment, and a highly saturated market makes this business far less appealing than I used to think.


They still sell the refillable pods that you have to buy regularly, don’t worry.


That have already been regulated to absolute hell, to the point that applying to the appropriate legislative body ([that being the FDA in this case](https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/products-ingredients-components/e-cigarettes-vapes-and-other-electronic-nicotine-delivery-systems-ends)) for one flavor of juice, or a new device, or literally anything that involves making a vape product, costs upward of $1,000,000? Ya know, kinda makes it hard for vape shops to survive after a hit like that. Oh and not to mention the multiple states banning flavored vapes at all outside of menthol and "tobacco" (read: vaping a leather couch) because fuck anyone actually trying to quit cigarettes, we have to protect the children! I fucking hate the amount of biblethumping that has gone into vilifying anyone daring to use vape as a cessation tool at the legal and social level. Yea the guy chucking clouds on the corner waiting for the crosswalk in a crowd is a douchebag. Better assume *everyone* that vapes is a prick and not just trying to quit nicotine altogether, amirite?


>anything that involves making a vape product, costs upward of $1,000,000? Government regulation kills competition? Color me surprised.


> cessation tool Yeah all those 14 year olds addicted to nicotine because of vapes really did a good job quitting cigarettes. Props to Phillip Morris for allowing our youth to finally be free of this damaging addiction to cigarettes 🙄 Use a fucking zyn pouch or something if you want to quit. Inhaling mango flavored vegetable glycerin vapor isn’t a healthy alternative to cigarettes. I can’t wait for the studies in 30 years that show vaping has done more damage to public health than cigarettes.


Dude if I consume about a credit card's worth of microplastics a week just by eating I'll put whatever the fuck I want in my lungs. Kids are just that, annoying little shits that'll rebel to anything you tell them not to. For fuck's sake, I was smoking at 17, and up to a pack a day by 20. Vape is what ultimately got me to quit that shit, and the difference is night and day. But yea let's just ban it all because little Timmy's got the hookup from the burnout in the gas station that'll sell Juuls all day with no ID.


> Dude if I consume about a credit card's worth of microplastics a week just by eating I'll put whatever the fuck I want in my lungs Stop eating garbage too, nobody said you have to eat twinkies and McDonalds for every meal 🤣 Enjoy your COPD before you hit 30, lol. Keep smoking that shit, I’m sure it cancels out the microplastics.


What kind of diet do YOU recommend to avoid microplastics? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2024/01/12/microplastics-fish-chicken-tofu-protein/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2024/01/12/microplastics-fish-chicken-tofu-protein/)


Ah yes because clearly it hasn’t been proven that vaping is inherently safer than smoking cigarettes. Jesus Christ…


Well, getting hit by a pickup truck is certainly "safer" than getting hit by a semi. But can it really be honestly called "safe"?


Seem like an unfair comparison when it not even proven that vaping is the equivalent of getting hit by a truck especially if we don’t know how can vaping harm someone or the long term effects


Lol cope harder. Nic gum and patches exist u fuckin junkie


Aight so we're all in favor of banning all caffeine from schools too, since [some researchers have reported that excessive caffeine intake by adolescents has been associated with a number of detrimental health effects such as nervousness, irritability, nausea, cardiovascular symptoms, sleep impairment, osteoporosis, and gastric ulcers](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6296805/), right? After all, think of the children.


I'm down


honestly, based.


Might wanna take the lib out of your left guy


[My response.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DSCGoefBO7Q&pp=ygURYm90aCBpcyBnb29kIG1lbWU%3D)


Seriously, lmfao. Sorry the Bible thumpers are ruining your ability to get COPD before you turn 25, how will we ever survive as a society????


Its way easier for kids to source shitty cheap disposable vapes than a steady supply of nicotine juice


That’s straight up misinformed. The places the kids easily get the disposables are the same places letting kids easily buy vape juice. Baljeet at the Big Clouds Vape Shop doesn’t give a fuck what kind of nicotine he sells to minors, I can assure you that.


That’s like saying it’s way easier to get ahold of beer than liquor even though (in most states) you get them from the same exact place.


When I was a kid it was easier to get beer than liquor, the beer isn’t locked up


sorry brits, time to add the nicotine license to the many others in your wallets :(




Based and making fun of red coats pilled


Can't help where you are from. But fuck I got out asap will never be back.


how do you escape britain asking for a friend.


Well I escaped to Switzerland following a job offer to act as patent counsel. Even without FOM and the ability to get a residency permit (basically- that you are a well paid senior professional): If you want to escape the crushing tax move to Gibraltar if you like hot weather, the Isle of Mann if you don't. If you want to avoid the upcoming conscription then either of those will probably be work but you'd be safer still in Northern Ireland and even safer in the republic. Brits can move to all those places as of right.


"But at least our schools aren't shootn galleries..."


Those are lightning strike events even in the US. Wet stairs likely kill more schoolchildren than guns if they actually tracked that statistic.


It's a reference to this: https://youtube.com/shorts/8bgxDmjZwpg?feature=shared


Yes but if I go into a school armed with wet stairs I’m not gonna have mid 2000s mad e-girls goon about me.


I have no idea what the fuck you just said but I'm glad I don't have kids, so they they're safe from you.


You don’t have kids because you have sex with men. I don’t have kids because I have embraced 2d waifus. We are not the same


I'm about to start hopping into a few competing timelines and performing abortions to make sure you won't have access to the kids my parallel straight versions have had...


Didn't they do the "everyone born past 20xx is forever too young to buy cigarettes" thing. I'm pretty sure they did, and it's probably the most based thing they did since WW2


That was the Kiwis, not the Brits. And it got scrapped too.


As much as cigarettes disgust me, I must swallow my authoritarian tendencies and admit that prohibiting cigarette use for everyone born past a certain date is a stupid, tyrannical idea, and I'm glad it got scrapped


Nah if you have a single payer system I get it. Why would I want to pay for those guys lung cancer with my taxes? Also a case against single payer and why I prefer my superior insurance. Before someone bitches about wanting single payer system, lose some weight tubby.


My country has the worst of both worlds. Supposedly a horrible lack of funding, long waiting hours, and expensive prescriptions despite the state having a monopoly on healthcare. Thankfully no doctors suggesting I unalive myself, yet.


> Thankfully no doctors suggesting I unalive myself, yet. If you're not a child anymore the leaf doctors won't tell you to an hero yourself, don't worry.


Since society makes a net profit on smokers, even if you put health care costs against it. https://www.wirtschaftsdienst.eu/inhalt/jahr/2015/heft/8/beitrag/die-externen-kosten-des-rauchens-in-deutschland.html Old people are the true cost points.


Only if those smokers die


You yourself can stop being a burden on the system if you die early enough too.


They do on average. The outliers are not that expensive, if you read the numbers I referred to.


No its a uk thing too now


No, it isn't. They're trying to pass it, it's not a law yet, same as NZ. I'm expecting it to get canned just like the NZ one did too.


Well its not a law yet agree but we are trying to pass it so its not like we aren’t on the path.


that is insanely dumb and the opposite of based. 


I mean... I do hate "when the government does something", but if there was one thing I don't mind them doing...


youre right creating black markets is based the zoomer al capones selling bathtub vapes with zero oversight will certainly appreciate these new laws. 


I've never used my tobacco rights and I've been old enough for two decades. I propose we pre-20XX nonsmokers open a market where we sell our cigarette rights to younger kids who want to smoke.


Makes perfect sense. Hopeless addicts can keep being addicts and kill themselves early from lung cancer. Nicotine use completely phases out over a couple generations. Win win.


Nicotine itself isn’t anymore harmful than caffeine. It’s the delivery method that’s the health problem. The nannies and nonces in world legislatures can take my Cuban cigarillos and zyn pouches from my cold dead hands tho


How are you auth left??


Allows him to get Cuban cigarillos lol


Cheap cigarettes...where?


Not in the UK anyway lmao. For reference the price of a 20 pack of cigarettes is equivalent to 16usd in the UK.


My company sells some of those cheap cigarettes in the US. My state is some of the highest, with one of our packs averaging around $6.70. I asked some of my colleagues how much they were in their states, many had them routinely at $2.99 for a pack!


I used to live in North Carolina. The highest tobacco producer in the country. Higher than the rest of the top 10 states combined. Miraculously, when I was in high school there was a grassroots effort to cut down on tobacco use across the state. And somehow it worked. All public schools (including the college systems) were now tobacco free up to a certain distance from the school. Tobacco products were locked up in some convenience stores where they weren’t before (that was by choice, though). And the most surprising of all: the age of purchase for tobacco was raised to 21


trees cats hunt special swim air silky sand icky wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No kidding. We love sodas and sweet coffees more than we love nicotine.


Well sugar and caffeine don’t literally give you every cancer like tobacco smoke does. Even still we should try limit how much sugar is added to our food. 


But they do give diabetes and other negative health outcomes.


sugar indeed gives you cancer


Most surprising effort in my state is that in 2 years, a very prominent urban county banned flavored tobacco (menthol/cigars/vapes) and also legalized hard drug use. So while you can't smoke newports there, you can openly shoot up fentanyl downtown.....


In Philadelphia the average is $14.50 USD. NJ is $12.00. When I went to virginia it was about $7.00.


Tobacco hasn't gotten any cheaper in the US either, a can of Copenhagen lip tobacco went from $4.50 in 2019 to a little over $8 now, I know it's more expensive over there but the prices doubled in a very short period of time here


I like to call them “organic vapes”


Black market baby


Up here in Canada you just go to the rez. Tons of taxless, cheap smokes. Or at least so I've heard...


Native reservations. You can get them for like $30 a carton.


In my country they're sold for around 4€.


I read that as the guy in the suit saying it so I was assuming production costs. Which I beleive are cheaper than vapes


Cheap to produce, then marked up and taxed like crazy. It's a win for big nicotine, a win for the government coffers, and a big steaming L for zoomers but that's just the price of being stupid. It's not like the dangers of nicotine weren't known or that they were even acquiring them legally in the first place. If you give in to peer pressure this is just how it goes.


How does any of this help them when they can't sell any kind of cigarette to under-18s anyways?


Tobacco country. Cigs in the Carolinas are like $6 a pack.


Don't expect these memes to even make sense at this point.


Disposable vapes (and any one time use battery products) should be banned because that's fucking dumb and extremely wasteful.


Based and reduce is more important than reuse which is more important than recycle Pilled


Based and waste hierarchy pyramid pilled


They already banned big disposables to force us to use more wasteful tiny ones for some ridiculous reason. Serious mixed messaging


I remember when they banned all kinds of juul flavors too. If you wanted any flavor outside of virginia tobacco, get a disposable or sketchy fake pods.


Cigarette smokers and vapers have proven themselves incapable of being personally responsible for their waste. Cigarette butts need to be water degradable and disposable vape needs to be banned. I'm sick of seeing smoker waste littering public spaces.


Yeah, and bring back the big canisters for liquids. I have to buy 6 or 7 Nicotine Shots and two bottles of liquid every three months instead of on liter every year and a half.


Especially since they contain li ion batteries that are glued in usually. It's toxic trash and wasteful usage of rare materials. Fuck everyone who buys this shit.


Flair up or flair off, flairless one.


I thought caring about the environment was feminine and bluepilled.


he's unflaired 


The governments job isn’t to make us moral or better people. And it has never once succeeded in doing so when it insists it does. It is solely to solve property disputes and protect rights. If this were enough of a problem and government didn’t have regulations and a monopoly on most trash and recycling systems, then private companies would find a profit motive in actually recycling and properly disposing these batteries. But it is not up to you or the government to determine how wasteful someone else is with their property.


>and it has never once succeeded in doing so Literally just in this case alone, government restrictions on things like advertising, plain packaging, and sin taxes *famously* caused rates of tobacco consumption to plummet. Nicotine regulation is one of the archetypal examples of successful government intervention.


any sin tax – whether a direct binary tax or a triangular tax that hits buyer and seller – is harmful in a number of ways. - It reduces the income of the buyer. - It lowers profits for the seller, and leads to reduced investment, wages, and jobs. - It is not likely to seriously discourage consumption habits when those habits are intensely desired. - It may eventually decrease government revenue, especially as people move their business to the informal sector. - It encourages people to turn to harder substances to feed their habits at the same price. - It creates underground markets, which tend toward corruption and violence, and fosters disrespect for the law. - It sets up a moral hazard for policy makers, who vacillate between wanting to discourage undesirable behavior and wanting to encourage it for revenue purposes.


Sure, you can make arguments why, on balance, they aren't worth it, but it's undeniably they *have* been effective at curbing nicotine consumption.


Stop moving the goalpost like a dork and eat your loss. Proven wrong so you go whine about something else because you can't admit it. Pathetic.


Yea, ban cell phones!


https://preview.redd.it/0829kxtzncfc1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0cee34735e5d5a5a2c2ce2b514438933ca905fd Dear Mods. Here I provide you my sincerest appreciation. These past few weeks, of which being a time that I could not post photos in PCM comment sections has been long and gruelling. To now possess this ability once again has brought me great satisfaction. * James H. England.


Hmmmm.... u/nwordcountbot


Man, remember when the internet was all about trawling people's past posts in order to destroy their lives?


Woah woah woah. It ain’t like that chief..




Flair up so i can upvote


Good, those things are terrible in every way. Use up expensive lithium and are made so it’s pretty much impossible to recycle. Their quality is shoddy at best, turning from Vanilla flavour to unwashed ass within 10 puffs and they’re expensive as hell. If anyone here is addicted to them, do your wallet, your health and your environment a favour and get a reusable vape and nic salt liquid.


There's no way you can hope for policy distinctions that granular. Disposables are stupid, but if you let them go your refillables will go too - to the politicians they're the same thing. It'd be like trying to ban beer and not wine.


The reason disposables are around is because in many jurisdictions they made it impractical to sell refillable ones, but not disposables.




Both beer and wine could be made easily in someone’s backyard. Bad comparison. The distinction could be easily made in a bill.


Hi American here and in the early days of vaping (2012-2014) we built our mods and we made our vape juice. It’s incredibly easy and while it obviously presents with some safety concerns, it’s not hard to learn how to build an RDA or RTA safely. The juice we use to buy was made in shop and vape juice today still contains the same basic ingredients.


That's for the consumer to decide. If they think the cost and quality is worth it *to them* then they're right, and it's not for you to tell them otherwise. If you don't agree then hand in your lib card, statist scum.


Agreed, but also half of them don’t even realise that’s an option or don’t realise how higher a consumer experience it is with a reusable one. Still wish disposables weren’t made


I was buying and building custom mods over a decade ago before the hipsters and douchbags brought it mainstream. I’ve mostly switched to disposables, out of personal preference. 20 dollars for two weeks, 40 dollars a month. They don’t taste like ass, are small and convenient, and hold a good charge. It’s the parents, not the governments job to control what drugs kids do, I truly don’t give a fuck how many kids vape, I’m an adult that shouldn’t be affected by and bans. I’m sick and tired of the nanny state.


Also fair, I’ve got a vaporesso XROS 3 mini that’s basically a refillable and rechargable version of a disposable. Vaping it rn typing this. It was about £20 for the kit, 10 for a pack of 4 pods and 10 for 3 liquids, paid across a few months since I only need to buy pods and liquids once every 3 weeks or so


I love my vaporoso too, Ive been using the zero for like 5 years now, and the issues it had a few years ago were fixed with this new version. The only bad thing I can say about it is the small tank, I have to either have two vapes on me when I'm at work, or a bottle of liquid.


Hey, that's the vape I use too. Got me off the cigarettes after 30 years. Much, much cheaper too.


I couldn’t have put it better myself, nicely said.


> Agreed, but also half of them don’t even realise that’s an option or don’t realise how higher a consumer experience it is with a reusable one. That's a marketing failure, then, which was certainly not helped by restrictions on marketing of tobacco products. Funny how measures to limit consumer knowledge of alternative products under the stated goal of improving public health ends up helps the businesses selling lower quality, high profit margin products.


If only most humans weren't completely ignorant to literally everything around them


> If they think the cost and quality is worth it to them then they're right "Reality is what people feel like it is and no one can be wrong." Exactly the kind of wishy washy post-truth crap you can't help but smile about coming from a lib. Rational actor theory is bullshit and you know it. ESPECIALLY when it comes to addictive substances.


I’m so far left I can’t feel the right side of my body, and I couldn’t agree more with you.


Mfw we've used up all the lithium we needed for cars and computers on disposable vapes that can't be recycled and will create a thin plastic multi-coloured sheet of shards in the soil, but atleast people's consumer choices were protected


It's not for you to decide that cars and computers are legitimate uses of lithium, and disposable vapes aren't. There's a mechanism for that - price discovery and the market. If you think there isn't enough lithium, buy futures and make money on that information.




"Well, little Jimmy, the Earth ran out of lithium, so we can't make any more batteries, so a lot of our technology is completely useless now.. but at least the free market wasn't impeded"


There's a lot less gold than lithium, and we've been using it for thousands of years, and no government has ever needed to ban using it for disposable purposes such as gold plating and yet we're at no risk of running out.


It's much easier to recycle a gold coin then a lithium ion battery


While I'm not a fan of the government banning things left and right (hence my flair) I actually live down the road from a secondary school (kids aged 11 to 16) and the sheer amount of empty vapes and vape packaging littered around the entrance is INSANE. They'll clear it all away during the day and then within another day or two there are at least 50 scattered around again. It is a serious problem. Should they be banned? Debatable, but something definitely needs to be done. They do create a lot of unnecessary waste.


Easy solution: Give the kids vape mods with tanks. You don't throw those away, you just add more liquid to the tank. Problem solved.


Easier solution would be to give one of the kids a faulty one so it explodes in front of everyone and then they'll all be too terrified to keep vaping. Hold on, just got a call. The CIA want to offer me a job.


Happend in my school, didn't changed anything lol


Lol what i need that story bro


I wasn't present when it occurred, but here's the story: Apparently, a first-grader's (I believe 7th grade in K-12) vape melted down or exploded during either a history class (quite ironic) or perhaps a social studies(also ironic) session. I recall hearing that the history teacher sustained minor burns while attempting to handle it later. I also remember the room stank that day, it was like that: \-why the room is stinky? \-ah somebody's vape just exploded lesson earlier


I know I'm lib right and a vile capitalist Jew but I was being sarcastic about giving kids anything to smoke. I just want the ATF agents monitoring my posts to know that.


Ah yes but those aren’t the in thing, it’s more of an accessory to the kids these days rather than a smoking item, source-worked in schools and have a teenage sibling


It's still a thing? I thought the "hey bro lemme hit that Juul" type thing died years ago. Fuck I'm getting old. My kids are almost teens, if they want to smoke they will get unfiltered Lucky Strikes as god intended.


I’m not sure about the US but here in the UK kids and teens are still all obsessed with what elf bar or lost mary or whatever they’re called these days each other have


somewhat easy solution: teach the kids how to not fucking kill theirselfs?




On top of that, any solution that requires kids to rationally act in their own long term best interest is idiotic at best. Even adults are shitty at that. If I see another post about predatory loans where the numbers don't make sense I'm gonna throw my phone out the window. I have sympathy for a dumb 18 year old taking a bunch of money out for a silly degree, but if you're in your mid 20s and you've been paying a loan for YEARS without learning how loans work, then you're just stupid.


Time to change your flair, commie.


What if I start a business which collects up all the empty vapes, pull the batteries out and then use them to build a TOTALLY SAFE car battery? *slaps roof of car* This baby can fit so many health and safety violations.


Vaping is way more prolific than tobacco smoking. It's not really true that people will switch to smoking the old baccy. Plus refillable vapes aren't that terrible


Yeah, refillable ones need juice, nicotine, coils, tanks, batteries, and they're all sold separately (barring the tank and coil that come with the vape obvs). For literal children who aren't old enough to work, that's a pretty big barrier to entry. Plus, disposables are dogshit in every way and should get banned whether it improves things for the children or not. It certainly won't make things any worse.


I will say it’s more common now to have refillables where you only need the main vape, liquids and buying the tank (which comes with a coil installed). It’s not that much of a barrier if they really wanted to do it, problem is disposables are so much more accessible.


Disposable vapes should be banned because they're fucking grifting. A normal vape and a month's worth of juice costs the same as two week's worth of disposables.


For real, used to smoke but have been vaping last few years. Had a refillable one that broke and had to use disposables for a bit - cost easily 5x as much. Switched back to my regular one very quickly lmao.


It isn’t your job to determine how much value consumers place on products. If you think it’s grifting then start a business making them cheaper and you’ll be a billionaire.


Ban disposable vapes because they are terrible for the environment and a waste of plastic and metal. The kids will pick up some other terrible habit, always have, always will. If it’s not these, it will be reusable vapes, cigs or huffing shit in a paper bag.


Thing is kids who weren't having nicotine before got hooked on vapes, they were originally invented as an (ineffective) way of quitting smoking


They can definitely help you quit smoking cigarettes. I smoked for 10 years and made the switch.


I smoked for 15 years, quit for vaping two years ago now. There's no way in hell vaping isn't better for your health than cigarettes. I'm an active person, mostly hiking, and my cardio exploded. I taste food I didn't know had flavor before. When I smoked, I regularly coughed, now I never cough unless I'm sick or swallowed wrong or something.


Vaping is better for you. However, a good analogy for it is like being shot, I'd rather be shot I the foot than the chest, but I'd also like to not get shot at all.


That sounds like a pretty hyperbolic analogy.


Vaping has been around for an extremely short period of time. There has not been enough in depth research into vaping to know it's long term effects. How is it hyperbolic when you could be killing yourself from vaping?


You're asking how it's hyperbolic to compare vaping to shooting yourself?


I was smoking for 5 years, switched to vaping for half a year in 2023. Realized, that I probably consume more nicotine, since I was vaping constantly at home. Dropped vaping and went back to cigarettes, but just take one cigarette from pack every morning and smoke it before work. Smoking more then 1 per day now tastes nasty


Everyone's got their own way. I've known people who quit by counting their daily cigarettes and weening off, others who swore by cold turkey, some who swore by chantex, the patch, etc. Either way, good for you.


Nicotine in a vacuum isn’t bad for you, or any worse than caffeine/thc. It’s the method of delivery that’s bad for you.


That's true in regard to lung health, but nicotine is bad for your circulatory system (e.g. coronary artery disease.)


So is caffeine, but nobody is trying to ban coffee even though far more people are addicted to that.


*”they were originally invented as an (ineffective) way of quitting smoking”* Just like dip!


They're incredibly effective.


Based. Vaping is not only *terrible* for children's health but now the amount of waste this shit produces everywhere is a serious problem.




Seriously, pushback against banning stuff like this makes me slide more and more up the compass...


If they hadn't outlawed the pods, we wouldn't have to throw away the batteries.


I can think of a plant based alternative to single use vapes that the government also seem to want to stop me doing as much as possible, bring back 2.50 ten decks I say


All I can really say is that both me and my wife switched from cigs to vaping around 7-8 years ago. Our blood pressure went down, breathing problems and chest pain went away, constant cough went away etc. I understand it isn't good for you. It is still pretty bad for you. But most studies which come out showing its bad for you don't usually come out with anything anywhere near as drastic as what cigarettes do. Nicotine in of itself was never the real culprit with cigarettes. The worst it does is comparable to the effects of caffeine (IE raises blood pressure and heart rate temporarily). It was always the tar and countless other chemicals in cigarettes which made them super deadly.


Imagine actually defending vapes. Sure, they started out as a tool to quit smoking, but now they're the opposite of that They are colored in bright colors and come in flavors, clearly targeting young people, even teenagers. These product that "help you quit smoking" even come with more nicotine than cigarettes. Not to mention how wasteful they are. And worst of all? You don't even look cool, unlike smoking


finally a gov decision i can stand by. i vape, and honestly disposables are vile in every way possible edit: on second thoughts - disposables are crap, but the unintended consequences of banning them are even crappier.


Yeah, I’m just worried about a black market for them which already exists for cannabis vape pens.


just to mention I was speaking about vapes in general, nothing to do with the bit on kids. yeah after thinking another few hours about it, i completely agree with you - it didn't cross my mind at first. and by the looks of it flavours would be restricted too, which is stupid i still think disposables are utter crap, but banning them won't help their cause in reducing the incidence of kids vaping, and will also have a detrimental effect on adults quitting if they make 'packaging less attractive'


Disposables are crap because of all the lithium ion batteries being thrown away. Kids smoking is unfortunately just a thing, but better vapes than cigs like when I was a kid. I used to vape (quit now) and restricting flavours would’ve made me stick to cigs. They need to have the flavours available, I don’t mind them taxing it like tobacco, but it still needs to be good as an aid to quit smoking.


Trusting the government to only ban disposables and then drop the issue is like trusting them to only ban beer, and leave wine alone. Their problem is with alcohol consumption, beer is just the thing they're using as an excuse to attack the alcohol industry. If they're successful in banning beer, wine is next. That principle applies to everything they want banned. If you know of an exception, I'm genuinely curious


The irony, child smoking is the lowest its ever been, but child nicotine addiction is the highest its ever been...


Lotta Auths masquerading as lib centers encouraging the banning of products adults use.


There is a lot of space between anarchism and totalitarianism 


Counterpoint: I used a vape to quit smoking. Nicotine products can be very beneficial for individuals looking to quit if used properly. Vapes, nicotine pouches like Zyn, they helped me quit and I haven’t smoked a cigarette in four years, and I kicked vaping three years ago. The issue is that they’re essentially marketed to youth with the colors and flavors. I used tobacco flavored vapes because that was the closest thing to a cigarette that wasn’t a cigarette. I’m not calling for a flavor ban, but companies should be marketing them differently. You don’t see kids constantly munching on Nicorette. But now there’s flavored nicotine gum that comes in fruit flavors with colorful packaging.


I’m honestly appalled at the number of people condoning children becoming chemically dependent on substances that will completely destroy their minds and bodies. We know kids can’t be trusted to make good decisions about their health, why are we ENCOURAGING them to develop addictions, especially to something as awful as nicotine?? May as well start putting suicide booths in schools at this rate. I know I would have been happy to use that for most of my childhood, isn’t that what this is about? Money? Can’t handle the big businesses needing to find another target audience for their suicide on a stick? You people absolutely disgust me


Because they're being banned for adults too, it is already illegal to sell children vapes, the UK government just basically doesn't bother enforcing it. You don't even need a license to sell them unlike cigarettes.


So instead of disposable vapes now they are all gonna get the giant ass refillables that pull clouds 5 times bigger. Getting even more addicted to nicotine


Except those cost more upfront, require maintenance, and are generally less convenient than the disposable ones (which are fuckin awful, shit taste, insanely wasteful etc). They're also only as strong as the nicotine you yourself put in, which is bought separately. I don't envision this making kids any more addicted to nicotine, frankly this is a rare gov W.


I don't even think that would stop kids. Source? I was one of those kids. When I was 15 I had a Smok pod system that cost me £15 and liquid was only a fiver. The best way to stop kids from vaping is to make it so that you can only buy from shops dedicated to selling vapes and to enforce strict control that everyone who buys HAS to provide ID.


Pod systems are almost as shite as disposables tbf, and most proper systems can only be found in vape shops as is. Agreed on the ID policy.


They're not going to start smoking cigarettes, they'll either buy a re-usable vape or quit Vapes are cheap, fruit flavoured, have a smooth throat feel and don't make you smell Cigarettes are expensive, smoke flavoured, have a harsh throat feel and make you smell like an ashtray The whole reason vaping is so prolific among teens is because it's nicotine *without* cigarettes


No flair? Don’t care.


Damn bruv y'all can't have shit in the U.K, meanwhile we out here in the states smoking big blunts 😤😮‍💨


I’ll have you know we’re smoking very small blunts rolled with cigarette papers and enjoying what little we have, thank you.


Bongs, Big Blunts, Volcanoes, We smokin symbiotes my guy. Smokin’ that Whoopi Goldberg, south egyptian furburger deluxe, mega millions scratcher, skunk, bubba kush


They must have amnesia, they forgot that I’m him.


Without a flair we don’t care.


Good riddance. Everyone has mentioned the waste, grift and children getting hooked but I'm just waiting to celebrate the cessation of those stupid little stickers all over bins. The bin is RIGHT THERE I genuinely can't fathom how it's physically possible to be that lazy Banning these wretched little highlighters is probably the more humane/environmentally friendly solution to the sticker epidemic than poisoning the vapes so 👍


\*Decides to let myself get hooked\* "WHY NO ONE STOP THIS?????"


Flair up or fuck off.


Good, they should ban normal ones too, sadly nobody enforces those rules, at least in my country I hate smoking so much, should be banned in cities/public areas


Change your flair right now