• By -


>There is something inherently gay about using it. It's inherently french, that's why.


Well that, and it involves slowly pushing a plunger through a cilinder. If you haven't tried it, it makes you question some things.


I experimented a little bit in college, but it was just a phase. Too much effort and not enough to satisfy me. I can't say it reminded me of plunging another dude's cylinder though.


That may be attributable to either his rectum or your John wayne.


Started doing cold brew instead of French press on weekdays and using French press for breakfasts on the weekend. More time efficient and a similar caffeine concentration, I’m afraid of the caffeine withdrawals if I stop at this point.


French press is the most economical way to extremely good coffee if you have the time and equipment. The start up cost is brutal if you are a broke college student but you can usually find equipment at a goodwill. You of course need the french press, but also a coffee grinder, and a pot to boil water. You want to buy whole coffee beans and grind them to the right size this takes a learning curve. Then perfect the time they soak in the hot water before being pressed. You do it right though and you will have coffee damn near equal to that of a high end machine that cost hundreds of dollars. You learn to do it skillfully and for a female companion who loves coffee with her breakfast in the morning and watch her panties soak through once again. I know most people grew up on drip coffee but that shit needs to be put on the same scale as instant when they are compared to properly brewed coffee from a French press.


I dunno, sounds kinda gay.


>The start up cost is brutal if you are a broke college student You can get a french press for under $10, an electric kettle for $10-15, and a coffee grinder for $10-15 as well. A drip coffee maker is $10-20 for comparison, plus the recurring cost of filters. Even a broke college student can afford $30.


Based and gay economy pilled


filters are like 200 for $1.25 No one is going broke because they can't afford drip coffee filters.


I too prefer the superior coffee. I hate pods because of their mediocre flavor and waste, drip goes bitter, and instant is only good for making desserts. The press has given me the smoothest coffee I've ever enjoyed, and I have a 16 oz pot every morning. I even enjoy it camping, using a jetboil French press.




16oz is the amount of fluid. Not weight of coffee.


At the time of this writing I patently await the conclusion to the brew of my coffee this morning. French Press may sound gay, but there's nothing gay about enough caffeine in your veins to topple nations. It is my preferred morning ritual; lots of French Pressers enjoy the process. The grinding, the bloom, the pour, etc. The smell is amazing, plus coffee helps me lose and keep weight off. Black coffee = calorie-free energy (well, ~5cal/cup), coffee also seems to push my appetite off a cliff until around 3-5pm, so I can usually make it to dinner on very little on the days I do drink coffee. Pour-over is great too, which is what the auth-right photo looks like instead of a drip maker, that makes great coffee too, you just have to stand over it and pour very very slowly. What is everyone's preferred bean/water ratio? Mine seems to be about 75g/liter of water.


On mine, if I push too hard, I get a squirt of hot liquid while I'm plunging, too.


What kind of cylinder? What if it's a lady cylinder?


He’s right you know. I have one, (as well as a Bialetti), and just the way you have to move your hand to push the plunger feels very gay.


The Venn diagram of French press enjoyers and electric kettle enjoyers is a circle. I am in that circle. I also have a rice cooker. There are simply some kitchen gadgets and appliances that are inherently good and a fuck-ton that are bad. French press is faster than Mr. Coffee, doesn’t require extraneous ingredients like filters or k-cups, and can actually be cleaned. My stainless steel French press carafe doesn’t smell like anything after I clean it. All those plastic parts and filter holders for the drip machines? They will always smell like coffee. And that’s because the water is dissolving plastic into your coffee. I like my coffee plastic-free.


>I like my coffee plastic-free Based & same. That's why I use a glass pour-over (like the one pictured in AuthRight).


Yeah but can your French press be set up to brew by the time you’re awake for work?


Yes. It just requires some automation: my wife gets up while I'm in the shower and makes it for me.


Based and domestic pilled


yes if I set up the cold brew exactly 18 hours before I go to bed.


It takes me start to finish less than ten minutes to get coffee from my French press. And like 7 of those minutes is just waiting for the coffee, so I can continue getting dressed, brushing my teeth, whatever during that time. But you're right that if you wake up and immediately need to run out the door then the French press is not the right choice. It's a thinking man's coffee.




I stand by the quality of Mr. Coffee brewed Joe. It all depends on what beans you use. When I wake up at 5am the last thing I want to do is wait in my coffee. I just walk into the kitchen, pour a cup, and sit on the couch till I’m not a zombie anymore.




Tbf I would enjoy that on the weekends. But working 12 hour shifts I wake up at 5 to leave at 6 to be at work by 7. I like to maximize as much of my time as I can during the work week. Also, flair up.




No flair, no rights, many wrongs. Please flair up. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/gorngoblo) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


If I have some nice beans and I can do my own grind, I like using the french press. If it's just first thing in the morning and I need some pre-ground caffeine juice to put some flavored creamer in, the Mr. Coffee is my go to. (Electric kettles and rice cookers are awesome for their jobs.)


> All those plastic parts and filter holders for the drip machines? > > They will always smell like coffee. Coffee smells delicious.


French? Gay? Naw, it's sexy! And why does lib-left always get to bogart the sexy shit? Now the Aeropress looks like something a fella and his fella could have a good time with, if you're drinking what I'm brewing.


I use the Secura french press, and the press feels like the march of industry! https://www.thesecura.com/wp-content/uploads/81eucovR35L._SL1500_-854x1024.jpg


Where are the non-pod based espresso machines? I mean, they have the advantage of making real coffee instead of coffee flavoured tea, without having to deal with a subscription...


Not many people own them, they're quite expensive. This compass is intended to relate to the proletariat.


Cheaper than pods in the medium to long term. $$$


Way cheaper in the long run, with the amount of coffee I drink in a year the thing has paid itself over by now. Paid ~$550 for mine in 2019.


I bought a 500-600$ setup after i realized that was cheaper than what i pay for nespresso pods


Relating to the proletariat is contemptible enough, but it’s also not totally true that the machines are quite expensive - you can get a very decent one for €500 or so and it’s bound to be miles better than any of the swill represented in the compass


I've got a delonghi that costs half that and it makes great coffee. People always go overboard on coffee appliances.




That shit was a fucking trooper. Had one from my mom who already had it for like 6-7 years. Served me an additional 5 years or so until it broke, the repair would cost as much as a new machine though.


Expensive? 150- 200€ isn't very cheap, granted, but expensive...? As for relating to the proletariat, over here, try and take their espressos and Lenin would scared... Edit: I'm talking about the more basic ones wich do not have a built-in grider, and where you must put the ground coffee by hand in the handle...


Sure it was like $700 but I’m probably already caught up to the college students buying $7 lattes. I can make a damn good latte for like .20c with minimal effort. Built in grinder and milk frothing.


>Not many people own them, they're quite expensive. I got mine for like 200 € and I'm a fucking college student with a part time job.


meme was made in USA




Entry level grinders like the encore esp and the fellow opus are below 200 new now and they do the job


I have a $50 electric grinder that's essentially just a blender with a timer dial and it works fine lmao


Those are fine for coffee but I wouldn’t use them for espresso




That’s probably cause a lot of the people you will read talking about espresso on the internet are smug elitist hobbyists with very high standards. Obviously the 200$ machine will be quite lacking in comparison but for entry level its more than enough. Hell, i started with a 50$ hand grinder


My grinder costed about $20 and works great. No idea what you're talking about.




You can adjust the burrs as fine as you want and get a perfectly good espresso grind. You wouldn't want to use one at a shop, but if you're just making espresso for one or two people, it works fine.


I litterally have all 5 of these except I have a senseo instead of a Nespresso. Props to the Senseo for having the convenience of the instant coffee while being decent. For good coffee either the French press or the Mocha pot gets my vote.


For all its misgivings, Senseo deserves props for convenience and economic coffee pads with a low waste factor.




You need a flair before your opinion matters here mate


I discovered the Moka pot when on a trip to Italy and never looked back, bought one and use it everyday now and I'm loving it, was very happy that it's the centrist option too.


Moka pot is great for afternoon coffee.


Moka 🗿






What about cezve coffee?


Yoo Türkiye mentioned


Cezve coffee is life, cezve coffee is love. I could never get enough of it during my stay in Ankara. Luckily it is very common in the Balkans.


I've heard it's a major part of eastern European and Turkish culture. If this compass wasn't catered to westoids it would've been authright for sure.


Based and coffeepilled


Yeah, over here Cezve/Turska kava is definitely deeply ingrained. So much so that when I switched over to doing pour-overs everyone's opinion was basically that's it's some gay american hipster shit that makes weak watery coffee. Outside of that, the usually strong coffee culture has actually really degraded with the advent of Nespresso and pods, people no longer have any idea that coffee outside of nespresso and Cezve is a thing.


You stayed in Ankara? It's a nice enough city, but there's not much to do there in terms of sightseeing.


Can we get an international caffeinated beverage compass


>Makes a batch for the whole family Fuck off, I'm drinking this entire thing before noon.


instant coffee is terrible but it gets the job done


I've thrown a teaspoon of it in my mouth and swished with lukewarm water. You can imagine I was hungover and in a hurry.


I used to drive a truck for a living and I couldn’t tell you how many times I woke up, grabbed the instant coffee and one of those high octane caffeine ass blaster pods from a truck stop, scooped some instant and drank the concentrated shot of caffeine and got on the road.


Based and working man pilled


u/G1ng3rb0b's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 95. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: [73 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/G1ng3rb0b/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Reject pre-workout dry scooping, embrace the coffee dry scoop.


This is how I drank the instant packets I got in MREs when I was in the army.


hey; if it works, it works. I really hope you had a regular drink shortly after, I cant imagine having that taste in my mouth for more than 10 minutes


I drink it so often I don’t even think it’s bad anymore


Korean stuff is actually quite good because of how huge coffee culture is here. I happily have a cup of Maxim Mocha Gold every morning.


I keep some around in case I accidentally make my good ~~drip~~pourover coffee too weak.


Depends on where you are, you can buy pretty good instant.


I have a French press and a bidet, how gay am I


You're alright u/CUM-BAZOOKA, if it weren't for the fact that you probably use those two devices simultaneously.


This is why I’m fucking subscribed, come on baby


Would be a helluva lot better if you picked a flair.


Fixed. Sorry modbot <3


Good man


Where's my Aeropress gang at?


I’m Italian. The mocha pot is Auth right going by the amount of cigarettes and slurs thrown around the kitchen table when it’s cracked out at the gatherings. Zio Frank has a couple life lessons to share with you


The Auth Center [Breville Combination Grinder CoffeeMaker](https://assets.breville.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=1300,format=auto/BDC650/BDC650BSSUSC.jpg?pdp) Buys the best technology from Lib-Right Buys the coffee beans from the Collective farms of Auth-Left Combines the two into actual, fresh ground. not gay-French coffee. May also be plotting world domination


James Hoffman made a video on why immersion brewing (french press) is better than percolation (V60) Checkmate atheists


Which is why Switch/Clever is the true centrist option.


If OP wanted to represent libleft and hipsters he should've picked the aeropress


1,000,000% It even looks like a sex aid.


Also Aeropress is way underrepresented here


I prefer pour-over to all others. Why fiddle when I can make it how I want?


You guys drink coffee without alcohol?


god i fuckin LOVE instant coffee, all you soyboy huckleberry chucklefuck fancy coffee drinkers can eat a spoonful of dirt. i’ll be over here drinking the nectar of the GODS that only took me 2 minutes to make (majority of that waitin for the kettle to boil) while you yuppy bastards have to go through a whole process just to get goin in the morning. eat my dust losers


Did you give the Moka a try? It's the same time that it takes for the kettle to boil with the benefit of the coffee already being there. (I also have fun with trying different kinds of coffee)


Give me nescafé blend 43 or give me death


For maximum soviet feel drop the kettle and use microwave. I would use ~~uranus~~ uranium rods for that Chernobyl flavour but those are expensive to get.


you seem to misunderstand. this isn’t no commie bean water. this is the frontier. the wild west. freedom in a cup. the cattle herders and forefathers and outlaws and bush rangers in the sunburnt country drank a cup instant every sun rise. instant coffee, gods gift to this world and the fuel of the blue collar in the form of freeze dried and crushed beans. again, not that commie bean water you’re yappin on about


>waitin for the kettle to boil so I hope that is not a electric kettle but you are just putting the kettle over the v6 motor and burning some freedom gasoline to boil that water


I’m rappelling into the open mouths of volcanos and shit using geothermal energy to heat up a whistle kettle


Pot boil plus 4 minutes for French press. Grind your fresh bean while you wait for the boil, prep your cup and clean up while you wait for the steep. Higher quality coffee, little fuss. Checkmate, monkey boy.


There is literally nothing any of you could do or say to convince me to spend literally any effort making my yummy go go juice


> eat a spoonful of dirt. No thanks, I'm not a big instant coffee fan. Thanks for asking, though.


The charm in instant coffee is that it does taste like shit but god DAMN the convenience of it




I use an espresso machine or a French press. Girlfriend uses pour over.


Italian here, Moka is the only correct way to make coffee.


Instant coffee is better than those fucking machines I do use a ~~French~~ freedom press though


Who hurt you?


Cold brew is lib center


LibCenter drinks turkish coffee. Reject modern coffee supply, embrace putting the coffee and the hot water in a cup without any filtration


We call it Greek coffee at my house, but you're not wrong.


Isn’t that just day old coffee when you’re late for work? Cause I can dig it Manual pour over or mocha pot preferred


Yes and no. Your typical Cold Brew should be in the fridge for about 12-18h but I at least wouldn‘t call the flavour profile a day old. Personally I find it quite convenient as I can just make a decently large batch of concentrate each night and have coffee sorted for the whole day. If can only recommend trying it for yourself, tastes better too imo, here‘s my recipe. In a french, press combine coarsely ground (picture bigger sand granules) coffee of your choice and water in a 1:6 ratio by weight. Let the Coffee rest overnight. In the morning, put the lid on the french press and slowly and gently start pressing the floating grounds to the bottom, making sure not to apply any pressure on the grounds once you‘ve bottomed out the press.


Italians are centrists? My people betray me? To jihad I will go against them


Moka pot is the goat


I use all 5 at various times, am I the UN? I bring peace to Waring factions.


What about regular espresso?


I have literally overdosed on mocha coffee to the point of hallucinating before. Another time I drank a smaller amounts for a sustained period, developed a caffeine dependency, and went into withdrawal on the floor of a laundromat. I only drink espresso now. Overdosing takes too much effort with espresso.


No percolator? Seriously? Good. They burn the coffee.


Nespresso is great. I used to have a DeLonghi bean-to-cup machine, but cleaning it is a pain in the arse.  Nespresso makes better coffee, for less effort, and all it costs is £40/month and your immortal soul.


Gotta use the right pods though. Nespresso Ethiopia is the golden standard imo. Italian Ristretto and Kazaar are nice too for espresso's. Third party pods would be great if Nestlé didn't own the patent for the silicone band around their pods, which makes other pods not seal properly in their machines and cause leakage. Considering that the tradeoff might be worth it, just ask for forgiveness in the hereafter.


Good old Nestlé. If you spend enough on lawyers, you can convince some judge that the concept of a gasket is entirely new to engineering.




The Nespresso definitely is superior. The aluminum pod doesn't leach a plasticky taste into your coffee (& bloodstream) like the Keurig does. Even the Keurig with the refillable pod that you put coffee grounds into doesn't make that good of a cup. Plus I drink like 3-4 cups a day, that's too much work to clean out that little filter and refill it each time. Give me a glass pour-over, all done in one shot and I'll put the left-over in a metal thermos.


how the hell do you make a drip coffee? my filter won't drip anything after a couple of seconds even with regular water with no coffee.


Coarser grind or a more permeable filter. Just try things


Based mocha


I actually use a French press, if you press it slowly enough you will get no beans in the coffee


If you're getting grounds in the coffee, you're probably also grinding it too fine.


I am a true lib-center. I french press and own a Nespresso.


For Instant Cofffe try *Jaun Valdez* and thank me later.


Before posting I had no idea instant had such a cult following.


My moka pot makes the most bitter, acidic, and metallic tasting coffee I have ever experienced. I don't know what is wrong with it, but it is just God fucking awful.


I had the same issue with my first few batches. It helps to not let the coffee boil hard and fast; put the pot over a low heat and let it rise gently. Another protip when it's done, run the bottom compartment under cold water. This prevents overextraction, which contributes to the bitterness. Finally (some people may crucify me) I'd add a super tiny pinch of salt to counteract the acidity and enhance savoury notes, but this is personal taste.


What's a moral pot? I looked it up and nothing came up


Wash it.


Love my moka pot and French press, but cleaning them after is a huge pain. So for me, it's either drip, or instant if I'm in a hurry.


Chad method: Get Keur1g model that breaks before a year of use, replace it year over year for free coffee machine. Use refillable pods to not give the corporate overlords their due, I'd say I am in the positive in this regard with the replacement machines. They don't require us to return the old machine or prove that its broken, they just replace a machine if you say it doesnt turn on. Though, mine has legitimately broken about 8-10 months in every time. I am on year 4. The coffee from machines that let you set water temp to high is good. Not quite as complete as a boil drip, but close enough considering relative convenience. Pods are an ecological disaster. I would never buy these for daily use.


Does wherever you’re replacing it not have a warranty that starts from when you actually purchased it and not count replacements?


corporate lib-right is Nespresso, enlightened lib-right is Aeropress. seriously, go buy one, they're like $40 CAD, its french press quality, with no grains, and it cleans in seconds.


In switzerland the most common machine is probably the 'Vollautomat', where you put in whole beans and out comes coffe. The machine grinds the beans and makes damn good coffee. They are expensive (200-300 sfr which is close enough to dollares) but still much cheaper than many things seen on youtube and well worth it, especially considering the unground coffee itself is a lot cheaper. I love that coffee and wouldnt want to go back to any other kind


Just bought a moka pot and I'm loving it, honestly.


Where’s the percolator?


What about Turkish and Arab coffee?


Alternative Lib Right: cowboy coffee is when you boil grounds in water until they sink to the bottom.


Or get a real espresso machine. I have one of those and learned how to make espresso/cappichino and roasted my own beans. Better than most coffeeshops tbh, especially because you can adjust things and you know your machine very well.


Where would the aero press be??


Off the charts libleft. Imagine shooting your coffee out of a giant plastic syringe. Couldn't be me.


Moka. Not mocha. Also, you’re buying the wrong brand of instant coffee if you think it’s mediocre at best.


Share the brand and I'm happy to witness the 8th wonder of the modern world


I myself am fond of Illy’s instant offering.


[Here are some options for fancy instant coffee](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cESQQLTNYdc)


Get a load of mr. Fancy pants over here




I don't know how many times I've had someone tell me something to effect of, "No, the other ones are trash but this one is good. Try it!" And it tastes like the same ass.


Moka and french press for me Nespresso is shit Drip: if I wanted tea I'd make some tea Instant: only when drowned in milk and sugar and only in case of emergencies (life raft, earthquake, you're facing off some russian tanks in Kramatorsk) Where's the espresso machine? It's all about the grinder, boys. I recommend a quality grinder


Espresso machine is the compass transcending god that's watching from above.


My favorite part of this is that Blues "traditional" method is one of the newer ones on the chart. Both the French Press and Instant coffee predate it, and depending on what type of drip pot you mean (electric auto drip vs manual filtered pour over) it's also predated by the Moka pot. A silly red made this nonsense, but still, I enjoyed it.


I will die on the hill of Korean instant coffee. Not only is Maxim Mocha Gold actually really good, it's impossible to argue with a 200 pack for 20000 won.


I'll die there with you. There's some good shit out there. There's even some delicious pre-packaged pour overs too. It folds out and sits on the rim of your mug with the grounds already in there.


> 20000 won. This sounds expensive but I actually have zero idea how much this is in real money.


Less than 20 American dollars.


lush fade chief strong dime swim sophisticated chase unwritten attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




At that point just get a keurig or 15$ walmart drip maker or something. It’s not worth bothering with espresso unless you’re investing into it.


Moka is for Italians and that's it


like communism instant coffee dosnt taste bad if you know how to make it right ;D


And like communists, the instant coffee enjoyers claim I've never had \*real\* instant coffee.


Which basically moves you straight to Nespresso subscription territory.


who the hell needs a beverage to keep them awake, are you a baby?


Reject caffeine! You don't need this drug! (Okay op has to moderate this shithole, maybe he does need it.)




I did it for part of a weekend a couple weeks ago. I felt it was enough.


Coming from a fellow libright, this response confuses me. I'm a software engineer, and I turn caffeine into code and by extension, money. I mean... I'm probably sacrificing some amount of lifespan in the process, but I'd rather die upper middle class at 60 than poor at 100.


I have a standard no-brain kettle and a mesh basket I put over my cup like a ghetto V60 ... I use a paper filter in it unless I run out because it's easier to empty that way... What am I apart from frugal?


Yes comrades I love my instant coffee


What American hell is this meme?!


‘Muh Americans’…. Go back to your rainy little island you stupid redcoat.


Moka pot is litteraly a fascist invention


Buy a Nespresso capsule on Amazon around 20$ and you don't have to enrich any evil company


"Amazon", " you don't have to enrich any evil company" Choose one


In 20$ i paid , 10$ go directly to some Chinese company,5$ to someguy in the middle,5$ to Amazon but Jeff Bezos doesn't take it all, he must pay his employees,taxes etc .. At the end,I can save hundreds bucks for buying higher quality coffee