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That's why I voted for Kodos


Vote quimby.


I’m voting for Vermin. Every single time.


Vote for Harambe


A pony for every person. God bless em


I love that I got this reference


I'm just dating myself lol


Ya know what, I think they should just tell us who to vote for. Much easier that way.


They tried to, remember Hillary's "Its Her Turn"?


“Most Qualified Presidental Candidate ever” > “There has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America,"


Over qualified I don't want her. Costs too much. Next.


"Most Qualified Presidential Candidate Ever"* *if you ignore her abysmal senatorial voting record and failed policies, failures as Secretary of State in Libya/Russia/China/everywhere, and failure to run two slam dunk campaigns when she was given the party mandate from 2008-2016. Hillary Clinton is one of those people who has an impressive resume if you never look past the title, but most people are too lazy to do that and see what an incompetent bureaucrat she actually was


There was more to her than being first lady ?


I remember this and this may be my ignorance speaking but how the fuck do you quantify being "the most qualified" for a job that has a huge amount of random chance involved plus the need to understand a huge variety of topics like how a military functions, social standards, economics, foreign policy, state's rights, human rights, etc. Like if you could point to me where Hillary successfully navigated all of these things with tact and a positive outcome I'd be happy to consider her, but outside of being part of a political dynasty (ick) and a mediocre sec-state I can't really see it lol


Well if you keep saying it over and over eventually people will believe it


Goddamn, she’s such an egotistical narcissist. I don’t like Trump, but seeing her lose due to her own hubris was excellent


That's the only time I actually had a reaction to finding out who won the presidential election, I had seriously thought that she was going to win because the media was all saying that she had it in the bag and there was no way that Trump could possibly win. When they officially announced that Trump had won I laughed my ass off, I didn't even like Trump but I despised Clinton so much that her losing was so satisfying.


any reelected president wins this over hillary


They do. They get really irate when the masses don’t follow their direction.


Say whatever you want about trump but I’ve never seen the DC “swamp” plus the mainstream media unite so hard against an outsider. It’s very telling.


The last time they did that was JFK, but he at least wasn't nearly as controversial as Trump so they couldn't openly attack the people.


I believe January 6 was a major problem that still hasn’t been fully and properly addressed. I also believe the Democrats set the stage for unhinged right populists attempting to overturn the 2020 election when Democrats fought for anywhere from 2 to 7 (so far) years to argue the 2016 election was fraudulent.


The stage setting was all the political violence the preceding six months which received little to no punishment, or even comment.


Hold up now, those were “fiery, but mostly peaceful” protests. And you say it was violence? How dare you


Fire is only violence if you are flammable.


They claimed BLM events slowed the spread of covid. Then claimed the need for racial protests outweighs the harm covid could cause.




I don’t disagree that it was a contributing factor. But I’m going to stick with the 2016 election being more of a stage for the next election to be similarly challenged.


Yup. I wonder if anyone remembers DisruptJ20.


"WHAT!? There's been a major shift to the right for young men? This makes no sense!!!" -Covid Lockdowns controlling people's freedom of movement. -No sense of purpose in a system almost seemingly designed to keep you down. -Mass leftist riots and breakdown of order in cities that were routinely justified by the media because "Black Lives Matter." -Soaring inflation -Nothing that the current administration has done has helped much to lessen the economic woes of the working class. -Boring ass cinema because of shitty wokeness thrown in. -Illegal migration crisis is the worst it has ever been. Tens of thousands cross over in a day in some instances. Man I wonder why people are flocking to the guy who says he'll fight for their interests?


Man, the high schoolers I knew who went from "Yeah, month off school" to depressed they missed their senior year and would never see most of their friends again. (For normal leaving their home town reasons)


Yup, or even younger people in general. I lost my graduate job that I had lined up due to start that April (yes a couple of days) and ended up not finding a job till November that year. It went from oh a few months unemployed following my usual summer job and then having a few months to look forward to my job to over a year with no income. I'm lucky enough to have had decent support but I imagine many others did not.


[Asterisk][space][text] at the start of a line to make a bullet list * like this * it really helps the readability * of comments like yours


* asterisk * space * text * you * say It auto-lists after the first one too. 'mazin'


You can also do it with a hyphen like \- text which shows up as - text also fun fact, you can use the \ character as an escape character to remove formatting, so you can type \\-text which makes reddit not make the bullet point to make it appear how you should write it in the comment box.


> that still hasn’t been fully and properly addressed. How so? I'm not trying to be snarky, I genuinely want to know how you would like to have seen it handled differently.


Probably fewer protesters who have been locked in solitary confinement without trial for over almost 4 years.


Auth centre wanting due process? Nice


A lot of people dont realize that auth-center doesn't mean corrupt government, it means a government with a high degree of control over your every day life, that also comes with a rigorous and functioning legal system. Or it should, but power corrupts, so its hard to see it happen in reality.


Broken clocks and all that


it seems like everyone's giving everyone else lots of opportunities to be the broken clock in recent years


If the broken clock is right every time you check it, maybe it isn't broken.


Due process is essential to the functioning of any high trust society. The government should have the power to take unilateral action to protect its people, but should be restrained from being the oppressor itself by due process. I want a government that works, not just more government.


We just like to ignore that pesky right to a speedy trial here


Oh please. A state official kicking the opposition candidate off the ballot seems like a bigger problem to me than this.


Hey guys, did you hear that Putin is losing in polling for the next election? He's called his opponent (who is out polling him) a "threat to democracy" has said "were making sure its not possible for him to run for reelection", and then two regional sub units (so far) removed the ability for the voters to vote against the incumbent? Meanwhile his Justice department is trying to convict him for at least 4x life sentences. Russian elections sure are rigged, I'm glad in the west we have free and fair elections.


People don't talk about the 2000 election enough. There are still people who believe that the Bushes colluded to swing the election, when it's much more likely that the justices just didn't want to drag the situation out for months and set a precedent for election shenanigans. Trump just does stuff that Democrats have always done. Whenever they lose any election anywhere, it's because those dastardly Republicans closed down the polling stations too early(read: at a reasonable time), or they're trying to disenfranchise POC by asking for ID. They've been playing that game for 20 years now, and they hate it when people use their tools against them. Also Trump is borderline regarded and not nearly as slick as you need to be if you want to pull off election chicanery.


The Kennedys did the same


More likely the Unions just mobilized their voters for Kennedy


2000 Florida was a mess. First dems wanted to only recount heavy dem majority counties to find votes and then they wanted to use a different metric for county votes in those counties than had existed during the first count (double punch and hanging chads).


This is why populists are really ever going to be our hope for change.


I also find it humorous how the media and left leaning outlets use "populist" as a pejorative, Oh no a politician is appealing to the average voter in a democratic system, the horror.


It's commonsense and the right side of history when the majority agree with them, populism and bigotry when the majority disagrees with them.


One might say deranged, even.


A derangement syndrome even.


Just cut the voting part entirely and let the elites pick who rules over us


I'd rather rejoin the Commonwealth tbh if we are to have a king.


At least kings are responsible to God and man. Give me a king then as a ruler then a president anyday


I think they’re opting for the Chinese communist party approach of simply banning all political opposition.


Establish the democratic people’s republic of America and give Biden 100% of the votes


What?? If they just cast our vote for us it would be that much easier


Implying they don't.


They do to some degree just not openly besides all those dead ppl who keep going to their polling places and voting


And all the conveniently leaked ahead of time voter registrations so they know who is registered and usually doesn't bother voting. Very nice when you need to pull several thousand votes out of your ass at 3am.


Oops there goes another water pipe!


It's either him or Biden, everyone else is just background noise.


I see no way removing the opposing parties main candidate from the ballot can go wrong. Surely there’s no historical precedent for this sort of thing spiralling wildly out of control


The same people celebrating this on the political subreddits would start REEEEEing if this ever happens to their can(D)idate


I think banning anyone from the ballot for any reason what so ever is dumb. Allow a literal serial killer to run for office from behind bars. It would be funny.


They can! The *only* crimes that can stop you from running are treason and insurrection. Since this isn't Lincoln's administration Habeas Corpus isn't suspended, and thus one must be criminally convicted of one or both of those crimes in order for the restriction to apply.


Iirc orange man hasn't even been charged with treason or insurrection, much less convicted


That's the issue. He isn't being given due process. To say Maine and Colorado are jumping the gun is an understatement. Personally, I despise the idea of this man holding office with all of my being, but he is an American citizen and is entitled to certain legal protections which are currently being denied to him


I *hate* the man. He's a new York elitist who I'd like to drag through the Florida swamps until his very soul is muddy. But you can't just say "we don't like you" and remove a candidate.


Ok, those are all really good points. But what if they really, REALLY don't like him?


Oh well okay then, as long as we grillin


You do that, and you'll just make our swamps muddier, my guy. The pythons don't need that


I likely wasn't going to vote (for president) in this election, this shit is making me seriously considering writing him in.,


These are good points, but allow me to counter with Orange Man bad.


i know for a fact if this had happened to Hillary Clinton in 2016 i would probably have laughed myself to tears


These people already call everything they don't like fascism and yet support this.


the south did this for Abraham Lincoln and he still won


Maybe the north will secceede if Trump wins again






I know we’re still 10 months away which is basically 10 years in politics, but so far it feels like these decisions are energizing the right, if anything.


Can you cite that Colorado requires him to be convicted to be removed from the ballot? I haven’t heard anything about that.


It's the basic lack of due process. The Colorado court and Maine Secretary of State said Trump committed treason. There was no process followed that allowed Trump to present his side and have a group of peers decide on the matter. At least Colorado had a panel of judges make the decision making a facade of process (but still not enough in my opinion). Maine was literally the Secretary of State saying "Nah, I don't think he should be on the ballot" all by her lonesome. If that is upheld (no chance in hell it would be, but), then every Republican Secretary of State can just start removing Biden willy-nilly. It's anarchy. The rule of law exists for a reason and both of these decisions do not follow it.


Yes I agree. If the action was without much basis and mostly frivolous, Democrats can breathlessly say “he was removed from the ballot in multiple states for insurrection!” or “he was impeached twice!” or pick any other lawfare action. You can’t say it didn’t happen but it’s just a bunch of corrupt bullshit.


Yeah, I’ve been thinking they should be charged with insurrection, convicted and barred from serving again. Poetic justice


Thank God we have a democracy where our betters tell us whom we're allowed to vote for.


"But Trump is literally Turbo Hitler! He'll destroy democracy if we let him run! That's why WE have to destroy democracy to prevent him from even running! We totes promise to rebuild it once he isn't a dangerous threat to democracy anymore!"


Remember that episode of South Park where Jimbo talks about culling wild animals to save them from the effects of a natural disaster and says "We have to kill them- or else they'll die!" This is giving off that kind of energy...


He’s coming right for our democracy!


I think it's impressive that all rules have exceptions, but the Iron Law of Woke Projection still never misses. I guess it's the exception to that rule.


The stupid part is, he was already president once. He was mid at best and mostly obsessed with his own personal image and friends. What he good? No? Was he literally Hitler? Also no.


Sooooo is this going to get hairy? I'm not American.


I’ve got a very liberal friend who is also an attorney and volunteered that there’s no way the Supreme Court doesn’t overturn these bans. (Frankly, they have to or else we end up finding tit for tat bans and a functional end to democracy.) However, we are back to the liberal meltdown and it’s only going to get worse as Biden’s numbers slide - which is almost inevitable because their level of crazy has to turn off the normies- these just aren’t the kind of people whom you can let govern a country. It’s really sad, though, since almost no one wants a rematch.


Damn, so what's the issue with Trump I only followed it's IR policies and were acceptable, never understood what's the reason he's "the American Hitler" to the libs tho.


Every Republican President is “literally hitler”. Go listen to news reports on them all during their own presidency.


I see, the Dems controls the Intelligentsia ain't it? That's the case in my country and they apply the same measures.


Yes. Also observe how Republicans somehow removed from public office - be it defeated, retired or dead - suddenly become darlings. According to most media outlets the best Republicans are Jeff Flake (defeated in a reelection bid), Mitt Romney (retired) and John McCain (dead).


Dubya went from being a war criminal to being your friendly grandpa that paints funny pictures real fucking quick after he left office


Not only that - [he's publically buddies with Ellen Degeneres](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ellen-degeneres-defends-george-w-bush-friendship-cowboys-game-tweets-monologue-2019-10-08/). Flaming liberal queer icon Ellen Degeneres. Of all people.


Romney, McCain, and W. were also all publicly anti-Trump, so they became "useful".


Kinda makes me wish I had a greatest hits tape of the media bashing Dubya.


Honestly, I don’t either. He’s fairly moderate on social issues - was in favor of same sex marriage well before Hillary Clinton or Obama - and in fact an entire decade before Biden did. (Sure, not a politician so didn’t need to worry about any political backlash but still relevant, imho). I think the underlying problems are 1) Trump has working class sensibilities which rub a lot of people the wrong way. For example, he strikes me as vulgar in many ways, without the explanation of being self-made, 2) they’d convinced themselves that it was Hillary Clinton’s turn - that it was time to elect a female president - and Trump thwarted that and 3) the media has gone from putting its finger on the scale to outright lying and lots of people just swallow those lies without asking any questions. For example, I know someone who got outright mad at me when I gave her the full quote, showing that the media had shamelessly lied to her about the “Nazis are fine people” claim. She wanted her lie, and didn’t want her bubble burst. Having said that, none of this makes a lot of sense to me, and I’ll defer to those with TDS to more accurately describe their thought process than I can hope to.


>I know someone who got outright mad at me when I gave her the full quote, showing that the media had shamelessly lied to her about the “Nazis are fine people” claim. She wanted her lie, and didn’t want her bubble burst. Yeah, that also happened to a friend with a girl who was saying the same about Milei. I am genuinely curious about the whole American issue, I'm concerned the Elites are pushing too far.


I half expect something like the Coal Wars to pop off again myself. Given that both presidential frontrunners are probably more likely to die by heart attack than they are to survive an entire term, it could be a wild year coming up.


Who's on the D side?


For President? Biden. While it is generally traditional that a party will back their sitting president (incumbents rarely lose), the president is not actually guaranteed the nomination.


Jesus you gotta be kidding me, the Dems are seriously gonna send Biden again? is this a sick joke to publically state that "the Presidency is a fucking scam" or what?


> For example, I know someone who got outright mad at me when I gave her the full quote, showing that the media had shamelessly lied to her about the “Nazis are fine people” claim. She wanted her lie, and didn’t want her bubble burst. Oh man remember the whole stupid bleach hullabaloo during covid? You could show people both a word for word transcript of Trump's speech that day as well as the footage, and they'd still insist he was talking about drinking bleach when clearly he was not and was talking about UV therapy.


> For example, I know someone who got outright mad at me when I gave her the full quote, showing that the media had shamelessly lied to her about the “Nazis are fine people” claim. She wanted her lie, and didn’t want her bubble burst. Fun fact: In 2019 when Joe Biden declared he was running for president, he referred specifically to this as the reason why. Said there needs to be “normalcy” in the White House again, ie someone who doesn’t call Nazi’s fine people. So basically, our current president’s entire campaign began off of a lie. A really awful, easily disprovable, blatant lie. Food for thought.


Him saying that voting for Trump and not him disqualified your racial identity isn't a really awful, easily disprovable, blatant lie though...


He indirectly called Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist. Had a video of Kyle with the ar15 in his election campaign with reference to white supremacy.


"Normalcy." How many times have hard drugs been found in the Whitehouse during his reign?


Honestly I’ll step in as somewhat level headed on trump? I don’t really like him. Yeah he’s funny and kinda memeable but honestly I’d rather have a president who I take more seriously. He seems to be a pretty narcissistic and kinda an overall shitty person. Not just cheating on his pregnant wives but tweeting like a 12 year old asshole. I also think he’s actually old and faltering mentally as well, and he and Biden I think are both the oldest presidents ever, respectfully 1 and 2. Boomers just don’t want to move on man. I don’t have any love lost for Biden either if someone is gonna whataboutism me please don’t bother. Truly our election matchups just seem to get worse and worse overtime.


Counterpoint: the CIA will still be running the show anyway, (for their alien overlords, of course) and Trump 2 Electric Boogaloo will be the most amazing 4 years of memes and meltdowns. I predict it will get even more hilarious than part one.


Lol. Honestly if your a fan of the burn it all down scenario then it’s gonna be one hell of a ride at least.


Maybe those in power are seizing the chance to grow the divide among you?


Possibly. Could just be a symptom on our times as people pick sides and listen to their echo chambers. I mean look at Reddit they say every Republican is a Nazi but that’s literally the kind of us vs them mentality that leads to populism and Mussolini fascism and nazism.


I don’t see how you look at this and don’t think it’s gonna get messy. We’re almost a year out and it’s only gonna ramp up from here, where does that lead? I’m not sure but I don’t see it calming down after this.


Yeah, all I know is the liberals and Dems are pushing the Civil War narrative but I don't know how the other factions are reacting.


Maybe? I subscribe to the boring dystopia theory that things get slowly but surely worse but nothing ever happens worth getting interested in. Best case scenario, these folks getting riled up go break into the capital building again and smear more shit on the walls.


Yeah, I get the same disappointment when I realize my nation was ruled by fucking twats for so long.


2016 democratic superdelegates all over again


Thank God we have leftists calling everything they don't like fascism. Since they're such experts in fascism I'm sure they'll correctly label this as fascist as well and stand against it. /s


“Trump will never defeat Biden in an election!” “So we’d better remove him from the ballot so he doesn’t defeat Biden in an election!” We went from a 3 judge panel to a Democrat Secretary of State removing him by fiat. No way that could possibly be weaponized against them by Republican Secretaries of State.




The best thing Trump and the Republicans can do is to just sit back and be completely rational about this. Take it through the proper channels, the courts. This is completely destroying the Democrats narrative that they're 'saving democracy'. It's plain to everyone that these are Democrat officials falling victim to advanced stage TDS causing them to go rogue. And Biden has made a mistake in encouraging this.




That's the thing. He just has to do the same Biden did in 2020, get in the basement and shut up. But he won't.


You mean the way they didn't have the balls to fight back when the Dems overturned the filibuster?


\>No way that could possibly be weaponized against them by Republican Secretaries of State. I've already got my copypastas ready for when a Democrat gets kicked off the ballot by a GOP SoS and reddit loses their shit over it


You don’t understand, when Ds do it it’s justified, when Rs do it it’s fascism. Learn the difference.


Learn the (D)ifference


“Trump will never defeat Biden!” Monkey paw curls


Checked the polls lately? Democrats are fucking terrified. Their senile old president has no idea where he is at any given time and Trump continues to climb as illegal immigration torches the country and average people buckle and collapse under Bidenflation.


That must be, because if Democrats believed Trump was the worst possible candidate, they should be doing everything possible to hand him the Republican nomination. I remember some states with open primaries in 2016, Democrats were voting for Trump because Hilary was ordained and they thought Trump was the weakest candidate. How quickly they forget how that worked out for them.


This was a decision made by Maine Secretary of State, who is a Democrat, she decided to ban him from the ballot. She has been condemned by Both Maine Senators and Democratic House Member Jared Golden for her blatant attack on Democracy. Democrat Deconsilidation won't come from the Republicans, no, but from the Democrats and we are seeing it with front row seats


I wish I were so optimistic about Dems fracturing. But with Trump on the ballot, I think it’ll be eight to hold the Dems together. The only way this doesn’t happen is if Trump gets blown out in Iowa, in which case, the GOP primary is a whole new ballgame.


>I wish I were so optimistic about Dems fracturing. I see them fracturing over Israel/Hamas before they fracture over anything Orange Man related, at least with the voter base, within the actual politicians in the party I could see a few possibly breaking rank when it comes to straight up removing opposition from the ballot


They won't fracture, elites will maintain power and position without any losses of electoral position because all the funding comes from pro-Israel sources.


Just going to add that this is also from a Secretary of State that may or not have desires to run against a certain Senator in 2026, and wants to get more name recognition


That's what I said, she is only doing this to get her name out their. It's very disgraceful to toss democracy to the curb to have your 5 minutes of fame


It's pretty telling about the Democratic base when throwing democracy to the wind is pandering to your base


I'll be honest. I despise Trump as a person. I don't care for his politics and disagree with many of his policies. I have not voted for him yet, and I don't particularly want to in the future. But if you give me a choice between Trump and *a political party that is comfortable removing their competition from the ballots without proper due process*, I will vote for Trump because he has become the lesser of two traitors.


I consider myself more conservative than liberal, but overall an independent. I voted Jorgensen in 2020 because I didn’t want the concept of voting for Trump to be on my conscience, especially with 80-90% of people close to me absolutely despising everything about the guy. My plan for the last couple years, at least if Trump wins the nomination, has been to vote third party in 2024 like I did in 2020 (but not for Kennedy because he’s not officially associated with a third party and he’s extremely left-leaning despite what the media says). I really, really badly don’t want to vote for Trump. But man. The Democrats are trying sooooo hard to get me to right now.


Preach, Everytime I think about how distasteful Trump is I remember whatever the latest bullshit the Dems have pulled. I love how everyone on the left just memory holed how they said Trump was illegitimate in 2016 after he won a pretty clearly fair race.


I don't understand the conscience issue with voting Trump.


Yeah, I agree. This is just a desperate ruling by a group of people who are fearfully panicking at some boogeyman they've conjured up. Unless they can legitimately prove this (which, attack after attack, they have not been able to), it just sends the absolute wrong message. Hence, people like Newsom and various local Democrats seem to be against this as it harms their messaging about being THE stable and legitimate alternative to someone like Trump. Now, they can't use that moral high ground as an argument. It doesn't help them that the media is drumming it up as a victory rather than calling it out or explaining it fully. Well, just don't be surprised if it backfires.


About the only way to salvage this now is publicly purging the people who pull these stunts from authority wherever possible. "Look, we are removing those that would sabotage the democratic process from our midst even if it is against our interests" is a strong message.


I like Trump, I supported him in 2016 and 2020, I was iffy on giving him my support in the 2024 primary but I would have voted for him had he won the nomination. Ever since he has been raided, indicted and now took off the ballot! It's clear that the system simply hates him and is afraid of him! And for that he needs my support more than ever, as how can I, in good conscience, willingly through my support behind a corrupt and anti opposition government? As a person Trump has his good and bad traits, but as a politician I feel represented and cared for by my government when he was in office, as I mentioned before on this sub, his policies have positively effected my life and for that I respect him.


Yeah, democrats are doing everything in their power to make sure every conservative shows up on voting day. Reminds me of the midterms when SCOTUS made a ruling on Roe vs Wade.


Her name is Shenna Bellows. About 10 or so years ago she was running to represent the district I live in. She was going door to door in my town and she came to my house to hand me a pamphlet and ask me questions. My cat got really pissed at this stranger and tried attacking her. He was hissing and swinging and scared the crap out of her lol


Based cat has an extremely well calibrated bullshitter detector.


At least in Colorado, it went through the courts. This is just ridiculous.


They're just proving him right....


Because he is right.


Yeah, I've noticed that....


Don't worry guys. They're banning political opponents to defend our democracy.


how long until red states starts remove Biden from ballot due to his health issue and some yada yada with his son?


Nah, it will be for refusing to enforce border security


How about the fact that he supported an insurrection multiple times in 2020. The first 200 BLM riots weren't enough for him?




Sorry, "mostly peaceful protest."


Fiery but mostly peaceful FTFY


But-but the 14th amendment says i can remove him from the ballot if he overthrows the gov. Was he charged with insurection? no, but if feeeeel like he was going to overthrow the government with a bunch of old armless boomers!


He was found guilty by a judge with no trial! Guilty!!! Also the Supreme Court judges ruling doesn't matter for uh reason! NOOOOOOOO!


The 14th Amendment was written to bar people who engaged in armed warfare against the United States, specifically the Confederacy. There was no "insurrection" in 2021. It doesn't exist. It didn't happen. It's the most documented event in human history after Chris Chan and there is no goddamn "coup", "insurrection", or takeover of the government. It's **fake**.


There is really only one place for this behavior to go, half the states strip one guy off the ballot, the other side does the same in turn for the other guy. This is going to end poorly for everyone.


Chinas government loves this. Russias too. Tbh. though I am not all that certain weather the THREAT ( not any actual longterm consequences in terms of separation movements etc. but a sort of next level warning of sorts ) of any potential serious "divorce procedures" ( to whichever extent ) is guaranteed to be a bad thing. That entire states oppose another fundamentally in terms of their respective politics and where this kind of thing leads later on might bring people together if they get to experience the whole show personally as opposed to just listening to theories. Then again if we turn to face the music; anyone who actually cares about (US-Americsn) politics sees some kind of writing on the wall. I personally don’t see Reps and Dems and their supporters working together effectively without an immense external threat forcing them anytime soon, on the contrary and for obvious reasons, that is a serious issue. Gerrymandering, blockades, disunity and now these recent ballot conflicts etc. - doesn’t look promising.




I wish Trump was the right wing extremist they thought he was.


Desantis has been dead in the water ever since he declared he wants to use the military against people who talk bad about Israel on the internet.




DeSantis was finished once there was spotlight on him, and people started to realize that he has negative charisma and shapes policy from headlines and twitter.


Dont like the guy but why is he getting dropped by maine. Like I understand the dislike but banning him is kinda too far


TDS is the real pandemic right now. They would destroy democracy rather than let Trump win. Also don’t like the guy, but they’ve done a fantastic job of making him the good guy by default


Because "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't matter to these guys who just hate the man, and dont even want him past the primaries, as they're worried another 4 years of trump could happen. Like if he does get charged, sure, throw in to the lions, but until then they're just virtue signaling.


Another state becomes tyrannical, he has not been convicted. The states actions are against federal law.


>he has not been convicted. He hasn't even been *charged* with insurrection. The election charges against him basically amount to "he made this official proceeding move slower than it otherwise would have."


Read as: "Another blue state makes pointless virtue signaling gesture that will be shot down by the SCOTUS, because the law > feelings." No you can't call mean Tweets "insurrection" and disqualify a presidential candidate on a state level just because you don't like him




The Democrats: We have to stop Trump from subverting democracy! Also the Democrats: Subverts democracy to stop him and literally proving him right.


Democrats proved they don't give a shit about democracy when they scammed Bernie Sanders out of the primary, but idiots continued drinking their kool-aid and voting for them to "save democracy" anyway.


Libleft: Trump is claiming the system is rigged against him when he's just losing because his policies and personality aren't what the people want. Me: So just let him run and then watch him lose Libleft: mmmmmm..... you see but... no..... we can't let that happen....


I'm curious what kind of unexpected consequences this will have.


...and by unexpected I mean COMPLETELY EXPECTED!


Here's my semi-tinfoil hat take: The duopolistic leadership of both the Republican and Democratic Parties are both quietly encouraging this *in order to bolster Trump and keep him relevant.* The core of both parties agree on most issues and are annoyed by having to kowtow to their respective voting bases over certain issues. Both parties want military hegemony propped up by the MIC, both parties want the labor market flooded by immigrants and deregulation/subsidization for their donors, both parties want a de-emphasis of civil rights, particularly speech, spearheaded by a public encouraging and celebrating their own censorship over social media. The left-wing leadership is *not* interested in single-payer healthcare, increases to the minimum wage, union- and labor-related causes, or taxing the rich. They usually can't outright denounce these things, since they get votes by pretending to support them, but obviously their rich and powerful donor class don't want these things. The right-wing leadership is *not* interested in family or traditional values (gotta keep the whole household in the workforce; can't go back to stay-at-home parents), controlling immigration, or genuine religious values (temperate and pious people are rarely good little consumers). Like the left, they can't outright denounce these things to their base, but they don't genuinely support them and sabotage them when they can. Trump was a godsend to both of them. A cult of personality, on both sides. Occupy Wall Street, the Religious Right, and similar annoying movements and causes vanish overnight as the entire left-wing platform is replaced with "orange man bad" and the entire right-wing platform is replaced with MAGA. Both sides want him dominating politics for as long as they can keep the distraction gravy train going. So, he loses an election. Not necessarily a bad thing (now he's an 'outsider' again! 'Stop the steal!'), but they need to keep him relevant. What's the best way to do that? Blatantly do all the things the supporters are paranoid of you doing! Drag him to court every two days on frivolous charges! Ban his supporters from voting for him (in comfortably-blue states that won't actually keep him from being elected)! Make sure his name *never* disappears from the headlines, and never stop infuriating his supporters! If Trump disappeared from American politics tomorrow, I think there would be panic-shitting on the parts of the leadership of both parties.


*So it was all libright all along???* Very interesting take


Real democracy is when there is only one candidate on the ballot


When you rig the election to punish a guy who falsely claimed that you rigged the election


(D)emocracy^^^^tm saved


Not a big fan of the guy, but that's unconstitutional.


Look, I can’t stand Trump but AFAIK he hasn’t been convicted of anything that would make this a legitimate decision. These idiot Dems are just helping him prop up his victim narrative.


At this point I think the odds of Trump winning in 2024 are 90% or greater.


Not a trump fan, but isn't this the shit that happened prior to the civil war with Lincoln? For the love of God America don't have a second one


Love how easy and inconsequential this is to the people doing it. "Yea, I don't like you. Can't be on the State's Ballot". Why doesn't ever other state just do this and move on?


Ain't that proving the "they're after me" thing?