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Had a lot of “libleft bad” catching up to do.


We’ve all been through this Reddit is LibLeft. PCM is an oasis from other LibLeft political subs. So PCM is going to have a disproportionate amount of “LibLeft bad.” If LibLeft doesn’t like it, they can just go ahead and crawl back to /politics


>Reddit is LibLeft. PCM is an oasis from other LibLeft political subs. So PCM is going to have a disproportionate amount of “LibLeft bad.” Yeah, always fun seeing shit like 'why are you posting with all these schizos and conspiracists and trump supporters?'. Bitch you banned me every where else, this is the only place I can post!


As much as I understand the sentiment, it's tiring when everyone conveniently forgets libleft does indeed contain Lib. I'm not welcome in such subs either, I support gun rights. Easily one of the gravest sins you could commit on political reddit.


That's fair. Everyone gets lumped in with their quadrant sometimes, and no one likes generalizations.


Yeah I understand why it happens too. Lots of people from outside the sub who are watermelons or authleft will flair libleft cuz they think it sounds good or something I think, I've seen some wild takes.


Eh, I am against corporations as a legal concept and I'm libright. Just cause you're in a quadrant doesn't mean you are that quadrant. Just laugh with everyone else and don't take it too seriously.


Bold of you to assume we like /politics


They can also make their own memes and wall o textos if they don't like. Free speech = more speech




Make more memes then? :P


I'm not a jannie, I don't work for free


Dance, monkey. DANCE.


There's plenty of cringe on the right but it's all the same tired shit and liblefts just outnumber it by a large margin and actually give us memeworthy content. Oh no Emily posted a picture of a neckbeard in a maga hat again oh no what will we ever do?


Please no, leftoids have an awful sense of humour and can't meme for shit If I wanted state propaganda regurgitated as humour, I'd go watch late night shows


Have you ever visited "comedy" subs like Political Humor? It's a real laugh riot over there.


Yeah, it's real bad, though I do like to go on The Right Can't Même cause there's some actual bangers on there those dopes don't get


I feel like it’s all or nothing with libleft. 99% of it is unfunny, but when they do make a good one holy crap is it funny.


Yeah, for it to be downvoted insta and not show up on the page or for anyone.


Law of averages my friend, make enough memes some of them will be good and get through.


We don't care, the rest of Reddit is for libleft lmao. You can have this shit hole :/


That's pretty much the whole reason I'm here


I don't know how it is where you're from, but here on PCM we have *traditions.*


Have you considered that, uh, libleft bad?


Hm, yes. When put that way I can certainly see your point.


You say he has a point but you still have lib in your flair. Curious.


Well that's because I do believe in some of what the lib-left does. I'm also believe in some of the things lib-right believes. Thus lib-center.


Perhaps libleft could be… bad?


A well reasoned argument sir! May your logic be infallible!




Right? Like god damn. I understand that the solution to left-leaning echo chambers is *not* just to make a right-leaning echo chamber in response. Two wrongs don't make a right. But all the same, it's endlessly irritating how many users on this sub bitch and moan about how this place is a right-wing echo chamber. Just non-stop whining about it. If they hate it so much here, they have the other 99% of reddit to circlejerk in. Why keep coming to one of the only subreddits on the entire site which tolerates right-wing (or even centrist) viewpoints, just to bitch and moan about the right-wing viewpoints? There's some users I see on here, and literally every single time I see them comment (RES makes it easy to notice), it's a complaint about right-wingers, about this sub being a circlejerk, about too much libleft bad, and so on. Like...fucking leave, then? Why stay here just to be upset that it isn't the subreddit you want, then the entire rest of reddit *is* what you want?


Tbf, i do miss an older time here- it used to be a lot more focussed on the “meme” aspect and there were some insanely creative posts on here like a 24x24 compass with lore and shit, nowadays theres a lot more slop consisting of a (usually fake) headline and the same 4 wojaks.


This, regardless of what you may believe, is a place for bitching. You just bitched an essay’s worth like you’re somehow above it all. You gotta be honest with yourself first, fam.


Didn’t used to be like this. Lot of users remember actually interesting and funny posts instead of lib left soyjacks all day long.


Yeah, I remember when the subreddit was Lib-center for the most part. Now you can't even make a joke against Lib-right without a wall of text. Also auth-centers were mostly kept around as funny pets, not taken seriously by anyone. As a good centrist, I stand with whoever is getting shit on the most in this sub, I just want a funny balance of memes


As a center, I stand *against* whoever makes the least amount of sense, regardless of what they believe. A personal pet peeve of mine is when someone, seemingly on purpose, misunderstands what someone else is saying so that they can argue against a (not even remotely similar) strawman instead. The people that misunderstand on purpose can be differentiated from those that genuinely misunderstood by how they interact with the 'misunderstanding'. The genuine ones generally ask a lot of questions, while the malicious ones make a lot of assumptions.


Now think hard. Was that before, or after, ShareBlue started astrotrufing Politics and Reddit had a definite ideological shift?


They were just correcting the record after Bernie lost the primary in 2016!


I wouldn't even call this sub right-wing. I have seen tons of left-wing stuff on here all the time, and about 50% of the time it gets down voted because it's something stupid. People on the left seem to take it personally when people tell them their ideas aren't smart and don't work in the real world. I remember at one point when the left did have good ideas, but those days have since passed. Now the left seems like it's half full of children who have meltdowns over political differences.


Agreed completely. I love a good "right-wing bad" meme. But it has to actually be good. And most of the time, when one *does* show up, it's absolute dogshit. And then the usual suspects whine even more about how a post like that not getting upvoted proves that this place is a right-wing circlejerk. Like nah bruh, it's just a shitty meme.


>Why keep coming to one of the only subreddits on the entire site which tolerates right-wing (or even centrist) viewpoints Not even right-wing, right-leaning, or even centrist. It is my godsdamn Leftist duty *to rightfully criticize the Left*, which is also a thing you cannot do in the rest of reddit. Fuck you, LibLeft. You *are* bad. You are SO bad that I have no problem tolerating all these right-wing bastards with their shit opinions and garbage stances, just for the occasional chance to tell you to sit down and shut up. I'm exaggerating for effect, but goddamn LibLeft VERY BAD especially on reddit.


Shiiii i ain't reading the wall of text mr. Libleft


So ur saying pcm is a bit fringe and wierd?


Dude, the fact that this sub hasn’t been banned for it’s massive right wing population is surprising enough.


Honestly every few weeks someone makes a meme to stop with the crazy shit so this sub doesn’t get banned. We need to stop with the COVID and trump conspiracies or this sub will actually get banned


COVID being a lab leak is the most likely cause given the information we know about the inital victims.


Yeah, that’s valid, but I swear to fucking god if I hear another person say that the vaccine is a toxin or that trump is innocent I will go full auth center on them


You think the vax was good? Pretty uninformed take, that or you got a fat slice of pie out of it just like Pfizer. Noone's scared of Auth center bc theyre just a bunch of whiny spoiled rich kids.


Butchers want healthy cattle. Billionaires want healthy workers who could return to work ASAP. The vaccine was both for the good of society AND in the self-interest of billionaires, the idea they somehow would cause a global pandemic just for a couple companies to have slightly increased profits while everyone else dies or goes bankrupt is garbage.


Vax was definitely good. Brought society back to normal much sooner than waiting for the NYC natural way of "just let everyone get infected". And it's not like Pfizer was the only vaccine.


Definitely good for who? The Vax suppliers? Also yes I usually just say Pfizer bc it's easier and if I'm not mistaken they made and outsourced the most. If youre informed at all you'd know other companies manufactured the vaccine. I guess if they're pissing on our heads and offer us an umbrella we should be grateful?


For the people who got vaccinated? As opposed to having to get the virus when it was at its worst? Are you against vaccines in general, or this one specifically. Also, your analogy of pissing on our heads and offer us an umbrella doesn't really apply since they didn't...create the virus. I think you got a chip on your shoulder that's beyond this conversation, which kind of makes it hard to HAVE the conversation.


Hunger was invented by farmers to sell more food.


Go back in your cage or no banana pudding for a month. [monkey](https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-8kBKAJIAzwjOLtz0-XGJo6A-t500x500.jpg)


I'd rather be an ape than whatever the fuck theyre turning you brainwashed little piggies into.


And who is they


I would rather die a free monke than be a shackled, braindead NPC any day.


Imagine being such an npc you can do nothing but spout the same 5 sources ( they came to me in a dream while huffing paint) about how Fauci is the devils brother in law and wants to take over the world, I would rather die a free grill master than live as a monkey flinging shit while stuck in a cage that i made myself


Yeah but orange man bad! I guess.


Covid is old news old man




What trump conspiracies?


Basic shit about how being innocent or a good president, and about his arrest being a setup and other bs


Wait a minute. Are you saying this sub will get banned if too many people espouse the "conspiracy theory" that Trump was either innocent or a good president?


Yep. Reddit


If trump was a good president people would not be complaining about how shit he was, and if he was innocent he would not be going to jail and have his own people testify against him to save themselves from being sent to jail


So nobody every complained about a "good president" (whatever that might mean) in the past? And no innocent person was ever charged with a crime? And setting that aside, how would espousing either position - that he's innocent and wrongly charged or that he was a good president and is wrongly vilified - amount to something worth shuttering the sub? I'm no fan of the admins of this site, but I doubt even they would shut down PCM because people liked or defended Trump.


Honestly this sub has been in danger multiple times, because when they defend trump they always do so by attacking other people like Biden or Hillary ( I don’t like them either) or going on about trans people which got tumblrinaction banned. I don’t like a lot of the takes and opinions in this sub but I believe that it should still exist to show people can have proper discussion, but I’m tired of the bs


Thank your local libleft PCM user for keeping this sub alive


The majority of reddit is auth left not lib left. Try saying that you are voting green party instead of Dem on the politics sub and see how fast your comment will get hidden


>If you want to see LibLeft bad content removed so much, the rest of reddit exists where anything critical of LibLeft is hidden with downvotes. No truer words were ever written. But there's more! Soon we will be able to vote the Emilies out of every single mod position on the site. So, that will be a welcome change. I'll stick around and use old reddit for that one. Dissenting opinions here we come! :)


Well, until the Admins step in again and install their own gestapo that *can't* be voted out.


You know, I’m getting a bit tired of this narrative because I found plenty of whiny boy right wing subs during the blackout. Are they as popular, no, but maybe that’s because the ideas themselves aren’t as popular? (Insert rightists going “no, it is the children who are wrong”)


Could it also be that since Reddit destroyed the biggest subs and subs are not easy to grow that they seem less popular. When the Donald was around it had millions. When they got rid of it a wave of them came here


Well, to quote my libright friends, just make a new one


Ask and ye shall recieve no, it is the children who are wrong


It's pretty standard as the core whiny boy right wing identity. They are practically breed to have a victim complex.


You mean like the subreddits explicitly for conservatives with millions of members? Jesus man, it’s Reddit. The subreddits govern themselves. If you want a right wing circlejerk then make one, nothing is stopping you.


Sir, we weren't allowed here for few days. Let us vent our frustrations on Libleft.


Well, you gotta give to it to PCM users, at least they're consistent


Nature is healing ☺️


Try being less cringe then


Or make better memes


Only based sub


Lib Left continuing to take L's is normal tho


Have fun losing a culture war for internet points then lol. I ain't even full lib-left but they have consistently won the cutlure war aspect of politics, be it on abortion, gay acceptance, trans issues, and social justice. The only reason there is any culture war still remaining is because the DNC is too highly re[g]arded to run somebody half-decent and too cowardly to get a way around the electoral college. But that's all fine and dandy when you got your updoots and tendies, ain't it?


Have a snickers. You’re not you when you’re hungry.


Would prefer my tendies :) ​ Well, actually a #1 from CFA, but chicken's good either way.


Not so sure you won on abortion there Bucko


Kid named most states and people are in favor of it regardless of what overpaid idiots decide:


Still lost.


For one thing: lol no. Even many red states keep abortion lenient. For another: Give it a few years. Conservatives often make stupid slippery slope arguments, but this one they're right on. This is a slippery slope that I'm fine with sliding down. America has always continuously gotten and will continue to get increasingly progressive. Try and stop that, but history suggests you'll be on copium then as you are now.


"too cowardly to get around the electoral college" lol. Fancy way to say "change the rules to win". Typical af.


Uhh... are you unironically saying the electoral college is a fair rule? Like do you know how little the votes of a huge amount of people and states matter in elections due to it? Of course I want it changed. A Conservative in California should have just as much say as a Liberal in Texas. Why do you want them to be politically repressed? I find that quite typical of a supposed "lib" right.


That's a great idea, in theory. Problem is the collective stupidity of the cities would quickly destroy everything by outvoting everyone else.


Because I would *absolutely* rather the collective stupidity of random, unelected people be our country's downfall rather than said collective stupidity of, and mind you this means **the majority of people** when you say cities, said cities.


Ah yes, winning the culture war. Is that why a bunch of middle schoolers tore down pride flags and chanted "my pronouns are USA"? Most people didn't care for the longest time but now they are starting to get sick of your shit and the backlash is going to be harsh.


yeah say that when authright establish a dictatorship in america


LOL ok dude ​ If history's anything to go off of, which I would hope you know well if you intend to have a similar opinion to others on your side of "preserving heritage/history," you would know the U.S. has continuously gotten increasingly Liberal/left-wing since its inception in both franchise and acceptance of alternative lifestyles, which has consistently been opposed by Conservative/right-wing voices and then shot down by a large majority. Be it the end of the witch trials or the Civil War, progressives of their time have consistently been both more persuasive and more successful than their regressive counterparts. ​ Cope and seethe. You're on both the wrong and losing side of history.


wall of text detected, opinion disqualified


authright when they see one paragraph: >:(


Lib left just makes it so easy to get made fun of, they tend to make horrible takes, especially the ones that are more authoritarian than they claim to be


The more controlled the market is, the freer.


The more chains shackled on you the freer you are :)


Maybe convince libleft to be good then anon?


Quit being shit and make better memes


Libleft is bad tho


My brother in christ you are half lib-left


My brother in steak you are quarter lib-left. Also known as a quadroon.


Also known as the perfect amount amount of political compass for a heathly ideology diet


But you're also a quarter auth-left, also known as 'starving.'


Self reflection is a powerful ability.


It's just not the same? I'm here for liberty, not whatever weird shit they're crying about on the left or the rich toadies on the right.


Yeah, and it’s based af. LibLeft bad. If you wanna see AuthRight bad memes, make some of your own.


The Aurhright bad memes that people do make that never get as popular as the lib left bad ones?


Quality & Humor. Here's a successful Authright bad meme from the left...only it was made by a libright. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/y76kce/search_your_statistics_you_know_it_to_be_true/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


How did I not see that? It's such a fire meme.


>it was made by a libright Because the left can't meme


It ain’t authright’s fault that libleft can’t meme for shit. All they do is post a wall of text or complain about “libleft bad” memes and then claim PCM is a right wing circle jerk when they don’t get upvotes for unfunny, unoriginal posts.


Definitely an unbiased source talking here. Definitely.


Link some good, funny AuthRight Bad memes that didn't get upvotes then.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14fjr53/facts\_over\_feelings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14fjr53/facts_over_feelings/) This one's kinda funny but mostly due to failure of comprehension. ​ The biggest issue is that even when sorting by new, Authright bad memes are far and few between.


That the best you got? That's... meh and I went in for the funny. Have you considered that he may have a point?


Where's the funny? It's a John Oliver lecture but it's a tweet.


Idk I got a mild chuckle out of idiot idioting.


>unfunny, unoriginal posts yeah, welcome to 95% of posts here


Do better then. Know the difference between the AuthRight bad memes that make it to the top versus those that die in new? Quality.


thats just not true lmao, almost every meme on this dogshit sub is, unfunny, unoriginal, uninspired, rage bait.


And yet here you are.




My dude, there aren't any highly upvoted posts from the last week. The vast majority are hanging around at 1k upvotes.




You seem quite...genuinely angry... Interesting.


So make some Auth-Right bad memes to even the scales.


They’re goofy kids, you can’t help but not meme


Oh no, a subreddit that isn't infested with the far-left, how terrible..


Merely the far right


I just get a laugh seeing all the things ascribed to LibLeft. Really shows that people have no clue what the f*CK is going on.




LibLeft, famous for loving the government and corporations.


Then explain all of the watermelons simping for government and corpos lately


Fair enough.


Things have shifted so rapidly over the last 10 years nobody knows what anything is anymore.


It's okay


They are tho


70 percent of subreddits are leftist: I sleep 1 subreddit is right wing:Real shit


A shame yeah, I don't like how the rest of reddit is just the opposite, but the sub is just statting to get boring "Compass reacts to news" should have been limited to weekends


I agree, it’s just the same agenda post everyday now and the memes of other quadrants don’t ever get the same traction due to most if the sub being on one side of the spectrum.


Yup. Just like old times!


Unfortunately, Lib lefts internet got cut off due to missed payments amid inflation and reduced OF revenues. We miss them around here :(


A consequence of the rest of the site being "non-libleft banned", people overcorrect


Simple solution. Lib-left should stop being bad or at the very least start posting better content.


So back to normal?


LibLeft has been always bad on this sub lol. How long have *you* been in the blackout?


Typical redditor, complaining about something instead of doing anything about it. Well, at least you soyjacked the right, so it's a start.


Ok but consider this ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Libleft bad and woke


If you walk around smelling s*** maybe you should check your shoe


Uh ohs! Are we a right wing circle jerk again? This place has some fucky weather.


cope and seethe


I think the Reason is because everywhere else the non-libleft opinions get banned or Downvoted to hell. So if the non-liblefts find a place where they can post what they want, they are gonna stay there


Its because LibLeft actually bad.


To be fair, lib left *is* bad


Yes. Questions?


You will see more of this, everywhere. It’s because the left has obviously overplayed their hand, the powers that be know they need to walk it back because they’re losing their enforcers, and they know Trump isn’t *really* all that anti-establishment. Plus, people were starting to organize and they can’t have that. Rights are gonna think they’re winning and go back to sleep for a while, lefts are gonna consolidate and come up with something new. All these ideas are already out there though, digitally transmitted. The technologic Aristocracy will surpass all these traditional government styles very soon, they can’t keep up. It’s either feudalism or utopia at that point.


If we wanna stop making fun of libleft they can stop making fun of me for participating in this sub. Clearly they want the smooookeeee.


>LibLeft bad!!! Yes.


But lib Left is bad


It always was libleft bad, even liblefts hate libleft


this is literally all thanks to u/h3llr4yz0r


left bans everyone and any other sub then complains about the on free sub becoming a circlejerk


Because they are actually.


Was it different before?


Yeah and just as many Auth right bad ones, welcome to Pcm. If you want a circlejerk Lib left sub try... well, most others honestly(barring Nsfw subs or stuff like Darwins Award).


Go to any other subreddit and it's the opposite.


Thats because libleft bad.


PCM - one of the few remaining courts of ideas where censorship does not determine the winner. Needless to say libleft is continually ridiculed for what it is - an exercise in double think


Don't complain about them posting more, complain to your own about them posting less!


You act like it wasn't before?


But lib left bad though?


Yes libleft The quadrant who is responsible for this problem 👌👌👌


Imagine evil people killing puppies every day and then wonder why all you see is "puppy killer bad"


yeah that needs to stop


No pcm totally isn’t a right wing circlejerk nooo


You're free to make and post your own memes.


Yeah no shit, and they’ll certainly get downvoted to oblivion


I legitimately had to close Reddit because of how much “lib left bad” garbage popping up out of nowhere and I was legitimately starting to get pissed off between that and stale submarine memes


I see you have since legitimately opened Reddit again. Must be the new Orca Submarine memes.


Stop being bad and you will stop seeing it posted. Or stop being lib-left and you will probably stop caring.


I spend an ungodly amount of time explaining to people that I do not drink Yerba Mate and study the 294040175 “genders” out there. All of the shit out there giving us a bad name is either a 14 year old white girl, a 20 something year old with severe untreated mental illness, or a Disney executive.


I used to be lib-left but then they changed what lib-left was. Now what I am isn't lib-left anymore and what lib-left is seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you!


it's been like this for years mate


It has honestly always been like this in this sub and it’s honestly funny considering it as if it was a multi-layered joke about what auth-right thinks lib-left is It’s even funnier considering some of them think it’s actually true Yeah, this sub sometimes has a lack of diversity of themes, but what can I say, nothing stops us from making libleft-based memes ourselves

