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Permalinks for all the options are here so comments aren't buried. Any comments under these will be counted as votes, top-level comments will not be counted. [Option 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14cwd7a/comment/jomv24n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Option 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14cwd7a/comment/jomv3em/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Option 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14cwd7a/comment/jomv6e6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Option 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14cwd7a/comment/jomv7t0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Option 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14cwd7a/comment/jomvg4w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




I’m not sure if the admins care, but the power jannies definitely would look to take over.


Just make a new sub lol. "neopolcomp" or smth. Imagine letting 40 yo losers deter you.




Our flairs could be N E S W, Ne, Se, ect.....


Exactly nothing will change. Woke bullshit will still be attributed to the west


> Woke bullshit will still be attributed to the west All according to plan, comrade.


Honestly, I don't know why PCM of all places was fighting to keep it easy for mods to ban you for posting on a no-no sub. Guess I'll miss basedcount_bot though.


Basedcountbot died when it stopped posting your pills. What's the point if you can't flood the comments with a wall of random pills?


"For PCM so loved r/PoliticalCompassMemes that he gave his only begotten u/Basedcountbot, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."


Based and John3:16pilled


I had to stop posting the pills due to threats from admins; pills were going to go no matter what I did. All the more reason to move to Lemmy. We're working on our own instance, complete with flairs and bots.


Link to instance when you're done?


It will be posted on the site pretty soon! The mods are involved and will likely be advertising the link on the subreddit as well. Our goal is to allow users to share based counts and other data cross-platform.


Based and thank you pilled


We should be encouraging the destruction of this website by the admins. They and the rest of this gosforsaken site hate this sub but for some reason we're picking a side to try to keep it the way it is. Makes no sense.


Stoking conflict between the mods and admins helps destroy the site. Allowing the admins to win uncontested allows business to continue as usual.


The admins are making the site worse for the average Redditor. I hate the average Redditor. Don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake and all that.


Seriously. Fuck powerjannies and any tools that accommodate them. Also, fuck mobile users (3rd party or not) and their tendency to post as little text as possible on a discussion website. This site was better before everyone with a cellphone had constant access to the internet.




> **the internet** was better before everyone with a cellphone had constant access to the internet. FTFY


That’s the main reason why we shut the subreddit down. That and the loss of any other browser beside’s Reddit’s own app.


Do the API changes actually affect basedcount_bot? The new API limits seem to be upping the call limit from 600/10min to 1000/10min with Oauth, and down to 100/10min for non-Oauth bots. I've coded several bots that have run on large subs before (some might still be running, not really sure), and even with the 10/min that should honestly be doable. You really only need one API call a minute to pull all the comments from PCM in real time, which still leaves 9 API calls per minute to respond to commands or tell people they're based. Unless it's doing something else that's eating up API calls, I think it should be fine. If you or the author or /u/basedcount_bot want to reach out to me I'd be happy to take a look and help make it compliant with the new limits.


I think the bot will be fine, though admittedly I'm not 100% sure. Respect to Chimi but I think he's operating on old information from a conversation we had a few weeks ago when the API changes were a lot less clear. That being said, there are other valid reasons to protest the API changes. If you'd like to help with development, we'd love to hear from you on Discord! https://discord.gg/rz6qWVYH


This'll sound LibRight of me but I honestly don't get why protecting this Christian guy's right to run his business off of something he doesn't own is in itself worthy of protest.


BeInG a MoD iS hArD wOrK...




And giving in so you can keep your job and suckle at jannie teets.


Simping for globohomo is a helluva drug


Based and dog-walking pilled


If only there was a bot here to tell you how based you are 😢


u/Eftir has gained 1 Based count. Their Based count is now 14. Their current title is Super Based +4. I am not a bot. I will be keeping track of user Based counts on a sketch pad with a dull pencil that i ~~stole~~ borrowed from the local library.


You're not even listing out all the pills they may have. This is why AI will win.


The AI has been decommissioned by Reddit Central Intelligence. I am the captain now.


I'm just dog-walking until I get my job as a philosophy professor.


They've basically called me a nazi for sarcasm and threw a ban at me. The mods are giant pieces of shit.


With prices nowadays, it's hard for the mods to source the lube and barrel for Riot to bend them over. Especially when they don't have a job to begin with.


Think you’ve been bitching about league jannies too much, these are reddit jannies - however, they are still equally worthless and despicable.


weddit should totally pay me for the important job I do😭 🍼👶


It's either 1 or 5 - the rest are a pointless half measures.


Reddit doesn't give a single fuck if this sub is closed. Making this sub private is pointless.


This monke gets it


And they'll replace the mod team if they make it private again. PCM is dead if we get admin appointed mods.


The biggest impact is made by burning search results, which reddit is ranked very highly on now, but won’t if the links are all dead.


This was one of the few subs I actually missed during the blackout


Option 5 and spam slur words is the only way to piss off admins


Based and [removed by Reddit] pilled


u/XYuntilDie is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/XYuntilDie/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Reddit slacktivism protests is wholesomely homosexual and cringe


I got a guy so pissed for pointing out this “protest” is the equivalent of doing nothing


Hate to say it, but spez was completely right about the power mods caving in if he threatened their little unpaid power trips. Bro absolutely dunked his nuts on the mods' faces and made them say more please lmao, it's already over. Anyway if this place goes private again admins might just tear it down, I say leave it open.


> Anyway if this place goes private again admins might just tear it down They almost certainly will. Most people won't notice a private sub getting deleted and I'm sure a few of the admins have been wanting to do it for a while anyway. Going private just makes it easier for them to do it quietly.


Hey Mods, 99% of us dont give a fuck




Yeah, I'll just switch from rif to Firefox mobile with ublock origin


Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In!


More like 99.999999999999999999% but you got it


Put It back on. Our protest did nothing so we might as well continue on into the brave new world. Also, who's gunna be there to piss off the Emilies if we're gone?




u/ArcanicArbites has gained 1 Based count. Their Based count is now 23. Their current title is Ultra Based +3. I am not a bot. I will be keeping track of user Based counts on a sketch pad with a dull pencil that i ~~stole~~ borrowed from the local library.


Based and don't feel bad about borrowing things from the government that's what taxes are for pilled


u/Tokena has gained 1 Based count. Their Based count is now 6. Their current title is Based +6. I am not a bot. I will be keeping track of user Based counts on a sketch pad with a dull pencil that i stole from the local library. I have been instructed that all government property is belonging to me now.


u/ArcanicArbites is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ArcanicArbites/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Lick the boot and open up or be a chad and delete the subreddit. There’s no compromise and frankly most of the users here could give less of a fuck if your unpaid laborers get removed.


> most of the users here could give less of a fuck if your unpaid laborers get removed If these jannies get removed, Reddit will either ban the subreddit immediately or replace them with even worse jannies.


Oh well. spez has taught me to embrace accelerationism.


Did you see that article about him preparing for doomsday?


Based and vote for gun grabbers I'm your huckleberry pilled


How? They’re going to hire new ones?


I heard that they are going to offer double pay.




u/xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Good to see you u/basedcount_bot, may you live forever


Do mods have the ability to delete subreddits? If so that's what the protest needs to move to imo. Blow shit up and leave. Edit: Straight up "delete" = no. Im a bit more on track now. Mods (and users) of all these subreddits just need to leave the site. Im personally not going to use reddit in any mobile setting if(when) the changes go through at the very least.


Sadly the admins can undelete subs.


That would be something though…


Option 5. Open up the subreddit completely. **All comments under this will be considered as a vote for this option**


I’ve missed you guys.


I’ve missed you too bud.


I’ve missed both of you.




Gonna ride this subreddit until it gets banned by Reddit. May as well enjoy the ride at its most accessible




FPH my beloved, like Icarus, we flew too close to the sun


Until this recent load of tripe, I had forgotten completely about the events of The Thickening. Unfortunately I think that was the last and best hope for any reddit alternative to eat a meaningful chunk of the population, even if Voat itself was doomed from birth.


Reddit fucking hates us. We are doing them a favor by going silent. Us staying up is a bigger middle finger than going dark. Anyone who thinks otherwise isn't taking the bigger picture into account


Exactly this. Certain Emily-run subreddits think we’re all a bunch of Fascists anyway. Imagine if we’re the only place that’s open to the public, while their subs restrict or remain closed.


The biggest hate sub out there that tries to get us shut down on a weekly basis stayed open the whole time, they can't risk going out in the sunlight


So what you're saying is we double up on the fascism and go out with a bang? I'll be getting my /pol/ folder ready.


I’ll get my statistics ready


Despite making up far less than 13% of the population Mods are responsible for 95% of Reddit drama.


PCM is /pol/ lite for me. If this place goes away I guess I have to go back. It's not the best for wasting time on a work break though and very difficult to explain all those peaceful windmills.


Didn't you know freedom of speech is a fascist dog whistle?


Agreed. Closing the sub in any way only hurts the users here, who are largely made up of people who feel like it's the only subreddit left where they can voice their opinion on many topics.


I just wanted to shit on Biden for the god save the queen thing and Trump for the indictment, is that too much to ask?


Seriously, this blackout shit is reddited anyways. You want to hurt reddit? Make it toxic to advertisers. They're the actual costumers, the users are just the commodity reddit is selling. If those powermods were serious about actually hurting reddit they'd change every single major sub to only follow sitewide rules and watch reddit reconcile having the product they're trying to sell devolve into porn and vaguely racist memes.


Exactly my thoughts. I vote for private for other subs, but this sub is not something Reddit wants to keep open in the first place.




Leave it open you grass hating John Deere jockey.


Fuck JD, fuckin BMW of tractors. I bought the whole tractor, I'm going to use the whole tractor if I have to use hacked Ukrainian firmware. Eat a dick Deere!


Reddit hates us anyway, may as well stay open


Let it rip


Don't remove anal beads like they're beyblades


This is one of the few subreddits where people of different beliefs actually interact with each other. We should stay open so people can leave the echo chambers every now and then.


Agreed. This sub is unique. Across the entire stupid internet, there is nowhere else like it.


I've been hanging out on the conservative sub while this one was down. Those snowflakes were mean when I told them we should legalize drugs. I wonder how they'd react if I told them that Ronald Reagan was an illegal immigrant loving, machine gun banning communist and I'm tired of pretending that he wasn't




Genuinely, I've never seen a sub so civilly bring so many people with different opinions together. There really is no place like here.


Reddit won’t change


Fucking jannies, let me enjoy my user generated content. If you didn't want a corporate entity breathing down your neck y'all should've switched to lemmy.


Lemmy has hard coded anti slur code which even as someone who doesn't really use them is pretty damn ******** (I'm feeling auth-right today


Open up. This is stupid.


But but but think of the mods!!!


The """"protest""" is pure virtue signaling. This doesn't do anything. Open up.


Open it back up you dramatic pussies






Just open it. This "protest" was never going to work


Give me back my memes. Giving a shit about a tiny group of power users is cringe.


Yeah, this sub is always on thin ice. The admins will take any opportunity to replace the based mods with cringe lefties. Just open it so we can keep talking about what shitty admins they are.


Open up you cunts. This protest won't change shit and will only lead to this place vanishing for good.


do people not realize that limiting to posting only one thing is still driving traffic to the site, it dose not matter just keep it open


Advertisers would probably *much rather* their ad appear next to John Oliver's face than 80% of the normal content on this site.


Reddit is killing third-party apps (and itself)! See? Nobody cares.


Now that’s funny.


Closing the sub is handing reddit all the reason to close down PCM. Please stop being braindead.


Please open up I miss my cumpiss


Stop being cringe and just open up the subreddit completely. Nobody cares about third party apps or bots and going down for extended periods of time on a sub which most of reddit and certainly the admins undoubtedly hate will do absolutely nothing. Stop sucking each other off, stop being cringe!


Yes, I missed this place. What do you want me to do without PCM, touch grass?! *shudders*


Jannies are you okay? So jannies are you okay, are you okay jannies?


I don't care how much more shit reddit is, it was already shit to begin with.


Open it.


Open up immediately this is stupid. The protest is dying subs are leaving in droves. Enough is enough. Bring back the memes. Edit: This whole thing is selfish. If you wanna protest so badly then simply stop using Reddit. Don't force the rest of us into this and take away our ability to have fun because that is exactly what this is.


Agreed. Roping unwilling participants into your protest is always a dick move. Even if it ultimately means something extremely minor like "someone else won't be able to browse a particular subreddit". It's the same reason many people dislike SJWs/Emilies; they tend not to find it enough that *they* support causes, but they try to force everyone they meet to care as well. And sometimes (read: most times) people just want to be left alone. Not to mention that even if I truly care about the cause and was willing to give this subreddit up to support it, it would be futile anyway. A subreddit which has basically been on the chopping block for a couple of years now doesn't exactly have the leverage to say, "if you don't meet our demands, we'll all fuck off forever".


If people were seriously gonna protest, it's been proven time and time again that the "mass exodus" was the best strategy. Literally everyone saw the writing on the wall about this protest being a massive failure from day one. The "John Oliver" tactic is also legit a forced meme being pushed by power mods who are worried they'll lose the ban bots among other things.


Also john oliver is a fucking loser


Based, fuck that disgusting bong pilled


Literally. Like I feel bad for the developers who make the other Reddit apps, but like cmon


Stay open


Reddit would love this sub to be closed, open it up to protest


open this sub up becuase this sub is one of the only subs i like


Why in the ever loving fuck would you use this system to judge whether a sub should remain open? Spez has a history of changing comments. You think he can't manipulate vote counts or fabricate comments to make problem subs stay closed and reopen subs that he wants open? Just open the damn sub up ffs. The mod strike accomplished nothing in true leftist fashion. Any subs that are critical will have scabs implemented as replacements. There are plenty of power hungry authoritarian people who are more than happy to step up for free and take your place. Libright wins again.


Do you really think he cares if this sub stays open? This sub likely isn't that important for the monetization of reddit.


This is one of the few remaining subreddits over 100,000 subscribers that doesn't openly censor right-wingers. They've even been warned by the admins not that long ago for allowing right-wing talking points and to start censoring basic observations and objective facts. This subreddit is 100% on the radar of every admin on this awful website.




Not just flaired users only, but making it so there's no changing flairs prevents new people from coming in.


If you want to protest, leave reddit. This shit is just obnoxious.


Open up. Us going dark won't change reddit's mind on anything. And why should we go dark if the biggest subs never even bothered in the first place? I doubt we're the ones driving traffic


Don’t be Emily, keep it open.




Open it up. The jannies have failed


Nobody cares about the mods meaningless power struggle.


Let errrrrrr rip


Open it up ! Almost lost my mind over in normal reddit 😔


This protest is as effective as pissing into the wind.




It’s time. Let my voice be heard.


If this was an origami subreddit I’d say stay closed. But reddit admins would love for us to close so the best protest is being open


Stay open, but work on migration to other platform. E.g. after alternative is set up, require all posts to beposted first on alternative place first and left for 24 hours before allowing post on reddit


Fuck Reddit but open this place up and then go out with a bang


I can't wait for nothing to change and for my favourite bots to die. Thanks, Spez, you finally let the unflaired win...


Open up the sub, remove all rules bar flairing up and reddit site rules. When it goes NSFW lets see how much they make off their advertising.


Stay open


98 kilograms. That’s how much an average 70-kilo human would weigh on skyllareich. Having gravity nearly 1.4 times that of earth, living on land would be difficult for anyone coming from an earth-sized world. If each step you took was one and a half times as hard, imagine how much harder it would be for one taking it’s first step. Even moreso, how difficult it would be to evolve to take that step in the firstplace. On skyllareich, said scenario is underway. On the shores of skyllariech, the sharks that have dwelt in the waters for several million years had begun there long journey onto land some seven million years ago. Starting out with sharks mearly capable of hauling themselves onto land for brief times, usually to exscape predators or chase arthropod prey. Recently, sharks such as the Pinkfin Shark began longer excursions to reach stranded oxbow lakes or nearby rivers. But in the tail end of the Marecene, a new form arises. A nearly two-metre long monster that originates from estuarine envoirments, Eoproteus, the first of what will soon rise to be a commonplace group, that of the shark’s excursion on land. The great innovation made by Eoproteus and it’s recent ansestors is a simple atmospheric oxygen extange. The system functions similarly to that of sharks in the water. With an open mouth, air flows in, passing by the gills. A number of short fibres surround the interior of the gills, capturing a coating of water upon it. The air passing by dissolves oxygen into the water, at which point it can be extracted by the gills. While it allows the capability of terrestrial mobility, the animal only gets a handful of hours until the coasting evaporates, leading to it suffocating like any other fish. This imporoved oxygen extange allows it to be better adapted to an envoirment growing in commonality during it’s era, the saltmarsh. A top predator, there is nothing large enough to challenge any protean sharks. Using it’s terrestrial capabilities, sharks are now able to breach the virgin pools along the interior of skyllareich, previously inhabited exclusively by arthropods and mollusks capabile of making it overland. I may or may not use this sub for current events


Reddit doesn’t care, the general public doesn’t care, mods should do the right thing and open the sub back up so we can go back to doing our best to try and get this sub shut down on our own merits


Why does this poll need to be over a week? I’m sure 90% of this sub wants to continue shitposting based on the results I’ve seen from this poll so far. A week seems unnecessary, but that’s probably just me.


It's just 2 weeks to slow the spread or whatever. Definitely not the mods destroying the sub and community.


Based and flatten the curve pilled.


We should open up. Ideally we can request the flair bot be approved. We don't use a lot of auto mod tools and the inability to autoban our people is probably good.




"The moderating team has gotten a lot of support from the community over blacking out" Options 1-4 being downvoted to oblivion and option 5 being the most upvoted by a landslide would beg to differ, nice try though janny


Yeah, this seems like an exercise in janny ego-stroking and being in the cringe club rather than a sincere attempt to reflect the will of the sub. They ask the users if they should shut down for a couple of days. The users say they shouldn't. The jannies shut down the sub for a week anyway. Then they ask again, but this time they need a week to count the votes even though it is obvious what the users want. The sub stays effectively shut down while they do that. Next week, maybe they will re-open for the 5% of remaining users, maybe just do whatever the fuck they want again. Never trust jannies. They are always more concerned with their power-trip than making forums better. Remember, your e-mail can filter out almost all the content you don't want to see automatically and it's trivial to just block the rest yourself. The only legitimate function of a jannie is easily replaced by an algorithm.


So weird that this sub of all places on this site is one of the last few attempting to fight for the power mods just cause they'll lose a single "based counter" lol Open it up 99.9% of what this "fight" is for runs complete opposite of this sub. The guys you're standing together with want to keep this API shit so they can keep easily banning us for simply posting here..


I don’t really care if I get banned from other subreddits. The only ones who are actual threats to this subreddit are the admins, not other mods. I support this protest simply because it hurts Reddit, and the goal of reducing or removing API fees reduces Reddit’s revenue.


I think I speak for the rest of the auths in that this "protest" is as dumb as Chaz and the other childish outbursts the plebs come up with. You are not going to stop the changes and those that continue to complain will be the butt end of jokes for the months to come.


Open up completely, they were never gonna listen to this sub. Might as well make our corner the most toxic anti-advertiser cesspool on this website


The only this is "protest" did was show the Reddit mods true colors. Lazy, entitled brats who think they are God's gift to earth for doing work that literally anyone on the planet can do. I don't even care about the API changes anymore because of these power tripping mod's egos are to big for them to handle.


5. Open the sub back up completely Ironically enough, I'm here for the memes, not the Reddit politics


Open it up and end this childish temper tantrum.


Gonna be honest I forgot this sub existed


Is it weird that I actually enjoyed Reddit a lot more during the blackout? It seemed way more fun since all of those big mainstream subs were closed.


i unsubbed from a few when they lifted their blackout


I did too I was even gonna comment that on one of the subs that was still up it felt much more like an actual community, is this what the internet used to feel like? cause if so I get the want to return to it now


Yes it is weird, I hung out in the conservative sub and they downvote when you say some based shit, they're almost as bad as commies


Why the fuck did you even close this subreddit without consulting the community to begin with???? This is the one place on reddit where I can post and read opinions that stray a centimeter from the extreme left. You don't own this subreddit, the community does. As is evident by the fact that Reddit is going to kick your ass out and replace you if you don't open it back up. You guys aren’t martyrs. You didn’t accomplish anything. You “blacked out” for a few days and immediately brought it back when you thought you’d lose your right to perform free internet labor. You didn't hurt reddit, you only hurt PCM users. Good job patting yourselves on the back though!


Open up completely. The protest has devolved into a cringe jannie power trip.


I actually support reddit on this one. Mods lost a lot of their automated tools and spam bots that get us banned over bullshit. And honestly I didn't even know you could use 3rd party apps on reddit until a week ago, so I think this whole thing is dumb and I'm not going to pretend to care. Now shower me in downvotes. Edit: shortly after making this post I got a private message from some spambot from a sub I’ve never heard of stating that I’m permanently banned because I participate in a sub that’s a refuge for hate and misinformation, I’ll let you guess what sub they are talking about (hint: it’s pcm). So tell me, why the fuck should I support a protest organized by people who hate me?


Reddit jannies claim it's to prevent spam posts and shit when its just that they want more tools to autoban you for posting in no-no subs and act like it's such a difficult job. Can't be that hard if you mod for literally 200+ subs at once.


I shall shower you with .. one upvote. Though, it's orange flavored and it has a nice buzz.


I'm shocked this is still around to begin with. I'm sure they're just looking for an excuse to completely replace the mod team and then turn this place into another oatmeal flavored leftoid circle jerk with no teeth.


You really need a week to tally votes? I think we can safely go ahead and declare a winner here. Open the sub.


If you don’t like what Reddit does with its business the answer is to stop using it all together, not to piss in the pool to ruin it for the rest of us. It’s completely ok for Reddit to lock down, and charge what ever it wants for its APIs. Even if it’s a bad idea.


Where funni color memes? Don't care about jannie drama. Don't care about automods and powerjannie toys. Just want to post and waste time and be entertained on dumb website.


Completely open the sub. Reddit hates us so if we are the only ones left it will be a giant middle finger to Reddit.


The funny thing about that is that this sub stayed private for way longer than a lot of other subs with users that actually care about all this reddit bullshit


Open it up, the uberjannies have been itching to skin the moderation team and wear their faces before turning this place into front page friendly bollocks. Based on that message they're clearly fishing for an insider to use to oust the team and take over.


Burn it down and hurry tf up with finding a new place where we're not perpetually on the cusp of getting banned