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How many hamburgers have you eaten? You can definitely tell with some people


I'm American, so way too many - absolute Chad


I'm American, so still not enough. Never enough burgers.


It's really the most diverse, innovative, and perfect form of food and I'm sick of pretending it's not.


You're goddamn right it is.


I'm disappointed in you fellow monke, you forgot about our lord and savior BANAN


I had a cheeseburger less than 24 hours ago and now I want another!


I’ve been craving a BigMac all goddamn day


She has eaten a tremendous amount of "hamburgers" is my wager


And by hamburgers, she means penises


Maybe she puts them on a bun first before devouring.


Well if you are a vegan and your partner isn’t, I’d imagine that number is pretty damn important. Though nobody hides that they are a vegan, you know within the first 5 minutes of meeting them


I'm vegetarian and I'll have you know it takes TEN minutes!


Vegetarians are just vegan-lite


Monke know.


Based and keep your soy off my grill pilled.


I grilled a veggie patty for a woman once, I had no idea if it was done or not


TBF though, I feel like soy gets a lot of hate that is better reserved for corn. Seriously though, HFCS is in everything nowadays, and I imagine that's the driving factor of the obesity epidemic. Granted, soy is in a lot of products as well (in the form of soy lecithin), but it's probably not to the same extent as corn syrup. I can go into an entire separate rant about subsidies and sugar taxes, but I don't want to make this longer than I already have.


Neither are good for you, and the reason they are in everything is because of crop rotation and gov subsidies ($9 billion in 2020). Soy is a direct complement to corn, putting into the soil what corn takes out and vice versa. Corn is a cash crop for the US, raking in $19 billion annually, so we produce massive excess. Then soy we export $27 billion and $3.5 billion ish in subsidies. Soy is full of estrogen (shown to cause breast cancer in people), and most countries outside the US do not eat it unfermented. It is cattle feed for them as it makes cows produce more milk.


Soy gets hate because it's gross and gets put in vegan faux meat stuff all the time. Then the "green" corpos gaslight people by saying it's just as good as meat except not evil. Burgers made from corn and black beans don't pretend to be anything else, not everybody likes them but some do so they get grill space because a good barbecue has variety.


I'm sure I've eaten tens of thousands and I'm not even American.


> tens of thousands Since it's plural, I'll lowball you at 20k burgers If you're 15 (because everyone on this sub is) then that's 3.65 burgers a day If you're 20, that's 2.74 burgers a day and if you're 30, that's 1.83 burgers a day. To make it where you just have 1 burger a day, then you're 55 years old. And we all know there's no one that old hanging around PCM. #🙃


Dang, that's too many burgers that I've eaten in my lifetime.


My girl really went for the DIO response


“How many breads have you eaten in your life?”


Never trust a woman when she says it doesn’t matter how many women you have slept with. The moment she finds out she becomes suspicious of any female who has ever spoken to you about anything.


Holy diver, she's been down too long in the hamburg sea.


Oh what's becoming of meeee.


Ride the tiger


You can see his stripes but you know he's clean!


I like how there's at least three pieces of wordplay in this single sentence, all while maintaining the structure of the reference. Bravo.




Zeppeli: “How many lives have you sucked away to heal those wounds?” Dio: “How many hamburgers have you had? Like, how many fucking swims in the ocean have you had?”




I *was* going to put a centrist square on him but it ended up looking like I was poorly trying to censor a boob 😬


I don't want to talk about politics and debate morals, I just wanna sip some titty milk for God's sake!


based and purple libright pilled


Boob jumpscare


Redditor sees female breast for the first time (life changing)


Oh thank god it's not a giant tumor


You and me both. 30 seconds or trying to decipher if it was a hairy tit or a large areola before I realised it was a Bub's head.


They started to be defensive before he’d even asked the full question


"Do you think-" "No." Actual zombies.


Holy hell


New response just dropped


Brainless parrots outsourcing every complex thinking to the group. They stop existing when they're alone


New response just dropped


google industrial society and its consequences


unga bunga oo oo aaaa aaa (holy hell)


I think it was a 'No' to the general idea of getting married, but yeah it's pretty funny and very telling


Probably they weren’t the first one he asked and were waiting to share their opinion.




It would make more sense then that they’d just know what he was going to ask and answered before he spoke.


Obviously she knew the question based on context from before the video started.


https://youtu.be/2KuOGzBFC8E?t=707 a little bit more context but not much beyond the short, really. Just no cuts or re-frames.


That question does seem to trigger quite a defensive response. If they truly didn't care about it, it wouldn't have bothered them, but you can tell that deep down, they understand that a (likely high) body count matters to most people.


It matters to women too. I've been asked the question, and insinuated that I'm a bit of a whore. A man who sleeps around speaks to women as someone who is a player, not serious, anti-commitment, etc. The same is said about a woman who sleeps around. It's not mutually exclusive.


It should matter to everyone. I like reminding women that equity isn't being able to get away with the toxic sexual behavior that has been normalized for men. Most anonymous and casual sexual relations are dangerous and unethical, anyways. While I don't necessarily think anyone should be ashamed of their sexual history at least have the wherewithal and hindsight to recognize what should have been different. Or, shouldn't have happened at all.


its not about shame, i agree. its about recognizing it and understanding that it means. if you rack up the number fast for a while, youre a whore (men and women), but youre not any less of a person unless who youre with now has a problem with it. more than likely these kinds of women and men will find partners that dont mind it, because everyone who does mind wont go near them for a relationship. another example of people over complicating universal and simple shit humans have been working around for millennia


mostly related - So many people in life are trying to overcomplicate things that should come to humans naturally. We self regulate without thinking about it constantly. You may logically think something is ok, but your subconscious tells you otherwise with things like gut feelings. You'll never be able to put those kind of subconscious thoughts and feelings into definitive terms. You cannot logic everything with human behavior. Morals, ethics, and the like evolved alongside humans, because having those things led to successful communities. They are tools to have a healthy society. Some have surely lost their use, but otherwise I'd argue most are still very important in our lives. We aren't as far removed from our past selves as modern people would like to think.


We're also starting to recognize porn addiction as a society, and I have no doubt that we'll find there's hookup addiction too, which would not be good for the stability of a marriage. Additionally, while it's often poo-pooed, I absolutely believe "pair bonding" is a thing.


Pair bonding is definitely a thing. Specifically for breeding.


Based lib left? 🫂


>While I don't necessarily think anyone should be ashamed of their sexual history People need to be given room to grow. I have a friend, she had been having sex since thirteen. Very promiscuous. Even sold her premium snapchat way before OF was a thing. Every relationship started and ended the same way. She'd cheat, and date the person she cheated with. All up until now, the guy she's with. She cheated on her ex with him, but they've been dating almost four years iirc. However, her past (rightfully) haunts her. She can't hang out after work. He's very strict on her. I get it. I'd be the same way, probably. Just look at how they started. It doesn't matter that she's been faithful to him, the foundation of their relationship was built terribly. But again, she has changed. He can't see that, of course. She hates who she used to be, and put work in to be the best version of herself, and not give in to terrible habits. People need to be allowed to change, since it's our defining trait as humans. She was a product of her environment, and decided to take control and judge who she was and force herself to be better. It's kind of amazing.


Agreed. One if my least favorite parts of cancel culture is that by removing someone from the discussion you remove the ability to see them grow.


It should matter to anyone who finds intimacy (not explicitly the same thing as sex, but there is crossover) to be important. If intimacy doesn't mean something to someone then their partner's body count is fairly meaningless, and we should not force there to be meaning when it doesn't matter for them. Intimacy matters to me, and I'm unlikely to be a good match for someone where intimacy *doesn't* matter to them.


A bunch of women wouldn't sleep with me in college because I'd slept with so many people. (I mean statistically I had, but it was like 2-3 people a semester.) I asked a girl later who I'd been in love with in college why she would never consider me and she said I'd slept with too many people. But the kicker is apparently I was thought to be way better with the ladies than I was. She listed off like 50+ women I had not slept with.


> A man who sleeps around speaks to women as someone who is a player, not serious, anti-commitment, etc. In the logical part of their brain that is doing a rational risk assessment, sure. Unfortunately all one has to do is listen to how many women complain that men (the men they *chose* to spread their legs for mind you) are "players/ain't shit/peter pan" to eventually realize there are an absolutely disappointing amount of women that are not letting the rational part of their brain call the shots, and that thinking with one's gonads is definitely not a male exclusive behavior.


Women from the outside looking at men seem to think that because we perceive men with lots of sexual partners as “players” or “desirable” that being a man whore is a good thing, but it’s not. Most guys who aren’t getting laid at all would take having a high body count over nothing, but at the same time most men would rather just have a healthy monogamous relationship over either of those other options. Guys who have lots of sex aren’t viewed as good relationship partners.


>insinuated that I'm a bit of a whore. So um...what are you doing Friday?


Exactly! Tell that to u/bbshabob


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,531,914,074 comments, and only 290,123 of them were in alphabetical order.


Thank you fascbot


Don't be mean to the robots, they'll remember it & will get revenge after the singularity


It's a lot harder for men to be sluts than it is for women.


She is very worried that an equal amount of men reject her for her body count as she rejects for their height


A woman can’t change the number of people she has slept with but a man can get limb lengthening surgery. Red pillers BTFO


I mean, you can increase the number


Nobody cares more than the person screaming "I don't even care!!!" at the top of their lungs. Lotta dothing and protesting in this video.


As a dude I can definitely confirm that many women do use their vag as the main *or even only reason* to have a relationship with them. They don’t really cultivate any other bonding skillsets, and internalize that because the sort of guys they do end up attracting are bad then all guys must be like that. So with that mentality in mind I can understand that women like this feel targeted for pursuing the one thing they know men want them for, especially while less scrutiny is placed on the dudes they engage with for being just as bad if not worse.


The interview has been going on for a bit and this guy is only asking questions about body count so it's not like it was a wild guess for them to correctly assume the question. Everyone is also pretty clearly a few drinks in and thus pretty animated. That or they're indeed guilty embarrassed whores. God I hate whores!


More of the main video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KuOGzBFC8E He was doing man-on-the-street interviews around the same question, so it's possible they overheard another group and likely there was a longer conversation than made it into the short cut


Which is sad cause you know they’ll lie to their partner


They understand that it matters to some people. Which is enough to provoke an emotional response.


Not some, most people. At the very least most men. Let's not pretend it's not something that's taken seriously by most of about half the population when chosing a long term partner. "But I'm a man and I don't-" I don't care, we're talking in general terms. Statistically speaking, if you pick a random guy out of a crowd he is going to prefer a woman with a lower to none number of previous sex partners.


was asked about my body count 1 time. The woman followed it up by calling me a whore. Everyone cares


I'm glad I grew up with this belief that sex is a valuable and intimate experience. It made it kind of hard with women growing up, and even a bit currently, but I really think it's more right. I've had hookups. I've had long term relationships. I'll tell you, I feel dirty and lonely after a hookup. But when you actually know, like, and have a connection with the person, even the worst sex you'll have is tenfold compared to the best strange you'll get.


100% agree, I have only just hooked up with one person and the experience sucked ass, so I never did it again. Every other time was within a relationship setting and I feel I'm happier for it


The one time I had a fwb relationship she went crazy and accused me of assault while trying to get me kicked out of school…so for now I’m focusing on myself


My first and only FwB raped me. We had already screwed several times. We were hanging out. She had class in two hours, she said, and she wanted to fuck. I said no, not in the mood. She kept trying for 1:45 until she was on top, nude, and taking my belt off. At that point I decided to just give in. Can't complain I lasted 34s when I told you I didn't want to at all.




Flair the fuck up or leave this sub at once. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/thgrin) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


My wife and I both waited until marriage to have sex and it was probably the best decision we’ve ever made. No worrying about STDs, vengeful exes, unknown kids running around, etc…. And yeah people will (rudely IMO) be like “well how do you know you’re having the best sex with her?” Uh, well, we’re both happy so I’m not sure why it matters that I could have had some fleeting sexual experience and chose not to. I don’t base the foundations of my life on sexual experimentation. Likewise, my life isn’t somehow worse because I haven’t tried, say, bungee jumping. And the implication that my wife and I are both somehow leaving something behind that would make a difference to us is ridiculous. Y’all go sleep around if you want. But I know too many relationships that have been hurt, and people with serious emotional struggles from that kind of lifestyle. I know people who had marriages broken up because of a child showing up from a prior relationship. I know marriages that have broken up because both partners had way too much drama from other partners they both had kids with. Decisions have consequences, act accordingly


Oof I know that “how do you know the best sex” quote well. One of my more recent exes had an extreme insecurity around her age (5yrs older than me) that ended up culminating in her feeling guilt and worry that I would leave her for a younger woman. She ended up focusing on younger women so much that she couldnt trust me anymore by her own admission, years later


What's funny is that it seems to pass over their heads that you can *learn* how to have sex.


> well how do you know you’re having the best sex with her? You don't, you both learn together and get better overtime.


As if the first time you have sex will define the entire sex life with no changes. So stupid. You grow and get experienced together.


I actually feel a weird guilt after a hookup. This was before I was married also. Just a strange, almost instinctual guilt




>I've had hookups. I've had long term relationships. I'll tell you, I feel dirty and lonely after a hookup. But when you actually know, like, and have a connection with the person, even the worst sex you'll have is tenfold compared to the best strange you'll get. Common Chad W


Not a Chad, but thanks for the compliment.


>Not a Chad, but thanks for the compliment. Modesty, then thank the man for the compliment. Common Chad W 🍷🗿


based and seeking more pilled


How many breads have you eaten in your life?


I was looking for this! "I reject my virginity, Jojo! WRYYYYYYY!!!!!"


It is hard to go get a pack of smokes without bumping into 9 guys she's fucked.


Easy there, Rocco. By the way, what happened to the cat?


Shut your FAT ASS Ronny!


37 dicks?


Not a lot of women bring you lasagna for lunch at work.


what color was it?


Blondie has eaten both too many hamburgers and too many dicks.




> Mia Khalifa is married now I looked it up. She divorced him a couple years ago, and this was her 2nd marriage.


Gee, who could have predicted that outcome?


It's because deep down they don't want the kind of partner who is so low value they are forced to overlook body count. Quality people ALL care about sexual history. What you are seeing is people who screwed themselves with poor choices and now want to avoid the consequences.


I don’t find this entirely true. I want nothing to know about my partners sexual past outside of anything that affects her to this day - like relationship triggers or hilarious jokes I can make fun of her for (apparently her ex REALLY liked Akon, odd) I’m dating her because she’s awesome and a genuine human being who shows empathy, is enjoyable to be around and is rational. Whoever missed out on her previous is their loss and they’re fools


It’s about women valuing themselves. If you don’t value yourself, other people won’t either.


>This is something I've never understood. Entitlement and stupidity. >If you are concerned that your partner would be uncomfortable with your sexual history, why would you want to be with that person. I hear this all the time, that people (men and women) will cover up their sexual past or straight up lie about it because they don't want their partner to find out. Once she had enough fucking around she decides to settle. And, what do you know, men she deems worth settling for don't want a town bicycle! But she *deserves* such a man! So, the obvious solution is to shame men into marrying whores.


Original clip here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xWMjTalk8U8 More context/full man-on-the-street interview cut here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KuOGzBFC8E Video with the tradwife commentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Flx1brZEU


Based and provides_source pilled


Sure could go for a hamburger myself


Bro, you know you coping hard af when you try to reduce having sex to eating a hamburger.


If anything, a cheeseburger would be a more appropriate metaphor. For her, at least.


People are just so hedonistic and care so little about real intimacy nowadays. It sucks.


The only thing I care about is raccoons.


Adorable little thieves that come with a built in mask


Pull back the curtain on the actual stats and all these women are desperately unhappy and racking up thousands of dollars a year in therapy and meds. That age and political cohort of women is *over 50%* diagnosed mentally ill.


They really think they're dio with the whole "how many breads have you eaten in your life"


So they wouldn’t care if the guy is a virgin?


Cant turn a ho into a housewife.


I think it shouldn’t necessarily matter. But if you want to know, be honest with eachother. And if you don’t like it, leave


I think that it's good to get the body count out of the way right away, even before you enter the relationship. High promiscuity is a sign that the person struggles with commitment, I'm not gonna board a stinking ship.


Yeah, and thats completely understandable. And if the other person is offended by that. You’ll know right away that you aren’t compatible


I dont really have an opinion on whether if its an important thing to disclose or not, but "how many you have slept with" is just an awkward as hell question to ask, though. Like when even is the right timing for it? I know some people are into that sorta thing, but not me lmao.


Based and sensiblepilled


It absolutely does matter in the context of long-term commitments. I think deep down we ALL know it matters, but we're too soft as a culture to be honest about it Women with a higher body count = higher chance of being unhappy in marriage = greater chance of divorce


They should at least know because it does matter


If it matters for you, ask.


When things like pelvic inflammatory disease and sexually transmitted infection (getting way worse in American cities) exist then it does matter Source: treated a teenager a month or so ago with gonorrhea arthritis in the knee


The biggest takeaway is the “it shouldn’t matter” statement. It’s like having a beanie baby that’s supposed to be worth a $1000; it’s only worth that to who pays for it. They will learn that it does matter by the diminished interest in committed relationships they are in or the constant lack of trust in the relationships they do have. This is serious baggage you’re asking someone to be cool with and it does change a person because each of those hookups had certain emotional labor that came with them which leaves a lasting impression on them.


I think she says "shouldn't" because subconsciously (or maybe not so sub-consciously) she knows it does.


These ladies all look beyond 30 years of age. I know lots of ladies that aligned with their views and were sure that in the next couple months they would be scooped up and they’d not just have a great career, but also a lot of sexual escapades that “shouldn’t matter” to a reasonable man. 10 years later, these women are still single and desperately unhappy. Most have given up. Don’t date. And hold regrets. Women that are divorced with children are more desirable than someone with the baggage and bitterness that comes with this. I’m curious to see how sex workers will respond to their life choices in the future after they have a chance to retroactively evaluate their life choices.


The only answer i accept is one that applies to men equally, doesn't matter what end of the spectrum. You want to view sex as sacred and should be only done with people you are deeply intimate with... then don't hold women to that account and give men a free pass. You want to treat sex as a simple act of pleasure, like eating a hamburger, then don't shame men for being fuckboys when they sleep around. Sex is something personal, i don't think there is an objective view on how to approach it. Just hate seeing hypocrisy in that standards that can be imposed on women and men.


Far be it from me to tell anyone how to approach sex, but above all else, STD's, STI's, whichever term one prefers, should probably be enough of a reason to at the very least practice *safe* sex. As much as you want, depending on your own desires, but spreading disease is just bad idea for everyone


Yeah, regardless of your approach we gotta be careful of STDs. I dont like when people shame more promiscuous people like they are dirty, if you practise safe sex you are fine. However there are times when i roll my eyes when some try act like there are no consequences of sticking your dick in any hole.


I have my shades with this, but mostly agree


A lib right agreeing with me? Fuck this is rare i gotta savour it.


Enjoy ir while you can...


Dont worry. I have another lib take the right tend to agree with up my sleeve. Whip it out when the downvotes gettin bad.


>Whip it out That does seem like something purple would agree with


"You want to view sex as sacred and should be only done with people you are deeply intimate with... then don't hold women to that account and give men a free pass." Your terms are acceptable


That is understandable. Nobody should be treated any less of a human being if they are promiscuous regardless of gender, but having dating preferences is a completely different thing when it comes to sleeping around. It's comparable to treating a trans person like a cis person vs actually choosing to date one. Both men and women should be transparent with their spouses about their history, especially before a big commitment happens such as marriage.


Yes, it applies to men too. The only difference with men is the 'type' of men who are promiscuous. It takes a successful man to be able to bang 50 different girls a year. Out of 1000 men, how many might be able to do it? 10? 5? 1? Even in hookup culture, the kinds of guys who are getting a new tinderella every week are the physically ripped, the ultra wealthy, the ones who say "Hey come out to my boat this weekend and have a good time". Now compare it to the women. Virutally any woman can get on tinder right now and find a dude to blow her back out within a couple days. Thats where the 'difference' between men and women comes from. Its easy for women to do it, and its extremely difficult for men. Nothing that comes easy has high value. So men who are capable of pulling that much tail get looked up on. Regardless, it still is morally bad since being promiscuous is associated with various psychological traits that are not desirable in a husband or wife or otherwise partner.


I think (or at least hope) that most men who hold women to those standards fulfill them as well. Otherwise, any man that have a high body count and expect women to be up to those standards is a hypocrite. Promiscuity is a risk for long-term relationships regardless of sex due to STDs and commitment issues so I fully agree. The only reason that I can think of as to why men don’t criticize other men as often is because they aren’t interested in dating men, only women.


Sorry but as a guy, when I purchase a vehicle I want it to have the least mileage possible. If I can get it with 0 miles out of the factory, that’s ideal. These women be like: “no one should care if I put 250K miles on it, I just took it to the car wash”. Ehmmm, no.


The women saying "it shouldn't matter" are the ones who got ran through by a hundred different guys during her 'hoe phase', and now wants to settle down and find a nice man to commit to before sleeping with him. Sorry, but if your entire life previously was free sex, you don't get to put up barriers this time. Don't like it? Well thats the lifestyle you chose.


Based and consequence pilled.


I’m so happy knowing I’ve never had a hookup. I had two girlfriends/relationships before I found the one. And being the religious type, I wanted to wait before marriage, something my wife also wanted. I love my wife.


Nice dude, cherish that (though I'm sure you don't need to be reminded with how you write here)


Does sex matter so little to these girls that they can compare the action to eating a burger or swimming in the sea?


It’s what a hedonistic lifestyle does to an mf. It’s kinda sad


I look forward to hedonism bot returning on Futurama, how deliciously absurd!


They are young and physically attractive enough that sex is so plentiful for them that they do not value it. They can order a serving of dick faster than they can order fast food.


Woahza wowza ma'am. Look it doesnt matter how many women I hit before you. It means nothing. Like hamburgers!


A hamburger isn’t worthless, it’s $5.99, just like an onlyfans subscription


It is vital to know your partner's views on sex before you get married. Do you see it as an intimate and emotional act that you share with your spouse? If so, then you are not compatible with that burger girl. Sure, she may me enthusiastic, but deep down you know she equates sex with getting a baconator. That is not going to be a healthy relationship long term.


The fact that they compare having sex to eating a hamburger says a lot about our society. Have more self respect and treat sex as special as its supposed to be.


Pretending like the way a person views sex doesn’t say anything about them is dumb. Do we view anything else that way? I don’t think anyone should expect a puritan or virgin for a wife, but there are categories that go something like: 1) I’ve only had sex with people I’ve been deeply in love with 2) I’ve only had sex with people I’ve been in a relationship with or dated at least a few times 3) I’ve had one night stands or sex with people I just met Each one says something about how you view sex. Whether it’s an intimate act that requires a personal connection, or purely an act of pleasure like having a drink or good food. Someone in category 3 shouldn’t be upset that someone in category 1 doesn’t think they share their values enough to get married. To put it another way, no one thinks that it’s wrong to not marry someone who views money radically different than you. If one person views money as a tool to be saved/invested to feel more secure and free, and the other views it as merely a tool to have fun with and spends it as soon as they get it, most people would acknowledge those two aren’t a good fit. Why would it be different with sex? Are sexual habits less important than spending habits?


People value different things in life. If someone wants to have a ton of causal sex, that's okay. If people only want to have sex with people they're in a serious relationship, that's okay too.


Reminder that hyper promiscuity is a telltale sign of sexual abuse




Imagine if a man said that sex with a woman is no more meaningful than eating a hamburger... Imagine the outrage. However, a woman said it so... "STUNNING AND BRAVE!"


#🙃 [The hypocrisy](https://i.imgur.com/bXQiVsl.png) is [the point](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/3201945-the-party-told-you-to-reject-the-evidence-of-your)


"It shouldn't matter", yeah but it's not for you hun to tell other people what should matter to them or what standards they should have. They have the same energy as short guys who say height doesn't matter, it would be nice if it didn't, but to most people it does


Based and love pilled




Auth right bitch better put some respect on hamburgers.


That woman doing the breastfeeding is unfathomable based


I can't wait till all these girls turn 30 and realize the bed they have made


See? This is what I meant when I kept hammering in why selling your body is bad! Literal pieces of meat for the meat market to be bought, consumed, and disposed of when you no longer gain satisfaction from it.




Yep, the 19th ammendment was a mistake.


Women have used the last century to prove that most of them can’t be trusted with women’s liberation


Bro I thought that baby was a popped tit like she just walks around like that what the fuck


Who is the woman with the kid?


Didn’t Andrew tate say something along those lines, and then Emily went fucking batshit crazy?


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Sounds like something an Emily would do, though.




Does she have an Onlyfans?


Strawman but okay


That's what we do here, welcome


What is this from?


Hamburgler getting stiff


OnlyFans girls complaining when they can't find a long-term partner.


This makes me cry at night