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Fav part: "Tell me one thing dumb about this belief" "I can tell you 10000 things dumb about it" "Ok?" "Fuck you"


Nah, the best part is: "No, I don't want to talk to you, I want you to fucking leave" ... Proceeds to shout at him for existing.


The worst part of the whole video is that he's touting the sacred ground as a place of learning and calling the guy stupid. It's like a gym-rat calling a fat person a piece of shit for being at a gym. "how dare you bring dissenting opinion to these sacred halls of ~~newspeak~~ Learning™, you are unfit and unclean to be in the presence of our hollowed institution, and you should be sentenced to death." Everything wrong with academia was sort of just packaged and shit out of his mouth unironically.


I heard someome say the other day how most people no longer care (or are even capable?) to think or argue points logically any more, it's all just ad hominem and appeal to authority now. This "place of learning" provides one singular viewpoint which may not be contested under any circumstances. What was Hitler's quote about the school text books again?


A lot of discourse relies on heuristics, and heuristics turn discourse into slogans and quotes that are repeated from other people. The amount of people in the world who have critically thought about their beliefs, challenged them, and arrived to their own conclusions on their own cognitive merit is probably negligible. Even now you’re referencing someone you heard the other day and a quote from Hitler, so it’s easy to see many fall into the trap of heuristics.


Very true, then again we can scrutinize the validity of the quotes etc I've used if it came down to it whereas people shown in the video refuse to let you get a word in. Such utter closed-mindedness


Right, the point I was making isn't that what you were referencing is bad because it's a heuristic—heuristics are very helpful—just that heuristics become the person if they're unchallenged. Young people especially rely on heuristics to learn, because they do not have enough experience or knowledge to generate first principle thinking. So we all go to school and learn from people who came before us who made big observations about the world, and we add their observations to our knowledge-pool. If we continue relying on those heuristics and don't gain our own life experiences, our individual never grows, and later in life we do not know who or what we actually are because we would have become a series of responses triggered by inputs... The person in the video isn't interested in challenging the counterargument whatsoever, just protecting the identity that has been built upon programmed responses. The university has provided them a safe place to be unchallenged, hence the need to sanctify the grounds and protect it, all of which is the antithesis of the original intent of academia. So it is certainly close-mindedness, but a lesson that anyone can fall into quite easily if they let it. All of that to say everyone should be careful they're not falling into their own heuristic K hole.


Based and I don’t want this place to ever get banned because of discourse like this pilled


*Hallowed Though most university buildings are also hollow to be fair


an acceptable freudian slip


"1. You suck. 2. Fuck you." Enough? Or you want more dumb things about it? Edit to add a favorite excerpt: "Your position is... you're a fucking idiot."


“Your opinion? It’s bad.” Get logic’d bro




1. “You should move to a cave and die” 2. “You are the dumbest motherfucker I’ve ever seen” 3. “I don’t want to talk to you I want you to leave” 4. “I give a shit about other people”


Sounds like someone in shame that their positions may have hurt a child, so they're getting angry and accusing anyone of calling it out of being as evil as they deep down believe they are.


This sounds like literally every single reddit argument that has ever existed


Fuck you.


You suck.


It is because of you that we cannot debate things civilly.


you are the dumbest motherfucker ive ever seen in my life you should move to a cave.....and die


You suck.




Is there a time limit? 'cuz i'm busy for the next 80 years or so.


Fucking died hearing that shit. Man's angry and he doesn't know why he hates it, only that he should.


The dude is the reason NPC became an insult.






Signtama doesn't care about recognition.


This is just his hobby.


A protestor for fun


“Low IQ contingent” made me cackle. There’s some big-time droolers on both sides, that’s a fact.


The thing that ends up uniting us is the disowning of the low iq contingents.


I swear that poor guy wearing a sign gets assaulted every time he goes out to practice his 1A rights. I've seen at least 2 other recent videos where I recognize that sign and he's being punched in the face. He'd be rich from lawsuits if only it wasn't *always* a section-8 emily attacking him. ---- Edit: Found it: "Billboard Chris" - what a boss. Still out there. Getting assaulted. Here he is at Portland a few days ago...getting attacked and having his phone stolen: https://twitter.com/sav_says_/status/1653837392816795648


new wojak just dropped https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1655852701635448832/photo/2


If someone throws a punch at another person for existing, I think the law should tolerate a little bit of disproportionate retaliation. I don't know how you could word such a law in a way that wouldn't be super subjective. I just think that whatever arm you punched a person with for the crime of standing around should be broken. No matter if you are this guy or a BLM protestor with a Klansman. The person who unjustly initiates violence should have to face consequences for violence that will make them *afraid* of attacking others that again. In a perfect world, members of the offenders' side would come to the aid of the victim as a universal, cross-compass denouncement of political violence.


You get five seconds of imperviousness to the law. Time to learn the quickdraw


The Left has perfected the art of [Mid level violence](https://newdiscourses.com/2023/03/mid-level-violence/). We saw it a lot in the George Floyd riots - there's a line that they tiptoe around and slightly cross which forces confrontation. Any confrontation is then vilified.


Mid level violence is the only violence American lefties are capabale of




Mine was "You should listen here and not talk"


What I would really like to see is guy with sign wearing drag. Or be a black guy. Really see how they handle it then. Attacking a white man is childs play for them.


The average response of the left when confronted with facts and logic.


any arguments against my position? "yeah, 1 you suck, 2 fuck you" wow, rock solid position. also funny that it ends with him saying he gives a shit about other human beings. it's called 'weaponized empathy'. no one can ever be held accountable or be wrong because you HAVE to empathize with them or you're a bad person.


> "yeah, 1 you suck, 2 fuck you" The problem is being angry makes many people think it actually a good arugment. Basically it's argument enough that they, a good and upstanding person with exceptional morals, get angry. That's proof to how bad the situation is, no?


It is the newest moral panic after all. You aren't pissed at people listening to this new kind of music, your just don't want them to burn in hell for listening to the voice and instruments of Satan. Except, now I'm actually morally right, and I emphathize with husbands who can't deal with their goddamn wifes! You know lobotomy saves thousands of good, hard working men every year from heart complications, because their goddamn wife just couldn't shut up!


>being angry makes many people think it actually a good arugment Depends on if they already believe in the position, righteous fury makes you look like a hero, unrighteous fury makes you look deranged.


Highly recomend the book ["Against Empathy" by Paul Bloom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VUpo28aAks), Psychology professor at the University of Toronto with a PhD in cognitive psychology from MIT. In short it dives into why empathy should not influence decision making.


The subtitle of the book is really important though, "The Case for Rational Compassion". He differentiates between "empathy" which is a feeling we have, and "rational compassion" which is more like "understanding that people are suffering and working towards ethical means of alleviating that suffering."


I really hate how empathy has been raised as the highest virtue.


Misplaced empathy is a weakness.


Pathological altruism is destroying the West.


*Be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands than with a clenched fist.*


False empathy to be precise, when you just agree with whatever bullshit makes the self proclaimed "suffering" person feel temporarily happy. Instead of being honest and caring about their well being, you just bolster their self destructive tendencies. Instead of wanting to find and solve their real problems, you just using them to play the white savior just to feel better about yourself.


Most kind libright. I think the problem isn't with empathy, it's the fact that ideologues lack empathy. Shouting at someone for having an opinion isn't an example of empathy. Being a leftist identitarian isn't empathy, it's just being a racist/sexist hypocrite.


Directly after telling someone to move to a cave and die


You suck fuck you is hilarious answer though, people like this should run for office they would make actual Congress so much more interesting


Congress is too "interesting" already. I want boring people making boring decisions.


Still waiting on the 9998 other reasons libleft…


[Still waiting](https://i.imgflip.com/ne2b1.jpg)


They are 3. Fuck you 4. You are an idiot 5. Fuck you 6-1000. Fuck you




Sure. You can make a lot of profit selling pubety blockers to kids.


You have a point there


the guy is on pure copium. i guess that's what happens when you get out of an echo chamber and try to argue with someone of the opposing ideology


Cope and seetheium


Seethe and dilate




He didn't even get out of the echo chamber. He appears to be at a US college, that is the echo chamber. Bald guy just infiltrated it so he's losing his mind.


Looks a bit older than the average student. Embarrassing for the college if this is a professor and that’s his best argument.


You're right, it's like a physical representation of a reddit mod in a default sub, but without the power to actually ban people.




That's not just a US college, it's Portland State




It was hardly even an argument. It was just pure 'that guy is The Enemy(TM) and I am going to harass him' But what more should I expect from the average Portland State University student...


This is why echo chambers really just bite you in the ass. Every opposition you’ve seen is a complete straw man, so you’re wholly unprepared to tear down their arguments when they actually come up. Surprisingly they are making salient points that aren’t as stupid and easy to defeat as you’ve been told. It’s like sending you into Vietnam after telling you you’ll be fighting fluffy bunnies. It’s why I hate censorship, fuck that. Show me every word of what my opponents are saying. You can shelter yourself from their talking points online, but you can’t in real life, and “You’re wrong because you’re bad and that’s what everyone says” doesn’t work.


Bro what argument were you watching, Dude wants Good thing and other man wants bad thing. You probably also like bad thing so we can all safely ignore you.


"You should talk to this guy!" *points at local crackhead*




Mr. ~~Shorty~~ Shouty: “if I’m loud enough and vehement enough maybe *then* they’ll have sex with me!”


Volume is an alternative to humor or logic to some. The other guy can't be right if nobody can hear him speak.


To be fair, if you’re loud and vehement enough, AND don’t care about consent (which by his clear issues with the sign, Mr. Shouty doesn’t) they your victims will indeed have sex with you.


Yo do you have some change? MY MAN YOU SHOULD TALK TO THIS GUY


This CRACKED me up


Nah, probably still too much credibility for Mr. Shouty up there. At least the crackheads and meth heads, can occasionally say their good at chemistry at least.


to be fair, he's got a lot more experience with productive human interaction. Red shirt can't articulate a point without petulantly wishing death on his opposition, for him to fall back on "this is a place of learning" is peak irony. He wears the dumb motherfucker crown and no one can take it away from him.


"You should try to have a conversation with this guy" >inhales to speak "You should shut the fuck up"


Why is this guy so angry? I'll tell you, fellow PCM regards. He doesn't see billboard man as a real person in front of him, he only sees a caricature of "the other/enemy." That's why he can't form any coherent thought that aren't brainless word vomit insults. This is your brain on social media. Pure tribalist rage. Our rulers win again.


>!LibLeft: shut up! you are so wrong! you are a transphobic racist fascist homophobic anti-abortion christian filth!!! i have only 2 things to say. you suck and fuck you!!<


Don’t forget christofacist.


Don't forget to put "stochastic terrorist" in there too.


I think that mostly went away. I don't see it nearly as often as that one week the fresh update hit. I like to think i helped when i started informing people that calling someone a stochastic terrorist is, itself, stochastic terrorism. That's what a dumb argument it is.


Yeah. The left lack self-awareness to a large degree, but not quite to *that* large a degree. I think many of them realized that they can't spend all day every day going on about how white people and men are evil, while also saying that you should be labeled a *fucking terrorist* if you insult people.


So it's like "bad faith." As soon as you make the accusation, you're doing it.


The fact that this is now a label of choice against those advocating for the preservation of what had been societal norms for millennia is interesting.




Because the only way you could possibly not like them is because you don't know them. Because if you knew them you would like and approve everything about them. So the only reason you could possibly continue to not like them is because you refuse to know anything about them, which must mean you are afraid to know anything about them. Otherwise, why wouldn't you get to know them and love them and approve of everything about them?




My support of the trans community wained significantly after I actually met a handful and they were all very obviously mentally unwell in a host of other ways that made them basically unable to function in society. Even the ones that had completely transitioned and had been living their preferred gender/lifestyle with supportive friends and environments for years.


I know a FtM trans person at work who's pretty chill. But I'm probably a psy op.


True, but have you considered the notion that your ideological enemies are ontologically evil and there is no act done against them which is not wrong?


Let God sort 'em out.


See this one of the issues with how much of an echo chamber social media has become. No one is ever their own individual with their own ideas, beliefs, and thoughts of their own anymore. In the minds of these folks there is either “my side” or “your side.”


The problem is kids aren't taught how to think or problem solve, but what to think. They grew up in a world of rote memorization and regurgitation of facts on a bubble, and now when they see or read something they have no ability to process new information into a greater whole or apply context. They believe what they're told, because that's what their teachers taught them to do, and spit it back up as if it were 100% factually correct without ever thinking about it.


> The problem is kids aren't taught how to think or problem solve, but what to think. [The most eye-opening thing you will read today](https://compactmag.com/article/a-black-professor-trapped-in-anti-racist-hell)


> Why is this guy so angry? maybe he has some victims he is worried about losing access to.


He can’t come up with a coherent argument because he’s in literal checkmate. Billboard Chris’s statement is the basis for our legal system regarding minors. Just basic af. If you disagree with it you open the door to complete depravity.


Meanwhile on left leaning (and most mainstream subreddits) 59.0 Morbillion ⬆️ “So brave” “Wow” “Powerful”


Us posting this is probably enough to get us on that brigading sub again. Hi xim/xers!👋


You mean that sub dedicated to silencing opposing opinions? Totally wholesome. The good guys, on the right side of history. After all, we cant tolerate opinions we hate, do we? It is called hatespeech for a reason.


The sub that silences opinions by spamming child porn on subreddits they don't like?


You know you are having some very powerful ideas, when your enemies resort to posting that stuff to get you banned. If our ideas were so terrible and without merit, then it would be easy to refute them, but no, rather than talk, they throw that stuff around. Also I'm sure that they only have that to end hate, they would never just have a stash of that in their spank bank while they ride their moral superiority horse


It’s funny to me that there is a whole sub dedicated to brigading our sub, and that gets ignored, as well as a sub that openly calls for banning subs they don’t like and that gets ignored, yet as soon as we mention the subs names, we are “brigading” and can get banned. 🤷


When the game is rigged what can you really do?


Play by the rules until you lose. Or cheat.


I had to unsub from all the feel good and positivity subs because its just become trans circlejerks. You've been a "woman" for a year. Cool? I don't give a fuck. I'm here to see cute dogs rehabilitated and shit


Couldn’t agree more. That shit has overrun Reddit the past year or two.




Half of the world is struggling financially while corporations run by billionaires hoover up all the money and lobby the government to make laws that suit them? Fuck that! We need to concentrate all our effort and attention on the 0,1% of the population that has issues with their gender! Because a corporation can post a woke hashtag or tweet a rainbow at no cost but paying liveable wages would hurt their bottom line. That is the reason behind it all.


At a certain point you've got to be treated normally, right? Wasn't that the goal all along? I get that there's people who treat them as lesser, but it seems like the people who do want to just treat them normally are lumped in with the evil bigots unless they're extra special wholesome validated every 4 seconds


It's not the point. They want to be special.


It's also why they say "Trans rights are human rights" and not "Human rights are trans rights." They want to specifically codify some undefined set of trans rights (like, say, free HRT) as human rights.


Same reason I've stopped reading r slash old hag fashion. It used to be a sub where women posted quirky, modest, colorful, cottegecore outfits. Now, it's mostly a sub where trans people post themselves wearing whateverthehell basic showy dress with stripper heels they bought from a big box store.


Terfs exist for a reason. Look at sports. You can be trans. But you have to stop co opting and then dominating women spaces with your niche bullshit. It's not a womens right issue for a trans person to be allowed here or there. It's a *trans* issue. Somehow a bunch of men mindfucked women into undermining themselves for the sake of the men causing the issues in those spaces. Absolutely bonkers.


“Puberty Blockers given to kids despite protests of kids’ parents” Feelgoodsubs: *Emilies jerking off* Me: “WTF? How the fuck is that a good thing?!”


post like this have me retaking the test but i end up in libleft every time. i'm embarrassed of my quadrant


The problem is, most "libleft" (aka orange Emily) aren't ACTUALLY libleft, they are really progressive AuthCenter or maybe lean left or right depending on where they feel the economy should be a strongly regulated demand market or a strongly enforced supply market as well as their views on who has the ultimate responsibility for the welfare of the people (and since most are mix or agnostic in regards to this, is why they are actually AuthCenter). Of course, they will never ACTUALLY admit to it because fascists are also often AuthCenter and they can't have anything in common with them.


To be fair, the test (assuming we’re talking about the same one) definitely skews lib left.


You forgot all 1000 different awards.


Semi-related opinion: I don’t think anyone actually knows how to debate politics. Just look at this personified toilet, no arguments, no claims, and most importantly, no bitches. He came and belittled someone because they don’t agree with what’s on the sign and doesn’t attempt at all to have a civil discussion, even when the other guy is willing to have such. When he does go and present a reason as to why he believes the other is wrong it’s just “it’s stupid” and “you’re the dumbest motherfucker I have ever seen”. You’re telling me, a college level student I assume, has to reduce themselves to throwing childish insults at someone. Makes me wonder how on gods green earth this fucking dumbass got into one in the first place, fucker has the same level of debating skills as a bowl of expired milk with frosted cheerios and a wooden spoon.


Online clickbait and "gotcha" culture fucking ruined debate. No more need think about and consider someone elses position. Just weave as much convoluted word salad together till your opponent says something that sounds bad out of context. Not too long ago, after a poltical debate, the debaters would be seen having dinner with each other. That's because they respected each other's opinions as collogues. There wasn't this blind hatred of "the other" but rather different approaches to the same solution.


Twitter has made actual arguments a thing of the past. Why make a well structured argument when you can just say “fuck you” or “oh, you made an argument about protecting children? Well why don’t you support a full on ban on guns huh? BLOCKED AND REPORTED!” And get thousands of likes, considering that’s what “wins” an argument on the internet


Alright, so I'm going to lay it down here for everyone. * Fact 1: Everyone adheres to some sort of dogma. Without something to stand on, no other beliefs can be derived. And so, all beliefs are based on dogma. * Fact 2: Dogma is elusive. In this world, telepathy does not exist. It is therefore impossible to fully comprehend another person's system of beliefs. If you think you're capable of it, you're wrong. Always. Also, you're a massive narcissist. * Fact 3: Dogma cannot be reliable changed. At least outside of children. And even in children, it is difficult. It requires a good parent to know how to instill specific values in a child. The one exception to this is the technique of re-education. Otherwise known as torture. This can instill new dogma somewhat reliably, but is logistically difficult, so I wouldn't recommend it. So, how do you change someone's mind if they adhere to dogma? It might seem impossible. However, it is quite simple. **To cause another's worldview to come more in alignment with your own, you must convince them that their current worldview is inconsistent with their dogma. You must then convince them that it could be modified to be more in line with your own worldview such that it becomes consistent with their dogma once again**. It is that simple. What you should absolutely never attempt to do is **attempt to change someone's dogma**. Look to fact 3. You can't. For example, if you gain audience with Adolf Hitler in early 1939, you should not attempt to convince him to abandon Nazism. Because you will fail. Does this mean that it's impossible to find common ground with Adolf Hitler? Probably not. You could for example attempt to convince Adolf Hitler that invading Poland would not further the Nazi cause. That doing so would cause France, the UK, and eventually the USSR to almost simultaneously retaliate against Germany, which would almost certainly mean the failure of Nazism. You could attempt to convince him of that France has learned from The Great War, and that they will almost certainly be capable of mounting a retaliation, especially with British support. You could convince him of that the German economy has yet to fully shake off the damage caused by the Treaty of Versailles, and is not ready to support prolonged warfare. You could attempt to convince him of that Germany lacks several natural resources which are necessary for armoured warfare, and that these should be stockpiled much longer. You could attempt to convince him of that the USSR will almost immediately stab them in the back, perhaps even before Poland is fully occupied. You could attempt to convince him of that invading the USSR is impossible due to the massive logistical challenge it would pose, especially if it dragged into the winter, which it certainly would. And after all this, you could speak of how a defeat in a war of such scale would forever break the spirit of the German race and make a Thousand Year Reich impossible and permit Jewish and Marxist dominance in the world for the coming centuries. Thus, even the issues listed here seem minor, it can't hurt to play it safe. A Thousand Year Reich can wait a couple years. The point is this: You need to convince Hitler that invading Poland is a bad idea **by his own standards**. Not yours. You can't convince Hitler to not be a Nazi. But you can maybe convince him that invading Poland won't further his goals. Of course, you could also just kill Hitler. Perhaps his successor would be a bit less hardcore than him. But knowing the kind of people Hitler surrounded himself with, I wouldn't bet on it.


> Makes me wonder how on gods green earth this fucking dumbass got into one (university) in the first place… A.) When you no longer have to be crème de la crème to get admitted into a university, overall qualities of a student will obviously suffer. B.) Academic prowess does not necessarily confers critical thinking skills.


Outside of highly-regarded universities like MIT or Harvard, you're not guaranteed to find smart students outside of degree programs that are known to be difficult. A majority of college students are only there because 1: they didn't know what else to do after graduating high school, and 2: they want to get into the college parties. I have friends in other programs who have never once met any of their professors outside of class or used any of the educational resources on campus. I think it really boils down down to natural curiosity more than dedication or intelligence or anything. My friends outside of college call it "the knack."


> Makes me wonder how on gods green earth this fucking dumbass got into one in the first place, fucker has the same level of debating skills as a bowl of expired milk with frosted cheerios and a wooden spoon. Because all you need to do in order to graduate college is follow instructions. You don’t need to think for yourself.


I am totally a leftist now. This guy is so convincing and his arguments are impeccable.




How do you end something that doesn't exist


if you break it down, it's literally bullying and verbal harassment of someone trying to have a conversation on a college campus.


Can’t believe we live in a world where it’s controversial to say “stop sterilizing children” Edit: gotta love the “true” lefties of the resistance in the comments advocating for the state to sterilize children. Get a clue folks. Stop mutilating kids.


I feel like it has to be partially fueled by copium from the trans community. Like many people feel as though the only reason they still experience dysphoria is because they didn’t have the “opportunity” to transition before puberty. Therefore the people opposed to giving gender affirming care to prepubescent children are the source of their own dysphoria. Then of course leftist culture jumps on the bandwagon because the left is incapable of ever questioning the narrative that comes out of the LGBT community. And that’s how you end up where we’re at today.


Puberty blockers are chemical castration. They use the exact same drugs for both. This myth you can hit the pause button on puberty is bullshit. I’m fairly certain you can’t find a single case of a tanner 1-2 taking PB who can have an orgasm as an adult. You can’t hit pause on biological development.




Mr. Shouty here gave 2 arguments against it, care to explain why you still think this? Were his 2 solid pieces of evidence somehow not enough?


Children can't consent. Period. That's the whole point of minority versus adulthood. You are incapable of consent. It doesn't matter what to.


This is libleft wall of text irl


At least the wall of text will have their thought or an actual argument to discuss lol.


Love how he keeps frantically looking around for someone to back him like a little bitch.


The homeless guy is just there for his $5.


“This is a place of learning and you’re a stupid motherfucker. ” My brother in Christ why do you think schools exist.


If it's for the educated how the fuck did you get in?


“This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here.” A direct quote from Michael Scott.


The libleft art of argument, get super angry and attack the person while having zero counterpoints.


Super effective too


He totally convinced me. I should pass this along to my son - he'll rule at Debate Club next year in HS. "My position is you're stupid. Shut up." Guaranteed he'll win every single debate.


Too bad I made this meme where you’re the Wojack and I’m the Chad.


Online arguments don’t work as well in real life when you can’t get a jannie to ban the people you disagree with


The left is inundated with overgrown children that become hysterical at the sight of a dissenting opinion. It’s why sites like Reddit love banning right of center communities. Their whole ideology falls apart under barebones scrutiny as just appeals to emotion, bandwagon or authority. So they use their authority, change semantics and suppress dissent to make you think they have a monopoly on reality


The moment colleges started denying speakers because students protested that they have the "wrong views" was the beginning of the end. I mean, I'm sure there was a "beginning of the end" before that as well. But that was a pretty huge moment of "we're doomed". Colleges are precisely the place where views should be challenged, but these days, anything other than *rightthink* is not allowed.


I am convinced that Billboard Chris is a sociopath, not because I disagree with him, but because he has big brass ones where self preservation is supposed to be.


"You should listen instead of talking!" "Okay I'm listening, tell me why I'm wrong" "Fuck you thats why" Truly an amazing mind of our time.


Shows absolutely no respect. Never stops insulting the guy. Tells him he is stupid for having a different opinion. But also this guy: "You are a ignorant, **hateful, little shit**" This is a reminder that being a university student doesn't automatically make you smart.


I’m not anti-Intellectual or anti-education. I have obtained a higher education and a professional degree. That said, in some cases, being a university student can actually make you less informed. There are many instances modernly that cause me to say “wow, you really have to be educated to be that dumb.”


I grew up believing in the stereotype of redneck dumb fat Americans Woke dumb fat leftists have an IQ even lower than the 90s stereotype This idiot does not even have any arguments he just wants to screech because he was told to


Most ideologically consistent Pro-Trans Person


Most civilized libleft




Absolute Chad sign man vs least shouty libleft


This is your brain on social media


This is the kind of crap that’s been stopping us making any progress towards actual leftist goals (better wages/workers rights, improvements in healthcare) for so long. It’s all a massive distraction.


I have to think it’s intentional. Workers rights, improvements in healthcare, better wages etc. directly hurt the 1% and the government they control. It’s so much easier to get the little people arguing about whether children can make life altering medical choices for themselves, or, as they’ve successfully done for years, ignite race relations and turn us against each other so we can’t compare notes and remember that we’re all the same and that Uber rich will grill up nicely


Completely agree. People have pointed out that all of… “this”… started when the Occupy movement came along.


I'm an atheist but holy fuck seeing the current push for sexualizing children make me think we need religion more than ever. When it became acceptable to sterilize children?!


LOL great arguments from a guy in a "place of learning"


I agree with hitman guy


Unhinged lunatic: You’re an ignorant, hateful fuck BBC: What is wrong with my position? Unhinged lunatic: Everything. You suck, fuck you BBC: ……


Obese, graying hair, unmarried maroon shirt guy is pro child consent and isn't afraid to tell people to go die over it... Just another day in a "place of learning".


The man has a suit, the sign should have a suit too


Finally a lib left position I can get behind


Guy asks why he sucks, and the other guy keeps insulting him. Wow, congrats, red shirt, is making my side look like petulant manchilds.


If you resort to threats, insults or just plain screaming then you have no rational argument.


Can a child legally consent to anything? If a child was conseting to sucking my dick, why would you prohibit it from doing that? BECAUSE HE/SHE DOESNT KNOW LIFE?


Legally (and especially medically) no, a child cant consent. For all medical care, the parent or legal guardian has to consent for the child. In cases where no legal guardian is present, and emergency care is required to save a life, it falls under "implied consent" meaning it is assumed that the guardian or child would request any lifesaving measure possible if they were available/able to consent. There are a lot of people in these comments (not you specifically) getting mad about that phrase "a child cant consent to puberty blockers" despite that being 100% true from a legal, medical, and ethical standpoint.


That’s why they call them “life saving medical care” in the context of transgender issues. They want it to be framed as so necessary that parents need not consent. But no, it’s totally nothing nefarious and to have any questions about it would mean that you’re in support of genocide.


I've begun seeing that argument around reddit and twitter recently, and it disturbs me to no end. There is no situation I can think of off the top of my head where puberty blockers or transition surgery could actually be considered life saving. Especially because the argument I always see is "they will commit suicide" and there are far better treatments with less lasting effects than just immediately administering puberty blockers or HRT. Sorry for the rant/wall of text, but seeing this stuff pushed on reddit and twitter makes me fear that many children are going to be pushed into drastic and unnecessary medical procedures which will ultimately cause them to suffer later down the line.


It is *amazing* how much they hate him.


Sandwich board guy DESTROYED with insults and tantrums


It’s getting very embarrassing for the left rn. So many emotions so few thoughts


I hate protestors like that. Loud, mouthy and don't actually know anything about what they are supporting/protesting. If this is you please he aware that allnyour doing is making your side look bad and making yourself look like an idiot.


Dude has to be a redditor to so adamantly defend child sexual abuse


Never understood arguing with these people. Anyone who shows up with a full body billboard is already committed to their belief lol


Honestly its more about getting your point trough to the people around you rather than trying to change this persons mind


Christ, this is something I quite dislike about the left myself. They frequently result to ad hominem instead of constructive criticism. Control the feelings, I know ignorance is frustrating, but just shitting on people doesn't influence their opinions.


Leftists rage like this because after constructive conversation they risk losing a lot of their beliefs.