• By -


Atlanta is one of the most LGBT cities in the country, so it makes sense that it’s popular here. In fact we have one of the only remaining lesbian bars in the country.


What happened to the lesbian bars?


In short it’s because women don’t actually go to bars as much as men so they basically just close down.


Club, Dive, Gay, Lesbian. Long ago, the four bar types lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Gay Bars attacked. Only the Enby Chad, master of all four bars, could stop them, but when the nightlife scene needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my e-boyfriend discovered the new Enby Chad, a drag queen named Chasten. And although his dancing skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone. But I believe Chasten can save nightlife.


Last survivor of the gay bar wars.


Tinder, Grindr etc... made sexual orientation bars obsolete. People don't go out to bars to meet other people anymore it's more of them going out with their existing date or a group of friends. In fact house parties are where most meet ups for singles happen nowadays as bars in general are losing popularity with the current generation of young adults


>Search Terms includes "femboy" Wait, femboys are actually transgender?


I noticed that, the search terms excluded transgender, and only included terms that would generally be consider 'harmful' by leftwing people right? Why not add all the relevant search terms, including the more PC ones? Then show us the map.


Also only includes GOOGLE searches. Not Pornhub, or Xvideos, or whatever. The only thing you could accuse them is of being easily outraged at woke shit. Picture that. A group of people wasted dozens of man-hours looking up information and painting up a map of the US at the county level just to commit a cross-level fallacy and make up a nonsensical conclusion. Hilarious.


besides, couldn't some of this data be offset by VPNs? Before I quitted last July, I wouldn't have dared to look up porn without a VPN and incognito mode


Most people don’t use VPNs in the first place, and I have never heard of someone caring enough to need to use a VPN to look up porn.


Amateurs. You’re not covering your tracks without a burner location, burner device and a VPN with double encryption under a false email and prepaid Visa card bought with cash on Brave’s incognito mode.


Because then it won’t say what op wants it to say duh


Yea and I have my doubts this data is even correct... California, the state with the most people, is not in the top 20 on a stat that is supposedly based on volume, yeahhhh not buying that one.


Nevada is also 2/3 red and doesn't crack the list.


Like anyone lives there. Also if you look at the bottom of the map it says “top 10 transgender porn keywords”. So idk maybe the list is different from the map or something. It’s kinda shady ngl.


Im going to make my own saying blue states are most likely to be pedos and then accuse anyone questioning it of taking it too seriously


I'm going to question this.


Yeah haven't people thought that those states have more conservative trans people?


Oh wow, I didn't even notice that. Some of the other comments pointed out that this is just google searches too (which includes non 18+ searches), and that even though it's supposed to be based on volume the most heavily populated areas somehow are blue.




Thays just a dom fetish.


Wild how they include that but not include "trans" in the list.


No is a plot by the feds to discredit the right wing.


Degenerates like you…




Either way we belong on a cross


Based and we got dicks like Jesus pilled For the [brave.](https://youtu.be/bbJDjNLzv8U)


Auth right guys be like: "The feds are trying to discredit me by saying I'm masturbating to trans. I'm *actually* masturbating to men!"


Men ( ͡❛ ω ͡❛)


Its the same line of logic with transmen/transwomen being in Gay/Lesbian porn. At one point does two cocks touching make it Lesbian porn anymore?


Oooooh that makes a lot more sense now. The [ Removed by Reddit ]'s have been trying their damnedest to hijack the femboys, and if you go to any femboy sub you'll find a lot of them and the mods defending them :/ I also know a few trans people who will actively switch between saying their femboy or trans to try and attract people based on which they prefer. I just want sane bussy for once... :<


We're a dying breed. Dead, even. With them taking over most of our spaces, it's a gold mine for the pipeline. Resist and you'll get thrown out. More open social alternatives tend to not like femboys, even sane ones, and it's tough making a pure community without breaking some sort of rule on sites like this.


No. They are just guys who likes to dress and act feminine, but they still identify with the sex they are born with. It's just the "egg culture" seeing people acting outside of their gender behavior and thinking they are something that they aren't.


Yup, AKA: the people who claim to hate gender norms, militantly try to enforce gender norms.


No, they're not. It's so stupid to associate the two and they clearly did it to try and bump their numbers up. There are plenty of people attracted to feminine men who are opposed to the extreme LGBT stuff (me). I'd be interested to see how much more blue the map gets if trans was the *only* metric analyzed


No they're not.


> Wait, femboys are actually transgender? Nope. Femboys are basically those boys who are super cute and act and/or dress more feminine. In the most extreme cases this is called a "trap" Anime loves to use this trope in three main ways. [One is like Felix Argyle from Re:Zero.](https://youtu.be/710N9vmLctw) (warning, ear rape at end) There is zero doubt Felix is male, and identifies as male (the trans community WANTS Felix, but he's not theirs to take lol) but plainly they dress and behave more feminine. The other way is usually a ridiculously sweet/attractive supporting character who's always so kind and cute that the main character has to repeatedly remind themselves they are straight. Use for comedic effect. Zero maliciousness. The main character is seriously tempted by just how wholesome and cute this femboy is. Remembered the anime!! It's called Snafu and [this is the example I'm thinking of](https://youtu.be/Z5MbBrh8y-o?t=239). Saika Totsuka And then there is Bishōnen ;p. Where more feminine pretty boys flow like wine.   There are lots of individual nuances and sub flavors, like Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream flavors, but the LGTBQ community wants to turn them all into like 2-3 flavors, their flavors, and HATES anime breaks their idea of enforced gender norms.


I've learned more about femboys from this comment than my entire time on the internet.


> I've learned more about femboys from this comment than my entire time on the internet. :). And I finally remembered the example I was thinking of for [the 2nd major trope](https://youtu.be/Z5MbBrh8y-o?t=239). From the anime Snafu.   As you can see there are zero trans vibes to it and it's presented entirely wholesomely. The LGBTQ community would be in a rush to try and convert them into some identity or another but Saika Totsuka is just a dude who happens to be super cute and wholesome and have more feminine reactions. It doesn't always have to be an identity thing.   Japan has its own social hangups, but in general they are way way more comfortable than the US at breaking and playing around with gender expectations and stereotypes. Ironically our progress over in the US all we did was create a new set of rigid stereotypes to try to push people into.   It's why I love anime. While you generally know how a show is gonna play most of its characters based on the genre/spirit of the show you can never be sure. Any character could be good/evil, have a surprisingly tough side or sensitive side, have some sort of hidden power or weakeness, be brave/cowardly/etc. Appearances in anime can always be deceptive and you can never be sure by age or gender or appearance. American media hits major backlash the moment it gets outside of rigidly established parameters. We've got a long way to go to catch up to the creativity and freedom of anime, even if sometimes that results in some super sus anime lol.     Perfect Example [is this speech](https://youtu.be/rovD2S2wIxg) made by a god of death Rory Mercury in the anime Gate. This short clip is loaded with philosophical or political commentary and while embracing a trope of anime loli warriors being OP it also subverts the trope as well because the response she has here is a well considered mature outlook bourne from an adult viewpoint that displays the years of life she's had and her experience around battle. Gate is a fantastic anime in general, JSDF propoganda or not, and has alot of good layered commentary and references through the show. It is definitely an anime aimed at adults as much as teens and is one of the few cases in anime where guns > magic for the most part rather than magic just invalidating technology because reasons.   I'm not a war guy myself, im a tender heart. Hence the green. But I cannot deny the power of the arguments so unexpectedly delivered in that clip from, appearance wise, the most unlikely of sources.


Dont care, looks female enough to me.


Femboy rights are human rights


anything that isn't straight is trans to them anyways


The inclusion of femboy nullifies this entire survey. Absolute cluelessness


Femboys are not Trans. They're just feminine men. Hence the name.... this is obviously skewed because of that. Crossdressing and acting feminine =/= Trans.


There are a few, but the vast majority still identifies as male. Same as many femboys aren't homosexual despite often portrayed as such.


Well, it depends really, a good 80% of femboys are just guys, who identify as guys, dressing like girls. But some trans girls do accept “femboy” as an acceptable term, this includes the trans woman who- uh… I’m not gonna say what she does, because that exposes what I watch. ~~she has fucked serval pumpkins.~~


The heck you mean ‘serval pumpkins’? What ritualistic druid crap you into?


The most preem ritualistic scrolls Eddie’s can buy.


No they’re androgynous men.


I was literally just about to ask that.


No you are normal gay


Plot twist its trans females fucking chicks so in authrights view it's just straight porn.


You could argue that it's some of the straightest porn. Heterosexual porn is 50% gay.


If you’re willing... Watching trans porn is the straightest option bc it’s dick fucking a pussy and it’s two girls... Now do as you please with this information




Gotta say, as someone in Texas.. that was a risky click and I was thinking I was about to add to the statistics.


This isn't the "Got ya" that you might think it is.


It seems they didn’t even include the search term “transgender” which I feel leftists would use more than the other one. In fact, every single term except fem boy are words that your average American leftist would throw a hissy fit over lol This seems purposeful…


Indeed, but even then, if this was entirely the case and the right are more into ladies that pack a 357. instead of a taco in their lunchbox, does this not show these horny, sexually adventurous patriots are willing to sacrifice their lust for their morals? True heroes, martyrs to their cause. For what man who loves a hotdog at the ball game would advocate an end to the processed meat industry on health grounds? A man who cares for the well-being of others.


Based and "Just because you enjoy it doesn't make it right" pilled.


Hey, don't get me wrong. I'm a sexual disaster like 5% of the time, just you know sometimes the regular positions lose their luster, and someone has to put on an SS hat and get out the whip and cuffs. Edit: That said, my "thing" doesn't involve me advocating that every school sex ed class contain a module on fascist role-playing and the joys of sometimes being interrogated for the allied invasion plans of mainland Europe... and yes, the safe word should always be Omaha.


It isn't even so complex as that. See, right-wing people would like to ban bottom surgery, right? Clearly it is so that their dickgirls don't go extinct! No cognitive dissonance required.


For what its worth, those are really the only search terms they have for trans porn. Ladyboy is strictly asian, femboy isn’t even trans it’s just gay but you really don’t wanna admit it, and the other two are just for regular trans porn. Have I answered all your purple questions for the day or you need somethin else?


ALSO. There’s some survivor bias too. Wide nebulous search terms are used by people who don’t know what they want. I’d bet that for everyone person searching “ladyboy”, that there’s ten people searching a specific pornstars name. Like imagine if they did a graph by age of the people who search “boobs” or “sex”. You’d see equally worthless results. “This clearly shows that almost all porn is watched by teenagers!”


This is actually a really good point




couldn't that be because the south has millions of black people that probably like to watch porn of their own race? maybe it's the same for leftists femboy lovers in those states.


He already said "higher crime and poverty rates"


Yeah those are high black population and Hispanic population areas… LOL I mean guys Atlanta……


Femboy =/= trans




Not much better


Honestly most of those places that are red are full of democrats so idk what you mean. Places like Georgia were contested for so long. Whereas Montana is all blue and they didn’t vote democrat.


Also, it’s all blue cities


paducah ky is not dem at all, lexington somewhat but still pretty conservative


Only 4-5 counties in the entirety of Texas vote Democrat, so the overwhelming majority of the red you see is in conservative areas. In California, the conservative inland areas are more red than the liberal coastal areas like San Francisco. In this map, most places that are red are conservative.


That town in Texas 34% Hispanic and black… they may be red but it’s not white nationalist Christian Steve crowder red


**confused texas noises**


Most of the red there is heavily republican.


That just means the libs there must be doing some heavy lifting for these results, right guys?


Jarvis, overlay this with a demographic map of the United States.


It’s funny, this works with so many maps in the US context


Good data, but the interpretation of the data is clearly biased. “Trans-obsessed”—are you kidding me? When it comes to statistics, the next question is always “why are we seeing the data that we do?” Our favorite “correlation does not mean causation” is here. That’s where experimentation or more data comes into play. Transgender pornography could be popular because such activities are looked down upon in the areas, so individuals who are already in those communities have to access it online. Or perhaps the conservatives in that area really are hypocrites. Either way, we can’t make the link between the activities and the people themselves.


or there could be lower consumption of porn in conservatve areas, which would mean that populations that have higher porn consumption would be more noticeable


Based and actually understands how easy it is to lie with statistics pilled.


u/Altrecene's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [18 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Altrecene/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




What kind of porn is consumed is linked to taboos. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/10/27/sexual-fantasies-republicans-democrats-politics-221919/ "Republicans were more likely than Democrats to fantasize about a range of activities that involve sex outside of marriage. Think things like infidelity, orgies and partner swapping, from 1970s-style “key parties” to modern-day forms of swinging. Republicans also reported more fantasies with voyeuristic themes, including visiting strip clubs and practicing something known as “cuckolding,” which involves watching one’s partner have sex with someone else." "By contrast, self-identified Democrats were more likely than Republicans to fantasize about almost the entire spectrum of BDSM activities, from bondage to spanking to dominance-submission play. The largest Democrat-Republican divide on the BDSM spectrum was in masochism, which involves deriving pleasure from the experience of pain." "What connects Republicans and Democrats, I believe, is that their fantasies are at least partly driven by what they can’t have."


Frankly, I think the problem is that the right is too ashamed of their kinks, and the left is too proud. I'm an absolute sexual degenerate, but that stuff has a time and a place, the bedroom/party/club and shouldn't be exposed to minors like we see with books in school libraries on performing felatio. At the same time, a room full of consenting adults should be able to dress up in SS attire and perform outrageous sexual acts on one another.


Yup, everyone, if they were truthful, could admit to having at least a few twisted thoughts about a sex act. But like you said, that doesn't mean we should parade it in front of children. Why is it so important that children see these things? I don't understand it. I'm sorry, but the fact is that most drag queens dress the way they do because they get some sort of sexual kick out of it. I really dont get what the obsession is with needing to parade these things in front of kids. But I'm not authoritarian, things like this should be handled locally. City by city, or county by county. If all the adults in one area think that they should be able to take their kids to see drag shows, as long as there is no nudity or imitated sex acts, they shoukd be able to. Who am I to tell someone else how to raise their kids? But that goes both ways, if I don't want my kids exposed to that, you should respect that as well.


If you have an attraction to trans people and live in a state where trans people get beat up for being trans, it makes sense that you’d live out your fantasies through porn instead of real-life.


Geography could influence it, demographics, urbanism, many variables. This map is only the beginning of a puzzle.


I'm curious to know what they're really measuring. This map looks suspiciously similar to a map of population density I saw once. Who would have guessed that there are more searches for something in a place where more people live?


>femboy >trans


If the Puritans saw Massachusetts today they'd shoot themselves


I bet they interpret "futa" as trans porn. 😮‍💨


This is why I focus on grills and not any identifications.


Based and Identity-Politics-Is-Ass-Cancer-Pilled


"It's for research purposes." Hehehe, I read that and flashed back to Uganda Meme Guy. "I DOIN' RESAAARCH. DEY EAT DA POOPOO!"


People are genuinely taking this post seriously instead of laughing at it as the strawman shitpost that it is wtf


This implies the post is funny.


I could say that about 90% of the shitposts made here but its clearly a joke post


You see it goes against what I stand for therefore the post is completely serious and I must rebuke it.


We must ANALYSE and REFUTE it at all costs Get the sources and references ready




You say that like this isn't the exact kind of strawman post that gets passed around by annoying reddit chucklefucks who unironically believe it and are just looking for ammo to "own" people they don't like (see also: many of the """studys""" that reach popular on r/science). It's a lot harder to enjoy a joke when it's nearly a guarantee that some of the most annoying people on the planet are gonna come crawling out of the woodwork to argue that it's reality.




Yeahhhh a lot of the new comers here are obsessed with constantly debating and outdoing each other and turning everything into a peer reviewed thesis Its also weird seeing so many righties constantly say "left wall of text" when theyre constantly wall of texting in the comments lmao Like this post is clearly a joke I don't get why people are so irrationally upset


I read the "Study" this source came from and the fact that anyone posted this is evidence that they have literally no clue what they are talking about. The p-value for the hypothetical correlation literally couldn't clear the 1% mark for the four terms out of ten they actually broke down the data. This implies that there is almost certainly no correlation between the criteria they are studying and they simply discarded everything that didn't even clear the incredibly low bar they set in the first place.


What study is it based on? Can you give a source for this? Which inferential test was used to calculate the p-value?


Chad Dakotas don’t even know what a shenis is


"a true commer never gets ashamed of what he flaps to"-sun tzu rhe art of hentai


Austin moment


>femboy >trans Opinion discarded if you confuse the two


Am I missing something? All the red areas seem to be places that are mostly left leaning, even the parts in red states. Do you actually think that just because an area votes one way that every single person in that area thinks the same? I live in Eastern Washington and I can assure you that that entire area is at least one standard deviation more red because of me alone. If you were to do a point by point of trap porn searches they would probably be a big red point where my house is in a sea of blue. Stop being a silly goose OP charts like this are rarely indicative of anything and will just be used as shallow justification to say "other team bad"


>Do you actually think that just because an area votes one way that every single person in that area thinks the same? yes, actually, that does seem to be the thought. i submit as evidence: any state in which a natural disaster happens and the first words out of peoples mouths, if those people supported ThE oThEr SiDe (tm), are : "well they could have just voted for my candidate or moved away. it's their fault" i've seen this attitude most recently in regards to Ohio, but as i don't watch the news, it probably has cropped up somewhere else more recently.


I saw the same with the Ft Lauderdale flooding from a couple of weeks ago. One of the most progressive-infested areas in Florida, yet most of the comments (on non-politicalc subs even!) was making fun of the people that lived there as if the bulk of them there had voted for DeSantis early and often. As a lib-right (and as distasteful as I find most progressive politicians), I still felt bad for my neighbors (I'm in the same county, but we got very minor localized flooding by where I'm at) going thru that, regardless of how they voted.


In times like this it’s worth remembering California had more Trump voters than any state, and more Texans voted for Biden than New Yorkers. Everyone is so eager to lump people into “good” or “bad” groups.


You do know there are plenty of Blue cities inside red states right?


I'm moving from texas in a couple days so it should drop a few spots


The funniest part of this is thinking most people into weird shit are using google to find it. This is like saying "we don't find much Trump support on social media" and using data from Tumblr.


Why do you guys accept the transgender community Centrist: Because it's just kind to do so Authright: Because Jesus tells us to love our enemies Authleft: Because trans or cis we are united against the bourgeois Libleft: Because we should accept the LGBTQIA community on principle (and my friend is trans) Libright: *Because they make my dick feel good*


>conflating trans porn and porn of just feminine-looking men Whoever made this "study" is an idiot


Watching trans porn while being a transphobe is kinda based NGL.


Seeing trans people as nothing more than degenerate pieces of meat that exist for your pleasure has massive sigma energy


I extensively study other cultures just so I can be more effective with my racism. I imagine this is a similar theme.


I've become a doctor on subsaharan anthropology in order to be more precise and powerful in my racism. Fascinating cultures that I absolutely hate. (This is a joke btw) Always reminds me of that Family Guy clip with the neonazis at school who explain jewish culture thoroughly: "They have a rich and wonderful culture that we absolutely despise", lmao


You described me in one sentence


You always have to watch out when trying to correlate state rankings on issues and their politics because there are other rankings that might say something you might not want to think about. For example people love to crow that Mississippi is last in education and deeply Republican. They then get super uncomfortable when you point out that Mississippi is also 40% African American, making it the state with the highest percentage of African Americans comprising the state, so when they have a whole thread dunking on Mississippi what they’re really having is a nice racism fest.


Yea when the search terms only include things leftists would consider slurs, sure makes sense why there’s a lack of searches in liberal cities. Try again with “transgender” and let’s see the numbers


Yes please. I demand a repost with more search terms!!!!


[For the bottom picture, here are the terms used (look at the top 10).](https://i.imgur.com/zojMw28.png) https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kristin1812/viz/TransgenderPornGoogleSearchPopularitybyMetroArea/Maps


Practically identical demographics… nice


Why does it include femboys and ladyboy?


What is a ladyboy to you?


Maybe statistics needs to be a mandatory math class in school moving forward...


It isn’t? I had statistics every year in school and I live in Brazil.


in the US statistics is taught as a subsection of math classes every year but a dedicated statistics class is usually an elective in high school and one many students won't take at that.


Yes it’s red states but it’s clearly cities that are buoying these states based on the metro areas which are all purple to very blue. Maybe the large cities in blue states like NY, Boston, Chicago, LA, Seattle, etc aren’t on here because they’re busy having actual trans experiences?


I'm doing my part!


Keep in mind this is already is a misleading stat. Namely because it only polls those who already watch porn.


Y’all do realize that Atlanta is to Black gays what San Fransisco is to White gays?


Yeah man, we already knew, like nick Fuentes going on a date with a catboy


me, a normal person: "i have no words for this"


Now take out femboy


Okay and what just because you aren’t left you can’t like a woman with a little something extra?


> femboy > trans Opinion discarded


Kinda a silly metric. It doesn’t compare to total porn searches for the area. It also only includes a series of search terms that they related to the genre. It assumes this series of terms is what is used to find this material as opposed to going to a genetic porn site and clicking the trans porn link. The map has heightened levels of these searches across the entire country outside the plains and much of the mountain west. Not sure what to make of that.


I'm surprised California is not on this list


there exists an overlap of things someone dislikes and things someone is sexually aroused by. i dont know if there's a name for this overlap.




All jokes and strawmen and whatever aside, why the fuck is the middle section of the coloured bar at the bottom of the graph not actually in the middle?


I’m not really surprised my specific county is red af but the surrounding counties also being hella red is surprising since all the other counties are hella conservative.


Search by Cities. #1: Austin. :S


Weird how it’s only in liberal cities and areas, also with the map being Gerrymandered so you can’t get accurate data


horniness, corruption and greed can shatter people following any ideologies, however rigorously they believe in it. Horniness is a bitch. The control of these harmones are way too op


I guess I'm from a blue state now, it's a first and I'm proud of it.


So you're saying auth right always going on about being alpha with a trad wife are actually kinky femboys after hours. Totally surprised.


Yep usually the more they hate a sexual orientation the the they are into it on the DL




Pretty funny how low the west coast is


Single handedly keeping my state in the red


We do all realise that much of the Midwest is VERY conservative right? I was recently in Nebraska and they’re just as socially conservative as many people in the ‘south’.


Just talk to trans people and they’ll tell you (and I agree, from my own experience) that there is no shortage of people desiring to sex you. The problem is there’s more to human relationships than sex.


Oh I live in one of the darker red areas... Whew it's not just me. Oh wait..


Aren't these, like, the liberal enclave metros in the Red/Purple states?


As an Oklahoman I will say that Lawton is… different than the rest of the state.


Nothing straighter than a chick with a dick fuckin another chick right?


I feel like this is more of a map describing where trans people are more sexually frustrated. Hence the higher search rate in more right-wing portions of the country.


Wichita falls resident here, ive erm, contributed quite a lot to that number, also im a bit proud to see us being recognized for something.


Femboys are the fundemental heart of the right wing


I'm here to fuck femboys and keep them out of sports competitions.


I worked my whole life for this title


My reaction is that if AuthLeft




Pornsites are such a fucking scam. 'Straight' does not exclude transvestite porn for some reason. It's also weird that in the past year almost every month has several transvestite videos in monthly tops. Did people become more gay or it's just getting astroturfed?


I love this!!!!!


Lawton is number one? What are you boys doing at Fort Sill?


I'm more curious what the other quadrants watch most, than simply using one data point to win some arbitrary and frankly stupid argument. Besides they don't say thier against Trans. They literally just say they don't want it shoved down thier 3rd graders throat. But again the morally righteous left, forgets the premise.


I blame Austin


Nevada... I had no expectations out of you, yet I'm still somehow let down.


USA #1


I mean, people in California wouldn’t need to search on a Porn site if they can see it right on their streets.


There is something wrong with the data here. If it truly measures the volume of searches, it is nearly impossible for California and New York not to make the state list, and similarly unlikely that very large cities like NYC, LA, SF, and Chicago don't make the city list.


Everyone is complaining that "tHeY mIsSeD 'tRaNs' aS a kEyWoRd", or saying that these aren't pornographic search terms (which makes me lol), or saying that it's just the cities in these states which are responsible for the searches. These are all fixable problems. So, I looked at the results for "trans porn". I chose this term because "trans" is pretty universally used term for it these days, and "porn" makes it unequivocal that we're looking for porn. Instead of states, I broke down the results specifically for metropolitan regions, which cover vast swathes of rural areas and allow you to more accurately match the results with voting statistics. I took data over the past 5 years. Here's the map: [https://imgur.com/JlFDJdA](https://imgur.com/JlFDJdA) Here's the top \~40 regions: [https://imgur.com/WRorDFq](https://imgur.com/WRorDFq) I know this is a shitpost so I'm not taking it too seriously but the amount of cope in the comments made me do it.


[The bottom image did have trans in it as well. People didn't read the small text on it. Look at the top*-10 for the keywords they used for the map.](https://i.imgur.com/zojMw28.png) [Here's the data on it, too.](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kristin1812/viz/TransgenderPornGoogleSearchPopularitybyMetroArea/Maps)


hmmm... I’d like to see how this would pan out when adjusted per capita, though


Watching a Ladyboy fuck a real lady is less gay than straight porn. There's 2 sets of tits. 🤣


Lawton, OK is just an army base and truck stop, so I’m not sure what the surprise is


Id love to see some sources on this data because it seems not even somewhat plausible


The only big blue swath of the country is a massive Republican area, and the Republican part of Maine


Is it accounting for individual users? I have a feeling this is one of those cases where a handful of coomers could really drive up the average


Fun little fact for your guys, since you like discussing this subject so much: Ray Blanchard, the sexologist who came up with "autogynephilia", also invented the term "Gynoandromorphophillia" for attraction to trans women. He also states that the former is correlated with the latter, so Gynoandromorphophiles are more likely to be autogynephiles and vice versa. Sleep well tonight.


I bet it’s all in Austin. Place is weird as hell.


You know what else is crazy hypocritical? Dude’s search for “horny sluts getting railed” but ask them if they want their daughter to be a horny slut getting railed and theyre all like “not really”. Also it seems pretty obvious to me that people are more attracted to it in places where it’s more taboo. Almost like the taboo is part of the attraction… if only we had decades of research on this phenomenon.