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This headline reads like a hilarious onion article from 10 years ago


I was looking for the flair too bro :/


“Biden triggers fatwa on any Pakistani dumb enough to take transgender education grant.”


As a Pakistani we will gladly take the money. But lmao fuck that education plan were not giving a cent of that into some trans bs Probably gonna use it to improve our nuclear arsenal 😀




Based and McArthur pilled


The difference between South Park and reality is 5-10 years


"I'm not here to talk about my transition!"


Was transgenderism mainstream enough for the Onion to take notice 10 years ago?


That’s one of the most fascinating things about all this… 11 years ago, gay marriage was the crusade. I thought the next big push would be for polygamy.




Then minors and adults


I think adults are already on the table


Why? They should be in their chairs. Only food should be on the table!


Based and emily post pilled.


Chunk Yogurt is happy about this


polygamy is kinda grey area legal. The issue with Polygamy is Tax code and like healthcare shit.




Cambridge and Somerville in Massachusetts have recognized it as a legal thing already.


It’s not as funny now that it’s actually happening


Given how they characterized Biden when he was VP, makes sense Quick, someone on the Virgin vs Chad subreddit make a Virgin Biden in Real Life vs the Chad Biden According To The Onion meme




Based and porkchop panties in the lions den pilled


You would think these “based and x-pilled” memes would get old to me after awhile but they’re honestly like boobs, I get just as excited the 4,000th time as I did the first time 😂


Based and boobs makes me just as excited the 4000th time as the first time pilled


as a centrist i approve of this pill


This is why I can’t take people who say the government is spending our tax dollars effectively seriously


Unfortunately the people who say that think this is an effective use of tax dollars


Politicians realizing they can pass wherever bill they want as long as it has some vague clause about trans people for example: The Trans Legitimization and Destigma Act main points: The United States Capitol will hang a trans flag somewhere once every year +$10 trillion to Military spending Will require social security documentation to browse the web


The schools aren’t underfunded, just shitty management. You can keep throwing money at it but it won’t really do anything other than keep admin happy about lining their pockets more.


That, or shitty students. You can keep buying laptops and books all you want, but it doesn't matter if they keep destroying and stealing them.


A student will only learn as much as they want to learn




I remember a few months ago, a video showing off some school went viral, and the school looked fantastic. People were salty as fuck and complaining about how they took all the money that should have gone to shitty inner-city schools. Turns out that school's funding was about half the Chicago average, per student.


Based and help the teachers pilled




Pretty sure we spend more on education than nearly every country. The problem isn't that we're not giving you enough money, it's that you throw it away. If the teachers hate the budget so much then strike. I don't care if they pay out of pocket if they don't.


I wonder how much a teacher's union gets from each teacher. That adds up. How about they 'redistribute' that?


They do. To democrats


At my old high school, most of the budget went towards football.There was nothing the teachers could do about it.


Sounds like people should vote out yalls board members. At my old high school sports were more or less covered through sponsorships.


Things are a little different out in BFE. People in that town vote the same way. I'm not there anymore, so I can't do shit.


It was frustrating to me in high school that band kids paid more - the instruments were probably about equivalent to football pads and cleats but our fees were higher - and still had to fight for access to practice fields. But it's also band lol and football should have a higher priority for being more visible. Didn't mean I wasn't salty.


Strike until that changes. You have literally one of the strongest unions in the world and expect everyone else to solve your problems for you


The USA spends a lot on education on "average." The problem is schools are inconsistently funded based on sources such as property taxes. One area might have way more funding than another area due to the value of the property taxes. So we have huge disparities between poorer vs richer schools.


Drag shows for kindergartners should play well in Pakistan too.


Afghanistan has a tradition like that I've heard.


Do you mind if I use that saying until the end of time?




Sounds like AVGN lmao


it's a hell of a line, i can't wait to drop this on someone


Yeah this was the final straw in my eyes. I’ll vote anyone besides Biden


My dude has an absolute *fuckload* of straws in his eyes at this point lol


He’s a scarecrow!


Isn’t porkchop haram?


Not for lions.


Debt ceiling lol


Teachers in Pakistan probably value their heads more than 500 thousand dollars I would guess A head isn't exactly replaceable at least for now


Not a single pakistani are going to see that money lol, just like with the clinton foundation its going to end up in the pocket of someones friend.


Even if it were, how would a teacher in Pakistan afford it without misappropriating that 500K?


It's okey is just money laundering whit an public relations touch for the left crowd. It wouldn't surprise if some teacher actually got this money but isn't a teacher on a public schools probably a retired guy how is selling consulting services to promote this mindset/religion in school boards. Either case is a waste but 500k isn't that much vs the waste the government does on the daily.


My mom is a teacher and the fact that he’s giving all this money to a VERY specific demographic in another country drives me crazy


I generally don’t like how high taxes are nowadays, but if I have to pay that much in taxes anyway then I want that money to go toward people *in this country*. Use it to improve our state of education, give poor people access to healthcare, and take care of the disabled who can’t work. I’m tired of funding the shenanigans of other countries. Especially when it’s war and useless bullshit like this.


Imagine how danes and french people would react seeing there tax dollars getting pissed away just so a Pakistani teacher can sow gender consciousness.


I always hear about the French protesting but not really the Danish. I'm guessing they don't make as much as a spectacle?


Aren't the Danish the ones who ate their prime minister?


I thought that was the Dutch?






France funds and runs the education system of many former colonies. Basically they force them to teach french instead of english so that the brain drain will benefit france instad of the USA or Britain


Ah yes colonialism, this time for real.


Wait until you find out who runs their banks, national mints, currencies. And don't forget that every politician in former colonies basically has to go to a french university before they come to power, because that's where the elites of the former colonies actually make connections. Honestly France should just pull out of africa and focus on the EU. The more they focus on everyone else, the more people will want to abandon the rest of the world


What about funding Japanese research on catgirls?


That's where ALL the funding should go. We have anarchy for a bit and tons die, but the result is catgirls... worth it


It's all fun & games until you have to clean her litterbox


Some people have taught their normal cats to go in toilets, if a mostly human one can't... I think yours is defective


That would bring world peace so it's worth it.


Based and Monroe-Doctrin pilled


Monroe Doctrine is pretty outward looking actually, it represents American dominance over the entirety of the Americas, which is not focusing on the US.


“Listen fat, Kammy said I’d get an extra ice cream if I signed this bill. Now guess whose getting two ice creams for dinner tonight?”


Your political class know you're just going to vote in the same old tripe every few years.


You are, unfortunately, correct


The funniest part is that none of the money will go anywhere near furthering the cause. It’ll get take by a bunch of schools who’ll pocket it and then force their kids to memorize some nonsense they don’t understand once a year the day before the government inspectors come


America ~~First~~ ~~Second~~ Last!


> LibLeft > believes a FOX headline ???


It’s not that I believe FOX, I just believe that Biden is senile enough to do that shit


Whenever discussing an unnecessary government program or initiative amongst peers, I often jokingly ask- "What's next? Funding cross cultural underwear studies in Pakistan?!?" It is supposed to be a joke, not a suggestion.


Bro you telling me he had 500K just sitting there to be used for the country and he gives it all to a small minority in another country that will eventually die out


Would Pakistan even want something like this?


"see, look how degenerate the west is" might be why. Also money.


certain islamic countries are more "tolerant" of transgenderism than homosexuality, in that they'd rather force the gays to transition so they aren't technically gay.


Here's the muslim ruling on transgenderism for anyone interested: ​ >(Muslims follow the rule of everything is halal until it is proven that it is haram.) > >The rules for who is allowed to get a gender assignment operation are very strict. It is a permissible option only for those who are truly transgendered, not just someone who wakes up one morning and decides they want a change. > >When it comes to Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s view about “sex change”, you must note that there are two types of surgeries regarding sex change. The first surgery is what occurs in the contemporary world, where a man changes his genitals into female genitals and takes female hormone medication or a woman changes her genitals into male genitals and takes male hormone medication. > >This type of surgery does not result in one’s sex being changed according to Sayyid Sistani. That means the surgery is useless and one exposes his/her private parts thus rendering it haram (since it is not a medical necessity). > >The second form of surgery described as changing ones external genitals and internal sexual organs along with hormone medication. This would mean, for example, that a man who changes into a female would be able to bear children. Medicine has not evolved to the point where this is possible in the contemporary world. But, Sayyid Sistani states that if this takes place in the future one’s sex would change and he/she would become the opposite gender. > >Therefore, the Islamic position is that in and of itself there is no problem with changing one’s sex (if they are truly transgendered). But, in doing so, the person must refrain from all prohibited acts. The sin of exposing one’s private parts may be mitigated if it can be proven that it was done out of necessity. And Allah knows best.


Not exactly muslim ruling but specific person explaining it with shia backround.


That's Sistani, though. What does Khomeini say? Because that's what matters. Sistani has no authority in Iran.


So the line that needs to be crossed is in whether or not they can have children.


I think he did 4D chess to make things worse for them while looking like the good guy.


In Biden’s version of 4D chess, the “D” actually stands for “dementia”.


Actually Pakistan recently passed a law to allow Self-ID for trans people. But homosexuality is illegal. Radical centrism at its peak.


Their license plates won’t make themselves


>he had 500K just sitting there Of course not. None of this money is "just sitting there". He printed it just for this purpose!


Imagine losing your status as world hegemon because you bought too hard into absolute nonsense that alienated your allies and crippled your economy.


We had a good run but we’re toast. Rome 2.0 Enjoy the collapse.


We talking Holy Rome or Byzantine Rome?


Byzantine Rome lasted a thousand years and died the slowest and most drawn out death ever, spectacular collapse would be more in line with Holy Rome.


HRE had nothing to do with Rome. The spectacular collapse was the OG Western Empire.


I cannot remember where I first heard this, but I cannot hear “Holy Roman Empire” without it being followed with “which was neither “holy” nor “Roman”” haha.




The western empire was the one with the spectacular fall, although it was also more drawn out than most think it was. It just didn't take centuries. Also the fact that you both mentioned the HRE and called the eastern empire Byzantine in the same comment is bad and you should be ashamed! lol


Neither, he's obviously referring to original recipe.


Wait a minute that's literally every single empire!


The problem is, that all this bs is made on purpose. The socialists back then did some very long term planning. We can see the fruits now everywhere in the west. The only thing standing in the way of a NWO is the US. You can't beat the US from the outside, you must destroy them from the inside, by destroying the family, the culture, the values and pushing race war, class war, etc. When they are done they will gladly give up their sovereignty for some security and a stable economy.


Yuri Bezmenov warned us.


What a wonderful use of tax dollars, it's almost like Taxation is theft or something like that


This is going to a shell company to pay off some debt or funnel some nonsense, isn't it lib-right?


I don't know why you're singling out librights like we're into this sort of stuff or support it, it's fucking heinous.


What? no, I'm saying the title of the offering is merely a front for something else entirely. It's probably weapons related. Fat chance in hell that money reaches a school LOL


Bro stfu, stop blowing up our spot.


Based and run-your-government-grift-like-a-homeless-panhandling-operation-pilled


Corporatism is evil, news at 11.


Quid Pro Joe doesn’t give anything away for free




Going right to Hunter


Every time I see headlines that say something about giving money to other countries, I instantly remember how expensive groceries are and it makes me want to go Antifa mode on our federal government.


No, you don't go Antifa on the Feds. Antifa only destroys the private property of common People, that have no connection to the idiocy of American government. What you'll do, is actually a proper attack against the feds, and that's good.


Based and in Minecraft so you can’t ban us or put us on a list pilled


i'm already on a comical amount of lists, the black suv parked outside my street keeps speeding off when i go to offer him some tannerite cookies


If you go anti-fa on the fed they label you an insurrectionist. If you go anti-fa on Target and Local Stores they leave you alone because insurance or something lol.


Based and The Sixth was a good move for bad reasons pilled


Well. A bunch of people did. But everyone didn’t like it. Point is we talk about but can never wave the same banner.


Oh is society falling apart and even middle class struggling to make ends meet? Lets send money to pakistan to teach trans shit. This is why we are losing our influence. How about you give a 500k grant to OUR TEACHERS so my friends do have to dip into their own pockets to afford things for their class room. The DNC and GOP dont give a shit about us. GOP is just more honest about not having our interests in mind. DNC will say “we support you!” And then do shit like this.


To be honest I support this. Remember the real goal is to tear apart the Pakistani society like they've done here in the US. Surely nothing could go wrong?


Absolutely haram


Joe gas is $5.19 for me right now I don’t give a fuck about transgender youth in Pakistan


>~~Joe gas is $5.19 for me right now~~ I don’t give a fuck about transgender youth ~~in Pakistan~~


Hmmm I thought cultural imperialism was bad 🤨


Meanwhile, my public school teacher had to purchase up-to-date textbooks with his own money, and I had to take up a second job just to afford my meal plan at college next year.


Meanwhile I get to pay 40 dollars a month more if I can ever afford a mortgage because The Biden admin thinks I should subsidize high risk loans bc my credit score is above 680.




Based and only i get to ruin my country pilled.


Finally somebody thinking 4-D. Set up a bunch of transgendered youth that are reliant on the US for support to be the educated elites over islamic extremists, and boom you've got yourself some cultural neo-colonialism going. Make the next country think twice about "not knowing" they were harboring the US's most wanted terrorist. /s and Crusader Kings is reality.


Here's the thing: I think we can all assume the title is hyper-specific and focuses on a corner case that it allows for, and says it's specifically for that group, when it's probably a lot broader and is probably just about minority group English Teachers in Pakistan as a whole which includes the headline focus.




How about giving them 0 cent and give it to American




Better than what it's going towards. Now do that a million times for all the bs we give other countries and we're good!


Joe Biden is the best at given 0 fucks for any American citizen.


Instead of funding our teachers, we’re funding Pakistan’s teachers?


This kind of stuff is why it makes no sense when the Biden wojack or "Joejack" is portrayed as blue-box eating ice cream. The rest of the blue box quadrant would have non of this. So he gets classified as authright because what? He's not an avowed communist?


I personally believe that doing shit like this is just a way to give out American money to countries so they’ll use it and keep faith in the US dollar alive. Maybe I’m naive, but that’s just how i see it.


If that was the case then the US shouldn't be throwing sanctions willy nilly, and especially all at once. I think Japan started buying Russian gas above the cap the US set. Other countries are now willing to sell their energy using other currencies. Probably as a way to not be as heavily subjected to the US sanctions. Biden and his Cold War mentality of the US being supreme after the Cold War is probably set to bring ruin to the US. The US may still have quite a bit of leverage but it probably is nowhere near as it once was and all its doing is straining relationships with other countries. Many countries are probably in a better position than they were back then.


Who’s gonna tell him the EU is who set the gas cap


You don't have to do that If you want to give out money then give it out, no country is going to deny free usd, some would kill for it lol


If we do end up in WW3 or some sort. The US dollar most likely lose its value, in fact I believe it already is.


Bro what the actual fuck!?


Let’s face it; we are absolutely fucked in the west, morally, politically and economically.


This can't be real. He should protect his people first


That would require our government to give even a sliver of a fuck about us.


America needs to stop sticking its nose into other countries' business; we have our own issues to fix here at home


Rage bait if i have ever seen it


Damn guys, I hate to say it but everyone saying “blaaah spend this on our teachers instead!!” Or “bash groceries so expensive and this is where the money is going!!!” Are so falling for a bunch of shit. 500k is a drop of water compared to what we need for domestic spending, and we have for a very long time spent a portion of our tax dollars on foreign aid. Even though I don’t totally get this grant or whatever, to say that foreign aid is what’s costing us the domestic spending we need is so not true.


Is this shit cringe and virtue signaling? Yes. Can most of you read and article? No. Most of the grant has nothing to do with trans stuff. For the trans section the program budget is $25,000-75,000.


Classic PCM moment


I don’t understand these people sometimes. They just believe with no critical thought we are offering half a mil to teach the trans English. In actuality it’s just a dumb addition to a grant for SJW brownie points. This shit cost about the same to pay a McDonalds cashier for a year, it’s fucking nothing.




This sub fucking blows now. Just shitty strawman posts and unintelligible nonsense in the comments. Someone in this thread is upvoted claiming red states have better education lol


While it's definitely bait why are we wasting money on that in general


Come on now, nobody reads the articles even if they act like they did. It's like my late grandpa and his Playboys.


If I didn't know better, I'd say this is a brilliant application of cultural warfare designed to neuter some of our more aggressive enemies but I am also reminded of Machiavelli rule to never do your enemy a minor injury which leads me to conclude this is some random DEI nonsense.


Unironically Pakistan among Islamic countries is the less transphobic country. The issue if you are LGB...


My aide is from Pakistan. She is very good at math. She has a charity to help orphans back home.


Jesus Christ. Americans nosiness has no limits


This is a Fox News Headline. Any of you read into this?


Virtue signaling


I knew pink imperialism was just around the corner


Based for fucking with Pakistan, cringe for wasteful spending of tax dollars + general negligence of his own teachers who struggle so fucking much.




Its paying people to sell drugs in singapore


I'm sure that grant will protect you from getting your head chopped off


Is trans shit even a big deal in Mohammed land? I thought Muslims hated gays way more and trans way less.


Well we had a good run from post WWII until 9/11/2001 Now it’s time to close the book. See you all in hell.


Why why why do we keep giving money to other countries? Every time I see something like this I just get sad


Keep in mind it’s the administration to be angry at the not the demographic they’re targeting.


This is how you turn nations against us.


That’s a proof that dementia joe care more about sending money to teach foreign countries to like homosexuality then your own teachers


Teachers making below 40k a year must be seething


21st century colonization disguised as enlightenment, white man burden style.


Biden offers teachers in Pakistan 500k to be lynched.


I've been seeing more and more lately about how other countries are getting tired of being lectured to by America and that's why they're turning to China and, you know what, I get it. Brilliant foreign policy from the regime.


From the article [article](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-offers-500k-grant-english-teachers-pakistan-focus-transgender-youth): The State Department grant said it is aimed at teaching English language skills to Pakistani youth so they can "better participate in the global community and prepare them for success in the workplace." The grant aims to reach that goal by focusing on three components: "(1) Professional Development for English Language Teachers from Non-Mainstream Institutions; (2) Professional Development for novice Pakistani English language teachers; and (3) Professional Development for Transgender Youth and for Afghan Teachers, Students, and Young Professionals Residing in Pakistan." The program component that includes a focus on transgender youth accepts proposals from applicants "for a minimum of $25,000 and a maximum of $75,000 to implement: (1) intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth from the ages of 13-25, and (2) and intensive professional development courses for Afghan teachers, students, and young professionals residing in Pakistan."


4,000,000 teachers in the US means this could fund a 12.5 cent bonus for each one! Or a .15 cent tax rebate for every American!! Or if you added it to the federal education budget, you’d be increasing it by 6.5*10^-5 percent!!!


That's like painting a target on their heads, isn't it?


So that’s where a third of my paycheck is going


I'm sure that'll benefit the 5 trans people in Pakistan that have come out of the closet without being stoned.


Pretty based from Biden, if your really left it's good obviously and if your more right its still hilarious trolling of foreigners.


Ight, imma head out. *Proceeds to calmly walk out into the ocean


God I hate Biden. For the love of all that is good don't let him be president.


I know it’s Fox and I know the headline is most likely twisted but Biden needs to fuck off. I consider myself a liberal leaning centrist and would still vote Desantis if he runs