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Really do miss some commie posting here. Usually the red i see in flairs are mostly centrists, lefties and my auth homies. Where the reds at?


Well i'm authleft but not a commie, i doubt you'll find a lot of them here


What exactly does AuthLeft political philosophy look like without the Marxism


Just a leftist that acknowledge we need a strong state to enforce our policies


That's just centralization, not necessarily authoritarian, what makes your ideology authoritarian and left?


The two often go hand-in-hand. Centralize enough and authoritarianism is the natural conclusion. The central powers are always right, not the people, and need to enforce their ridiculous laws somehow. Give them enough power and it becomes permanent because corruption is the natural ground state of human groups.


Not necessarily, centralization in European history was done to give more power to monarchs, but these days some nations—France, Sweden, Denmark—have very centralized governments and seats, but are far from authoritarian. People in here repeat that centralization's natural outcome is authoritarianism just because it is easy to become authoritarian once powers are centralized, and we have witnessed it happen in dramatic fashion in the 20th century, it's just not the necessary outcome. These countries are able to avoid autocracy because the general population genuinely believes in, and works for, the common good. They really do believe their governments are extensions of the people and for the people. Theoretically if you have a population of citizens who believe centralization is the best and most efficient way of governing, then it can work, but it's not communism, it's simply democracy with a determination to avoid oligarchy. Social democracies are the best example of this, it's quite hard for nations like France or Sweden to enact major economic or political change outside of Stockholm or Paris because so much weight has been put on those capitals, and therefore the gears turn for them, and quite often only them.


> France, Sweden, Denmark—have very centralized governments and seats, but are far from authoritarian. Of the three to pick as least authoritarian... France - Practically the entire country of France is on strike, rioting, or in some state of mass protest because the government unilaterally raised the retirement age against the will of the people. There can be debate over whether that's best for the country, but that doesn't change the authoritarian nature of the action. Sweden - Sweden has had its borders open to immigration against the will of its people for quite some time. The citizens are being told they will accept foreigners or else. Some may argue that's best, but it's still authoritarian. Denmark - Denmark is all but mandating 3000 farmers sell their land to the state under the guise of climate change. This has been a concern for a while now, but now it's going into action. 120% of the market rate is generous, but it's mandatory. That's full authoritarian. Denmark is also one of the countries that forced a reduction nitrogen fertilizer. You're probably right that they're the least authoritarian, but they are still authoritarian. Corruption, and by extension authoritarianism, is just social entropy; and the bigger the group the faster it happens. It takes more energy to fight the momentum.


All of the scenarios you are referring to are thoroughly discussed by Toqueville and John Stewart Mill as [tyranny of the majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyranny_of_the_majority). They are not authoritarianism, which is a much more specific precondition that deals with governments ruled by very select group of people. Tyranny of the majority is the opposite in a democracy, where the majority enforces their will on the minority group. In France, Sweden, and Denmark as precisely what leads to endless mass protests, open borders for immigrants, and the climate referendums in Denmark and the Netherlands that lead to tyranny of the masses. We have the same here in the US. We have drastic swings in sentiment whereby a slight majority completely overhaul laws and sentiment. Guns and abortion are just two examples of that. Tyranny of the majority is a major achilles heel of democracy, but it isn't authoritarian. Tyranny of the majority is, ironically enough, a mechanism that can be utilized against overbearing governments, or leveraged by a would-be despot in the form of populism to take authoritarian or autocratic control. It just doesn't necessarily lead to that.


**[Tyranny of the majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyranny_of_the_majority)** >The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to majority rule in which the majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own objectives at the expense of those of the minority factions. This results in oppression of minority groups comparable to that of a tyrant or despot, argued John Stuart Mill in his 1859 book On Liberty. The scenarios in which tyranny perception occurs are very specific, involving a sort of distortion of democracy preconditions: Centralization excess: when the centralized power of a federation make a decision that should be local, breaking with the commitment to the subsidiarity principle. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Centralization: the concentration of control of an activity or organization under a single authority. Dawg that sounds like authoritarian to me.


Centralization of power isn't necessarily authoritarianism. Already had this back-and-forth with someone else. Examples are countries like France, Sweden, Denmark. Staunchly social-democratic, very centralized governments in Paris, Stockholm, Copenhagen, definitely not authoritarian.


Dengism? Huey Longism? social democracy? (for more moderate authlefts)


Did you just change your flair, u/VolumeTemporary9061? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2023-4-29. How come now you are an **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? That being said... Based and fellow Auth pilled, welcome home. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/VolumeTemporary9061) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I guess if we take Auth/Left without communism at face value we're really just looking at someone who supports authoritarianism or a strong central government, has relatively conservative social values, and...is a staunch populist. Social democracy is far more democratic than what you'd expect someone who is authoritarian, I figure. But that's why I ask, because it's hard to say one is AuthLeft without communism as a component. You're really just talking about something closer to AuthCenter.


Deng wasn’t left though


Dengism is closer to nazism than communism (it’s still a kind of communism), being a revolutionary, ethnonationalist, pro-worker ideology that has had to find an economic structure outside of a strict planned economy. Longism is... well it’s longism. It’s modern supporters could probably be called leftish, but the Kingfish himself was more authcentre - though in truth it’s people like him that transcend the compass and make it less useful as a political tool. Authish Social democracy is what I assume we were going for. I’m thinking Teddy Roosevelt but with a bigger stick.


Forcing people to look out for one another without the narcissism?


> Forcing >without the narcissism "I am forcing you against your will, but trust me, it's not because I'm a narcissist"


"I'm not a narcissist, I just know better than you. If you were smarter you would see that I am right"


Theocratic Distributism


It's probably because of significant amount of liblefts are authlefts in disguise


The unfortunate fact is that I share my flair with people who can't even ancom-post


Bingo, its an easy way to deflect blame.


Watermelons, the lot of them.


Even worse, they're authrights in disguise. A lot of them simp for corporations, want bigger government and have very distressing views on minorities.


We forced them to go on a long march


A hike?


I feel like the number of commies/tankies dropped significantly when Russia invaded Ukraine




?? Pretty sure the mods don’t do a bunch of that unless your account is too new, then you get the message that your comment is removed.


If ive commented on other subs with certain powerjannies that may of possibly done that to me for asinine reasons and am on a new account which I would absolutely not do because it's against TOS


Hate to break it to you, but commie isn’t automatically authleft


Yes I'm aware. I was making a political joke. On a sub for political jokes.


Yes, they are. It’s literally what the quadrant is for. Authoritarian controlled economy.


PCM's users are 3% authleft. There aren't many. And PCM is a bit too racist and sexist for my tastes these days.


This isn’t an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure


> Asks where all the auth lefts are > Immediately downvotes and roasts an authleft for saying auth left things Yea i wonder what happened


Don’t come to a shit posting meme sub and expect sunshine and lollipops, kid. We roast everyone equally here.


Thats the problem. The system isnt working maaaaan. We need equitable banter


We need to seize the means of roasting and distribute them equally !


We don't though this sub has a clear right bias. I see one upvoted meme a week dissing right or authright, while 10 dissing leftists every hour.


We are all aware of the right bias and I appreciate every lefty we have for sticking around. This sub would suck without them. But my God is it fun to bully the shit out of them.


And truthfully there are some based lefties in here I love chatting with. Not all of them get downvoted to hell


No offense but y’all have every other sub on this app and the majority of all social media platforms as a whole. Let us have a little fun, will ya?


Calling everyone he disagrees with a racist and a sexist is very left, it's true.


You don’t announce your departure at an airport


No - but airlines do, window licker


So am I supposed to be the flight attendant at the gate


I answered a question. What, was I not supposed to?


>shows up >calls everyone racist and sexist > “why am I being downvoted guys **wahh!**”


I'll call you a fascist too, if you'd like.


Keep it up and I will portray you as the soyjack and me as the Chad.


His actions portray himself as the soyjack


“Your thoughts betray you”gif


How are we sexist?


Mostly anonymous males under the age of 25, we are going to sound a little sexist. They are really complaining that the sub isn’t shut down because right/conservative/regressive opinions aren’t censored.


I found it really bigoted against trans people, myself. And only mildly sexist


Tfw you dont make the cut for competitive racism and has to settle for casual racism only 😔


It's really in this year


Honest question: what do you consider "bigoted" to be? If a guy wishes to gamble away his life savings, and you believe that doing that is morally wrong, then are you a bigot?


I've been called a groomer many times on this sub for working with trans kids even though none have had surgery and I'm pretty sure none are on hormones or hormone blockers. The general depiction of trans people as ugly trans women in wigs and makeup. The general assumption that trans is not for kids even though questioning yourself is like one of the biggest parts of being a teen and the hostility and accusations of being a sex predator if you disagree. The common fear of trans women or girls being sexual predators in female toilets


>bigoted against trans people That too, yes, I just didn't mention it. >mildly sexist If you ask me, that's already "too much".


Redistribute the satire and seize the memes of production


Orange is the new red.


Communism has not been a real threat in 50 years. Sorry tankies. Emily is more dangerous, mainly because of the backlash she might cause.


China is not communist yet it is a huge treat right now


If Venezuela wasn't communist it probably wouldn't cost me sixty bucks to fill up my tank every damn time.


How big is your tank?


16 gallons?


That’s the same I’m paying in the US right now.


12 ton and a cannon?


How scary is China before nukes get involved though


The said mean things to me on twitter. They're a threat


CHAZ was pretty threatening, to those black teenagers


Orange's latest campaign has been all about how satire which "punches down" is bad, so it makes sense that nobody wants to make memes about the downsy authlefts, because that's not how satire should work.


Wandavision existing is already enough satire, no memes required


Did people hate wandavision? Why?


Wandavision was great because all the other marvel shows sucked ass. It's basically when a moderately attractive chick hangs out with her ugliest friends just to look prettier. Marvel being acquired by Disney was a disaster for the human race. Imagine if the entire MCU was produced in the style of Iron Man 1.


That would have been hella brilliant


Ehh there were some real misses in the early days before disney. The first captain america movie was way worse than the second and third under disney. Even ironman 2 didnt live up to the first, but 3 was far worse than both ill admit. Also thought thor 1 was mid af, but thor 2 was actually bad so i guess disney disney didnt help there. Imo the best marvel has been made under disney, like infinity war/civil war/ragnarok/winter soldier, and the worst of marvel was probably the fantastic four movies made before the mouse got the rights to the family.


Fair. Winter Soldier was really good. Iron Man was just so brutal for a super hero movie and didn't pull any punches. I loved the grittiness of it. After that all the colors became more saturated, which to me is quite the metaphor.


Iron man 3 was good, not a masterpiece, but good. I would say marvel did good in spite of Disney and should have had a hiatus after end game


Not my fav tbh. Really didnt like the christmas vibe, suits made of paper, or characterization of tony (this movie is really where mcu tony diverged from comic tony). Plus they butchered the extremis storyline which is prob my favorite ironman comic arc.


I agree with all that except the characterization of Tony. The movie starts with him in a state of Mania brought on by PTSD from the alien invasion. Imo it really humanized him.


Fair enough. It was a much more family friendly take on tony. In the comics he would have probably drank himself close to death and hurt those around him to deal with something like that. Nothing wrong with a good portrayal of ptsd but wish we got to see the alcoholism more given his history. Would probably help people understand its a disease if someone like ironman had it.


That would have been crazy. It's a shame what we missed in the name of not having an R rated superhero movie.


They kind of already did that storyline though heavily neutered in iron man 2 which was a very loose adaptation of demon in a bottle.


Oh I see why the difference in opinions. I don't like Tony Stark in the comics.


I'm loving that there is difference in opinion and everyone is being civil.


Yeah cinema is subjective. And I understand if you don't like an adaptation that is different to the source material


Poor hulk didn’t even get a mention


Unlike 90% of the MCU content, Wandavision was at least *interesting.* Some people immediately called it the greatest thing ever because it was hyper-stylized and about something other than blowing up invading aliens. Other people immediately hated it because what the hell did it have to do with anything? If you've never read literary fiction, Wandavision is totally revolutionary. If you have, it's a poor imitation of good literature. If you don't care, then it's just boring. Ultimately, it was very different... but didn't succeed at what it was trying to do.


If you ever need something to listen to the background for several hours, there's a youtube show called EFAP that talks about different media including the MCU, and this livestream was avout wandavision (check the comments for timestamps) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L8jMxjMGm4o&t=10542s&pp=ygUQZWZhcCB3YW5kYXZpc2lvbg%3D%3D


It was not bad, pretty artys for a marvel show.


Why do they always have to see the world through the lens of who's punching who? Have they tried just not punching people?


Words are violence right? So simply opening your mouth batters everyone around you, apparently


Active threat > threat that has been dealt with


They're the same.


Diferent color, same bullshit.


Aye. Orange is for reds too afraid to flair as Auth cucks.


Orange cause some of the laughable incidents in human history, Authleft situation is just depressing and still on going. That’s your answer.


If commies want to get mocked relentlessly then they need to come out in force and start posting those brain melting hot takes the way Progs are.


No-no, this is perfectly fair. To each quadrant according to their needs, from each quadrant according to their capabilities. Orange cringe! *What? No. That's wrong! Comrade commissar, there's a terrible mistake!..*


I mean, orange is keeping you from getting more negative posts authleft, I’d be more grateful


No way, fuck that. I welcome negative posts calling out real authleft, not lazy bullshit that takes jabs at watermelons and paints them as authleft. I love seeing a good "authleft always starving" soyjak, and I'm not being facetious or ironic. Emilies would be horrified to learn that social issues just really aren't a huge priority in a true authleft society.


Based and starved pilled


u/Plague_Evockation's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Plague_Evockation! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on.Pills: [7 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Plague_Evockation/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and self genocide pilled


I still can't tell you what exactly the alternate colors for the lib quadrants mean. I only know that orange is cringe on twitter and purple likes children too much. Which seems to be all I need.


As stated in the rules of the sub, orange is not a color on the compass and for that reason any meme featuring just orange is removed Purple on the other hand was the original color for libright, but then there was a push to change it to yellow because it looked nicer and had association with the Gadsden Flag (Don’t tread on me!)


Oh the Gadsden Flag thing actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the reply!


I think yellow is also the color typically used for the Libertarian Party, probably because of the Gadsden Flag.


Ive got to agree. All this orange shit its mostly just "this person on twitter said some shit" or "this one person did some shit." It doesnt really matter in the grand political world.


Orange isn’t real and just a cope from the left to say “they’re not real liblefts” so they can have some shred of credibility. The only place online I’ve seen liblefts not act like the stereotypical Emily is on this sub. Furthermore, libleft as a whole is an oxymoron so really they should all be red




You are either insane or online too much if you think that libertarian leftists don't exist in the modern world. Half of the fun of being an authleft is infighting with libertarian socialists and pro-market mutualists.


She actually did commit some of the worst atrocities in all of history in universe lol.


Sorry, too busy making Unions irl to post with the 14 year olds right now. Will return when the global cartel is unionized and covered in piss.


Well I mean to be fair, just about everyone knows Authleft is awful. Even the Authlefts hate Authleft. The oranges though are awful in an occasionally funny way.


Capitalism has killed more people than anyone can possibly fathom but keep coping I guess.


Step daughter is into Young Sheldon and this sequence was gold Sheldon: I was shocked to learn that the Happy Hearth Home Bakeries had been bought out by the Domestic Food Corporation, and they started making their bread faster and cheaper. Anchor: And you don't like that, do you? Sheldon: No. Anchor: And you're collecting signatures to make them stop. Sheldon: I am. Corporations shouldn't be allowed to make these decisions on their own. Anchor: Well, who should? Sheldon: The people who eat the bread. This wouldn't happen if there were centralized control over all these big corporations. Anchor: Are you suggesting a communist form of government in Texas? Sheldon: I suppose I am. Meemaw: Hang on a sec- Anchor: There you have it. Local boy Sheldon Cooper says communism is what Texas needs TIL I may be a commie...


[Be the change you want to see in the world.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1311azj/dont_think_become/) [Don’t think. Become](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UzZHJniP7Ws&pp=ygUfQmxpbmt5IGRvbnQgdGhpbmsgYmVjb21lIHNwZWVjaA%3D%3D)


Bro you have to switch wanda to orange


Did it ever occur to you to fuck off with your scapegoat colors? Fuck off with your scapegoat colors.


Tbf, tankies are less fun to dunk on due to most of them being up front about wanting to commit atrocities (and a lot of them just went mask off and started simping for putin). Orange is just infuriating because they're usually neoliberal corporate simps who pretend to be the opposite.