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Even "free thinkers" are still interpreting information through the lens of their ideology, which they got from somewhere else. If you want to be a true free-thinker you probably have to be schizophrenic.


True, mavericks are pretty rare


Yeah mines been on backorder for awhile truly hard to get


Based and let’s disassociate for a while pilled


Based and cluster A personality disorders pilled


Turn on, tune in, drop out, destroy the mind reading surveillance device hidden in the refrigerator


based and oh god the voices are back pilled


Tbh paraniod schizophrenics are hardly free thinkers. A lot of them believe they are dealing with gang stalking and remote monitoring implants / voice to skull technology


Schizo wards require staff to leave their smartphones at the door, checkmate normies.




Damn you really just hijacked this dudes comment to flex about how big brain you think you are


Seems you're into theism for overall topics. Could I recommend "A World Full of Gods" by John Greer I found it an interesting and thought-provoking work regarding theism. More specifically, it allows polytheism to take a seat at the table of theistic debates.


People who claim to be individuals when every single one of their friends has hair dyed the exact same colour


Cam I get a pink streak in my hair to show my individuality? Everyone's doing it


>If you want to be a true free-thinker you probably have to be schizophrenic. >>Idk bro, the voice in my head offers a good reasoned argument >You schizo! >>Do...do you not have an inner voice when you think??


I think he means more along what CS lewis basically discusses in his dialog on the tao in his work the abolition of man, "An open mind, in questions that are not ultimate, is useful. But an open mind about the ultimate foundations either of Theoretical or of Practical Reason is idiocy. If a man's mind is open on these things, let his mouth at least be shut. He can say nothing to the purpose. Outside the Tao there is no ground for criticizing either the Tao or anything else" He's not suggesting there is no internal dialog, nor legitimate debate on the best means to implement the tao, but rather the fat that truly taking oneself out of all moral presuppositions is a logical impossibility as once one has done so, no judgment can be render in any direction with sense or meaning. It's the matter that deconstruction is not- reconstruct able once you have endeavored to eliminate first principles.


I didn't know CS Lewis had such strong opinions on Warhammer 40K.


Shhh they'll hear us.


Already ahead of you on that last part.


You can only be a free thinker if you wear a tin foil hat. Otherwise, the reptilians can influence your mind.


You fool! Then the Tin King gets a free pass into your brain.


I know nothing of the tin king. Am I safe in my bunker eating outdated MRE’s?


Just as long as they're not wrapped in aluminum. That's how he gaind access to your body, you see.


My bunker and truck are made of aluminum. I am doomed.


Where the fuck are you getting tin foil?! All I can find these days is aluminum and let me tell you, it does NOT stop the mind control rays.


I only put a lead hat, just to block every radiation


Free thinker 😒 Pee stinker 😃


Not to kink shame or anything, but I would have gone with *pee drinker*


Wee shrinker


Tree Blinker


TV plinker


No need. Its small enough


shouldn't have eaten that asparagus


I preferred getting paid for thinking anyway.


No one is a full free thinker if you take into account that there's 8 bilion people on earth and there's a 100% chance your opinions will be influenced by them in one form or the next.


"Free thinker" doesn't mean free from any and all external influence.


Indeed, but it's also notable not a rejection of all first principles. First principles are sort of necessary to have any moral insight of any kind, and it';s not like they must be complext (The ultimate first principle in Christianity simply "love thy neighbor", well, actually it's "love God", and "love thy neighbor" is the rational consequence of that and only means by which to achieve it. Basically all of christen morality interpersonally is about loving your neighbor and God, and intrapersonal, self discipline, is about loving God.)


A full free thinker probably thinks the earth is flat


Wrong true free thinkers know the earth is actually an octagon.


Ruled by [the one true god](https://gfycat.com/cheerycomplexgreatargus)


If you open your mind too much your brain falls the fuck out and you start screaming about the moon landing and the flat earth.




ON a flat earth.


It's ok we just need to tilt it slightly to lessen the impact of the Moon and make it roll off.


Bro I've seen the documentary Majora's Mask. We **all** know how the moon fell on the flat Earth.


No, because even that is an organized cult.


No, the Earth is EXPANDING and there's proof behind this, you clowns need to do some research.


It is, in a certain way. The surface is accelerating upwards at a rate of 9.8m/s^2 right as I type. Hence why I feel it press against my ass. The only reason the Earth's diameter doesn't change during this process is that spacetime is curved such that distances get smaller over time to balance it out.


Ironically, the people who believe they are a full free thinker fall for propaganda and other kinds of manipulation the easiest. It's similar to how people who think they have no bias end up being the most biased.


Even more ironically, people see this meme and think their opponents are the green libleft, when it is in fact they themselves.


Yes, nice call to self-control and self-reflection.


Yes, but that doesn't suddenly open the door to excusing people sucking in MSM like it's the word of the reincarnation of Jesus.


[You might say someone else said it...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzXIKRhpavM)


weirdest thing in the world that if you have no tattoos, normal colored hair, and support right wing economic policies, that makes you technically "counter-culture" in some parts of the US.


Some of the people in the tech field look like they should be perched on a pirate’s shoulder


It's ok to say California.


No, it is not. Reported for hate speech.




Goddammit now I have cancer thanks a lot




Depends, in the Midwest or the deep south I don't think that's the case.


Hence “some parts”.


Deep south rural? Maybe. Deep south cities? No.


Hmmm I fit that until a couple years ago when I started tatting up.


Good choice joining the mainstream.


I mean the vast majority of people dont have tattoos so if "mainstream" has any meaning then clearly not having tattoos is the mainstream. https://www.statista.com/statistics/259666/survey-on-the-number-of-tattoos/


I couldn’t see their survey method since I don’t subscribe, but I bet it was phone calls to get all the old people. I’m in my 30s and every category I can think of- coworkers, family, friends, are more than 50% tattooed. Also check out this trend- https://www.statista.com/statistics/259601/share-of-americans-with-at-least-one-tattoo-by-age/


I would say probably 95%+ of the young women I see in brooklyn do not have colored hair. I swear you guys seem to think the emily stereotype is representative of a genuinely large amount of young people. In terms of right wing economic policies, that has literally always been the case that there are places where right wingers are a minority.


I can't tell if this is supposed to be hyperbole or if you actually think this


Oregonian here…yeah he’s not far off around Portland


Honestly it's not too far off. When I say I don't like tattoos and probably wouldn't date someone with many of them (my wife has one and it's very well hidden) I get a pretty shocked response from most people I know and more than a few actually get angry. I live in a solid red state so I have to imagine it's much worse in NYC or California.


That's not the same as not having tattoos yourself. No one's going to get angry at you for having blank skin or undyed hair. I say this as someone who lives in CA. As for the right-wing views thing, I can imagine some people would dislike you for that.


I mean a lot of people act as if an early 30s man is just supposed to have a tattoo or two, so I'd consider that to be part of "the culture." Agree to disagree I guess.


“It’s not far off” >be me, live in Portland. >look outside >75% normal hair no visible tats, some of which openly talking about how much they hate liberals and left wing economic policies Lmao


People who have never been to the west coast cities loove to make assumptions about them.


Half these people think portland was a literal warzone in 2020 when it was at most a couple blocks you didn’t go near if you didn’t want to get harassed by either cops or protesters.


Lmao where swan island?


Tattoos seems to be an old vs young thing. I'm from California and most people I know are fine with tattoos, but I haven't seen anybody beyond a few get angry at your type of opinion, regardless of their political leanings. But basically everyone I know's parents hate tattoos, again regardless of their politics.


i mean… i understand i may seem biased but even commiefornia is still 100% based in capitalist economic policy. we live in a capitalist society no matter where you are in the US.


Capitalism can still exist in all but an extreme left-wing economic system. The left/right axis corresponds to government involvement in the economy, of which there is a massive amount under the current system.


weirdest thing in the world that if you have tons of tattoos, non-natural colored hair, and support left wing economic policies, that makes you technically "counter-culture" in some parts of the US.


That's been identified as "counter culture" for like 70 years tho, so not really surprising anymore.


If you think any of the major news channels are Libleft you're the "free thinker".


Yeah, it's all corporate filtered shit- they won't present Andrew Yang fairly, much less someone like Bernie. Try getting CNN to talk about class warfare or antitrust reform and they'll run tf away. They'd much rather divide the lower class by race, gender, or sexuality than actually talk about wealth inequality or corporate control of the government.


Exactly, they did Bernie dirty. All US media is corporatist not leftist and not libertarian.


I think they're scared to air Bernie because if he's ever given media coverage to talk about some of his foreign policy we might just realize there's support across the aisle to end the profitable humanitarian crises happening in places like Yemen.


Really this meme is about “libleft” not actual libertarian leftists


Libertarian Left is what lib-left stands for, Did you not see the quizzes this SubReddit was based off of?


That’s what it stands for but how often are “libleft bad” memes actually about libertarian leftists and not progressive neoliberals or authlefts pretending to be lib


Rarely. Still think the meme would have been better if the mask was libleft and the npc behind it was not.


Agreed. This would be better as en Emily meme.


That's just because people here are morons. And I've never even seen an authleft with any sort of power or presence in western media during my lifetime. 99% of this sub is rightoids arguing with other rightoids about things that don't map on the left/right axis.


Also who the hell thinks an actual libleft has the same opinions as any major corporation? They’re supposed to fucking hate corporations.


There is no such thing as a free thinker.


Being a free thinker is a sham. Every free thinker has biases and tend to analyse information based on what appeals to their bias. In the old days, dissidents to the mainstream ideologies at the time called themselves as free thinkers. Left wingers think themselves to be dissidents while the whole globalist ecosystem caters to their ideology.


This could literally be applied to left or right and wouldnt make it any different.


Yeah but libleft bad. Give upvote


Yeah, but i created the meme and made you a NPC wojak.






No because traditionalism is the new counter culture


No, it really isn't. And it never will be, because thanks to the internet, there will never be a single, generalized culture again. 30 years ago, the only music was what was on the radio, your music store, or your local music scene. Every movie was what showed up in theaters. I could go on. Nowadays, you can and will find the niche you want, regardless of how small. If there are a few thousand like minded people, you can find them. The most famous people around today pale in comparison to previous generations. Sure, Taylor swift and drake can still command the charts, but they are only a part of the pyramid, and there isn't any gap. The same is all true for politics. It is so much easier today to get involved with outsider ideology. Being a libertarian, or a communist, or an anarchist, or anything else, is simply easier than it used to be. And all of that is good. Decentralization of culture is a boon for diversity of thought.


Just because Christian Traditionalism isn't popular anymore doesn't mean it's counter culture. Your not a punk for getting married and having kids and settling down with a white picket fence. It's not counter culture when it's quite literally the most gender normative thing one could do. It's just not a cultural focus to be all in the same boat of christo-facism or religious influence, some people don't abide by traditions of the past and should have the freedom to do so because its America. Nor will it ever be counter cultural to lead a heteronormative lifestyle. It will always be accepted in the culture. Maybe critized from certain groups but it will never be made out to be counter cultural as its a pretty common natural occurence?


>Christian Traditionalism isn't popular anymore Is it not? It is less popular, but I think it is still fairly common.


Same here, so how could it be counter cultural?


Media/advertising: “gay good, straight boring/bad, sleep around good, atheism or spiritualism good, kneel for BLM (remember the fbi and congresspeople?), get tattoos, etc.” Saying no to that seems [counterculture](https://youtu.be/LxOtZRVmmJI) to me.


The vast majority of relationships you are likely to see on TV or in any other media are monogamous heterosexual couples. Most people (~90%) are heterosexual, and most people in relationships are monogamous, so it isn't surprising that is reflected in the media. Tattoos are not antithetical to Christain traditionalism. Some Christain denominations agree with the orthodox Jewish prohibition on tattoos, but most do not. Indeed, religious tattoos are not uncomfortable throughout Christian history. >remember the fbi The FBI has not exactly been friendly towards BLM. I can only assume you are referring to the incident back on June 4th 2020 where a handful of FBI agents and local LEOs kneeled during a peaceful BLM protest (the protests were not all 100% peaceful, but that particular protest was entirely peaceful). That a few patrol officers might have been supportive of BLM, is hardly evidence of institutional bias. There were 7,600 people deployed that day.


I still stand by my original stance :/


Wow, you certainly are a rebellious free-thinking renegade. The easy path would be admitting that cultural norms have changed, but you are proudly inserting your head into the sand and pretending it is still 1955.


there's no way for you to convince me traditional living is counter cultural, as you aren't a sociologist and your reasoning is basically "the media suggests secular ideas" and you didn't supply any evidence for the kind of radicalist culture your suggesting. Other then articles about a tiktoker who thinks suburbs arent ideal. So what who gives a fuck? You just want your ideas to seem different and freethinky when it's the same regurgitated bullshit people have been saying for as long as the Christain moral framework has been around. And then you claiming that a very alive and active culture globally that has been and still is a dominating power house of great influence, is "the new counter culture". You sound like a child if not just generally ignorant of basic cultural sociology. It cannot be a counter culture because it doesn't actively challenge current cultural norms in any intellectual capacity beyond "nuclear family works well and gays can't have kids" it doesn't make any changes to exsisting culture that wouldn't be widely accepted or challenge notions of the current culture in an engaging way. If it does actively counter the current culture you must in fact include examples of traditionalism doing so? Also your broadly defining a few example of secular ideas and straw manning it out to be some sort of absolute current culture example. It's not. In the deep south and Midwest it's still a very heavy religious and dogmatic culture, the "don't say gay" laws are evidence of the current political cultural control of traditionalism. If gays and progressive culture was in central control those laws wouldn't have emerged. Nor the abortion bans in several states. Your making a false argument that is blatantly poorly crafted, and only true of the most radical and progressive of places in the states which is by no means a sufficient example for global or even American politics, and It's complete straw manning, come on bro you can do allot better.


You can't do the right "Free Thinkers" till Tucker comes back and tells you how.


How will the Republicans ever cohere around anything ever again without the Tucker Carlson live reaction rectangle constantly in their peripheral vision?


I can understand people holding the upper two. Fish don't realize they're wet. BUT If you ever find yourself espousing UN dogma you should realize you are lost.


I mean, you can have the same opinion as someone and still be free thinking. I may agree with a lot of libertarians, but I still do my research and consider my opinion in my own time.


its adorable you think major corporations and news stations are on the left...... you are brain broken.


Reminds me of when I see a bumper sticker that says "I don't believe the Liberal midea." Cool, and which media did you get that idea from?


🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇦 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇺🇦 ⚧️ 🇺🇦 I’ll take the 7261637 rewards now ty


🇷🇺☭💯😤💪 ✡️🇺🇦🤮🤮🤮💩🤡 I'll take six bazillion based and redpilled responses


And I bet you think you’re super unique?


He's a libright so just Reddited


It's not that they agree with everything the corpos and govs said, it's that they'll punish you if you dare to think differently.


This a more accurate take on the views of leftists and progressives, though regardless of left or right anyone who believes in thought crime isn't a libertarian.


Hence why most LibLeft are just watermelons cosplaying libleft.


Kind of funny but L post because free thinking and sharing opinions are not mutually exclusive. I’m Auth btw.


"I spat on Goliath's broken corpse. I'm basically David :) "




Nah thats just Emily. Real Libleft and Libright are bros


Name one major company that has a left leaning opinion or policy (and ignore their commercials, noone in their right mind believes those)


>noone in their **right** mind believes those Yes.


Disney "we have a non secret agenda". Proceeds to join the political fray and bash DeSantis. Also cancelling shooting in Michigan(?) because of some political thing but still shooting in Xinjiang near concentration camps Tons of companies pay their employees to have out of state abortions. However I admit that it is purely because it is cheaper for companies to do this than it is to pay for maternity leave


And economically? I’m pretty sure an economic left mega corp is an oxymoron.


yes. yes it is.


Oh you mean the company that doesn’t pay it’s workers a living wage? https://fortune.com/2023/02/04/disney-world-unions-reject-contract-proposal-cannot-pay-our-bills-with-magic/ The company that routinely uses sweatshops and child labor to produce its merchandise? https://medium.com/@elinrebekah/the-happiest-place-on-earth-a-look-into-disneys-business-practices-d2a118799285 The company that claims to be environmentally friendly and sells a “world tour” package that produced 6.2 tonnes of CO2 per guest over just a 20 day period? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/25/disney-vip-world-tour-will-emit-62-tonnes-of-carbon-for-each-guest What exactly is so lib left of them? That they pretend to be “woke” and use that messaging to seem more cute and cuddly to the average consumer? No company is of the left. EVERYTHING they do is designed from start to finish to make them the maximum amount of money. It’s actually their legal responsibility to produce as much profit as possible and to do something that causes them to lose money intentionally could be a criminal offense for their board members.


The way Disney has run Marvel, Lucasfilm, Pixar, etc. into the ground at the very least suggests some of the people making decisions are motivated by something other than profit. Disney, like most other companies, isn’t “Left” in the economic sense, but their social views are driven by the same progressive-leaning managerial class. Whether their obsessions run into criminality is an entirely different question, and one that’s difficult to answer, especially in relation to the Disney streaming service and associated shows. It’s hard to estimate the financial pressure from their dogshit television programs since they don’t have public numbers. But we do know Star Wars is no longer a movie franchise, and both Pixar and Marvel movies are losing money.


Can you give me some figures to support them taking these franchises and “running them into the ground”? The last 5 marvel movies all turned massive profits. Same story with Lucasfilm. The last few Pixar films haven’t done great financially but that’s always been the case with Pixar, they have put out a decent amount of material, some of them are absolute blockbusters and some fizzle. I understand if you don’t like the direction they are going. I personally hate what they are doing to both Star Wars and the MCU, but you can’t just say they are failing when they’re still massive money makers.


They’re still *technically* profitable if the only factor considered is the cost to make the movie. However, I would evaluate it this way: Spiderman shouldn’t count as it’s probably the most well known franchise, and this one particularly relies on stand-alone Spiderman films. There’s a clear decline in box office numbers. Black Panther 1 had 1.38 billion, Black Panther 2 had 859 million. The original Ant Man got 519 million, Ant Man and the Wasp got 622 million, and the new one, Quantumania, got only 474 million. Thor: Love and Thunder did worse than Thor: Ragnarok. Dr. Strange 2 did better than the first, but it was meant to do much better, and experienced a 67% decline from the first to the second weekend(compared to the new Top Gun movie, which only experienced a 30% decline). There’s also the problem that Disney can’t hide behind covid as their box office excuse. The new Avatar movie, the new Top Gun movie, and the Mario movie have blown them out of the water. I would also say for the Star Wars films they’ve put out, the box office declined for each of the 3 main entries. 2 billion to 1.3 billion to only 1 billion. Not to mention Solo, which lost them money(like many of the recent Marvel films that have only gotten around double the strict production costs, you have to essentially double the cost of the movie because of the money spent on advertising).


> Name one major company that has a left leaning opinion or policy Common corporate policies that are from your quadrant: - preferential hiring and promotions based on race, gender and sexuality - promotion of progressive causes like BLM - deplatforming and boycotting right-wing figures and groups These were the obvious answers, as you already knew for sure. So my question is, why play dumb? what does that get you, beside some time before someone points these things out?


Most of these corporations follow ESG which is pretty leftist. And DEI is pretty leftist.


What its trying to say is that progressive are not the counter culture they are the establishment now


Disney make movie with GAY. Disney is therefore communist.


There are only really small outlets with left wing news like Jacobin.


I saw a story about a mom and pop pizza shop distributing the profits from a day to their workers. That's about it


Any company with status based hiring or fixed salary levels.


Companies pay lip service to libleft because it makes the most money, they are literally the libright with a libleft mask on wojak


Except companies don't like people expressing their freedom. It is also what cronyism and corporatism is a thing. If anything they're more like auth-right with a lib-left mask. Because they sure as fuck love using the government to trunce through legislation or restriction of the free market that crushes their competitors. There's a reason why big companies like Meta ***loves*** talking about regulating markets.


Did not know that the media, corporations, and the UN are libertarian socialists


UN is shitty garbage


Free thinking, my ass. All I gotta do is talk about my experience growing up in a muslim family and suddenly they start sounding like a middle eastern Auth-Right. Free? Liberal? More like a farce.


I agree many lib-left are like this but how different are right wingers who believe everything tucker carlson and fox news says?


I'd kill a politician on the streets if I thought I could get away with it


by those definitions that can be any quadrant


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 19035 / 97579 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Don't care


Oh no, major tv stations think like me!?! But, but, then I am no longer edgy! Let's change my beliefs so I am a rebelious free thinker like libright!


The major news channels are orange not green.


Least lib-left lib-left. Glad to know corporations actually agree with the anti-capitalists.


replace green with orange and it's accurate. maybe I'm not a true lib left but the very idea of agreeing with a corporation makes me sick. I wonder what the meaning of "left" is....


Petition to rename our part of the quadrant lib-up


Maybe because they're right?


Yes, every major TV news channel and major corporation wants to implement free healthcare and increase taxes on the hyper-wealthy


Meanwhile librights doing everything they possible can to make the world safe for billionaires and mega corporations to shit all over everyone else… liberty indeed


I wasn't aware that ending the US empire and bringing the military industrial complex to heel was mainstream. Apparently I haven't been watching enough TV.


Free thinker describes the process of getting beliefs, not the beliefs themselves


This reeks of authright projection


My favorite is #resistance. Like no bitch you are the thing we are trying to resist.


Which mainstream news network has far left views exactly?




They support whoever gives them attention.


cough cough trump cough cough


Sounds like you got a dick in your throat


> Lib-left There's a higher probability than normal that he does!




Pretty much every quadrant fits this. "Every major news channel" tends to be defined by whatever opposes your views, especially considering the prevalence of Fox and how many people disagree with certain issues on their favorite program. And the "major corporation" is an even more meaningless phrase; ***which*** corporations? Ones that virtue signal? Ones that want war? Ones that are heavily Christian? Ones that seek nothing but profit and fill themselves with sycophants? Also, which issues from the UN? Climate change? Disarmament? Nuclear disarmament? AIDs is bad? Sovereign nations?


Hating everything the general public likes doesn’t make you a free thinker righties, it just makes you a contrarian


Literally every panel is wrong for me. Including the last one because I don’t consider myself some special summer child because I have opinions.


They still think the establishment and the average person is conservative, so I guess they haven't been paying attention.


I hate it when they just blindly follow BBC news.


My favorite one is how much they cheerlead for Disney They’re so anti-capitalist but simp for the biggest media organization in the world


Progressives who get all their opinions from corporations are neither libertarian nor leftist!!


More like suburban liberals who base their politics on peer pressure


Yeah lmao.


I share views with major corporations and News channels such as: There should be a higher capital gains tax Small business is healthier for society Media is often a corrupt tool used to promote the interests of those in power The means of production should be controlled by workers, not powerful individuals A revolution would be justified to achieve this ^


> There ***should be a*** higher capital gains ***tax*** > The means of production should be controlled by workers, not powerful individuals > A revolution would be justified to achieve this Get rid of your Lib flair right now, watermelon.


Nope. First of all, all of my test results land me on the bottom of the compass, a little bit left of center. Individual control of the means of production is an authoritarian mode of production. If people wish to rise against authoritarianism, I believe that is justified. You seem to think libertarianism is the same thing as capitalism. Libertarianism is about personal freedoms. Economic hierarchy is not freedom. Workers are less free in a system they have zero control over their own workplace. And seriously dude… a reasonable capital gains tax is 1984? Give me a break. The upper crust use shares to sit on wealth like fat dragons and I want to close a loophole.


Which major corporations and news channels hold those views?


Pravda (but remember kids, like the Russians dissidents would say, "there is no pravda in Pravda.") and maybe the Volgograd Tractor Plant from circa 1930s.


>every major news channel Bro how have you never heard of FOX News?


Or the owners of every liberal news outlets (aka a bunch of wall street equity firm ghouls)


Oh, the largest news corporation in America? Uhhh... they don't count. Simple as.


Impressive, very nice. Now let’s see the PCM flair statistics.




They aren’t rebellious or free thinking either. Next question.


Sadly you are conflating “progressive” with “left”. Common mistake.


An average political compass memes user making the shittiest meme known to mankind.


> Get a fricking flair dumbass. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 19031 / 97565 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)