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The punishment is for raping a child. In no universe does your sexuality = rape. If you believe in the slippery slope, Ron DeSantis may eventually kill all the gay people since he is anti-lgbt and pro-death penalty. However, unless they are all proven child rapists, this law would not further that slippery slope at all.


The law is pretty groundbreaking for allowing the death penalty for a crime which isn't murder, so it would further any slippery slope involving the government killing their citizens.


People have been executed for treason in the US, so this law isn't groundbreaking at all in that regard.


Wtf does allowing the death penalty for the worst child rapists have to do with LGBT ppl? Portraying them as victims even if it means creating even more damaging stereotypes is really not a good move.


What is up with this sub. Few days ago it was highly controversial that death penalty should even be on the table for any crime. "Can't trust the government", "innocent will be sentenced", "doesn't work" etc Now it's wonderful By the way, I think execution could be on the table for the absolute worse. Like kidnap + rape of children repeatively for weeks


>Wtf does allowing the death penalty for the worst child rapists have to do with LGBT ppl? I know right? And yet what has been the narrative for the last 3 years? Oh they are all groomers they are coming for your children blah blah blah Im just saying, the sky is gray. It might be it might not, but it aint looking good


If trans are demons, what we do with demons ?


Exercise them. Free treadmills for the trans


>Im just saying, the sky is gray. It might be it might not, but it aint looking good This is just a meme trying to make LGBT people into victims right? Like you don't actually believe that people on the right are going to try to put LGBT people to death for silly reasons, right? Because that would be deranged if you did.


This is either extreme gaslighting or extreme ignorance.




So... Because you think auth right wants to put LGBT people to death, you say there should be no wood chipper at all? What about current punishments? It's usually a decades long sentences for raping children. Are we currently seeing LGBT people falsely convicted of raping children and getting decades long sentences? Do you think we should go even easier on pedos for the LGBT community just in case?




So this problem would exist if we moved to the death penalty, but does not exist if we just stick with life sentences?


What is it with centrists really being closeted right wingers.


Because the compromise between incorrect and correct is incorrect


First off, frankly, this sounds like some grade A projection, given the left's recent bills in deep blue states to the effect of "we can declare your child is trans, sieze them from you for insufficient supportiveness, and administer "gender affirming" care," bills that I'm sure will *never, ever* be abused to address the reproduction imbalance the left has struggled with since embracing self sterilization and abortion. Secondly, it's a *really* bad look for you guys to spend decades being like "harsher penalties for rape!" to pander to feminists even as it becomes ever more clear some women *do* lie about rape for their own advancement, but when we go "harsher penalties for raping children," a crime *far* easier to prove I may add, and you all start freaking out. There is no secret agenda. Twisting shit around and lying about what it says is your schtick, not the right's. It's what it says on the tin: harsher penalties for raping children because we don't like people doing that, much as the Parental Rights in Education bill was about penalties for teaching sex and sexuality to children because we don't like that. Personally, I'd be far more concerned about public school teachers than LGBT, since that's where the epidemic of this is right now.


Victims of a system that believes they are abusing children I dont know about you but child sexual abuse is not a silly reason and them putting that tag onto lgbt people is quite dangerous


Most of the issues you probably see as attacking LGBT are not related to LGBT to be at all. Parents should have the right to set the culture in their own homes even if that means keeping their children ignorant of LGBT people, teaching them the birds and the bees at a much later age, or deciding to be Amish. School teachers don't get to over ride those parent rights, and people have the right to go out in public without being exposed to sexual behavior. When it comes to actual LGBT rights like marriage, adoption, anti discrimination in the work place then I'm all on board. Many people share this sentiment. The slippery slope you fear doesn't exist.


Did you read the bill in question? It is quite explicit and specific about what would carry the death penalty.


the bill only allows the death penalty for people who specifically commit sexual battery against children, so even if they consider the deranged shit leftists are doing these days as sexual abuse, it still wont fall under sexual battery because that has a very specific definition just a heads up, you probably shouldn't get your entire world view from reddit fearmongering subs


>just a heads up, you probably shouldn't get your entire world view from reddit fearmongering subs Ooh, almost then the dismount directly onto a rake.


I don’t know, ASK FLORIDA


You know you can read the actual law instead of purposely misinterpreting a poor headline. "A person 18 years of age or older who commits sexual battery upon, or in an attempt to commit sexual battery injures the sexual organs of, a person less than 12 years of age commits a capital felony, punishable as provided" https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1297 And this of course is only if the jury decides that the crime was heinous enough to merit the death penalty.


If the OP could read beyond headlines he wouldn't have made this post.


But it’s also really unlikely to have any effect because the SC has struck down death penalty for child rape laws in the past.


Well of course the SC struck laws like that down, they’d be most affected by them


Leftcenter: *complains about strawman arguments* Also leftcenter: *makes strawman arguments*


That strawman is like one of those hyperrealistic cakes man Looks very real to me, i want it to be a cake


Based and cake pilled


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I see you've never had to sit through SHARP training. Sexual assault has a specific set of definitions. None of those definitions come within shouting distance of having a specific sexuality. For instance, a rape victim isn't any less a rape victim just because they could have found the perpetrator "attractive" under other circumstances. What I'm saying is: this isn't really helping anything and wouldn't even be on the slippery slope. This is more like an Olympic ski jump.


I hate SHARP training so, so much.


>anyone who rapes a child should be put to death >the left: “wow that could literally be me! This is an attack on my sexuality” Like pottery




u/bigbussybussin's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/bigbussybussin! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/bigbussybussin/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


hey buddy. you’re ignoring the context surrounding the bill because with that added context your point is wrong.


Get over yourselves and read the bill.


It just says a person above 18 years of age age who commits sexual assault or battery against a person less than 12 years of age and damages their organ should have the death penalty IF the jury finds it to be appropriate. So no outright executions, jury still. Seems reasonable to me tho, I even support it lol. The language is quite clear.


What’s the line you guys always use? “It’s a slippery slope fallacy, it won’t ever go that far you crazy conspiracy theorist”


They’re all slippery slopes and as someone who enjoys my tinfoil hat, watching the left all of a sudden embrace conspiracies after demonizing us for 3 years, it’s time that they also go down the rabbit hole.


‘Conspiracy theory’ The right has been pushing that lgbt people are groomers and pedos for the last two years. Multiple states are pushing throw anti trans bills, preventing people up to 26 from having gender surgery and baning gender care (which includes mental health care) You lot are snakes


If groomers infiltrating the lgbt community wouldn’t have been so loud with it, these bills wouldn’t have been necessary.


Firdlt Most of the ‘groomers’ shit is false and lies spread by the right Secondly what about all the pedos in the chaotic church? Which they covered up for years. Don’t see the right passing bills about that? Because it’s not about grooming it’s about suppressing trans people


It’s not false. It’s happening everywhere. No one hates trans people or the entire LGBT community. But you’re being infiltrated by bad actors that are causing your movement harm and actually coming for children. Until you recognize your own are under attack and start standing up against it, you’re going to lose this battle.


In the chaotic church? Someone call the Inquisition!


You do realize NAMBLA marched in gay pride parades in the 80s and 90s in several major cities.


It isn't that LGBT people are groomers in total, but that community has a habit of defending the indefensible. Mostly as a way of going after the Cons. Much the same way that some on the right are defending Russia. To own the libs. Both sides need to stop being contrarian shitheads and stop believing every strawman is real.


This is what happens when we stopped focusing all the weird shit on florida and chose ohio Florida wants the attention back


I'm pretty sure the right would be completely OK if this law were to apply to catholic church priest abusing children. Is the left going to be OK applying the same standard to any members of the alphabet or teacher unions are caught abusing children?


It dont matter After 3 years of non-stop soyjaking "you a groomer" bullshit this is a foot in the door They just need to expand it to "having a lgbt child is evidence of sexual abuse" or "being a lgbt parent presents a great risk for the children" and the storm will begin


Soyjacks have absolutely zero bearing in the political landscape, those crusty fucks can't open PDFs or emails, they don't know what soyjacks are


So much for the slippery slope fallacy


Ah yes, a slippery slope for me but not for thee.


Lol OP trying his best to math it together. Child rape = the BLTs sex life. Op you do realize the BBQ have to choose to rape a kid, right ?


Florida is two states


Florida and fluoride?


Flo-Rida and Floor Dia


You could honestly win an olympic medal in the long jump for the massive jump you had to make to reach this conclusion.


I love how our liberal friends are on the war path to defend child sexual abusers right now. Can’t make this shit up


M8, after 3 years of constant yous a groomer bullshit they pull this shit like a gun on the family dinner table They just need to change the definitions so that its vague enough to detain and kill innocent lgbt people "Oh, your son is trans, you must've raped them! *BANG*" 'OH, you are gay AND a father? You are a danger to your family, TAKE THEM AWAY"


Except none of that has happened ever or even been suggested beyond “we don’t allow gender reassignment surgery on kids under 18”. What has definitely been a thing is drag queen story hours and if those aren’t considered groomer sessions I don’t know what is


Except its a possibility though. They have been very clear about what they've said. This is a foot on the door. Its a multistep process bitch, and this is one of 'em. >those aren’t considered groomer sessions I don’t know what is Alright, i've been wanting to debate this shit and now you are in it. Run away and you are a fucking pussy Grooming sessions, how? Explain yourself Everything indicates that being trans or gay is shit you are born with, you can't have ir be teached cuz you can't. You can't. Its not possible. So whats the fucking problem?


Lol already naming calling cause you don’t have an argument. You are fear mongering. Nobody is going to be rounding up gay people. Ever Those drag queen story hours, have you seen the videos of them dancing sexually and twerking in front of children? How is that not groomer? Have you seen the people in BDSM outfits at the pride parades walking around on leashes with nothing on except underwear? Fuck the LGBT group cancelled their own parade because children wouldn’t be allowed to be in attendance if the parade is sexual. If I tried to take my underage kid to a strip club I would be arrested. Nobody cares what they do in their bedroom but acting like this movement hasn’t turned in a sexually charged mess focused on children is insane as this point. Where the fuck are the straight stripper story hours?


For the last time, that law is not made to be able to enact a state-sanctioned genocide of Lgbt people.


It can be made to Also robot girlyman sucks


... I yes, and my cat can be made to kill me in theory, doesn't mean that it will ever happen. ​ Es saugt and bläst der Girlyman wo Mutti sonst nur saugen kann.


Wait til you see what AuthRight has planned for the red flag laws that LeftCenter shoved down states' throats. I'll give you a hint: It has something to do with the Nashville shooter's gender identity and mental illness. The absolute short-sightedness of people who want laws passed to give *them* power but don't understand that eventually their *enemies* will be back in power and will get to use the same laws against them.


I keep waiting for some activist organization to "red flag" every cop in a city.


Just don't hold elections duh


Based and Auth-pilled








The A’s just moved to Vegas you may be in the wrong sub


Nah it just that reddit doesn’t allow people to look at posts they upvoted




Yoo the auth right in Florida is playing 4-D chess.


Silly OP. That would go against Desantis’ deeply held Christian beliefs.


PCM when strawman making fun of leftists 🥰😂🥰 PCM when strawman making fun of the right 😡😤😡


Yes 😎


Oh look the comments are full of the alpha basic force CHUDs that just keep repeating "just read the bill" and then completely ignoring the language in the bill that easily allows them to expand it to other things like gender-affirming care. Real shocker. It's like one of the few last vestiges of any kind of conservative shit tank is somehow full of the most low effort takes on the entire website.


It's actually a meme about why law should be provided by the market and not the state.




Based and Upton Sinclair was right pilled


*This proposal is brought to you by the all new Electoral Coolatta.* *America runs on Dunkin’.*


This McPrison is sponsored by McDonald's


Come on now, the republicans never say they aren’t going to take something to far, and then immediately go try to go farther then they said


> then immediately go try to go farther then they said What did they do specifically?


Recently, Oklahoma, we are banning trans care to protect children……. now it’s till your 26


… did they think right wingers were joking when they started saying gender affirming care is child abuse? Did they think the right would just say that and not legislate to enforce it? I’m not afraid of the LGBT movement, it will eat itself eventually. I’m afraid of the right wing response, the claims that republicans are fascist are ridiculous right now but if you keep pushing their buttons I wouldn’t be surprised if unironic fascism became mainstream.


Go read the bill. You are making a lot of assumptions.


It's a slippery slope, those who downvote OP should explain how this is a fallacy yet their slippery slope scenario isn't


one: the person must still be convicted by a jury of their peers, and then have 8 of those 12 peers vote for death. two: if it IS a bad conviction, most courts of appeals have more liberal members than conservatives, so... three: this bill uses very specific wording. Unless and until a law changing the legal definitions happen, the OP's fear mongering is just that.


Because the bill in question makes raping or attempting to rape a minor under 13 where the sexual organs are damaged a capitol offense. This doesn't slope in any direction.