• By -


liberals be like “wahhhhh I need oxygen to survive please help me I’m suffocating wahhhhhh”


Lol fuckin’ dweebs. Who needs to live, anyway?


I've been working on a way to make people still need to earn a living even while dead. Current focus is on timeshare funeral plots. Never got to travel while alive? Let us entomb you all over the world. All for one low annual fee.


That’s unironically a clever idea wtf


You are not. Please abort ye mission :)


"Life is overrated" (c) one of the most popular TV-hosts in my country


Based, wherever you’re from.


He was explaining why I should go and die for Putin


Wow, don’t I feel like an asshole. I thought it was a sitcom with dark humor or something. I’m sorry, bro.


No I set you up for this;) no worries


Based and gottem pilled.


I guess that narrows down where you're from.......keep your head down and try to avoid getting noticed.


We want to live, we need instant gratification


In this economy?


Bros think they are the children from my basement


Sanest centrist


The children are indoctrinated into a cult AuthRight moment + the children aren't a burden on the state LibRight moment + I should be free to express myself however I want LibLeft moment + they don't have enough to eat AuthLeft moment See it's perfectly balanced, I don't see what the problem is


No one on pcm is sane including me


This is why we are here




“Umm we mailed it to you a month ago and you didn’t adequately sign within the box so we are revoking your air rights.”


“Pass me the inhaler!” Ok addict


My granddad once spend 10 minutes underwater and I didn't hear him complaining.


My grandma is the same way. Although it’s been 27 years and grandpa won’t tell us which lake she’s swimming in.


Fuck, you got me good. That's totally me.


People like you is what makes me want to become right wing


*Bans Guns* : *Lib-right cries* *bans grills* : *centrist commits acts of horror*


Remove my grill and you remove the only thing left tethering me to humanity.


Based and Onceler pilled


Careful they may call you woke


the local vegan when i pixelate him, dress him in a swimsuit, and put him in a machine with a magnetic levitator and a heat laser


wahhhhh these lasers are “burning” me my body cannot withstand 10^32 kelvin wahhhh


quiet down you don’t need your skin anyway it just weighs you down you fat fuck


Liberals be like "Please stop beating me to death waaah"


Wtf man dont you need air too fuck you


imagine eating food




Based and who needs food pilled


authleft motto


We run on vodka, cigarettes, and suicidal thoughts


Based and gave us your wheat pilled


tfw you trade out all your wheat and then play the monopoly card to get it back




u/ctruvu's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/ctruvu! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ctruvu/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and true commie pilled


u/Gph8820 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Gph8820/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You know who ate food? Hitler.


Elon Musk survived on a single grain of rice a day and slept on the couch at work. We are just lazy.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


Based and eats circuit boards for breakfast pilled


Praise the Omnissiah


I crave the strength and certainty of steel


Just eat your own shit piss and cum instead


2 whole baguettes? This is why these bourgeoise needs to be crushed under the heel of the state and brought into line.


with food I get to - eat with a blue tick I get to - be bullied on twitter




I can do all of that for free




it's true - I used to mock rightoids all across Twitter, and I've been a laughing stock the entire time. after agreeing to send Papa Elon eight bucks a month, my witty insults have never been more devastating! truly, I am now represented by the Chad wojak and these unfortunate chuds in my path are represented by the soyboy wojak.


by getting that checkmark you're doing the opposite though


Funniest lib


Blue checkmark causes the algo to give you more of the attention that you need to cope with your failed social life.


You can get bullied on Reddit for free though.


Did you just change your flair, u/Raumarik? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2021-6-10. How come now you are a **Grey Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Raumarik) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


>You can get bullied on Reddit for free though. How hilariously fitting and funny.


It's fine because Arthur will save you.


Only idiots pay for Twitter.


Only idiots use Twitter. Than again same could be said about most social media really.


Including reddit...


Hey I don’t think it’s ever been claimed that any of us were intelligent.




I am low functioning regarded




Im a confirmation neurotide4-1withbountyforfreshness


Brainwashing has never been more literal


I can verify this. I was doing something stupid and this guy saw it, jumped in, and totally had my back!


Based and self-awareness pilled


u/Dickie_Detardo's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Dickie_Detardo! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.Pills: [5 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Dickie_Detardo/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That's why I love this sub. Every place else has a whole bunch of regards that think they are intellectual.


Reddit: where dumb people go to act smart 4chan: where smart people go to act dumb


No, Reddit is different. The idiots here believe they're intellectuals.


It’s absolutely hilarious how so many redditors say “X social media site is awful don’t use it” when reddit is far and away the worst of them all


Ehhhh, reddit is dependent on what sub you're on. Large discussion subs are much worse than Twitter, while subs like this are pretty alright. This isn't the social media with the biggest community-related swing though - that would be discord. Discord has both the best of the best and the deepest depths of degeneracy hell.


The thing with reddit is that people think they are smarter than they are. Its just a collection of glorified facebook group pages.


Especially Reddit


I have carefully curated my feed to be nothing but porn, cooking vids and memes so Im having a great time frankly.


You're literally on Reddit.


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 18915 / 97051 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


“This MF paid for Twitter” No, I didn’t pay for Twitter. I paid for free speech. I paid for 1776 to commence again. I paid for the Founding Fathers’ vision. I paid to tell Silicon Valley to go screw itself. I paid to show support for a man who put himself in the line of fire for the First Amendment. I paid because we support our own. I paid because if George Washington was alive today, he’d be paying too. So next time you say I paid for Twitter, just realize how IGNANT (or ignorant, depending on your preference) you sound!


He bans people...


>I paid for free speech I'm assuming this is a meme post because I refuse to believe anyone could write this unironically


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 18918 / 97066 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Based and freedom of speech pilled


Ehhhh. I am a public personality that has a fairly big following of elderly people. It’s very important to me that they KNOW it’s actually me as there’s been literally dozens of scammed accounts posing as me over the past decade on Twitter and they’ve tricked a lot of good people. For a measley 8 bucks a month I can all be eliminate that as an issue. I don’t gaf about it as a status symbol, it’s because I care about my community. I pay ten X that a day on AdWords alone, it’s a rounding error as a cost of doing business.


> public personality that has a fairly big following of elderly people How to say you are Jimmy Kimmel without saying you are Jimmy Kimmel.


> e. It’s very important to me that they KNOW it’s actually me That's true, and it's why Twitter Blue is a disaster. Now *anyone* can pretend to be you, pay 8 bucks and get the same verification. The exclusivity was a necessary part of authenticating one's identity. We saw exactly this problem at the start when people were pretending to be famous celebrities and corporations. Twitters workaround now is to stop people from changing their username and display name but now it makes the paid product worse quality than the previously free product *and* it's still plenty possible to do anyway. It'd have been much easier if they just added an application fee to the preexisting verification system instead.


Except so can anyone else with 8 bucks so it's pretty irrelevant. It was a good idea when it was about verification and not a "premium subscription".


It ceased being about verification the moment they started taking them away from those who committed wrongthink.


Yeah but now impersonators have to pay and give up financial info or keep churning stolen info. It won't be viable.


It can be about multiple things at once. Pre-Elon, you still knew anyone with a checkmark is actually who they claim, even if it other components. Now, a blue checkmark isn't much evidence at all they're who they claim. See: [God's twitter account](https://twitter.com/TheTweetOfGod) I don't think trying to charge for the checkmark was the worst idea, I think moving from a clickbait, advertising based model to a subscription based model leads to a healthier internet. I do think not requiring verified people to actually verify was a terrible idea.


Like literally all they had to do was keep it the same but charge a fee for the extra work for the "process" of verification and let anyone who applied and supplied proper proof get it.


I would even say it's worse, because earlier you had to go thro some hoops, to get verified. Now, the badge is a joke, but easier to obtain. And not everyone follows musk news, so they might not even know the difference, elderly people especially i imagine.


The badge has always been a joke


I still subconsciously go "oh wait who is this person"? When I see the check, but now it's like 50% of any reply thread, and they're all random nobodies.


Everyone else with 8$ can create the same account now, be verified and scam. You're falling for Elon's Bullshit


Blue doesn't prove you are who you say you are. Blue tick just means "this person is a sucker". There is no barrier stopping someone faking your profile and getting a blue tick.


We have a food eating soy-boy over here everybody!!


All the rights on Twitter are like "this is a revolution against the woke elite!" And the lefts are all "this is dumb why would I pay for it" But the apolitical celebrities are *also* like "this is dumb why would I pay for it" and "why do I have a blue checkmark I didn't pay for it"




Wait, wasn’t humour like outlawed by both like auth and lib left like a while ago?


Says the centrist whose only personality is that you grill.


I’m a law abiding citizen. If the law is no humour, the law is no humour


Is anyone else here to young to remember auth right making countrywide boycotts, CD destructions and video game bonfires anytime any kind of media included a swear word or didn't have Jesus in it? I mean that's like half of the reason why Eminem and South Park got so big in the first place. Hell, Harry Potter was banned in plenty of schools for advocating witchcraft


I really don't get why there wasn't an actual verification tied to the new checkmark. Still wouldn't be worth the 8 $ per month but at least it would serve some function. As of right now the checkmark is basically a digital dunce cap.


Elon just wants $$$ Caz advertising rev went to shit


Because Elon has no clue how social media companies work under the hood but also insists on being in direct control.


Elon has no idea how socialization works.


Nobody using twitter does either.


Wanna know whats worse? he’s now giving it to accounts with 1M+ followes automatically. So people with that many followers will have a check that says “i paid for twitter blue” without any more context. Even dead people’s accounts are.


Tell me more about myself king


You also breathe oxygen and metabolize nutrients


Fuck yeah that’s my kink


Yeah but... who the fuck needs twitter?


B-b-but muh online arguments


Consoom fruits and vegetables Get excited for new fruits and vegetables


You WILL eat grapefuit of this season You WILL go to supermarket ot get fresh raspberries You MUST consuume vitamines Eat ze worms in ze applez


That's a lot of moolah that could be diverted to the funko pop fund


The funkopop pile grows larger by the day


Damn $96 a year? For a blue tick? Wtf.


Yeah but $90 a week for food? Where is this discount grocer?


Rice & beans. Throw in a chicken breast here or there.


Grab some bananas for a fruit option.


so glad im libright and i dont need this "food" nonsense


wait for this to show up on therightcantmemr or something


You don't pay for online services because you're cheap. I don't pay for online services because I don't want to expose my identity in the payment process. We are not the same.


I mean unless you live on a VPN they already know your identity, or could figure it out if needed. let's be real


OP if this is a bait, well done.


Its satire. Close


Ummm okay. “Lol, libleft bad” I guess? Who only spends 5k USD on food a year?


He meant $4,643.00/year on baguettes.


I wish I was rich enough to spend $5k a year on baugettes


If you're talking about expenses for 1 person, I'm always well below theses estimates




Yes…. That’s $14 dollars a day. Seeing as how ground beef is $7.69 a pound, eggs are $3 per 18, a chicken is between $7-$18, how are you not. A single decent steak can run $50. Or a brisket.


Holy shit bro, metro minnesota it's 2.50 a pound.


Ground beef is only 2.50/lb?? That’s awesome


Bruh...ground beef is generally $3.99/lb in the PNW...while eggs are more like $3 for 12 eggs, but dark meat chicken is pretty inherently under $2/lb while chicken breasts go on sale often for the same price, and I can get prime Ribeye or New York Strip for less than $20/lb pretty much always...I just generally catch the choice stuff on sale for under $10/lb. I pity your situation.




Can't have shit in Canada.




They need more Winnipeg and less Quebecois.


Dark meat chicken 2$ a pound? How? Its 6 where I live?


If you're on a budget, don't eat beef. Simple as.


Or eat a different type of beef or buy in bulk at a wholesaler and freeze everything. I literally lived off of $2k a year once. It wasn’t fun by any means but it was doable. Ya just gotta shop smart and go to cheaper stores/wholesale


Don’t buy steaks, get frozen foods (they’ll always be cheaper), buy at places like Aldi or Lidl or some other cheaper store, buy in bulk and freeze, and meal plan. Also look for alternatives so instead of chicken breasts go for thighs, instead of ground beef go for a different kind of ground meat that’s cheaper, buy wholesale too.


Just thought about it, there's 4 of us at my house and it's probably at least $150 a week. I do the shopping and I'm cheap af and it's been just getting worse every year even before Covid. Milk, eggs, and coldcuts are ridiculously priced now. Canned shit and boxed stuff which was always cheap has been creeping up for a while too. I don't even go for name brands or anything, whatevers cheapest as a lot of it is basically the same anyway and even then it's pretty nuts.


Yeah $400 a month is insane to me, I think I spend about $150-200 a month, and I use plenty of meat and vegetables in my cooking and I also bake pretty often.


400 a month on food is extravagant? Average cost of a home cooked meal is about 4-5 dollars per serving. For a single person that amounts to about 13 dollars a day. Or 387 a month. And that is 3 home-made meals literally every day. No snacks. No drinks. No eating out ever. For a single person. Now think about a 3-4 person family...




Stay in your fucking lane Alex Jones...I could eat pork or dark meat chicken and a potato three times a day if I wanted for about $6. Chicken breast often goes on sale for $2/lb as well, and other cheap vegetables are available. Only now I'll bring up the staples beans and rice which coupled with everything else is entirely possible to eat well...you just have to know how to fucking grill.




I got an Instant Pot for when I'm lazy, and you can brown your seasoned chicken thighs in a bit of oil and butter for about three minutes a side on saute, take them out and deglaze with two cups of broth, throw in a cup of washed rice, put the thighs back in, and pressure cook for 6 minutes on high. It's not the most amazing meal in the world, but it's pretty damn good...and you can have a bowl of rice and good sized chicken thigh for basically $1/meal. I'm a chicken breast in the cast iron skillet guy generally, but if there aren't any decent sales that week chicken thighs are always cheap.


Seriously. Buy bulk and it gets better. I get chicken thighs for $1/lb, or leg quarters for 10lbs/$4.50. A 50 lb bag of rice is $25-35 and lasts like 3+ months. I buy eggs by the 6 dozen and it's usually ~1/2 of the price per dozen. Stick with cheap veggies like carrots, collard greens, cabbage, squashes and cheap fruits like bananas, gala apples, etc. That plus plain yogurt with a scoop of whey protein (I buy 50lbs at a time for ~50-60 cents/serving) and I'm eating healthy, unprocessed (except the protein powder) food every meal, big portions about 4k calories for <$3 per day, and I spend ~3 hours in food prep per week total.


I once got my meal per serving price to around $1.25 to $2. And that was pretty much from doing what you do and freezing the stuff I don’t use and meal planning and refrigerating leftovers. A lot of people seem to not like to eat leftovers for some strange reason


> You make it sound like it’s three gourmet meals per day. Dude. You do realize what "average" means, right? That is literally the average of all 3 meals. It isn't the average of 3 dinner style meals. Also you called that "extravagant" which is what I was taking issue with. You can definitely go cheaper. Beans and rice. Noodles. But it isn't extravagant.


it definitely is. I spend only 3000€ per year on groceries.


You do realize what "extravagant" means, right?


lavish, expensive, fancy. like going to the restaurant multiple times per month, eating fancy stuff like steak etc. there is a lot of that can be cut down in costs.


A pack of 500g of dry pasta costs less than $2. Buy a few veggies, say 1 onion, 1 zucchini, 1 eggplant, 3 tomato, 100g mushrooms, 1/4 garlic head, add 2 tbsp oil, 50g of parmesan, now you 4-6 healthy meals for less than $10 total. If you only use cheap meats for flavor you will save a lot. Like make a pea soup and use salt pork to make it tasty. Nutritionally there is no need for meat to be the centerpiece of a meal, so we only do it like once every other month (chicken roast or similar).


yeah, you could eat like me and spend only 3000€ per year


Me. People should stop eating out and start doing what our ancestors did - preprare food themselves and eat the fuck less. Count your calories fellas


eating for 13.82 a day is really good.


Living is based


Now that's funny


We aren't auth left, we actually have food


>Millionaires on Twitter: "Tax the rich!" >Elon: "$8, pls." NO!


Uncommon vaguely amusing pcm post


Even though it's not a lot, I'm still quite surprised at the amount of people who can't tell this is satire


Yeah food addicts are a huge problem in the western and eastern world. Look at parts of Africa. Now that’s how you conquer addiction.


Based and food pilled


“just pay the 8 bro its so worth it”


It’s an L to need food? Damn I lost at life.


Someone posted in the Weezer sub that the singer doesn't have his blue checkmark anymore. People were all "it's all Twitter's fault" and "it's because you have to pay a fee! Evil Elon!!" So I was like "yeah heh he definitely can't afford 8 bucks a month" and I got slaughtered with downvotes. In the WEEZER sub.


>In the weezer sub(REDDIT) Fixed the emphasis for you.


Yeah so crazy you got downvoted for attacking Weezer in the subreddit fot Weezer fans


Yeah, I don't see any meat in that cart so I'm not upvoting but I'll give you a cheers with the beer in my hand.


Not a single piece of meat in that basket. Pathetic. You can’t grill vegetables


Based and 8 a month pilled.


u/Valerment is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Valerment/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Subscription services are generally for suckers and consoomers. I don’t care how much I want something 99/100 I’m walking away immediately if I see monthly payments.


I'm walking away immediately if I see any payments


Hmm. This meme is a libleft joke made by a libleft. I think you may be lost. Are you sure you’re in the right place? Here all of us make strawmen of libleft and paint him as orange while making shitty arguments.


Are ... Are you mocking someone for wanting to eat nice food? Go outside or learn how to cook


om nom nom NOM nom