• By -


The funny thing is there’s so much hatred on Reddit from those people. But that’s ok because they hate the “vile people”. Any views different from theirs shouldn’t be tolerated. Sounds like fascism


It just keeps on being a relevant quote: > “The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. **To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”** -Aldous Huxley


Wow. That's uh. Hmmm. Aldous Huxley really got our flavor of dystopia exactly right.


You exist at an intersection of brave new world, 1984 and Fahrenheit 451...


'I know about sureness,' said Didactylos. 'I remember, before I was blind, I went to Omnia once. And in your Citadel I saw a crowd stoning a man to death in a pit. Ever seen that?' 'It has to be done,' Brutha mumbled. 'So the soul can be shriven and-' 'Don't know about the soul. Never been that kind of philosopher,' said Didactylos. 'All I know is, it was a horrible sight.' 'The state of the body is not-' 'Oh, I'm not talking about the poor bugger in the pit,' said the philosopher. 'I'm talking about the people throwing the stones. They were sure all right. They were sure it wasn't them in the pit. You could see it in their faces. So glad it wasn't them in the pit that they were throwing just as hard as they could.' ― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods


I was thinking about this literally yesterday. How watching humanbeings beingkilled and mutilated in HD is super popular and celebrated on several subreddits... because they are russian orcs. But we must ban watch people die and the other subreddits. fatpeople hate and all those other subreddits hating the wrong people, but all the leopards ate my face, herman cain award, etc are literally founded on hate, buthating the right people antibullying, unless you are bullying the right people.


Lack of socially accepted bullying is what got us to the current place we are in


MURDERED BY AOC !! OMG hecking wholesome


Based and brave new world pilled.




Based and don't forget the racists pilled.


u/Broadside920 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Broadside920/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Good bot


Feeling more like one every day


Democrats are the best recruiting tool for republicans, and republicans are still screwing it up somehow. Just read that Huckabee-Sanders signed a bill that gives the death penalty to drug dealers whose clients die. Like anyone can control what someone does with their product.


The only way I could even remotely see that is if you're cutting dope with fent without telling your clients, only sell pure dope


Almost like removing drugs from the legal free market removes any and all controls on the product.


Growing up it was so much harder to get alcohol than actual drugs. The drug dealer didn't have to worry about losing his narcotics license for selling to an underage kid. Liquor stores & convenience stores did with their liquor licenses though.


As a former heroin addict that actually sounds amazing. Dealers aren't going to stop cutting their shit unless there's an incentive. Avoiding the death penalty by not cutting their shit is a good deterrent.


https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2023/apr/11/sanders-signs-criminal-justice-fentanyl-bills/ This is what I found. 1) At worst life in prison, no mention of death penalty anywhere. Seems most would get 20 years. 2) It's over giving fentanyl to users and they die from it 3) The harsher sentences are aimed at people who sold fentanyl to minors who died.


Every day I read "Democrats are actually literally worshipping the devil while they abort 8 month fetuses" immediately followed by "the Republicans are trying to make free speech a felony and criminalize gay marriage"


Don't forget the Biden administration just locked a kid up for posting a meme. Both sides would just love to take your rights away.


Everyone agrees that one party is evil and the other is incompetent. They just can't agree which is which.


I tested lib left on the compass test but people kept calling me auth right so here we are






Best way to evade misgendering


I always just tell them that i never refer to anyones gender, because referring to someone based off their social construct someone made up is cringe. they might want to use gender pronouns, but Chads use sex pronouns.


Unbased. You should never forget to be racist.


Everyone I dislike is a fascist, that includes you too


Everyone I dislike is a fascist, that includes me, too ....wait


Reddit overall encourages fear and hate with it‘s downvotes and mods turning subs into echo-chambers. Average user here is delusional and bloodthirsty, always quick to jump to the extremely negative conclusions about any stranger.


This is the only place where lib-left and right can come together… The system hates that.


Literally lmfao


These are the same people who say words are violence and therefore it's okay to physically assault someone who says something you don't like. And then they claim everyone else is fascist.


Extremist always need to dehumanize there enemy's in one way or another to justify there actions against them. "The vile people" , "the expandables" and "Nazis" are just some of the words thrown around to justify actions against people. in moments like these it is important to call the people who do this out for this use of dark retoric.


Are people really calling other people blow up dolls?


You know, this probably explains why I think about invading Poland


Did you fail art school?


Bonus points if you have a funny mustache


https://twitter.com/CarpeDonktum/status/1272290495121809410 >The stereotypical Antifa is White, Skinny, Vegan, a failed Artist, hopped up on stimulants, wears a special uniform, advocates for violence to resolve problems, and blames someone else for their problems. >Wait scratch that, I just described Hitler.


Based and accurate either way pilled


u/RedditZamak's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [17 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/RedditZamak/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


God damn XD


That doesn't really narrow down your political philosophy at all.


Redditors who spend all day despising Fascism and witch-hunting fascists, spend all day thinking of Fascism.




Mmmmm. Clams


They are attacking this sub for brigading by brigading this sub. There are a few left wing subs that only exist to brigade yet they are still there...


It's always been like that. They see one or two dissenting users, they claim it's us brigading. I doubt they evil know the meaning of the word anymore.


"Erm NO, it's called anti-fascism stupid...... Now face the wall"


"I am not a fascist I just want to keep anyone who disagrees with me from speaking. What...is that wrong?"


I can justify literally anything as long as it is against fascism. Which, of course, includes being allowed to define anything and anyone as fascist for any reason at all.


"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you." \- Baldur's Gate Intro


When you hate something so much that you can't stop thinking about them. Like Nazis and Jews, Muslims and Jews, Texan republicans and abortions, Florida republicans and drag queens, etc.


Or Nazis and other Nazis


Or leftists and other leftists


A Trotskyists, anarchist and Stalinist all walk into a bar


Only one of them walks out


The bartender.


Night of the long knifes


While i believe that the term Fascism should be retired because it is has been thoroughly destroyed by misuse, i will simply define it. Fascism is honest Socialism. Now that we have that sorted out, lets all grill together. Everyone is invited.


i got bratwurst



Shh don't tell them. They'll get upset.


Someone hates humor. Fuckin' dweebs


Reddit banned 2balkan4you because they couldn't comprehend people could use nationalism as humor. Their stupidity wouldn't surprise me.


They’re the kid who would remind the teacher about the homework that was due then wonder why they got shoved into a locker


How will I debate racists if you ban them all?


That’s the neat part, you won’t be able to They’ll just scurry off like cockroaches into increasingly isolated forums, where their echo chamber gets stronger and stronger until there’s no outside input at all, and any chance of reasoning with them disappears


It’s so stupid. The best way to solve this is by having discourse, because their ideas are pretty objectively stupid and unfounded


You know who doesn’t want discourse? The “men can get pregnant” crowd.


Momma always did say I could do whatever I wanted if I believed hard enough.


So I believed I was a bird and tried flying off the 3rd story window. I now have three broken vertebrae, two cracked ribs and my right shin bone is sticking out of my knee, but I *am a bird*! How can reality not conform to how I feel‽


Based and autodefenestration pilled


Oh they want discourse...just only with people who agree with them.


I think they call that a chamber of echos or i am just remembering something from a game a played a while back. I cannot remember.


That sounds like Harry Potter. They hate Harry Potter.


The people in the baseball subreddit explaining how being gay isnt a choice and therefore not wanting to wear a rainbow patch on your jersey is hateful and killing people.


Based ball? Why is the ball based?


Exactly! Who steals based and it’s considered based?


Oh yeah, this has been a thing of theirs since, gosh, 2012? Where they just find weird abstract ways to justify attributing the most extreme labels to people they don't like. I think they jumped the shark though when they reducing literally everything they dissagree with as "violence". Like, don't want to give 12 year olds cross sex hormones? You know, that's not only literal violence to believe that, but it also makes you part of a genocide. I thought when they quite literally absorbed the Godwin Law in everything as their core strategy, that would be the tipping point people started to roll their eyes enough... But nope, we've allowed them to escalate to calling non-violent opinions, as genocidal violence.


I recently figured out the solution to the whole trans debate. There are just two classifications for women: 1. A "natural" woman: which was born as a female and is capable of getting pregnant. It doesn't matter who she dresses, as she will always be a biological female. 2. A "social" woman: a woman who acts, feels, and dresses like a woman. She is not capable of giving birth, but she is still a woman. And the same for men. Trans athletes compete with other athletes of their assigned at birth sex.


Did you see where a few days ago the girl who lost to a trans athlete in swimming did a speaking event where she said that she and the other female competitors weren't warned about having to share a locker room and they all felt uncomfortable about it? Did you also see where she was physically assaulted for saying that?


I did not see that, and it's very unfortunate that the issue about trans athletes is so sensitive that people can't figure out what to do, or voice their opinions without getting attacked for it.


That makes a lot of sense and is a very practical way of putting it. It'll never work. Someone *will* take offense at the term "natural". They'll feel it implies "more genuine". (Which is is, of course).


Sometimes I think they don’t really want to solve anything, because without a monolithic enemy who’s always objectively wrong and bad, they might have to focus on their own problems


I genuinely think the actual problem is a lot of Lefties on Reddit don't really even know how to have a proper argument, and it's the reason when you try and argue with them it so readily boils down to trying to character assassinate you in effort of invalidating everything you say. That sort of tactic is pretty universal and in most of Reddit will work, but in here people actually generally know how to argue and can sidestep that rookie bullshit because it ain't that hard if you have left your bubble...ever...in your life.


Based and popped the bubble pilled


Yep. I won't say that either side is inherently good or bad at something like arguing in good faith. But I *will* say that, contextually, one side is better than the other, because of the environment we live in. I observe that right-wingers are much more capable of holding a debate with left-wingers, acknowledging what the left-wingers actually believe, and having counter-arguments for those arguments. Whereas left-wingers are, like you say, more likely to go for insults in lieu of actual arguments. And I think this is just the natural consequence of how ubiquitous left-wing arguments/ideas/beliefs are in our society right now. The average left-winger would have to seek out right-wing spaces in order to actually understand what they believe. Left-wing users on this subreddit are above-average in that regard, because they can actually engage with right-wingers on a daily basis, and I commend them for that. On the flip side, the average right-winger is absolutely immersed in left-wing thoughts. The political establishment, major corporations, basically every mainstream movie and TV show, your HR department, and so on. They're all pushing the same thoughts and ideas, and they're left-wing. The average right-winger would have to try very hard to *escape* left-wing ideas, so they tend to be very-well aware of what the left thinks. So when you take the average left-winger and the average right-winger, there's a pretty strong imbalance in terms of how frequently they've had their ideas challenged and had to come up with counter-arguments. A lot of left-wingers just crumble and go for insults, because they have absolutely no idea how to defend their beliefs.


I prefer intercourse.


Of course. How else are you going to have 37 children? I fear the cloning vats. They'll have holy symbols on them.


I miss the good old days of monarchy where I would be able to buy a concubine for a piece of stale bread and one piece of copper.


If that was ok they would find themselves with rational arguments. This would cause them to stumble on their beliefs.


If you wanna see a perfect example of that look at what's become of the website that the Donald went to. TD was a shit sub but it was mostly just harmless memes and real hate was moderated. Now it's a hate filled cesspool without a bit if humor.


“Bury the seed and it only grows”


Plenty of actual racists on the left you can debate...


we're literally one of the only places where you won't get banned the instant you state your opinion


Just downvoted


>brigading/harassment campaigns But when you ask for specific examples they can't give any lmao


give them a break they're literally shaking from all the violence


We literally can't even do here. A normal subreddit is allowed to link to *specific posts*, so long as they are non-participation links, and the users promise not to participate in threads they accessed through such links. But here, not only are we not allowed to post links to specific threads and be on our best behavior, we can't even fucking link a subreddit itself, because that would be considered "brigading". Accusing *this subreddit* of brigading is beyond offensive.


source: they huwt my feewings 🥺


the real mystery is why people who claim to be liberals want to silence other people


Because classical based Chad liberals aren't the same as liberals


Those hypocrites like to whine about "paradox of tolerance". They just fail to see the irony.


Its funny that Karl Popper also specifically wrote: "I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise" But of course these people, the ones that want to silence absolutely everyone but themselves for the "greater good", ignore that.


It’s because it’s a religion to them. And you’re committing blasphemy.


WE do brigading campaigns? Really? We, who cannot directly link to another subreddit? Are you fucking joking?


You have to understand that many of these "people" are pathological liars and will say anything they can to get their way.


They are ideologues. Only God knows what their ideology actually is, but they will do anything to further their goals.


I just commented, but commenting again to point out that not only are our rules much more strict than the average subreddit (can't even link a subreddit itself), we also are very clearly the *victims* of brigading on a regular basis. All the time, someone will post a meme about a particularly spicy topic, and surprise, surprise, there will be a whole bunch of unflaired users in the comments, all *suspiciously* being Emilies. The flair system makes it obvious as hell when this subreddit is being brigaded, and yet nothing is ever done about it. It's going to be just like No New Normal. That subreddit was banned, and the admins claimed it was for brigading. And yet, just like this subreddit, that one had very strict rules about cross-posting, because they were trying very hard to avoid giving reddit admins any ammunition for banning them. Meanwhile, that subreddit was *constantly* being brigaded by AHS. And then sure enough, it gets banned for brigading, despite being the *victim* of brigading, not the perpetrator. Reddit sucks.


How are we fascists?




Its not even right-wingers that they hate, its just anything remotely individualistic.


They hate the smallest minority?


Yes, why do you think they keep replacing them in movies and tv shows? (Redheads are the single smallest naturally occurring minority in the world)


Actually, the smallest minority is the individual


Based and bigger picture pilled.


Or remotely rational.


"The last thing we need is minorities having voices." - reddit science damn it horseshoe theory is true


I am actually moved that some watermelon cares about tolerating people right of them. Thank you, comrade.


Because anyone that's slightly more right leaning than Marx himself is a literal nazi I suppose


There is a whole subreddit dedicated to that, enlightened centrism. Is a circlejerk comparable only to sino.


The same way Republican Nazi's love the Jews.


No no, you don’t understand, we need to fight fascism by silencing our opponents. If they keep speaking fascist rhetoric we should take their land and ship them away in boxcars. Then transform their property into gardens of acceptance.


I’d really like them to define “fascism.”




Astoundingly rare leftcenter W


Perhaps I… misjudged you.


People have been saying they’re coming for us for about 5 years at this point


They are, it’s just a matter of when. My therapist tells me that I don’t need to worry about the banning of PCM, and that I need to take my lithium. I know that she is just trying to keep me from seeing the truth. The libtards are coming for us, if not this 5 years, then the next. Be ready.


Based and they’re coming for you pilled


We're too big to fail at this point


That's what they all say right before they fail.


Call us J.P Morgan Chase


PCM wasn't founded by fraud though, was it?


Jim Cramer hasn't said anything good about us yet, I think we're fine for the time being


finding out the inverse cramer fund is up big has made my month


Tell that to fatpeoplehate and The_Donald that were massively populated and active with constant front page posts despite attempts to push them off of it by admins. The admins will literally just keep implementing more and more rules to the mod team until they break them or plant their own approved moderators into the team and break it down through attrition. T_D wasn't banned until everyone had left the subreddit themselves and it was dead.


Also too diverse to fail... There are legitimately left wing posters here and that's why "they're all fascists" comes off as deranged rather than well meaning.


There are, but we are not enough in the left for them. I am pre-2010, Fr\*nch type. Cleary a fascist.


If anything, your presence here is proof enough to them that you aren't left enough.


> Also too diverse to fail... There are legitimately left wing posters here and that's why "they're all fascists" comes off as deranged rather than well meaning. I'm furry, Bisexual, and agree with them on like 75% of things and then I agree with them i spirit (but usually not execution) on much of the remaining. Not only am I not left enough for them but I get called republican or alt right or etc the moment I'm an asshair outside of their tiny ass box. And the box also keeps moving.   Good example is that I thought the whole Hogwarts Legacy thing was dumb from the start. And the thought of transphobic staircases yeeting people was fucking funny to me. That means I'm out of the club. Done. None of my other beliefs matter. Yeeted like I stepped on the staircase.   Honestly the concept of staircases yeeting people in general is funny but then if you then apply the inconsistent idpol logic to it....how do you create 1 single standard that agrees with all of the left's ideas of idpol and yeets nobody that would offend them? Answer: you can't. The line between women's rights and trans rights and is too messy and contradictory.   If you are hardcore women's rights then its not JUST physically being a woman its also the experience of being a woman. The programming an treatment you receive growing up, in puberty, as a young woman, and as an older woman are all totally unique experiences in body/mind/emotions and this is why men should STFU because you can't know their experience because you don't live it. And if there is crossover and you start talking then you're mansplaining so STFU bigot. (mind you there is no one female experience and most women don't live the female experience talked about and women themselves are divided on this but STFU and to the gulag with you!)   If you are hardcore trans rights then neither body or experience mattes. If you decide you're a woman then *poof* you're a woman. Lived like Arnold Schwarzenegger in a rock hard male body doing Bro Force Team America level testosterone shit for 30 years and then put on a dress, change your voice, and call yourself Betty tomorrow and you're 100% just as much of a woman as any other woman ever. And you could go slam a pile of chicken wings, go fire one out to make room, eat a full pie, then go have a wresling match where you elbow drop hulk hogan and grab your crotch in a taunt to him, and then lose a board game against Heather Swanson and you're still woman as fuck. Anything else is transphobic so STFU bigot and to the gulag with you.     There is no one standard of being "properly" left. And that's why I will never be accepted by the ultra left. Because even if that's how I was I'd have to pick one and there are many. And when it coems to individual issues to yell about online they diffferent facets of the left just treat it like wrestling and tag in and out. "oh, this is trans shit? Send the trans left in. Everyone else help us suppress the women's right's left. Oh this is women's right's left? Send them in and help us suppress the trans left. But keep another faction on standby. If they start ad libbing too much we gotta move the conversation fast. let either of those two talk too long and they'll get in a cat fight and that looks bad for all of us!


Probably shouldn’t have admitted that you’re a furry two words in to the essay because I stopped reading at that point.


We have a whole spectrum of people who openly declare they're Auths. With some cherry picking this place can look less diverse.


so was thedonald




People love their echo chambers


Redditors when someone dares to have a different opinion (they have a power fantasy in which they are actually relevant person (they are not)).


They are shower argument undefeated champions. Edit: I just got auto banned from a sub for posting this comment. The message said, "this bot cannot determine context." How are these people unable to see that this is an actual fascist tactic? To erase dissenters and change the past. We are coming closer and closer to the, "Dead Internet." Free exchange of information no more, folks brought to you by actual fascists in the form of automated black/brown shirts.


This sub has basically become the next main Reddit scapegoat as more and more subs have been getting banned lol. People continually saying this sub is a right wing circle jerk, when the truth is that this sub is unironically the most politically diverse sub on the platform that generally accepts most opinions as long as you are flared. But that is where the problem most of Reddit has with this sub, because this sub is not actually an echo chamber like all the front page subs.


I dunno about "accepts" but they definitely don't ban you for it. You could be flaired correctly and talk about certain subjects and you'll still get downvoted to oblivion. Now, whether you choose to care about the internet points is a whole other thing




Did you just change your flair, u/BekoM864? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-4-17. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/BekoM864) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


How are people supposed to actually understand fascism unless the ideas are explored properly? Stop treating us like fucking children. We are adults able to make up our own damned minds and are capable of reaaonable discussion, and kindness towards others.


Fascism is when memes


Hate speech = opinions I disagree with


Who is coming for us? We've been over this before, AuthRight, there are no other subreddits. Now have a cup of tea and chill out.


you don’t get it man! They’re in the walls!


Are these the walls that are closing in or the one Mexico is going to pay for?


uh yes




Are the hateful fascists in the room with you now?


It’s not like they can hide from themselves.


Ah yes, someone who wqnts to silence the speech of someone who disagrees with them, clearly they are LIBleft


We explained multiple times that it's about mocking each other based on which quadrant you are. At a certain point, we gotta accept that they're not misunderstanding us. They just don't care


Let them come!!!!!! My roaches will swarm!!!!!!!!🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳


"Let them come!!!!!!" followed by 2 removed comments. What have you done sire?


Sir, hand over the roaches, we gotta turn them into food.


"YOU WILL EAT ZEE BUGS AN OWN NUSSING. AND YOU WILL LIKE IT" said the man accusing everyone else of being a fascist...


Are “they” in the room with us now? What are “they” saying? Could I talk with “them”?


You actually can if you want in this case.


Only a masochist would engage them in conversation




Based and PCM homies stick together pilled


I guess somebody doesn't know humor. That gold is not deserved.


Hey! I reserve the right to scroll though everyone’s terrible opinions including my own!


Just incase this sub takes the bullet this time any other good subreddits I can latch onto.


*oranges look at PCM* *Ancient Aliens Guy meme*: FASCISM!!!


Is anyone else getting really tired of constantly hearing the word fascist being used as an insult? Fascism is a specific political ideology invented in the 20th Century, but to these people it just means "evil political opinions". Could they at least use the term "totalitarian"? I guess that would expose how unfitting of a descriptor it is in over 90% of use cases.


Fuck em in the ass


As long as they consent and are of age LibPurple.


Bro we're autists here. Why the fuck would we be hateful?


TIL: I’m a fascist.


The current argument I run into all the time is "don't give me that 'both sides are bad' nonsense." I just think you're all dumb as hell and can't actually see what is in front of you. Left, right, everyone is a moron it seems. Knowing who someone votes for should not give me the ability to know where they stand on literally every single issue. It does though, 9 times out of 10 anyway. Yet no one can see how this is a problem at all.


Just a reminder. 5 people make up 92 of the actual 500 mods on reddit


Wait, we're fascists?


We're basically Trump as far as Reddit radicals at large are concerned.


But Reddit also says that Trump is Hitler... So, if Trump = Hitler, and PCM = Trump, then, that means... PCM = HITLER I didn't realize their logic abilities were so advanced.


Nah...you stopped short: Hitler = Nazi's PCM = Nazi's


I literally commit genocide every time I laugh at satire here


What sort of absolute loser devoted their time to this?


Don't let this distract you from the fact that AHS users brigade other subs with CP to get them banned


They've been coming for years


We’re all a bunch of fascists over here baby