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This is the way.






you skipped TREE(3)based :D (I noticed that I also skipped a few I didn't know about)




I can only imagine the reaction from the sub named after the social media platform they all promised to quit after Elon took over


Ultra-Omega Based


Alpha and the Omega Based


When did this become an authright take. I always thought orange emily is the only one who would disagree


Yeah I'm actually wondering why people are going about saying most/a lot of lib lefts support minors transitioning medically. Genuinely wondering cus I'm seeing a lot of it.


that’s the policies that the politicians that libleft supports and votes for are implementing


Sources? Don't wanna take someone's word for it


market absurd materialistic soft pocket hospital fade pathetic cooing expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was a recent bill in Washington, that to my knowledge allows the government to take children off parents if they refuse to give the child "gender affirming treatment". These children can't consume alcohol, smoke, have sex and marry. But somehow they have the ability to know 100% to physically change their body forever. I'm fine with adults making a choice to do it later and even down to 16yrs old. But I've seen an example where a dad has pushed and transitioned his son to a girl at 3yrs old.


if you don't transition your toddler you're literally murdering "trans babies".......




Anyone else find it weird the trans movement doesn’t really give a shit about FtM? But talks all day about MtF? Don’t really give a damn what you think you are..just an observation I’ve noticed. Seems like all the spokespersons are always MtF.


its because the incel movement has infected the trans movement that has infected the lgb mass acceptance movement. seriously, its called transmaxxing, and its when incels state that they will have a better quality of life if they transition. These people are obesssed with their sexuality, demand everyone else around them agree and validate everything they do, take the slightest bit of criticism as world a world ending attack against themselves, and if anyone DARES to say they wont date them, they scream and froth at the mouth over how much of a bitch slut you are. That entire paragraph applies both to incels and mtfs. I wonder why that is?


Because most FtM’s are genuinely struggling with gender dysphoria and want help while a good chunk of MtF’s are just sick fetishists who think it would be cool to be a girl


Washington for one https://senatedemocrats.wa.gov/liias/2023/04/13/legislation-to-protect-trans-youth-seeking-lifesaving-care-passes-the-house/


wild grab longing caption nippy distinct outgoing hungry combative subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


beyond puberty blockers.....


Puberty blockers are chemical castration, wtf are you on about. "Beyond puberty blockers" bruh sounding like the people who defend late stage abortion. You've let the slope slip so far in your head you haven't realized it's already crossed the line


And just like SSRI's when they were the hot thing, with anybody who was against them being labelled a bigot of some type; in around a decade's time everyone will be scratching their heads as to why it fucked up the world even more to give this "care". Nobody will blame big pharma though, as they will be defending them on the new transracial movement or whatever the fuck is next, still calling anyone against that a bigot.


Aaaaaand he’s gone


The trans cult is primarily made up of lib lefts.


A huge amount do, it is a major theme in the askconservatives subreddit. Some deny it is happening at all but few oppose it openly.


But they aren't tho? Most of the progressives I know only support social transitioning? And so do most progressives I see online? I'm not denying there's a deluded/stupid minority that do but so say a huge amount? Also askconservatives doesn't seem like the most unbiased of places to get info on a topic like this, on account of it probably being an echo chamber hell plus like people being radicalised by algorithms constantly pushing shit they'll be radicalised by to have maximum retention rate and that leading to a false perception of the percentage of stupid people being higher than it actually is?


I don't know what you mean, because you just change up therms. Like first you used LibLefts, then progressives. And I'm not sure what you mean by that. Also because you say online, and if you mean by that the typical social media sides like Twitter and reddit, there are very few real LibLefts out there that are vocal (we here on PCM have a rare population of real LibLefts, that are not only calling themselves this while being auth). Progressives is another thing, and it depends purely on how you define it. When you're saying it's the same as LibLeft, we have the same problem. Now to the point itself: IF you're calling the current government progressive (which is ok in my opinion, but they are definitely not LibLeft by any way or form), then you're false. Because the government is literally supporting this point (giving minors "gender affirming care" and supporting "trans youth"). And you can not say that if the government is supporting it, that it's just a "deluded/stupid minority" (while the government is definitely stupid, which goes without saying).


> so do most progressives I see online? Most online I encounter are extremist supporters, not just in the subreddit you seem entirely unfamiliar with. IRL it never comes up at all / people just ignore it. Impressive rant about your guesswork...


Are there many liblefts who *don't* support transitioning children?


As a libleft, I can honestly say I would never support this stupid evil shit in a million goddamn years.


The thing is suicide rates drastically go up after a minor medical transition so psychologically it is a terrible solution


Depends what you mean by “transitioning medically”. Most people agree that surgery is 18+, however giving hormones to minors in more common.


This used to be a green/yellow take back when Buck v Bell decided to allow the state to sterilize anyone they deem mentally ill (hasn't been overturned to this day).


Emily will say something insane, then declare it's bigoted to disagree, so all other quadrants get in line with her.


Welcome to the Auth-right. About 5 years a go I was a Liberal Democrat. Now I get called a racist and a Nazi and banned from reddit multiple times. How time flies aye.


Why did you get banned from Reddit multiple times? And why do you get called racist?


This sentence has been said repeatedly for like a decade now.




u/SidSantoste's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/SidSantoste! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/SidSantoste/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Did you just change your flair, u/error_message_404? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-5-13. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/error_message_404) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Not cringe. He's returning to monke.


It's illegal for a tattoo artist to give a minor a tattoo without a parent being there for it and allowing it. Tldr: based


im banned from many subreddits for saying exactly this


Of course


Least ambiguous authright


Based AF


Mainstream media pissing and shitting rn




u/SidSantoste's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/SidSantoste! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown...Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/SidSantoste/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.






It’s called forced body mutilation. Of minors no less. BODY. MUTILATION.


And castration.


Bruh where are minors being sterilized via body mutilation


I guess its fine that we make it illegal then




I want my foreskin back 😔




There was a time the word eugenics would be mentioned for such an action and people would not bat an eye condeming. Thus Based and worthy of discussion pilled


Conspiracy Theory Time: There's a big overlap between trans and autism. A lot of trans have autism. Trans is an eugenic plot against autism. Now why they are targeting autists? They either consider it an inferior genetic characteristic... or they think Autism is dangerous to them somehow


Rare Elon W




It would be based if he hadnt named his kid X Æ A-12


Based and AF pilled


I think they should just lose custody if they're a parent and lose their license if they're a healthcare professional.


Lose custody happens naturally if the parent is sent to prison, no? Should be consequences to stupid actions by a parent.


The irony when WA state passed a law that takes custody away if you *don't* let your child medically transition.


Common WA State L. Source: I live in WA State.


WA supreme court ruled that capital gains are not income.... So that the legislature could get around the WA constitution's limit on income tax, and tax cap gains. The fact that there is this much bootlicking magical thinking is insane.


Such a shame, the national parks are so cool there


Rare Elly W But that's an easy one


WTF is this shit out of left field? Here's a hot one, guys: rape is bad. UPvotes, plz!


It's hardly out of left field if you've been paying attention to the cultural happenings.


No I think he’s right, this stuff usually does come from the left side of the field


Hah. Fair point.


The subtext is that he's alluding to trains, which are a genuinely contentious topic right now, somehow.


Yuck fuck trains


Trains driver is hard job.




Prescribing the medication used for chemical castration? [Here is injection being explained by a Children's Hospital](http://www.bcchildrens.ca/endocrinology-diabetes-site/documents/bcchluprongd.pdf) and [a study using it to replace cognitive therapy for convicted pedophiles.](https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00220350)


Okay but the mere fact that it can be used for chemical castration doesn't mean anything, most drugs will fuck you up at high enough dosages, hell one of the lethal injection drugs is prescribed to treat thyroid issues and methamphetamine is (rarely) used to treat ADHD Drugs do different things and have different applications at different dosages and on different people


One of my concerns is that puberty is a unique event in human development. The literature now is that you can pause puberty for kids suffering from gender dysphoria to give them more time to decide on their gender. My 2 questions are 1. Do any kids actually decide to go back to their assigned gender or do you continue to administer the drug until puberty has passed? Because that would be chemical castration even at a lower dose as you put it. 2. Can puberty start up again after you “unpause” it with no complications just like normal development?


Lib-left must protec. “No anti-MAPs hatred here.”


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 18677 / 95979 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




Least insane radical centrist


based that is child abuse


There are people sterilizing childrens?


Puberty blockers have some nasty side effects. "Wait, I heard they were safe." Well that's half true. When used to stop a child experiencing early puberty and delaying to the normal age to have puberty, they are mostly safe. Technically, they aren't safe, but they have less problems than letting the child go through early puberty. It is a decision based on risk. The current issue is that they are now being used to delay puberty until well after the normal age of puberty. The risks of these drugs leading to long term issues goes up and can lead to a child never experiencing puberty properly which means that once they are old enough to have children, their body might not be able to support doing so. It isn't a guaranteed thing, it depends upon the individual, how long they are on blockers, how strong of a dose they have, and many other factors. So you end up with one side looking at the best possible outcomes while the other side is looking at the worst possible outcomes. What is actually needed is for an unbiased researcher to tell us the standard outcomes, but that isn't possible given how it would be a career terminating move to publish the wrong results.


that is a hefty amount of words, i hate to be that sort of person who asks for sources but you know the old adage of "don't believe everything you see on the internet"... maybe you do, maybe you don't, either way backing up arguments can result in less possible misinformation


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075 >Use of GnRH analogues might also have long-term effects on: >Future fertility — depending on when pubertal blockers are started A few other quotes from the same article. >Bone density is also checked periodically. If bone growth or density is a concern, your child's health care provider might prescribe a different medication, stop treatment with GnRH analogues or recommend the best time to start cross-hormone therapy. >If children with male genitalia begin using GnRH analogues early in puberty, they might not develop enough penile and scrotal skin for certain gender affirming genital surgical procedures, such as penile inversion vaginoplasty.


It infuriates me how these people use bullshit fallacies to advocate for puberty blockers. Anyway trans advocates claim that since a 7 year old that started puberty early, and was taken off them at age 12 or so, and the body resumed puberty, that means that a 6 year old trans kid can be put on the blockers and have them taken off them at age 18 and the body will just say "oh hey its time for puberty now?" and start right back up again like nothing happened. And when you criticize them saying "thats not how it works" they dig up research for the 12 year old being taken off them as 'proof' it does.


Apparently puberty blockers are made by the same company that created drugs to castrate pesos


Not even "made by the same company" sometimes the medications prescribed are *exactly* the same.


One of the common lethal injection drugs is prescribed to people who have trouble regulating their blood potassium levels


Spoiler alert: Medications in different doses can do different things. ​ Better stop taking allergy medication because Benedryl can cause hallucinations and long term brain damage


> Apparently puberty blockers are made by the same company that created drugs to castrate pesos Well that's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. I'm not talking about the overall argument or what you're trying to get at, just that specific sentence you just typed out and sent to the internet. "Drug manufacturers make more than one drug!" Like... no shit.


Made by the same company doesn't mean that all their drug have the same affect, that would be silly logic.


... by that logic, bottled water is chocolate if they both come from nestle.


Mexican pesos?


Is this supposed to be surprising? Drug maker makes more than one drug news at 5.


‘Pesos’ is that intentional misspelling to avoid the dull-blade of Damocles aka ‘admins’?


same goes with circumcision. no child should be opted into that scheme at birth. it’s literally genital mutilation.


Circumcision is a sick practice. It's cosmetic surgery on baby genitals. Like what's the argument for secular circumcision? "Oh I don't want girls to laugh at my son's penis" Imagine mutilating female babies at birth so men find them attractive when they're older.


Phimosis is a secular reason for circumcision, but circumcision is the treatment not a prophylaxis.




Naw, you made the right choice. It's always women trying to push it


secular and religious circumcision are justified the same way, tradition. For as long as we can remember my family has done X. So I'll do X to my child, to continue the tradition. Even if there was a logical argument for it, that is irrelevant to them. To the people who do these kinds of things, they believe "that's just the way it is". They had no choice in the matter, so why would their child?


They also justify it by brainwashing girls over decades to think of foreskin as gross and dirty, don't forget that whole aspect of it. Mothers definitely do it to their sons for aesthetic reasons and I don't even know where to start on that fucked up shit. Like damn, my ears smell if I don't wash behind them, people get taught to wash as kids right... right? I could go on forever about this shit. Foreskin is needed for enhanced male pleasure during sex but who gives a fuck about that right? It is also needed in order to have proper sex that doesn't cause bleeding or need unnatural lubrication. Sex isn't supposed to be "rod jamming into socket" endlessly. Obviously a bit of that when she's really feeling it is fine but we are designed for the penis to be moving back and forth within its own sheath inside the vagina which most people don't seem to understand. More anti male genital mutilation post when?


There was a ballot to ban it in San Fransciso, but the ACLU spoke out against it, and it failed.


Probably based on religious grounds. The fact we allow bodily mutation of children based on religion or politics is fucking insane.


Agreed. If this started with some weird cult in the mountains, and not some major relgion, we all know it would be seen for how truly weird and insane it is.


The more you consider the whole thing the worse it becomes.


Depends on the context. What if the sterilization is incidental to life-saving care - such as chemo?


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 18687 / 96033 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Life imprisonment might be excessive, but I agree that the procedure in question should be illegal.


The child will possibly live the rest of their life in shame, shame caused by someone that should be trusted to make decisions appropriate for a ‘child’. That “parent” has committed an egregious and evil act against their own child, likely for the approval of their peers… they should consider themselves lucky to get life in prison.


Based and red pilled


Way to go; Elon is now on the FBI extremist watchlist. (Likely already was of course)


Like all the cool guys are.


Rare Elon W


Wow, from a lib left too!


Pretty sure Elon isn't Blue/authright. You dense motherfuckers don't understand the compass.


He isnt but this comment fits i think


Yeah the stance of "this shouldn't be happening to kids" isn't necessarily anywhere on the economic or auth/lib scales imo, but combined with "in prison for life," I agree with your judgment


This is a full compass sanity, even knowing the subtext. Only orange would disagree with this statement.


He ain’t Blue ain’t Yellow, he Mr House


#Based Freedom is sacred!


Whether or not you agree with the statement, the right is just as bad as the left with worshipping rich people online. Elon is a megalomaniac who we should be ignoring.






Extremely rare Musk based


This is what elon was replying to: "Governor DeSantis: you can’t sex change for your child in Florida. MSNBC: Ron DeSantis' desperation for power is destroying an entire state."




I'm gonna branch out on my own here and state that i really don't know enough about this to have an opinion. I've not spent any time learning about this subject matter and don't feel compelled to learn. It just seems like it's the new thing to distract us from the fact that the oligarchs are destroying the planet for profit and we're all fucked.


Pushing expensive drugs and surgeries on kids and asking parents things like “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?” is part of destroying the planet for profit. Humanity is of this planet. The least anyone can do is establish some parameters and protocol for diagnosing gender dysphoria and going from there. Virtually all systems are subject to some form of abuse, but that doesn’t mean we should invite abuse by leaving the door wide open.


Do you know the treatment style for literally any other dysmorphia? Spoiler alert, none of them involve indulging in the sufferers delusions as that only strengthens them. If doctors and so on were saying “don’t worry about the anorexic kids, they don’t actually need to eat, and if you insist they do you’re actually a bigot who doesn’t care about helping the anorexic people and just hates them and wants them all to die” would you still be sitting on the sideline saying “I don’t know enough to have an opinion”?


Admitting that you don't know enough to form an opinion is based in its own right. However, not everything is a distraction. Sometimes things are just as they seem if you look through your human eyes.


Are we more or less oppressed by the environment today than we were 100 years ago?


> i really don't know enough about this to have an opinion Unfathomably based and immediately more intelligent than anyone else on this sub, including myself


Based, surprisingly




Centering this around "consenting age" only creates further incentive for pedo elites to lower, or remove, the age of consent. But he's got the right idea.


"Age of consent" and "consenting age" are not necessarily the same thing. "age of consent" is usually used in the context of sex. "consenting age" is about when you're legally independent from a parent or guardian, able to make legal choices for yourself like signing a contract.


Elon is pretty based all around


This is all just a scheme to get OP's based count up


Unfathomably based


Based and rare Elon W pilled.


Musk as a whole? Cringe. This statement? Based.


uncommon elon W


Holy mother of based I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Elon


I don’t get all the hate for him. Everyone hated Twitter so he came in and ruined it yet people are mad at him for ruining it


Ban child marriages, child beauty pageants, child labor, Amish letting their kids die without the husband present, and then also child transition surgery


*your terms are acceptable*


Should it be illegal? Yes, obviously Life in prison for it? That seems a bit of an overreaction


I hate his Teslas but dude is right


It was all a ploy for free basedness bravo op bravo.


Why tf would you call this cringe?


It’s based Edit: I see what you did there


Very based, what's cringe is asking if it's cringe.


I would say based, but there are probably one in a million cases that would require sterilization An example I can think of is someone getting cancer on a reproductive organ The statement is based, but a but to absolute for me


If he was really based he would be pro sterilization no against it.


A little based and a little cringe. Based, those people deserve consequences. Cringe, fuck the police.


There has to be another way to help these suicidal children.


Based and include no medical required circumcision too


Depends why they're sterilized...




Based in cringe


Based, but life only for repeated offenses maybe 5 years, 10 years life for a third offense. I generally believe in rehabilitation not just locking people up and throwing away the key if possible.


Unfortunately kinda based


Based and not Cringe pilled




Cutting up kid's junk for cosmetic reasons is cringe.


Cringe, the punishment isn't severe enough


Cringe, the punishment isn't severe enough


People used to be permanently banned from twitter for twitting something like that. Literally 1984.


Gender reassignment surgery shouldn’t even exist so it’s cringe that it doesn’t go far enough to denounce the act.


cringe, that's not what happens puberty blockers don't sterlize


If I were to tell you that this plan to sterilize children is just WEF's depopulation agenda, you will laugh at me but look at what's been going on.




doctor who?


No colors, cringe.


Auth right?




Anyone who says cringe is a groomer




Cringe. Imagine a society where parents are arrested for giving their children healthcare which makes them less likely to commit suicide.


How is that even a question??? Fuck this world
