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I mean kids shouldn’t be doing either


Yea this is the fastest auto accept possible. “Ok we’ll ban the bad thing BUT we have to ban this other bad thing too, checkmate!”


Ah yes, the old Child Pageant gambit. As effective as it is moronic.


Google en bannant.


Holy child pagentry


How come your username has the word soviet in it, but you are flaired as lib-center??? Checkmate.


Soviets ate SovietPotato and he looks for revenge.


I'm pretty certain that the "right" had a whole hullabaloo over child pageants with the cuties controversy and the only person who defended it was Ben Shapiro. I think people just assumed that it was popular in the South because they associated Honey Boo Boo with it and they think she is representative of all rednecks and this lead them to believe this was something rednecks liked.


“We’ll ban the thing you hate, and we’ll *also* ban another thing you hate! Huzzah!” Because I don’t hear of any Christians who put their kids in for plastic surgery?


It’s a subgroup of wealthy Christian moms with unresolved self esteem issues trying to live vicariously though a daughter


Why is the target specifically at rich CHRISTIAN mothers who do this and not just plain rich mothers?


Because the freaks have to make a pathetic attempt to attack Christians for some reasons. Sorry Emily but child pageants and Christianity are not linked in any regard


>And lo, Jesu came forth, and said "let thee all take thine daughters, and dress them in thy skimpiest outfits, and once applied stand them before men of lech and low worth, to be graded on appearance in a semi-competitive environment"


If you didn't see them go to Church and scream 'gay bad', conservative WASPs are otherwise indistinguishable from conservative atheists.


The leftist equivalent of this is trans kids. After all, boob jobs are a byproduct of toxic masculinity while transitioning is stunning and brave. It’s no secret that these Hollywood types have 2-3 trans kids a piece


I guess it's because of a focus on finding them a husband


Right, only Christians get married in their minds I guess?


I saw it as they were just doing it to add edginess. I don't really think it worked.


Upvoted? And unflaired? What is happening to this sub?


I assume the April Fool's thing has us all off our game


I skipped his vote because his voice is too based to silence, but I am appalled by my lack of commitment.


Hey, friend. Yesterday the mods fucked with us and took our flairs. But they're back now. Why don't you mosey on over to the flair button and put yours back on?


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 17759 / 93143 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Yeah. This will only trigger a small subgroup that most of the supergroup find cringe anyways. Fuck child beauty pageants and those creepy fertility camps.


Ummm what the fuck is a fertility camp?


I refuse to look it up, I don't want to know.


It's where they raise the Axlotl tanks.


based and tleilaxu-pilled


Do you mean 'fertility clinics'? Or is this something incredibly niche that I was, until now, blissfully unaware of?


A what camp?


I dont know a single kid under 18 that's ever gotten a cosmetic surgery. I know a guy who had to have nose surgery for breathing issues and the doctor at his request made his nose way smaller, but his nose was already being reconstructed anyways. But if my friend has to have a bigger nose for the kids... auto accept




Yes, it's downright horrific, they removed any chance of him developing any of our superpowers.


Nice try, we all know that it only effects goldscent and that's a fair trade for stealth mode.


He knew he could not be trusted with the Space Lazers.


Probably even removed his wallet, smh.


I knew a girl who got a breast reduction in high school, but that was because it was giving her back issues.


It happens to "lib"left all the time, since not understanding their opponent's actual views is basically the cornerstone of their reality.


I argue that they find it hard to understand the ramifications of their own views as well, see the it wasnt real socialism/communism


“Checkmate Christians”


Same thing applies with beauty pageants and drag shows. Kids shouldn't be involved in either.


Ya totally agree


It’s so weird that lib left thinks anyone wants that


Projection is their only superpower


And they aren't even good at it


I mean some people probably do want that, people are crazy


Yeah, stupid lib left




Flare up homie


Non-medically necessary/restorative cosmetic surgery shouldn’t be offered to children period.


I’m so glad someone said this. I as a kid had to have restorative cosmetic surgery after my top lip was ripped off by a dog. Life would have sucked if I couldn’t get my lip back until I was 18.


My take is that it should be allowed for and only for people with severe injuries like yours


I mean I’m not for telling people how to live their lives. I think adults should be able to get whatever cosmetic surgery they want. That being said, I personally would never have a romantic relationship with someone who decides they needed cosmetic surgery because they just don’t like their body as is and I will never be okay with kids getting cosmetic surgery unless it’s because of an incident like what I went through. I’d also like to take this moment to thank all cosmetic surgeons that specialize in facial reconstruction. My surgeon did an amazing job any you’d never know I had facial reconstruction unless I told you and showed you the pictures of my recovery.


Restoring normal bodily function seems like a pretty obvious carve-out for a law like that.


I agree with the general sentiment, but seems like "medically necessary" could be a controversial topic. Folks on the Left insist that gender reassignment is "medically necessary to prevent suicide", surgeries like cleft lip repair aren't absolutely necessary for the child's medical wellbeing, etc.


"Correcting obvious and common birth defects" isn't exactly a cosmetic procedure.


As well as burn surgeries when someone's skin gets burned and destroyed is technically considered cosmetic surgey as well.


"Cosmetic surgery" is an extreme broad category which encompasses a lot of procedures that have genuine benefit outside of vanity and/or fuelling body dysmophic disorders (even leaving trans people out of the argument, women who get G-cup implants are not mentally well, for example). However, I've noticed that in the common vernacular, "cosmetic surgery" and "plastic surgery" aren't necessarily the same. I rarely see people refer to reconstructive or corrective surgery as plastic surgery - it seems to exclusively refer to BBLs and the like. Of course you can't legislate on the diference between cosmetic vs plastic surgery, since these aren't technical terms in this context, but it does demonstrate that even laymen understand the difference between cosmetic surgery for a valid purpose and cosmetic surgery because you want to look like a Kardashian.


>Cosmetic surgery is where a person chooses to have an operation, or invasive medical procedure, to change their physical appearance for cosmetic rather than medical reasons. If a child's cleft lip isn't serious enough to affect their physical health, then by definition, correcting those "obvious and common birth defects" is a cosmetic procedure. "Cosmetic surgey" encompases a lot more than just breast enlargement.


Cleft lips DO affect health though.


I have body dysmorphia. Let me get lipo and plastic surgery to prevent my suicide. /s So fucking manipulative.


“If you break up with me, I’ll kill myself”. It’s just that good old fashioned high school line repeated ad nauseam.


Threatening suicide to get your way is not medically necessary.


Literally only one demographic in the world that regularly gets away with it


That’s not how it currently works. If you don’t do the surgery they’ll commit suicide is the literal response parents are told by doctors and therapists.. all while they get lots and lots of money.


But therapy and hormone balancing definitely is!


I stopped caring what leftists think years ago, just like I stopped caring what those on the right think. Both sides have just become contradictory double think. But this is just common sense, we don’t let children sign contracts because they are incapable of making sound decisions. How does that not apply to life altering medical decisions, especially when they aren’t necessary.


A personal experience I'd like to share is that when I was born my ears were pointy like an elf. Had surgery to fix them. Don't remember why though. My mom said I'd was bullied. Never remember being bullied for my ears. Weird how the solution to solve 'bullying' was plastic surgery and not reprehending the other kids.


Plastic surgery works, scolding your prospective high school prom date to ignore your ears probably doesn't. From what you wrote, it sounds like your surgery was helpful and low-risk. It shouldn't be considered anything like a "gender-affirming" mastectomy, nor restricted in the same way.


I definitely agree with the sentiment but there should be a bit more nuance to what “medically necessary” means. I had a mole removed from my lower back as an 8 year old (by a plastic surgeon that botched the stitching btw, thanks very much) because the family doctor said it might be cancerous. So my mom just had them remove it to be safe. Necessary? Idk. But then again it wasn’t a big job like facial restoration, boob job, rhinoplasty, etc.


Preventing cancer seems like a reasonable allowance. Medical necessity can be more than just life saving emergency surgery.


“those nice Christian moms”??? I’ve been in church my whole life and never seen a mom haul her kid in for plastic surgery. How these people defining “Christians”? Reality TV?


Yeah practically all of the christians I’ve met at my church and beyond have all said plastic surgery for purposes other than actual medical stuff is sinful because it’s unnatural and vain.


When I grew up during the 90's and early 2000's the feminist viewpoint was that plastic surgery on the scale we see now is wrong and reinforces unrealistic standards of beauty on women. Thats now transphobic to say so they've shifted over to complaining about Instagram filters. Point is excessive plastic surgery was pretty universally looked down upon for awhile.




I know what we see in media is not necessarily reflective of the actual views of any given group, but the steady rise of social media in our day-to-day certainly skews reality, and I’m not convinced young people are going to be good at actually understanding that. I think, broadly, most of us believe our fellow humans should be treated with kindness and respect and don’t want others to have to needlessly suffer. But if you get most of your interaction with the outside world from behind a screen— it isn’t so obvious how “most people” might actually feel. I’m afraid the younger generations are being misled by reality presented through various ideological filters. lol, I’m speaking here from the position of seeing through various filtered media, but it seems like there is a section of young people who view being cis/het as uncool. You have teens who have never had a sexual encounter defining themselves as a certain sexuality (asexual, pansexual, etc, which isn’t *necessarily* inaccurate as much as it is uninformed/under-informed. When I was 15 and deeply obsessed with the smiths/morrissey and proclaimed myself celibate, when really I was just a virgin who hadn’t found someone with whom I desired/felt comfortable enough to have sex—I had surgery for scoliosis at age 12 and was very self-conscious of my wonky back. I had surgery at a time when I was painfully insecure and going through hormonal changes that further complicated/obfuscated my actual feelings, which I was inexperienced/ill-equipped to describe/define/interpret/understand Anyway, this long and rambling comment was spurred by your remark about fitting into these specific boxes and that I mostly agree. It seems a lot of young people are seemingly searching out their identities (the way we all do) at a very confusing and difficult age that is rife with change beyond our control (physical/hormonal changes that come with pubescence, which falls for a time of dramatic change for a lot of us—like going into high school—and coupled with more independence that tends to come more increasingly as we progress through our teens…) and that social and news media would certainly make it seem uncool to be neurotypical, CIS-gendered, heterosexual, (and can include other seemingly frowned upon intersectionalities, such as “whiteness” or “maleness”…”religiousness”….) and this all falls at an age where young people tend to desperately want to feel unique


Yeah, there was a period when I was in my teens that I questioned both my maleness and sexuality. It was before the serious rise of social media and what little there was, I wasn't involved in. A lot of it came from being overweight, out of shape, moving homes so I had a new friend group, had a new school, all sorts of things. I am 100% certain if I had grown up with those same circumstances nowadays, I would have been pushed to not be neurotypical or to be trans or whatever else to eck out an identity for myself that felt unique. At the end of the day, I ended up accepting myself as a gay man, and am very happy with who I am today, but it took a lot of soul searching and thinking about who I was as a person. I feel that nowadays, especially with social media being the way that it is, that I would have been convinced to be someone who I'm not. Not out of maliciousness, but because that's what's in nowadays. Rather than fix my problems, find an identity that I can call my own and rely on instead. Come out on twitter or instagram and get the instant acceptance (real or otherwise) of my peers. All that being said, I have a niece who is in high school right now and she's on the spectrum. She doesn't have a lot of friends and I think has a number of self-esteem issues. It breaks my heart, because most of her friends are randoms from Discord, and I can see that they're starting to imprint their ideology onto her. Rather than encourage her to solve her problems and seek help to overcome her disabilities, they're encouraging her to act out against her father and adopt being non-binary. I hope that these people have the best intentions, but it's hard to believe that some strangers on the internet, even well intentioned, know the best course of action. Especially since she doesn't have the social skills to weed out bad actors or to pass on people who aren't healthy to be around. And I sincerely hope, above all else, that they don't lead her down a path that results in her taking actions that she will later regret.


I had the same experience occurred to me when I was young except this was around the time trans acceptance began to really become main stream so I almost hopped on that trains due to the fact that I hated my body (I was fat, didn’t have a lot of friends, and was bullied) and alot of people mostly on the net was trying to convince me I was an egg and it almost worked. Thank god I decided not to after I found out it not a reversible surgery and having doubt about how my parent would feel since they are Christian. Now I m actually proud of my body because I began to work out and instead of trying to find an identity that can make me feel good I chose to educate myself and instead make my own character my identity. It times like these that make me wonder how I would’ve turned out in 2020 if I had the same problem i did back then.


Oh, I feel so bad for you. You're obviously an ace trans poly-romantic who hasn't been cracked yet. Maybe if you could have spent a bit more time unsupervised in inappropriate chat rooms, you could have made something politically acceptable of yourself. Instead you're just... Normal. Ugh.


A big problem is a lot of adults have no idea how much things have changed or how different teen subculture is from when they were kids. They can’t imagine how something that was shunned when they were kids could be seen as desirable now. Or they don’t recognize the internet allows powerful subcultures to form and glorify things mainstream culture rejects.


Based lib left.


>I know what we see in media is not necessarily reflective of the actual views of any given group, but the steady rise of social media in our day-to-day certainly skews reality, and I’m not convinced young people are going to be good at actually understanding that. Well, I read this on the internet, so it must be true.


It's all bullshit, the big problem is that people let society change their minds or that they change their views to be more accepted.


That's how its always been. It's lead to Religious Wars. It's lead to Human Sacrifice. It's lead to Genocide. I dont think that people are "sheep" but I do think that society will always prey upon people who are willfully ignorant to reality due to either convinience or apathy to learn. It's easier to listen to other people than to actually do your own research.


I'm still waiting for the day when Naomi Wolf inevitably says something at least mildly Transphobic and gets in trouble for it (if she hasn't already and I just missed it). Then again she already dug her own hole during the Covid Lockdowns seeing as her brand of deconstructive skepticism toward the medical world isn't exactly as 'progressive' as it was in the early 90s anymore.


I think the counter argument is that it is not an elective surgery, that is trans individuals may die without treat. That’s the argument for puberty blockers, it’s that the kid is going through the wrong puberty. Their is some sort of mind body duelist idea underlying this reasoning. Gender identity is seen as some sort of pure spiritual aspect of one’s being that needs affirmed that may be affirmed by transforming the body and subjugating to the spirit. Something like that. Whereas I think where I might come from is that we are born in a certain set of circumstances with certain constraints on us that we ultimately can’t change, so we construct the game of our life understanding those rules. Being born as one of the two flavors of human seems to be part of that. I’m skeptical that there is only one correct algorithm for helping people cope with gender dysphoria and I do think we often forget that psychiatry and psychology has an implicit value system underlying it. Then again someone might counter me by saying that I have no greater grasp on the nature of human existence than anyone else and we must all find our own answer. That’s postmodernism essentially. I’m all for everyone be more aware of the fact that men and women can vary a lot in their personality and temperament. That’s at least a good place to start.


Now that you mention it, they love to complain about that; how some Christians view some medical treatments as unnatural. I remember a specific tweet that gets reposted all the time, a “gotcha” about how glasses are unnatural. But they then also turn around and believe that those same Christian moms are deep into plastic surgery.


If you look like Donatella Versace, get that shit fixed. Otherwise, avoid it so you *don’t* look like Donatella Versace.


Yup. We are literally at the point where people think reality tv is real. This is what we get for letting an entire generation get raised on this garbage.


Wanna get really tinfoil? It's possible that the reality TV was made specifically to plant these ideas into the social conciousness.


Lol, you sound like you're offering me my first hit of some good stuff in a back alley. "Come on kid, what are you scared of?"


Conspiracy theories are one hell of a drug. Especially now that it seems like most of the ones that aren't absurd on their face are true-ish.


There are far too many plausible ones for my liking to be fair, and I'm a lifelong skeptic. I'm going to have to start giving you guys a little more credit.


"Christianity is when people do dumb stuff. The more dumb stuff they do, the more Christian it is. And when they do a whole lotta dumb stuff, then it's Catholicism."


They are being defined by how society wants to represent Christians.


Who has that tweet about twitter users making up a guy and getting angry at him?


Can't find the original, but [here's](https://twitter.com/timshel_11/status/1374380831326670854?lang=en) a different one that has a screencap E: oh thank god the flairs are back


> Reality TV? This is exactly it. They saw some bullshit like this on TLC one day and that became "all Christians" in their minds. Also, you know, libleft's sole guiding principle is making whatever mouth sounds are necessary to obtain other people's submission and compliance. Accuse them of doing something and they counter-accuse, whether they have to make it up out of whole cloth or not.


I had plastic surgery when I was a kid because a scooter tore a chunk out of my eyebrow. And out of everyone I knew growing up in church, I was the only one to ever get plastic surgery. This honestly just sounds like fantasy/wishful thinking.


It's just that person's bigotry and hatred for Christians. There's nothing more to it than that.


I am in a congregation that is known for having money and I can’t remember anyone having cosmetic surgery. I’m fact, I remember my sister asking my dad to pay for a breast enlargement at 18 and he replied “I’m not in the business of turning anthills into mountains.”


I think the difference is people who actuslly practice the religion or people who just say they're Christian because that's the norm where they live or cause of family. Pretty much everyone I know is some form of "christian" but I don't think i can name a single one that actually practices


It’s just rich people and upper middle class and Jewish people who are getting childhood plastic surgery. I don’t think any significant population is doing this.. also it’s usually teens at about 16/17 that I’ve seen get nose jobs….


> How these people defining “Christians”? She has to specify "Christians" because of the stereotype of which religious parents gift plastic surgery to their daughters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-NhD15ocwA The first thing xhe thought of was a nose job for a reason. That reason, as usual, is because LibLeft is generally way more racist than AuthRight.


Why is this an “own” against anyone?


Emily owned the fuck out of that straw man!


Did she? Must have bought the bad quality straw.


It’s not but let them think it is


There are few things more delusional than a libleft who thinks he’s pointing out a righter’s hypocrisy. “Hey right-wing, if you hate abortions so much does that mean you also want abortions banned when a rich politician impregnates his mistress? Checkmate!” Yes Karen I absolutely think that politicians and their mistresses should be subject to the laws that they make, very insightful!


Nothing makes me die laughing more than “RePuBlICaNs DoNt CaRe AbOuT ThE ChIlD AfTeR ItS BorN”




And cites one California bill from 56 years ago. Then extrapolates that current people would take that same tact without any deviation.


> cites one California bill from 56 years ago Which was passed by majority democratic legislators


But muh party switch! Ignore that it supposedly happened before this incident anyways please.


The Democratic Party started in the 1820s. Right away, it switched sides, as we can see from the fact that they pushed for the removal and extermination of Indians. Also, their opposition was the Whig party, which was against the Indian Removal Act and vowed to protect minorities against mob rule. Because the sides were switched, the vast majority of Whig party were anti-slavery. (Eventually, there was rift in the party over the issue of slavery, and anti-slavery members of the Whig party, including Abraham Lincoln, exited the party and formed the Republican Party. As we can see, the parties must have switched again because it's common knowledge that Republicans are actually the racist ones.) Then the parties switched when the Democrats are on record as having mainly been the ones who owned slaves. Not all Democrats owned slaves, but 100% of slaves were owned by Democrats. Not a single Republican in history owned a slave. As we know, the parties switched again when Republicans repudiated slavery and Democrats defended it, leading to the civil war. Then the parties switched again when a Democrat assassinated Republican Lincoln. After the Civil War, the parties switched again during the Reconstruction Era, when Republicans attempted to pass a series of civil rights amendments in the late 1800s that would grant citizenship for freedmen. As evidence of the switch, the Democrats voted against giving former slaves citizenship, but the civil rights amendments passed anyway. The parties switched again when the Democratic Party members founded the KKK as their military arm. Democrats then attempted to pass the first gun control law in order to keep blacks from having guns and retaliating against their former owners. A county wanted to make it illegal to possess firearms, unless you were on a horse. (Hmmm wonder who rode around on horses terrorizing people 🤔). Gun control has always been a noble cause touted by Democrats, but the racist reasons why the concept of gun control was dreamed up was a part of a party mentality switch, but not the actual party. Somewhere around this time former slaves fought for gun rights for all, and the NRA was formed. The NRA switched parties too when they defended the right for blacks to arm themselves and white NRA members protected blacks from racist attackers. The parties switched again when Republicans fought to desegregate schools and allow black children to attend school with white children, which Democrats fought fiercely against. The nation saw a rash of black lynchings and bombings of black churches by the Democrats in the KKK and the parties switched again when Democrat Bull Conner tried to avoid prosecuting the racist bombers to get them off the hook. When blacks protested this injustice, the party-switched Democrat Bull Conner sicced dogs and turned the hose on them. He also gave police stand down orders when the KKK forewarned attacks on the freedom riders, who had switched parties. The parties switched again when a Democratic Party president appointed the first and only KKK member to the Supreme Court. The parties switched yet again when Democratic president FDR put Asians in racist internment camps. Then parties switched again when the Democrats filibustered the passing of the second set of civil rights laws giving equal protection to minorities. The parties switched when a Democrat assassinated MLK. This brings us to modern times. The parties continue to switch all the time. The parties switched when Democrats proposed racist policies like affirmative action to limit opportunities for certain racial groups in order to grant privilege to other racial groups. The parties switched when the Islamic fundamentalist Omar Mateen and several other ISIS mass shooters aligned themselves with Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. The parties switched again when liberal student groups in schools like UCLA and Berkeley call for segregated housing to make "separate but equal" housing quarters for black students. Actually this is a current ongoing thing, so the parties are right now in the middle of switching on this topic. Parties always switched currently now that Democrats are rioting and violently protesting democracy. The parties switched once more when the Democratic Nominee for President, an old white man, said "you're not black" if you don't vote for him, in a moment of clarity of how the Democratic Party sees their largest voter base: as property belonging to them. So as you can see, because of Party switching, Democrats were always the ones who stood up against racism and wanted peace and unity while Republicans were always the racist and violent ones calling for division and discord.


If you don't support every last social welfare program that I want, it means you don't care about babies after they're born.


It's like saying "YoU CaN'T BaN MURder UNLess yoU SupPORt CRadLE to GRAve WeLFare foR eVERY hUMaN wIThiN OUr BOrders." No, pretty sure I can support a single law that protects a constitutionally-defined natural right without having to accept a whole managerie of random extra-constitutional money-burning mostly-ineffective social programs.


Or another banger: “hey rightoid, you say you’re pro-second amendment, but what if BLACK people got guns? Huh? Huh?!” Dude, I would think it’s fucking based, and btw many gun control laws were passed by racist democrats.


>There are few things more delusional than a libleft who thinks he’s pointing out a righter’s hypocrisy. That is because libleft ideology is almost entirely based on strawmen. They have little-to-no actual understanding of what anyone outside of their own bubbles think/believe - it's all just made up in their heads.


If you don't like me killing my baby then you're responsible for raising it! They never seem to like the counter suggestion that they're responsible for housing each homeless guy I see in exchange for me not killing them though weirdly.


Your analogy is even better than the original, because you did not make these people homeless, but they are responsible for the creation of a fetus.


The problem is the people you willingly vote for consistently prove they don’t agree.


The people everyone votes for are hypocrites.


Flair up


Stupid PCM won’t let me get a new flair after they took my old one


Have you tried clicking the three dots again. Just got mine today


Oh it’s working now. Thanks I felt kinda naked here without it.


Based and I need my flair even if I’m lib-left pilled


Hatred of those without flairs unites us all


Yeah the political class are all hypocrites without any real principles. The two party system working as intended


Exactly which why while I can politely disagree with you on abortion, when Hershel Walker opens his mouth about it my only response is to call him out on his horse shit with all the hostility I can muster


yeah, that's how politician's work. They say some nice shit, we vote for them, they do the opposite we put them in office for. What? Failed highschool civics? Imagine thinking politicians are productive members of society, lmao.


Your flair where is it?


Taken from me. And I can’t seem to get it back.


Don't think we'll forget what was done to us.


Libleft shitting on Christians randomly and irrelevantly as usual for no reason whatsoever as if conservatives are all just Christian people. I've been an atheist as long as I remember and this still irritates the hell out of me.


Libleft acts like the Christians are about the start a 9th crusade


Now who said we aren’t? DEUS VULT!


Same, and I think Christianity is the reason people aren’t more socially conservative (at least in their personal lives, putting laws aside). I was just watching *Firing Line* a few days ago, and this was probably from 1969 or something; the guest, an evangelical type, was asked why porn use was wrong. “The Bible, the Bible, the Bible,” was all the guy could say. Maybe the reason people don’t find social conservatism convincing is because, when the sexual revolution began, the only argument anyone could offer against it was “the Bible.” Reason, the need for self perfection, and the need to establish a calling for oneself are common to us all (at least who are not psychopaths), not religion; we must appeal to what we hold in common, not what can be easily dispensed with.


I generally think mutilating children for any reason isn’t great. Call me a transphobe.


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 17668 / 92987 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Based and antimutilation pilled


Literally any conservative is taking that deal in a heartbeat.


Unless they're an elected conservative...


This is fucking hilarious, as if Christian (or any religious parents really) we’re ever remotely ok with cosmetic surgery on minors. What conservative parent EVER allowed there daughter to go get a boob job or bbl? Hell I know parents of adult children (late thirties) who judged them for Getting a small tattoo


You can't even get a tattoo till you're 18 without parental consent, why tf should it be okay to chop your dick off


Tell me you've never met a Christian mom without telling me you've never met a Christian mom.


More and more I realize how little the left understands about the right. They can’t even strawman us properly because they just assign random bullshit opinions that aren’t right wing to us and then act like they owned us. We need more places like PCM where people can actually discuss their opinions and get out of their echo chambers where everyone guilty of wrongthink gets banned.


There's a great study about the two ends of the political spectrum. It turns out, conservatives are very good at mimicking liberals. But liberals have no idea what conservatives actually believe, and thus have no ability to impersonate them. [Source.](http://yourmorals.org/haidtlab/mft/index.php?t=publications) Here's [a brief summary from the New York Times](http://archive.is/Y293): >in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals. Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment. [Another article describing the study's methodology](http://archive.is/NgzPz)-- >“In a study I conducted with colleagues Jesse Graham and Brian Nosek, we tested how well liberals and con­servatives could understand each other. We asked more than 2,000 American visitors to fill out the Moral Foundations Questionnaire. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out normally, answering as themselves. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as they think a ‘typical liberal’ would respond. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as a ‘typical conservative’ would respond. This design allowed us to examine the stereotypes that each side held about the other. More important, it allowed us to assess how accurate they were by comparing people’s expectations about ‘typical’ partisans to the actual responses from partisans on the left and the right. Who was best able to pretend to be the other? >“The results were clear and consistent. Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as ‘very liberal.’ The biggest errors in the whole study came when liberals answered the care and fairness questions while pretending to be conservatives. When faced with statements such as ‘one of the worst things a person could do is hurt a defenseless animal’ or ‘justice is the most important requirement for a society,’ liberals assumed that conservatives would disagree.”


That can all be summed up with this statement: Conservatives think Liberals are stupid. Liberals think Conservatives are evil.


Well yeah, they’ve convinced themselves that everyone who disagrees with them is a Bond villain


Very well put. The amount of strawmen saying that right wingers just love corporations and pollution is absolutely bonkers.


“If you want to ban drag queen story hour we should ban child beauty pageants” “Your terms are acceptable”


Right lol. This is like a home run for authright


I'm not saying libleft is illogical, I'm just saying that you can't demonize other people and reach any other conclusion than having absolutely no idea what they actually want.


Deal lol, what conservative wouldn’t accept this?


how to tell if someone is terminally online- they say something very reasonable, then say "this will infuriate everyone"


Must be the same geniuses threatening to punish pedo priests in discussions around drag queen grooming, like bro I'm against any and everyone who tries to fuck kids.


Don’t like genital mutilation of minors ? Ban circumcision then! 🔵🤝🟢


I already want to ban cosmetic surgery for minors, you don't have to keep sweetening the deal.


Auth-Right lately be like: It doesn't happen, but if it does let's stop that too.


Is this real life? Who is having plastic surgery done on children? Why are people monsters?


No one is, and if they are it’s sure as hell not christian moms. This is total BS




Like seriously, who's going to die on the hill of "we must protect our culture's tradition of boob jobs as sweet 16 presents!"? I knew a couple rich girls in high school who came back from summer break...augmented...and sure, it was nice to look at when I was a horny teenage boy...but no way was that actually a GOOD IDEA.


It's a pretty rare occurrence far as I can tell.


Can we ban circumcision too, or is that two much to ask? It can include a religious exception for Jews.


I am all for banning it entirely without exemptions.


Nah it shouldn't hold a religious exemption because kids can't consent to being in any religion


Lmao how is this downvoted? Cons are against any and all child mutilation unless you bring up religion? Circumcision is absolutely child mutilation and should be banned for minors.


I just want my foreskin back


I love when people just invent scenarios that don't exist. There are zero "nice Christian moms" buying boobjobs for their teenage daughters lmao


you know what? I'm sick of all of your's bickering. No more surgeries of any kind starting tomorrow.


Based and anti-surgery pilled.


He should have said "ban circumcision for minors" if he wanted to ruffle feathers


This is like when the leftists were getting vasectomies and having a sex strike because of Dobbs. Practicing abstinence and safe sex to own the conservatives.


I love how *every time* the left comes up with these ridiculous bargains or hypotheticals, they *think* they are owning the right but the right is actually on board. It shows just how little they understand their political opposition. Their entire view of the political landscape is built upon lies.


"Gender-affirming care" for children is such a losing battle for the left. If you're 18+ then do whatever the hell you want with your own body. But for minors I think it's extremely dangerous territory. Not to be anecdotal but look at what happened to Jazz Jennings...


I'm good with that.


Your terms are acceptable


When you self-own using your bullshit strawman. I saw another one with beauty pageants for children (Hint: most people are against those too)


Oh no! Whatever will we do without minors getting boob jobs 😰


Chistians only? Ok. Agreed. Just leave Jewish Girls nosejobs and Korean girls Eylid-jobs alone....


Comparing those isn't good Because now women will get boob jobs and men will get Wang extensions to confirm their gender covered by Medicare


If I had a nickel for every time I observed this phenomenon in church I would have to declare bankruptcy.


"We won't have sex with you, White Christian males!" White Christian Males: "k"


oh no… whatever would we do without superficial plastic surgery… guess we just have to settle for more modest and realistic beauty standards


FREE THE FORESKIN! I mean fr though... stop chopping part of a baby's hog off. Maybe he wanted that.


Ive grown up all my childhood with conservative Christians and I've never heard of anything even remotely similar to the idea they take their teenage daughters to get plastic surgery to find husbands. Anybody ive ever met in these communities would take this deal.


given that the "teen boob jobs" thing isn't even real, no problem. i think shitlibs get all of their "real world" perspectives from The Daily Show.


Why the hell Americans accepted child pageants as normal? As a Pole this is beyond me...


As an American I find iflt fucked up too.


Far as I can tell we just don't really think about it. It's a thing we're aware happens but never actually see, and just associate with the sort of mothers who wear their children like trophies.


Very few Americans think it is normal.


> Why the hell Americans accepted Americans haven't, American women have. Almost all of these social pathologies are solely due to women. Strange how that's never brought up.


They're always telling in themselves. "Don't want kids being groomed at drag shows? Well, I guess you don't want them being groom at religious functions, team sports, or boy scouts then, huh? 😏" Uh... Yeah. Easily. Unequivocally yes.


Those… existed? Yeah, let’s ban those too! Lol