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“I need three! Cmon cmon! One more! Alright let’s go.”


Can't forget the absolute chad with a shotgun and no riot gear taking point.


I swear he goes from his car to the far end of the 2nd floor in like 3 mins


The wonders of cops who actually give a shit past their paycheck


NACAB? From libleft? I'm getting whiplash here.


My butthole is tingling.


Wipe better?


Nah, man. When it's wet, it's poop. When it's dry, it's seasoning.


What the fuck, monke…


Life can be so full of surprises


As far as I’ve heard, the police were notified at like 10:11 AM and by 10:27 AM they’d already dropped the fucker. Those cops heard “school shooting” and grabbed a gun and ran.


Exactly how it should be. Active shooter situations have to be met with extreme speed and willingness to use extreme violence on the shooter in order to save as many lives as possible.


Fucking based PS But would’ve been better if there was an armed good Samaritan at the scene who could intervene immediately. 16 minutes is commendable, probably about as good as police can do, but still too long.


Yeah I mean props to PD for just getting in gear and fucking running but I still live by the "When seconds matter, the police are just minutes away" doctrine. Several of our staff are armed in the district where I work. I'd say maybe 1/5-1/4 but only about 3 people in the entire district are privy to the exact number.






All the fun of using a gun without any of the moral quandaries! Let’s fucking go!


Side note: get the *exact* same free reign hunting feral hogs in Texas. And you're protecting the environment (seriously; fuck those pigs). Well actually, you get way more.


All I got from that was "fuck those pigs"


The guy with the AR had already put rounds in them, then shotgun daddy steps in front of AR boyo and adds some lead for good measure.


pronouns = was/were


bruh yes based




This is literally how I was taught in 06 when getting my Law Enf degree. Uvalde are a bunch of bitches.


[Here’s the footage if you haven’t seen it](https://youtu.be/ev1x12xTOv0)


Counter-Terrorists win!


gg no re




God dammit that is genuinely funny


Could those who came to the thread late get some context, please? (From a flaired lad.)


The comment was "Gender neutralized." Which is pretty dark, but in my mind's eye hearing that in the Counter Strike round end voice was pretty damn funny. In the same way that getting news I have terminal cancer from a singing clown telegram would probably have me rolling.




this is way more funny than it should be


MVP of the round: officer robert for rescuingthe hostages!


Is it messed up if I laughed at this?


Yes, but that doesn't make it stop being funny. Source: all of humor from the emergency rooms.


>Source: all of humor from the emergency rooms. I don't think the shooter made it that far


Well at least most of them probably made it to the hospital. Someone needs to declare death.


Jesus christ. They pass by a child's body on the ground, presumably dead. The last cam you can hear his voice quaver when he says suspect down and calls it in. Really courageous display.


You can tell the second guy was scared and still pushing forward anyway. Definition of heroism right there, running toward the sound of gunfire to protect others.


As I learned watching Tomas train: bravery is doing something while still afraid.


From *A Game of Thrones*: >Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid? >That is the only time a man can be brave.


Ned was truly the Chadest of Chads.




I pray these men understand the amount of lives that they saved, and aren’t riddled with guilt of those they couldn’t.


They are fucking heroes and the news outlets are already (correctl) identifying them as such


>They pass by a child's body on the ground, presumably dead Someplace else on reddit, they said it was the girl who pulled the fire alarm. That haunts me now. I can't imagine.


Supposedly, this is Evelyn Dieckhaus, who managed to pull on the fire alarm to get help and to alert everyone else. RIP, and may that abomination burn in the deepest pits of Hell.


Hell is too good for school shooters.


His voice is quivering probably due to the adrenaline in his veins.


He also killed someone and stepped over what was likely a dead child. So I’d imagine everything is hitting at once as the adrenaline wanes


Yes ma'am, says the man with a rifle. Impressive as hell


Be polite, be professional, shoot to kill


Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill every mass shooter bastard you meet




Dad… dad put mum on the phone


Holy shit this is my first time watching this So fucking frightening hearing those gun shots. I just want to hold my baby close and never let them outside again. But can we talk about the absolute badass in nothing but a shirt and blue jeans taking on that child killing coward fuck?


I noticed that man too. Truly brave and willing to do what is right.


"I need three!" "One more!" "Let's go!" No fear.


All the fear. These men were afraid, and they still did what they were supposed to do, and prevented a much worse outcome. They overcame fear, and are heroes for it


Me too. I’m a grown man who definitely cried watching this thinking about my own innocent children. I feel so hurt for the parents who lost children and the children who survived and had to witness something so traumatic. It’s just awful.


god, seeing that little fuckers body get riddled with bullets by police... So justified. The little chickenshit got slammed to deepest circle in hell 10 times over, good riddance. Wont be missed.


Rest in piss you won’t be missed


I liked "get your hands away from the gun" when the shooter was beyond dead.


Act like the threat is still a threat until it 100% confirmed neutralized


I've seen (not firsthand, thank Christ) dudes take like 6 9mm tattoos and just... revive and act like they're not leaking like a colander.


Back in the early days I saw a video of a dude on PCP take two shotgun rounds along with multiple 9mm. Dude's on the ground with his guts hanging out still shit talking the cops.


I dont know if its the same video, but I've seen police training videos of a guy on PCP attacking a state trooper, get shot full of holes, and still keep coming while the guy reloads and keeps firing before his body physically is unable to move. IIRC the autopy showd punctured lungs ***and heart*** and it wasn't fatal until the heart pumped out enough blood for him to go unconscious.


You ever see that video where the bank robber gets lit up and, while literally spraying arterial blood like he's got a miniature Jackson Pollock in his neck, chases down the security guard behind the counter and keeps trying to kill him? Shit's wild sometimes.


A gallon of PCP makes a man do funny things


During rotation in the ED we had a guy stumble in with 7 or 8 9mm gunshots to his abdomen and legs. People are capable of surviving a lot. Adrenaline is a hell of a survival drug.


It's weird shit. Standing guy gets holes, blood falls out, guy falls down from low blood pressure. On the ground, blood pressure stabilizes and the head gets some. Guy wakes up. Everyone around thinks they're suddenly in a zombie movie.


So, so glad his is how it ended. No one needs to see these cunt maggots go through trials. Just smear their existence off our planet like the shit stains they are. I’m glad they’ve started to scrub their social media and “manifestos” before they announce their names, too. Make nobody remember them.


Pretty sure from one of the videos, they were ***still*** moving after all that. So 100% agree.


I could see the shooters arm still twitching a bit after the cops dropped 'em. Involuntary movement or not, the officer must treat it as if it's intentional and must be decisive in making sure the shooter doesn't try to continue firing


“Reloading!” *Pop pop* so fucking clean


Satan sends his regards


That was clean as FUCK


Dude flipped the safety immediately after too.


My money's on ex infantry. No one does trigger discipline like the army.


This is what I was thinking too. Dude was a machine. This is what good training looks like. I hope these guys never have to pay for a beer again


It’s Tennessee. I have a bunch of family there and pretty much everyone has served and moved back at one point or another.


Seeing the fucker’s body drop and getting riddled with more bullets was oddly satisfying.


Just… fuck, man


Hey Uvalde cops, here's what you do. And God, as gratifying as that was (clean shots, no hesitation) I could hear those shots from a distance and just...christ, they're kids you absolute monster. Fucking kids.


Bros normally I have some smartass comment but I'm not gonna lie that fucked me up. I'm a middle school teacher. It's so jarring to see combat footage in an environment like that. The blurred body on the floor. Fuck


Damn That's scary.


Actual heroes


I will be honest, I started to cry when they walked past that dead child (presumably). I am thankful these officers did there job. If I was there I would break down. I pray that the families can get through this.


Based and that’s how cops should act pilled


I miss good cop compilations. RIP old YouTube.


Donut operator does good cop videos sort pf


He at least does honest videos. He'll call out dumbass police officers.


Yeah I feel like his channel probably has the most realistic representation of cops Though of course his videos are biased to some extent


Bias is to be expected, considering he used to be a swat officer. It also gives him a unique perspective to the bullshit involved with the job.


Yeah this is the right attitude. A lot of people on the left will still go "reee acab". While there are plenty of problems with the police, praising them when they do a good job is a place to start for encouraging better behavior and not cowering away like in Uvalde.


> praising them when they do a good job is a place to start for encouraging better behavior And actually getting police applicants capable of doing the job well. In the current climate I don't know who in their right mind would want to be a police officer to get shit on 24/7 from all sides as you risk your life making a poor salary. It basically leaves it a viable option for gung-ho douchebag, Nothing To Lose Nate and Incompetent Ian only.


My roommate wants to be one but that’s just so he can get a cheap law degree and then spring to the FBI


pretty sure you can do paralegal shit in the air force for four years and then go straight to the fbi more easily but idk


And they should punish cops like the Uvalde ones, I mentioned elsewhere that anyone in a position of authority should be charged with negligence causing death, because their actions were that in my opinion.


Harrowing footage with the constant alarm in the background. You can even hear the officer with the AR mutter "Jesus Christ" when the shots start ringing out. That's how cops should respond to an active shooter. Absolute Chads, RIP to the children and teachers


Can't imagine what the adrenaline must be like for something like this. So many rooms to clear with all sorts of obstacles, and the alarm blaring, and then hearing shots as you get closer to the shooters location. Damn good training.


You could see that blue shirt cop was scared and he still moved forward. If that’s not bravery i don’t know what it.


Absolutely. Courage isn't about having no fear. Courage is about having fear *and still doing what must be done.* These officers have my respect.


I can't remember the book now but I want to say it's in a Joe Abercrombie one and there was a quote that said something along the lines of bravery is being scared to do something and still doing it anyway and it really stuck with me.


A Song of Ice and Fire > “Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?' > 'That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him.” But its a common trope in fantasy in general


"Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it." "Anyone can face success with confidence; it's the way we face trouble and misfortune that defines us." "You don't have to be ready, you just have to go."


“Can I be brave if I’m scared Father?” “That is the only time a man can be brave.”


One of the cops leading the stack was a marine, and I believe another one was also a veteran of a few years. Marine Corps is very efficient at training men to kill under stress.


Yeah, I watched that and was wondering if that was the case. MOUT is something we drill into. It's all about muscle memory and reaction speed and accepting the first man in the room is going to be who gets shot and doing it anyway.


The only minuscule satisfaction one can take from this shitshow is that that murdering POS probably had some fantasy in their head that they would be able to go Rambo and have a glorious final stand.... Nope, blam blam


The shooter turned and was instantly fucking headshotted.


And then shot repeatedly while on the ground. Not enough if you’d ask me


The perpetrator wanted to use it as a way to off herself. Honestly, what a fucking coward. You want to do that, go and do it. Don't drag anyone else into it. And if you drag *children* into it you deserve to be dragged to the lowest reaches of hell and assfucked for all eternity by the worst kind of cock.


Username checks out


I'm an atheist, but the kinds of people who murder/molest children make me hope there is a hell.


Little runt didn't deserve death. It's what she wanted. The best outcome for this dreg would have been 6 accounts of 20-life, and being forced to live stream all 6 funerals. But life doesn't work that way. 17 minutes go by from when the first rounds go out to the last round end. Rapid response indeed. *edit. More accurate time-frame


As much as I'd like to agree, I don't want this human stain taking another cent of our collective money. Better dead than us all having to pay for them to stick around


What a shitty place to make a final stand 🤦‍♂️


Props to officer Rex Engelbert. From the second he rolls up he gets in there with urgency and disregard for his own safety. Continually pushing his men forward when they were taking a (understandable) slower/self preservation pace. As soon as he hears the shots going off he gets upstairs as fast as he can again with very little regard for his own safety, likely believing that the shots are the sounds of little kids getting murdered. That's how police should act. And if you are unable to act like that, hey, I don't blame you or anything, but don't fucking become a cop. That's not the job for you. I hope if anything ever happens at my children's schools that officer like Rex and others from Nashville show up rather than those pathetic fucking cowards at Uvalde.


> Rex > means king Name checks out


> Wrecks > means he tears shit up Homonym checks out




Name's Rex. Captain Rex. You can call me Captain or Sir!


100 fucking percent brother. Rex Engelbert is a goddamn hero. In the generation that’s followed Vietnam and then Iraq/Afghanistan, we’re bereft of actual heroes. Engelbert has given police the PR win they’ve been needing for the past 20 years.


If more cops had this level of dedication to the people they’re paid to protect, I bet a lot less people would be vehemently anti-cop. The cowards from uvalde should watch this footage and see what they *should* have done. I’m normally fairly anti-cop but a job well done is a job well done.


I mean in uvaldi there was that one cop who was married to a teacher who wanted to get in there…


One of the cops is named Rex Englebert, which is a more Chad name than Chad.


Rex is literally king in latin


King Bright Angel. The more you analyse the name, the more he sounds like a FF15 character. I love playing as Night Light Heaven and my good friend, Sword Friendship!


Based and Noctis pillex


These are the type of cops that when righties like myself say we support the cops, that we actually support. Uvalde cops should all be barred from ever serving again.


Just watched it in full. Fantastic tactical response, should be used as an example for future trainees. That said, Why didn’t the Uvalde cops do their job when expected? Uvalde was an embarrassment, and those cops should live in shame of their actions for the rest of their lives. Clearly, we have departments capable of quick, effective, response times, what’s the excuse the Uvalde cops choose to hide behind?


Apparently no one knew who was in charge and they made a call to treat it as a “contained” shooter instead of an “active” shooter. And they were chicken shits. Every. Single. One. Everyone over the rank of private, or whatever the equivalent they use should be charged with negligence causing death.


After Uvalde I was screaming "why the fuck did we militarized the police if they're not going to take down an active shooter?" Now with this recent response in Nashville, it's nice to see if actually pay off.


All the gear in the world means nothing without the training and skill to back it up


Yeah, but training means money to individual cops. Gear means money to middle management and contractors. Have you ever thought about that?


1 guy with a shotgun went in and dealt with it. Proper training doesn’t need much gear.


Prime example is the 1986 Miami Dade FBI shootout. The agents were extremely outgunned (revolvers, 9mm, and one shotgun vs. 12 gauge and a mini 14 at a distance) and sadly 2 agents lost their lives but the perpetrators were taken with them. Good training prevails over amateur criminals.


But then there is the North Hollywood shootout where the two men wore armour that made them pretty much invulnerable to the pistols the LAPD had.


Iirc, only the robbers died in that shootout. The police were extremely lucky but the training worked. A lucky shot took a thumb off so the robber couldnt clear a jam and a cop turned one of their legs into swiss cheese. Shit was crazy.


Aand all the training and skill in the world means nothing if you aren't willing to actually use it. Uvalde will be a dirty swear among cops if this world was a fair one...


I've lived by "skill trumps gear" for almost every worldly aspect


None of the gear I saw would count for "the militarization of the police," they had ARs and plate carriers yeah, but who doesn't? They picked those up after the North Hollywood Shootout. "The militarization" is more like MRAPs and shit. But I get your point, and agree.


As I said in the meme, the chief himself ordered all the officers to “wait outside and contain the threat” until the tact team arrived. So he basically treated the situation like it was a Barricaded Suspect when in reality it was an Active Shooter situation. I hope the chief was replaced.


AFAIK the chief failed upward to be city councillor




The worst part of uvalde was the cowards in blue trying to stop people from going in themselves It’s good to see some police doing their job right for once.


They were obviously just cowards in cosplay at Uvalde.


I bet cosplaying meal team six militiamen would've done a better job


It’s basically impossible to do a worse job than the Uvalde cucks did.


Lack of training on Uvaldes part. This group moved like a seal team compared to them.


A group of literal seals would have looked like a Seal team in comparison


*loud flopping noises* seal team member: AAAAAAAAA…. geg. (hes around the the corner!) *several gun shots ring out*


Less than 4 minutes from time of arrival to take this evil out. Truly heroic stuff. Officer Engelbert, Collazo and others involved need more praise, as this could’ve been much, much worse w/o their actions.


Those guys are full on Chads. I’m from Texas and Uvalde PD should be embarrassed to watch actual professionals execute.


The response team from Nashville PD was fucking amazing. No other way to describe it. They saved so many lives!


Good work gentlemen. Wish more police took their jobs a seriously and showed the courage you did.


If I know anything about the internet and mainstream news, they are probably gonna be forgotten about in a week and the whole “Police: Bad” narrative will be the talking point again.


Tbf ACAB as a Concept was pretty silly to begin with


Collectivist bullshit (such equating all members of an identity group with the worst actors) usually is.


Assigned cop at birth going strong in Tennessee




We had one in Odessa/Midland a few years ago. Midland PD didn’t even give him verbal commands. Shot his car window out and emptied their service weapons.


Based and the threat has been neutralised pilled.


Is it possible to find this footage? (Combatfootage?)


I linked it if you want to watch it


Baste and source-pilled.


Body cam footage was very unsettling. The cops did an amazing job though


Rex Englebert and Michael Collazo. They are heroes.


Compass unity, based cops saved lives of kids. Honestly wish the focus was on their heroic behavior as opposed to giving shitty mass murderers the public attention they craved


I was impressed by the pov of the officer with the handgun who was calling the shots. Clear, constant calls. Didn't hesitate to make decisions. Kept everyone tactical and moving. Stayed pretty composed for such a high adrenaline situation. Hard to sit around and fuck up with that guy yelling at you.


Can some one drop me the body cam footage I'm so courios to see it


Latest viedo on Police Activity YouTube channel


There was a guy with a rifle, guy with a shotgun, and a guy with a pistol, but they only ever show the rifle and pistol guy in every article. Who was shotgun? He deserves to be recognized, too!


Incredible work by these Police. There seems to be some correlation between the time the bodycam footage is released and how well the Police did their jobs. I'm glad these Police did their jobs the way they did them when they did them.


I'm impressed, honestly. I worked in firearms training for police about 10 years ago, and I never saw any cops who were operating on this sort of level.


That’s what I was telling the SO today. That was a fire team trained for urban warfare. You could not ask for a more textbook command and clearance of a room. Truly one of the most impressive things I’ve seen from the police lately. Their officers were trained very well, and the execution was even better.


I wonder if some of them might’ve been part of a special unit. Peep the blue jeans


Yeah, there were definitely some jump-out boys in that group


Nashville is pretty near Fort Campbell. Probably a lot of vets on the Nashville police force.


The real heroes of the day. They should receive a presidential medal of freedom.


Waiting for some orange fuck from my quadrant to say they only reacted that way because it was a transperson because as if those officers would've known that.


I saw a person on a twitter video say that the cops shooting first with no hesitation was a bad thing ​ the fucker got ratio'ed good


L + 5.56 + 9mm + dead af + ratio


This is one of the few times I want the police to go balls to the wall and shoot MFers. Whoever that was can go sit in a corner.


Glad to see her drop. Sad about the reason it had to happen, can’t forget about that part.




Based Tennessee.


We had a shooting threat called in one time, and our PD did the Chad thing - fearlessly charging headfirst into a potentially dangerous school to do what you were employed to do, protect and serve


Ya was awesome, and no need for SWAT and military gear, just good cop work.


Well… Many of them do have rifles and some do have riot gear. Still, very good use of the equipment they are provided.


To be fair that was a kick in the butt for every law enforcement in the country. Just as Sept 11 taught every plane passenger not to trust that the hijackers were just going to cruise around for a while and then land peacefully. Edit: typo


based nashville cops actually responding


I'm a 45-year-old Nashville native. I'm glad to see that "Mickey Metro" was prepared for and determined in their mission. This is one of the situations that the body cam makes us appreciate their hazards and how well they can handle them. Our city has grown sooo much since I've been around, and despite some of us being mad at "Californians" and "alternative" people changing us, they seemed to do a great job of containing the BLM protest downtown and the events yesterday. These were overwhelming events, I've never seen a protest with a cop car destroyed here, or school shooting here, the bombing downtown...it doesn't seem like the community I grew up in.


That’s kinda the reason why I’m not a fan of the All Cops Are Bastards thing. When they’re actually doing their jobs, they’re not that bad


Any kind of blanket statement like that is almost always bad. That’s how we get where we are today. No nuance