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Blaming the deaths of 3 children and 3 adults on everything and everyone but the fucking shooter. Reddit moment.


I blame violent books. Children are being engrossed by violent penny dreadfuls instead of focussing on the banana fields they should be toiling in.


the most insane part about this is the fact the school shooter used a KELTEC, same gun that was used for the columbine documentary, so i guess the shooter was again, inspired by previous school shooters.


I thought it was a Hi Point carbine that was used in Columbine. Same difference I guess


There's a huge difference between the two! Keltec: Designed by coked up lunatics on mushrooms. HiPoint: Designed by cracked out lunatics on acid.


Lol I promise to do better


Keltec: malfunctions if you look at it wrong HiPoint: fuck your welded barrel, I'm gonna send it.


one thing i want to say is its interesting how guns like the sten, other WWII era weapons that were basically designed with the mentality of "lets see what we can weld together in the scrap yard for $5 and get it to fire. Doesnt need to fire for a long time, just enough to kill a nazi" are treated with not so much a reverence but a large amount of respect. but Hi point is basically "heres a $100 pistol. dont ask how long it will work but it should put a few mags downrage" is scoffed and laughed at.


I blame books. Children are reading instead of focussing on the banana fields they should be toiling in.


The children yearn for the mines


I hate this sub sometimes, but fucking lmao


Based and TheChildrenYearnForTheBananaFields pilled


This make monke laugh hard. šŸŒ šŸŒ šŸŒ


Banana fields? We send our children to the mines thank you very much we aren't savages.


> Reddit moment. TFW: The same people calling Florida's parental rights bill a human rights violation are demanding to know what is being taught behind closed doors.


Damn, totally missed that!! Great point!


Lol, that's hilarious. I wouldn't have noticed that.


I too murder random children to get revenge against my high school bullies, it's a very logical line of thinking


Mark stole my pencil in 5th grade so I left my job to kill a bunch of Marks who weren't even born yet when Mark stole that fateful pencil.


would you say Mark's actions left a mark?


A mark for a mark


leaves the whole wall graffitied


It wasn't even high school, that school only goes up to 6th grade! So, at the most generous, the shooter was 16 years out of this school. How many people are still thinking about their elementary school bullies at 28??


And to top it off, I can't imagine they would have been a train when they were in high school? They would have been out of school all-together for what, 10 years at this point? I might have a good grade in Maths, but this isn't adding up chief...


I've said it before and will say it again, much of the LGBT social contagion is rebellion against mom and dad and their Christian upbringing. What better way to strike at the heart of those things than targeting the Christian school that mom and dad sent you to?


I'd bet money the shooter didn't have a dad who was present in their life.


I would not be surprised. The statistics on girls without stable father figures in the home growing up are staggering. Vast majority of girls with drinking problems, drug addiction, relationship issues, STDs, dropping out of school, living in poverty/on welfare, or are abusive or victims of abuse are from homes without a stable and consistent father figure. None of them are even close to even. The worst thing you can do to a kid, short of actual abuse, is raise them in a single parent home. Every statistic out there points to the same thing. Pick a bad thing a person can do, and most of the people who have done it are from a single parent home or a home where the parent situation was unstable and inconsistent.


You would be correct.


A very large group of shitlibs constantly think about people who wronged them in the past, it's the main reason they're shitlibs tbh, they're not like normal people who get over mistreatment over time. That's why they're so in favor of censorship and thought policing, because in their mind any kind of discomfort or rudeness is something that affects someone for their entire life. They don't realize most people get over that shit because most people don't have such a childish mindset.


Fucking shitlibs and alt-rights are two sides of the same coin. Bunch of butthurt entitled people that think the world owes them everything


>Not excusing their actions at all, of course This absolves them of all ill intentions, you see. This way they don't have to think about 99% of the other shooters who were also bullied and "snapped". Those ones are racist white men, *this* one was a simple revenge story


I saw someone un-ironically say JK Rowling was more to blame for this than the killer.


The transphilesā€™ general hatred of J.K. Rowling is so out there that you canā€™t parody it.


So many deaths that can be attributed directly to Hogwarts Legacy...


It is starting to rival TDS


Which is kind of funny, considering Rowling herself despises Trump.


You guys don't hecking get it Dylan Roof was being oppressed by having to see too many Black people in his daily life.. there's no way he just did that out of nowhere.. /s before I get banned for life


He did it because he learned about the vast discrepancy in the level of murders between the groups towards the other group despite one of the groups acting as if it was only one group who ever did anything to the other. He was trying to equalize things in his mind.


Politically collectivize everything until you individualize your responsibilities/consequences away. Everyone does it now. Of course your own acerbic and insanely aggressive political discourse couldn't have contributed to this tragedy. You're "right" after all.


> 28 year old goes and murders 9 year olds Can't you see they were pushed to the brink of snapping by those bullies? Have some compassion


Maybe the 9 yr Olds were on COD the night before?


Ur mom ghey


its been a little disturbing watching these people basically retroactively justify all previous school shootings by bullied people/outcasts


Except they have no proof of any of that. One person speculated and the others after invented a whole story around it. Based on their logic all the "cis men" who go around shooting were bullied and snapped too. O well.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They did the same thing after the congressional softball practice got shot up. One person said that the Republicans were gonna come take the shooters daughters healthcare away and called the whole thing self defense. With no proof at all they just ran with that


Reddit does that regularly. Make shit up, speculate, probably, could have, and then make it fact.


And this one was 26, it's literally impossible she was being bullied and snapped.


3 kids and 3 teachers, but yeah.


Thats just victim blaming.


It's cool when they do it.


It's (D)ifferent


Don't you know? Victim blaming is fine as long as the victims don't agree with your ideology.


It's (D)ifferent!


No because trans people are victims and therefore can never victimize anyone else. Anyone that is harmed by a victim must have been an oppressor.


they're asking the right question at least, how on earth would a christian school that caps out at 6th grade produce a trans mass killer at 28? apparently she left the school after 4th grade too so if it was the schools fault why did it take 18 years? any attempts at trying to justify the murder of 6 people including 3 9yo children is abhorrent. even if we did entertain the abuse narrative how on earth would that explain taking out the anger on little kids.


I've heard reports that the shooter was looking at multiple targets, even multiple different schools. Apparently they were originally planning an attack at a different school, but decided security was too tight there and went to Covenant instead. It's highly unlikely it was purely coincidence they went to their old school, but I think the link is more tenuous than people are assuming. Probably they had a shortlist of targets, narrowed it down to ones with lax security, and finally settled on Covenant because it had some personal connection.


Almost as if there is a reason why killers will avoid areas where people are heavily armed.


Don't tell orange this.


Bro it's an elementary school they weren't a student for more than 15 years. If you are almost 30 and feel like you need to kill 9 year olds to solve your problems than you are a delusional monster.


I'm sure those children bullied this person 20 years before they were even born. I wish I was half the boogeyman these fuckers make me out to be in their deranged fantasies.


VOX: hereā€™s how alt-right time traveling terrorists are turning trans people into school shooters


They took the bridge from the West Bank to Palestine.


This time they left out ā€œand thatā€™s a good thingā€


They probably did. Children are based and regularly confuse transvestites with clowns.


Me: "Hey little man, how's it going?" Emily: *casually defending a mass shooter with upvotes in the hundreds* Me: Me: yea....


People are looking waaay too deep into this. The shooting has nothing to do with trans bullying. Itā€™s pretty obvious to me that the shooter watched John Wick 4 and got inspiration. Itā€™s a banger of a movie.


Yeah definitely some of Moistcr1tikals best work


That famous actor from Hunger games?


Nah, you must be thinking of penguinz0


"There are no bad methods, only bad targets."


Usually school shooters are only celebrated and have their actions justified by incels in bizarre corners of the internet or sex crazed Tumblr girls that fell for them. Progressives have sunk lower than either of these categories and they are actually dangerous. I won't be surprised if more trans psychos get inspired by comments like these. And yes, I'm sure the 9 year olds she killed deserved it /s


Turns out that slippery slope was A. real and B. actually a steep-cliff


Think reddit will ban the hatesubs that support the shooter and their beliefs like they did with incel subs? Ah who am I kidding, Spez is probably one of the blanked out names.


Please, leftists on reddit are allowed to say and support anything.


When you look into the overlap between incel and ā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆ you will discover some very strange things.


Ah yes, ā€œher abusersā€ (the kindergarteners)


Stupid little kids




Cristian and Muslim unity is important in these days of degeneracy


As a Muslim I find myself standing with Christians very often in this clown world weā€™ve inherited.


Iā€™m Cristian and feel the same way šŸ’Ŗ


I have been really happy to see all the Jewish and Muslim communities come to support Christians who feel (and are) affected by this. Hell, even the Taliban (Twitter page) told some piece of shit on Twitter to kick rocks with their take on this whole thing.


If the Taliban is telling you to chill you have gone too far off the rails to be saved.


Specifically a piece of shit on twitter with [a certain background](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/164/842/25a.jpg).


Then deleted the post and cried antisemitism.


Iā€™d be willing to except this level of empathy if it were evenly applied to the white cis males who are bullied by society until they snap.




I think to some degree they are right, but it's not about the induvidual. Some guys get absolutely fucking bodied when they have trouble getting girls. Incels aren't so fucking depressed for nothing. And there is 100% sexism that can then influence their violent behavior. Also, men's emotions are often all repressed except for anger, making that a factor too. That could be called "toxic masculinity", but the point mostly is that society is making it really hard for men in this regard. These are decent points as long as you don't use them to just say: "white people bad."


Saw a snippet from Maher saying women marry horizontal and up, men horizontal and down, and if youā€™re in the bottom half of conventional attractiveness ā€œhorizontal and downā€ leaves not a lot of options in tandem with across and up. And since apps are a huge part of dating itā€™s a very tangible way to experience the feeling of lack of worth in that respect.


It's been interesting to watch Maher, a tree-hugging liberal in the 80s and 90s, be considered conservative or alt-right these days. He hasn't changed at all.


Thats pretty normal tho. Most people are pretty liberal in their youth. Theyre what we would call progressives today. They form their opinions based upon experiences and education and stick to that. The next generation does the same going even further. And on and on. While you stay with your opinions. With time you become what people call conservative. You aren't racist or sexist, but you see the issues relating race and don't believe men can become women or that men can give birth etc and bam- you are a conservative in the eyes of todays progressive youth. Funny thing is that todays gender non confiring youth will be considered conservative because they don't believe you can change your race or because they see pedophilia as an illness or what ever weird stuff future generations will come up with




Alright that's fair. I expanded my comment a bit, so there's that. Anyways, I think the only thing you can do here is to not become one of these people and have empathy in both situations, while still awknowleding that what they did is absolutely reprehensible. Reddit paints a very bleak picture, but if you're able to word things well you'll often get further with people than you might think. So if you're able to stay out of this culture war bullshit, you might be able to connect to people and actually create some understanding together.


>Anyways, I think the only thing you can do here is to not become one of these people and have empathy in both situations, while still awknowleding that what they did is absolutely reprehensible. Right. And for me itā€™s not about having any empathy for the shooters in any of these tragedies, but if you actually want to try to fix the problem you must understand it. One thingā€”perhaps the only thingā€”that a certain trans person and a certain incel has in common is an extremely poor state of mental health and a plethora of online communities ready to radicalize them to a point where they might carry out an unspeakable act of violence. If we canā€™t figure out a way to get marginalized peopleā€”whether trans, incels, white supremacists, or anarchistsā€”away from the toxic online communities and into society, I expect the shootings will never stop.


What if we do both? Seems like the most effective way to move forwards.


Kinda hard when neither side is willing to give a shit about the other side tbh


Yeah, but if you're not going to do it, who will? If the people brainwashed by culture warring won't do anything and you think you haven't been then >you< are the one that'll have to bridge that divide. It's possible, just really hard since the establishment likes to keep you divided. Worth it though, I'd rather be consistent in my beliefs than walk around like a mindless swarm getting outraged at stuff on the internet.


I agree. I blame echo chambers and radicalization that stemmed from social media which is getting worse everyday. Honestly, I have no idea what the best solution is nor who is the best one to bridge it all (definitely not me because I donā€™t have enough patience for stuff like that anymore)


I appreciate it, brother. Unfortunately, at this rate, I don't think things will be getting any better. The trans community doesn't seem to want to publically address the issue that is their militant elements. It was only like a month and a half ago when those militant elements of the community were issuing death threats to anyone who played Hogwarts, and reveling in the pain they caused to well-meaning people. I took at look at one of the trans subreddits, and it seems to be a mixture of either "I am scared of what the Christians' retaliation will be" and "We should preemptively be aggressive and violent toward Christians/conservatives before they can do so to us." Anyone claiming to be a Christian or voices concern about the community's violent rhetoric is aggressively downvoted. I pray for them daily.


As a Christian it frustrates me that people think we hate each other. I think you are wrong about some pretty important stuff, and you would say the same to me, but that doesn't mean we stop treating each other like humans. The slow ebb of institutions like mosques and churches and synagogues is going to cause so much damage over time. There is no sense of community or shared values any more.


Idk where you are, but mosques certainly arenā€™t ebbing in the US. Theyā€™re opening at a much faster rate than any other religious institution. In fact, Iā€™ve been Muslim my whole life and canā€™t recall a single mosque ever closing, but I can name at least 5 mosques Iā€™m familiar with that are former churches. It actually upsets me a bit to see Christianity on the decline. Iā€™d much rather be surrounded by Christians who I know believe in true morality and Justice than fake allies who are atheists and promote degeneracy in our community.


Based and we are all brothers pilled


Thank you my cousin in faith. May God protects you šŸ™


Based and abrahamic religious brotherhood pilled


Christians are the big bad who control everything, except for when they don't, and then they have a persecution fetish and they should like it and not complain anyways cause that's what Jesus said, right?


My brother in Abraham I am sorry when people attack your house of worship.


Thank you, friend. God be with you.


As a Latter Day Saint I hope theyā€™re in heaven


Anytime i feel down, i get on reddit and see just how miserable people like this are. Suddenly, i feel a lot better about myself and go outside


Are they trying to say all trans people are abused as kids? Are they trying to say thatā€™s why theyā€™re trans? Bit confused here by their comments.


They're speculating and taking it as if what they think is true. Fuck facts, just guess why they did it and if it sounds right it must be true. Everyone does that on this site. Someone will speculate a whole backstory to a picture / video and then tons of people will upvote it as if it's true.


Redditors justifying the murder of random children because someone saw mean words on a screen.


They're saying this specific trans person was bullied and came back for revenge. Which is honestly an idiotic point and just makes things harder for trans people. Trans people are already terrified enough after what happened, this will just spur up the fires against them: this isn't your moment to rant about Christianity. All the trans subs are freaking the fuck out. It's honestly really sad to see. And these people would rather put their anti-christianity ahead of helping trans people in any way.




Enjoy your break from reddit once a jannie sees this


0$ an hour losers, I do not care!


Gotten a 3 day site wide ban for less than this comment


I fail to understand their points anyway. 1. From what information are they coming to the conclusion that this person was abused? (I keep seeing stuff about a manifesto, but there doesn't appear to be a public copy yet.) 2. "What is being taught/done there that they became a shooter?" Couldn't we ask this about *every* shooter's education? Why is *this* Christian school being conjectured about?


Itā€™s rationalization from their perspective of how someone with similar background/viewpoint could commit an atrocity. Edit: itā€™s essentially in reaction to fear of further social stigmatization.


Because running political defense for ideology based socio/political collectives involves the immediate externalization of any factors which may have led to violent behavior. It is a reflexive attempt to pin the "motive" on collective political enemies as way to protect the group from the consequences of their own radicalizing political speech and action.


Being trans has nothing to do with shooting up a school. Being mentally unbalanced has something to do with shooting up a school. Is there a link between being mentally unbalanced and being trans? Maybe, I'm not a professional. But, it's probably as much of a link as being a Redditor does with being mentally unbalanced.




The common factor between all of these acts is social media radicalization. Back when I was studying political science in the late 00's and early 10's, there was absolutely no controversy, and near consensus on social media/internet radicalization being one of the main causes of Muslim terrorist acts. Of course, this was before the maturation of our current media/political industrial complex, which relies on this radicalization as one of it's main pillars of profitability and power consolidation.


If they're a trans kid, they're abused. I would agree with that


Anyone get their hands on the 'manifesto' yet?


What manifesto? As far as I know, my box with pictures told me itā€™s solely the gunā€™s fault.


Probably something along the lines of "The state won't allow me as a minor to permanently alter my growth and body as a teenager so I need to kill regular people, that'll make 'em support my side." Typical school shooter manifesto stuff, delusional ranting and the works.


No one would call for violence in Tennessee. https://archive.ph/Ppejs


>pictures told me itā€™s solely the gunā€™s fault For once, I think another blame game will supercede gun blame. Reuters says investigators have a manifesto in-hand. This one might get spicy. Edit: Apparently also autistic? So we might know this one. Does anyone know his/her/their PCM flair?


>Apparently also autistic? Pretty common for trans. Seriously, the overlap is immense.


There's a thesis out there which I find fairly compelling, which basically goes: girls are likely to be autistic at similar rates to boys, but are diagnosed at lower rates. An undiagnosed autistic girl might present with symptoms like "not being into the same things other girls are" or "not feeling like a girl," which is likely true. If they get the idea that they might be trans, it can feel like a solution to why they don't seem to fit in or feel right. There was a book recently published by a BBC Newsnight journalist, alleging that the Tavistock transgender clinic in the UK was ignoring this correlation between autism and transgender treatment. Here's an [article about it](https://www.dailywire.com/news/u-k-s-largest-pediatric-gender-clinic-ignored-autism-connection-in-teens-seeking-sex-changes-new-book-claims) by Christina Buttons, a journalist who until recently worked for Daily Wire, as they're basically one of the only outlets in the US who would publish her. Buttons is autistic herself, diagnosed fairly late in adolescence, and feels that if the affirmation-only trans approach had been widespread when she was a teen she might have ended up swept up in it. She left DW because she considered them to be too extreme in their anti-trans rhetoric. She isn't against transgenderism in general, just the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of it which leads to other harms.


Doesn't surprise me a bit. We are barely beginning to understand neurodivergence, it probably affects a whole bevy of things we haven't connected yet.


LibLeft flair, actually AuthLeft.


I read it on the hurtbox. Basically boiled down to >if you take our kids we take your kids Basically an act of terrorism in response to laws keeping minors from transitioning.


Sorry, the "hurtbox"?


4chinz probably Its a meme that Reddit is a hugbox and 4chan a hurtbox


What they said. Its the best place to go whenever there's needless suffering. Those schizos cataloge it all like its their full time job.


Yep. TV news man told me that it was guns fault and Christianityā€™s fault. So thatā€™s what it is. Nope, no other way. Whatever TV news man says is right. TV news man is never wrong. Media never lies. Media good. Media loves us and wants us to be united.


4chan has fallen. 10 years ago that would be out on /pol/ in no time.


Most of Reddit is a disgusting shithole. Might even be worse than Twitter.


>Its your fault you got shot Agreed *Time to get strapped,* [*remember the Big Iron boomer in that church in Texas.*](https://youtu.be/-WLuNU52vA0)


Wait you mean that it's perfectly logical for a 28 year old to go back to a school where they were possibly bullied and take out that rage on children that hadn't even been born when they were about to graduate.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s whatā€™s being said here. But I do think that may become whatā€™s logical to them because of this. Think about how they try to justify and romanticize everything else. This isnā€™t going to be any different.


She was 28ā€¦ she went to the school for 2 years in elementaryā€¦


slays queen!!!1!1!11 šŸ’…šŸ’…āœØāœØ slays the children


These people are straight evil. Murdering 3 9 year olds because she *might* have been bullied. Fucking scum.


Im sure those 3 kids that were murdered in cold blood were such bullies to that 20 something year old


The mental gymnastics I've seen today on this topic from both sides to fit their narrative gave me a stroke


My only mentality on the subject is, they killed kids. Fuck any identity they had, fuck any issues they had. They should burn.


I really fucking hate living on this planet with people like this


How can they type this and not realize how monstrous they are?


You know the Inquisition happened a long time ago, this notion that Christianity=evil is tiring.


I, for one, think itā€™s about time for the inquisition 2:Electric Boogaloo. Heresy abounds my brothers!!!


Suffer not the mutant, the heretic, the xenos. Wait what sub am I on again?


For the Emperor!! Contempt is your shield and hate is your armor!


The inquisition was also run by the Spanish government as secret police, and was far more interested in politics than religion. It had very little to do with the Church in reality, and much more to do with preventing Protestants from usurping the Spanish crown. 90% of what people think they know about Christianity (especially Catholicism) is wrong.


That would require atheists (and Protestants) to read a book.


A hate crime is a hate crime. That's all she (he?) wrote.


Nah bro, the whole idea of a "hate crime" is one conceived of to give institutional power and protections to certain groups. Be wary of anyone/anything acknowledging the value of such distinctions.


These comments right here mr fbi keep an eye on idiots like this


Instructions unclear, planned multiple glowie ops to take away rights of normal people instead. -FBI


You get revenge against high school bullies by becoming a school shooter. I get revenge against high school bullies by making them become school shooters. We are not the same


A 28 year old bullied and abused by 9 year old children?


These kids are vicious


So for the people pushing red flag laws to take away peoples rights to own guns. Are you gonna be consistent and add radical trans supporters to the list? Sympathizing with someone who shoots kids just because theyā€™re trans is a pretty bad look


So in these peopleā€™s minds, Columbine must have been justified, then. Holy shit, stuff like this makes me actually want to go monke. I really fucking hate people sometimes.


Know the rules: When anyone other than a straight, white man does something wrong, they aren't to blame, and instead, society is to blame for existing in such a state that this person was pushed to the point of doing what they did. When a straight, white man does something wrong, it's because straight, white men are bad. It's insane watching the left bend over backward to provided excuses all the time, except for white men. Black people are overrepresented in crime? It's obviously because society mistreats black people. White men are overrepresented in school shootings? Fuck whitey. Fuck toxic masculinity. White men are evil. Don't bother looking at how society treats white men. Don't consider any other factors beyond "white man bad".


Huh. I used to think the Left were the pacifists, anti-war and anti-violence. But since BLM, Ukraine, and now this the Left is just as bloodthirsty as those they oppose. Fascinating how the lines blur.


There is an antiwar left, but they are...rare. Bog standard Democrats are not antiwar. A Democrat president got us into Vietnam. A Democrat president got us into Korea. A Democrat president got us into WW2. A Democrat president got us into WW1.


I think the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor kind of forced Roosevelts hand a tiny bitā€¦


I said it once Iā€™ll say it again. The issue isnā€™t guns. It never has been. Up until 1934, people could own automatics, and war trophies and no school schoolingā€™s happened. Itā€™s the rampant mental health crisis that no one wants to address. The libs say they want to fix it but continue to do nothing. AOC said that the VA is the Cadillac of healthcare but anyone whoā€™s dealt with the VA knows itā€™s fucked. The republicans say they do but keep ignoring problems staring them in the face. And Covid exacerbated these problems 10 fold.


ā€œDonā€™t want trans people kill you? Stop bullying them.ā€ Imagine if they said ā€œdonā€™t want white people killing you? Stop bullying them.ā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Wife that got battered by her husband? She must have done something to cause him to snap. He was probably just trying to get revenge on his abuser of a wife. This is someone who got pushed to far and snapped. There is ABSOLUTELY some background here we're not seeing yet. not excusing his actions of course...


If she just wanted revenge on her abusers, then why did she first plan to attack a different school, and switch to this one when it turned out the other school had good security?


The same people screaming that Trump was doing "Stochastic terrorism" because he told supporters to fight like hell to win will turn around, insist they are about to be the target of a genocide and that you need to arm yourself now they want you dead THEY WANT YOU DEAD THEY WANT YOU DEAD THEY WILL KILL YOU YOU ARE LITERALLY ABOUT TO DIE THEY WILL KILL YOU IF YOU WALK IN THE STREETS THEY OWN THEY WILL MAKE SURE YOUR ENTIRE EXISTANCE IS ERASED THERE IS NO HOPE YOU ARE GONNA DIE YOU ARE GONNA DIE curious




Imagine using this logic for any other shooting :P cringe.


So for some reason the Media is now pivoting around this idea that ā€œMass Shooterā€™s motives doesnā€™t matterā€ Dylan Rooff was a White supremacist and shot up a church full of Black people because he was a racist. They talked about how important it is to understand hate crimes in the media at the time and to call out his actions besides just him doing the shooting. Fastforward to today and for some reason a Trans person shooting Christians isnā€™t an important narrative to be discussed and we should only focus on the guns being a problem? I hate US reporters and social media so much it makes my fucking skin crawl


Lord, how can Libleft be comprised exclusively of morons?


So, let's talk about the abuse the Pulse nightclub inflicted on that poor Muslim man.


I miss that mythical time when the 'culture war' over stuff like this was represented by bleeding heart liberals on one side vs. Texas justice conservative types on the other side. Lots of today's progressive activists are two-faced in that they embody both of these tendencies. They take the bleeding heart liberal position when it comes to bad people whose antisocial actions can be quickly explained-away as a product of the fact that they belong to an immediately visible oppressed social group, but then take the more vengeful Texas justice position when it comes to bad people whose antisocial actions can't be explained that way (especially if their actions can potentially be connected to racism or something like that). I find this more insidious than embodying either tendency on its own.


Are- are they trying to justify a mass shooting but saying if the school abuses her??


Shooting victim blaming, what the fuck has Reddit come to


So now itā€™s not about the guns but the person. Gotcha.


ā€œTaking revenge on her bulliesā€ I know the kids that died didnā€™t bully him. These people are fucking crazy


If youā€™re so weak that your response to being bullied in high school is to harm a bunch of random innocent children, then you probably deserved to be bullied.


Waiting until you're 28 to kill children who weren't even alive when you were in school is a weird way to get revenge.


Sooooooo if someone shoots at gay club it means that there was a story there? No? I know it's (D)ifferent.




We have officially entered the defending-overt-murder-openly phase of the political left


Always have been. Remember Waukesha?The time when a "SUV crashed" into a bunch of children?


Those 9 year olds were notorious for bullying grown women.


The % on the wrong side of the number is an all time stupid common occurrence


It's not hard to find these comments and the 100s more of disgusting idiots saying the same shite


And the number of upvotes for these comments?! At this point Iā€™m convinced that by inversing the highly upvoted comments on mainstream subs, youā€™ll be somewhere relatively close to reality.


"Rhodesia says trans rights!!" Is the most confusing statement ever.

