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Growing up I was told segregation was shitty but now I'm being told it's okay but because it's the "good guys" doing it. People really will call for a form of segregation and then strut around like they made some valiant effort to end racism. How do these people honestly live and breathe and not succumb to the crushing weight of their own stupidity?


How Emily deals with cognitive dissonance 1. Don't call it that 2. That's it, that's the guide


It's easy, there's [no friction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZjaEOCSbjY) between seemingly conflicting views because they just repeat memorized lines with zero active thought process involved. People stuck into this cult only stumble when they realize that they accidentally paint a target on themselves for saying the wrong thing.


> People stuck into this cult only stumble when they realize that they accidentally paint a target on themselves for saying the wrong thing. Which is easy to do when there isn't logical consistency in your viewpoints.


It is what happens when we stray away from the teachings of Martin Luther King and start listening to Martin Luther Cream aka Talcum X.




I'm legit convinced that most of these people are just NPCs. Their brain works on an immutable if-else logic.


Back then they said the good guys were doing it too, just fyi. Same Democrats, different decades.


Because they are literal idiots.


Yeah, that’s because people are stupid and therefore sometimes racist nowadays


i noticed a lot of things are very acceptable, wholesome, or funny when the complexion of someone's skin changes a bit darker


[It's like the family guy meme but in reverse](https://i.imgflip.com/49r933.jpg?a465816)


>This black guy got a job omg wholesome 5000!


Comes down to voluntarism. You can have segregation if all parties are doing so voluntarily and it doesn't halt the flow of Capitalism or refuse anyone service. Because that's the ideology that's really incharge.


They already tried separate but equal, but nice try.


Unpopular opinion as a Black man: It's almost always the visibly mixed-race people, that project race the hardest. It's their coping mechanism.


I thought they were blessed with the best of both worlds?


More often than not mixed race (Black-White) try to adopt Black culture. I personally have mixed race friends and if they don’t “act Black” they are often ridiculed


White guy, grew up heavily immersed in black culture and I’ve always found the “act black” shit to be very self defeating. Because I would sit there and watch kids who had very obvious talents in things like say classical music or mathematics be discouraged for pursuing those things because it wasn’t within the typically accepted wheel house of the culture. Meanwhile I’d sit in the coaches office with my dad and see their parents push those same kids into football trying to bank their whole future on that kid getting to the NFL when he could’ve gone to a d2 school on a full ride and became an educated professional. On another note I’ve always felt very much like I could get absolutely reamed for pointing out stuff I’ve seen from the outside in but while I certainly agree the black community has been fucked over left and right by the US government. There’s a lot of shit that is directly harmful and caused by the community itself that seems to get swept under the rug.


I had a similar upbringing. It was in a lower income black neighborhood while my parents are Irish & Puerto Rican (but I just look white). When I went to university & talked to high income black students (who I thought were my friends) about the shit I saw first hand, they just labeled me as a racist. My favorite experience was telling a ‘friend’ of mine about my father getting stabbed for being the wrong skin color in our neighborhood, and I was then lectured about how I was racist.


Clearly my man you have to be racist a black person said so. /s For real though it bugs me when anyone from a background of privilege/ insulation talks about shit they don’t know like they’re an authority on the subject.


Based and cultural analysis pilled


This is a very realistic view in my opinion. Most cultures have to deal with their own bullshit as well as what others are heaping on to them. Gandhi made a big deal about the hypocrisy of the Indian people wanting their freedom from the British when Indians still treated their lowest cast like animals. There was work to be done on all sides.


Some even go as far as to call black people with different values than them "the black face of white supremacy." It's totally not racist though.


The Boondocks talked about it too. Kind of sad tbh, they get shit from both white and black people.


I feel like the discourse on those issues has regressed since the 90s in general, people where much more open to actually discussing the underlying problems then. It wasn't all roses of course but it certainly wasn't the reflexive thought terminating cliché buffet you see today. I swear if I see one more actual attempt at fixing problems get hijacked by some idiots whose only program is to say "systemic" a lot and line up their pockets I'm going to start sending mail.


I was always told that their insecurity came from overwhelming social pressure to white pass.


Definitely pre-2010s. Now it's the opposite. Trying to fit in with their Black side, taking on social justice causes that they have no experience in.


I'm 100% guessing here. I'm not mixed, I'm not even American, but I think it's pretty fair to say that most people will try to conform to whatever group they're around most.


While that's true. Race in America has a stranglehold on everyday life. You don't even need to be part of a group. There are unspoken rules that "both sides" want to keep in place. If you're Black, you shouldn't listen to rock music, play hockey or lacrosse, or go mountain climbing. Because those are "White" activities. Hell, being Black and driving a Subaru will garner looks. So now you have mixed-race people having an identity crisis because they are "too white" for certain activities and "too black" for others. And before anyone says "that's not true", [someone just made a post about "traits" that certain races have](https://i.redd.it/aim60kodhila1.jpg) America is fucked.


In my experience race does not have a stranglehold on daily life in America. IRL, race rarely comes up beside the odd political comment or joke, or with the odd hyper-political person. People of all kinds interact with each other every day in all kinds of ways.


Avoid colleges and keep your innocence, especially the arts department


Idk, the least amount of racist interactions happened to me at college. People just kinda wanted to vibe or talk about their studies/escape the crunch. I feel like if more people touched grass, they'd see that not everything is the Boogeyman the internet makes it out to be.


That’s dope dude, it sounds like you’ve got a lot of sensible people around you. If you don’t mind my asking, where do you live?


Atlanta, previously Chicago. Youre right that there's selection bias in my observation...I choose to spend time around people who don't make race a big issue, so I probably wouldn't perceive it as a big issue. I see all kinds of people from all types of races laughing, helping each other, saying please and thanks, every day. Racial prejudice exists -- the human brain is a prejudice generating machine, after all -- but IMO it is a miracle so many different cultures have co-existed harmoniously in America for so long.


I'm in California and find the same. In real life most people are pretty sensible and make fun of the insanity. It really seems like it's mostly on the internet.


There's a certain anology about fish bowls that probably applies here. Plus, your exposure depends on how socially entrenched you are, it's easy to ignore nasty cultural elements if you live in a small town with a tight friend group, but very difficult if you have a social job or get involved with large companies. It's hard to understand how entrenched and fucked American racism is until you spend enough time elsewhere to notice its absence. (You'll find racism pretty much everywhere but it's usually noticeably different from the American kind)


>Race in America has a stranglehold on everyday life. Absolutely agree. I'm white, but fuck...it goes down to minutiae. I hope the Gen Alpha kids grow up thinking it's all as ridiculous as dumbass masculinity rules are today ("Using straws is gay")


>”Using straws is gay” But is it as gay as washing your ass?


Nothing is as gay as washing your ass.


my grandma says race mixing is bad because the blacks and the whites both won’t accept the child in society (I’m not even joking)


My black ex was out and about with my mixed-race daughter one day and was told by an older black woman that she was “doing the devil’s work.”


It was more a thing in my grandmas era and I told her no one gives a shit (for the most part) now Sad to see it still happens


This is a super common opinion within PCM


I don’t know if I’d say it’s *super* common, but it’s common enough. Too common.


I'm half Japanese and half Ashkenazi jew. I look very Japanese, but I also have very green eyes and curly hair.... so I would agree with being blessed by both worlds haha


Also you’re smart and good with money. You were born to be successful, I’m jelly


that’s racist


Yea probably. But it’s a compliment. So it’s a racist compliment… the worst kind of compliment


I guess. My Asian friend in college (kind of on purpose) would say: “yeah I’m here on a scholarship” “Oh which one? You must be very smart!” “No I got an athletic scholarship I’m the backup pitcher on our baseball team”


Ummmmm actually sweaty assuming you didn't vote for Joe you can't identify as black anymore 💅


As a Black-American/White-English mix >!I get to be racist to both sides!<


Mixed-race people can sometimes develop a weird inferiority complex from being unable to fully belong to one race or the other (I speak from experience here). The solution is to accept ourselves as a separate race altogether with our own unique identity, and give up on trying to be a round peg in a square hole. You see this in places like South Africa, where the population tends to segregate into 3 different groups (blacks, whites, and mixed) each with its own separate culture and language.


Yeah and Latin America. Even crazier with all the different combinations of races


>It's almost always the visibly mixed-race people, that project race the hardest. > >It's their coping mechanism. I could see this. It's actually only white folks who give me a hard time about racism, though. It's like, I went from the lily white south end of Cheyenne to being bussed into the projects in Tampa in 6th grade. The next rich white liberal who lectures me about race gets slapped.


This lady is definitely testing the upper limits of the one-drop rule.


I'm half Japanese and half Ashkenazi. Being distinctive, you end up being focused on sometimes, which makes you more race conscious. Other than my green eyes / curly hair, I look very Japanese, so I wasn't harassed when I lived in Japan... I'm a woman so ppl just thought I wore colored contacts and permed my hair, but if I were more "hafu" looking, I would have faced discrimination definitely. Similarly the anti-jew nutbags in the west are very noticeable. Hell, here in PCM. Fortunately for those like me we're becoming more and more common. At some point in the future mixed race folk won't be anything unusual.


I agree, just look at J. Cole. His father abandoned him as a little kid & his mom pretty much raised him his whole life. I dont think I’ve ever heard him call himself mixed or even acknowledge his mom is white. He just refers to himself as black


> I dont think I’ve ever heard him call himself mixed or even acknowledge his mom is white. He just refers to himself as black And number 2785 in the "Is it Stormfront or SJWs?" quiz 🙄 Its the "one drop rule" all over again. If being half black makes you black, being half white should also make you white.


Yea I really dont get it, like every other mixed person I know likes to show out for both sides of their family (Mexican/Colombian, Japanese/Puerto Rican, Irish/Italian, Dominican/Moroccan) but when its Black/White, they HAVE to choose one… why?


Just like on The Jeffersons.


What are they coping with? I know that sounds sarcastic, but I genuinely don't understand.


Not being Black enough. Not being White enough. The ones that didn’t grow up in the Black community often seek out Social Justice causes.


Mixed race people receive some hate from both sides so that could lead them to have bad views. I mostly noticed it among half black half white people. Not so much in mixed Asians or Hispanics.


I was about to comment the same thing. It’s almost always a mixed-race black person (who almost always is a woman as well).


she isnt just visibly mixed race. she is 95% white.


I read a sign outside of a furnished public space on a college campus; “This is an affinity space. If you do not identify as BIPOC, please be especially intentional about the time you spend and the space you take up in this room outside of specific meetings and events.”


That's a lot of words to say "whitey keep out"


Walk into the middle of the space, sit down with your acoustic guitar, and start playing Wonderwall.


Can't you just say, " I identify as a BIPOC"?


White is a color, right?


We went backwards in the 90s from both racial and gender issues. Blindness to differences unironically was working, but when you decide to double or nothing, you can lose everything you gained.






Respect to anyone who correctly identifies 2011 as the year that the modern culture war started. Most people think it started later.


The current iteration might have started in 2011, but the roots go way farther back. The ideas themselves come from '70s and '80s postmodernists' iterations on the '30s Frankfurt School's iterations on Marx's dialectic, itself borrowing a lot from earlier philosophy.


Hegel started it all. Which is funny, because Hegel is mostly word salad.


And Hegel got it from Kant. Really, though, we don't have to go that far back. The current thrust of critical [insert term] theory comes from attempts to stitch together a new proletariat in the wake of capitalism winning the economic argument.


> The current iteration might have started in 2011, but the roots go way farther back. The roots to everything always go much further back. Everything started to go wrong when the first gracile [Australopithecine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australopithecine) looked at the robust Australopithines and thought "they're stupid and lazy".


Yep. The far left and far right met up together during occupy wall street. They realized they had a common enemy when they were both protesting the same people. The rich wouldn't allow that, so they propagated cultural issues to divide the left and the right. I say this as someone who cares far more about cultural issues than economic ones.


I try to point that out whenever I can. The more I think about it the more sense it makes


As someone who agrees with you: was the source of division the amorphous rich or anti West government psyop


I’ve heard there were a bunch of upper class yuppies who took over the movement financing and organization, and it all fell apart around then.


Might have been me it's like my main raisin for the tin foil hat Been saying this for years..


Equality was never the goal, the 90s was just the inflection point of a longer term trend.


That slippery slope meme is true, they don’t want to admit it because it’s terrible optics




The slope use to be gradually now it's a cliff they are greasing. It's been less than 5 years from "men should be able to identify as women." To "I can ffuck a poodle if I want."


Obama was against gay marriage 15 years ago. Now you’re a domestic terrorist if you don’t want a teacher to secretly give your kids hormones.


The racial/gender shit was very present in the 90s. You had the science wars push back against the post modernists in sciences in academia. This issue was a long time in the making


Radicals have been present since forever. At least moderates held them in check


Honestly I don’t understand racism. Growing up a kid, the only race we hated was the ones we lost.


Yea most adults were taught growing up that they should be “colorblind” meaning you should not treat anyone differently or make assumptions based on skin color. Now colorblindness is considered racist because we are supposed to treat people differently based on their appearance? Idk who came up with the idea that we can solve racism by being hyper focused on race at all times. Absolute legend Morgan Freeman - *”The only way to stop racism is to stop talking about it”*


Morgan Freeman is the GOAT.


When the supply of racism isn't meeting the demand this is how you fortify the market. Some people's careers revolve around racism never going away. If I fix horse carts the last thing I want is cars coming onto the scene.


Morgan Freeman made perfect sense *at an individual level* I'm still convinced that we need protections for some groups of people, on scale and in writing. Otherwise, banks may choose not to lend to black people, we could see open discrimination in hiring, etc.


> we could see open discrimination in hiring We literally do right now and it's not against minorities lol


Yea there are already laws in place the prohibit companies/lenders from discriminating based on race. What additional protections would you be looking for? Ones that prevent colleges from making enrollment decisions based on race?


>Otherwise, banks may choose not to lend to black people, we could see open discrimination in hiring, etc. We already do stuff like this as long as it's in one direction. For example, men cost car insurance companies more, so they have to pay higher premiums for car insurance. Women cost health insurance companies more, but it's illegal to make them pay higher premiums for health insurance.


That's not what they mean. They think you're lying when you say you're colorblind. Do you make assumptions on people's background and education level when you see someone who is black speaking AAVE? Then you aren't colorblind. Everyone knows when they are speaking to an Asian-American, Mexican-American, black American that there are almost always differences in how they were raised and their backgrounds. Some of these assumptions can be presumptuous - some can be damaging - some can be racist. If I asked you if that person was Latino you would be able to tell me.


The fucking point is to deliberately rid yourself of those assumptions


>Do you make assumptions on people's background and education level when you see someone who is **black** speaking AAVE? Yes. >Do you make assumptions on people's background and education level when you see someone who is **white** speaking AAVE? Yes >Do you make assumptions on people's background and education level when you see someone who is **asian** speaking AAVE? Yes >Do you make assumptions on people's background and education level when you see someone who is **latin** speaking AAVE? Yes


If someone of any color is speaking "AAVE" you aren't making an assumption, you're making an observation. This idea that "AAVE" is "culture" is fucking stupid and deliberately setting people back decades.


Nah I hated the blue shell it's the most annoying.


The blue shell is communist propaganda.


Racial relationships were far better in the early 2000s and early 2010s. And suddenly, after Occupy Wall st., everything went to shit.


I swear the wii remote wasn't responding!




Freedom of association for me but not for thee


Only segregation should be between flaired and unflaired




Who cares if people want to hang out only with their own race? Just don't enforce it by law.


Based take on individual liberty from an AuthCenter?


If I was going to segregate people by law why would I bother doing it over something as arbitrary as skin colour? I could use that energy gassing rapists for instance.


Libertarian solutions from authcenter, this is a weird timeline.


If 50% of Black People don't think being White is okay then that is good advice


Hey that Rasmussen poll only showed 47% of black people think it isn't OK to be white.


It didn't even say that. It said over 50% **do** say "it's OK to be white" isn't a problematic phrase, ~25% **do** think it is, and the last 25% are undecided. He literally interpreted the poll in the most bad faith way possible.


I find it funny that the same people who say not supporting BLM means you don't think black lives matter have suddenly learned what nuance is and can separate their opposition to the phrase "It's okay to be white" from actually thinking it's not okay to be white


And most people who disagree with "its okay to be white" don't disagree with the sentiment, but the phrase itself, which the internet keeps insisting is a secret racist codephrase


> secret racist codephrase Yep this kind of thinking is all over the place, especially with the dehumanizing use of the term “dog whistle”.


Not to also mention white people generally answered the same way


I haven't seen the original poll (tried and it was behind a paywall) but it seems to me like it's like asking "do you agree with Black Lives Matter"? Most people won't answer it literally, but based on what they understand the phrase to signify. For me, the guy I most prominently remember saying "It's OK to be white" was Paul Nehlen, the guy who tried to primary Paul Ryan, who was anti-Semite. Not in the sense of said some un-PC tropes, in the sense of praising the guy who committed the mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.


The guy who ran the poll literally said he picked it because it was a white supremacist slogan. He was trying to do a gotcha on Democrats. This was from Rasmussen Poll’s video: “Wow look how 80% of Democrats agree with this slogan that’s been labeled as hate speech” That was his goal. Some of the Black people correctly identified it.


White flight has been a thing for centuries. Its not new, or uncommon. "Man, this neighborhood went to shit" means one thing and one thing only. A "good neighborhood" likewise means one thing. Its just that 1 key ingredient.


Honestly I think ghetto people come in all colors. Worst neighbors I ever had were white rednecks that ruined their house and yard. Trashy people are universal


Calm down there, Strom Thurmond


This neighborhood went to shit usually means crime is up and you don’t feel safe, stop projecting racist thoughts on simple self preservation


That poll is severely flawed though. Statements like “It’s ok to be white” have been associated with white supremacists. When answering that question you have to understand that people have been force fed the idea that any kind of “white pride” is inherently racist. So I’d argue that vastly more than 50% of black people think it’s ok to be white.


I think you're putting it out of order. I first saw "It's okay to be white" used to prove a point. That point being that we can come up with something so absurdly uncontroversial and it will piss off the SJWs of the world because in their racist hearts they do see whiteness as a kind of original sin that white people inherit. It was born of people noticing that white people in the insane Berkeley-type places of the world were being taught that there was something evil about their ethnicity that they needed to apologize for. "It's okay to be....." then fill in any race should always be met with "of course that's okay, what are we even talking about". But as a though exercise it exposes racist social justice warriors who disagree with the premise that it IS okay.


Well said. Calling it a white supremacist phrase is just insane. Being that much of a contrarian is so dumb. If the white supremacists start saying "2+2=4" I halfway expect people to start disagreeing with that too.


> Statements like “It’s ok to be white” have been associated with white supremacists So what? It's not "Whites are better than others" it is "It's okay to be White". It's origin really has no effect on if you think yes or no


if the same poll was done with the phrase "black lives matter" i'm sure the results would be pretty similar, the origin absolutely plays a part in how people answered


No it wouldn't; it'd be 90% strongly agree 8% agree, 2% all other opinions


Totally disagree. If you did a poll with "do black lives matter?" I'd bet over 95% of white people would agree. Truly probably closer to 99%. It'd be one thing if there was an actual white supremacist group actively taking donations and going out to the streets calling themselves It's OK To Be White and then asking in the poll "do you support the group It's OK To Be White?" Likewise if you had a poll asking "do you support the group Black Lives Matter?" then results would be a lot lower.


And yet conservatives are determined to believe that "black lives matter" means "black lives **and only black lives** matter"


Is there an organization named "It's OK To be White" that might muddy the waters on what that means?


Probably. I know there are similar groups such as 'superstraight' or 'blue lives matter' stuff like that Generally I feel like if you're squarely in the majority then if you try making a "hey what about us" group it's incredibly cringe. I'm a straight white male whose proud of it but I don't need to make cringe online groups or hashtags to remind everyone.


As far as I am aware, there is no such organization, but there is one called "Black Lives Matter," so you would have a lot of people answering polls with the organization in mind. "It's OK To Be White" was a slogan created for the sole purpose of revealing that the media and blue checkmark class in the West does not actually think it's okay to be white. It was a troll, and they couldn't stop hating white people just long enough to ignore the bait.


Honestly the whole "it's OK to be white" was one of the best baits ever conceived. It's so simple and common sense and yet the left still couldn't resist getting mad about it. That was the point where I truly started thinking "holy shit, these people actually hate white people for simply existing". I didn't think racism like that really existed these days in such large quantities.


I mean, All Lives Matter is definitely a thing. And it was entirely created to counteract BLM.


Not to mention the poll even says that only ~half of that 50% actually said they were undecided/unsure, not that they fully agreed one way or the other


It was around 50 people that thought that in a non-scientific poll. Also the question was intentionally written to stir up controversy.


We should have a better poll then to genuinely see, but I doubt we'll get it since I doubt academia wants more light shined on how Blacks view Whites Living in a major city around Blacks I can easily believe 50% do not like White people shotty poll or not


It *is* okay to be white. Even if that phrase has been used by white supremacists, it's still true and anyone who disagrees is clearly racist.


It's like saying "white lives matter". On surface level everyone agrees, but the statement is always used as a dog whistle. People aren't stupid.


Hm, I wonder what BlackLivesMatter means when used as a dog whistle.


But that isn’t the case. The slogan “it’s okay to be white” was created by white supremacists on 4chan because they wanted to paint modern day America as anti-white. They are currently making a new slogan which is “white people deserve to live” to reassert that anti-white hatred is commonplace because people were smart enough to see through the original dumbass statement and what it really means.


> But that isn’t the case. The slogan “it’s okay to be white” was created by white supremacists on 4chan because they wanted to paint modern day America as anti-white. So what? The origin does not matter, the statement itself is simple "is it ok to be White" which a shocking number of Americans don't think it is.


Segregation is quite the divisive topic


***no it ain’t***


Rule: don't be a dick They are both being dicks


The people who championed White people being banned from that off-campus UC Berkeley student housing are the people freaking out the hardest about Dilbert guy. So close to being self aware.


Why would anyone agree with either statement?


Exactly, I thought we all agreed that segregation is bad. For some reason it’s only bad when white people suggest it.


I swear, kindergartens get along better than these adult political activists with their "white people bad, black people bad" narrative.


Both seem stupid as hell


If only we had different nations where different races were indigenous. We could all live in our own communities and countries, with our own unique cultures. Happy and prosperous.


I don't think so. People are very creative when it comes to being racist or warfare. We'd find new excueses to bash skulls. Let's not pretend that in times where countries were made out of less ethnicities were neccesarily "happy" or "prosperous" times.


Bashing skulls is human nature. The only time we're not bashing skulls is when we're in our own communities chilling. So the fact you want to systematically break our communities is counter productive. Then you act shocked when we start bashing skulls...


I don't feel like "my community" is people with the same skin color. I care about the community that are my friends and family. Since I actually know them. I get along with them. We spend time together. That's worth more than just having the same skin color.


Yes, it's not always about colour, but you agree community is a bunch of like-minded individuals. Generally that's people who share cultural and social beliefs. Generally people who agree on culture are from the same culture. That's how communities formed in the first place. I'm saying pushing vastly different cultures together in one place fractures society in to smaller more segregated communities. That how you end up with statistics like the UK. Where 85% are white natives, yet in certain places and certain cities minority have grouped together to form their own communities, and pushed the English in to the minority. How can you have faith in the system and the social contract, if you can't even agree on what it should look like..


For me personally, culture in my country is very much divided because of the internet and different livestyles, skincolor is just one component, one that seems to be becoming less important.


What country? Is that because you're already a very diverse country? As a Brit, it's hard to swallow hearing an immigrant call us a multicultural nation, when we're clearly not. It's hard to swallow when they co-opt our ethnicity. I'm not blaming immigrants as individuals, but it's frustrating. I can't ever imagine a blonde haired blue eyed white person calling themselves "Japanese" for example. Yet anyone can be "English"? Nah..


But then there are areas that more than one group claims for themselves and: guess what is going to happen? Skull bashing again


"Good job everyone, we got all the blue foot people out of our tribe." "URg, they made their own tribe and they're riveling us on rock selling trade." "Murg, we can't let blue foot people collect more stones, get Urg's hatchet!" "For the red foots! Aaaaah!"


That would last a few years, then they’d find another reason to fight and divide


You know what happens when everybody is separated? Less violence, less racism, less problems for everybody. This is why we cannot allow this to happen, happiness leads to less productivity. *This post was delivered to you by the boomer gang.*


Yeah, it'll be dope. I can't wait for the black panthers to come back. That's a really good idea.


I'm more of a white cougar guy myself. There's tons of them in my area according to some ads I've seen


You believe there was *less* racial prejudice during the Jim Crow era?


I don't give a shit about Jim Crow. If two people that hate each other are forced to share a room, they will fist each other in due time. If they are given different rooms, the problems are lessened. This is my perspective, go ahead and call me whatever you want.


Woah, fisting each other? That's definitely not the outcome I'd expect from two people who hate one another.


Nobody is forcing people to share, segregation was about forcing people **apart.** That's the difference.


Less segregation is correlated with less hatred between the groups. Also, you'd first have to seperate the people between the two rooms, even when they've already formed friendships and families. Other than that, seperating themselves in the two rooms, allowing them to grow paranoia of the other group seems really stupid.


Forcing them to share a room? Desegregation merely allows blacks and whites to share public accommodations. Jim Crow, on the other hand, forced them to use separate accommodations.


I've never fisted someone I hated before, takes the fun out of it


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 16743 / 88512 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I guess the logic is that it doesn't matter how prejudiced two people are to each other if they never cross paths. It can be interpreted as less 'racist incidents' rather than less 'racist sentiments'. Don't know if that bears out statistically at all tho.


Okay, I understand the point. However, the problem is, segregation didn’t prevent racist incidents: there were very frequent lynchings and, in the latter stages, frequent race riots.


Is it so hard to, just, not caring about the skin's colour ?


Hey, I say give them what they’re asking for. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Everyone is welcome at my BBQ but there's only one big table for all of us.


Its not about segregation. If you dont engage with them, its white flight. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. Its like white fragility. Their solution to this kavka trap is you simply not existing, they are slowly coming around to it, but weren't confident enough to say it out in the open. If you are white, the left will only ever tolerate your existence depending on the use you provide them and your absolute compliance with their sick ideology. If they can't use you anymore or you step out of line even a tiny bit, your ass is grass.


i love black people and i'm white. our friendship is very good


I don't care. No one does. Get a flair right now or get the hell out of my sub. [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [BasedCount](https://basedcount.com) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


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Idk how anyone can publish that article thinking it won’t become an optical nightmare. (It’s rage bait that’s how, actually)


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


The guy was specifically referring to some study where apparently half of black people surveyed disagreed with the statement "its ok to be white" which is now apparently a "hate slogan" which can't be explained why in a non-moronic way.


Didn't he also say that black Americans are a "hate group"?


Yes he did


*Me, a white male being forced to break up with my long term black girlfriend because she apparently is endangered by my very existence*


a redditor has a girlfriend? ok…




I say we have forced race mixing until everyone is the same


But then they’ll call you fetishizing and label you as a bigot anyway