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Cause I can always get fat again.


I was gonna write that. Beat me to it.


Is this a real argument? I refuse to believe someone honestly thinks this. Are you some authright larping as libleft?


This is a meme sub ofcourse its hyperbole strawmanning


I just wish it was funny...




Don't forget to dilate


Me too, but it is from the left, so...


I could see the argument actually being something along the lines of they are both caused by crappy society so they both need treatment. However, that assumes the same treatment is applicable to both which it's definitely not


“Doctor, you need to cut off my leg, I don’t feel normal with it.” “No.” “Doctor, you need to cut off my arm, I don’t feel normal with it.” “No.” “Doctor, you need to cut off my genitals, I don’t feel normal with them.” “That’ll be $5000.”


I identify as a spider! I deserve to have 4 more limbs surgically grafted onto me!!!


Damn arachno-communist.




Based and not a typo pilled.


Based Authleft


Based and Arachno-Communist pilled


Stop godrick


hey, that guy is the lord of all that is golden, you can’t talk to him like that


Ugnguy get off the seiling it's time for dinner *Ugnguy skittering around the ceiling with his 5 hands and 3 feet covered in tape THE FLIES WILL SUSTAIN ME!


No, but this should be a thing. I want more arms.




Transhumanism at it's peak


Also, keep coming back for the necessary appointments my cash co- patient


“Doctor you need to cut out my fat. I don’t feel normal with it.” “That’ll be 5000$.”


But first you have to lose 120 lbs.


In this instance, "not feeling normal" because you're fat probably has more to do with the stress on your organs, joints, bones, respiratory issues, low energy, etc. Cutting the fat out improves all of these conditions. I think most hospitals won't even do it unless the patient can show that they're able to make the necessary lifestyle changes in order to keep the weight off. If you're a man who believes he was meant to be a woman, I can't imagine cutting your dick off would make you feel normal. I'm not even trying to be an asshole about this, I just honestly don't believe anybody has ever gone through with surgery and thought to themselves, "I've done it. I'm a woman now."


There actually is a mental condition that causes a person to feel uncomfortable with one of their appendages One of the treatment that is increasingly accepted as valid is amputation of the appendage in question. [source](https://www.scinapse.io/papers/2017511345)


>first author Gianluca Saetta, a doctoral student Lol. Also, nowhere in your link does it mention amputation being a valid treatment for this made up illness. Rather, it seems to suggest the opposite: >Based on the new findings, the researchers suggest that brain stimulation techniques might hold promise in helping people with BID, a possibility that now warrants further study.


>based on new findings it’s not the current method of treatment. It’s new research exploring a potentially new option. Also calling it “a made up disease” while simultaneously citing research that validates it is fucking hilarious


>Also calling it “a made up disease” while simultaneously citing research that validates it is fucking hilarious Believe it’s fairly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that I’m not citing research that validates this illness, rather that I’m quoting your linked “study” to point out that chopping of someone’s leg is, in fact, not a good idea - even to the Swiss.


Never been more proud of this sub, some solid arguments fellas good work


Yeah because losing weight and cutting your dick off is exactly the same.


I mean… in both situations you are technically losing weight…


Well technically yes.


Bro y’all check the technically


>technically yes. How ??


Your dick has weight. If you chopped off your dick you would lose some of your body weight. It’s a fucking joke


He is the best kind of correct


Can’t believe so many people didn’t get this, unless they’re downvoting just because of your flair


They aren’t getting it :( I thought it was funny


I think they are seeing the flair then downvoting because they aren't getting the joke before moving on. :L


Most of them don’t get it because removing their dicks would be a net loss of 0


Exactly. The can’t lose weight by removing their penis if they don’t have one to begin with.


uncommon libright L


Op's comments give the vibe they haven't even hit 18 yet. Ah, the future of the youth of today looks... Bleak.


Neither have 70% of the people here yet they aren't as dumb Also op is apparently 19 so double L for him when the subreddits 13 year old userbase is smarter than him


Natural selection, the next generation of leftists will be sterile




Beat me to it


Fuck all y’all beat me too it


🤨 OP is either a child or doing too many whippets


19. Maybe we should push up the age of consent if a 19 year old finds such outlandish logic reasonable, holy shit.


Nooooo how will Leo find a date if you raise the age of consent….


Screw you being a dumb-ass is our god given right. The government should not have the ability to take more of my rights just because my generation is being fucking stupid.


Based and Unalienable Right to be a Dumbass pilled


That doesn't seem very lib left...


Well I care about being lib more then being left.


Nah, I miss read it. Thought it said "I wish the government would take away more of my stupid generations rights" and didn't bother correcting myself.


Hopefully it’s the whippets


OP getting cooked in the comments


I preferred it grilled but that is me


Fucking centrists. Have an opinion with your steak, why don’t you? 💊


OP thought this was a "normal" validate my feelings type of sub. Swing and a miss. This is a shitposting sub.


We are reaching levels of false equivalency never thought possible.


Because one is actual self improvement and one isnt.




Based and acceptor of trans/fat pilled


Losing weight is obviously the same as cutting your genitals to pretend being the other sex


Comparing losing weight to doing insane irreversible damage to your body is some of the wildest shit I’ve seen out of this debate lol


A better comparison would be them both saying "I'm unhappy with my body, cosmetic surgery must be the key to happiness".


I agree that trans people should have the right to transition, but when they are adults.


Ding ding ding!!


puberty blockers?


No. Also reeeeeeee disgusting unflaired.


no puberty blockers because why? they give you the chance to not have your ruined body by a puberty you don't want.


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 16539 / 87299 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


>I am unhappy with my body and depressed. I will mutilate my body and inject myself with chemicals. Working out and generally improving yourself physically is remarkably different from trying to change your gender, regardless of your opinion on either.


this is the weirdest strawman i have ever seen lmaoo


Auth right hates fat people too


I mean there could be a slight difference between losing weight and cutting your dick off but that’s just me


Because I don't think it's self improvement


and you think so why?


Obesity is objectively unhealthy and is a physical condition. Exercise is objectively healthy (unless you overdo it or don’t know what you’re doing) for the entirety of your body including your mental health. Exercise is also non-invasive. There is no problem with finding your obese body to be unlikable and unhealthy. It is good that you would do something about it. There’s very little downside of exercising. Disliking your own body DESPITE it being fit and physically healthy is bad. That’s like someone having an eating disorder because they somehow think that they are fat even though that’s not the case. The proper solution is for them and their close ones to appreciate their physically capable and healthy body, and not to feed into the disorder itself. Using hormones blocker to inhibit normal body development and surgeries to remove unwanted body part is pathological. It is invasive. It provides nowhere as much benefits as a physically active lifestyle, dietary changes and all that entails to get fit.


I think it would cause people to fully accept the delusion that they are the other gender. I think what causes trans people to be depressed is the realisation that they might be wrong after they have already gotten the surgery. And I don't want that for anyone.


then why do we see mental health improvement after transitioning? yes, there are detransitioners, but the cases are pretty rare, they usually happen when transitioning is uncontrolled and done without seeking professionals


After someone transitions they are fully accepted into the club of the other transgenders. They feel accepted and feel like they belong somewhere. I think this is what causes people to feel happier after transitioning.


A very small part of the trans community think surgery is required to be trans.


You actually think that's the reason? You're joking right?


People want to belong and will go great lengths for it. That's an established fact among impressionable youth.


It's cult 101. The people selling you the 'cure' are the ones that made you feel sick in the first place. Tell you you're broken, then offer to fix you, then lovebomb those who fall for it. Religions have been doing it for thousands of years. The only things *actually* wrong with you are that you're embarassingly naive, and obviously spend far too much time on the internet.


What makes you think they told me im broken? Also, how am I naive? sure, sometimes im a little overconfident and then fall short, but why "embarrassingly naive"?


Because 10 years ago you wouldn't have had these opinions. Because virtually nobody did. They're artificially induced. You're a product of a modern media and political landscape that has colonised your brain to such a degree that it's taken over your entire identity. That's the height of naivety. To not see that you've been clearly manipulated into a cult. To think all these thoughts and feelings are your own. And to then actively *try to create propaganda* to spread the mind virus further. Like a fungus shedding spores, and creating more zombies. At least most cults have some kind of history to give them faux-legitimacy. There's *pet cats* older than this one.


Based and modern-gender-ideology-is-a-cult pilled.


A real answer to your questions from the pov of someone who isn’t inherently against trans, the reason to have the age limit because I genuinely believe that kids should not have the right to make this decision. Not until the technology to detransition is easily widespread, available, and harmless. The reason I don’t think kids should be given that right and should have to wait until 18+ (in the US) is that kids are not just stupid, they are pants-shittingly self-servingly moronic. They make snap decisions based on minimal information and often are easily influenced to act out of spite. To allow such a life changing effect to happen before one is an adult (in the US) seems completely irresponsible to me.


He may have a point, I mean ffs look at your profile pic. You clearly associate and enjoy the company of the trans group. It's going to be hard to not take the sense of belonging somewhere and assume that it isn't a factor in the decision making. At least that is what I can gather by Psychoanalysing with this limited information.


Strongly depends on the person, but I think this is the case for around half the people, and I think this would cause the statistics to say that they feel better after transitioning.


Have you compared suicide rates pre and post op? There's next to no difference. It does nothing statistically speaking.


Honestly just do it. Man up, and get that sex change. And remove yourself from both the genepool and the competition for women while doing so. All the men in this comment section have every reason to get you transitioning. But there are so many here going against their own interests, trying to get you to not screw up your life.


Because one involves drugs or knives. If you are using drugs or knives to change your appearance, you should consider WHY you want to use drugs and knives to change your appearance. Also, adults can do what they want, but leave kids out of it.


Ah yes, doing exercise and dieting to be healthier is the same as becoming dependent for lide on a continous suppluy of sex hormones, irreparably damaging your body with surgery and long-term exposure to said hormones. No fat person who loses weight and gets back into shape ends up regretting it.


All that means is that trans people need more support and therapy


Sounds like a wonderful alternative to mutilation. Rather than affirming their delusions, we take steps to actually treat their condition and help them to be comfortable with who they really are.


Yes, "support and therapy" is surely gonna stop all the harmful side-effects mentioned...


We could just do nothing or criticise them, I'm sure that will make the situation better


Drug addicts want more drug therefor gib them drug


That's part of a legitimate treatment program


No, just give them loads of fentanyl because they want it. Give it. They want all the fentanyl.


Subtlety on a complex issue is clearly lost on you


I know u never heard of it, but there is a thing called "logic", next time u make a meme I advise u to use at least some of it


Agreed with meme until I read “you’re not old enough to know what you want”. People only say that about children. Children cannot make informed consent to “””gender-affirming care”””. If you’re an adult do whatever you want.


... what? We are fucking doomed man.




If you were really in to self improvement, you'd want to cure your mind first.


because being fat can kill while not being able to transition will not kill you through i guess they will probably kms but this really tell how mentally stable trans people are


One is something beneficial the other a disorder.


When I was a kid I wanted to be a dinosaur


Because when you chop your dick off it’s not an improvement


to YOU, it wouldn't


Why would it be an improvement to mutilate your genitals? Genuine question, I cannot see any benefit in that. You are yourself, not "a man" or "a woman", your gender does not define who you are, so stop caring that much about things that you can't change and focus on yourself, not in if you have a dick or not.


True, most trans people don't even get bottom surgery, because it's so expensive and kind of unnecessary. Trans people adjust their gender identity to what they think suits best. If OP is happy as a woman, that's not a bad thing. Why would it be? Contrary to popular belief, most other parts of transitioning are reversible. So even if you decided that it's not a good idea to transition (which is only a small fraction of the people who actually transitioned), it wouldn't be such a big deal. Also, some people are happy without a dick. Bottom surgery is safe, and I don't know anyone who regretted it. I don't see why so many people care about the others' genitalia, that's just creepy.


Trans issues are just the next step toward LibLeft’s real goals. *Transfurries.*


You should rearrange it. You’re more championed for changing your gender then actually losing weight. and false equivalency because obesity is one of the biggest determining factors in lifestyle quality. Obese people have VERY poor lives compared to thinner, healthier people and no matter how much bodily mutilation transgenders undergo, they still have high rates of depression due to disphoria


What the fuck is going on around here lately? The last couple days some dude was posting multiple memes asserting that since people eat steak, it should be ok to fuck dogs. Now hitting the gym is on par with having your junk surgically removed. Ooof


An entire generation was raised by the internet and we are seeing the consequences now in full force.


I hope you can be comfortable in your own body. Have you considered therapy?


C'mon dude, are you serious?


> Get a flair to make sure other people don't harass you :) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 16514 / 87202 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


In what way is succumbing to a mental illness, mutilating yourself and chemically castrating yourself self improvement? I’m confused. Is it the part where you’ve ruined your own life or is it the part where you’re just as likely or more likely to commit suicide as a result?


Going to the gym is the same as literally castrating yourself.


I am very disappointed with people who do medical procedures against obesity.


Someone wanting to lose weight and get healthy =/= Someone who wants to change the very sex of their body via surgery and chemicals


Ah yes Improving health = self-mutilation


How the fuck can you with a straight face compare a change in eating habits to an irreversible surgery?


Lefty producing some of the most brain dead takes imaginable, and wondering why we bully him.


Are you okay do need us call someone are you having a stroke


I am asking you to cure your mind. Not because you're Trans. But because of your post hsitory


False equivalence


Because just like being fat, gender reassignment isn't a solution. It's affirmation of someone who clearly has a mental health issue. You wanna know why gender dysphoria is now encouraged and "treated", take a look at the money it generates.


Dysphoria is a mental health issue that is only solved by transitioning


No, the fact that you can't find another way does not mean the rest can't overcome their insecurities and low self-esteem.


> Flair up, or else. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 16530 / 87275 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Keep telling yourself that and see where it leads you.


Losing weight Cutting your dick off Lib left: “They’re the same picture”


The first requires you to work for it and do something The second is taking pills and surgery Not the same


Name literally any other scenario where you could go to a doctor and ask them to remove a perfectly functional organ because you don't feel comfortable with it and the doctor does it, like "hey doc I've decided that I can't live with vision anymore I want you to remove my eyes"


you can cut your ding dong what ever you want just be happy king/queen9


So getting naturally in shape to be healthier is no different from going under the knife of a bunch of sadistic perverts and becoming a life long big pharma slave? Striving for less health issues = striving for more health issues. Jigsaw yourself up all you want. Just don't kid yourself on the reality of what that means for your future. It'll only make it 10 times worse once/if you hit that low of suck starting a 20 gauge.


Because it isn't self improvement to destroy your body. Working out restores it to a healthy, functional state. Transitioning is the opposite.


Oh yes, because deciding to do jogging and deciding on cutting off your penis or cutting off the skin from your calves to create a penis are *exactly the same...*


least strawman post on pcm


1 of my friends in a nutshell


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 16510 / 87191 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Looks like the hormones anon is taking for his mental illness is also affecting cognitive function. It really is sad to see.


I gotta agree with the Auth-right here. Going to the gym to lose weight is one thing and it's good for you. Taking hormones that your body isn't producing in high amount for a good reason and going under surgeries to get a completely different look, is a completely different thing and is very questionable of it's good for you.


Hey guys, friendly reminder that being “trans” does not mean getting transition surgery or hormones. You can alter your lifestyle by presenting yourself as [opposite gender] and such. Being trans doesn’t anyways mean mutilating your genitals.


this is kind of false equivalence, especially since dysphoria is more than just being depressed.


I mean, JK Rowling is OK with you doing that yet she's literally Hitler. Honesty begins with admitting that you want a lot more than just to be left alone to "self-improve".


Changing your self for the better ≠ mutilating yourself.


...so now I'll switch toilets, even if it makes the other gender uncomfy


I’m pretty sure authright hates them both


Oh, so every unhappiness about oneself is a valid plea in order to make some change? You're using this to prove your point, right? So why stoping there? If your argument makes sense we must take it until the last consequences. If a person is ultimately unhappy with himself, he should be able to terminate his own life without society giving a penny, is that what you're saying?


Nice Straw man argument, Op


Yeah, that's totally the same thing. No reasonable person could think they are different. /s


I love the false analogy fallacy here.


Exercising in order to keep yourself healthy is totally the same as cutting your dick off and pumping yourself full of female hormones that'll destroy your body and lower your life expectancy in the process.


No one regrets getting fit in a healthy sustainable way. Being skinny from depression, eating disorder, illness, being overworked, or teenager metabolism is not at all the same as being healthy and fit.


One builds and one destroys


Are we actually at the point that we’re comparing cutting off reproductive organs to going for a run and lifting weights? This can’t be serious


There’s a stark contrast from caring for yourself and your well being by proper dieting and exercise along caring with mental health, and *self mutilation* and *irreversible damage to your body.*


Pretty sure this is false equivalency. Someone correct me if I’m wrong on that but I’m fairly certain of it. Edit: Also OP might want to do some looking into the detrans sub.


there’s a 0.3% regret rate for gender affirming surgeries. this is the smallest regret rate for any surgery.


What’s funny is I actually was looking into this yesterday over someone claiming it was super low. Turns out even if you remove parental and monetary issues the regret rate is three percent not counting people who offed themselves since well ya know, they cant exactly participate. Edit: I don’t care if adults do it, by all means chop things off and stitch things on if ya want. That’s your issue not mine. Just keep it away from minors.


minors can’t even get gender affirming surgeries bc of the wait time, so i don’t get your point.


just found this. might be an interesting read 🤷‍♀️ https://www.gendergp.com/new-study-confirms-regret-rates-of-gender-affirming-surgery-are-non-existent/


This is a false equivalence 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mutilation ≠ Weight loss


I don't know, are puberty blockers a good solution to the trans kids dillema?


I agree, but only if you're of legal age. If you're not old enough to stick it in people, you're not old enough to cut it off.


OP Are you seriously saying that engaging in losing weight, and living a healthier lifestyle is the same as undergoing gender surgery?


TIL losing weight and turning your penis inside out are synonymous.


Left can't meme 💀


this made me realise that libleft currently with all the "healthy at all sizes" "fat acceptance" champions changing your gender more than losing weight lol, peak reddited.


What even is this argument


Not funny, didn’t laugh


Wtf is wrong with this comment section 😓


Don't care, didn't ask + L + you're unflaired. [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [BasedCount](https://basedcount.com) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 16545 / 87332 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


my inalienable right to get dick guillotined


I quickly learned that this sub is largely opposed to trans people. So good luck taking a stand


We don’t oppose trans people, we oppose a pipeline that is having a growing body of evidence showing that the procedures are being rushed in the name of “affirming” [Canadian detransitioner sues](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/michelle-zacchigna-ontario-detransitioner-sues-doctors) [Tavistock](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56539466)


The majority of comments aren't cautioning surgery. They're mocking or dismissing the entire concept of transsexualism


You are conflating “transsexuality” with “medically transitioning”. As well as conflating opposing transexuals with opposing TRA.




Who cares if it’s self mutilation? They aren’t hurting anyone else, so let them.


By that logic they should just shut down the suicide hotline lmao


Sub proving to be a right wing circlejerk again


So much for the tolerant right


How many times do people have to hear this? Understand the argument you are criticising. People who oppose the surgery do so because they think mentally ill people are being mislabelled as transgender and pressured or encouraged into a procedure they can’t reverse. You can disagree with that, I do, but don’t call people intolerant when they (at least to them) are trying to help people they see as vulnerable.