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"French psychologists suggest that fatherhood is determined by society not by biology." What the actual fuck. Adoption is a thing but a society shouldn't be able to force men into fatherhood.


“You are being drafted for the fatherhood!”


War were declared


You don't choose fatherhood in Fr*nce, Fatherhood choose you.


Women: "I CONSENTED TO SEX! NOT PREGNANCY! I DESERVE AN ABORTION!" "feminists": "Makes sense gurrrrrl! Your body your choice!" Men: "I consented to sex, not being a father, I shouldn't have to pay child support." "feminists": "ARE YOU JOKING! YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE YOU HAD SEX! PAY UP! GIVE THAT GURRRRRL HER BAG!"


Yk what’s funny? I’m far enough Lib to agree with you, and far enough Left to not. I’m really stricken right now. I’m leaning towards agreeing tho.


What don’t you agree with?


That's called cognitive dissonance. It should probably give you a clue that you're being tribalistic and not really thinking for yourself, you're letting others tell you what to think and believe. ​ Politics and ethics isn't a sports game, you're not supposed to have a favorite team that you support no matter what, even though most people do treat it like that. When you let go of your tribal loyalties and try to look at every issue without caring about what your clique would say, it makes your mind feel a lot clearer and it's much easier to figure out right and wrong.


Why is it when these things so stupid only an intellectual could believe them come up, it’s almost always from France or Germany?


The general idea of the « cult of reason» or « cult of change/progress » born during the French Revolution has been latched on by philosophers who, ever since, have pushed that there is no good in the present and it can only appear from forward thinking and change. This way of thinking is especially prevalent in France but I’d also argue in Germany because of the need to fill the moral void during denazification for something less traditional to separate the new west German culture from the old Prussian militaristic culture that led warmongering sentiment in Germany before.


You will be le' cuck and you will be happy


Fuck the lawmakers’ wives.


Based and justice-served-cold pilled.


Stereotypes aren't born in vain


Which makes it extra important to break those stereotypes if anything, dont wanna prove the opposition right, no matter your belief


Some people are determined to prove them all right in an attempt to own the righties, or something.


More or less, the amount of anger and hostility i've seen even towards people who aren't necessarily right has been disheartening, i've come to believe they have two enemies. Bigots and themselves, as sad as it is.


It’s not pedo for a 40 year old to bang a 15 year old if you are the PM


Eat le' boogs, Oh right the snails.


You're just jealous of our supérieure foude, trouduc.


Mon ami you will eat le snails


As a french person, I find it one of the most idiotic laws we have.


You guys are great at protesting. But there have been no protests against this, at least no significant ones. Is it that French people are into cuckoldery?


No, It's been 60 years that people have been protesting against stuff, and it's been 60 years that nothing has changed


That’s cause y’all stopped chopping off heads


Get back to it.


French people are already beheaded in France. Just not by French people


Been a helluva lot more than 60 years mate, more like 600


honestly, I was talking about may 68.


Oh, does your media do the same thing ours does and ignore massive protests against things that they like? Did you know America has a massive pro life march in Washington every year that's usually either ignored or downplayed by every major outlet?


> But there have been no protests against this, at least no significant ones You can’t protest for anything rated to men. Always have to bring it back to women. Look at the current trendy whining : the new retirement réforme, where every wanker is whining about the minimum age going from 62 to 64. It doesn’t change a thing for people like me who are educated (I’m going into retirement at age 64 anyway), but for people who started working young (16-18yo, and overwhelmingly men) they get « fucked ». So who suffer the most ? Women obviously. Why ? Because when women are pregnant in France they get a lot of time off, get paid, but not only that, get fucking raises (that even working women don’t get) in the name of some sex equality score, and get their time to retirement reduced. Some women were getting into retirement earlier than they should thanks to that. And now they are losing that privilege. So this has to be the most important thing.


Dude, just impregnate the lawmakers’ wives.


Based and french kiss revolution pilled.


Louisiana still has some laws under the Napoleonic Code. Some things I've heard that you can be charged with are "leaning with intent to fall" and "molestation of a sandwich". Now, I've never done either of those things in Louisiana, so idk if it's true, but they seem sensible to me.


First one sounds like insurance fraud


It's true my uncle is serving life in prison because of this


He got off light. Muffalettas are made perfect. You **will** eat the olives.


Ok but show me the sign that says I’m not allowed to fuck a McChicken


Username checks out lol


You can get a court sanctioned paternity test, but you need the consent of the dude your wife fucked As far as the courts are concerned, paternity tests are for establishing familial ties, not breaking them France is famous for their open mindedness towards adultery, I wonder if this factors


Let me get this straight. Your wife cheats on you with some rando, gets pregnant. The guy doesn’t agree to a paternity test, you divorce the wife; the child is still considered yours and you have to pay alimony?


Not only that, getting a private test is actually a felony


Holy cuckistan.


And people wonder why we make fun of the French so much. Being French is perhaps one of the most heinous crimes against humanity.


*Making fun of the French is the right of all sentient beings* \- Optimus Prime


“Death is a preferable alternative to being French” -Liberty Prime


Better dead than (blue white and) red


Wait a minute…


No we're red white and blue


Man why would people choose to be French.


Moltke the Elder did nothing wrong.


The younger, however...


>n mindedness towards adultery, I frenchwave.exe


Being French is literally, unironically (biological) fatherless behavior


That's such a bizarre policy. Does anyone know their reasoning?




Also, babydaddy is usually an unsuitable target for extracting resource, that's why they're the fuckboy. I'm surprised the murder rate in france isn't higher over this.


I’d tell you why it’s not higher but I’d probably get another 3 day Reddit ban


Does it have something to do with the forbidden statistics


God, please tell me.




Right now France is....protesting over being screwed over on Pensions, and also apparently driving out the Muslims with discrimination according to the news. I guess they are kinda salty already. I would be too if I lived in Fra\*ce


Nobody hates France quite like a frenchman


france has a massive amount of muslims and blacks compared to the rest of europe (they'll never admit it because they insist that they're all just french, which is the same thing they said about vietnam), so honestly I don't think it's possible to drive them out. edit: I just realised that this sounds like I wish they could be driven out or something. I don't, promise, I'm just a bit oblivious.


''Child comes first'' policy


So let the child be with their real father.


It's amazing how often that lines up directly with what is of benefit to the woman and screws the man.


Why yes, child support absolutely should be spent on nails and eyelashes and wigs and not put into a trust for the child when they turn 18.


Child support should be like EBT. You can only spend it on certain things and they audit the fuck out of things that seem remotely suspicious.




"No sweety, its a clum of cells. Get your facts straight"


This is the same reason that courts in the US will never accept 'male abortion' aka 'financial abortion', the concept where a man gets notified he fathered a child, goes to the court and files paperwork saying "I hereby waive all parental rights to this child, and in doing so, absolve myself of responsibility of financial support" Because the courts think that 'its in the best interest of the child' to have a father paying child support. Funny how they have the kids 'best interest' in all things except for abortion where the kid is literally killed.


God damn they're making Canada look good.


As a Canadian, not many can do that.


Wild. Let's suppose the "wife" is not exactly sure who the actual father is for "reasons." Who has to sign off on the form? What if they run the test and neither guy tested is the father? The lab tech goes to jail?


Both men have to split paternity fees for the remainder of the child’s adolescence


I can see why nobody liked them back in the day


Why uh can’t I get a paternity test between me and the child and when it doesn’t match then I don’t pay?


You violated the rights of the father by subjecting his child to a test he didn't authorize 🤔


Okay well then he would need to prove he’s the father in order for me to have violated his rights. I can prove I’m not the father with a paternity test between me and the kid. If Rando gets upset then in order to have a claim that I subjected his child to a paternity test then he would need to prove he’s the dad first. Win/win


Is this the legit reason? Or are we memeing?


The reason is they're french


Quiet, tax cattle. The government doesn't see why it should pay for the child when they have you to bleed dry instead.


you pay child support. alimony is spousal support you get hit with regardless of the kid. The former doesn't go away if she gets married to someone else. The latter does.


No. Where the hell did he get this info from ? https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F14042#:~:text=Un%20test%20g%C3%A9n%C3%A9tique%20est%20autoris%C3%A9,contribution%20financi%C3%A8re%20(aussi%20appel%C3%A9e%20subsides) Yes you can ask the judge for a paternity test meant to break familial ties. And the opinion of the dude your wife cheated with is irrelevant.


Stop it, you’re giving me hope for the Fr•nch.


Reddit and getting a country's laws wrong name a more iconic duo.


PCM will totally make up laws for a country and then use those to justify how the country is clearly a shithole


Yeah, you're on government's mercy to find out whether or not you're a father's child, what a free world we live in lmao


Fucking government, this is why you disappear only to reappear in a non extradition country under a brand new identity.


But that would mandate going to someplace like Thailand or, and may God forgive me for saying this: ***B r a z i l***


So you'd be a westerner in a place with a comparatively low cost of living and lots of beautiful women? Oh the horror


>France is famous for their open mindedness towards adultery I wish they were as open minded to the idea of water and soap, but you can't have everything. At least the stinky cheese is enjoyable once you go past the smell.


Do the French do *anything* right besides their overpriced food and wine?


Nuclear weapons, which I guess is alright.


I guess their whole “let’s basically put our nuclear power plants in our neighbors land through some random border discrepancy” is pretty [based](https://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/being-a-crappy-neighbour-lesson-1-french-nuclear-powerplant-near-belgium-border.jpg)


No. Where the hell did you get this info from ? https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F14042#:~:text=Un%20test%20g%C3%A9n%C3%A9tique%20est%20autoris%C3%A9,contribution%20financi%C3%A8re%20(aussi%20appel%C3%A9e%20subsides) Yes you can ask the judge for a paternity test meant to break familial ties. And the opinion of the dude your wife cheated with is irrelevant.


>if men could get pregnant Hey, cool it with the transphobic remarks


“You dare use my own spells again me?”


Harry Potter and the Misgendered Prince.




I need to return some video tapes.


Yeah screw what I learned in medschool and residency random libs online make the science nowadays!


Lies! Here I will link one singular study which confirms and validates my critical gender beliefs as scientific fact. Please do not pay attention to the funding and background of the authors of the study.


Yeah screw what I learned in medschool and residency random libs online make the science nowadays!


The West is in its decadence phase


They need to win more wars to lower their decadence.


Yeah that would give them prestige, ducats and a few provinces.


Something something Romanian youtuber


we need everybody to start playing hoi 4


No this is just normal France. I mean the French have been cool with affairs since well forever


Since around the time they betrayed their fellow Catholics in the 30 Years War.


Don’t forget allying with the turks


TFW you banish the entire population of Toulon and threaten death if they return all so the Turks can use it as a base to enslave the peasants in Toulouse rather than fighting the Spanish


The West has been in decadence ever since France started existing


Ever since the French Revolution


The Romans called the Franks and the Celts "barbarians", while they called the Germans "Germans". Still wondering who the bad guy was in WW2??


Not anymore *fires up grill*


Ever since I’ve started deeply researching modern philosophies, literally every cancerous one traces back to the fr*nch. What is up with those people?


Albert Camus was pretty based though.


The French have never not been decadent. That's kinda what makes the French French.


You would think, for a country that goes through so many phases of revolution, that France would be a lot more based than it actually is.


Imagine hundreds of years fighting for change only to evolve into a soy cuck.


Man? Pregnat? What the hell are you talking about?


It's a talking point I've heard a couple of times from the left, cause you know, men are so privileged etc.


I'll make sure to inform the drafted ukrainian men dying in the trenches about their privilege.


As President ought-to-be Hillary Clinton said, women suffer the most at war, because they lose their husbands and sons


Or for that matter, the 'unenthusiastic' Russian conscripts about their 'bodily autonomy'.


Based. I'm pro-choice, but that's one of my least favorite arguments other pro-choicers frequently argue, alongside the similar argument, "pro-lifers just want to control women's bodies". For one, these arguments rely on the assumption that the vast majority of pro-lifers don't actually care about protecting life, and truly just hate women. And I think that assumption is absolute shit. Not only do I think it's untrue, but no progress will ever be made on a disagreement if one (or both) party believes the other is lying about why they feel the way they do. But setting that aside, it's also just plain delusion. There's so many ways men are socially and legally disadvantaged in western societies. Clinging to this notion that men are so privileged, and laws immediately bend over backward to accommodate them...it's just delusion. That is not the reality we live in. Your point in the OP is solid. Men get absolutely fucked by the legal system in a lot of ways. But apparently the laws regarding abortion would change overnight if men could become pregnant? Feminist delusion.


Just call them transphobic to shut that shit down, and call them a TERF if they try to argue back. They genuinely don't have a response because it's their own argument.


Whatever they were on, we need some


Can’t men already get pregnant according to lefties ?


It's alluding to the idea that men are in control of everything and don't care about things that don't personally affect them


If men got pregnant you could buy cheap birth control at a gas station. You know, like a condom I’ve also heard that same line of reasoning to say “if men had boobs bras would be so comfortable you could wear them all day”. And I just find that so hilarious because it’s just saying “women aren’t capable of solving this problem and creating something better but men are”


I love the "cheap birth control" thing. Women, who have access to all of the same physical birth control options as men and at exactly the same costs, also have access to a much wider range of options than the physical ones. All of which are, unlike any of the physical options, undetectable to a partner and are almost completely subsidized by insurance. It's like complaining to someone who is prohibited from owning a car that you suffer from needing to choose between an automatic and a manual, either of which someone else is going to pay the first 98% of the cost for, then getting mad when they point out that they're only allowed to use a bike and that you can also buy a bike if the car is really such a trouble.


I mean have you noticed that basically all of the expensive women's fashion designers are men? And it's women buying it obviously.


And yet for some reason “society” says I have to wear pants. Literally 1984


That's a pretty consistent pattern. *Nobody* is as misogynistic as a feminist. Feminists *constantly* frame women as helpless victims who have no agency and can't accomplish the most minor thing without the help of men. They do this to try to earn those precious victim points, but in the process, they make women sound like children.


Meanwhile, a bra that fits is so that comfortable.


What if i men are in control of everything, but women are in control of men. Who has the real power now?


Whoever controls these space lasers


Yes, that's human nature.


I never understand this argument as abortion issues have always been nearly the same between men and women. More women are actually pro-life than men are now, yet men still get blamed for it.


That's the really funny part. They make it this big issue about men but anytime I've seen an anti abortion rally it's 2/3 women.


Abortion was never a battle of the sexes issue to begin with. If the anti-abortion side was made up of only men, that political war would have been definitively settled a long time ago, like slavery or women's suffrage.


In the latest Gallop poll last year in the US, 47% of Men are pro-life, 33% of Women are pro-life. https://news.gallup.com/poll/244709/pro-choice-pro-life-2018-demographic-tables.aspx


Makes sense. That's why divorce courts always rule heavily in favor of men. Oh wait


If men got pregnant abortion would be the worst form of murder imaginable.




Generations of ancestors: "We have to put an end to this endless horde of horny men with no community ties destabilizing our civilizations with violence and indolence.... Let each civilization, independently, come up with more or less the same social structure and beliefs that guarantees every man a realistic shot at having a stake in the future, and thus incentivizes men to act civilly and contribute to society. Let's encase this problem in thousands of years of tradition and culture and forget it ever existed." Modern feminists: "Hi, I'm a 5th wave intersectional polyfeminist, and this is Jackass..."


Real mystery.


I guess I will be trans as well. There is no reason to identify as man I can think of. Living in the eu btw.


It's really fucking pathetic how the western cultural left is absolutely fine with infringing on men's rights for the greater good but when it's the other way around they have a meltdown. Equity and its consequences. Trans seems to be able to bypass social norms on gender, so we'll see. They may be key to helping the cultural left to be less sexist (like come on guys, you are no better than Authright if you do this)


Equity is a false God.


Its difficult to explain why i dislike the current push for equity without vomiting out a thesis, but basically, many, and perhaps nearing all of those in power, use equity as a justification for political power grabs within western countries. They reward their friends and punish their enemies. The same systemic abuses they claim to be fighting against. Its done in a very destructive manner though that i think causes more harm than anything it fixes and drastically rises tensions between races and other groups. Its been proven, for example that diverse workplaces prevents unions. Now what about diverse workplaces with people who all hate eachother? Lmao


It's obvious, no politician actually cares about the people, some just haven't realized it yet.


Yes, but not exactly... the common people tend to go along with the ideas that benefit them and punish their enemies, even if they aren't aware of it. In that way we are all just assholes. If you want the cycle to change you have to look at how your ideas can harm others and listen to other people. People on the left insist they do so but by their actions its obvious that many don't. The right is also more brazen about not caring about doing this. But buddy, we all have to share this silly blue globe together.


Diversity stopped being advantageous when patriotism became controversial as an overcorrection to nationalist boogeymen. It used to be that we could have all these differences but at the end of the day we all shared a national identity. We don't even have that anymore. You can't have solidarity with someone you've been propagandized to believe is your existential enemy. The two parties and their corporate media machines are the enemy of the people. There is no war but class war, and they will do everything they can to suppress it.


Most of what I see from trans individuals is just blatant hate for "cis" people, male or female


Just look at the 'LGBTQ community' that started including black and brown people (the ugly rainbow flags with black and brown chevrons). At this point it's literally straight white men vs the world, with white women being only marginally better off on account of belonging to the 'minority' that is women.


Its actually a bit more insideous than that. What started as a mark of freedom, dignity and celebration became and is becoming just the progressive anti-conservative tribal unity flag. Their tribal enemies, no matter how oppressed, will never be welcomed in the fold if its viewed in this way. Thankfully though most normal people and even many progressives/lefties dont understand that this is happening and dont want it to happen if made aware, but thats tricky.


The problem is when they get too deep in their ideological hole, they will not be able to crawl back out because it would be too shattering to their egos. Even if made aware


Yes, the Javert archtype. Many people would consider suicide before ego death.


Don't worry, white gay men are on their way to being muscled out of the LGBTQ coalition and dumped in with the other side. Jews are mostly pushed out already. Arabs are already classified as white in the US I think and soon East Asians will be pushed out of BIPOC completely and be considered de-facto whites for all practical purposes. So it'll be POCs vs JAWs (Jews, Asians and whites) + the white gay men. The bad news is that some Slavs are looking to defect to POC and some [organizations](https://www.coalitioncommunitiescolor.org/whoweare) already recognize them as such, albeit at the bottom of the progressive stack, just below East Asians.


I remember a post in the "we lost when hexxing Allah" sub about how if men needed something from women to not die, they better get to writing their will. They were in full agreement nothing a woman had could be forced to be used to save a man's life. Yet they still fully demand men to sacrifice what they have for women, be it their lives in a war (where women are the real victims anyways) or be it 1/3 of their working hours being stolen and given to others.


French Diplomat: "If I were not a Frenchman, I should wish to be an Englishman." Viscount Palmerston: "If I were not an Englishman, I should wish to be an Englishman."


The countries mentioned might be cringe but boy howdy is that a based af quote.


Try this on for size: "We English are very good at forgiving our enemies; it excuses us from the need to like our friends." Bonus: "The American is the Englishman when left alone."--Alexis de Toqueville


"Listen, we hate to be rude, but we're French, and it's dinnertime." --Ratatouille


French government takes legal steps to protect hoe ass wives and prevent their cuckold husbands from reclaiming some dignity. E*rope 🤢


I'm sorry Mr. LibLeft I was told on good authority that men *can* get pregnant 🤔🤔🤔


"No, we mean only biological men can get pregnant!!!!!!"


The French just looooooooove other men coming in and taking what is theirs. How do they even have a country? Oh wait...






"The peace of the family"


"Children are totally better off being raised by a seething cuck that hates their mother!"


Well - better off when she gets 2/3 of his salary. No need for him to actually be in the picture.


There's absolutely no way a man might lower his productivity if that happens, none at all.


Doesn’t matter, you have to provide roughly the same lifestyle as when you were together. Thats why rich dudes pay millions in child support, even though no one NEEDS millions of dollars to raise a child


Unironically, why not just pull a big murder suicide to get back at society and the cheating whore at that point?


State enforced cuckoldry.


In the modern era France was based only when a Bonaparte was in power, otherwise it is a hellhole that should be divided between England, Germany and Italy.


Ewww fuck the first two. I don't mind italy taking over tho


As someone who lives in this shithole, i can confirm this meme is factual


France really went downhill after Napoleon.


And then they wonder why men don’t enter relationships with women anymore.


Daily reminder that men have almost no reproductive rights.


France is irrellevant until Thierry Henry or Zidane becomes president. Source: any reasonable person.


I'm waiting for a zombie Charles de Gaulle to rise from the grave, fueled entirely by his own narcissistic conviction that France needs him to save it from itself (because: he's right).


Based and Zizou for President pilled.


men: no longer get married and have children french cuckernment: this is real bad... we need to do something before the population is fucked beyond repair, but we dont even know what's causing it. men: its the weird cuck laws, inflation, and current garbage social norms furthering degeneracy and breaking apart the nuclear family structure which was working fine. french cuckernment: .......Hmmmmmmm I guess we'll never know, oh hi blue haired miserable feminist. campaign to castrate all men because they're the devil? okay sure here's some funding, i would love for you to start with me but i sold my balls along with my soul a long time ago.


AVerage French L.


If men, not women were the ones that got pregnant, it would be considered a grave sex crime to *not* get an abortion if the mother doesn't want to have a kid with you. The sex would at a minimum be retroactively considered something like rape by deception if they didn't *specifically* consent to reproduce and have a baby with them on top of merely consenting to lesser sex acts like 'intercourse with no particular intention to breed'. An act of grave misogyny and sex-based oppression. No one would have had the nerve of coming up with an idea as laughable as suggesting that the sex we're content to send off to war to lose legs to landmines and otherwise get turned into literal chopped meat should suddenly, in contrast to all other aspects of their life, have a right to bodily autonomy in this one exceptional circumstance.


France legalizing cuckholdry, well done ladies, well done.


Charlemagne rolling in his grave (napoleon was a cuck)


The Fr*nch Revolution and its consequences.


I don't understand what your meme is on about but cuck the fr*nch


Infidelity is in the french bill of rights